
Master, I was hypnotized

Xie Rushuang drove back to the Xinyu Psychological Counseling Center, went to her office, poured herself a glass of water, took a sip, and felt that her spirit was in a trance, then she felt a needle-like pain between her eyebrows.

  Xie Rushuang looked awkward and felt that she had just awakened from a dream. The mist that had been entangling and confusing her mind and heart had completely dissipated.

  "What's wrong with me?"

  Xie Rushuang jogged her memory and thought back, and soon her eyebrows rose in enlightenment and shock.

  "Hell! I was hypnotized!"

  In the end, she was a senior psychiatrist. Xie Rushuang quickly realized what was happening to her. This feeling was similar to when she was hypnotized by her tutor when she was first exposed to hypnotism.

  "I didn't expect the suspect named Yang Fan to be a Hypnotist more over proficient enough to hypnotize her!"

  Recalling everything that happened at the Qilihe district police station, Xie Rushuang quickly found the source of the matter, and her mentality gradually changed from the anger at beginning to incomparable shock and admiration.

  Being able to hypnotize her so silently in such a short period of time, even without any specific props and actions, the hypnosis technique of the suspect was far better than her, even her teacher is not necessarily the his opponent.

  One must know that in the past two years, she has made rapid progress in the field of hypnosis, and her spiritual will and psychological defense have become stronger and stronger. Even her teacher, Mr. Yu Lian, can hardly hypnotize her now, even if he is occasionally successful, he will definitely not be able to do so as easily as Yang Fan did.

  This person is not simple!

  Opening the interrogation video copied from the dispatcher, Xie Rushuang carefully watched over and over again, and her expression became extremely focused.

  She carefully observed every movement of Yang Fan's words on the video, as well as her own performance in the picture, as well as the attitude of Zhang Boan and Song Chengguan. she want to try and find out the flaws and clues.


  "The timing of his hypnotism turned out to be a little warning to me after I tried to hypnotize him?"

  "His hypnotism seems to have a group effect, both Zhang Boan and Song Chengguan police officers were also in hypnosis."

  "More importantly, Yang Fan did not forcibly install any memories that did not belong to them or nor did he inquire about their hidden secrets in their heart, Instead, they were like a fan group willing to do anything for him, it seems his hypnosis removed all maliciousness from all of their hearts and increased the good feelings towards him"

  "clever way of hypnosis, he does not have to do anything, these people who are hypnotized by him will naturally choose the best way that is most beneficial to him to deal with the problem because of the kindness and affection for him."

  As the research progressed, Xie Rushuang saw more and more problems, and the amazement in his heart grew larger.

  It is easy to hypnotize a person, but if you want to let the victim have no after affects or trauma of the hypnosis and carry on their life as usual, with no abnormality, it is not something an a ordinary Hypnotist can achieve.

  This kind of hypnosis method of Yang Fan is more similar to a kind of shallow psychological suggestion. There is no harm to the target. once they are hypnotized they will break free of the hypnosis depending up on their individual will power, high the will power fast they break free from the hypnosis.

  If Xie Rushuang was not a psychiatrist and a very good hypnotist, letting her inner psychological defense mechanism become extremely powerful. It would have been impossible for her to wake up so early, and she would not have realized that she has such inexplicable affection and appreciation for Yang Fan. It turned out to be a psychological suggestion that Yang Fan deliberately exerted on her.

  Xie Rushuang's eyes showed a faint smile, and her heart was not afraid because of timidity. Instead, she was excited, her body was shaking, and her blood was boiling. She had not met such a powerful opponent for a long time.

  "How can a person with such a strong mentality get depression? It's ridiculous!"

  she saw the basic information about Yang Fan on the table that she had not had time to put away. Xie Rushuang snorted and smacked the file and threw them into the trash can next to her.

  "only question that remains is whether this person is good or evil. What he did today is to avoid troubles and low-key self-protection, or is he really the perverted killing madman and hypnosis to get off scratch free?"

  "And, has he used this hypnosis ability to commit other crimes before?"

  Such a person with rare hypnosis ability, if he uses this ability to commit crimes illegally, it is not only difficult to be perceived, but the consequences are generally very serious.

  Xie Rushuang hesitated for a moment, reached out and opened the smart watch on her wrist, she quickly chose a familiar number to dial out, and waited for the opposite party to receive the call, then Xie Rushuang directly whispered: "Xie Fan, help me check all the information on one called Yang Fan. He lives in Anping Road, Happiness Lane."

  "Understood, Miss." The opposite person replied reverently: "I will send all the information of this person to you in ten minutes!"

  "Miss, In addition, the lord said…"

  snapped! beep.. beep.. !

  Not waiting for the other party to finish the conversation, Xie Rushuang hang up the call, she did not want to listen to the stubborn old mans speech.

  Going through her contacts, she quickly found the communication number of her teacher Yu Lian, and directly dialed it.

  "Hey, If it isn't little Rushuang? Haha, how do you think of calling this old bone? Didn't you say that you wouldn't talk to me again?"

  On the virtual screen, a senior with a head filled with white hair but full of vital energy appeared. He looked at Xie Rushuang with joy and pridefully.

  "Master!" Xie Rushuang screamed angrily, and sighed: "If you are so joking again, I will really ignore you in the future!"

  "Ha ha ha!" Seeing Xie Rushuang's little daughter state, Yu Lian couldn't help but laugh. "Okay, I will not tease you. You have always had nothing to do with the Three Precious Treasures of Buddhism . what is it this that you Come to this old bones, talk to me."

  Xie Rushuang didn't did not change, but she said to him slyly: "Master, I was hypnotized today!"

  "what?" Yu Lian was stunned, the smile on his face was still their and he suddenly asked: "Girl, are you kidding with the teacher? Now in whole China who can hypnotize you?"

  Yu Lian is not joking. He knows the strength of this disciple. The speed of her progress in these two years is staggering. Xie Rushuang is now building a psychological defense. Even he her teacher has been difficult to invade and hypnotize her again. It's not fun any more.

  As one of the leading hypnosis master in China, Yu Lian had his own self confidence in his hypnosis.

  Therefore, when he heard that Xie Rushuang was hypnotized by others, then Yu Lian felt very strange in his heart.

  The old man suddenly came to the point, and his expression became more cautious. His face became larger on the screen as head came close to the screen, and he asked: "Come, put your head close, let me check you out!"

  Xie Rushuang aimed the virtual camera at her face, and her eyes gazed at the screen.

  Yu Lian only looked at the eyes for few seconds and then withdrew his head back to a normal distance. His look gradually became dignified: "What is the other party thinking? Is he malicious to you? you narrate me everything since your encounter with him in detail. Describe everything, don't let go of small details!"

  Xie Rushuang narrated everything about her encounter with Yang Fan including the minute details, and then she sent the video of the interrogation from the police station today to Yu Lian's smart watch.

  "This is the record of the interrogation of that time, please I ask the teacher to a look once!" Xie Rushuang said: "In addition, I want to try to contact him again tomorrow, I wonder if the teacher has any suggestions?"

  The helicopter was still roaring in the air and galloping eastward over the city.

  Zhu Zhengqi, Zhu Huawu and Zhu Caiwei were sitting in the passenger compartment, and the look on their faces was very unsightly. There was still a bit of anxiety and a faint restlessness.

  Early in the morning, they rushed to the city to rescue people.

  As a result, when they arrived at the Happy Community, Yang Fan was absent and came to know that he was taken away by the police.

  Then they chased the Qilihe district police station again, but Yang Fan was no longer there, it seems they missed him by few minutes.

  Then they returned back to the Happy Community and waited for ten minutes at the rental house.there was no sign of Yang Fan still, he seemed to have left the mobile phone at home, and they could not contacted him.

  No the way, Zhu Huawu made a phone call and found someone to transfer all the surveillance videos near the Qilihe district police station.

  It took ten minutes to discover that Yang Fan had a breakfast in the middle of the road, and then went straight to the Hongjing Bay villa area.

  It wasn't until then Zhu Caiwei remembered that she seemed to have an appointment with Yang Fan at 8:30 at her villa.

  Now, it is already nine o'clock, she did't know if Yang Fan is still there.

  Zhu Caiwei hurriedly called the villa but phone was busy, no contact seemed to connect with Yang Guo, and even thr bodyguards and servants in the villa were not reachable, their phones seemed to be turned off.

  Something's defiantly wrong!

  Under normal circumstances, no matter what no one in the villa at this time turn off the phone.

  Zhu Caiwei suddenly became flustered, Yang Fan was not found and now there is a serious security problem in the villa, and her cousin Yang Guo is now completely unreachable, she was panicking.

  A few minutes later, the helicopter finally flew over to the Hongjing bay villa area, determining the location of the No. 1 villa, it was about to land, the accompanying bodyguard sitting at the front with the co-pilot suddenly shouted in warning: "Master, it seems that things are not right below !"

  "You see, it's only 9:15 am now, but in the villa below, there isn't even a sole moving. This is definitely not normal. I suggest that it is not too late to find out about the situation there first!"

  "Not so troublesome!" Zhu Zhengqi directly refused. "With me Zhu Zhengqi here, there will be no more danger below!"

  Although the words are overbearing, Zhu Zhengqi's look was extremely calm.

  He is a Innate level of Martial Artist, if he has no confidence in himself at this point, then he can go back and dig a pit to bury himself.

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