

2009, 22 Jan.

It's been more than 30 years that I have been in this world. I was An simple otaku on the original earth but now I had been reborn into Scooby doo world.

Although at first I was very confused and my memories were also foggy but now after 30 25 years on my 25th birthday, I finally found my old live memory. I was shocked but Not that much because I always feel like I'm not me. But when I got my old memories I finally know why I felt that way.

I'm shaggy roger. Yeah That Scooby doo shaggy roger and silly man which is everyone's childhood from Scooby doo.

I was Not being me but shaggy that's why I felt so uneasy but after I got My old memories my personality is finally back.

Not like shaggy, But real me old me.

Can you believe that I was even scared of nothing, even from the sound of air?

If that happens to you. you will be vomit out blood in shame.

Well enough of that, Imma says my current status for yeah all.

I'm going to Japan right now.

with gangs.

it's been 4 years since gangs are united back again.

And it was good as they didn't notice my change, Just thought I am a little different from before and give it a tag of a little mature.

we had been going around the world and solving the mystery.

And Something for sure that this world is not so simple.

At first, I thought that I was just in the world of the Scooby-doo which was very easy but little did I know that it was DC like literally.

there is superman, Batman, Flash, and many other heroes.

There are also teen titans.

And Did yeah know when criminals dress as monsters and ghosts, We àre also in grave danger.

it's a reality not a tv show for kids.

plus gangs are also not simple persons in societies.

damn, even I'm not simple.

I have plenty of property and inheritance to inherit, Company, and even goddammit duty.

my father is one of the five generals of the Military of America.

(Just Made up I know anything about military and political)

My Mom had one of the world's top Famous designer companies.

I have a little sister but she is still 16 years old. ( Although in the cartoon. it's shown that she married but I don't wanna make shaggy too old )

My ancestors are more outrageous, I have the blood of many royalties in the world.

example Samurai ancestor, King of Middle East, Asia, etc.

Oh yeah my family is also wizarded if I say, although my mom and dad are not

my grandmother is a witch but not my GrandFather.

He had an even more powerful status, he is a God.

Not The kind of God you may think.

He becomes God by having control of the law of Shadow.

His Title is Shadow lord.

Like it's Op.

I regret that I didn't learn his power when he ask me when I was only 5 years old.

but I was like shaggy that time.

scared and lazy so I refuse.

But he was not disappointed in me but said " If you ever want to learn it, come to your old man's house " with a smile.

Now that my Family status is also completed let's me tell yeah all my cheat.

It's Instant mastery.

Yup, that's it.

I can learn anything in a matter of a second to its full power or even more than its limit.

Now Some will say if u have Instant mastery then why would shaggy be silly and stupid at a young age.

That's because I got this cheat with my old memories on my 25th birthday.

And it was also when the gang was disbanded.

everyone lives their life without mystery-solving, which was boring but Daphne hit off with Fred's help and all.

they both become famous hosts and directors in Tv channel company which was owned by Daphne's father and Fred's mother.

Velma becomes the owner of the book store of mystery.

and I Join Army to train for one years before I was let off by my father.

I become a person of the military but I can have my normal life with the salary and power of second to region base commander.

I m the best soldier in the military because of my cheat.

my skills are top to notch and even unbelievable.

I have many titles as Dead-Shot, Eagle Eye_ Ghost, and Many more which were given my soldiers in my training time as missions.

Although I'm a free person my record of mystery-solving with gangs is labeled as my merit.

Cause this all monsters and ghosts also give military and local governments headache.

and the military doesn't have time to see these all small things.

So Dad Label my Mystery solving into his secret mission and give me the freedom to do anything.

Now that's what you called life.

Oh yeah, I have. Scooby also but it's different from Cartoon.

he doesn't talk but have a high intellectual mind and can understand us.

Plus his Bloodline is special, he is a magical beast.

so even after 20+ years, he is not old and sluggish like dogs.

Scooby had been my friend save me plenty of time.

Although he is still in the growth stage a not adult he does look like an adult dog.

Having this cheat makes my life boring but I still found a way to enjoy life.

so I just enjoy my life with the gang as shaggy roger.

" Hey Shaggy let's go Plane is gonna take off in some minutes" A voice Called Shaggy.

" Okay coming velma, Geez.... you gotta chill man, I know when the plane will take off. "