
Chapter 7 What to Pay Attention to When Eating Japanese Food for the First Time

Shen Fu watched Bai Shanshan stagger off, smiling without speaking.

He felt that the restroom was like a transfer station, Bai Shanshan went in, and soon Xiaodie would come out.

He definitely had to have a good talk with his wife, multiple personalities weren't scary at all, only a carefree foodie who could be completely tamed by a big meal.

He wondered if she would check the videos on her phone first after going inside.

As expected, once inside, Bai Shanshan used her middle finger to unlock her phone, entering another system, and browsing through the videos in the gallery.

Because she had been curious all through the meal about what was going on with Shen Fu's head but didn't dare to ask, for fear of giving herself away.

However, she only saw the video of Bai Shengnan and didn't discover Bai Xiaodie's explanation.

"As I thought, the only one who could beat a big man up like that is Nan," Bai Shanshan gleefully thought, "I wonder how Xiaodie explained it afterward, huh, didn't Xiaodie record a video?"

Bai Shanshan didn't see Bai Xiaodie's video, so she browsed the previous videos again.

Since the farewell dinner back in college, she hadn't appeared for over two months, and there were certain matters that required attention.

After watching, Bai Shanshan murmured to herself in the mirror, "Xiaodie, as you said, I'm letting go now, not thinking about anything, take over quickly, I'm not in charge of sleeping with the man tonight."


After Shen Fu settled the bill and got his takeaway, he waited quite a while, but his wife hadn't come out yet.

Worried that something had happened to Xiaodie, he rushed to the outside of the restroom to urge her, "Xiaodie, are you done?"

After calling out several times, his wife finally came out, but he was a bit uncertain whether it was his wife Bai Xiaodie or his sister-in-law Bai Shanshan.

"Xiaodie~" Shen Fu went to hug her waist, but she dodged to avoid him, not letting him succeed.

It must be Bai Shanshan, the meal was over, why hadn't she changed back yet?

Was she thinking about having dinner together again?

And it seemed like she still didn't know that he knew, hadn't she watched the video?

Bai Shanshan said gloomily, "Let's just go home quickly, this place is too tempting, I don't even want to leave."

She felt it was the atmosphere here that prevented her from letting go, so Xiaodie couldn't come back, and she wanted to try changing the environment.

Shen Fu hummed in agreement, taking Bai Shanshan home. On the way, Bai Shanshan didn't want to talk, because the more she talked, the more mistakes she might make.

Yet, Shen Fu deliberately tried to get her to talk, "Wife, where shall we go to eat tonight?"

"Ah, what, we're going out to eat tonight too!" Hearing this, Bai Shanshan perked up, even somewhat reluctant to leave, "I want to try Japanese food, I've never had it before!"

"Last time Tianpeng and I ate at a place, it wasn't bad, we can go there tonight."

"Ah, why didn't you invite me when you went out to eat!" Bai Shanshan complained indignantly.

What she said didn't make much sense, why would he bring his wife to a business negotiation, but considering she was the food-loving Bai Shanshan, Shen Fu didn't quibble.

"Definitely next time."

When they were almost at the community, Bai Shanshan suddenly remembered, it was because Shen Fu was up to no good at midday yesterday that he ran into Nan, who happened to wake up as Su Xing, and got beaten up for mistaking him for a hooligan.

Could it be that this man liked broad daylight for his antics?

That's not okay, she hadn't even dated yet, he can't be allowed to mess around!

Thus, Bai Shanshan suggested, "Hubby, look, it's almost two o'clock now, and not too long until the next meal, so why don't we skip going home, hang out, and it will be time to eat again."

Shen Fu glanced at her belly, which hadn't digested her lunch yet, but she was already thinking about the next meal, truly living up to her name as the gastronomer Bai Shanshan.

"Alright, let's watch a movie first, then go shopping for clothes, and finally have dinner."

Bai Shanshan happily agreed.

The film wasn't very exciting, and there weren't many people at noon. As she watched, drowsiness overcame Bai Shanshan, and the moment she yawned for the first time, she immediately became alert, knowing that sleep was when it was easiest for her personality to switch.

Just now she had been eager to switch back, but now, for the sake of the dinner in the evening, she didn't want to leave, so she pinched her own leg hard to keep herself alert.

Shen Fu couldn't stand it anymore and caressed her leg sympathetically, "Why are you pinching yourself?!"

You're pinching my wife's leg!

Bai Shanshan thought Shen Fu was trying to touch her thigh, and her heart pounded. She pushed away his hand while saying, "This movie is making people feel sleepy."

Shen Fu nodded, "Indeed, how about we take a nap instead? You can use my shoulder."

Bai Shanshan couldn't bear to hear the word "sleep," her mind filled with not-so-innocent content.

With a bling in her eyes, she spoke persuasively, "Watching a movie with the one you love can make even the boring moments interesting. Let's just keep watching, at the very least the female lead is pretty."

Shen Fu yawned, "But I'm sleepy too, you know I usually have a nap at noon, why don't you let me lean on you, and wake me up when the movie ends. Besides, this actress is nowhere near as pretty as my wife, not interested in her."

With that said, Shen Fu leaned on his wife's shoulder. If it had been Bai Xiaodie, Shen Fu definitely wouldn't have settled for just sleeping. If the movie wasn't good, they could do something else, it was dark anyway.

But the one next to him was Bai Shanshan after all. On a soul level, their relationship was merely that of acquaintances who had shared a few meals—it wasn't fitting to have excessive physical contact.

Seeing that Shen Fu really wanted to sleep, Bai Shanshan breathed a sigh of relief. She held her shoulder firm to let him sleep, so that he wouldn't keep trying to touch her thigh.

Unable to move one arm, Bai Shanshan took out her phone with her other hand and started searching the internet: What should I pay attention to when eating Japanese food for the first time?

The top answer was: Nothing much matters, just don't wear socks with holes.

The second most popular answer was: If you have smelly feet, it's better not to eat Japanese food, as it might cost you some friends.

Bai Shanshan's gaze shifted downward. Do her socks have holes? Does she have foot odor?

She really wasn't sure, so she took off her shoes, and just as she did, she heard a coquettish female voice from the seats in front saying, "Don't take them off."

Bai Shanshan startled, was the smell that strong? She hurriedly put her shoes back on and sat up right.

However, she quickly realized that the other person wasn't talking to her, which made her cheeks redden even more.

She wasn't a child anymore. Hearing the noises from the seats in front, she couldn't help but lower her head to glance at Shen Fu.

The flickering dim light cast on Shen Fu's face made his features appear deeper, more chiseled, and even more attractive.

For a novelist to look like this must be quite rare, sort of the industry's top standard. No wonder Bai Zitu, the beauty chaser, was so firmly on his side.

As for the marriage between Shen Fu and Bai Xiaodie, Bai Shanshan was quite neutral.

She had met Shen Fu only a few times, shared a few meals, and then they had both a nominal and actual marital relationship.

It was as if, in the blink of an eye, she had gone from maiden to matron, losing the most precious thing a woman possesses. Deep down, she was bound to feel some discomfort, after all, she was also using this body.

But thinking that she had no plans to find a boyfriend, and would rather spend her time tasting the world's cuisines, plus Shen Fu was really generous with money, never stingy with the check, Bai Shanshan felt having such a barely familiar husband wasn't such a bad thing.

After all, Bai Xiaodie would fulfill the duties of a wife, and perhaps Bai Zitu would be willing to take on the role too. She just had to eat and get plump; if she had a child in the future, they would not go hungry...

Ah, why is she thinking about having children? She definitely didn't want to have kids!

Bai Shanshan suddenly remembered Bai Shengnan's reminder about taking the morning-after pill, and wondered if Bai Xiaodie had taken it.

She immediately rummaged through her bag, and just then her phone screen lit up with a new message—an alert from the bank.

"Your account 8590 received a deposit of 9800 yuan on August 28th, resulting in a new balance of 8560.00 yuan..."

(The status has changed as agreed upon, and roles for the two main characters have been added. Begging for little red hearts~~ and we also welcome our marketing officer, Dragon Soaring to the Sky, back to his post! Thanks for the support!)