
Genetic Warrior Steve's High-level Manoeuvres!

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The moment the spatial rift appeared…

Paul's Magic Crystal Cube emitted a red warning light and immediately projected an image in front of him.

The image reflected the appearance of the Void monster.

It was sinister and terrifying, as though it had crawled out from hell.

Paul's expression darkened. He had not expected these repulsive Void creatures to start appearing on Earth right now.

Paul speculated that the spatial fluctuations caused by the summoning of transmigrators using the Magic Crystal, had allowed the Void monsters to seize that small opportunity.

Fortunately, the initial spatial barrier was very stable, and the speed of the Void invasion was still very slow.

It could only send some scout-like Void monsters over.

Paul looked at the address where the monster had appeared. It was not far from where Steve had appeared.

Thus, Paul immediately contacted Steve who was on the other end and asked him to rush over to where the monster had appeared.

So as to prevent too many casualties from happening.

"But for now, it's good to have a small crisis ahead of time so that humans will be more alert. Otherwise, I won't know how to communicate with the government about the Void invasion!"

Paul muttered.

It was different now. After the humans on Earth saw such a visually impactful monster, Paul believed that they would no longer treat him as a lunatic.

The message from Paul was immediately transmitted to Steve through the Magic Crystal Cube Transmigration Token, and the images on both sides were presented to Paul.

At this moment, Steve did not know that everything about him was already presented before Paul's eyes.

Standing on the street and looking at the heavy traffic in his surroundings, Steve gradually calmed down.

He used to live on Queens Boulevard, but unfortunately, he was just a hoodlum who relied on robbery to survive.

He had lived each day in a blur and took drugs from time to time.

Looking back at his old self now, Steve felt like he was a rotten scum.

One day, a fire had broken out in a residential building on Queens Boulevard and the huge flames engulfed everything.

At that time, there had been two elderlies who were helplessly shouting for help.

However, no one dared to go up to help as the fire was too big.

Furthermore, the fire trucks would not arrive so quickly.

Just then, Steve did not know what got into him but he moved his feet and rushed into the residential building.

Braving the soaring flames, he saved the two old men.

Unfortunately, by the time the last elderly was rescued, Steve had difficulty breathing as he had inhaled a large amount of smoke and dust. He ended up collapsing at the fire scene for eternity.

It was also at that time that he seemed to have seen a blue Magic Crystal Cube in his daze.

There was also a voice that rang out in his head. Even till now, Steve believed that it was a qualification bestowed by God.

It was a mystical power that possibly only God could have.

From then on, out of respect, Steve secretly referred to the God, who allowed him to be reborn, as the 'Master God of Space-time'.

After his reincarnation, he had gone to a parallel world in the future. Over there, he had a fortuitous encounter and became an outstanding elite genetic warrior.

Later on, when he received the summon of the Master God of Space-time, Steve decisively agreed to protect the Mother Planet he had once lived on.

Steve felt a surge of excitement as he gazed at the neighbourhood that he had once lived in.

Right now, he desperately wanted to see the place where he used to live. His aunt was there too.

He wondered how she was now. His old self had done many rebellious things and hurt her. The current Steve just wanted to make it up to his aunt.

Steve retracted his gaze and started warming up on the rooftop. Then, he jumped down from the building that was hundreds of meters high.

His muscles tensed up as they resisted the extreme wind pressure. He could still breathe freely amidst the rapid descent.

It was to ensure that there was sufficient blood supply in his brain and his mind was clear.

With every hundred meters he descended, he would use his hands to straddle the railings on the glass of the building and the cycle would repeat. Such a high-level manoeuvre was effortless for the current Steve.

In the tall building, a group of people in a company was having a meeting and were initially listening to their boss's serious lecture.

However, the next moment, all the employees stared at the space behind their boss and exclaimed in disbelief. They couldn't believe their eyes.

Seeing his staff's reactions, the boss turned around and looked behind him.

There, he saw a muscular man leaning against the glass window behind him. The man exerted strength in his arms and flung himself to the next floor below.

The boss's phone slipped from his hand and fell onto the ground, shattering into pieces.

Yet, the boss did not react at all. It was as though he was in a daze.

This scene made everyone who witnessed it, space out.

After all, they were hundreds of meters above the ground. Other than some scenic railings, there were no other protective measures.

Yet this man was actually using the railings to propel himself to the floor below. 'Is this even something that humans can do?'

The boss who was giving a lecture rubbed his eyes, wondering if he was hallucinating because he had been working overtime.

However, when he saw that the employees behind him were also stunned, he realized that perhaps what he had just seen was real.

"Oh my God!"

The boss stood rooted to the ground.

At the same time, when Steve who was in the air, was only a few dozen meters away from the ground,

he suddenly jumped down.

In a split second, a hole appeared on the ground with Steve at its center and a cloud of dust rose around him.

He did not think that this would cause any shock as this type of height was nothing to him.

Back when he was on a mission in the parallel world, he had jumped off a plane that was thousands of meters high, without a parachute, and he had not suffered any injury.

Therefore, in his excitement, he did not pay attention to any potential problems.

In the future world, humans had more or less undergone changes and the citizens in the future world were already accustomed to it.

However he had forgotten that this was the year 2021.

No one had seen such manoeuvres before.

As a result, when he landed on the ground, a large group of people had already gathered around him.

Furthermore, back when he landed, many people had already captured his high-level manoeuvre with their camera phones

and had even shared them on all the major social media platforms.

At this point in time, Steve did not know that his actions right now had already caused a huge uproar on the Internet.