
Filial Granddaughter

Zhu Caiwei drove back to the mountain villa of Zhu Family in the western suburbs on the Jiulian peak. There was only one villa on the entire mountain peak. it was magnificent and Imposing.

  Directly driving the car to the front of the main hall, Zhu Caiwei opened the door and went inside. Behind her, the servant of her family helped her to move the car to the garage.

  "Little Moon? How come you are back?"

  Just as Zhu Caiwei enter the hall she meet her big brother Zhu Huawu whose face could not help but change seeing her. How did this girl come back at this time, who revealed the news?

  "Zhu Huawu! How many times have I told you, don't call me Little Moon! next time you dare to call me that again, beware of me not talking with you ever again!"

  Zhu Caiwei rushed to Zhu Huawu screaming bearing her fangs.

  Zhu Huawu shook his head and smiled. He agreed: "Well, our family Little Moon has grown. Afterwards this older brother will stop calling you Little Moon!"

  Zhu Caiwei is anxious: "You still dare to call me that?! I will tell Grandpa, see how he cleans you up, huh!"

  Zhu Caiwei screamed, she nodded to Zhu Huawu and ran into the bedroom inside.

  Looking at the little girl who is still naughty as always, Zhu Huawu suddenly let go of his heart, this girl is still so heartless, it seems that she does not know what is going to happen here, this timing should be a coincidence.

  "This is also good, usually Grandpa likes her that most, let her be with Grandpa here during his last moments."

  Zhu Huawu looked down at the documents in his hand and whispered in a low voice. He did not believe in the fate or gods, but Little Moon choosing to suddenly come back to visit his grandfather at this point of time, it may not be the fate but whatever.

  "Perhaps, this is the relationship between blood and family. Among us three unsuccessful grandchildren, only Little Moon has the deepest fate with Grandpa, not to blame Grandpa for liking her the most!"

  Zhu Huawu's mood was somewhat low and after sighing, he called out to the door: "Uncle Jiacheng!"

  Soon, a half-bone man with half-white hair on his head flashed out of the door and walked to the front of Zhu Huawu and said: "young master, old slave is here"

  Zhu Huawu handed the documents to him and said: "This is the document that my grandfather just signed, you can look at it and then arrange accordingly as soon as possible!"

  "Yes, Young Master!"

  Zhu Jiacheng took the file with both hands and looked at it. His look changed greatly. He suddenly looked up to Zhu Huawu and asked "young master, this is…, the body of the old Master has really deteriorated to this point. Do you want to inform third Mistress and the Second young master asking them to return as soon as possible?"

  "No need." Zhu Huawu directly shook his head and refused. "Grandpa doesn't want to. Third aunt and the stinky boy in Zhu Huanan are now abroad, even if they are called back, they can't come back in time."

  "In fact, Grandpa just wants to quietly leave, even asked Zhu Caiwei to not return. God's plan, this little gimmick has accidentally back tonight. The last fate between the grandchildren and the grandparent."

  Zhu Jiacheng heard the words with a look of embarrassment, Hero Zhu, I did not expect eventually will also fade in the life cycle of this world.

  "Since the old Master doesn't want the lady to be present, then we need to wait for the lady to leave before proceeding futher…"

  Zhu Huawu shook his head again: "Grandpa is afraid that he doesn't have much time. Besides, Little Moon is already an adult. Some things, she should have experienced by now."

  Zhu Jiacheng nodded stunnedly: "I understand, then I will arrange it!"

  Zhu Huawu sent Zhu Jiacheng to leave, looked back at the bedroom where his grandfather was, and sighed.

  Just as soon as he opened the door, he heard the sound of laughter from Grandpa and Little Moon. His face gradually regained his smile, pushed the door and went in.

  "Grandpa, already arranged!" Going to bed, Zhu Huawu respectfully bowed back to Zhu Zhengqi leaning against the bed.

  Zhu Zhengqi nodded slightly, no more to say anything, but very pity and reluctantly turned to look at the little granddaughter sitting next to him.

  "Huawu, Little Moon is you specifically called back?"

   Zhu Zhengqi asked Zhu Huawu with a voice filled with majestic and his dry yellow skinny face was slightly angry.

  Zhu Huawu's neck shrinks, scared a silly, and there is a saying in the brain that "even at the death bed, Tiger is still a Tiger" although Grandpa is almost, but his momentum is still very strong as always.

  "I did not!" Zhu Caiwei notice the anger in the eyes of the old Zhu and answered unhappily and whispered: "Big brother, he only knows that he is busy every day, where does have time to specifically call people!"

  After saying that, Zhu Caiwei hugged Zhu Zhengqi's arm intimately and spoke: "Little Moon suddenly wanted to see grandfather, so I rushed back in the middle of the night. People haven't even eaten yet, no one cares about me. Humph!"

  Said, Zhu Caiwei also turned to Zhu Huawu to make a face, who let you just bully me, see how I sue you in front of grandfather here, hehe!

  Zhu Huawu was relieved, Zhu Zhengqi shook his head and laughed, there was a warmth in his chest. When Zhu Caiwei said "suddenly wanted to see grandfather" it hit the softest part of his heart. The corner of his eyes ware a little moist.

  "This child, god what good did i do to get such a Filial Granddaughter"

  Zhu Zhengqi sighed in his heart. He was not an indecisive person. Since Zhu Caiwei happened to be come back, he will not hide things from and said: "little moon, you know Grandpa tonight…"

  Zhu Zhengqi's words has not finished yet. Zhu Caiwei took out a delicate jade box from her small bag carefully like holding a treasure and excitedly interrupted Zhu Zhengqi's words. "Grandpa, look, I didn't come empty-handed this time I brought you a good thing!"

  Zhu Huawu shook his head slightly, in the whole Zhu family up and down. Only Little Moon dared to interrupt the words of his grandfather.

  If the same thing was done by him or second child Zhu Huanan then grandfather would have broken their behind.

  "Oh?" Zhu Zhengqi did not dare to show his disappointment outside Instead he pretended to look down curiously at Zhu Caiwei's hand: "Come, let Grandpa see, what good thing have my baby granddaughter brought back for me?"

  "Oh!" To see the things in the box, Zhu Zhengqi couldn't help but laugh. "Isn't this a Scared Fruit? Grandpa doesn't have any appetite now, Little Moon you eat it!"

  "Grandpa is wrong! This is not an ordinary Scared Fruit!"

  Zhu Caiwei hurriedly added "This is a spiritual fruit that I asked people to pick up from the mutated fruit tree for the east of the city. Its effect is comparable to that of a thousand years of ginseng. Not only can it heal the qi, but it can also prolong life! Grandpa ate, I am sure you can get better soon! and live till 100 years old… no! two hundred years old!"

  Originally, She wanted to say that he can live till 100 years old but after a second thought she realized Grandpa is already ninety-seven this year. these not very auspicious words so, Zhu Caiwei quickly changed her words.

  Zhu Zhengqi looked at this girl with a sly look. He already saw that the reason why this girl suddenly came back this evening it should be to give him this Scared fruit.

  Filial piety is commendable, but her experience is shallow, she still doesn't know that she was cheated.

  How can there be a sacred fruit in the world comparable to the millennium ginseng? This child should not have some nut lose, hurry call the doctor.

  "Huawu, you check it later to see who dares to be so courageous, even deceived the granddaughter of Zhu Zhengqi!"

  Zhu Zhengqi turned to Zhu Huawu , Zhu Huawu knew what he should do.

  Seeing the attitude of the two, Zhu Caiwei was so angry, Grandpa and the big brother didn't believe her.

  "Grandpa!" Zhu Caiwei screamed in disappointment, and then her voice became soft. she shook Zhu Zhengqi's arm and said "Whether it is true or not, you should try it, even if it is really just an ordinary one. Scared Fruit doesn't taste bad to eat, right?"

  This splendid ancestor, once again showed her power, Zhu Zhengqi quickly surrendered. "Well, don't make trouble, Grandpa will eat it!"

  As Zhu Caiwei said, anyway, it is just a scared fruit, as long as his baby granddaughter is happy he will eat it, it is her last request to this grandfather anyway.

  "you said it, no regrets!"

  Zhu Caiwei quickly took the saint fruit out of the jade box and handed it to Zhu Zhengqi.

  Zhu Zhengqi and Zhu Huawu do not believe that this scared fruit is extraordinary, but Zhu Caiwei personally experienced the terror of the scared fruit tree she firmly believes.

  Before coming her, Zhu Caiwei also sent people to investigate the situation of scared fruit tree after she and Yang Fan left there. After all, if cheated one can only blame oneself. Yang Fan's words were only from his point of view and Zhu Caiwei would not believe it.

  As a result, the investigation results brought back could not help but let Zhu Caiwei be shocked.

  There really was an unknown gas around the sacred fruit tree Within a hundred meters of its surroundings, all humans, insects, rats, ants, all creatures that can breathe were all slightly poisoned and unconscious.

  When the people sent by Zhu Caiwei arrived at the scene, police officers had already blocked the scene. Initially, this unknown toxic gas was coming from the scared fruit tree itself. so at present, the fruit tree has been isolated by the police No one is allowed near it.

  Obviously, the real situation under the saint fruit tree was much more serious than what Yang Fan stated.

  This is more and more proof of the extraordinary spirituality of the scared fruit tree, but also prove that this saint fruit may really be as good as advertised! Of course, it may alo be poison!

  Therefore, just in case, before the arrival, Zhu Caiwei also personally used a miniature syringe to extract about two milliliters of fruit pulp from the root of the sacred fruit and fed it to The only pet – the mini musk turtle in her home.

  the small turtle of the size of a cherry, after eating two milliliters of fruit pulp, not only did it not have any adverse reactions, but instead it became overly joyed, originally only about five centimeters of shells within five minutes of eating the pulp at the speed visible to the naked eye it directly increased to seven centimeters!

  The effect is surprisingly good and can be described as a godly medicine.

  At this moment, Zhu Caiwei truly believed in Yang Fan's words. This saint fruit is indeed precious, comparable to a millennium ginseng.

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