
Chapter 19 Uncle! Trending! Aunt is trending now!

In the ambulance, Bai Shengnan looked out the window, pondering the possibility of opening the door and jumping out.

But first and foremost, she had to deal with the fact that her hand was still being held by Shen Fu. What's wrong with him, treating me like I'm a husky? Let go already!

"Can you let go of me?" Bai Shengnan shook her hand and said.

"I just find it amazing, honey, how this little hand of yours, so delicate and boneless, could have taken down such a big guy~"

Bai Shengnan's heart skipped a beat. Could he be suspecting me? I'm indeed a straightforward girl, not good at pretending!

Forget it, I'll just make a quick escape when we get to the hospital, to avoid any trouble.

"Oh, the poor guy was just letting a girl win~" Bai Shengnan imitated Bai Zitu's tone, trying to sound cute but missing the essence, creating a dissonant sense of a warrior trying to act cute.

Finally, Shen Fu let go of her hand, seemingly disgusted, but not worried about her running away in the ambulance.

The medical staff treating the wound on Shen Fu's head chuckled at the two of them, saying, "You just got married, didn't you? How sweet."

"Yeah, Xiaodie, tell the doctor sister how long we've been married," he urged.

"Uh, well, I," Bai Shengnan obviously couldn't recall, but luckily she was quick-witted, and pinched Shen Fu's ear, "Oh, so you forgot? You want me to remind you? No way!"

"How could I forget," retorted Shen Fu as he embraced her waist. It seemed she'd pinched his ear, so he held her close, "102 days, just two days ago we celebrated our 100-day anniversary."

"Good for you for remembering," Bai Shengnan tried to wriggle free from Shen Fu's grip, but he held on tight, "Honey, for our 102-day anniversary, I need 102 kisses to get better faster."

Take that for pinching my ear, I'll disgust you to no end! This is just mutual harassment~

In response to Shen Fu's demand for kisses, Bai Shengnan naturally refused, rummaging through her pocket to put a mask on him, "Beware of catching a cold!"

The two of them fooled around all the way, leaving the medical staff feeling exasperated. We're here to save lives and help the injured, not to watch this lovey-dovey display! When will the angels in white get their turn to rise?

Finally, they arrived at the hospital. The two recent injuries Shen Fu had sustained weren't too serious, just resulting in a couple of bumps that, with the original wound, formed an equilateral triangle on his head.

Actually, there was no real need for this visit, but since he had hit his head, they might as well get a CT scan done, in case there was a hidden injury.

However, when they reached the CT room, Bai Shengnan started getting restless, looking around in all directions. Shen Fu noticed and realized she was planning to escape.

"Doctor, before going in, can I say one last word to my wife?" Shen Fu asked solemnly.

"Young man, don't be scared, it's not that serious. Don't make it sound like a final farewell," the doctor reassured him, "But alright, make it quick."

Shen Fu beckoned Bai Shengnan with his finger, asking her to come closer.

Seeing that he was wearing a mask, and thus unlikely to steal a kiss, Bai Shengnan leaned in, "Come on, say it."

After this, she planned to leave and lie low for a while.

Shen Fu said, "Bai Shengnan, don't run around when I get out."

"I know, I won't—" Bai Shengnan responded, only to suddenly realize, "Bai Shengnan?!"

Without another word, Shen Fu walked into the CT room.

After the metal door closed, Bai Shengnan immediately headed out to grab her phone, unlocking the second system with her middle finger.

She needed to know what had happened after she last injured Shen Fu, and how Shen Fu knew the name Bai Shengnan! Could it be...

To Bai Shengnan's surprise, after her own video, there was a video from Bai Shanshan, who rambled on about having had two big meals, expressing dissatisfaction with Mrs. Bai.

Xiaodie's video followed, not much of significance there, apart from Wan Ziqian returning to Beijing, leaving again, and the fact that she would come back.

The last message was from Mrs. Bai, who scorned Bai Shanshan's freeloading and demanding behaviors, claiming that if she could earn even a dollar, that would be impressive. When Mrs. Bai scolded someone, even Bai Shengnan could only sit and listen obediently.

Then Mrs. Bai went on to discuss some matters about the stock market with Xiaodie, probably something only the two of them could understand, as if she were talking about some sort of scripture.

So, did Xiaodie end up exposing them or what?

If Shen Fu already knows, then I don't need to be afraid of him anymore, just lay my cards on the table, "I'm not your wife, don't mess with me!"

Therefore, Bai Shengnan waited outside for a moment. When Shen Fu came out, she looked at him, "What did you mean just now? What's this Bai Shengnan thing?"

Shen Fu smiled at her. Before going in, considering that this woman was a terrible actress and also worrying that there was a high chance of her running away if he acted upon her, Shen Fu decided to tell her a partial truth.

"Bai Shengnan, stop pretending, Xiaodie told me everything."


Shen Fu moved closer, whispered into her ear, "It wasn't her who injured me that time; it was you, wasn't it? You have dual personalities, right?"

"Dual, not..." Bai Shengnan swallowed the words that had been on the tip of her tongue, "That's right! We have dual personalities; we share this body. You've seen 'Fang Miu Detective,' haven't you? Whenever the weak Xiaodie encounters trouble, the all-powerful me appears to take care of everything! After the deed is done, I retreat into the shadows~"

Shen Fu snorted in disbelief. Of all the personalities I know, you're the only one who makes trouble!

However, Shen Fu didn't contradict her. This woman was impulsive and brainless, so Shen Fu decided to keep her by his side in this manner.

"Since everything is out in the open, just come back home with me. There are three bedrooms; you can pick any you want. We'll stay out of each other's hair, and then we'll quietly wait for Xiaodie to come back. How's that?"

Bai Shengnan put on a thoughtful expression to seem calculating and not so easily deceived.

In reality, she was thinking about what to eat tonight.

Beef sounds good, something to boost strength, "Alright, it's settled!"

The two happily reached an agreement, got the scan results showing no brain injuries, and this couple of strangers had just entered their home when Bai Shengnan's phone rang.

"It's from Wan Ziqian." She held her phone, seeking Shen Fu's opinion, as she wasn't familiar with Qian and feared misspeaking.

Shen Fu took the call, "Hello Qian, you got home, right?"

"I got home a while ago. Aunt Xiaodie is alright, isn't she?"

"She's fine, right?"

Then Shen Fu heard a burst of laughter from Wan Ziqian, "What did I tell you? Now do you believe me, that my Xiaodie is super strong at fighting!"

"Huh?" Shen Fu was momentarily confused.

Wan Ziqian added, "Don't you know? Little Auntie is trending on Douyin!"

Shen Fu took out his own phone and opened the app.

"Take a look at the trending search; even though the video is a bit shaky, I still recognized her at first glance. Remember that time at the barbecue stand, Xiaodie downed a shot of Erguotou, standing amidst the chilly winds, faced with a bunch of thugs, she just gave a faint smile and from her cherry lips was spit..."

Hearing this, Bai Shengnan immediately crossed her legs in a cocky manner, "Those guys back then were just straw bags; combined, they weren't even as tough as the one today."

"Little Auntie, you're there, right?"

"Right here, right here!" Bai Shengnan snatched the phone, ready to proudly recount her glorious exploits to Wan Ziqian.

Shen Fu, on the other hand, clicked on the video, and wow, it already had over five hundred thousand likes and hadn't been posted for long.

The title was "Bank Heroine Battles Fake Robbers! Three Minutes Uncut!"

(Thanks to the great Youzhu for teaching me how to make fan art. I feel like a seasoned second-generation fan. So I'll take this opportunity to highly recommend "Girl, You're Not Right!" that he's been promoting—a rare gem of a light novel these days!)