
Driving Skill +3




  After his strength was restored, Yang Fan slammed his fists three more times on the Stalk of the Scared fruit tree and succeeded in extracting three more identical Fruits.

  This four fruit were only fruits the Scared fruit tree had grown thus far.

  After all, these fruits are the essence of the Spiritual aura between heaven and earth, and cannot be produced in huge number like the fruits of the normal sacred fruit trees. it was already unexpected that Yang Fan was able to get four of them.

  Yang Fan threw two more fruits into his mouth and instantly the delicious taste spread-ed in his mouth.

  "You have eaten a first-grade sacred fruit, your physique has been greatly improved. constitution +2, poison resistance +1, blood intensity +3."

  "You have eaten a first-grade sacred fruit, your physical fitness has improved, physical fitness +1, blood intensity +1."

  Yang Fan was slightly disappointed. In the end, the effects of the two cherries were not even as good as the first sacred fruit.

  Yang Fan tried to recall the description of the demon plant fruits and verified that The same fruit or herb can only eaten up to three times and each time the effectiveness decrease. So eating anymore was just a waste. Other than satisfying one's appetite, there will be no other promotion.

  His memory is not clear, but it seems to be related to resistance and tolerance of a persons body.

  Yang Fan did not give this restriction any thought. After all, he is a man with a systematic body[1]. how can he be measured with average persons standards?

  Now, the facts prove once again that the system within his body is not omnipotent.

  "Well, it's time to go. People can't be too greedy. Unlike other Martial artists who have to devour the spirits in the fruits with a single mind for hours by refining process using their Repair[2], I can completely absorb the efficacy of the fruit in an instant without going through a long refining process, I at least have a advantage here."

  Yang Fan comforted himself in the heart and pocketed the remaining saint fruit into his jacket pocket, then jumped down from the crown of the tree at height of fifteen meters and land with easy.

  The three first-class sacred fruit made Yang Fan's overall strength improve further, his Physic had increased by six points, poison resistance increased by three points, the most critical is the blood intensity which increased by eight points, let him get closer to break through to next higher realm laying another big and solid foundation.

  In the past, Yang Fan spent a four-year period to break through from the first level of Martial Artist to the second level of Martial Artist. After that, he spent four years in the second level of Martial Artist until the third year of graduation with no breakthrough.

  Now, it took him only a day for Genius Yang Fan to succeed and increase his blood intensity directly to 15 units.

  Yang Fanyu shamelessly described himself as a Genius, because in the era where West chu City was located, Chu Feiyun, the most talented person since the founding of the South China Military Academy, with the fastest training record. His Ascension in the repair was only a little bit worse than the current Yang Fan.

  On the ground, surrounding and under the sacred fruit tree, filled with grave yard silence.

  All the people, including Zhu Caiwei, the popular idol, had fainted on the ground with the scared fruit tree as the center and with the radius of 500 meters. except for Yang Fan, every living being including the animals, birds and insects were lying unconscious on the ground.

  In this regard, Yang Fan was not surprised at all.

  after all they all were affected by neurotoxin released by the first-level demon plant, even if the neurotoxin only has small radius of action, it is not something that ordinary people can resist.

  Fortunately, Yang Fan triggered the independent defense of the sacred fruit tree at the top of the tree, therefore most of neurotoxin was concentrated at the top of the tree not under it, so the influence of neurotoxin on these fainted tourists was not so serious, with in time Someone will find the anomaly here and the following things will be handled by the police and doctors.

  he was just out of the police station, so Yang Fan did not want to visit it again and decided to flee the scene quickly.

  He pick up unconscious Zhu Caiwei and quickly returned to Zhu Caiwei's car, opened the door and put Zhu Caiwei in the co-pilot, buckle the seat belt.

  Then, Yang Fan himself sat in the position of the main driving and suddenly felt like like a pro driver as he started the engine, grasping the steering wheel, pressed the gas paddle with his foot, the car roared as it rushed out.

  The driving skill +3 was really not for show. It could make a rookie who has never really driven a car drive the car so skillfully, so amazing!

  Yang Fan was excited in his heart. He had traveled in a lot of cars, but this was his first time to drive a car.

  It was hard for some one like him own a car, even though he could't afford even the cheapest second-hand car, he always had a dream of driving.

  Unfortunately, when he was took the driver's license test, he crashed every time. After crashing for twenty times, with financial deficit and the driving school coach's request, he finally gave up.

  Yang Fan has always believed that the reason why he will have moderate depression had definitely and direct causal relationship with these 20 failed driving tests.

  Unexpectedly, I did not expect that the end of the world, let him regain his dreams.

  "It turns out that driving is so simple, as long as you hold the steering wheel, keep your eyes on the road, and the soles of your feet on the gas paddle, everything is OK!"

  Yang Fan started humming a little song, with bit of a sigh.

  The feeling of driving yourself is so cool and exciting! the freedom the rush … can't be explained in words.

  "Well~, where am i?"

  Zhu Caiwei woke up and felt that her body was weak. Without a trace of strength, she slowly opened her eyes and found herself sitting in a car driving at a high speed.

  When she saw the decoration inside the car, she quickly recognized that it was her own little car. When she turned her head she saw Yang Fan, her newly hired bodyguard driving the car.

  Zhu Caiwei was relieved. Although Yang Fan seemed to be somewhat unreliable, he was a friend of her second brother. She believed in the vision of her second brother.

  Moreover, her friend said that Yang Fan is a good person more than once. he belongs to the kind of a virgin who would blush when ever a beauty saw or talked to him, so in her heart, she is still very relieved of Yang Fan.

  "What happened to me?" Zhu Caiwei asked softly.

  Yang Fan turned around and gave her a big smile. his white teeth almost illuminate the entire carriage.

  "Miss Zhu, are you awake? That's great!"

  "You're fine, don't worry! you were just stunned by the poisonous mist released of the Scared fruit tree, just take some rest."

  Hearing that instead of relaxing Zhu Caiwei, she was even more nervous than when she was awake. She looked up at Yang Fan's face in an flabbergasted way. Her lips trembled a little: "Yang… Yang Fan, how can you drive, keep your eyes on the road. look ahead"

  this should be mistake? Now, the speed of this car is at least 120 km/hr. you don't want to wear a seat belt and you drive while your face to the side and chat carelessly, Is this the legendary blind driving?

  This girl has not lived enough! lord have mercy on my soul!

  It was not until this movement that Zhu Caiwei suddenly thought that when she was reading Yang Fan's information yesterday, there seemed to be an astonishing description of his failure to pass the driving license test 20 times. It is said that even the coach responsible for teaching him was crying and begging to him to give up Several times.

  Reading this information she despised him even more at that moment. She did not expect that she would be lucky enough to experience the driving skills of Yang Fan so soon.

  Sure enough, people can't help but want to cry.

  Seeing that Yang Fan had already turned his face right back on the road, Zhu Caiwei got hold herself and looked at him in a serious manner. Zhu Caiwei was afraid to stimulate him so she carefully asked him: "Yang Fan, you tell me honestly, have you gotten your driver's license, haven't you?"

  "Well… of course not, not yet!"

  Yang Fan saw lack of confidence in Zhu Caiwei's gaze and questioned himself, Is it because the little girl sees some flaws? Is it because the car is not quite stable? how can that be, He is now a man with +3 driving skills!

  "Look ahead you..! Stop! Immediately!"

  Zhu Caiwei completely broke out, and suddenly screamed loudly, and her small face had already begun recover from the effects of neurotoxins became white again. there is no driver's license! You are driving, duo want this miss's life.

  "well, no rush, I will stop the car right away, right away!"

  Yang Fan is a bit unintentional. While the throttle is slowing down, he turns his head and comforts: "Miss Zhu, you don't have to be nervous at all. Driver's license, Isn't it a small book? Who cares? You have to trust my driving skills and I will definitely send you home safely!"

  "Shut up! Step on the brakes! Look ahead!"

  Zhu Caiwei is very worried, her soul is very weak, and this bastard twisted his head again and again not paying attention to the road ahead. does he want to die bring her along as his plus one? Didn't you see a truck driving in front of you?


  What evil did I have in my last life, Why do I have to tag along with a driving Jinx who has fail the test for 20 times?

  At this moment, Zhu Caiwei had an urge to throw Yang Fan out of the car. She regrets now bringing this neuropathy out from the police station, why did she offer this bastard a ride to home, she could have let him take the bus?


[1] systematic body :- Quantified body of a system bearer.

[2] Repair – referring to their level of cultivation

Mother lovers, we gotta give it to our MC, who fails driving test 20 times and still lives on shamelessly.

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