
Chapter 17 This Woman is So Vicious (2, please recommend!)

"Xiaodie, how old is your husband?"

In the VIP customer room, colleagues were chatting with Bai Xiaodie.

"Oh, he's 28."

"Wow, that young!"

"Not really, I even thought he was too old for me at first, 7 years older than me."

"I mean, having a car and a house in Capital City at his age, your husband is quite something!" a colleague expressed with admiration.

"He indeed is excellent!" the light in Xiaodie's eyes was unmistakable when she talked about Shen Fu.

While they were chatting, the robbers came inside, and the robbery officially began.

One colleague chuckled, "Let's hide under the table."


Maybe because she had switched to high heels today, and thus was taller, Xiaodie accidentally bumped her head.

"Ouch~" clutching her head, Xiaodie felt a wave of dizziness.


Outside, Shen Fu had already surrendered without a fight, and the young man who was pretending to be a teller's boyfriend had tried to struggle against the robbers and was now playing a "corpse".

With a "dead" sign hanging on his chest, the guy was quite professional, promptly pretended to be asleep, while his girlfriend covered her mouth to stifle her giggles.

Shen Fu observed and counted four people in total—three men and one woman—not only armed with guns but bombs too. Damn, this was Capital City, was this setting even plausible?

The robbers were currently threatening to kill the lobby manager to coerce the tellers inside to open the door, as the glass was bulletproof and hard to break.

Just as they were about to succeed, a woman with her hair tied into a neat ponytail stepped out of the VIP customer room, her hands raised in a non-threatening manner. Looking down, she sported a pair of legs clad in stockings, complemented by red high heels.


Shen Fu smiled. He hadn't even started to trick the robbers, and there she was, already stepping out. Alright then.

Shen Fu gestured toward himself, signaling her to come over and get tied up with him.

Instead, Xiaodie said, "Don't kill me, don't kill me, I need to use the restroom; I can't hold it anymore."

The atmosphere was filled with mirth, even one of the female robbers chuckled.

"Bingbing, go with her~" the leading robber instructed the female robber.

The female robber, not on her guard at all, took the hand of the bank beauty, "Okay, okay, let's go together."

Clearly, the law that women must go to the restroom hand in hand holds true even during a bank robbery.

Meanwhile, because the alarm was triggered, local law enforcement had already been dispatched, prompting the robbers to take two hostages to the door to prevent anyone from charging in.

The robbers were excessively brutal, alternating between action cards labeled "slap in the face," "chop off hands," and crude threats of "sexual assault". Several cards were affixed here and there.

A bespectacled gentleman next to Shen Fu was even quipping, "These guys have no finesse; it's all brute force, straight out of the nineties."

"Who are you?" Shen Fu gasped in surprise, as the gent's tone was much like a real criminal taking advantage of a mock exercise.

"Oh, I'm from the Construction Bank security department, came to see if there were any vulnerabilities during the drill," the gentleman explained, "But sometimes being simplistic and crude can be quite effective. After all, human life is much more valuable nowadays, and they won't make a move rashly outside."

Indeed, the outside wouldn't make a rash move, but to everyone's surprise, Bai Xiaodie did.

Before long, sounds of a scuffle came from the restroom behind them, the sound of two women fighting.

The fight was brief, and soon, a barefoot Bai Xiaodie emerged with a rip down her pencil skirt.

In her hand, she held a toy gun, and she excitedly shouted, "Don't be afraid, everyone, the guns these people have are fake!"

And then, under the bewildered gazes of everyone, she threw a punch at the closest robber to her.

These robbers were probably not ordinary people either, having some martial arts skills. Xiaodie's first punch was dodged, but a raised leg kick was unavoidable, and the man was sent flying into the wall with a pia sound.

No wonder her skirt was torn a bit, it turned out to be for the convenience of kicking!

And that kick was just too cool.

Shen Fu praised in his heart, then his smile gradually faded. Damn, it must be Bai Shengnan coming out again—this woman is terrifying!

The first to snap out of it was another robber with a toy submachine gun aimed at Bai Shengnan's head, making his own sound effects, "tatatatata!"

Bai Shengnan slowly walked towards him.

The robber panicked, "What are you looking at, you're dead, lie down!"

Bai Shengnan replied with a saying from her hometown, "Mindin' your own business!"

Then, with an over-the-shoulder throw, she flung him out, "You be the one to lie down."

Now only the leader of the robbers was left, the same guy Shen Fu encountered yesterday while scouting, who appeared to be very strong and calm.

Shen Fu couldn't stand it any longer, worried that Xiaodie might get hurt, he quickly stood up to embrace her, "Wife, don't be impulsive, act..."

Before he could finish his words, the excited Bai Shengnan's body reacted instinctively, tripping and flinging the approaching Shen Fu away with ease, as if a little girl tossing a beanbag. The technique made the last standing man somewhat cautious.

"Ouch~" Shen Fu's already injured head hit the counter again, with one thought in his mind: The second time~

Bai Shengnan realized it was Shen Fu and couldn't help feeling a little guilty. It looked like he had been scratched again, but recalling the last time she woke up and all the traces of his 'activities' on and inside her body, she thought bitterly, "Serves you right!"

"Didn't you see I'm saving everyone here? If you can't help, please don't make things worse, okay!"

She had just finished speaking when the leader of the robbers threw away his gun and took off his jacket, seemingly wanting a fair one-on-one fight.

Bai Shengnan looked him over indifferently, "You're decent enough, bring it on."

Journalists outside and the police maintaining order had already seen the situation inside through the glass doors and windows.

"What does this mean? Why are they fighting inside?"

"Looks like it's a young girl fighting with the robbers?"

"Isn't it a drill? Why are they really fighting?"

"Even a drill has to be realistic!"

"Wow, the fight is so intense!"

"I know that girl!" A chubby middle-aged policeman then spoke up.

Everyone looked at him. Guo wiped the sweat from his forehead, feeling relieved he hadn't tried to compare his electric baton skills with her. Given her combat prowess, probably not even seven or eight community committee aunts could get close to her.

Guo indeed knew these four robbers. One of them was a senior security guard from the Construction Bank headquarters, one practiced martial arts, another was a former athlete, and the leader was even an ex-soldier; all had some skills.

But now, even the leader hadn't gained any advantage against the girl, despite her barefoot state and impractical work attire.

What really dissatisfied Bai Shengnan, however, was Xiaodie's strength—there wasn't much muscle on her body, so she had to make up for it through skill and technique.

Even with the many disadvantages of this body, Bai Shengnan still managed to secure a victory in less than three minutes.

Speed was necessary for such matters—the longer it went on, the more certainly her stamina would give out first.

But in just three minutes, she provided a fight as spectacular as Zhen Zidan's battle with Zhao Wenzhuo, with lots of furniture destroyed in the fray.

Securing victory against a not-so-shabby ex-soldier in three minutes wasn't because of a large skill gap, but because Bai Shengnan had too many dirty tricks up her sleeve. To compensate for her lack of strength, she had to be ruthless.

If the robber didn't admit defeat now, who knows if he'd still be able to get married in the future. That groin kick—tsk tsk, I feel terrible for her man~

(Second update! Also, I'd like to give a big shoutout to Jicha Dada's "This is My Planet"—as fellow lsp members, no need to introduce the novel, the pen name says it all~)