
I really don't want to fall in love with my master

This novel is specifically designed for my one so I don't care about anything

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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50 Chs

521 to 530

Please, I Really Didn't Want To Fall in Love With My Master! 521

Chapter 521

Chapter 521 "Noble" Dragon Egg, Li Ran who wants to return it!

"What did you say?"

Li Ran didn't react for a while.

Shen Qin blushed and gasped, "There are many other ways in the picture album Lu Xinran once gave me. Without losing the spirit, I can also talk to Holy Son."

She lowered her head shyly, and she couldn't speak the words behind.


Li Ran covered his face.

Only then did he understand what the other party meant.

Looking at Shen Qin's shy appearance, even with the thickness of his face, he couldn't stand it anymore.

Think about it carefully, Qin Ruyan seems to have said something similar, is this a common characteristic of a special physique?

It's too

It's so exciting!

"How can you say such a thing?"

Li Ran came back to his senses and said sternly: "Aqin, I remember that you weren't like this before! It must be Lu Xinran who broke you down. I will drive her out of the teacher's door after a while!"

"Holy Son, don't be angry, I'm just

She was nervous and incoherent, and her pretty face was full of shame.

Sure enough, I was really nasty!


Li Holy Son cleared his throat and asked, "Then shall we start now?"

" what?"

Shen Qin was stunned, puzzled: "Didn't Master Holy Son say that this is bad?"

Li Ran shook his head and said solemnly: "From the perspective of being responsible to you, I have to see what you have learned so that I can prescribe the right medicine. Come on, please start your performance."

Shen Qin covered his face.

Looks like the familiar Holy Son

Seeing Li Ran smiling at Mimi, her Xiafei cheeks were about to jump out of her heart.

The slender hand tightly rubbed the skirt tightly, and took a deep breath. Just after plucking up the courage, there was a muffled sound in his ear.


I saw that the door was smashed open, a white shadow rushed in like lightning, lightly swirling in the air, and then accurately landed on Li Ran's head.

It was the underdeveloped dragon egg.

Although his head is still in the eggshell and his eyesight is severely affected, he can feel the breath of Li Ran.


Its small paws grabbed Li Ran's hair and let out a deafening roar at Shen Qin.

It looks like it is a declaration of sovereignty.

The unpredictable Long Wei filled the room, making Shen Qin's face a little pale.

After all, her Realm is not enough, and now she only has the Foundation Building middle stage.

Shen Qin's throat moved and asked in a low voice, "Master Holy Son, what's wrong with it?"

Although I can't understand the dragon language, I can feel the dissatisfaction of this egg.

Li Ran frowned, grabbed it from his head, and said in a bad mood: "Who let you in? I don't know if you have to knock on the door when you enter someone else's room? Can you not be polite if you think you are an egg?"

The good atmosphere is destroyed by it, and Li Ran is very unhappy now.

Dragon Egg: "Oh oh oh! (You are doing bad things!)"

Li Ran:"..

Dragon Egg: "Ooooooo!

Li Ran:

Dragon Egg: "Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho! (Away from humble female creatures, she will stand in your noble blood!)

Li Ran: ""

The corners of his mouth twitched, "Humble, female creature?"


Long Dan hugged two fleshy little arms together, a proud look of "Thanks to my stopping in time, you don't have to thank me".

(Don't explain, I feel it!)"

Li Ran did not speak.

He grabbed the dragon egg blankly and threw it to the sky gently.

Dragon Egg didn't react, thinking that Li Ran was joking with it, so he did not resist, but just before landing, he was kicked out with a strong volley!


The solid wall with formation was directly knocked out of a big hole!

The dragon egg swept across the sky like a comet, and disappeared into a star in the blink of an eye.

Li Ran clapped his hands and muttered: "Grandma's, a small mount, the tube is quite wide."

Shen Qin stood there blankly, his head still a little dazed, "My lord, what happened just now?"

Li Ran shook his head, "It's nothing, it's just that this dragon egg has a little problem with his head.

"All right "

Shen Qin didn't say much, and then asked: "Then you kick this dragon egg flying, won't it stop coming back, right?"

Li Ran shrugged and said, "It's better if you don't come back. Anyway, this guy is so annoying, I also ended up peacefully."

He originally thought that this dragon egg could be kept as a pet, and after it was completely hatched in the future, he would be able to ride out for a drive.

It turned out that it was not so easy.

This dragon egg is too individual.

To be precise, there is a natural sense of superiority.

In its eyes, everyone except Li Ran is an ant, a humble creature like dust, and even touching it is an offense.

And this is not a character issue, but from the superiority of the bones.

In addition, this egg also has a very bad temper. As long as he perceives who is close to Li Ran, he immediately assumes the appearance of teeth and claws.

It seems to be protecting own territory.

If it weren't for Li Ran's pressure, I guess this guy would go to heaven!

No, it seems to have gone to heaven now

Just as Li Ran was about to say something, suddenly there was a whistling in the distance, quickly from far and near, and soon arrived outside the room.

He rubbed his eyebrows and sighed: "||I can't drive away now."


The dragon egg came back from the hole again, jumped on Li Ran's head and rolled, as if the two were playing just now.

Li Ran reached out and grabbed it. Just as he was about to say something, the whole person was stunned.

I don't know if I kicked too hard just now, but I saw that the egg shell of the dragon egg fell off again.

Although the head hasn't come out yet, there are two more round holes, which correspond exactly to the positions of its two eyes.

Li Ran looked curiously.

"Huh? Why isn't it a vertical pupil?"

I saw Dragon Egg's eyes, not the indifferent and handsome vertical pupils he imagined, but two black round pupils.

And (the money is) and the pupil ratio is very large, only a thin circle of whites.

It looks very cute, it seems a little bit not very clever.

"What about daddy's handsome dragon rider? How come it looks like this!

Li Ran said he couldn't accept it.


Long Dan looked around and let out a low growl of excitement.

Except for the memory in the blood, it was the first time that he saw the world with his own eyes.

It runs wild like a puppy, and everything it hits is basically broken.

After a while, he stopped the demolition behavior, returned to Li Ran's feet, grabbed his trouser legs and pulled, raised his head and looked at him as if to please.

"Ehou~ (Take me out to play~)

Looking at its cute eyes, Li Ran helplessly covered his face.

Is this a dragon or a dog?

Can this thing really ride out?

He began to think seriously about whether to go to Chen Yundao to return the goods. ,

Chapter 522

Chapter 522 Walking the dog without leash is equivalent to walking the dog


Long Dan jumped up and down beside Li Ran excitedly.

There is memory in the bloodline of the dragon family, and it is not without knowledge of this world, but for the first time in the true sense of "opening the eyes", it is still shocked by the turbulent world in front of him.

Everything is so fresh, every plant and tree is full of vitality. In contrast, the dark years in the eggshell are simply too difficult to survive.

This makes it full of curiosity about the outside world.

Li Ran looked at it, momentarily speechless.

Is this definitely a dragon?

Although I don't know what other dragons look like, this dragon egg is a bit too dumb!

It looks silly, not at all the mighty and domineering look he imagined, especially the wise eyes. Could it be that it has any Innate flaws?

The brain is not fully developed and the cerebellum is completely underdeveloped?

"I thought I trained a sweaty BMW, but turned out to be a merry-go-round?"

Li Ran sighed, "Life is full of surprises!"

No wonder Chen Yundao gave this kind of good stuff to Mingjing

Sure enough, there is no pie in the sky!


Dragon Egg grabbed Li Ran's trousers and let out a cheerful low growl.

The meaning is very simple, it wants to go out and play.

Looking at its wise round pupil, Li Ran covered his forehead.

"What's this?


Seeing that he hadn't reacted, Long Dan climbed up along the trouser legs, and came to his arms all the way, raised his head and blinked his eyes to look at him, making waves of coquettish sobbing.

Li Ran looked down at the pure black and white eyes, and shook his head helplessly.

Although he said so, he still took it to the door.


Dragon Egg cheered excitedly.

Li Ran turned his head to look at Shen Qin, and said, "It seems that we can only get there today. Let's continue another day."

Shen Qin's cheeks flushed red, lowered his head and belched: "Um, I know, I know.

After speaking, he turned and walked quickly outside.

Li Ran shouted from behind, "I will consolidate my knowledge in these two days, and then I will be able to prescribe the right medicine.

Shen Qin almost lost his wings when he heard the words, and ran away quickly without daring to look back.

She is an easy shy character in itself, and Gang オ mustered up twelve points of courage.

In the end, he was interrupted by the dragon egg. At this moment, he was ashamed and flustered, and he wanted to find a place to sew in.

Seeing her leaping brocade-like hair and the beautiful back of Qing (ajeh) Chun Boundless, a smile appeared on the corner of Li Ran's mouth.

"It seems that Lu Xinran is not useless, at least he can make up lessons for Ah Qin."

Shen Qin has always been very well-behaved and knows nothing about certain aspects, but being able to take the initiative just now really surprised him.


At this time, a scream sounded.

Li Ran looked down and saw the dragon egg rolling in his arms reluctantly.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho! (You are thinking about that humble creature again!)"

"Ooooooooo! (You and I are the master of the sky, how can you be with the ants?)"

Li Ran rubbed his eyebrows.

This dragon egg doesn't have a high IQ, and it's also terribly second-degree.

But one thing attracted his attention.

It seems that in the eyes of Dragon Egg, he is not a human race?

Dragon Egg has said more than once that, except for the Dragons, no matter what race they are, they are all equally humble creatures.

Which naturally includes the human race.

But Longdan's attitude towards him and other people was obviously different, not only did not have the slightest contempt, but instead relied on it to the extreme.

And listening to its "speaking" tone, it seems that Li Ran is a dragon just like it.

"Is it because of the effect of dragon energy?"

Li Ran frowned and thought.

Apart from this, it seems that no other explanation can be found.

As for why this dragon egg relies so much on him, it is probably because it has absorbed dragon energy before it hatches.

In a sense, Li Ran hatched it.

"When will this guy grow up?"

Li Ran's only hope now is that after the dragon egg hatches completely, it will become more powerful and domineering, don't behave like a puppy


Long Dan pointed his finger outside the door, reminding him that it was time to take himself out to play.


Li Ran thought for a while, took out the immortal rope from the storage ring, held one end in his hand, and tied the other end to the eggshell.

Tie it up like a dog chain.

The main reason is that this dragon egg is too manic, it is better to push it, so as not to bring it out to cause any trouble.

Fortunately, Dragon Egg grabbed the rope curiously, without any dissatisfaction.

"Let's go."

Li Ran led it and walked out.


Inner Sect Dojo.

Disciples just finished the cultivation in the morning, and now it's time to rest, sitting in twos and threes and chatting together.

"I haven't seen Lord Holy Son recently?"

"Well, since his last breakthrough, he has stayed in his residence all the time except for going to the head.

"I don't know what I've been up to lately?"

"It should be cultivation, right? After all, Lord Holy Son is a famous effort.

"At the age of twenty, I was already at the pinnacle of distraction, and I was able to break through two Realms at once, which was a precedent in the entire world of practice! With such talent and working so hard, it really makes me feel ashamed!"

"Holy Son is the reincarnation of the Holy Son, can you and me mortals can be compared?"

"But recently I heard that holy Son's residence often roars of fierce beasts, I don't know what kind of strange beasts are raised?"

Listening to the casual chat of disciples, Lu Xinran did not join in.

Instead, he hung his chin and sat aside, looking into the distance without focus, as if he was in a daze.

The female disciple next to her curiously asked, "Xin Ran, what's wrong with you? I feel like you have been utterly unsettled recently.

Lu Xinran came back to his senses and sighed: "Oh, it's been a long time since I saw Holy Son's face. I feel that cultivation has no motivation.


The female disciple shook her head funny.

Almost all female disciples in Sect admire Lord Holy Son, but the most fanatical among them is Lu Xinran.

Holy Son is almost becoming the only motivation for her life.

Lu Xinran's eyes flickered, and he secretly said in his heart: "I don't know where Ah Qin Big sis Holy Son is? Is there any cough!"

"According to the situation that day, Holy Son must have a good impression of Ah Qin Big sis, plus the power of that cheat book, should it be about the same?"

"Aqin Big sis must come on!"

"Wait, what am I doing here? It has nothing to do with me again."

Lu Xinran shook his head vigorously.

Thinking of Holy Son's extremely gentle eyes when he looked at Shen Qin, he felt a bit sour in his heart, and suddenly regretted giving Shen Qin the secret book.

At this moment, she caught a glimpse of a tall figure.

After a daze, he stood up abruptly.

"Master Holy Son!",

Chapter 523

Chapter 523 Dragon Killer!

Li Ran took the dragon egg and wandered around Luoxuefeng.

Although Dragon Egg was full of curiosity about his surroundings, under Li Ran's constraints, it was still fairly honest and did not make much noise.

Whenever it saw something novel and wanted to fly forward, it would be pulled down by Li Ran with a fairy rope.

It feels really no different from Yaogou.

It's just that this "dog" is extraordinarily powerful.

"You'd better keep a low profile and be obedient, otherwise I won't take you out again." Li Ran threatened in a low voice while looking at the disciples not far away.


Long Dan let out a grieved sob.

It seems to be saying, is I not obedient enough?

At this moment, it stopped abruptly, looked alertly not far away, and there were waves of suppressed low-groars in its throat.

The whole egg is like an enemy!

"What's wrong?"

Li Ran was stunned for a moment, followed his line of sight and looked up, only to see a figure walking slowly not far away.

She was a thin old Ji, wearing a large black robe, making her figure even thinner.

Elder, Sun Wei.

Li Ran couldn't help being a little strange.

This dragon egg has an arrogant heart, and has always regarded the human race like an ant.Why does Sun Elder let it be like a big enemy?

Sun Elder walked up to him, nodded and said, "Holy Son, it seems that I haven't seen him for a while."

"Meet Sun Elder."

Li Ran also greeted.

Sun Elder asked with concern: "Not long ago, you broke through two Realms in succession and became the youngest peak of distraction in the vast land. I wonder how Realm has consolidated recently?"

He is now the mascot of Sect.

There was too much noise during the last breakthrough.

Not only did the Elders of Sect startle, but it also shocked countless great abilities and attracted the prying eyes of all forces.

In this regard, Sun Elder did not deliberately conceal anything.

Although under the influence of Li Ran, she is no longer so obsessed with Sect's status, but why not do this kind of thing that can put gold on Sect's face?

And Li Ran also fully established the reputation of Haotu's first day, and became the representative of the entire Youluo Temple.

Except for the head Leng Wuyan, that is Holy Son Li Ran!

This is what Sun Elder is happy to see.

The strong is to accept the pursuit of others.

And Li Ran is also destined to become the strongest existence, following Leng Wuyan, leading Sect to become stronger!

So Sun Elder cared about him very much.

Li Ran shook his head and replied, "There is no problem. With the help of the master, it is basically stable."

In fact, there is a heavenly power, his Realm has always been very stable, and he doesn't need other people's help at all.

But if you don't say that, how can you run to the palace in the future?

Sun Elder nodded, "That's good, huh?"

She noticed the dragon egg lying on the ground and frowned slightly, "This is


Long Dan let out a low growl, and his body retreated involuntarily.

Li Ran could feel that there was vigilance and threat in his voice, as well as a trace of dignity when facing a powerful enemy.

This is a state he has never seen before.

Sun Elder looked at the dragon egg for a while, the look in his eyes became more shocked, and exclaimed: "Holy Son, where did you get this thing?"

"You say it?"

Li Ran shrugged, "It happened to be picked up. It seems to be psychic, so I kept it as a pet."

"I picked it up? Little pet?"

Sun Elder looked stagnant, shook his head and said, "Huge soil can be picked up anytime, ahem, Holy Son's luck is really good."

Obviously, she knew what it was, and also heard that the other party did not tell the truth, but did not choose to reveal it.

Seeing Li Ran holding it with a rope, and it still didn't mean to resist at all, this made Sun Elder's eyes a little bit of surprise.

"How is this possible? This thing has always been unruly, why does it listen to Holy Son like this?"

She was puzzled.

"But having said that, the state of this thing is a bit strange. The old man has never seen a half-hatched one." Sun Elder was a little puzzled.

Li Ran shrugged, "Perhaps the shell is too hard."


Sun Elder nodded and said, "It stands to reason that the harder the incubation process, the stronger the strength. It seems that this one is very extraordinary."

"The shell has been broken, but it is still alive. It will inevitably hatch. Now you just need to wait patiently.

After speaking, he sighed again, "Holy Son's luck is really good!'

0...for flowers…

Li Ran frowned slightly, "Elder Sun seems to know this thing well?"

"That's natural, you can be old."

Halfway through the conversation, she suddenly stopped, with a trace of memory on her face, and then shook her head and sighed, "Forget it, I won't mention the past. By the way, before this thing is completely hatched, Holy It's better not to take Son away from Sect, so as not to cause unreasonable disaster.

After an exhortation, he turned around and left.

Looking at her back, Li Ran frowned deeper.

For some reason, he always felt that this grandson Elder was getting more and more mysterious.

When Sun Elder's breath disappeared completely, Dragon Egg relaxed, and the tight aura finally dissipated.

Li Ran asked suspiciously: "Do you know Elder Sun?"

Dragon Egg: "Roar. (I don't know.)"

Li Ran asked again: "Then how do you see her, as if you saw the enemy?"

Before Long Dan met other people, they were dismissive, even before Leng Wuyan took the shot, he didn't put the other person To put in one's eyes.

Why is Elder so special?

The dragon egg was silent for a while, and then said: "Ooo, Ooo. (She smells of dragon blood.)"

Li Ran was stunned, "What did you say?"

The dragon egg's voice was low and deep, "Ho Ho Ho Ho! (She is a dragon killer, she has killed dragons!)"

"Sun Elder, killed a dragon?!"

Li Ran swallowed, his throat tightened a little.

This answer completely exceeded his expectations.

Dragons are the oldest super monster race, and they have disappeared in ancient times. Although some of them are left behind, they have never been heard, and they have not appeared in front of the world.

Chen Yundao got this dragon egg from the mirror of Samsara.

And Sun Elder, who has never done anything in public, actually killed the dragon himself?

"No wonder she is so familiar with the Dragon Clan, didn't expect this kind of history?"

Li Ran's eyes flickered slightly, "I feel like Sun Elder has a lot of secrets. It seems that I have to ask Master if I find an opportunity."

At this moment, he thought of something, and looked down at the dragon egg, "By the way, you are not planning to avenge Sun Elder, are you?"

One is the egg raised by yourself, and the other is Sect Elder.

Chapter 524

Chapter 524 The person who knows the current affairs is Junlong, with two faces before and after!

Li Ran didn't expect that Sun Elder was actually a dragon killer!

The Dragon Clan is an ancient monster clan, a transcendent existence entrenched above the Nine Heavens in the legend.Leng Wuyan himself once said in person, that is the real overlord of the sky!

Some clues can also be seen from the attitude of Dragon Egg.

It is just a young dragon that has not yet fully hatched. Its true strength has not been shown, but it has been arrogant to the point of defiance.

Even the top power at the pinnacle of Transcends Tribulation is nothing more than a "floor ant" in its mouth.

The pride hidden in the blood has been passed down for thousands of years.

But even this kind of extremely arrogant creature can actually be afraid of it?

"Slaying the dragon?"

Li Ran raised his brow slightly.

Sun Elder has such a feat!

What happened at the time?

How strong is this legendary woman who can deal with the emperor without losing?

He suddenly became curious about this "old woman" in his heart.

At this moment, Li Ran thought of something and looked down at the dragon egg, "Aren't you planning to retaliate against Sun Elder?"

He has a better understanding of Dragon Egg's character.

Suddenly I met an enemy who had killed the same clan, and he still had his arrogant personality like the "ant" in his eyes. What would he do if he didn't keep up?

One is my own pet, and the other is Sect Elder. If there is any conflict, it will be lively!

Li Ran will never allow this to happen.

But Long Dan's reaction was beyond his expectations.

I saw its small paws swayed and said, "Goo, roar, roar, roar! (It is a shame to the dragons to be killed by ants, and Death is their best destination!)"

"?? "

Li Ran scratched his head.

This reaction is too indifferent!

He couldn't help asking: "But that's your kind after all, don't you feel angry at all?"

Dragon Egg: "Oh, oh, oh, chaka! (Dragons have also killed people, why can't people slay dragons? Weak people have no right to complain.)"

Hearing this, Li Ran probably understood.

It is not that the dragon race has a weak racial concept, but they pursue absolute power and believe in the jungle law of The Weak are Prey to the Strong.

Being able to be killed by "ants" only means that oneself is too weak and is not qualified to receive sympathy.

"I didn't expect this little guy to look silly, but he was still a tough guy in his bones?"

Li Ran shook his head funny.

At this time, I just listened to the dragon egg muttering again in a low voice, "Well, hooah? (Mainly, I can't beat her now, and if I act rashly, I just give people a head…)"

Li Ran rubbed his eyebrows.

Yes, after all, I am still stunned!

In fact, it's quite interesting to think about it.

Although this dragon egg is defiant, it is not a stunner. After seeing Leng Wuyan's real power, he still dare not approach the range of Rakshasa Peak.

Now I'm so cautious with Sun Elder

The one who knows the current affairs is Junlong!

Li Ran nodded and said, "Anyway, don't think about revenge. Sun Elder has a special identity. You will see her stay away in the future."

Long Dan's little paw pinched his waist and groaned: "Oh roar chaka. (I'm not afraid, you will protect me anyway.)

Seeing its powerful look, Li Ran was speechless for a while.

With the two faces of the predecessor and the back, what kind of stuff do I have?

"Master Holy Son!"

Just when Li Ran was about to take it for another two laps, a familiar voice came not far away, and then a fragrant wind directly slammed into his arms.

Lu Xinran hugged him tightly with his hands, his cheek pressed against his chest, and said idiotically: "Master Holy Son, long time no see, I miss you so much~"

Li Ran brows jumped.

It seems to be like this every time I see her

Just about to reach out and pick her up, an angry roar suddenly sounded in his ear.


A wave of unpredictable dragon power spread, making people feel a bit cold on the back.

I saw the dragon egg's limbs grasping the ground, white clouds filled the gaps in the eggshell, and the two holes in the eyes reflected purple light.

The strong pressure almost filled the entire mountain!

In the shadows on the side, Sun Elder looked at this scene with an unconcealable surprise in his eyes, "The clouds are rising, the purple gas transforms into a dragon… This young dragon has not hatched, so it can exude the aura of a real dragon?!"

"This is too exaggerated!

"Also, dragons have always been rebellious, why do they obey Holy Son so?"

Sun Elder was puzzled and surprised, and his eyes were full of complexity when he looked at Li Ran.

"Holy Son is really mysterious enough, and it can also have a relationship with the ancient survivors.

She shook her head and let out a silent sigh.

Finally, he took a look at Li Ran, then turned his back and left.

Looking at the strange creature in front of him, Lu Xinran's throat could not help but tighten.

"Master Holy Son, what is this?"

Li Ran shrugged, "My pet."

Dragon Egg glared at her angrily, "Ho Ho Ho Ho! (Let go of your hand, humble ants!)"

Lu Xinran scratched his head, "Master Holy Son, it seems to have some opinions on me?"

Li Ran said helplessly: "If you don't let go, it won't be as simple as having an opinion."


Lu Xinran was taken aback when he heard the words, "Is this pet still psychic?"

She let go of Li Ran, walked over cautiously, and said hello: "Hello, my name is Lu Xinran, I'm the younger sister of Lord Holy Son."

Long Dan did not pay attention to her, but stood in between the two of them, staring at her vigilantly.

It seemed that she was not allowed to get closer to Li Ran for a half step.

Lu Xinran tried to touch it, but the dragon egg reacted very fiercely. If it weren't for Li Ran tied with a fairy rope, it would have already been rushed over.

This humble creature is also worthy to touch its noble body?

Listening to the appalling roar, Lu Xinran did not dare to make any more movements.

"Master Holy Son, your pet doesn't seem to have a good temper."


Finally, under the strict defense of Dragon Egg, she gave up the idea of ​​contact with Li Ran and had to maintain a safe distance of more than one meter. 4.7

Seeing the strange shape of the dragon egg, Lu Xinran was a little confused.

What the hell is this?

It looks like an egg has four legs, and the limbs have fine scales, exuding a Sacred and noble light, and it looks very extraordinary.

"It's probably some kind of ancient monster race?"

Lu Xinran shook his head, and did not continue to question.

She looked at Li Ran, as if thinking of something, her expression became a little weird.

Li Ran frowned, "What are you looking at me straightforwardly?

"I "

Lu Xinran's cheeks were slightly red, and he stopped talking.

Li Ran said, "I have something to say."

"All right "

Lu Xin hesitated for a moment, then blushed and twitched: "Holy Son, where are you and Ah Qin Big sis.. where are you?"

Li Ran: ".."

Chapter 525

Chapter 525 A love letter from Wuyang City!

"What did you say?"

Li Ran dug his ears, suspecting that he had heard him wrong.

Lu Xinran's fingers entangled and twisted and said, "Which step are you and Ah Qin Big sis?


Li Ran hit her head with a fist, and said with no good air: "What does that have to do with you? You are quite wide-minded!"

This girl seems to have that serious illness.

Can this kind of thing be asked in public?

Let's talk about the matter between him and Ah Qin, when is it her turn to inquire?


Looking at this scene, Dragon Egg clapped his hands happily.

Lu Xinran rubbed his head, pouted and said aggrieved: "People are just curious. Besides, Aqin Big sis still got the secret book from me, can't I care about it?"

Li Ran gritted his teeth: "Do you still dare to mention the secret book? Believe it or not, I will report you to the law enforcement hall?"

The so-called cheats were actually prohibited publications. Even if Lu Xinran kept them privately, he even dared to circulate them to others.

This is definitely prohibited in Sect! 09

In case it is discovered by the law enforcement hall, it will basically be expelled from the end of Sect!

But Lu shook his head happily, and said with a smile: "I don't believe it, Holy Son is hard-mouthed and soft-hearted, so I must be reluctant to report me."

Having been with Li Ran for so long, she knows how Tsundere each other is.

Even if he was caught by him last time, didn't he take the initiative to hide it for her?

Seeing her bright smile, Li Ran couldn't help feeling a sense of powerlessness.

How did this woman's brain circuit grow?

"Okay, don't talk nonsense in the future, in this large public, if others hear me, I am afraid I can't keep you." Li Ran said helplessly.

"Know it.

Lu Xinran nodded seriously, and then said with a look of curiosity: "So, where are you going?"

"Fuck off!'

Li Ran couldn't bear it and flew her out with one kick.


Lu Xinran took off on the spot, drew a beautiful arc over the dojo, and disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye.

"Oh roar!"

Longdan put up the pergola, watched her fly away, and gave Li Ran a thumbs up.

Li Ran rubbed his eyebrows and let out a helpless sigh.

What weird things are all around you?

"Send" to Lu Xin. Then, Li Ran wanted to take the dragon egg back, but the dragon egg finally came out once, so naturally he wanted to go shopping for a while.

After "friendly negotiation" with one person, one egg, Li Ran decided to give up his time.

The premise is that it must be honest and not allowed to make any more noises.

"Master Holy Son is here!"

When passing the Inner Sect dojo, the sharp-eyed people let out an exclamation, and then all the disciples stood up and looked at Li Ran in admiration.

"I have seen Lord Holy Son!

"Master Holy Son is handsome again!"

"Holy Son, is this a dog coming out?"

"When will Master Holy Son preach again? I won't miss it this time!"

Among them, there are many disciples who listened to the sermon last time.

They are different from others, all kneeling on one knee, with their right fists across their chests.

"I have seen Lord Holy Son!"

The eyes were full of enthusiasm and determination, as if the believer had seen the true god of faith.

Li Ran didn't say much, just nodded calmly.

He has no intention of developing believers, but things are a foregone conclusion. All he can do is accept it calmly.

"The power of these people's beliefs is getting more and more refined."

In Li Ran's perspective, his followers have a special sign, that is, the silver power of faith in the center of the eyebrows.

These powers of faith, ignoring space and distance, will constantly be added to his body.

Although it is still unclear what its effect is, among the Dantian rivers and mountains, the villain sitting in the palace looks more and more Sacred, and has a faint sense of detachment to become an immortal.

It can even faintly hear the resonance of Dao Dao, with the white light of xenon hydrogen, it looks almost immortal.

"Although the role is not clear, it is a good hand to pretend to be forced."

This posture is indeed quite bluffing.

And Li Ran also found that the silver light emitted by those "believers" was much richer than before.

Although he hasn't preached or even showed up several times recently, he has made quite a lot of noise.

In particular, the feat of breaking through two Realms in succession has made his image more and more stalwart, and even the power of the faith of the believers has become stronger and stronger.

"If this continues, I really don't know what it will become in the future."

Li Ran shook his head, "Isn't it really made into a sculpture to be enshrined?"

That's a bit oozing.

But he didn't know that after he had resisted the beast tide in southern Xinjiang and saved hundreds of thousands of people, a statue of him has stood in the center of Nanfeng City, and has received the worship and worship of hundreds of thousands of people every day.

Nanfeng City has also become the only city in the vast land where all the people worship Devil Dao practitioners.

And the stalwart statue, the eyebrows are faintly emitting a silver light

It's just that Li Ran still doesn't know anything about it.

Li Ran took the dragon egg and walked all the way to the middle of the mountain.

Passing a small pavilion with a peculiar shape, many disciples shuttled back and forth here, which looked very noisy and lively.

This is the Post Department, which is mainly responsible for the correspondence of Inner Sect.

Many of the disciples in the Medical Luodian Temple are from ordinary families, and they write letters, deliver messages, and send family letters to each other through this post office.

It can be regarded as one of the important channels for Sect disciples to communicate with ordinary people.

There are other letters sent by Sect. Except for the more important official letters, most of the others also have to go through here.

So disciples often come here to collect letters and send letters.

But Li Ran rarely comes.

Li Daoyuan never wrote him any family letter, even if the family has an urgent matter to send a letter, 820 people will send it to him.

You don't need to get it yourself.

"Master Holy Son is here.

"I have seen Holy Son."

Seeing Li Ran coming, the noisy environment was suddenly quiet, and the disciples bowed respectfully.

Li Ran nodded, and didn't intend to say more.

When he was about to leave, someone suddenly stopped him, "Master Holy Son stay!"


Li Ran turned and looked around, only to see a deacon rushing towards him with a stack of letters in his hand.

"Master Holy Son, here is your letter.

"My letter?

Li Ran was a little puzzled.

No one seems to write to him in the impression, right?

Deacon said, "These are all sent from Wuyang City, should they be your letter?"

"Family Letter"

Li Ran scratched his head.

Recently, the vast land has been turbulent, isn't it the Li family's troubles again?

He took the letter, opened an envelope casually, took out the letter and glanced at it roughly.

Then the whole person was dull.

I saw that the handwriting on the letter was graceful and timeless, and there was a deep feeling between the lines, which was about to overflow from the letter paper.

"What kind of family letter is this? It's clearly a love letter!'

Li Ran swallowed.

Although this letter is from Wuyang City, it is not from the Li family.

It's Wuyang Palace!.

Chapter 526

Chapter 526 The girls get together to send letters, the thoughts of Renhuang Shengye!

Li Ran looked at the letter in his hand and couldn't recover for a while.

The letter paper is fine rice paper dyed with spiritual incense, and the top smoke and ink above 100,000 pestles was used with a hammer. Although it has traveled tens of thousands of miles away, it still exudes a faint fragrance at this moment.

And the graceful font on the letter expresses fistful affection.

"Holy King Li Ran respects you: I have no young and no good, it has been more than a month."

"Dazha respected and learned, replied and begged for forgiveness. After a long absence, the fist has great ambitions."

"For a long time, you can clear the questions, and the time is in your mind. Let's go and a farewell, and add thoughts to it."

His mind is like handwriting, as if the flowing water is flowing slowly on the letter paper.

The central idea of ​​this letter is to express my longing for Li Ran, hoping that he can come to Wuyang City recently, so that he can understand his longing.

The signature is written in four small characters: Jinyun Anyi.

It is from the handwriting of Jinyun Princess Sheng Anyi.

Li Ran couldn't help scratching his head, feeling a little surprised, "Princess Sheng wrote to me?"

The two have a good relationship and have a good relationship with each other.

Not only did he watch the other party's small video, he even slept together, and when he finally left the Wuyang Palace, the other party's kiss was like a dragonfly.

This has laid the tone of the relationship between the two.

In Li Ran's heart, she basically regarded her as her own woman.

But having said that, Sheng Anyi's personality is very restrained and shy. Before talking to him, she would blush. How can she write this affectionate love letter now?

What's more, the time between the two is not long.

This made Li Ran a little puzzled.

At this time, he noticed that there was a faint golden peach blossom badge printed in the corner of the letter paper, which was the symbol of the Sheng family's royal family.

Explain that this letter was sent from the palace.

Li Ran was even more puzzled when he saw this.

Sheng Ye has always guarded him strictly, and the letters he exchanged naturally cannot escape his law. Sheng Anyi knows this best.

Even if you want to write a letter to yourself, you should be sneaky.How can it be sent here from the palace?

This is a little bit illogical.

But the handwriting was indeed from Sheng Anyi's pen, which made Li Ran a little confused.

"Could it be that Sheng Ye has acquiesced to me soaking up his daughter~ "?"

Li Ran always feels that things are not that simple.

He recovered and looked at the second letter.

After taking a look apart, there are only two short sentences above:

"Li Holy Son, this palace misses you, when will you come back to play with this palace?"

"How about these few days, this palace is waiting for you in Wuyang City."

In addition, there is not even a signature.

Even if there is no signature, Li Ran knows that this must be written by Sheng Zhixia.

Sure enough, in the corner of the letter paper, there was an identical peach blossom gold emblem.

"what is happening?"

Li Ran raised his brow slightly.

It is more appropriate for the two princesses to write to themselves or say love letters at the same time, and the purpose is to hope that he will return to Wuyang City as soon as possible.

Although he could feel the sincere intention of the other party when he wrote the letter, he still felt that it was weird.

They don't seem to worry about this being known by Sheng Ye?

"Miss me?"

Li Ran still remembers the scene when he went to the palace last time.

They played military flags together and were tricked by Chu Lingchuan to drink wine, and the three of them were directly asleep together.

Recalling that under the Ling Luobao account, the two princesses had a different style of fragrance, slender Baizhe's calf, and the graceful waist under the palace skirt. Li Holy Son's heartbeat speeded up a bit.

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he whispered: "Although Sheng Ye is not a good person, these two princesses are good girls. Or, look for a chance to go back to Wuyang City?

Suddenly received a letter from the other party, he really missed it a bit.

"But not long after I came back, Master may not agree to let me out."

Li Ran shook his head, not thinking about these things for now.

He cast his eyes on the last letter.

This letter is also from Wuyang City, but the material of the letter is different from the previous two letters.

The moment he touched the letter paper, Li Ran had a very familiar feeling, and he was almost directly certain that this letter was sent from Li's house.

Pulling out the letter paper, it turned out to be familiar handwriting.

But it was not written by Li Daoyuan, but by Xiao Qingge.

Li Ran frowned.

What day is it these days, why do the girls get together to send him letters?

Dingqing took a closer look.

The content of the first half of the letter is still Xiao Qingge's consistent style, mainly acting as a baby, and confiding his unbearable longing.

At the same time, she also reported her own practice status and Realm, saying that during Li Ran's absence, she did not be lazy.

Li Ran looked at the letter, she seemed to be obsessed with her eyes, and the corners of her mouth were slightly cocked.

But in the latter half of the letter, the style of painting changed abruptly.

Directly from the young daughter's mind, it became a father's tone.

Li Ran's smile gradually narrowed, and the more he watched, the deeper the frown, and finally he let out a long suffocating breath.

"No wonder the two princesses wrote to me, it turns out that's the same thing!"

The letter mainly conveyed two meanings.

The first is to tell him that the Supreme Emperor Shengxian is still alive and has already taken him up.


Li Ran groaned slightly.

He didn't know much about this supreme emperor who pioneered the Sheng clan, he just heard some legends about him.

After all, that is a very long history, and there is more than one era between him.

But this person who should have been buried by history tomorrow, has survived to the present?

Even the emperor can't do it, right?

This almost has the meaning of transcending life and death!

And the second thing is to explain the recent movement of the Sheng clan.

Both Sheng Ye and Sheng Xian wanted Li Ran to go to Wuyang City. It seemed that there was something important to discuss with him. (Money)

He even asked the two princesses to write him a love letter just to be able to meet him.

This just explains Li Ran's question just now.

Although Li Daoyuan didn't know about Dragon Qi, he still guessed some clues.

Sheng Ye's move must have something to do with the Sheng clan!

Therefore, for the safety of Li Ran, Li Daoyuan hopes that he will stay in Sect honestly in the near future and avoid getting close to Wuyang City easily.

"Sheng Ye wants to see me?"

"In this way, obviously I don't want to be known by the master, and if the situation is not particularly urgent, he can't hold back his face to do so."

Can make Sheng Ye so nervous, even Sheng Xian went to Li's house in person, Li Ran already had a vague guess in his heart.

"But how do they know?"

Just after the thought, a voice suddenly sounded behind him: "Ran'er, what are you doing here?"

Li Ran couldn't help stiffening, "Master?!"

Chapter 527

Chapter 527 It's over, the love letter was discovered by the master!


Li Ran stiffened, and slowly turned his head to look.

I saw Leng Wuyan standing behind him.

A white robe fluttered with the wind, like the snow on Rakshasa Peak that has not melted for thousands of years, and the snow-white fleece collar stood up slightly, setting the cheeks whiter and colder.

The whole person exudes a solitary temperament that no stranger should enter.

The disciples around were awed and bowed to greet them, but no one dared to approach half a step.

Even for the disciples of the same clan, the name "Leng Wuyan" also represents absolute majesty, and is their unattainable existence.

However, only Li Ran knows how hot and touching she is under her cold white robe.

Gao Leng is just a mask. The real master is very cute.

But at this time, Li Ran doesn't have the mind to think about what they have or not.

He swallowed and smiled stiffly: "Master, why are you here?"

Leng Wuyan hugged her shoulders and said: "Why, where do I want to go, I have to report to you first?"

"Disciple actually does not mean that."

Li Ran scratched his head, "It's just that Master does rarely come to Luoxuefeng.

If there is nothing important, Leng Wuyan would hardly leave Rakshasa Peak.

Even if it is the main peak of Inner Sect like Luo Xuefeng, she has come over 820 times.

Therefore, apart from the deacon on Rakshasa Peak, many Inner Sect disciples have never had the opportunity to see it.


Leng Wuyan gave him a white look and said angrily: "You still have the face to say that this seat is not for coughing cough, to see if Shen Ning's Cultivation Base has fallen!"


Li Ran raised his eyebrows, leaned over and said with a smile: "I haven't seen you in a few days, the master doesn't miss his disciple, right?"

Leng Wuyan's pretty face was stained with a blush, and he turned his head and said: "Nonsense, I didn't think about you!!

It just sounded soft and soft, with a little bit of coquetry and anger.

She really missed Li Ran a bit.

Since giving Shen Ning a vacation and returning to Luoxue Peak with this guy, Li Ran has never been to the bedroom again.

This made her feel a little bit sour.

Before co-authoring, I rushed to Shen Ning, just to look at myself by the way?

But this is not good for her to tell Li Ran, otherwise the other party will laugh at her and even eat the child's jealousy.

At the beginning, Leng Wuyan was thinking about waiting for the other party to find herself.

But left and right waited and couldn't come. It was really a bit unstoppable, so I took the initiative to rush to Luoxuefeng to see what Li Ran was doing.

"By the way, what are you doing at the post office?"

Leng Wuyan asked in doubt: "Is it going to send a letter to the Li family?"

"Ahem, the disciple just happened to be passing by, come over to see if there is a family letter."

Li Ran chuckled, his right hand holding the letter paper quietly hid behind him.

He didn't dare to use the storage ring, even the slightest Spirit Power fluctuation, he certainly couldn't hide the other party's perception.

But even so, Leng Wuyan still captured his small movements.

"What are you hiding there?"

She frowned slightly.

Li Ran stiffened and shook his head: "The disciple didn't hide anything."

Before I finished speaking, I only felt that my hands were empty, and in the blink of an eye, the three letters had reached Leng Wuyan's hands.

"This is the letter from the Li family?"

Leng Wuyan looked at the letter and said, "What is there to hide and tuck? It made it mysterious today.

I just wanted to open it and have a look.

Li Ran hurriedly said, "Master, this is personal privacy, you, you can't watch it!"

This is not a family letter, but a love letter sent by three girls!

If it is seen by the master, it will be over!

Leng Wuyan was taken aback by his reaction and stopped.


She recovered her senses and stared at Li Ran angrily, "You rebel, when you got under the bed of this seat, and when you took a bath with this seat, why didn't you, you talk about privacy?"

Li Ran's throat moved, but he was unable to refute.

"Huh, I don't bother to watch it!"

Leng Wuyan pouted her small mouth and raised her hand to throw the letter to him.

Although she felt a bit wronged, since Li Ran said it was privacy, she thought it would be better not to look at it casually.

"Master is right, there is really nothing to look at (ajeh).

Li Ran breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, and was about to reach out and take it.

But Leng Wuyan's hand just reached halfway, and suddenly she retracted again.

She frowned slightly, took the letter to her nose, her small nose moved, like a puppy sniffing the smell of the letter.

"This scent is obviously a daughter's fragrance. Does your father still have this special hobby?"

Li Ran swallowed.

Looking at his weird expression, and then smelling the fragrance on the letter paper, Leng Wuyan knew that these letters were tedious even though his reaction was slow.

She didn't care about her privacy, so she opened the letter and read it.

Li Ran covered his forehead and sighed helplessly.

"It's over

Looking at the graceful fonts on the letter paper, Leng Wuyan's hands trembled lightly, and frost covered her pretty cheeks.

The graceful handwriting and the tactful words on this letter are full of affection!

It seems to be a little wife, who is telling her miss for her husband!

No wonder Li Ran is so nervous, for fear of being seen by her, it turns out that it is not a family letter at all, but a love letter sent from Wuyang City!


Leng Wuyan's voice seemed to be squeezed from between his teeth.

Li Ran wiped his cold sweat and hurriedly said: "Master, listen to me to explain!!

"What can you explain?"

Leng Wuyan said coldly, "Isn't this letter addressed to you?"


Li Ran lowered his head.

Leng Wuyan looked at the letter signed and frowned, "Jin Yun Anyi? This name is a bit strange? Who is this woman?"

Li Ran knew that he couldn't keep it, and said helplessly: "It's Princess Jinyun of the Sheng clan.

Leng Wuyan was stunned for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, I said how do you go to Wuyang City. After so long delay, you still haven't come back. I originally hooked up with the Princess of the Sheng clan!"

As long as this rebel leaves Sect, there will always be more women around him.

It's ridiculous!

Li Ran scratched his head and said awkwardly: "In fact, it's not a hookup, it's just a coincidence."

"Once or twice can be said to be a coincidence, but how many women are there around you? Do you dare to say that they are all coincidences?"

Leng Wuyan said angrily: "Even if you don't dare to make up the script like this, right?"

Li Ran didn't know how to explain, and couldn't explain it.

Leng Wuyan glared at him bitterly, "I will settle accounts with you later!"

She closed the first letter and looked at the other one.

After just one glance, the whole person's expression became stiff again.

[Li Holy Son, this palace misses you, when will you come back? This palace is waiting for you in Wuyang City. ]

Leng Wuyan was silent for a while, and said in a low voice: "Who is this again?

Li Ran bowed his head down, and replied as if he had fate: "Princess Jiaolong, Sheng Zhixia."

"It's with that Princess Jinyun"



The entire Luxuefeng trembled, the disciples fell to the ground due to the shock, and the snow rolled directly upside down to the sky.

"Inverse, only!!".

Chapter 528

Chapter 528 Master, let me explain!


With a loud and deafening noise, the entire Lu Xuefeng shook, and the disciples were a little unstable.

Part of the Cultivation Base was not enough, and even fell directly to the ground.

Everyone looked in amazement ~ in the direction of Leng Wuyan.

I saw the snow on the top of the mountain was rolled up by invisible force, forming a strong tornado storm, wrapping her and Li Ran in it, and the others couldn't see what happened.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know, the head seems to be angry suddenly."

"Get angry? Didn't you talk and laugh with Holy Son just now?"

"I don't know, we dare not ask!"

Disciples looked at the tornado, very ambitious, but didn't dare to leave.

Li Ran is uncomfortable now.

He is located in the center of the whirlpool, surrounded by violent storms, but he is very calm around him, and the corner of his clothes has not moved.

Looking at Leng Wuyan's expressionless pretty face, he knew that something was going to happen this time!

Master knows that he has many women.

But this does not mean that love letters will be allowed to be sent to Sect!

In her eyes, this is Chi Guoguo's provocation!

What's more, it is Sheng Ye's biological daughter who wrote these two letters, and she is also a sister!

This is simply challenging her bottom line!

Leng Wuyan brushed off the letter in his hand and coldly said, "Rebel, what else can you say?"

Seeing her cold expression, Li Ran's eyebrows jumped wildly, and hurriedly said: "Master, it's not what you think."

"Not what I thought?"

Leng Wuyan sneered, "Okay, then tell me, what kind of relationship is between you, the other party will send the love letter to Sect!"

Li Ran was about to smash Sheng Ye's body into pieces in his heart!

What is in that guy's head to come up with such a silly idea?

Isn't this pure chaos!

He swallowed, and said, "There is another letter. Master should understand it after reading it."


Leng Wuyan raised his brows slightly, and cast his eyes on the last envelope in his hand.

Is it true that there is something else hidden?

She took out the letter paper, and just glanced at it, she almost died of anger.

I saw that the entire letter is full of "husband", "missing you", and "love you yo". The words are more explicit than the previous two love letters, and the strong love is almost about to overflow!

"This is what you want me to see?"

Leng Wuyan's willow eyebrows are erected, her eyes are almost bursting into flames, "Rebel, don't you want to piss me off?!"

Although he knows that Xiao Qingge is his fiancée, it is too blatant to be so blatant!

"Cough cough"

Li Ran scratched his head and said awkwardly: "The front can be ignored temporarily, the master mainly looks at the back part."

"Okay, let's take a look at this seat, what are you doing?

Leng Wuyan suppressed his anger forcibly, and continued to look behind.

When I saw the second half of the letter, I couldn't help but be stunned.

The closer she sees the back, the tighter her eyebrows frown.

"So that's what happened?

After reading the last word, she fell into a brief silence.

She didn't expect that there was something hidden in this matter.

Sheng Ye actually asked them to write this love letter. The purpose is to let Li Ran go to Wuyang City.

Moreover, the Supreme Emperor Shengxian also "resurrected from the dead" and went to Li's house in person

Li Ran said helplessly: "Master, can you understand?"


Leng Wuyan's pretty face blushed slightly.

There was such a big fire just now, and I didn't expect to really blame him. This made her somewhat embarrassed.


She cleared her throat, "Why didn't you talk about this kind of thing earlier?'

"I want to say, but Master didn't give me a chance to speak, and I just figured out what's going on."

Li Ran said, "I was also surprised when I saw the love letter. Later, when I saw the letter from Li's home, I realized that everything was arranged by Sheng Ye."

Leng Wuyan raised her brows, "What is Sheng Ye thinking about?"

In any case, Sheng Ye is the emperor of the world, a royal family in the true sense.

How can you do such a self-degrading thing?

Asked two biological daughters to write love letters to Li Ran, and they also sent them directly to the doctor's palace?

This is too outrageous!

Li Ran said: "Listening to my father, the reason why Sheng Ye is so urgent may be related to the recent loosening of the dragon lock.

"It's not like.

Leng Wuyan thought for a moment, and said, "It's definitely because of this."

"The stability of Dragon Lock is getting worse and worse. Don't look at Sheng Ye as the emperor of human beings now. When the dragon's energy dissipates, the momentum of heaven and earth will directly lift him from the throne!"

0...…Look for flowers.

The Sheng clan itself is so superior.

They knew better than anyone the consequences of the dragon's energy dissipating.

Li Ran puzzled: "But even so, why does he want to see me?"

Leng Wuyan said: "My guess, they should know that you can absorb dragon energy.


Li Ran's heart beats!

Although he had already guessed it himself, the words came out of Leng Wuyan's mouth, and he was unavoidably surprised.

Then he frowned, "No, I haven't left Sect since I absorbed the Dragon Qi. Only Master knows about this. Can Sheng Ye also control the Dragon Qi?,


Otherwise, how did the other party know?

"Sheng Ye?"

Leng Wuyan sneered, disdainfully said: "Impossible, he doesn't have that ability.

Sheng Ye is addicted to power and has been in the camp for so many years. He has no progress in his cultivation, let alone controlling the dragon's energy.

Li Ran was even more puzzled when he heard the words, "If it wasn't this"

Leng Wuyan continued: "Sheng Ye can't do it, but it doesn't mean that Sheng Xian can't do it."

"Sheng Xian?"

Li Ran was stunned, "Master said that this is the handwriting of the Supreme Emperor?

Leng Wuyan nodded, "Last time the dragon lock was loosened, the country was slumped, and the various forces competed in the middle of the earth. The Sheng clan was not the strongest one."

"But in the end, it suddenly emerged, with a small and broad, swept all the forces, and entered the imperial city with a strong force."

"At that time, the Sheng Clan was in harmony with the people at the time and place, as if it was holding the general trend of the sky and the earth, and became the final winner almost effortlessly."

"Why do you think this is?"

Li Ran reacted and frowned, "Sheng Clan has a way to control the dragon's energy?"

"Nine out of ten, this is the case.

Leng Wuyan's eyes were a little joking, "Sheng Xian tried his best to delay his lifespan. It is estimated that he is waiting for this prosperous age. For the sake of the Sheng clan, it really took great pains!"

"Postpone lifespan"

Li Ran pondered for a moment, then wrinkled, "Really someone can live so long?"

"It can be, but only if it is willing to pay the same price.

Leng Wuyan's expression was calm, her cold eyes seemed to penetrate the void. Spoon.

Chapter 529

Chapter 529 The cost of "longevity", Leng Wuyan's analysis!


Li Ran was slightly stunned.

From the last prosperous age, until the advent of this prosperous age, how long has it gone through?

How much does it cost to do this?

Leng Wuyan said: "Death is a destination that creatures cannot escape. As long as they are still in this world, no matter how high the Realm is, no matter how powerful the race is, they will ultimately be unable to escape the fate of turning into dust.

"Even the Emperor Rank is no exception."

"Sheng Xian should have died a long time ago. Although some secret medicines can prolong lifespan, the extended part is also very limited, and he will definitely not survive now.

"He is still alive, there is only one way to do it

Li Ran curiously asked: "Which way?"

Leng Wuyan said lightly: "Sleeping.


Li Ran was stunned when he heard the words, "It's that simple?"

As long as you sleep "August 20", you can cross the endless river of time and see the world thousands of years later?

This is too simple!


Leng Wuyan shook his head, "The deep sleep I said is not as easy as you understand.

"It's not so much a deep sleep, it's better to use "seal" to describe it more accurately.

"If you want to freeze your lifespan and delay the arrival of the death period, the only way is to completely seal your body and cut off all the connections between yourself and the avenue. In this way, in the sense of heaven and earth, this person has disappeared, and naturally escaped Death. Samsara."

"But the consequence of this is that consciousness will fall into complete darkness."

"Unable to move, unable to think, unable to practice, there is no five senses, nor the slightest light, and some are just darkness like death."

"But the consciousness can only be kept clear. Every minute and every second is suffering, let alone maintain this state for thousands of years?"

"This is a cruel punishment than Death!"

Listening to what she said, Li Ran's throat tightened a little.

This feeling is probably similar to "dark room imprisonment."

In a dark environment with no light and no sound, the spirit will easily collapse. It is already the limit for ordinary people to persist for a few days, not to mention the need to stay awake for thousands of years!

It makes people shudder to think about it!

This supreme emperor is a ruthless man!

Leng Wuyan paused, and continued: "And not only that, after such a long seal, Sheng Xian's perception of the world has long been broken."

"In other words, in Heavenly Dao's will, the former Sheng Xian was dead a long time ago, while the current Sheng Xian is an'outsider' and does not belong to this world.

"In order to drive this outsider out, Sheng Xian will be subjected to the laws of heaven and earth all the time, and it will not be over until he is completely crushed into a child's fan."

"This means that in the few remaining lives of his life, there will be no peace for a moment."

Since ancient times, few people have chosen this method to delay death.

Because this method does not fundamentally extend the lifespan, it just seals the physical state and restarts it again after a period of time.

In contrast, the price paid was too heavy.

Even if I survived the boundless silence, I will continue to confront Heavenly Dao in the days to come, and I will never be at peace.

Therefore, the mighty people would rather die, rather than do this kind of thing that quenches thirst by drinking a dove.

Even if it is forced to seal itself, it will only be a period of time, and it will never be sealed for so many years.

Li Ran swallowed, "So what exactly is Sheng Xian's picture?"

This deal doesn't sound like a good deal.

Isn't it a masochism?

Leng Wuyan shook his head and said, "I guess he is waiting for this day."

Li Ran frowned upon hearing this, "Master meant to say"

"Sheng Xian probably foresaw the coming of this prosperous age, and only he can control the dragon energy of the entire Sheng clan."

Leng Wuyan analyzed: "That's why he sealed himself for so long in order to help the Sheng Clan tide over this crisis, silently waiting for this day to come.

"It makes sense.

Li Ran nodded.

This can also explain why the Sheng clan will find itself.

Leng Wuyan said: "Now that Sheng Ye has made the act of "sending love letters," he even exposed Sheng Xian's existence, indicating that for them, the situation has reached a very serious point. "

"It's very likely that you have absorbed the dragon energy, which caused Sheng Xian's plan to fail, so you can only make the best move."

The amount of dragon energy is constant.

Even if the dragon lock is loose, the dragon energy will only escape from the ground into the air, and will not disappear directly.

As long as Sheng Xian mastered a certain way to collect the escaping dragon energy, it would be tantamount to mastering the lifeblood of the country.

When the dragon lock is re-stabilized, the Sheng clan will still be able to regain the big treasure and once again become the lord of the country.

But they didn't count the variable 0 of Li Ran…

I didn't expect anyone in the world to absorb dragon energy directly!

Li Ran absorbs dragon energy into himself, which is equivalent to plundering the vast land of air luck.

As long as the Dragon Qi is missing for a day, the country will have no ownership for a day, and the Sheng Clan's abacus will naturally be lost.

This should be why Sheng Ye is so impatient.

If Sheng Ye and Sheng Xian heard her analysis, they would be frightened.

Based on only a little information at hand, I can analyze the whole process of the matter in a shrouded manner, and it is basically the same as the facts.

Leng Wuyan's strength is not just on Cultivation Base.

Li Ran quickly wanted to understand the twists and turns, "So Sheng Ye was anxious to see me, just want the dragon energy in my body?"

Leng Wuyan nodded and said, "Eight or nine are not separated from ten. But they should not dare to do anything to you, they probably just want you to cooperate."


Li Ran sneered, "Sheng Ye is thinking about fart?"

Their relationship is far from harmonious.

Leng Wuyan turned her head and hummed: "Have you seen that the two princesses have been contributed? This is full of sincerity! Besides, your future father-in-law is in trouble, can you be a son-in-law just sit back and watch?"

Li Ran covered his forehead.

Good guy, after co-authoring for a long time, the master is still jealous?

"Ahem, this problem?"

Li Ran didn't know how to answer.

Although Sheng Ye is very annoying, but who gives birth to two good girls?

Seeing his hesitating and embarrassing appearance, Leng 4.7 snorted without a sigh, "I know you are not right!"

She is not a fool.

Although this love letter was Sheng Ye's command, the thoughts and affection in that letter came from the heart at first glance.

A lot of things must have happened between him and the two princesses, otherwise the relationship would never reach this level.

"This nasty guy

Leng Wuyan was sour in her heart, "I have to give this seat a "surprise" every time I come back. I can't easily let you out in the future!"

Li Ran chuckled, there was no way to refute it.

But now is not the time to be jealous.

Leng Wuyan just glared at him, then her expression was reduced.

She raised her head and looked in the direction of Wuyang City, her eyes full of cold killing intent.

"Sheng Ye"

"Is this seat too polite to you?!"

Chapter 530

Chapter 530 Heaven and earth, Leng Wuyan's true strength?

Leng Wuyan's eyes were a little gloomy.

No matter what Sheng Ye is for, he shouldn't put his idea on Li Ran, let alone the way of sending a love letter to Sect completely touched her inverse scale.

Originally, Sheng Ye's idea was very simple. On the one hand, he contacted the Li family and asked the two princesses to contact Li Ran at the same time, but he did not choose to make a big fanfare.

The purpose is to release the goodwill to the greatest extent, so as not to cause Li Ran or Youluodian's plan.

But what Sheng Ye never expected was that Leng Wuyan was not only Li Ran's master, but also his wife!

This can be said to be stuck on the muzzle!

"It seems that I have been too polite to the Sheng Clan recently."

Leng Wuyan's face was frosty, and her voice was cold, "I have recently found time to go to Zhao Wuyang City!"

"Master is going to Wuyang City?"

Li Ran was stunned for a moment, and then cautiously said, "Master doesn't really want to kill Sheng Ye, right?"

Leng Wuyan raised her brows, "Why, do you start to feel sorry for your future father-in-law?"


Li Ran looked embarrassed, and said with a sneer: "That's actually not, the disciples are just worried about the safety of the master. After all, they have two emperor ranks on their side, and two fists are hard to beat four hands."

Hearing Master's tone, he obviously didn't explode Sheng09. To put in one's eyes.

Sheng Ye is an emperor, and his strength is naturally strong.

But since the Emperor Zheng, his mind has been mainly placed on Jiangshan Sheji, and obviously he has not been so concerned about cultivation.

If you look solely at personal strength, there is a gap between the strong players in the first echelon now.

But the Supreme Emperor was different.

That was the grand ancestor of the Sheng Clan. He was a super strong with a reputation thousands of years ago, and his strength is definitely not small!

Coupled with the accumulation of the Sheng Clan for so many years, it is estimated that the foundation is still above several Sects!

No matter how strong the master is, it is not easy to be so big.

But Leng Wuyan shook his head, "Are you worried about Sheng Xian? Don't worry, no matter if he lives for thousands of years or tens of thousands of years, as long as he doesn't get rid of the world, he can't be the opponent of this seat.

"Furthermore, he still has to be distracted to fight Heavenly Dao now, and he can't fully display his strength.

"For this seat, it's not even a threat.

She spoke with a calm tone, as if she was stating a simple fact.

The words are full of absolute confidence in their own strength.

"As long as you don't get rid of the strange shackles, you are not Master's opponent?"

Li Ran heard the meaning of the words, and was a little shocked: "Is the Master already breaking through the emperor-level strange orange and reaching the legendary Realm?"

If this is the case, it would be too exaggerated!

From ancient times to the present, there have been countless geniuses and great abilities in the vast land, but there has never been a strong person above the emperor level, and even the strongest genius can not break through this.

But think about it carefully, Master seems to always be able to stabilize the other emperor level.

Even Chen Yundao's top power can't hold her three light swords.

Li Ran hadn't even seen her use her full strength.

Why is everyone at the emperor rank, only Leng Wuyan can be so detached, looking at the mountains?

Seeing his shocked appearance, Leng Wuyan showed a slight smile, "Why, do you doubt the strength of this seat?"

Li Ran shook his head and said: "That actually is not, the disciple just doesn't understand

Leng Wuyan waved his hand and said lightly: "This seat is this seat, and the others are other people. What other people can't do, this seat must not be able to do?"

"The so-called heaven and earth stalls are nothing but obstacles set up by certain pretentious but timid existences.

"It's easy to solve this problem, as long as you become stronger than them."

When she spoke, her eyes looked towards the sky inadvertently, and her eyes were full of disdain and sarcasm.

Li Ran frowned slightly.

The amount of information in Master's words was a bit too big, which made him a little bit overwhelmed for a while.

"Pretentious existence?

He asked incomprehensibly: "Listening to Master, this Realm restriction is not because of Heavenly Dao, but because of other people's arrangements?"

This is a bit scary.

What kind of horrible existence is necessary to be able to change the pattern of the entire world and suppress the Cultivation Base of countless people in the vast land?

"Heavenly Dao"

Leng Wuyan didn't know what he thought of, she lowered her head to think for a moment, and finally shook her head: "Forget it, it doesn't make much sense for you to know it now, it will only interfere with your Dao heart. However, with your speed of practice, it won't take long. It's all clear.

Cultivation pays attention to no distractions. What Realm should do what Realm does.

Although Li Ran is very talented, but now only the peak of the clone, even the threshold of He Dao has not been passed.

Knowing too much is not good for him.

Moreover, this is not a very important matter.

Li Ran saw that she didn't want to say, so he didn't ask any more questions.

He squeezed his chin and said to himself: "It seems that the master is really a bit fierce. The thighs are really right. This bowl of soft rice is respected first!"


Leng Wuyan stretched out his hand and knocked on his head, and said in a bad tone: "What kind of thighs, what kind of soft rice, what are you talking about there!"

This rebel always likes to say something nonsensical, and sometimes he really wants to kill his popularity.

Li Ran rubbed his head, Biya grinned in pain.

He was telling the truth.

There is the world's best master as a wife, is there any softer rice that is more fragrant than this?

"When I break through to Hedao Realm, then it will be considered to be a real soft meal, cough cough cough!"

Noting the shy and angry look in Master's eyes, Li Holy Son was so scared that he hurriedly dragged his divergent thoughts back.

He decisively changed the subject, "Then how does Master plan to deal with this matter?"

"Naturally lose looking for Sheng Welding"

Leng Wuyan was halfway talking, and looked at him suspiciously, "Why do you care about this matter so much?"

Li Ran looked complacent and said: 820 "Isn't the disciple worried about Master."

"Hmph, I believe you are a ghost, are you the two Little Princesses who care about you?"

Leng Wuyan hugged her shoulders, with a sneer on her pretty face.

In fact, she was right, Li Ran was really worried about the two princesses.

What if the Master went to Wuyang City, saw them and became jealous, and killed them directly?

It's too late to say anything.

But this is not good for him to say directly to Master, otherwise it will add fuel to the fire?

Looking at Li Ran's tangled appearance, Leng Wuyan knew it naturally, and a faint resentment passed through his eyes.

"The rebel, he said it has nothing to do with the two Sheng clan princesses!"

She cleared her throat and said ambiguously: "You don't have to worry about this anyway, I will take care of it. And you don't have to think about going to Wuyang City, there are no doors!"

The last road was blocked, and Li Ran dropped his head helplessly.

Now all he can do is silently pray, hoping that Master's anger will not spread to the two princesses.

"By the way, what have you been doing these past few days, nothing has happened?" Leng Wuyan asked seemingly casually.

Li Ran shrugged and picked up the dragon egg. "The disciples have been playing with eggs these days.


Long Dan's body trembled slightly, without the usual arrogance, a little shrank and hid behind him.

Leng Wuyan: "…".