
I really don't want to fall in love with my master

This novel is specifically designed for my one so I don't care about anything

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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50 Chs

531 to 540

Please, I Really Didn't Want To Fall in Love With My Master! 531

Chapter 531

Chapter 531 Dragon Egg Adventures!

"Playing eggs?"

Leng Wuyan was stunned for a moment, then followed Li Ran's gaze and looked down.

He was holding a red rope in his hand, and a strange creature was tied to the end of the red rope.

The snow-white eggshell has not been completely broken, but the limbs and tail have been exposed, covered with fine and neat scales, reflecting a faint metallic luster.

There are two more round holes in the front, exactly where the two eyes are.

The eggshell looked like it was wearing on the body.

Hatched, but not fully hatched.

"Is this the dragon egg?"

Leng Wuyan came back to his senses and couldn't say anything: "It's almost hatched?"

All the attention just now was on Li Ran, and the dragon egg deliberately hidden it, resulting in her not paying attention to the existence of this dragon egg.

"This speed is too fast!"

Leng Wuyan frowned slightly.

Although she can't fully understand the dragon creatures, she still knows part of it.

The higher the level of life, the more difficult it is to reproduce.

This is the balance of the laws of heaven and earth. If the strong can reproduce arbitrarily, the creatures at the lower end of the food chain will have no room for survival.

The dragon clan is the best representative.

The dragon does not need to practice, because all the inheritance and memory have been passed down to the next generation with the blood.

In other words, the strength of the dragon is already doomed at the moment of birth.

The purer the bloodline, the stronger the father's generation, the stronger one's own strength.

You don't need to do anything, just wait for the bloodline to gradually awaken. It is true that you can become stronger while lying down.

The price of this is that reproduction has become the biggest problem.

The effort required by the dragons to give birth to an egg is beyond imagination.

Even if an egg can lay, the probability of successful incubation is very small, and the time is generally very long, even hundreds of years are normal.

This also allowed the number of dragons to be maintained at a reasonable level.

But the dragon egg in front of him is obviously an alien.

Although I don't know what kind of dragon it is, what is certain is that its blood is very pure. This kind of dragon cannot be hatched for hundreds of years.

But now it has only been taken back by Li Ran for a few days, not only has it passed the most dangerous stage and successfully survived, but it has also been hatched for most of it?

This made Leng Wuyan a little incomprehensible.

Facing her searching gaze, Long Dan couldn't help but hit Ji Ling, silently hiding behind Li Ran.

The little paw grabbed his trouser legs, and there was a depressed whimper in his throat, looking extremely nervous.

It has an impression on the woman in front of him.

When I was still in the shell, I was stimulated by this woman's Spirit Power. I wanted to show the majesty of the dragon clan, but I was directly scared to death by the other party.

The strength of this woman is far beyond her imagination!

Although I didn't see the other person's appearance at the time, it definitely can't remember this breath!

For its own safety, it decided to temporarily put aside the pride of the dragon clan, and honestly behave as a shrunken egg.

But Leng Wuyan obviously didn't intend to let it go.

With a wave of her sleeves, the dragon egg was directly sucked up by the invisible force and fell into her hands.

Leng Wuyan pinched its tail, carried it in front of his eyes, and looked at it carefully.

"I actually hatched this breath, it's the breath of a real dragon~"?"

"That's right.

Li Ran nodded, "It can hatch so fast, probably because of dragon energy. I absorbed a lot of dragon energy during the breakthrough Realm, and it seems to have a great impact on it. It changed soon after my breakthrough. That's it."


Leng Wuyan raised her eyebrows, looked at the dragon egg, and said with a deep meaning: "Can you sense dragon energy? It seems that you are not an ordinary dragon."


Long Dan shook his body, turned around awkwardly, looked at Li Ran, and signaled for help.

Although Leng Wuyan had no intention to kill, but still let it instinctively have a sense of crisis.

This is a warning from blood, this woman's strength is far beyond her imagination!

However, Li Ran turned a blind eye to its request for help, which made Dragon Egg more and more nervous.

Not long after I came out, I met a dragon tester, and now he was carried by this dangerous woman. The outside world is too dangerous, right? The memory in the bloodline is not like this!

Could it be that after so many years, the dragon clan has become the plaything of this group of ants from the nobles of the past?

Long Dan couldn't help but suspect that the dragon was born.

Fortunately, Leng Wuyan was not interested in it, so she looked at it for a while and threw it aside.

The dragon egg was pardoned and flew directly back to Li Ran, clutching his clothes and hiding behind him.

Seeing this, Leng Wuyan raised her eyebrows slightly, "This young dragon seems to stick to you?"

Dragons have always been arrogant, even if they are strong from other races, they cannot change the fact that they are inferior bloodlines.

What's more, the human race has been in conflict with the dragon race, and the relationship is even worse.

But this dragon egg is different.

It seems that I trust Li Ran very much, it is almost dependent on it, which is obviously not right.

Li Ran shrugged, "|This may also have something to do with Dragon Qi, anyway since it was hatched, it has always listened to me."

Leng Wuyan nodded.

It makes sense to say that.

Although there is no close connection between Dragon Qi and the Dragon Clan, the dragon egg hatched under the effect of Dragon Qi, and it is understandable to be kind to Li Ran.

After all, he is the only Dragon Qi controller in this world.

Li Ran sighed, "However, it is not the same as the dragon I imagined.


Leng Wuyan curiously asked, "What do you think the dragon should look like?"

"Don't talk about anything else, at least it should be more mighty and domineering, right?"

Li Ran reached out and grabbed the dragon egg. Its limbs were still struggling in the air, as if it was paddling (for money).

"Looking at its dull look, it is obvious that my mind is not so good that I originally wanted to use it as a mount. Now it seems that riding it will probably get lost, right?"

Li Ran looked helpless.

"Ao Wu Cha Cha!'

Long Dan let out a cry of dissatisfaction.

It is a noble dragon, how can it be a mount for others?

This is an insult to its noble blood!

Ahem, of course, Li Ran is special.

If he wants to ride, he can't think about it

Long Dan didn't know what he thought of, his fleshy little paws covered his face, as if he was a little shy.


Leng Wuyan looked at Dragon Egg and then at Li Ran, suddenly feeling a little strange in her heart.

There seems to be an inexplicable sense of crisis…

She shook her head secretly, clearing the distracting thoughts from her mind.

"Probably not, this is a dragon!".

Chapter 532

Chapter 532 The feelings of the dragon knight, the dragon egg is still a potential stock?

"Riding a dragon?"

Leng Wuyan frowned slightly, wondering: "What can a dragon ride? Why do you have such weird thoughts?"

She had never heard of a dragon as a mount.

The relationship between the dragon and the human race was very rigid, and it can almost be described with the same force as water and fire.

The human race considers itself the master of this world, while the dragon race considers itself noble and refuses to subdue to others. The two races compete for the limited resources of the vast land.

In ancient times, the human and dragon tribes had more than one war broke out, and the bloody fighting between each other almost never stopped.

There has never been a dragon that would serve as a mount for a human race

Besides, what's the point of riding a dragon?

The strong can travel through the void and travel thousands of miles in an instant. The general practitioners can also fly with swords. No matter how bad they are, there are all kinds of flying Magic Treasures and spells.

Who would risk his life to tame a dangerous dragon?

Leng Wuyan couldn't understand at all.

Li Ran shook his head, "Master doesn't understand, this is a feeling for the disciple!"


Leng Wuyan was a little at a loss, "Could it be that riding a dragon has become a tradition?"

Li Ran nodded, looking yearning: "Almost, after all, who can refuse to be a dragon knight?"

"Dragon Knight…

Leng Wuyan was stunned when he heard the words, and asked: "What does that mean?"

"Uh, this

Li Ran scratched his head and explained: "This is the name of a profession, synonymous with Xiaoxiao Wine and 820 Pulling Wind. Master can imagine that riding a dragon is definitely better than riding a Flying Sword. handsome!

Leng Wuyan rubbed her eyebrows.

What is this guy talking about

After doing it for a long time, his purpose of incubating the dragon eggs is that he will be more "pull the wind" if he rides out in the future?

This left her speechless for a while.


Leng Wuyan looked at the dragon egg he was holding, Didn't know whether to laugh or cry and said, "Although I haven't heard of any dragon knights, this dragon is still quite special. Maybe it will. Maybe you can ride it."

The young dragon in front of him is obviously a different kind.

Although it still maintains the disgusting arrogance, it does not have much hatred towards the human race, and it is very dependent on Li Ran's attitude.

The most important thing is how does she feel that this dragon egg is quite willing to be ridden?

(ajeh) "Woo~"

Long Dan raised his small fist and waved vigorously into the air.

It means that he has a bottom line, and he will definitely not become a human mount!


If Li Ran really wants to ride, it's not impossible to think about it.

Li Ran shook his head and said helplessly: "But looking at it like this, my plan should be lost."

This dragon egg doesn't seem to have anything to do with domineering, and its IQ seems to be a bit worrying.

Riding a dragon is meant to be handsome, but riding this guy out, the probability is to give yourself a Losing face, right?


The dragon egg pushed his waist bulgingly.

It was keenly aware that own Runge was insulted.

Some Leng Wuyan Didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

She found that she really couldn't see through Li Ran, and those Heavenly Horse thoughts were elusive.

"But you don't have to be discouraged.

Seeing Li Ran's loss, Leng Wuyan shook his head and said: "This young dragon is not that simple. Although I don't know what dragon it is, the purity of its blood is very amazing."

"And I can feel the dragon Qi. To be honest, I haven't heard of it."

The hatching speed of a dragon egg depends on the awakening degree of its own blood.

The bloodline awakening can only rely on oneself, theoretically there is no shortcut to go, but the dragon egg can be catalyzed by the dragon gas, which shows that its bloodline is very special.

Li Ran was taken aback when he heard the words, and waited for the late stage: "According to Master, is this dragon egg still a potential stock?"

Leng Wuyan nodded, "There must be potential, but I am not sure whether it is suitable for a mount."

After all, this requirement is indeed a bit too outrageous.


Long Dan raised his two small arms and showed the two biceps that were not strong.

Obviously I want to show that I have unlimited potential.

Li Ran sighed.

The more I look, the more I look like a second-hand

Is this sure to grow into the dragon of your imagination?

It feels difficult.

Leng Wuyan thought of something and continued: "Although this dragon grows at an amazing speed, it will take a certain amount of time to wait for its bloodline to fully awaken.'

"Prior to this, you'd better not let it leave Sect, otherwise it is likely to be coveted by the strong."

As the ancient super monster clan, the dragon clan has been extinct in the vast land for many years, but this does not affect people's greed for it in the slightest.

Most people are okay, if it attracts the attention of the emperor, it will be troublesome.

At the beginning, Ming Jing tried his best to get this dragon egg from Chen Yundao.

The purpose is naturally not to play the nurturing game, but to gain the inheritance from the blood of the dragon clan, and then to uncover some of the secrets of the year.

Only halfway through was cut off by Leng Wuyan.

It can be seen that the dragon clan has a lot of attraction to the emperor-level power.

Li Ran nodded, "The disciple knows in his heart."

As he said, he looked at the dragon egg in his hand, "Have you heard? The outside world is very dangerous. If you don't want to die, just stay here and don't sneak outside.'


Long Dan's voice was a bit wronged.

The outside world is dangerous?

It has already met a dragon slayer here, as well as the terrifyingly powerful woman in front of him. It is even more dangerous here, no matter how you look at it!

Nevertheless, it nodded obediently.

In any case, it must stay by Li Ran's side, after all, this is the only person it trusts in this world.

Dragon Egg was lying on Li Ran's shoulders, squinting his eyes as if he was asleep.

As long as you stay by his side, your heart will be particularly stable.

"Master, I

Li Ran raised his head to look at Leng Wuyan, as if he wanted to say something, but he wanted to say nothing.

Leng Wuyan raised her eyebrows, "If you have something to say, why are you hesitant?"

"Ahem, it's actually nothing.

Li Ran touched his nose, Shan said with a smile: "The master hasn't answered the disciple yet, what are you going to do about the Sheng clan?"

He actually doesn't care about Sheng Ye's life and death, but is simply afraid of involving the two princesses.

Don't look at Leng Wuyan being so cute and infatuated in front of him, as cute as a little girl in love, but in front of other people, this is the murderous jade face Rakshasa!

Although she showed Li Ran the most enthusiastic side, the coldness in her bones cannot be changed.

In her eyes, except for a few people, everyone else is no different from the grass.

If you kill, you will kill, without the slightest hesitation and psychological burden.

In case, the two princesses were cut off..

Li Ran gave a shock.

It's too late to regret at that time!.

Chapter 533

Chapter 533 Why do women embarrass women?

"I know you are thinking about this!"

Leng Wuyan glared at Li Ran angrily.

Isn't he just worried that he will get angry and will involve the two princesses at that time?

After a while, I've been asking sideways and asking several times!

Although this love letter was Sheng Ye's idea, the premise must be that the relationship between the three of them is already very close, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to write such a sincere letter!

Thinking of this, the cold head began to feel jealous again.

"Ahem, this one

Li Ran scratched his head, "The disciple does have a good relationship with the two princesses, but it's definitely not as good as the master thought."

"To what extent do you think?"

Leng Wuyan snorted, "If you can write such a blatant love letter, I guess you guys would have hummed early, forget it, let's kill them all!"

"do not."

Li Ran suddenly panicked.

Although he knew that Master was talking angry words, but for her, killing two people was just a casual thing-love.

Even if the other party is expensive as a princess, there is no difference in her eyes, and there will be no burden in her heart.

"Master is absolutely forbidden!"

He said anxiously: "The two princesses are very good to the disciples. If the master shot them just because of two letters, wouldn't he put the disciples into an unrighteous situation?"

Leng Wuyan's face sank, "According to you, this seat has become a villain?"

Li Ran hurriedly waved his hand and said, "The disciple actually is not that meaning

"What if this seat must be killed?"

Seeing Leng Wuyan's expressionless face, Li Ran fell into silence.

For a while, the surrounding air quieted down.

After a long while, he slowly shook his head and said, "The master is super powerful. Naturally, he kills whoever he wants to kill, let alone disciples. Who can stop him in the world?"


Leng Wuyan was taken aback when he heard the words.

She didn't expect Li Ran to give this answer.

Suddenly there was a little ambition in my heart.

Could it be that the tone was too serious just now and made the other person angry?

Li Ran then continued: "However, the disciple still does not recommend Master to do this.

Leng Wuyan wondered: "Why do you say that?"

Li Ran said solemnly: "I admit that the two princesses have a good impression of me, and I can understand Master's feelings.

"But if Master kills them, can it really solve the problem?"

"It's useless, a good man like me, no matter where he is, he is as vivid and outstanding as a firefly in the dark. My melancholy eyes, chic temperament, and super talents are all Make countless girls go crazy."

"Today the two Sheng clan princesses fell down, and tomorrow there will be thousands of princesses standing up!'

"Can Master still kill all the girls in the world?"

"Why do women embarrass women!"

He had a heavy tone, and sighed long after speaking.

It put on a sorrowful look of "It's not my fault to be handsome."

Leng Wuyan brows jumped, trying to restrain the urge to hammer him.

This guy pretended to be deep for so long, just to show that he is very attractive?

It's too much beating!

But after the other party interrupted like this, she herself couldn't hold herself up a bit, and the murderous aura she had finally created disappeared.

It is true to be jealous just now, but the murderous intention is false.

She didn't really intend to kill the two princesses.

Actually is not, she is soft-hearted, but she is simply afraid of Li Ran being angry

What's more, what Li Ran said just now, although it sounds outrageous, but thinking about it, it makes some sense.

There are indeed too many women around him.

And with his character, it is estimated that there will only be more and more in the future, can it really kill them all?

The reason why Leng Wuyan said so was just to test Li Ran's attitude.

In the end, this guy was so pissed off

"Listening to you, how many girls do you want to hook up in the future?"

Leng Wuyan squeezed his ears, and said with an aura: "The woman next to you can't count with both hands, right? You are still endless!"

Not only did Li Ran not break free, but instead stretched out his hand to embrace her in his arms, and said with a smile: "Master, don't worry, no matter how many women there are, you will always be their Big Sister."


"Bah! Who is going to be Big Sister!"

Leng Wuyan's cheeks were slightly red, and she stepped on her feet in shame.

She had never seen such a thick-skinned person!

Li Ran hugged her slender waist and said seriously: "The disciple is serious, and the respected master is always the most important and irreplaceable one in the heart of the disciple. This is a fact that no one can change. . "

"Huh, rhetoric

Leng Wuyan tilted her head, the corners of her mouth slightly cocked.

She knew that Li Ran said this to prevent her from attacking the two princesses.

0...…Look for flowers...

But I couldn't help but feel a little excited.

Who will let the cold master eat this set?

The two eyes faced each other, the atmosphere suddenly became more subtle, and the distance became closer and closer.

Leng Wuyan's cheeks became red, and his eyes became slightly blurred.


Long Dan stretched out his small paws, closed the two holes, and consciously covered his eyes.

Before Shen Qin wanted to get close to Li Ran, he was forcibly interrupted by it, but faced with the powerful Leng Wuyan, although he felt uncomfortable, his reason made him choose to shut up.

It's just that there is a sour emotion in my heart that continues to spread.


The disciples in front of the post office got together more and more.


They were all attracted by the movement here.

Seeing the howling tornado in front of them, everyone's throats tightened a little.

"What's wrong? Who would dare to take action at Luo Xuefeng?'

Later disciples still didn't know the situation.

Others shook their heads and said, "Who else can? Naturally it is the head of the boss!"

"It was fine just now, who knows why the boss suddenly became angry."

"It seems to be because of Holy Son?"

"Well, it looks like this, now the headmaster and Holy Son are in the storm, and I don't know what happened."

"I hope Master Holy Son is okay

"Oh, it's hard to say, you haven't seen how terrifying the movement just now!"

"Holy Son won't"

Everyone talked about it all at once.

Many people are beginning to worry about Li Ran's fate.

Although he blamed Sect Holy Son, but the head of the temper is also famous, if she really angered her, no one knows what will happen.

At this moment, the violent storm suddenly subsided.

The howling tornado dissipated, and the snow entrapped in it also slowly fell, and the figures of the two gradually appeared.


Seeing the scene before them, everyone was stunned.

I saw Leng Wuyan standing with her hand in her hand, the robe of her clothes was blowing and hunting.

The small cherry lips are rosy and pleasant, the eyes are sparkling like autumn water, and the blush is still on the pretty face.

"Are you sure the head is angry?"

A female disciple swallowed her saliva and cautiously said: "Why does it look a bit wrong, it seems like it is" spoon.

Chapter 534

Chapter 534 The shy and angry master, the green tea attribute of the dragon egg!

The storm cleared.

Looking at the two people in front of them, the disciples were a little stunned.

I saw Leng Wuyan standing there, her pretty face flushed slightly, not only was she not angry at all, but she seemed to have a hint of shyness.

And Li Ran stood aside, with a faint smile on his face, and a strange creature lying on his shoulders, covering his eyes with his paws.

They are like a pair of bi people, and they seem to have an indescribable harmony.

I was still worried about Li Ran's female disciples just now, so I couldn't help swallowing.

There seems to be something wrong with the state of the head!

"Didn't you say that the leader is angry? How do you feel that she is quite happy?"

The later female disciple looked puzzled and couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

Others are also a bit weird.

"The headmaster was really angry just now, the entire Luoxue Peak was earthquake!"

"Yes" August 20, I see that the head's face has changed."

"I saw it too, but now it seems to be in a good mood."

"I don't know what the master and Holy Son did in the center of the storm

"Shhh, silence!"

Disciples whispered.

Leng Wuyan heard it, her pretty face turned redder, and she gave Li Ran a hateful look.

"It's all this guy, I have to make trouble."

Recalling what happened just now, she conditioned her lips to block her lips, wishing to find a place to sew in.

Although the storm was engulfing the snow just now, blocking the sight of others.

But in full view, being so frivolous by him still made Leng Wuyan a little bit unable to look up.

She hid her bare hands behind her, and quietly pinched Li Ran.

Although the lips did not move, but the voice of shame and anger rang in the ears, "The rebel, all blame you!"


Li Ran's painful face turned green.

But being watched by so many people, I can only grit my teeth and say nothing.

He found that Shizun likes to pinch people more and more, think about it carefully, it seems that Master Qinglan always does this.

Is this a special hobby of the empress?

When Leng Wuyan twisted the soft flesh around his waist to the third lap, Li Holy Son finally couldn't stand it.

Relying on the wide robe to block it, he directly attacked, and his left hand quickly caught her slender waist.


Leng Wuyan's body stiffened, and then her cheeks instantly became red and transparent, and her snow-white earlobes turned into a charming pink.

"Rebel, what are you doing? Don't let it go!"

She gritted her teeth, but did not dare to make a sound.

I want to leave directly through the air, but I can't lift it up with any strength.

Li Ran smiled brightly and said through the sound transmission: "Master can consider the disciple's proposal this time, right?"

"Huh, this seat will definitely not"

Before he could finish speaking, his body was shocked, his legs and feet softened, and he almost sat on the ground.

"Head, are you okay?

The deacon on the side asked with concern: "You don't seem to look good on your face."

"I'm fine here."

Leng Wuyan shook her head, her eyes erratic.

"Rebel, let go, so many people are watching!"

She was biting her lip, she was about to lose herself, and secretly stepped on her foot and said, "I promise you can't do it!"

If this continues, she may really be embarrassed!

Li Ran accepted it as soon as he saw it, silently retracted his hand, and said with a smile: "Thank you Master for his teaching, I have to go back and continue my practice, so I won't waste your time here."

Although Leng Wuyan was ashamed and angry, she couldn't show anything in front of everyone.

Yun Danfeng let out a light "um", and then flew away on his own.

Just before leaving, Li Ran gave Li Ran a bitter look.

Li Ran watched her leave, and wiped her cold sweat with her hand.

"It almost got cold. Fortunately, this Holy Son is witty."

If you didn't make things clear just now, or let the master leave with anger, then the consequences might be really unimaginable!

He himself was fine, but the two princesses were worried about their lives.

Although Leng Wuyan didn't calm down now, but with Li Ran's understanding of her, he shouldn't be murderous anymore.

Disciples watched the boss leave, and the tense atmosphere finally relaxed.

The atmosphere was also a lot of lively for a while.

"It turns out that the headmaster was not angry just now, but was instructing Holy Son to practice?"

"Well, it should be like this.

"Let me just say, the relationship between the head and Holy Son is so harmonious, how can they suddenly turn their faces?"

"It should be Lord Holy Son who broke through the new Realm, and the head is showing him the Taoism.

"Who was talking nonsense just now? The victim was worried for a long time for nothing.


Seeing Leng Wuyan leaving, Long Dan also regained his spirit.

The fleshy little paws gestured and let out a roar of righteous indignation.

It probably means: that woman is too violent and has a bad temper. Unlike me, I will only love Big Brother~

It's totally different from the previous counsel.

I forgot that when I was being carried by the other party, I didn't even dare to put a fart.

"Oh, why didn't you say it in person just now if you have the ability?"

Li Ran has no regard for his green tea behavior.

The dragon egg pinched his waist, and hummed: "Woohoochacha, Xixichaka! (Just now it was just a tactical evasion, the noble dragons will not be afraid of any enemies!)"

Li Ran rubbed his eyebrows.

How do you feel that this dragon egg's face is getting thicker and thicker?

Is this also a heritage in blood?

Still talking about following my ears and eyes


He thought of something and said: "You have been hatched for a while, and you don't know what your name is?"


Long Dan's eyes were also a little blank.

After studying for a long time, Li Ran could figure it out.

The dragon clan is similar to the human clan. They are given names by their father dragons, or follow the names of their companion dragons.

On this issue, the Dragon Race is more rigorous than the Human Race.

Because the name is not just a simple address for them, once the name is recognized, it will be branded in the blood, a badge that will follow a lifetime, and even stimulate the energy in the depths of the bleeding.

This is an extremely important 4.7 ceremony for the dragons.

Li Ran shook his head, "I'm sorry, you can't find your ethnic group here, and there is no way to hold a naming ceremony for you."

This dragon egg came from Samsara.

There may also be dragons in the vast land, but those ancient survivors are hidden deep and haven't appeared for many years. It is unrealistic to help them find their own clan.


Dragon Egg didn't seem to care much about it.

Anyway, even if it finds the ethnic group, it still has to stay by Li Ran's side

It tilted its head and looked at Li Ran, not knowing what it was thinking of, and said a little shyly: "Wow, yeah? (Why don't you give me a name?)


Li Ran was stunned for a moment, scratching his head and said, "This doesn't seem appropriate, right?"

"Yohoo? (Why?)

"I'm not your father."

Chapter 535

Chapter 535 Canglan dragon clan, the dragon egg hatches!

Li Ran looked at the dragon egg suspiciously.

Although they are relatively close, he is a human race after all, which is fundamentally different from it.

No matter what, it's not my turn to name it, right?

The dragon egg said: "Wow Ming Yika, roar! (You are my friend, and friends can also name each other. This is normal for us.)"

"I'm not worried.

Li Ran scratched his head and said: "Mainly, don't you dragons always regard yourself noble? Let me be a human being to name you, so I won't insult your noble blood?"

After all, the meaning of the name to the dragon clan is extraordinary.

Long Dan shook his head and said seriously: "Hoho Pinchao, oooooooo!

(Don't compare yourself with those humble ants, your breath is so noble, your blood is so pure, you are as supreme as I am.)"


Li Ran covered his face, some Didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Since when has he been so noble?

He guessed that it should be the effect of dragon energy.

But one thing 09 attracted his attention, and Dragon Egg seemed to have mentioned the bloodline just now.

He did awaken his blood, but that was the power of Blood Demon from Li Hanjiang, the ancient emperor of the Li family, what does it have to do with the dragon clan?

Seeing the cute look of Dragon Egg, Li Ran shook his head.

Maybe this guy feels wrong, right?

"So, are you sure you let me name you?"

Li Ran asked uncertainly.


Long Dan nodded seriously.

For some reason, Li Ran always feels as if he is still looking forward to it.


Li Ran thought for a while, a little embarrassed: "But I'm not very good at naming things, let alone naming dragons, or just call you Ah Dan?"

This name is speechless to Dragon Egg.

It suddenly regrets letting Li Ran name himself…

The dragon egg slowed down for a while before shaking his head and shook his head: "Hey, hey (my last name is Canglan and belongs to the Cangqiong Dragon Clan)

This is the memory from the blood, which is constantly being activated as it grows.

But the only thing I can recall at the moment is that I belonged to the Canglan line, which is a relatively special existence in the dragon clan, and other information is not very clear.

Li Ran squeezed his chin, "In other words, your surname is Cang Lan, I just need to give you a name?"

"Roar. (Yes.)

Dragon Egg nodded vigorously.

"Cang cough cough, otherwise I'll call you Jing Kong?"

Li Ran's brain was wide open, "Canglan Jingkong is exactly the same as the name of a teacher in my memory."


Long Dan tilted his head, always feeling that the name was a bit weird.

"You don't like it?"

Li Ran fell into thinking again.

Looking at the snow that had been rolled up by the storm before, it was slowly falling from mid-air at this time, like a heavy snow of goose feathers of wine and wine.

Looking down at the egg shell of the dragon egg whiter than Xue, a flash of light flashed in his mind.

"Otherwise, I'll tell you to blow the snow?"

Li Ran said: "Canggang Chuuxue, this name sounds quite poetic."

"Cang blowing snow?

Long Dan awkwardly imitated his voice, with a weird tone, sounding like a milky little baby.

It chewed it carefully, and then nodded excitedly, "Ho Ho Ho! (This name is good, I like it!)"

"Okay, I will call you that from now on"

Before Li Ran finished speaking, he was stunned.

I saw a dazzling golden light bursting out of the dragon egg's body, and the invisible storm swept across with it as the center, and the snow on the entire mountain screamed again.

The originally sunny weather was instantly dimmed, the boundless dark clouds shrouded the mountain peaks, and the originally blazing sun had disappeared.

Faced with such an astonishing weather, the disciples suddenly became restless.

Under the shocking gaze of everyone, the dragon egg slowly rose into the air from Li Ran's shoulder.

Against the background of huge dark clouds, it seems so small and insignificant.

But in the next second, the dark clouds split open, and a ray of brilliant light projected directly on it.


There was a deafening roar from heaven and earth.

It seems that there is a huge shadow swimming in the clouds, and the winding body is thousands of miles away, and the pressure it emits makes the legs and feet a little sore.

The gap opened by the dark cloud seemed to be a firm eye, staring at the human race like ants indifferently.

The disciples shuddered.

When have they experienced this kind of scene?

Under the unpredictable Longwei, he was almost overwhelmed to the ground!

However, just when they couldn't help kneeling down, there was a cold snort in the air, and Leng Wuyan's faint voice sounded, "It's just a group of will, not even a physical body, and dare to be presumptuous in front of this seat. ?"

"The ridiculous bug is not going to get out!"


Thunder sounded in the void, and the roar stopped abruptly.

The shadow in the dark cloud froze, then dissipated like a bubble, and the figure seemed a little flustered

The sun shrouded the mountain again, and the unpredictable Longwei disappeared.

Everything returned to normal in an instant, and nothing seemed to have happened.

The disciples looked at each other, feeling a little regretful for a while.

Li Ran recovered and couldn't help swallowing.

What was that just now?


Although the master said it was a group of will, the feeling he gave him was extremely real.If you want to come to the real dragon, it is just like this now!

"What the hell is this dragon egg doing?"


There was a crisp sound in the air.

I saw the dragon egg originally suspended in the air, absorbing the light projected in the crevice, and trembling violently in the air.

The eggshell that hasn't completely faded is already covered with dense lines that look like a spider web.

It seems that it will be completely broken in the next second!

Click click.

There were a series of crisp sounds, and the white eggshell on the dragon egg fell off one by one, but before it fell to the ground, it had already turned into a cloud and dissipated in the air.

Soon, all the eggshells had fallen off.

The dragon egg turned into a blazing light, as if the second little sun was hanging in the air, and the dazzling white light made it impossible to see what was inside.


There was a doubtful voice in the air.

Then a breeze struck, and directly took the disciples that Xi understood away from here, and then an invisible cover emerged out of thin air, directly covering the dragon egg and Li Ran in it.

This is obviously Leng Wuyan's handwriting. She doesn't want others to know that there is a dragon.

"this "

Looking at the scene in front of him, Li Ran's lips moved, "Is this going to hatch completely?"

"But I just made a name!!".

Chapter 536

Chapter 536 Mingxue, the complete body of the dragon egg!

On the falling snow peak, the wind howled.

The dragon egg was suspended in the air, and the wind was swept all over, and the dazzling white light enveloped it.

It was as if a small blazing sun made it impossible to see what was inside.

Li Ran stared at it blankly, a little bit overwhelmed for a while.

He just gave the dragon egg a name, why did he make such a big movement?

"Strange, according to Dragon Egg, isn't it useful to name the father dragon or companion dragon?"

Li Ran scratched his head, "How can I say that it is also a human race, why can this effect be produced?,

He originally named the other party, just to make it easier to call him later.

Otherwise, the dragon eggs and dragon eggs scream every time, which is really a bit twisted.

Unexpectedly, things would turn out to be like this.

Recalling what Dragon Egg said just now, Li Ran has an inexplicable feeling of being trapped.

In the shadow on the side, Leng Wuyan stood with her hand behind her, watching all this silently.

Sun Elder stood behind her, frowning his brows and said: "Sir, this dragon egg hatches too fast, isn't it? And how does this formation seem to be bloody!"

The inscription of blood is the most important ceremony of the dragon clan.

When the newly born young dragons have their names recognized by themselves and the will of the ancestor dragons, they will be engraved in the blood, and they will follow them all their lives until they die.

And the higher the degree of recognition of the name, the more potential it can be stimulated and the speed of self-awakening can be accelerated.

What's more, it can also sublimate the blood to reach a height that the ancestors could not reach.

But here is only its one dragon, how can it be directly inscribed?

Sun Elder was puzzled.

Leng Wuyan shook his head, "I don't know this, but looking at the group of will just now, it seems that the name and it fit very well.


Sun Elder's face was solemn, "If the old body is right, it should be a bloodline of the Sky Dragon Clan, but the blood flowing in the body! If it is allowed to grow, I am afraid that it will cause catastrophe in the future~ "!"

She paused, and whispered: "Do you want

With a light stroke of his right hand between his neck, he made a beheading motion.

As a former dragon killer, she knows the horror of the dragon clan very well.

That is a real wild ancient giant monster, a super existence that can handle the sun and the moon!

What's more, this one in front of you is still the legendary Sky One, even if there is only one, it can overturn the vast land when it grows up!

Coupled with those ancient survivors hidden in the dark, I am afraid it will change the pattern of the entire world again!

Leng Wuyan didn't change her face, and said indifferently: "No need, this young dragon is not the same. It's basically obedient to Ran'er, not as dangerous as you think."

"That may be because it is still young, if the memory is fully awakened."

Sun Elder looked anxious.

She also saw that the dragon egg is very dependent on Li Ran, but this is likely to be temporary.

This is a pure blood sky!

The dragon clan would not be subjugated to others, let alone the emperor of the dragon clan?

No one knows what will happen in the future, and the safest way is to kill it in the cradle!

But before he finished speaking, Leng Wuyan interrupted him, "No need, what about the Sky Dragon Clan? It's just a bigger bug."

"Don't say it just hatched, even if it is an adult dragon, what kind of waves can it make?,

"If you dare to have any ideas, it won't be too late to kill again.

Li Ran said he wanted to be a dragon knight.

In Leng Wuyan's opinion, Ran'er will definitely be unhappy if he kills this dragon now.

Besides, it's just a young dragon that hasn't grown up, and it's far from the point where it needs to be taken seriously.

In contrast, Leng Wuyan is more concerned about why Li Ran's name can also trigger the blood inscription ceremony?

It is said that it is not necessary to have a father dragon or a companion dragon?

"Why do I always feel that something is wrong?"

I don't know how long it took, the howling wind gradually stopped, and the light emitted by the dragon egg finally converged.

A snow-white young dragon appeared.

Its body was as white as snow, and there was no trace of variegated color at all. The fine dragon scales were neatly arranged, reflecting a faint cold light.

Antlers, lion mane, snake body, eagle claws

Although the body is still very petite, the lines are clear and smooth, and there are faint clouds and mist condensing under him, exuding the supreme noble breath.


There was a soft noise in the void.

Several words composed of white light slowly emerged.

The font looks very peculiar, completely different from any text that Haotu knows, but Li Ran can easily see its meaning.

It is the four characters "Canglan blowing snow"!

He himself couldn't figure out why he could accurately recognize the language of the dragon clan.

Not only is there no sense of disobedience at all, but there is a kind of inexplicable kindness, as if he should have known each other.

Under Li Ran's gaze, the words floating in the air slowly fell, like a tattoo inscribed on the young dragon's back.

But the text did not stop, and continued to sink.

Slowly penetrates the scales and muscles, and finally gets deep into the spine.


The young dragon roared up to the sky.

The voice has become stronger and stronger than before, but it still has a touch of milky feeling in the milk.

Li Ran swallowed.

Good guy, really degenerate?

This is the dragon?

Although he spent some time with the dragon egg, the other party had always carried an eggshell on his body. This was the first time he had seen a complete dragon clan.

The fact that the legendary creature appeared in front of him inevitably made him a little lost.

"Well, it doesn't seem to be that stupid?"

Li Ran came back to his senses and looked at the young dragon carefully, "It's still pretty! When it grows up, maybe he can really ride out for a drive!"

After the egg shell has completely fallen off, the dragon egg is like two dragons.

The dull and silly temperament faded away, as if the bright moon was unattainable, the snow-white body was not stained with dust, and the whole dragon became responsible and dazzling.

This made Li Ran's dream of a dragon (moneyed) knight burn again.

"Well "

The clouds cleared, and the young dragon fell to the ground.

Little Claw scratched his head very humanely, and looked at the left and right sides of his head, with a dazed expression.

Obviously, I haven't quite figured out what happened.

This time the blood was successfully imprinted, although it was allowed to incubate completely, its own potential was also stimulated.

But the inheritance in the bloodline has not had time to be fully absorbed.

This will take time.


At this time, it suddenly noticed Li Ran on the side, with excitement flashing in its lavender eyes.

Without saying anything, he flew directly at him.

The petite body slammed into his arms, and his four small paws held him tightly, rubbing his head comfortably.

"Chaka ~ La"

Li Ran scratched his head helplessly.

It seems that I am too happy, this thing seems to be no different from before!.

Chapter 537

Chapter 537 Li Holy Son was tricked into getting married! Canglan Chuuxue's second form!

Li Ran looked at the dragon egg and it was wrong. He should be called Cang Lan Chuuxue now, and his expression passed by a trace of helplessness.

Although this guy has transformed from a half-dragon and half-egg into a real dragon, his stupid appearance doesn't seem to be improved.

Li Ran shook his head and said, "I said, you asked me to give you a name, but didn't you say it would make such a big noise?"

At the beginning, this guy kept saying that he can also take a name in the name of a friend, so he thought of such a name.

But it doesn't seem to be that simple now!


Chuuxue raised her head, her face blank.

Li Ran: ""

Yes, it seems that this guy has changed.

At least learn to play stupid.

Facing his scrutiny eyes, Chuuxue's eyes were a bit erratic, and finally she couldn't hide her from it, so she lowered her head, "Woohoo Chacha (Your name is very good, we have been recognized by Zulong)"

"What did you say?"

Li Ran frowned slightly and didn't react.

Chuuxue's lavender eyes looked at him and said shyly: "Hohou Chaka (under the witness of Zulong, you are already my companion dragon, and we will never be able to separate)"

"What the hell???"

Li Ran was shocked and almost jumped up from the spot.

"With Dragon 820?!!"

His throat was a little tight, and he looked at Bailong Blowing the snow dullly, "Are you kidding me!!

Chuuxue shook his head, "Roar! (Dragons don't make jokes about such serious things!),

Seeing its serious expression, Li Ran couldn't help swallowing.

This guy really doesn't look like a joke!

No wonder there is such a big noise, co-authoring is a marriage ceremony?

The friend it said is a boyfriend on a horse?

"Dancing wild geese all day long, but was pecked by the wild geese!"

Only then did Li Ran realize that he was really caught up in a routine!


What did he think of, he wondered: "So you are a female dragon?"

Chuuxue tilted her head, "Oh roar? (Otherwise?)"

Li Ran was speechless for a while.

When he got the dragon egg, he just thought about being a dragon knight, completely forgetting that dragons are also divided into male and female!

I didn't expect that the dragon egg that I hatched myself was actually a little female dragon!

And it wants to soak itself!

What is this called!

Seeing that his expression was not quite right, Chuuxue was also a little panicked, "Hoho Qaka? (Are you going to regret it? The contract has taken effect, so you can't regret it!)


Li Ran glared at her, "Daddy didn't agree at all! You are Chi Guoguo's routine!"

You said you were friends before you named them.

Are you cheating on marriage?

Chuuxue was also a little embarrassed, but still shook his head and said: "Chachachaka, roar (I didn't expect this to happen, but since the blood inscription ceremony is held, it means that we have been approved by the Zulong, which is destined. companion..

The blood inscription ceremony can only be held once in a lifetime.

Except for the father dragon, it can only be held by the companion dragon.

Once approved by the Zulong, the fate of the two dragons will be tied together, and they will never be separated regardless of the changes of the years and the alternation of the sun and the moon.

"Zulong's approval?"

Li Ran looked jokingly and coldly snorted: "The ancestral dragon you mentioned is not the phantom that was scared away by my master just now, right?"

"That's it?"

"It's still recognized, daddy doesn't recognize it yet!"

What a play, messy mandarin duck scores!

Chuuxue hurriedly covered his mouth, and said anxiously: "Roar, roar, whimper, Chacha Sika (Don't be disrespectful to the ancestor dragon, that is the real supreme, immortal existence! Its blood becomes the sky, and the flesh becomes the earth, The scattered scales turned into countless dragons!)"

"Yehou Naili! (Its spirit can communicate with all worlds, what we saw just now was just a projection!)"

Li Ran shook his head, "The blood becomes the sky, and the flesh becomes the earth? Are you leaving this to play with me to open up the world? Does Zulong also have a nickname called Pangu?"

He didn't take the (ajeh) will of the ancestor dragon seriously at all.

If it is so awesome as Chuuxue said, can you still be frightened by the master?

As the ancestor of the dragon, there is no card face too!

"Take ten thousand steps and say, is Zulong blind?"

Li Ran frowned and said, "Does it not tell that I am a human race?"

This is also where he is more puzzled.

Obviously he is a living person, but he has become a partner with a dragon?

This Ancestral Dragon's will is too stupid!

Chuuxue said, "Mingho Sika (except you look like a human race, but your breath is as noble as the dragon race, Zulong will not admit it…)"


Li Ran rubbed his eyebrows.

It seems it should be the effect of dragon energy

Chuuxue said before that his breath is far higher than that of Humans. He hadn't taken it seriously before, and he didn't expect this kind of oolong to happen.

"Then how should this contract be terminated?" Li Ran asked.

Chuuxue was stunned for a moment, and then his lavender eyes were filled with tears, "Chacha? Sika ooh (Are you going to not want me? If you forcibly cancel your partner contract, I will die)"

"so serious?"

Li Ran frowned.

It's troublesome this time.

Although this blood inscription ceremony has not seen any impact yet, suddenly there is a dragon wife. The key is still so young, no matter how you think it is a bit twisted.

"But after all, I am a human, and you are a dragon, so the two of us don't match each other!!

He looked very helpless.


Chuuxue thought for a while, and then thought of something, his eyes couldn't help but brighten, "Chaga! (I understand what you mean!)"

I saw its body trembled, and the faint white light and clouds rose again, quickly enveloping it.

I couldn't see the situation clearly in the clouds and mist, and there was a faint "click" sound.

Li Ran scratched his head, not knowing what the young dragon was doing.

After a while, there was a sound of footsteps.

Looking up, Li Ran was sluggish.

"This, this is"

I saw a tall girl slowly walking out of the clouds!

Slender and round legs, surging waist, delicate collarbone and slender neck…

A long snow-white hair fell like a waterfall, and Bai Zhi's cheeks seemed to be flawless, and there was no trace of flaws at all.

The lavender eyes are as clear as amethyst, there is a kind of arrogance, and every move carries a sense of holy purity.

She stretched out her long fingers and tapped Li Ran's brow lightly.

The light in the eyes flashed away.

Then she opened her rosy lips and said in a less proficient human language: "My dear, do we have a package now?"

Li Ran's throat is a little dry.

"Are you that stupid dragon?!".

Chapter 538

Chapter 538 Girl Fuxue, her destined companion!

Li Ran's eyes straightened a little, staring at the girl in front of him blankly.

She has white skin and beautiful jade legs, delicate and flawless face, amethyst-like eyes, and long white hair that is as smooth as silk and hangs down to her waist.

Is this the stupid dragon?

No matter how you look at it, there is something wrong!

"Are you a dragon egg?"

Li Ran was not sure.

Canglan Chuuxue looked at him, her rosy lips curled up slightly, and said softly, "I am Chuuxue, husband~you don't know me?,

Her pronunciation is still a bit straight, she doesn't seem to be particularly proficient.

The voice is slightly hoarse, with a touch of girlishness, and it has a lovely and high-cold mixed feeling.


Li Ran punched his chest, his face flushed, and he coughed violently.

With this sweet voice, the husband almost didn't send him away.

"Husband, are you okay?"

Chuuxue hurried over to play.

He stretched out his slender white hands and gently patted his back.

Seeing her concerned expression, Li Ran swallowed and retreated silently, keeping a safe distance from her.

"Wait, you stay away from me, I'm not too comfortable with you."


Chuuxue stood there obediently, her fingers entangled, like a kid who did something wrong.

"I say "

Li Ran paused for a while before speaking, "What is going on with your appearance? Are you not a dragon, why can you still become a human?"

This is where he finds it difficult to understand.

The monster race can be transformed, but it has extremely high requirements for Realm, blood, and comprehension.

Normally speaking, at least the strength equivalent to Human Transcends Tribulation can be transformed into a human form.

And this dragon egg has just hatched, it can already become like this, and it has no flaws!

Li Ran can feel that this is not a blindfold, but a real form transformation.

Like the dragon shape, it is another form of Canglan blowing snow.

"Isn't this normal?"

Chuuxue took it for granted: "I am a pure-blood dragon. Unlike creatures with inferior bloodlines, transformation is just the most basic ability."

Both the dragon shape and the human shape are part of her.

The dragon form can exert the strongest combat power, turning the hand into the cloud and covering the hand into the rain, and opening the mouth can swallow the sun and the moon.

The human form is convenient to move in the world, and this form has a strong sense of Spirit Power and Taoism.

Higher dragon races can master this ability as soon as they are born, and those dragons whose blood is not pure enough just need more time.

This is the gap between Super Monster Race and other races.

Li Ran nodded clearly.

Suddenly I can understand why the dragons regard themselves so noble.

It doesn't seem to be completely unreasonable.


Li Ran took a look at her and frowned, "At your age, even if you become a human, you should be a child, right? Why is the teacher like this?"

The dragon egg has just hatched.

According to common sense, it should be similar to a newborn baby, even if it hatches successfully, it should look like a child.

But the young girl in front of her looked at least eighteen or nine years old.

Chuuxue shook his head and said, "My incubation speed is already very fast compared to other dragons, but I have stayed in the eggshell for at least nearly 20 years. Of course I won't be a child."

"So that's it?"

Li Ran was stunned for a moment, only then came to understand.

No wonder she looks like this, no wonder the newly-born dragons can identify their partners, and they have been growing continuously even when they are still eggs.

So Chuuxue is not a newborn baby, but a girl who is nearly twenty years old!

Chuuxue was a little shy and said, "Although I am still too young in the dragon clan. But age is never the standard for measuring a dragon. What really depends on is the level of blood awakening."

"If a dragon hatched three hundred years ago, if its blood is not awakened, it will be no different from a baby."

"And my blood awakens faster, so I can hold the blood inscription ceremony early."

As she said what she thought of, a shyness flashed across her eyes.

Li Ran nodded and sneered: "So you mean, you mature earlier, and you are beating me when you are in the eggshell?"

He was still a little bit brooding about his being calculated.

I thought Dragon Egg was really stupid, but I didn't expect it to be pretending to be stupid all the time!

Chuuxue's cheeks are reddish, biting his lips lightly, and whispered: "You are such a noble and powerful existence, I can feel the surging power in your bloodline, what else is there besides the real pure blood emperor dragon? Can biology be worthy of you?"

Li Ran gave her an angry look, "Listen to what you mean, I have to thank you sigh?"

"You're welcome."

Chuuxue shook his head and said: "You and I are the partners recognized by Zulong, and you are destined to keep it for a lifetime."


Seeing her serious eyes, Li Ran rubbed her brows helplessly.

0...Look for flowers.

"I'm sure your sister!"

"Come here, what about the idiot Ancestral Dragon? Daddy must talk to it!"

He wants to be a dragon knight, but he is not a dragon knight in this sense!

It was originally raised as a mount, but how did it become a wife after raising it?

Isn't this nonsense!

Looking at his angry expression, Chuuxue drooped her head down and did not dare to speak.

She couldn't explain it.

But since the ancestor dragon was summoned, and the blood has been successfully inscribed, it means that they are indeed a destined pair.

This is a fact that no one can change.

After a while, Li Ran reluctantly calmed down and said, "The last question, why do you suddenly speak human words?"

Before the Dragon Egg, he would only roar "Ao Ao Ao".

Although it does not hinder the communication between the two, it is impossible for others to understand it.


As a result, he had just hatched, and he just clicked on his eyebrows, and immediately mastered the human language.

Although the accent is still a bit full of feet, it's just because I'm not very proficient. In terms of expression ability, it is no different from normal people.

"This is what my husband taught me."

Chuuxue said with a smile: "We are the partners recognized by Zulong. We are connected to each other for a long time. The abilities of the husband are naturally also part of me."


Li Ran raised his brows, "You mean, you can control my abilities? Can magical powers, Taoism, etc. also be interoperable?"

"This is a bit difficult."

Chuuxue explained: "You and I have different cultivation systems and life essences. Limited by our own conditions, many things can be understood, but they can't be displayed. However, the most basic language ability is not a problem."

Li Ran nodded, probably understanding what she meant.

In essence, Chuuxue is a dragon after all, and his supernatural powers, good fortune, are based on the human race.

For example, the ability of Blowing Snow in the form of a dragon can't be used by Li Ran even to death, because he can't transform a dragon at all.

This is a fact that cannot be changed.

"But why only you can comprehend my ability, but I don't feel it at all?"

Li Ran looked upset.

Isn't this Bai Piao?

Chuuxue heard that her pretty face turned red, hesitated for a moment, stretched out her hand and lifted up her long hair, "Do you want to feel it yourself?"


Li Ran looked up and almost bit Own's tongue.

"You, what are you doing!" Spoon.

Chapter 539

Chapter 539 Blood illusion, Canglan Black Dragon!

Looking at the girl in front of him, Li Ran's throat was a little tight.

Chuuxue had just hatched, and his body was naturally clean. His waist-length white hair fell down, barely blocking the key points.

At this moment, she brushed her hair, and her ivory skin seemed to reflect light.

Li Holy Son couldn't help but blush, and hurriedly turned his head aside, "You, what are you doing!"

Chuuxue looked ignorant, and naturally said, "Didn't your husband say you want to feel my abilities?"

Li Ran looked helpless.

To say that this guy is stupid, he also knows to dig a hole for himself and successfully held the blood inscription ceremony.

But to say that she is shrewd, but like a girl who knows nothing about the world, she looks a little silly.

It seems to be defenseless against others.

As everyone knows, in Chuuxue's heart, Li Ran is a destined partner, and she will never be separated from her, so naturally there is nothing to guard against.

Li Ran sighed, took out a robe from the storage ring and threw it to her with the "eight thirty seven" hand.

"You put her on first, so I can't concentrate."

I have to say that Canglan's form of blowing snow is a bit too perfect.

Even if he had seen countless beautiful scenery in the world, he still couldn't find the slightest flaw.

And that unique temperament made his heartbeat speed up slightly.


Chuuxue nodded obediently, and then put on his clothes awkwardly.

What flows in her blood is the memory of the Dragon Race, and she only awakens a small part of it. She is not very clear about the habits of the Human Race.

Li Ran watched her gesture for a long time, and finally couldn't help but help her put it on.

Fingers inadvertently touched her skin, feeling delicate and cold, and her body temperature seemed to be much lower than normal.

Fuxue's cheeks were also redder, spreading from her cheeks to her slender neck.

She pulled down the robe she was wearing, revealing her delicate collarbone and fragrant shoulders, and then turned her back to Li Ran, "Husband, just put your fingers on my back."


Li Ran was stunned for a moment and looked at the smooth back.

On her back, there were a few golden characters shining brightly, as if they were carved on the spine.

He recognized it at a glance. It was the dragon inscription on her back during the blood inscription ceremony.

Converted into adult characters, is her name:

Canglan blows snow.

Li Ran hesitated, still unable to stop his own curiosity, stretched out his finger and touched Long Wen.


The moment I touched it, there was a loud bang in my mind.

Countless information flooded into the sea of ​​knowledge, and pieces of fragments passed by.

Li Ran's eyes lost their focus, and there seemed to be clouds rising in them.

In the blink of an eye, the scene before him has changed.

The gloomy sky, the torrential rain, the peaks suspended in the sky, the huge shadows shuttled in the dark clouds suddenly, a dragon chant from the ancients rang in my ears.


It was as if night fell, and the moment was plunged into darkness.

When Li Ran looked up, he realized that it was not dark at all, but a dragon was blocking him!

That is a real dragon.

Antlers, lion's mane, snake body, eagle claws The huge black body is winding for thousands of miles!

Its front paws grabbed the thunder, and its hind paws smashed the dark clouds, and the strong pressure exuded made the liver and gallbladder tremble, and the dragon's breath between the sharp teeth almost boiled the air!

This is a transcendent existence overlooking all creatures, and the strongest hunter at the top!


The black dragon noticed Li Ran and slowly lowered his head.

The huge dragon head was terrifying, and the scarlet eyes reflected bloodthirsty rays. Just a head filled his entire field of vision!

"The humble ant, this is my dragon blood origin, why are you here?"

Heilong vomited, his low voice seemed like thunder.

"Blood Origin

Li Ran looked around, and saw that the earth was glowing with a dark red color. He couldn't see the end at a glance, as if he had been soaked in blood.

"This illusion is a bit real!

He was sure that he was still at Xueluo Peak, so he was not afraid of the scene in front of him.

Facing Heilong's contemptuous eyes, his brows frowned slightly, "Are you Ancestral Dragon?"


Heilong was stunned for a moment, and then let out a harsh laugh, "Hahaha, it seems that he is still a knowledgeable ant, he still knows the existence of the ancestor dragon?"

Li Ran frowned tighter.

Where's this guy laughing?

The black dragon shook his head, "Ancestral Dragon is the ancestor of the dragon clan, it is a Transcendent thing that connects all worlds. Of course I am not."

Li Ran waved his hand, "Then you go call me Zu Long, I just have something to ask him.

He just wanted to see, what's wrong with this Zulong, that would make him and Canglan Chuuxue become partners?



With a roar, the whole world trembled.

The sharp teeth of the black dragon reflect the cold light, and the scarlet eyes are full of killing intent, "The humble ant, dare to be disrespectful to the ancestor dragon! You are worthy to see the ancestor dragon?!"

"Sorry, I really saw 0

Li Ran shrugged, "But your ancestor dragon, it seems to be a little courageous, so scared by my master."

During the blood inscription ceremony, the black shadow was scared away by Leng Wuyan just as soon as he appeared.


The black dragon blew his beard and stared, "The ancestral dragon is supreme. Even if your master is a holy god, it is impossible. Forget it, why should I explain so much to you? To insult the ancestral dragon is to regret the entire dragon clan!

"You damn it!"

The black dragon opened his big mouth, and blazing and hot flames rushed out, directly drowning Li Ran's tiny figure!

After a long time, it closed its mouth, and wisps of smoke rose from between its teeth.

"Huh, you are not in vain if you die under the flames of my Canglan Promise, huh?"

Before he finished speaking, the whole dragon was stunned.

Seeing the flames dissipated, Li Ran was still standing in place, jokingly looking at it, not even a single strand of hair was burned.

"How can this be?"

Heilong looked a little puzzled.

He tentatively reached out and poked, and his claws passed directly through Li Ran's body, as if through a water curtain.

It suddenly suddenly said, "It turned out to be just a projection. No wonder you dare to use it like this. But your method is good, and you can hide it from my eyes."

"Sure enough, it is a despicable human race, and can only use this kind of indiscriminate means!"

Li Ran dug his ears and sneered: "You Canglan clan, you have scammed the marriage together with the ancestor dragon, and you still have the face to say that I am despicable? Daddy is fooled by your dragon clan, okay!"

4.7 Heilong heard a little estrus.

What fools you, what deceives you to marry, I'm confused.

"and also "

Li Ran's expression fell cold, and his eyes flashed with cold killing intent, "Although you know this is an illusion, but you are a bit of an ant, it still makes the little master a little uncomfortable!"

"What illusion"

The black dragon hadn't reacted yet, but he saw purple qi rushing all over his body, hovering and condensing in the air, and finally formed a huge purple real dragon!


With a roar, the majestic coercion filled the whole world.

Heilong's body trembled, his eyes filled with disbelief.

"This is Dragon Qi?!"

"He is obviously a mortal, how can he control the Dragon Qi?!

Li Ran stood on the dragon's head, her lavender eyes staring at it indifferently.

"Pretentious bug, kneel down for me!"


The whole blood source seemed to sink an inch!

Chapter 540

Chapter 540 Ant? Big mouth sucks you!

"Kneel me down!"

Li Ran's eyes were cold and his voice was harsh.


At the same time, the purple dragon roared up to the sky, roaring through the entire wasteland, and the terrifying aura almost solidified the air!

The pressure from the depths of the soul caused the huge body of the black dragon to tremble.

It did not kneel down.

But the slightly trembling pupils have already betrayed its shocking mood.

The previous contempt and disdain all disappeared at this moment.

"How can it be?"

Heilong looked at the scene before him and couldn't help swallowing.

A human race, an ant who hasn't even awakened his divine power, can actually control the Qi of the true dragon?

And it's like an arm's finger, condensed into a spiritual dragon shape!

This is completely beyond his cognition!

It's simply a fantasy!

"Is it an illusion? Yes, it must be an illusion!"

"This Human Race must have used some despicable means to blind my eyes!"

"Otherwise, why couldn't I touch him just now?"

"It must be so!

Heilong came back to his senses, and the more he thought about it, the more so.

Otherwise, the picture in front of you will not be explained at all.


Li Ran stepped on the dragon's head and looked down at the black dragon.

Looking down from a high place, you can more intuitively feel the size of this dragon.

The body was winding like a black river, with no end in sight at a glance, and every scale was like a huge shield, neatly arranged on the body, reflecting the cold light.

The dark dragon head is very hideous, and the two sharp bends on his forehead are still stained with faint golden blood.

In this blood-stained wasteland, even withered trees and weeds have to bend over it!

"Is this the real dragon?"

Li Ran was slightly lost.

Although it had thought the dragon was strong enough, the creature in front of him was beyond his imagination.

Compared with the stupid Cang Lan Chuuxue, this is the real dragon!

"This illusion is too real. Is this the memory of Fuxue?"

"By the way, this black dragon seems to have said just now that it is also called Canglan something else, I think it should be of the same clan."

Li Ran thought secretly in his heart.

He has never seen such a real illusion.

Even if he was invaded by Heart's Demon in Dao Jue-Land, he could still find a clue through the pupils of breaking delusion.

But the blood wasteland in front of you is simply the real world!

The grass was dry, the wind was howling, and the low black clouds hovered in the air. He could even smell the pungent sulphur in the air.

If he didn't know that he was still at Xuefeng, he might have thought he had crossed again!

"But even if it is illusion, this black dragon is quite annoying!"

Li Ran's eyes raised slightly.

This black dragon was too arrogant, and a "wisp of ants" in a mouth made him extremely unhappy.

He hates people and dragons who are better than him.


Suddenly, a violent wind suddenly rose, and the black dragon slowly floated up. The huge figure covered the sky and covered the sun, entrenching the entire blood.

The scarlet eyes reflected red light, and the cold killing intent almost condensed the air.

"The humble ants dare to be so presumptuous, relying on the illusion body protection!

Its roar sounded like thunder, "I am Canglan Wuji, the ruler of the blood source, and my name is the symbol of Death and disaster!"

"I have remembered your breath! I swear, no matter you escape to the end of the world, I will cramp you, peel your flesh, and drink blood!"


Accompanied by its roar, a thunderbolt exploded, and the pale and dazzling thunderbolt shattered the sky!

In an instant, the rain was pouring!

Called a "worm" by this human race, the black dragon is already out of anger.

Its strength is superb, its status is lofty, and its name alone can make countless people shattered!

In his long life, he has never suffered such an insult!

However, in the face of this horrible scene, Li Ran still didn't change his face, and his purple eyes were full of indifference.


Heilong was stunned for a moment.

Hearing the meaning of this, he has also come into contact with other people in the Canglan clan?


A light sound like a flint ignition.

A ray of silver light lit up between Li Ran's eyebrows, burning quietly like a beacon in the rain.

"Bug, I let you kneel down, don't you understand?,


His figure skyrocketed, and instantly turned into a golden giant standing in the air.

Even the huge purple dragon has become "petite" in front of him.

The void behind Li Ran shattered, and the endless Milky Way Star was revealed, and the brilliant starlight draped over him like a tulle.

With the sky above your head and wearing the Galaxy Cluster, at this moment, it is like the Allah and the Holy God who controls the heavens and the earth!

Seeing this scene, Heilong was stunned, "This, this is the power of faith? He is the God of Human Race?!"

"What the hell does this kid come from?!"

There is also the golden light radiating from the opponent's body, which seems to be very restrained to the dragon clan, even the black dragon is faintly afraid.

In order to eliminate this feeling, it shook its body and directly transformed into a human form.

From a huge black dragon to a burly man wearing a black scale robe.

Li Ran's eyes joked, "Didn't you always have a high self-esteem? How can you become an "ant"?

Heilong's expression was a bit embarrassed, but he was not in the mood to chat with him.

It concealed the shock in its heart, and said solemnly: "Who are you in the end?"

How could Allah of the Human Race suddenly appear in the Dragon Bloodline?

Is the other party trying to provoke a war and fail?!

Li Ran sneered, "I am your father!"


Heilong just raised his head, and his huge palm has been patted over.

As a result, the palm directly passed through the body, and 837 couldn't touch it.

"Hmph, did you forget what state you are?"

Heilong returned to his senses and said triumphantly: "It's just an illusion, and I want to meet me…"

Before I finished speaking, a flower suddenly appeared in front of my eyes.

Seeing the golden giant dissipate, Li Ran stood in front of it, with golden light burning like a blaze in his hand.


He slapped Heilong's face with a slap.

Heilong's head tilted to the side, his whole body motionless like a sculpture.


After a while, it gritted its teeth and said: "How dare you make a shot at the great Canglan Wuji."


Li Ran slapped again without saying a word.

"I will kill you!"

The black dragon's eyes were blood red, the scales on the robe fell, and they flew to form a dark long sword, with black flames burning on the blade.

Yi Jian slashed towards Li Ran, as if the world was about to be torn apart!

As a result, Jianfeng passed through his body without injury at all.


Li Ran was not polite, and slapped his backhand again. "Blue black chicken, right?"


"You like to be forced, don't you?"


"You like to call others ants, right?"


"Want to cramp me, eat my meat, right?"



The black dragon's hair is disheveled and his eyes are dull.

Why can't I hit him, he can hit me?!

This is too ridiculous!