
I really don't want to fall in love with my master

This novel is specifically designed for my one so I don't care about anything

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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The news is correct, because that dense land is where Luo Yun's body was damaged.

No one knows how Luo Yun died, but he left a lot of good things before he died.

A magic technique, a few powerful weapons, and the news about his spiritual roots.

Although Luo Yun didn't know what kind of medicinal herb gave him super strong spiritual roots, after doing some research, he found that the herb he had eaten could grow again as long as the rhizome continued to disappear.

But this growth rate is extremely slow, I am afraid it will take hundreds or even thousands of years.

Knowing the existence of such a miraculous herb, Lu Zhengfeng was naturally very excited.

It is a pity that Luo Yun's damage to the land is also very dangerous. He also ly escaped and is already seriously injured.

So after confessing, he went straight to retreat and healed his injuries, and by the way, he practiced the magical technique that Luo Yun had obtained.

Lu Yuanjiang followed his father's words, and after discussing with the four elders, the situation was like this.

To be honest, the fourth elder of the Lu family was still very uneasy before coming, but when the herb was actually discovered, and the herb had entered the maturity stage, the fourth elder was extremely excited.

Because these people were in Luo Yuncheng before, staying for several days, and making private visits for a long time.

The four elders paid attention to the Luo family of Luo Yuncheng, and this Luo family was naturally Luo Yun's descendants.

The Luo family today is not the Luo family thousands of years ago. Although it has been passed down, it is all thanks to the ancestral motto of Emperor Lianyang in the past, which allowed the Luo family to pass on.

But even if passed down, the strength of the Luo Family today is still very weak.

The entire Luo family has more than a dozen spiritual masters, and the legendary masters have not appeared for a long time.

Because of this, the Fourth Elder, relying on his seven-fold spiritual vein cultivation base, nearly turned the Luo Family upside down secretly, but the Luo Family had no information about that herb.

This had to make the four elders feel that what his elder brother got was false news.

However, in the end he still ran the attitude of trying, following the instructions of the message, searching for several days, only then found the cave that Luo Yun said on a hill far away from Luo Yun City.

It was finally confirmed that the news was true, the cave existed, and the herbs inside also existed.

As for whether the herb is really that amazing, the four elders did not doubt.

Because that herb, as Luo Yun said, although it doesn't have any strong aura, it is a black and yellow, and emits bursts of black and yellow light.

It was the first time the Fourth Elder saw such a magical herb, so he believed the news left by Luo Yun for the first time.

Although the fourth elders also wanted to take this herb by himself, the message left by Luo Yun explained it.

This miraculous herb can only be taken by people who do not have spiritual roots.

However, he can't, there is a suitable person in his Lu family!

When I thought that in the near future of his own Lu family, there would be a super powerhouse, and the four elders felt hot.

Under the heat, the Fourth Elder suddenly told everyone in the Lu Family behind him: "Forget it, I'd better go in and stay. You will be separated and hidden in secret. Once a stranger appears... …"

After a sudden pause, the Fourth Elder's expression was ruthless, and his eyes were full of killing intent and compared a murderous gesture to everyone, and said in a gloomy tone: "Kill without mercy!"

"You also know the importance of this matter, so there should not be a slight omission that affects the future of my Lu Family. Do you understand?"

"Understood!" everyone responded together, their expressions extremely firm.

"Well, just like that, you are all gone!"

Nodding lightly, the four elders went into the cave after speaking.

Upon seeing this, the other twelve spiritual pulse realm masters also dispersed one after another, and quickly hid them.

It stands to reason that once someone approached by such a cautious move, the Lu family would definitely find it the first time, and then obliterate it, so that the news about himself and others would not leak out at all.

It is a pity that these masters of the Lu Family, including the fourth elder with seven spiritual veins, never expected that their every move would be known to someone in the distance.

Uh, it should be two people, and there is a small thing among them.

The route obtained from Boss Lu, Luo Yuncheng is not the final point, it is just an unimportant place among all the routes.

Originally, Qin Shaofeng thought that Luo Yun City was relatively remote, in the mountains and forests, and it was better to ambush, and even if the ambush was not successful, it was quite easy to escape and hide with his own dance skills and libo microsteps.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng chose Luo Yuncheng, this place was ready to ambush the mysterious team of Lu Family.

But I don't want to, the final result is such a situation.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng found the Fourth Elders two days ago, which surprised Qin Shaofeng, and at one point thought that the team led by the Fourth Elder of the Lu Family had completed the task and was ready to rush back.

But soon, Qin Shaofeng discovered that something was wrong.

Because under the leadership of the four elders, these more than a dozen masters of spiritual veins actually searched around a hundred miles around Luo Yuncheng, as if they were looking for something.

This made Qin Shaofeng quickly understand. I'm afraid that there are some things, such as the true purpose of this team, not only is the boss Lu not clear, even the Lu family deliberately concealed the true line of the team.

Because of the route given by Mr. Lu, Luo Yuncheng is just an inconspicuous place, a place of passing, and it is even one of the routes.

Because there are three routes like Luo Yuncheng that pass through any destination known to the boss. It's just that, because Luo Yuncheng is remote, once he returns, the four elders will definitely go back to the Lu family here.

But in fact, those are all fakes. Any end point, any preparation route, are smoke bombs.

The real goal of the Lu Family is to be in Luo Yun City!

Qin Shaofeng quickly confirmed this from the actions of the Fourth Elder and others.

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng was also fortunate in his heart, because he saw that this place was remote, the Lu family also planned to return to the Lu family here, so he chose Luo Yuncheng.

But I didn't want to, in the end I actually let myself be straight.

After understanding this, Qin Shaofeng hid it secretly, hanging behind the Lu family team.

Until the Fourth Elder and others found the cave, Qin Shaofeng discovered something remarkable.


"Little thing, what you said is true?"

Seeing the little ball floating in front of his eyes with a look of fleshly excitement, Qin Shaofeng's expression showed a trace of disbelief.

Can't help but believe it!

This little thing closed its mouth, it's too **** here, it's just a tiny island of rubbish.

But something appeared again and again, which made this little thing excited and exclaimed that it was impossible, it was absolutely impossible for things like that.

Qin Shaofeng said that the little thing like Xiaoqiuqiu is always fooling himself.


This continent is a bit remote, and in the eyes of Master Everbright, it's just a small island or a big place.

However, your two cubs became excited (Blood Demon Flower and Cang Wolf Emperor Cub) as soon as you faced a medicinal plant at every turn.

Then what else was said, that is, that the original continent is also a rare product, and it actually appears in such a remote place, how does it not conform to common sense?

These are good, Qin Shaofeng just listened to it.

But you are relapsed now!

Qin Shaofeng wondered if this little thing didn't know anything at all!

Seeing the suspicion in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, the ball immediately exploded.

"What kind of look are you? I'll tell you. All I said is true. It's just that the place where you were born is a bit weird. It stands to reason that there is only aura in this place, and there is no vitality. It's very low-level!"

While talking, the little thing seemed to think of some excuse, uh, some reasonable explanation should have been thought of, Xiao Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up, and excitedly said to Qin Shaofeng: "By the way, I know why!"

With this excitement, the little thing laughed and danced: "I actually forgot you. Think about it. You, the lucky one who is favored by the avenue, have a great source of blessing, and these things happen again and again. , The unreasonable Blood Demon Flower that was born, and the two Cang Wolf Emperor cubs, are mostly the great favor of you, just like the magical system in you!"

With that said, the little things are becoming more and more believed to be like this!

Well, absolutely.

It is said that some people are the darlings of the heavens. Once they appear, they are blessed with blessings and blessings. Not only do they have their talents in cultivation against the sky, but they also practice smoothly and have endless adventures.

I kicked a stone casually when I went out, it was all top-quality spar; if you accidentally fell, you could smash a spirit mine; when you pass by a small bush, you can collect a holy beast as a follower, and....

All in all, this is the case, anyway, I am extremely lucky.

At the moment, in the eyes of Xiaoqiu, Qin Shaofeng is such a lucky person.

Otherwise, how could Qin Shaofeng go to the Blackhorn Mountain Range and meet the monster beast battle in the legendary realm?

Then not only did he get the best medicinal materials like the Blood Demon Flower, but also two rare cubs of the Cang Wolf Emperor?

Now choose a place randomly, not only to find the real destination of the Lu family, but also to find such a treasure. Isn't this still a fortune?

Yes, it has something to do with Dadao again!

Seeing Xiaoqiuqiu's firm appearance, Qin Shaofeng said it hurts.

But in the end Qin Shaofeng still silently did not refute in this regard, but returned to the previous topic again.

"Uh, whatever you think is fine, but this so-called profound spirit grass is really the same as you said, can it improve my spiritual roots?" Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but say when thinking of the profound spirit grass that Xiaoqiuqiu said. Asked.

"Of course! The profound spirit grass is a real saint-level medicinal material, and it is also a rare saint-level medicinal material. Once taken, it will definitely change one's spiritual roots and definitely increase the level of spiritual roots!"

Xiaoqiuqiu nodded confidently, but suddenly remembering Qin Shaofeng's situation, his tone became a little unconfident.

"Well, although your spiritual roots seem to be sealed up, even if your spiritual roots cannot be improved, your physique can be strengthened to some extent. In this way, the upper limit of your spiritual energy value will be increased somewhat."


Can the upper limit of aura value be increased?

Xiaoqiuqiu said so much, the only thing that made Qin Shaofeng excited was this sentence.

Before, he was hit by this little thing. What a real genius, the upper limit of the spiritual energy triple aura value is not only over 10,000, and even powerful evil spirits with more than 100,000 aura points appear!

This made Qin Shaofeng a blow, even if Yi Jinjing was upgraded to level 4 a few days ago, he still looked disappointed.

That's right, on the day that boss Lu was killed, Qin Shaofeng's long-awaited Yi Jinjing finally upgraded to level 4.

Yi Jin Jing: 4th level 10/100000, holy level passive skills. Although it is not a god-level exercise method, this exercise method is quite special. It contains another exercise method created by Bodhidharma ancestors, "The Marrow Sutra", so it has Yi The powerful ability of washing the marrow. The current level is 4, which can increase the player's aura value to ten times the original. (Level 4 Yi Jin Jing can restore one percent of the player's aura every minute)

Level 4 Yi Jin Jing can increase Qin Shaofeng's Aura by ten times, but it is still 10,000 points, so Qin Shaofeng is naturally dissatisfied.

Satisfied with it, this is at most ten minutes of dancing, or opening the writing wheel for ten minutes.

Fortunately, Level 4 Yi Jin Jing can recover one percent of his aura every minute, which makes Qin Shaofeng more satisfied.

However, Qin Shaofeng still struggled with the upper limit of aura.

So now I heard that the mysterious spirit grass can raise the upper limit of his spiritual energy, Qin Shaofeng naturally paid more attention.

As for the profound spirit grass, it was naturally the herb that was discovered by the fourth elder of the Lu family and others.

According to Xiaoqiuqiu, this profound spirit grass is a holy one-star medicinal material. If it is taken before the spiritual vein realm, it can change one's spiritual root and make one's spiritual root abnormal, even if it does not have a spiritual root. The profound spirit grass can also give birth to a mutated powerful spiritual root.

Such a mutant spiritual root can make a person cultivate ten times the spiritual energy value of an ordinary person, even after being promoted to a higher level of cultivation.

If this is coupled with some powerful techniques, that plant of profound spirit grass can completely become a super genius!

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng thought of a person, that was Luo Yun, the first city lord of Luo Yuncheng.

Thinking of the books he had read in Lianyang Academy and the introduction to Luo Yun, Qin Shaofeng's first thought was that Lu Yun had definitely taken Xuanling Grass.

Thinking of this, Qin Shaofeng's eyes lighted up.

He doesn't expect to increase the aura value ten times that of an ordinary person, as long as the profound spirit grass can make his aura value reach the level of an ordinary person's level, that is enough.

I must get this mysterious spirit grass!

Qin Shaofeng made a decision in his heart instantly, but after making the decision, looking at the group of people in the distance, Qin Shaofeng was in trouble instantly.

My sister, there are thirteen spiritual channel masters, and the lowest is the spiritual channel five-fold, even among them there are three spiritual channel six-fold, and one Lu Family fourth elder of the seven-fold spiritual channel late stage.

Such a team, even with the Tiger Lord, can't swallow it at all!

Even Qin Shaofeng fully understands that, not to mention the others, even if the ten spiritual veins and five-level masters are united, they can only escape with Tiger Lord.

Although Lord Tiger is already a monster in the six-fold pinnacle realm of spiritual veins.

But outnumbered, these hands are hard to beat all the punches!


What should I do?

With a light sigh in his heart, Qin Shaofeng was completely gone.

But soon, Qin Shaofeng discovered that something wonderful to him had happened.

Because at this moment, the fourth elder of the Lu family, the leader of the Lu family, actually entered the cave, and the other twelve people were separated.

Excluding the three spiritual vein six-layer masters, the remaining ten people were combined in pairs and hid.

Even two of the five-level spirit vein masters actually ran to a bush not far from Qin Shaofeng in a short while.

Looking at their situation, it seems to be looking at the wind!

This situation made Qin Shaofeng overjoyed!

He was already disappointed, but he didn't think that such a favorable situation had happened.

The ball on one side became more excited.

The field of perception of the golden eyes of the eyes opened instantly, and Xiaoqiuqiu quickly informed Qin Shaofeng of the layout of these people.

Taking that cave as the center, spread out within two hundred meters, the hidden three spiritual vein six masters.

Two hundred miles away, it was just five hundred meters away from Qin Shaofeng's fiery eyes, where Qin Shaofeng was currently staying, and the last ten five-level spiritual vein masters were hidden.

There are two people in a team, and each team is six to seventy meters apart.

And even though it is a team of two, the two of this team are separated by a distance of at least ten meters, secretly and carefully hidden to observe the surrounding situation.

Such a layout, although not to say five steps, one post and ten steps, one sentry.

But for these masters with the lowest level of the five levels of spiritual veins, 13 people united, and any wind and grass in a radius of five to six hundred meters would not escape their eyes.

But such a situation is also extremely beneficial to Qin Shaofeng.


It's so advantageous!

This is a terrible way to assinate yourself!

Qin Shaofeng wanted to laugh loudly at this moment. He possessed fiery eyes, no matter how well these people hid, he couldn't escape his own perception.

The other party does not know his existence, but he knows their specific location.

"Heh, your Lu family has cooperated with me so much. If my Qin Shaofeng doesn't get the profound spirit grass, how can I be worthy of you!"

With a soft smile, Qin Shaofeng closed his eyes and thought about it, and soon thought of a strategy.

Then, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed, and he quietly touched the five-tiered master of Lu Family's spirit veins who was only ten meters away from him.


As one of the direct members of the Lu family, Lu Dashan is not proud of it, and he is even very low-key.

Many people don't know that his father Lu Dashan is the fourth elder of the Lu family.

This time, Lu Dashan understood that it was his father who deliberately let himself follow in order to show himself in front of his uncle.

Moreover, Lu Dashan also understood the importance of this mission, and he also understood his father's intentions in doing so.

His uncle is also the strongest of the Lu family. The real power holder Lu Zhengfeng has only one son, Lu Yuanjiang, the current head of the family, but although Lu Yuanjiang had two sons, he was killed.

Lu Dashan knows a secret that outsiders don't know, that is, a few years ago, after a practice, Lu Yuanjiang was already inhumane.

That is, the future Patriarch of the Lu Family can only choose from other people.

It just so happens that Lu Dashan's son is also quite talented, even not under that Lu Yun. Given the current situation of the Lu family, his son Lu Dashan has a 70-80% chance of becoming the next generation of Lu family patrons.

As long as this task is completed, bring that magical herb back to Lu's house.

Lu Dashan believed that, just as his father said, after this time, the future head of the Lu family will fall on his son.

Lu Dashan was filled with excitement when he thought that his son could become the future head of the Lu family.


Huh, something?

Just as Lu Dashan thought more and more excited in his heart, he suddenly heard a sound not far away.

Then there was a swift flash, and a huge figure popped out.

Such a sudden appearance of a huge black shadow made Lu Dashan almost not exclaiming.

But fortunately, he is more or less a master of the five levels of spiritual veins, plus the father of his four elders, he has told him more, and this did not allow Lu Dashan to shout directly.

Taking a fixed look, Lu Dashan was taken aback, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and muttered in a low voice, "My trough, what did you think it was? It turned out to be a tiger roaring lion!"

After seeing the appearance of the huge figure, Lu Dashan no longer took it seriously.

Tiger Howl Lion is no more than a high-level monster beast of the second and third levels of innate. It can't even reach the level of spiritual veins. For a five-level spiritual master like him, there is no threat at all.

After seeing it clearly, Lu Dashan was secretly relieved.

But at this moment, Lu Dashan's eyes went dark, and then he saw a flash of blue light.

not good!

The vigilance that belonged to the five levels of spiritual veins made Lu Dashan feel that the black shadow and the blue light were not quite right.

But at the moment when he felt bad, Lu Dashan suddenly felt a sharp pain in his , snorted, and he collapsed without strength.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully killing the five-tier Lu Dashan of the Spirit Vessel, gaining the bonus of leapfrog killing experience and finally gaining 5000 experience points!

Looking at the limp body, Qin Shaofeng sneered at the corner of his mouth.

"It's better to have more experience in leapfrog killing. A five-fold spirit vein brings me five thousand experience points, um, yes, yes!"

The tiger roaring lion that appeared before is naturally Tiger Lord.

Qin Shaofeng's plan was like this. First, Master Tiger suppressed his own breath and pretended to be an ordinary tiger roaring lion.

Ordinary tiger roaring lion, that is the innate two and three levels of realm, with the spiritual veins of the five and six levels, they can definitely ignore it, and will not care too much.

Qin Shaofeng took this point in his mind, and it was naturally scary to make Lord Tiger suddenly appear.

But after discovering that Lord Tiger was just a tiger roaring lion, how would these five-tiered Lu family masters care?.

I was taken aback, but I found that something that scared me was not at all threatening to me. At this point, no matter who it was, he would subconsciously relax a little, and his vigilance would also drop instantly.

And Qin Shaofeng seized this opportunity to launch a fatal blow, completing an instant spike.

In the end Qin Shaofeng did it!

However, this process is also very difficult for Qin Shaofeng.

Performed the air dance for the first time, then opened the writing wheel eye, and then cooperated with Lingbo's microsteps, and finally broke out a leiche.

After being promoted to the Spiritual Vessel Realm, the consumption of all Qin Shaofeng's skills has become a spiritual energy value.

The 4th-level Wukong skill consumes 1000 aura points per minute, and the same is true for the writing wheel eyes and the Lingbo microstep.

In addition, Lei Che, which consumes one-third of his spiritual energy, means that in order to complete this spike, Qin Shaofeng has consumed more than six thousand spiritual energy.

Although Qin Shaofeng is now upgraded due to Yi Jin Jing, his aura value has already exceeded 10,000 points.

But this time, the action directly consumed more than half of the spiritual energy.

If there was a slight mistake, it would not be a good thing for Qin Shaofeng.

Fortunately, writing round eyes and Lei Qi, coupled with Ling Bo Weibu's elegant body skills, is simply a spike artifact.

Let Qin Shaofeng be able to kill the masters of the five levels of Lingmai now.

Of course, this is also Qin Shaofeng's good timing and the enemy's psychological grasp, if it is face to face.

Although Qin Shaofeng is not afraid of the masters of the five levels of spiritual veins, it is not so easy to kill the opponent in seconds.

If you know that the tenth layer of the innate martial artist can display the inner qi wall, the inner qi wall of the spirit vein realm is naturally stronger.

Qin Shaofeng is confident, and his Lei Qi, with the writing wheel eyes, can break through the inner energy wall of the five-fold or even six-fold spiritual vein master, but if it is a spike, even the four-fold spiritual vein Qin Shaofeng does not have that full confidence.

Fortunately, once the wall of inner qi is displayed, it has a striking and unique aura. People like the Lu family hide in the dark, and naturally they won't use the wall of inner qi.

Therefore, in combination with these circumstances, Qin Shaofeng completed this spike.

After killing one person, Qin Shaofeng didn't delay, just glanced at the corpse on the ground, and then winked at Lord Tiger.

Master Tiger nodded clearly and jumped out.

The place where Tiger Lord appeared before, but deliberately avoided, ten meters away, another five-tiered master of the Lu Family Lingmai.

Coupled with the spike, it made Lu Dashan too late to call for help and warn.

The five-tiered master of the Lu Family Spirit Vessel who is now ten meters away thought everything was peaceful!

Naturally, Qin Shaofeng would not miss such an opportunity. He also planned to take advantage of the one-minute time limit for the four skills, such as Wukongshu and Shulanyan.

The moment the four major skills were turned on, Lu Dashan died for one second!

In two seconds, Qin Shaofeng confirmed that Lu Dashan was dead.

At the fifth second, Qin Shaofeng motioned to Master Tiger to pass to the next moment.

At the fifteenth second, Lord Tiger pretended to accidentally jump in front of another five-level spiritual vein master.

After another five seconds, what happened to Lu Dashan repeated itself in another five-level spiritual master of the Lu family.

As the system prompt sounded, from the beginning to the end, it was twenty seconds before and after.

But two masters with five levels of spiritual veins died in Qin Shaofeng's hands.

And they were all killed by Qin Shaofeng in seconds.

After killing these two people, Qin Shaofeng didn't act rashly. He didn't plan to go to the next team.

Instead, he took out a rejuvenating pill and took it.

The spiritual energy value instantly recovered to 30%, and Qin Shaofeng's spiritual energy value at this moment once again possessed 6,000 points.

A few minutes later, when Qin Shaofeng used Yi Jinjing to restore 1% of his aura every minute and let his aura return to 7,000, Qin Shaofeng put Tiger Lord into the beast space, sneaked carefully, and came to the second team. The place.

Then, Qin Shaofeng summoned Lord Tiger again.

The next step was to repeat the previous move.

In order to speed up the speed, so as not to have twists and turns, and the five masters of the Lu Family's spirit veins that Qin Shaofeng killed before and after, they all obtained a lot of recovery pills.

Therefore, every time Qin Shaofeng only waited for the one-minute statute of the skill to pass, rested for one or two minutes, and calmed down his mood, before doing it again.

Only half an hour later, the ten spiritual vein five masters of the Lu family team were solved by Qin Shaofeng one by one.

The leapfrog kills of ten five-tiered spirit vein masters brought Qin Shaofeng a full 50,000 experience points.

This allowed Qin Shaofeng's experience value to reach 270,000, and with only less than 30,000 left, Qin Shaofeng could upgrade to the fourth level of spiritual veins.

At this time, apart from the fourth elders of the Lu Family in the cave, there were only three Lu Family masters in the six-level spirit veins.

The six levels of spiritual veins are naturally stronger than the five levels of spiritual veins, but fortunately, the three of them also did not display the walls of inner qi because of the hidden aura.

If not, Qin Shaofeng had no self-confidence at all, and without disturbing others, he would kill one person without interest.

This is a master at the sixth level of Lingmai!

After calming down for a while, Qin Shaofeng began to approach the first six-level spiritual vein master.

This is a Lu family master of the mid-level six-level spiritual vein.


There was a sound, and the huge figure of Lord Tiger appeared in front of the Lu family master.

For the first time, when this Sixth-Layer Spirit Vessel defeated the Lu Family master, his brows were slightly frowned.

"What's the matter? A monster approaching unexpectedly?"

As a master of the six levels of spiritual veins, this person felt that this was the movement of monsters as soon as he heard the movement.

But what made him unhappy was that the ten people in front actually let a monster beast in.

Could something have happened?

As expected to be a master at the Sixth Level of Lingmai, after being unhappy for the first time, he immediately became vigilant in his heart.

But then the appearance of Lord Tiger finally made him breathe a sigh of relief.

"It turned out to be a tiger roaring lion! This is no wonder!"

A mere high-level monster beast with second and third levels of innateness, it doesn't matter if it is put in, the Lu Family master also understands something.

But the next moment, the Lu Family master's expression changed drastically, and a chill rose from the bottom of his heart.

Without even thinking about it, this six-level spiritual vein master flashed away from the spot in an instant.

At the moment of leaving, there was a glimmer of blue light in the eyes of this sixth spiritual master!


He subconsciously gave a low drink, but even so, because of the fourth elder's order, his low drink was extremely small, and he didn't hear a few meters at all.

But after drinking low, the Lu Family master felt a bitter chill, and a feeling of extreme crisis appeared.

not good!

Someone attacked!

A thought appeared in the heart of the Lu Family master in an instant, but before he warned the others, he saw three silver blades shooting at him.

Bang! Bang! Bang!


With three small knocks, the Lu Family master of the Sixth Stage Spirit Vessel's mid-level realm suddenly widened his eyes, holding his throat with both hands, and after a depressed, low-pitched cry, he screamed twice, and then It fell directly to the ground.


After a system prompt, Qin Shaofeng looked at the corpse on the ground and involuntarily touched his forehead, wiping a little sweat from his forehead.

It's so risky!

Qin Shaofeng never expected that this six-tiered Lu Family master would be so to danger.

If it hadn't been for Xiao Li's flying knife for the last time and a three-strike flying knife, I'm afraid it would be completely exposed.

And fortunately, Qin Shao had a spirit, and one of the three flying knives aimed at the man's throat, which made him not exclaim.

If otherwise, once it is alarmed, the three elders in the cave will probably be alarmed as well.

At that time, Qin Shaofeng will definitely be in trouble.

"It seems that I still can't be too careless!"

Recalling the scene just now, and then looking at his remaining aura value of less than 1,000 points, Qin Shaofeng smiled bitterly at the corner of his mouth, and at the same time secretly warned himself.

In any case, no matter what the situation is, you must be careful when you treat your enemies.

Otherwise, the one who died is probably himself!

After treating the corpse a little bit, after covering up the **** smell, after using the Fuling Pill to restore his aura value, Qin Shaofeng ran towards the second Lu Family master with the sixth spiritual vein.

This time, Qin Shaofeng was extremely cautious, and instead of using Leiqie, he used Xiao Li's flying knife and directly used the flying knife triple attack.

Perhaps it was the second Lu Family master with the sixth level of spiritual veins, just at the initial stage of the sixth level of spiritual veins, or maybe this person was not as vigilant as the previous one. Qin Shaofeng's killing was very smooth this time.

The same is true for the third person, the last person.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully killing Lu Mazi, the sixth spiritual vein, and gaining a leapfrog kill experience bonus, and finally gaining 10,000 experience points!"

After a system prompt, except for the fourth elder of the Lu Family who led the team, the Lu Family team was considered to have been destroyed by Qin Shaofeng.


Qin Shaofeng smiled at the corner of Qin Shaofeng's mouth when the last six-level spiritual vein master died.

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for meeting the upgrade requirements, and the level is increased by one level. The current level is the fourth level of Lingmai!"

Because of the leapfrog kills, these thirteen Lu Family spirit vein masters either brought Qin Shaofeng 5,000 points or 10,000 points of kill experience.

With 13 people added up, Qin Shaofeng's experience just reached 80,000.

This plus Qin Shaofeng's more than 220,000 experience points before, which just exceeded 300,000 experience points, Qin Shaofeng smoothly upgraded.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Spirit Vessel Quadruple

Experience value: 1500/400000

Occupation: Devil

Aura value: 20000/20000 (the fourth level of the spiritual veins has 2000 aura points, and the Yi Jin Jing is multiplied by ten times)

Talent roots: body of thunder, body of demon (unawakened), original world

Skills: King's Blessing, Fire Eyes, Golden Eyes, Yi Jin Jing, Xiao Li Fei Dao, Alchemy, Yoga 108, Dancing Sky, Writing Wheel Eyes, Lingbo Microsteps, Lei Dun Lei Ball, Lei Dun Lei Qi , Lei Dun Ninbo Shu Lei Dun Bodyguard

Battle Beast: Tiger Lord

Equipment: None

Task: None

Points: 130,000 points

Title: Devil (unknown)

Star students (Star students of Lianyang Academy are recognized by Lianyang Country, and you can get a five-fold bonus by killing monsters in Lianyang Country!)

Ordinary lottery chance: 0 times

Special chance to draw: 0 times

Skill proficiency: 0 points.

Skill points: 0 points

Skills not learned: none

Props: Special purchase card, ball and ball small vault, Danzun inheritance

Family members: Meng Xin'er, Qin Yue'er, Bai Xue

Although it has been upgraded by one level, its aura value has doubled.

But looking at his aura value of only 20,000 points, Qin Shaofeng always feels a little sad...

Sister, if there is no Yi Jin Jing, Xiao Ye's aura will only be two thousand points!

At two thousand points, such a special average person can have a dual spirit vein!

Crying without tears!

Thinking of this, Qin Shaofeng suddenly raised his head, looking at the cave not far away, his eyes were hot.

Special sister, what to say this time, I have to decide on this profound spirit grass.

Isn't it just a seven-fold spiritual vein?

What are you afraid of!

But even though he thought so in his heart, Qin Shaofeng still didn't dare to be careless.

The first thing Qin Shaofeng did after the upgrade was to upgrade Lord Tiger.

After leaving the Dreamland of the Dream Family, Qin Shaofeng had gained more than one hundred thousand experience points. Therefore, the level 3 experience tree in the original world in his body had produced three level 3 experience fruits with 100,000 experience points.

Qin Shaofeng directly merged the three into one, and then served it to Lord Tiger.

With a dingdong system prompt, Lord Tiger successfully promoted to the seventh spiritual channel, reaching the middle stage of the seventh spiritual channel.

But when he saw the aura of Lord Tiger, Qin Shaofeng felt a burst of envy in his heart.

Battle Beast: Tiger Roaring Lion

Level: Mid-Seventh Spirit Vein

Aura value: 85000/85000

Talented spirit root: Wind and thunder mutant spirit root


Eighty-five thousand!

This person is better than people, oh no, people should be better than tigers, it's so annoying!

However, Lord Tiger didn't realize his master's inner pain at the moment. After his level was raised, he immediately cheered Qin Shaofeng.

What was ushered in was Qin Shaofeng's slap.

What a pity, it is so proud to show up in front of my eyes, looking for it!

Hu Ye was stunned by the photo, and he was a little confused about the situation.

But the small ball beside him smiled knowingly.

Hey, this kid is jealous!

Naturally, Qin Shaofeng would not admit that he was jealous, so he straightened his face and whispered angrily to Master Tiger: "Happy , there is a big boss in it. After you brush him, you won't be proud of it. ?"

Although Lord Tiger didn't understand the big boss of his own population, Qin Shaofeng said this referring to the cave not far away.

Of course, Lord Tiger's purpose this time, he also knew who the people in the cave were.

However, this time, Lord Tiger said confidently: "Boss, don't worry, a human with seven spiritual veins, just watch me slap him to death!"

Having just gained strength, Master Tiger's self-confidence is overwhelming.

But what it greeted was another slap from Qin Shaofeng.

The fourth elder of the Lu family was a master of the seventh stage of the spiritual veins, and Qin Shaofeng would not naively think that after Tiger Lord was promoted to the seventh spiritual vein, he would be able to ignore the fourth elder of the Lu family.

Lord Tiger is indeed a big help, but with his own strength, even if you add Lord Tiger, it will be a little overwhelming!

This may require a good plan.


Noon came soon, and when the sun rose to the middle of the sky, the fourth elder of the Lu family who had been sitting in the cave suddenly burst into light with his eyes suddenly.

Time is up!


It seems to verify the speculation in the hearts of the four elders. The cave that was already a little yellow suddenly shined, and the yellow light shuddered and turned into golden light.

Upon closer inspection, he discovered that in front of the fourth elder of the Lu family, there was a small grass that was golden in size and no more than five inches tall.

The yellow light in the dark cave was emitted by this grass.

At this moment, at noon, the grass seemed to be glowing with strong vitality, bursts of golden light spread out, and the whole cave was shining with golden light.

Seeing this, a trace of excitement flashed in the eyes of the Fourth Elder, and then immediately stood up and took out a jade knife.

Then the four elders carefully cut down the golden grass.


As soon as it was cut by a jade knife, the golden light of the entire cave disappeared instantly, and the golden grass in the hands of the four elders turned into ordinary grass.

Just being more serious, you can still see it, the surface of the grass is swimming with a soft faint golden light.

"This herb is amazing."

Such a weird situation made the Fourth Elder sigh with emotion.

However, he did not dare to look at it more, for fear that the effect of the medicine would fade away. He just took a look, and the four elders immediately took out a jade box, put the grass in the jade box, and then put the jade box in another. Exquisite storage bag.

Finally, the fourth elder solemnly put the storage bag into his immediate arms. After all this was done, the fourth elder left the cave and walked outside.

After leaving the cave, the four elders planned to recruit everyone and rushed back as soon as possible.

But after leaving the cave, the four elders felt a strange situation.

There is a smell of blood!

Although it was very light, the four elders still smelled it.

Not only does it smell of blood, but it is also the smell of human blood!

The face of the Fourth Elder instantly became serious.

He had greeted those three descendants of the six-tiered Lu family.

As soon as he came out of the cave, the three of them would immediately report the movement outside to him.

But he had already come out for a breath or two, let alone the report, the three of them didn't show up at all, everything around was quiet.

Combined with the smell of blood in the air, the four elders knew something was wrong in an instant!

call out!

Suddenly, the four elders saw a flash of silver blade light flashing in front of him, and the sound of breaking through the air burst instantly.

Almost without thinking about it, the fourth elder shook his body subconsciously.


A layer of pale white light instantly emerged from the fourth elder's body, enveloping his entire body.

The wall of inner Qi!

After feeling the dangerous breath brought by the silver blade light, the four elders reacted instantly, condensing the wall of his own inner energy.


The silver light knife light blasted, and on the wall of inner energy condensed by the four elders, there was an explosive sound.

Although this silver blade light did not break through the walls of the fourth elder's inner energy, the huge explosive reaction force shook the fourth elder into the cave a little.

It's so risky!

Feeling this powerful counter-shock force, the four elders felt a cold sweat in their hearts.

Fortunately, he reacted in a timely manner, otherwise he would be seriously injured if the silver blade light slammed on him.

Moreover, feeling the power of this silver blade light, and the speed that passed by, the Fourth Elder had already imagined what the end of the person he brought.

I even thought that one of the people I brought this time was his own son.

A murderous intent burst out of the four elders' hearts.

"Damn, who is it, who is it, dare to deal with the people of my Lu family!"


When the Fourth Elder roared, he suddenly saw a black shadow flashing across the grass in the distance.

"Where does the thief run!"

As soon as he saw the shadow, the fourth elders decided that it was the man who attacked him, and his son and other Lu family members were probably killed by that man.

The four elders were angry and murderous. Without thinking about anything, they roared and rushed up.


The whole body was charged and exploded, making the four elders like a sharp arrow to kill the dark shadow.

Soon, the distance between the two quickly narrowed.

After this close, the four elders were even more shocked.

Because he discovered that the person who attacked him was actually the realm of the four levels of spiritual veins.

But the silver sword light just now, but even he attacked in shock!

How can this be a person with four levels of spiritual veins that can burst out!

But at this moment, the dark shadow in front of him turned his head inadvertently, but it made the Fourth Elder exclaim in exclamation.

"Qin Shaofeng?"

The person who shot this was naturally Qin Shaofeng.

Hearing the four elders' exclamation, Qin Shaofeng's face seemed to flash with panic, and then his whole body burst out, and his speed faintly increased.

It was him!

After seeing Qin Shaofeng's appearance, the four elders were shocked.

Although the Fourth Elder had never seen Qin Shaofeng, he had seen Qin Shaofeng's portrait.

What shocked the four elders was that Qin Shaofeng, who was only in the realm of an innate martial master in the Lu Family's eyes, was actually a master of the four levels of spiritual veins.

This discovery is amazing!

But at the same time, the killing intent in the hearts of the four elders became stronger.

Can't let him survive!

This Qin Shaofeng is less than sixteen years old now. Not only has he cultivated to the fourth level of spiritual veins, but his strength is far above the fourth level of spiritual veins. Once he grows up, he is definitely the enemy of my Lu Family.

A fierce light flashed in his eyes, and the speed of the four elders suddenly increased.

"Huh, it's really no effort to break through the iron shoes and find no place to find it. Qin Shaofeng didn't expect you to take the initiative to send it to your door. Today is your death date!"

While speaking, the Fourth Elder had already arrived ten meters away from Qin Shaofeng's back, and with a sudden wave of his hand, he made a spiritual palm print.


The aura palm prints whizzed and blasted straight towards the back of Qin Shaofeng's head.

But Qin Shaofeng seemed to have long eyes on the back of his head, and his body twisted flexibly before avoiding this palm.


The aura palmprint that Qin Shaofeng had avoided finally hit a huge boulder, which exploded in an instant and turned into countless rubble.

"Huh, little beast, you're pretty good at hiding!"

Seeing Qin Shaofeng avoiding his own attack, the Fourth Elder's expression became cold, and then he said gloomily: "However, this time I see what else can you do..."

call out! call out! call out!

Before the Fourth Elder had finished speaking, he saw Qin Shaofeng suddenly turning his head and threw three silver blade lights at himself.

The Fourth Elder was shocked, and subconsciously prepared to wave his hand to disperse the three silver blade lights.


But at this moment, a huge black shadow suddenly jumped out from the side, and the next moment the four elders heard a trembling tiger roar.


The sudden roar of the tiger shook the four elders instantly.

But at this moment, the three silver blade lights blasted on the inner wall of the fourth elder's body.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With three explosions in succession, the fourth elder suddenly heard a crack in his ears.

Oops, the wall of my inner spirit!

Although these three silver blade lights, even if they were designated by Qin Shaofeng to blast to one place, they still did not blast apart the four elders.

There is no way, these four elders are masters of the seven levels of spiritual veins after all, and their spiritual energy value exceeds forty thousand points. The natural defense of this inner Qi wall is amazing.

Moreover, the four elders had already reacted at this moment, ready to start repairing the inner Qi wall.

But at this moment, sizzle—suck!

The Fourth Elder suddenly heard a weird noise, and subconsciously looked up, and then he saw Qin Shaofeng rushing towards him with a blank expression on his face.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng's hands were shining with blue current.

Lei Dun Lei cut with both hands!

This was the fourth Lei Dun that the source of Lei Dun had awakened after Qin Shaofeng was promoted to the Spirit Vein Realm.

Lei Dun two-handed Lei Qi: One of Lei Dun's ninjutsu awakened by the source of Lei Dun, the Lei Dun ninjutsu pioneered by Konoha elite Kakashi Kakashi in "Naruto". Special skills cannot be upgraded. Raeche's derivative move focuses the aura on his hands when activated, and creates two Raeche, inflicting double damage on the enemy. Because this technique belongs to the thunder escape and is powerful, it will consume a lot of aura value.

Effect: Although it is a skill that cannot be upgraded, its power can increase as the player's level increases. At present, every time it is cast, it consumes half of the player's aura.

Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng was promoted to the fourth level of spiritual veins, and his spiritual energy reached 20,000.

Otherwise, once these two-handed Leiqi are used, other skills will not have enough aura to use.

Seeing that Qin Shaofeng's hands were so weird, the Fourth Elder felt bad, especially the blue light current that made him smell extremely dangerous.

But the previous tiger roar shook him a bit by surprise. Not only did his body's aura appear chaotically, he was also in a daze and unable to move..

If it were normal, the Fourth Elder would not be in a hurry, because the impact of this tiger's roar would be a breath of time at most.

With the wall of inner qi, he didn't need to be afraid of anything in this mere breath.

But now it is different!

Qin Shaofeng's hands made him feel dangerous, but even if he was impatient, he could only watch Qin Shaofeng approach.


In a flash, Qin Shaofeng appeared in front of the Fourth Elder, and then Qin Shaofeng stretched out his right hand without hesitation.


After an electric shock blasted, the four elders heard a click.


Immediately, Qin Shaofeng shattered the inner wall of the Fourth Elder's body.

And at the moment when the wall of Qi inside the Fourth Elder's body shattered, Qin Shaofeng's left hand flashed blue electric current to the Fourth Elder's .

"Ah! Get out of me!"

The crisis came, and the four elders burst into unprecedented power, and with a low growl, he finally found that he could move.

Before it was too late to condense the wall of inner Qi again, the four elders stretched out their hands and blocked his right hand against his .


In the end, Qin Shaofeng's left hand Lei Che slammed into the fourth elder's right hand.


Without any accident, facing the final blow of Qin Shaofeng's two-handed Leiqi at this moment, the right hand of the Fourth Elder was instantly broken.

"Ah, I am going to kill you, little beast!"

The moment the right hand came out of severe pain, the fourth elder knew that his right hand was completely abolished.

This made him instantly angry and murderous.

In the anger, the four elders instantly counterattacked.


The intact left hand of the Fourth Elder slapped Qin Shaofeng's head abruptly.

Seeing this move of the Fourth Elder, I couldn't wait to slap Qin Shaofeng on the head.

But Qin Shaofeng had been prepared for a long time, and he dodged the palm of the Fourth Elder, and his body instantly retreated.

Rao Qin Shaofeng reacted in a timely manner, but the fourth elders shot out in a rage, and the speed and power were much higher than before.

In the end, the palm of the four elders passed Qin Shaofeng's shoulder.

Qin Shaofeng felt a fierce pain in his right shoulder even if it was only a light brush, and his entire right hand was in a state of weakness for a while.

But for such a result, the Fourth Elder was not satisfied at all, and even because he did not slap Qin Shaofeng's head to pieces, his heart was raging, and despite the sharp pain in his right hand, he shot Qin Shaofeng again.

But this time, Qin Shaofeng just looked at him, did not hide in the slightest, and even showed a trace of disdain at the corner of his mouth.

But at this moment, the four elders were so angry that they would still think so much.

However, at the moment of the shot, the Fourth Elder faintly felt that he had forgotten something.

Soon, he knew what he had forgotten.

"Roar, you are what you are, you dare to ignore your tiger master, are you looking for trouble?"

This roar reminded the Fourth Elder in an instant. The huge figure that stunned himself before seemed to be a tiger monster.

But it can talk?

What's going on?

No one answered the doubts in the four elders' hearts, and the four elders didn't have so much time to think about it.

In fact, when the roar came, the four elders felt that an aura that was no weaker than himself had already appeared behind him instantly.

Before he turned around, the four elders suddenly felt that a huge tiger's palm came from behind him.

Then, with a puff, the four elders instantly vomited blood and flew forward.

During the flight, the fourth elder's eye seemed to see it, a silver light flashed, and then he felt a sudden pain in his , suffocating to death.

It's really frustrated!

After all, the fourth elder of the Lu Family is a master at the seventh stage of the spiritual veins, and his strength is much stronger than the average person, and even the spiritual energy value is close to 50,000 points.

This is also the case, otherwise how could he be the fourth elder of the Lu family!

Unfortunately, he met Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng first deliberately exposed in front of him, and then pretended to panic and fled, leading the Fourth Elder into the ambush where the Tiger Lord was, before he was ready for a tiger roar, he shocked the Fourth Elder.

And the next attack was even more unprepared for the four elders. In the end, the four elders didn't even show half of their strength, so they died.

If you still don't feel aggrieved in this way, what kind of death is there to be aggrieved?

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for successfully killing Lu Zhengqun, the seventh spiritual vein, and gaining a leapfrog kill experience bonus, and finally gaining 10,000 experience points!"

Although the four elders are in the seven levels of spiritual veins, Qin Shaofeng has now raised one level, so by killing the four elders, Qin Shaofeng only gained 10,000 points of experience.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't care about this.

Ignoring the tiger who came to ask for credit, Qin Shaofeng went directly to the fourth elder's body. After searching, he finally found what he was looking for, the fourth elder's storage bag.

Enduring the excitement in his heart, Qin Shaofeng's mental power began to penetrate into the storage bag.


Qin Shaofeng took a deep breath as soon as his mental power entered the storage bag.

The storage bag has a small space, but it is also ten cubic meters, and there are a lot of gold tickets stacked in it.

Although Qin Shaofeng had a contribution point after entering Lianyang Academy, he didn't have any requirements for the golden ticket.

But here is Lianyang State, and Lianyang State officials still advocate gold ticket trading.

In fact, this is also true of other two countries. After all, with the circulating money, we can communicate better!

And these four elders are worthy of being the four elders of the Lu family. They just swept their mental strength, and Qin Shaofeng discovered that the sum of these golden tickets might have exceeded three million taels.

The gold ticket is naturally gold!

Three million taels of gold, this is a huge wealth!

In layman's terms, it is an ordinary sky-level one-star pill, which is worth hundreds of thousands of taels of gold. Even the best sky-level one-star pill is at most one million taels of gold.

And three million taels of gold, not only can you buy three good heaven-level one-star pill, you can even buy an ordinary heaven-level two-star pill.

Of course, the premise is that there is a market.

In addition to these three million taels of gold tickets, Qin Shaofeng also found a lot of Fuling Pills and other good prefecture-level pill from the storage bag of the Fourth Elder.

However, what delighted Qin Shaofeng most was his goal this time.


With a slight flash, Qin Shaofeng had a jade box in his hand.

At this time, Xiaoqiuqiu also seemed to know something. Without Qin Shaofeng's summoning, he suddenly flashed to the jade box and opened it directly.

As soon as the jade box was opened, Qin Shaofeng saw it, and there was an ordinary herb lying in it.

Although his appearance was ordinary, what Qin Shaofeng saw with his eyes was not ordinary at all!

Profound Spirit Grass: Holy grade one-star medicinal material, which has the powerful effect of transforming spiritual roots. After taking it, you can obtain powerful mutant spiritual roots, which are rare sacred medicinal materials.

Although the introduction of Xuan Lingcao's attributes was short and concise, Qin Shaofeng was ecstatic when he saw it, and the corners of his mouth were almost cracked behind his ears.

But at this time, the ball suddenly yelled.

"Asshole, which **** did this stupid thing! He actually cut the profound spirit grass by the roots, doesn't he know that the root and stem is the most complete profound spirit grass?"

The little thing is obviously very angry, and the fleshy round face is full of anger.

Qin Shaofeng snorted in his heart, and quickly asked, "What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

"It was wrong, of course it was wrong, and it was still a big mistake!"

Xiaoqiuqiu said with unresolved anger, and then explained to Qin Shaofeng.

After listening to Xiaoqiuqiu's explanation, Qin Shaofeng understood a little.

It turns out that this profound spirit grass is the most complete profound spirit grass with roots and stems, so that it can exert its greatest ability.

If it is not complete, unless the luck is so overwhelming, and the bloodline possesses some peculiarities, otherwise the profound spirit grass will not play the role at all.

But the chance of this is not great. Basically, people who take Incomplete Profound Spirit Grass have only slightly improved their physique.

Although the rhizomes can allow the mysterious spirit grass to grow again, the mysterious spirit grass without rhizomes can be considered a three-star and four-star level at best, and it is no longer considered a holy medicinal material.

Hearing Xiaoqiuqiu's words like this, Qin Shaofeng was a bit scolding.

"I'll wipe it, if I knew I would do it sooner!"

Of course, Qin Shaofeng was just talking about this, and if he really did it earlier, it would not be a good result for him.

However, Qin Shaofeng was envious of Na Luo Yun at this moment.

From the words of Xiaoqiuqiu, it is not difficult to guess that Luo Yun was only taking the incomplete Profound Spirit Grass back then. That person was so lucky that he finally awakened the mutant spirit root.

Qin Shaofeng really envied it.