
Contains Killing Gas

Wang(bark) Wang(bark)!

   Wang(bark) Wang(bark)!

  The poodle, which had been held near Zhu Caiwei's leg, suddenly barked at Yang Fan, showing its teeth, spitting its tongue and dripping saliva from its mouth.

  From the outsider's point of view, this dog's is a loyal guardian, seeing its master being bullied, it stood up for its master, showing a dog's Mental and spiritual performance.

  But another version played in Yang Fan's eyes.

  This poodle wants to eat him!

  His feeling was not wrong. The monsters of West chu City, whether they are low-level or high-level monsters, almost all of them when they see awakened human they lose control.

  The flesh and blood of human beings are comparable to a elixir to these Monsters, especially the flesh and blood of those Humans who have succeeded in entering fading Level of Martial Arts, so Yang Fan's meat in the eyes of the monsters, they can't help but want to swallow he whole.

  Yang Fan is now in faded Level of Martial Arts, Qi and blood in his body has been successfully stimulated and his flesh and blood is tempered with the spiritual power present between heaven and earth. In comparison, the flesh and blood in his body has a stronger attraction then the flesh and blood of an ordinary human being to a Man-Eating -Beast

  "Hey! Stop, you dead dog, stop for this lady!"

  Zhu Caiwei reacted quickly and slammed the rope strapped to the collar of the Poddle in her hand and tried to pull the dog back.

  Then an incredible scene appeared. This poodle, which was only slightly larger than Pug, dragged her body forward nearly one meter further from her original position.


  Zhu Caiwei felt a pain in her right hand, the rope in her hand was completely freed. The poodle broke free from her bondage, with a crazy look in its eyes. it then pounced upon Yang Fan with rapid speed.

  How did this happen?

  How can this Poddle have such great strength?

  Zhu Caiwei began to doubt life.

  Is she now degraded to not being able to handle a puppy dog ​​weighing a few pounds? No, its not possible I do gym every day.

  "Fuck not again!"

  Yang Xixi's face changed slightly. Just seeing her idol's patronage she was a little excited and she forgot the root cause of Yang Fan's being held in the police station.

  Yang Fan is a serious suspect being suspected as "dog-killing maniac", even the cute Pug had been killed by his poisonous hands, let alone the poodle brought by Zhu Caiwei, she should have remind Zhu Caiwei to leave the poodle outside.

  However, it is too late to say anything now, the poodle is already done for.

  Sure enough, Yang Fan's face showed a horrible yet sorrowful smile. the strong Poddle which dragged 110 pound Zhu Caiwei for meter before breaking free from her hand, in a moments notice was caught in Yang Fan's hand by its neck. Yang Fan's grip around the Poddles neck grew stronger slowly.

"Just by yourself, want to eat me?" Stupid mutt not knowing own limits! "

  Looking at the poodle in disdain, Yang Fan smiled smugly. this poodle can be considered much more advanced in evolution than the Pug, no matter the speed or strength it has far exceed the little Pug, but in front of him it is Still not enough.

  In the end, it is an idiot that has not fully awakened its Spirituality. Its all actions are carried out according to the good old animal's instinct.

  "Stop!" Seeing that the Poddle is suffocating in the poisonous hands of Yang Fan, Yang Xixi quickly shouted "Yang Fan, you see clearly, it is just a cute puppy, it can't hurt you, simply can not eat you, Yang Fan sober up?

  Seeing Yang Fan's madness in person, Yang Xixi in heart is already very certain that Yang Fan's performance is definitely not that of patients with moderate depression, he is suffering from neurosis with severe persecution paranoia!

  Seeing a dog, he has to kill it or it is going to eat him. How can there be a Dog in this world who will mutate and eat people? this just crazy gibberish.

  Even if there have been many abnormal changes around Rongcheng, so far, there has never been case of animal eating or attacking humans. The Siberian tiger in the zoo only ate the other animals next to it, it didn't hurt a single human till now.

  Therefore, the mental state of this Yang Fan should be very abnormal. It seems Song Chengguan was right that this suspect is really suffering from neurotic disease and it seems he is very sick.

  Also, he must have been bitten by a dog before, more than once!

  "Cute?" Yang Fan grinned. "police officer Yang, don't be fooled by the cute appearance of this small animal. You have to remember that the more cute and harmless they seem, more they want to eat you, they will not even spit your bones out after finishing with you. For such monsters, you must not be soft-hearted, like this!"


  Yang Fan's right hand broke the poodle's neck directly and the dog that was still whimpering pitifully was no longer breathing.

  "You successfully killed a monster that has not entered the Grade, your spiritual will has improved, blood intensity +3."

  Sure enough, this poodle was indeed a bit stronger than the Pug, actually contributed three points of blood strength.

  His intensity of Qi and blood intensity increased from two points to five points, which was more than double the previous unit Yang Fan felt refreshed.

  Yang Fan grinned and smiled foolishly. He was very happy. if he continued at this speed, Even if he did not practice the "Basic Breathing", his martial arts training would upgraded rapidly.

  with this rate of upgrade he will be some able to face monster that are completely awakened. If he can find more half awakened beasts like the poddle and the pug, maybe he will soon be able to upgrade above Fading level.

  Just don't know how many such monsters are there outside? Yang Fan's eyes flashed with desire, he wants to become stronger.

  Regardless of whether his previous guess is true or not, about how the end of the earth will look like infested with Man-Eating-Monsters, as long as he can become strong enough, then everything will be well.

  Zhu Caiwei and Yang Xixi both unconsciously stepped back, killing such a cute dog and even laughing so happily, this guy is really a neuropathy.

  Also, being able to pinch the neck of a puppy with his bare hands in a moment, this person's power is a bit too strong, if he goes crazy once, he will definitely be an extremely dangerous person.

  Damn, did Inspector Song did not make him wear a handcuff before entering the investigation room?

  Just when Yang Xixi hesitated to ask Zhu Caiwei to withdraw from the interrogation room, Yang Fan threw the poodle in his hand on the floor and the old god sat back, restored his previous calm. .

  "Sorry, Miss Zhu, I hope I didn't scare you." Yang Fan nodded and apologize to Zhu Caiwei, because of side effects of the memory fragments, he instinctively felt intimate with Zhu Caiwei.

  "You have to believe that I was saving you. If this poodle was always with you, you would soon face a dangerous problem."

  Zhu Caiwei bypassed Yang Xixi and walked to the opposite side of Yang Fan. She did not even look at the body of the poodle that was thrown in the corner. She stared straight at Yang Fan and said: "These matters are not important. You tell me honestly, What is your relationship with Zhu Huanan, has he returned to China?"

  What, Zhu Huanan is not in the country now?

  It's a pity that he still wanted to meet Zhu Huanan to confirm more information. Now it seems that it is not possible in a short time.

  "I don't know if he has returned to China. But our relationship, I should be his half apprentice. He has pointed me to some martial arts skills and I have benefited a lot from his teachings."

  Yang Fan is not lying, Zhu Huanan is the old principal of the South China Military Academy. According to the truth, the students in the military school should be regarded as his students.

  Zhu Caiwei nodded. Her second brother loves martial arts since when he was a child. In recent years, he has been searching for famous teachers. He is also a good teacher himself. When he sees a good seed with martial talent, he can't help but give one or two pointers.

  Of course, In the eyes of Zhu Caiwei, her second brother is a madman, same as neurotic sitting in front of her right now.

  This Yang Fan is a bit like him. Her bother started to go crazy and did not recognize his parents in his pursuit of martial arts, finally becoming a Martial Art Madman.

  I remember that in the past, in order to conceive murderous Qi, Zhu Huanan had worked as a butcher for three months in a slaughterhouse and he smelled of pigs for a year.

  Does this Yang Fan also has to go through the stage of cultivating murderous Qi, this explains a lot, but I don't know why he is killing cute little dogs for this. Was he really bitten by the dog before?

  The more she speculated more Zhu Caiwei confirmed her previous speculations, these two people with such a similar taste, their relationship is certainly good, otherwise Zhu Huanan that bastard will not reveal her nick name to someone he did not trust.

  "police officer Yang!" Zhu Caiwei suddenly turned to Yang Xixi, "I want to bail this Mr. Yang, what should I do?"

  "Oh, oh!" Yang Xixi returned from her thoughts and said: "This is very simple. Miss Zhu only needs to pay the bail money and then give some compensation for the victim."

  "But, Miss Zhu, do you really want to bail him?" Yang Xixi suddenly lowered her voice and asked Zhu Caiwei: "He just killed the Poddle ​​you brought, and he clear has violent tendencies. "

  The body of the dog is not cool yet and the owner is going to help the killer. What is the logic?

  Zhu Caiwei Yan Yan smiled: "Thank you for your reminder, police officer Yang, but it does not matter, this poodle, I originally brought it as compensation to the victim, now it seems that it is no longer necessary, I still transfer the money directly to the victim."

  Yang Xixi: "…"

  Was she not clearly enough?

  The point is not about the Dog or the compensation, you are freeing a violent neuropathy?


Hey people,

HeHe.. First a Pug now a Poddle, Whats next?

FYI, let me make it clear, no animals were hurt in making of this chapter.


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