
Dream Come True

During his sleep, Yang Fan had a dream.

  This Dream was like watching a movie where he lived in a modern world, a world similar to Earth but facing Monster Apocalypse.

This dream of his was like memories of himself growing here in monster infested world from infancy to adulthood.

From these memories he was sure of one thing that he lived happily in this world.

Because here he was healthy, well -developed, able to eat and could sleep without any care in the world as his family was very good to him, unlike the orphan he was in his current world. in this dream world His parents were all from military background and his family was not short of money, as his father was a second generation Rich.

  The only shortcoming here was his martial talent, as he was struck at Martial Artist Level 2 for 10 years and did not show any sign of further progression. So, he was labeled as a WasteWood.

As a result in the end he Gave up on his Martial future and developed inferiority complex becoming a Introvert who disliked to communicate with outside world or others. His day-to-day favorite activity was to sleep in the class during lectures.

 When others are learning, he is sleeping.

 When others practice martial arts, he is sleeping.

 When others are sleeping, he is still asleep.

 Lazy like a pig…ah! I'm really blessed!

Yang Fan, who Suffered from insomnia for 5 days and 5 nights, sincerely lamented in his heart that being able to sleep every day is definitely the happiest thing in the world.

 What martial arts talent, what martial art waste wood, can any of you sleep this comfortably?

  "You had a beautiful dream, your mental strength has been greatly improved. soul strength +2."

  "Don't make trouble!"

  Yang Fan was asleep peacefully dreaming. He seemed to hear a voice in his ear. He waved his hand with dissatisfaction. Yang fan was annoyed as he hated it when someone spoke in his ear as he slept.

  "Yang Fan, Yang Fan! wake up!"

  Someone Shook Yang Fan's arm hard, as they tried to wake him up, it seemed to be a female's voice "don't you want to live, we are in the restricted wilderness area, there will be a monster here any time, its too dangerous here, wake up quickly!"

  Yang Fan was extremely impatient so he forcefully released his hand from other persons grab and muttered: "Don't make trouble, let me sleep for a while!"

  Hua yue: "…"

  "Hua yue, he is willing to die here then let him die here. Let's hunt the bone-bearing beasts. If we delay any further, the assessment will be over soon!"

  Xia Wei persuaded Hua yue impatiently, while watching Yang Fan with disgust, a WasteWood, he is not worth their attention.

  Hua yue shook her head, she couldn't bear to abandon a classmate and said: "After all, he is a classmate, how can We watch him die in the wild?"

  Hua yue still wants to continue to wake up Yang Fan, but she was dragged by Xia Yu to leave : "Please, my lady, now we are in the wilderness simulation assessment, teachers are monitoring from the airship, there is also a Rescue Teacher on the ground, this WasteWood will have no danger here? If he wants to commit suicide its not that easy"

  "If he is really in danger, he can just ask for rescue, naturally someone will come and extradite him, So, can you stop worrying about him."  

"In any case, he is a waste wood. It is a good thing for him to hide here. Do you really think that he can hunt a bone-crossing beast? if so He is looking for death is he not?"

  This is not the first time. Every time there is simulation test Yang Fan sleeps through it, but this time its different as the assessment location is set in the wilderness, a little more dangerous than in school grounds.

  Hua yue frowned, her face still looked worried: "But … he is completely exposed to the Radiation and the contaminated Air with no Protective clothing and mask ….he can be bitten by poisonous insects or beasts, they can be deadly…"

  "Okay, my big lady, you are too kind, even if it is a rabbit or a dog who is wronged, you will feel distressed, but now we are in a mock assessment, the results of this assessment is directly related to the next month's cultivation resources. Let's not delay here anymore?"

"how about this, after we are finished with hunting the Bone-bearing beast we can come back to check on him, if he is still sleeping and not taken away by the monitoring teacher, let's inform Huang teacher for him, come on let's go!"

  Regardless of whether Hua yue is willing or not, Xia Wei directly pulls Hua yue arm forcibly and moves deeper into the wilderness, if they don't began hunting soon, their achievements will be at the bottom of the ranking.

   as the two people drifted deeper into the wilderness, the surrounding regains its calm.

  There was a smile on Yang Fan's face as he heard Hua yue's name in his sleep. Hua yue is the goddess he admires in this world, a girl who is kind and gentle as a fairy.

  When Yang Fan is not sleeping in class, his favorite thing to do is to keep staring at the back of Hua yue. Every time he sees her, Yang Fan's heart will lit up with a bright light. When ever he see's Hua yue's Smile and her figure it is like morning sunrise in his heart.

  "Hua yue…"

  Yang Fan muttered Hua yue's name with a peaceful smile on his face .

  Secretly Admiring a person, in fact, it can be very beautiful in its own way.

  "You had a beautiful dream, your mental strength has been greatly improved. soul strength +3."

  The annoying voice sounded again, Yang Fan was a little angry and said. "Get lost! Don't force me!"

  Laozi finally fell asleep, finally started to have a beautiful dream, how can there be a villain to disturb his sleep, I don't come and disturb you during your sleep do i?

  "You are feeling anger and rage , the breathing rhythm is speeding up, the brain activity is greatly improved, blood intensity +5."

  "Nima! You are finished?! you are finished?!"

  Shouted Yang Fan threateningly as squatted and got up, his was burning with rage and anger, his eyes were wide open and looked round : "Who?! Who is messing with me, you come out for me, I promise you I will not kill you!"


  Then, after seeing the surrounding environment, Yang Fan was confused.

  Where am I?

  Am I not sleeping in my rental house, who threw me into this wilderness?

  He clearly remembers that in order to be able to anesthetize himself and let him sleep well, he poured three bottles of Erguotou[1] , finally crossing his limit to hold the liquor he vomited it all out and passed out.

  According to the reason and common sense, now he should be in his own rental house, or thanks to some concerned citizen he should be in a hospital, but how did he come to be here in wilderness?

  Yang Fan got up from the ground, nervously looked around panicky.

  "You are panicked, mentally stressed, nerve strength is greatly enhanced, mental strength +2, spiritual will +2, nerve response ability +1."

  "Who?! Who is talking?!"

  Yang Fan suddenly turned around, nobody was there except for his semi-shadow. Yang Fan was scared, is someone deliberately playing with him?

  The surrounding 100 meters is an open field covered with unknown weeds. The color of the grass is not green, but Dark reddish Brown like the color of dried blood.

  There are high and low undulating hillsides after the 100 meters field filled with dense and towering trees. After a glance around, there seemed be no smoke, no house, or any sign of life it was as if he is the only person left in the whole world.

  What is even more strange and creepy is it that facing this outrageous situation he is not shocked, afraid except for the beginning before hearing the voice in his ears, it like after the voice in his ears his mind was more calm and stable erasing the fear in his heart.

  It seems as if his heart has grown stronger in a flash, will has become more determined and dauntless, not afraid of facing the unknown .

  This is a very strange feeling. According to the norms his heart should be filled with fear of unknown but his body and mind shows no Signs of fear or nervousness, it is like his body is very harmonious with his spirit or soul, the body's reaction is perfectly unified with the brain's instructions.

  "What's wrong with me?"

  "Who changed my clothes?"

  "this hand, this hair, every thing seems different but familiar how…"

  Yang Fan inspected his body from head to toe, his heart panicked as the clothes he was wearing were not his, the cloths seemed to be made of some material he is not familiar with.

  Upon closer inspection his body seemed to have grown stronger and sturdier he felt like a punch from him could kill a cow.

  More importantly, because of insomnia he lost all of his hair turning into a bald head, but now his head seemed to have grown hair completely.

  "This is not my body!"

  Yang Fan's breathing was stagnant, he should feel flabbergast or something upon this bizarre discovery, but some how his state of mind seems to be calm with no waves of emotion, its like he has come to peace with the facts at hand.

  Isn't it just a change of body? What's there to fuss about?

  Yang Fan's mind calmly came up with such a conclusion, his heart seemed go along with his brains decision.

  "Squeak! "

"Squeak! "

   Suddenly a strange squeaking sound could heard in his ear. Yang Fan grew vigilant and patrolled his surrounding, his body unconsciously put on a defensive stance.

  "Who is there? I have seen you, come out!"

  Yang Fan gazed around trying to trick the hiding mouse with his bluff.

  "You lie, your social ability has been improved by bit, your mouths flexibility is strengthened, clever tongue +1."

  Yang Fan's pupils dilated. This time, he heard the voice clearly, it seemed to be actually coming out from his mind.

  But what is the voice refereeing to, what is this mouth flexibility , what about clever tongue +1, what is this all about?

  Yang Fan felt deeply malicious towards the voice, but soon he became indifferent.

  "Well, seeing that his complete body has changed their is nothing bewilder about the voice in his head"

  Yang Fan's mentality seemed to be surprisingly stable. as if even a devil were to appear in front of him, he would be indifferent.

  "Who are you? Or what are you?"

  Yang Fan tried to communicate with the voice in his head: "God? Monster? System? Female ghost? Please, no matter what you are, can you reply first?"

  "Squeak! "

"Squeak! "

Suddenly squeaking sounds could be heard in his ear, but Yang Fan is very sure, this time the voice was not from his brain, but from the ground.

  The point of origin of the Squeaks seems to be different from the ones coming from his mind, he didn't know were it was coming from, Yang Fan walked forward wanting to see where the squeaks originated from.

  Just two steps forward, Yang Fan's body shudder for no reason. A sudden nervousness and alertness came from the depths of his soul dominating his body to tumble to his right side.


  Yang Fan's body just dodged, He could hear roar from his original position. Yang Fan looked back and saw a giant vole[2] taller than him, staring at him with its twinkling red eyes .

  " bone-bearing beast, with blood intensity of 1300, making its strength comparable to the martial artist level 6. it is Omnivorous with bloodthirsty nature and likes eating human skull."

  Seeing the big mouse, Yang Fan's mind instantly came up with a series of messages about the mouse.

  Yang Fan seemed to have inexplicable familiarity with the monster in front of him, isn't this something that he just dreamed of in his dreams? This bone-bearing beast should be the ultimate goal of some graduation test?

  Yang Fan's brain was in total chaos, the memories from his dreams started to surface slowly.

  The end of the world, Monster apocalypse, the beast running rampant in the world…

  martial arts, waste wood martial arts talent, hopeless graduation test…

  Is it possible… that the dream he had previously some how come true?

  In an instant, a huge memory resurfaces in his mind, he felt like his consciousness is merging with another, Yang Fan felt that it was already too late to be shocked and sighed. Now there is only one problem in his mind, that is, how can he escape safely in face of a beast with the strength comparable to that of a sixth-level martial artist ?


[1]Erguotou : Chinese white Liquor

[2]Vole: small mouse like creature, google it.


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