
I really don't want to fall in love with my master

This novel is specifically designed for my one so I don't care about anything

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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50 Chs

461 to 470

Please, I Really Didn't Want To Fall in Love With My Master! Chapter 461 Online

Chapter 461

Chapter 461 At the beginning of the original realm, the detached Leng Ling Wuyan!

"Leng Wuyan"

Sheng Ye was speechless for a while.

As long as you have experienced that period, you know how terrifying this name is.

The friction between the two realms was very fierce.

There are two super powers, Chen Yundao and Yi Qinglan, and Chu Lingchuan is the only one who proves Taoism by martial arts.

The strength of the three is more than a bit stronger than that of the ordinary emperor.

Although the two female emperors are not interested in the battle of the righteous demon, they are the masters of the righteous way after all.

In contrast, Devil Dao's overall strength is much behind.

Therefore, the sects can only hide in dark corners, trembling under Chen Yundao's iron-blooded wrists.

Until Leng Wuyan was born.

At the beginning, no one put this new female emperor To put in one's eyes.

Everyone is a veteran power, knowing how big the gap between the emperor levels is. A Taoist practice with no foundation accumulated, even if it breaks through the emperor level, it is not a concern.

And at that time, You Luo Temple had a neutral attitude, and it was not an absolute magic door.

But it didn't take long for the development of the situation to exceed everyone's expectations.

On the third day when Leng Wuyan became the head, his deacon was defiled and killed by the disciple of Qui Mengzong.

Kuimengzong is a subsidiary Sect of Shinto Palace.

Leng Wuyan sent Elder to ask for an explanation, but was severely injured by the opponent.

At that time, Chen Yun's Dao name was called the first person in the righteous way, and the power of one person suppressed the three Devil Dao sects, so the Kui Mengzong was very confident.

In fact, this kind of thing is normal.

In the situation at that time, the disciple would die if he died, and no one would say anything at all.

But Leng Wuyan was furious.

He directly boarded the Kuimengzong and asked the other party to surrender the murderer.

Qui Mengzong has a backing, and he has no fear at all. Not only did Leng Wuyan hang out for half an hour, his head even spoke badly.

They were sure that Leng Wuyan did not dare to offend Chen Yundao.

And Leng Wuyan no longer said much.

She only used one sword.

With a single sword, the entire mountain peak was razed to the ground, and Kui Mengzong, from the head to the handyman, turned into a child fan!

First-class Sect, directly and completely erased!

This incident caused an uproar in Haotu at that time.

At that time, under the weight of the righteous path, other Sects could only steal their lives, and it was the first time that such a big disturbance occurred!

And Chen Yundao just seized this opportunity.

He first made a lot of noise, not mentioning the evil deeds of Kuimengzong, but rendered Leng Wuyan as a murderous demon, and completely characterized Youluodian as Devil Dao Sect.

Then organize the righteous way Sect, hold the "Devil Devil~"Meeting", and attack Xuanling Mountain in a righteous manner.

I intend to use this incident as an introduction to push Devil Dao to the opposite of the human race and completely eradicate other Devil Sects!

At that time, in the eyes of everyone, Chen Yundao had already taken the shot himself, and Leng Wuyan definitely had no power to fight back.

It is estimated that he can't hold it for half an hour.

As a result, Leng Wuyan not only supported it, but also severely injured Chen Yundao!

In that battle, there were countless deaths and injuries among the people in the right way, and she was like a chicken dog in front of her!

After killing all the enemies, he also hunted down Chen Yundao for hundreds of thousands of miles!

If it hadn't been for Yi Qinglan to come forward to stop it in the end, I'm afraid the Shinto Palace would have been destroyed by her sword!

But even so, Leng Wuyan did not let go of other Sects.

All Sects who participated in this aggression will be wiped out!

Without exception!

The whole vast land is full of blood!

From then on, Leng Wuyan's magic name resounded throughout the world and became an absolutely detached existence.

And Devil Dao also found the right time and joined forces to start a bloody counterattack.

The murderous aura that had been accumulated for a long time poured out.

The long-lasting war between Masamune and Demons has officially kicked off.

The mountains they fought were shattered, the sea was boiling and the river was turning over, and in the endless war, both the real and the devil were greatly injured.

In the end, under Sheng Ye's work, Zheng Dao gave up some of its resources, and Zheng Mo reached a delicate balance.

Only then has the present peaceful days come.

But after so many years, many people have almost forgotten how strong Leng Wuyan is.

But the emperor-level power who has experienced that time will never forget the horror of being completely crushed!

Sheng Ye knew better than anyone.

Although they are both at the emperor level, Leng Wuyan and them are not at the same level at all!

There is a dead silence in the source of the Tao.

"Leng Wuyan"

Sheng Ye was silent for a long time, and said in a low voice, "I didn't expect that after so many years, she was still as strong as before."

Chen Yundao shook his head, "No, she has become stronger than before.


Sheng Ye frowned.

The amount of information in this statement can be a bit big.

You must know that the emperor rank is already the top existence.

In this kind of Realm, it is extremely difficult to move forward, not to mention the strong one among the strong like Leng Wuyan.

How easy is it to become stronger?

Chen Yundao saw his thoughts and said, "For many years, this seat has been absorbing Dao power, and has already broken through the'Fengfeng'. At the level of'Yuanchu', he still can't hold Leng Wuyan's sword. "

"'|You are already "Yuanchu"?!

Sheng Ye couldn't help trembling, staring at him.

Chen Yundao had a calm face and said lightly: "Is it strange? Yi Qinglan is already at the end of the'Beginning of Origin'. Although Chu Lingchuan's strength is hard to say, it is definitely above the "Fenfeng". "

He looked at Sheng Ye, and the corners of his mouth twitched, "Everyone is getting stronger, only Sheng Huang is intoxicated with power, and he doesn't put his mind on cultivation at all."

Sheng Ye lowered his head, and his fists behind him were quietly clenched.

Before I knew it, I had already fallen so much!

Chen Yundao was right.

Sitting in this position, thinking about how to stabilize power every day, things like cultivation Enlightenment have long been forgotten.

"No wonder the last time I saw Chu Lingchuan, I felt that she was much stronger than before!"

Sheng Ye's hands were full of sweat.

Jiangshan is based on actual conditions. If he is too far behind (Zhao Nuo's) compared with other emperors, I am afraid the consequences

Chen Yundao continued: "Now the influence of the dragon lock is gradually weakening, and the shackles of heaven and earth are beginning to loosen.

"It is estimated that in less than a century, the next golden age will come, Shenghuang should be prepared early."

In the golden age, geniuses come forth in large numbers.

The emperor realm has sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain, and these super powers are basically proving the Dao at that time.

Sheng Ye spit out a sulky donkey.


He secretly said in his heart: "With Li Ran here, I'm afraid it won't take that long at all."

At this time, Sheng Ye suddenly thought of something, and wondered: "But since you are already at the beginning, why can't you even catch a sword?,

Chen Yundao sighed, "If I guess right, Leng Wu Ma Yan has already arrived at the legendary Realm.

"What did you say?!"

Sheng Ye shook his body and exclaimed in amazement!

Chapter 462

Chapter 462 Preaching in the North, the spirit of the true dragon!

"The legendary Realm?"

Sheng Ye's throat tightened a little, "What does Daochang Chen mean?"

Chen Yundao shrugged, "That's what Sheng Huang thought."

Sheng Ye was stunned.

He knows the chilling meaning behind these words!

"How can this be?"

He swallowed and couldn't say anything: "As long as the dragon lock exists for a day, no one can break through to the emperor level, how can she get rid of the shackles in the world?"

Chen Yundao shook his head and said: "The shackles are only for you and me. As for Leng Wuyan, when did she follow the routine?"


Sheng Ye was speechless for a while.

This is correct.

From the beginning, Leng Wuyan exceeded everyone's expectations.

Just breaking through the Emperor Realm, he was able to overpower Chen Yundao's super power, which at the time seemed to be simply impossible.

General rules and laws do not apply to this woman.

So it seems that it is not impossible for her to break through.

"But this is only Chen Daochang's guess."

Sheng Ye frowned, "Is it possible that she is also the beginning, but she is relatively strong?"

Chen Yundao shook his head, "Although this seat cannot be completely determined, there is one point of 790 that is beyond doubt. Leng Wuyan's Cultivation Base is absolutely above Yuanchu, otherwise it is impossible to cut out the earth-shattering three swords."

Recalling the horrible feeling of oppression, he still has a tingling scalp.

The earth-shaking three swords made him feel the fear of Death for the first time.

Especially the last sword

Under the Dao that could cut through the heavens and the earth, he seemed to be a lamb slaughtered by his neck, and he didn't have any resistance at all.

"Furthermore, the dragon lock has been loosened now, and the impact is far less intense than before. Sheng Huang knows this point better than anyone else.

Chen Yundao sighed: "This seat can still make breakthroughs, let alone Leng Wuyan?"

Sheng Ye couldn't help falling into silence.

He felt the loosening of the dragon lock a long time ago.

The dragon lock is opened, and the prosperous age is present.

Once the dragon lock that imprisoned the world is opened, the entire world will usher in drastic changes, and the golden age of contention of various Sects is about to come.

This may be good news for Sect, but it is the opposite for Sheng Dynasty.

The dragon lock not only confines the world, but also controls the dragon energy of the entire vast land. As the influence of the dragon lock gradually weakens, the dragon energy also begins to escape (ajeh) and loses.

This is also the reason why this period of time is so uneven.

Once the dragon qi is gone, it means that the luck of the Sheng clan has come to an end, and the vast land will fall into the flames of war.

A new dynasty will come into being until the Dragon Qi recondenses.

The reason why Sheng Ye was busy, both overtly and secretly, had been trying to cause opposition between the righteous and demons, and tried to maintain the balance of the forces of all parties, because he wanted to delay the arrival of this day.

Although he knew that in the face of the general trend, any effort was vain, but he still didn't want to sit still.

The strong sense of crisis in his heart made him have to do something.

So even as an emperor, he still painstakingly drilled into the camp, and almost exhausted all available means.

"Actually, this may not be the case."

Sheng Ye said in a deep voice: "The dragon lock has confined the world for so many years, even if the ancient survivors of the year have no way, how can it be so easy to break?"

Having said that, but the voice has no confidence, it sounds as if it is self-comforting.

Chen Yundao secretly shook his head.

"I hope so."

As soon as the voice fell, the two suddenly noticed something, and turned their heads to look north.

"this "

The gaze instantly caught Shattering Void, and the scene in front of them completely stunned them.

I saw that in the vast snow-capped mountains, above the blatant Xuanling Mountains, all kinds of visions of heaven and earth made people's mind trembling.

The sky is falling chaotically, the ground is rushing into the golden lotus, clusters of bright golden clouds gather in the sky, and the mighty Taoist sound echoes between the heaven and the earth.

"You Luo Temple!"

"This sound seems to have a great reason, someone is preaching here!"

The two looked at each other, their eyes full of surprise.

What a mighty power that would trigger such a terrifying vision when preaching?

Sheng Ye frowned and said, "Could it be that Leng Wuyan made the move?"

Chen Yundao shook his head: "It doesn't feel like it. Although Leng Wuyan's Tao is powerful and incomparable, it doesn't have such a domineering intention."

"Who would it be?"

A name appeared in both of them at the same time.

This breath is very similar to that person, but that person does not yet have the same way, how can he have such an understanding of Dao?

Looking at the rugged snow-capped mountains, the two of them felt like a cat scratching their hearts.

But Youluo Palace has a large formation of guardians, and they don't want to alarm Leng Wuyan, so they can only hold back their own curiosity temporarily.

At this moment, there was a muffled sound in the void, like a depressed dragon chant, which made people feel a little flustered inexplicably.

I saw in the cracks of the mountain rock wall, a thick purple transpired, winding in the air and condensed into a dragon shape.

Sheng Ye opened his tiger eyes wide, and said in amazement, "This, this is Dragon Qi?!

Chen Yundao was also dumbfounded.

The meaning of the emperor radiating from the purple qi is clearly the pure dragon qi!


The purple dragon hovered in the air, and the mouth of the smoke made of smoke opened, and it roared loudly!

With a radius of thousands of miles, golden clouds cover the top!

"It's really dragon spirit!"

"Who is the preacher who can arouse so much true dragon spirit?!"

The two of them didn't care about being cautious, their spirits rushed directly to Xuanling Mountain, trying to break through the guardian formation to see what was going on inside.

As a result, as soon as consciousness touched the formation, a cold female voice heard in her ears:


The boundless shadows rushed in an instant, as if to swallow their consciousness!

"Cold Master, misunderstanding!"

The two shivered with fright.

He hurriedly withdrew Divine Sense, and didn't dare to look at it again.


There was dead silence at this time.

Sheng Ye and Chen Yundao stared with big eyes, and they were a little bit speechless with shock.

"I didn't read it wrong just now? Isn't that the dragon spirit?"

Sheng Ye was a little unsure, and asked questions one after another.

Chen Yundao nodded stupidly, "I'm pretty sure, you are not mistaken. Is it really Leng Wuyan who is preaching? Otherwise, how could there be such a big disturbance."

Sheng Ye let out a suffocating breath and shook his head: "It can't be Leng Wuyan. The true dragon's aura likes yang and dislikes yin. As long as it is a female cultivator, no matter how strong it is, it is impossible to arouse the dragon qi. This is definitely a male practitioner. Made it out.

As the lord of the country, he has been immersed in dragon spirit for many years, and he knows this no more.

"Male practitioner?"

Chen Yundao whispered: "Can make Leng Wuyan so nervous, can it be?"

At this time the answer is ready to come out.

The two said in unison: "Li Ran!"

Chapter 463

Chapter 463 The dragon egg is rich in protein!

"Li Ran!"

The two said in unison.

Although the Doctor Luo Palace has a lot of power, and there is that weird old woman, but can make such a movement, they can't think of anyone except Li Ran.

Although Li Ran only distracts Realm, his understanding of Dao is not limited to Cultivation Base.

Moreover, this guy has done countless appalling things, and his strength cannot be simply measured by Realm.

"I looked very familiar with the meaning of the great road. It seemed that I had seen the same weather in Li Ran before." Sheng Ye recalled.

At the beginning, he was outside the palace, he wanted to give Li Ran a disarm, but he was turned against him by the opponent.

At that time, a golden ancient seal appeared on Li Ran's body, and the overbearing aura was almost the same as before.

"If it's really him, then it's a bit ~ appalling."

Chen Yundao looked serious and whispered: "In the distracting state, he can feel such a great way. I am afraid that the sermon is a matter of time for him, and this time will be very short."

For the practitioner's Realm Ascension, each Realm has a very high threshold.

To successfully break through to the Transcends Tribulation, talent, hard work, and opportunity are indispensable.

But even if the difficulty of all the Realms before is added together, they are far less than the step of proving the way and becoming the emperor.

Emperor Realm.

It is synonymous with the strongest in the vast land, and it is also the end of the immortal road in most eyes.

To attain the throne of the emperor, not only need to sense the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, but also to form its own unique Dao foundation among the thousands of avenues.

For example, Leng Wuyan's Vientiane Senluo Dao, Sheng Ye's Emperor's Way, Shentu's Way of Killing

This step is as difficult as reaching the sky, but it is only the beginning.

You must know that the emperor-level powerhouse is not tolerated by the heavens and the earth, Heavenly Dao does not allow anyone to be able to control the Taoist rules, so it will directly drop the Heavenly Punishment Thunder Tribulation.

Only those who successfully survive the thunder tribulation will be recognized by Heavenly Dao.

After that, Daoji took shape and only then had the ability to communicate with the world.

From ancient times to the present, I don't know how many geniuses have died under the thunder tribulation.

As long as there is a slight flaw in Dao heart, it will inevitably end in divine form!

And Li Ran has not yet joined the Dao, he has been able to communicate with the heavens and the earth and the dragon, forming his own unique image of the Dao.

This is an exaggeration!

I'm afraid it really became the Transcends Tribulation late stage, and Thunder Tribulation couldn't find a trace of flaws!

"Li Ran"

Sheng Ye wiped his fists and said in his heart: "He is definitely the opportunity for this flourishing age to come!"

Since he turned out to be born, he has crushed countless geniuses of his generation. That unreasonable talent and strength are simply not what this era should have.

"The dragon lock is indeed loose. Now even the dragon aura can be affected by people, and even turned into a tangible form.

Chen Yundao groaned: "It seems that the time of the'glorious age' is much earlier than I thought!

Sheng Ye looked solemnly.

This is not good news for him.

"Daochang Chen, how do you plan to deal with this matter?" Sheng Ye asked aloud.

Chen Yundao squeezed his chin and whispered: "Dragon Lock can't be weakened so quickly, some people don't want to see this golden age!"

Sheng Ye was taken aback when he heard the words, "What Daochang Chen said is."

Chen Yundao did not speak, but reached out and pointed upwards.

When Sheng Ye thought of something, he suddenly muffled his mouth.


"This Taoist priest really is no wonder Leng Wuyan didn't kill him!"

Sheng Ye's face turned pale, and a layer of white sweat formed on his back!

Chen Yundao frowned and continued: "But if you want to stop all of this, it is not realistic. After all, this is the general trend. You can only find a way to delay it as much as possible."


Sheng Ye's eyes were complicated.

Although Chen Yundao is behind Sect, his position on the Dragon Lock issue is surprisingly consistent with himself.

As for the reason behind, although he has some faint guesses, he doesn't dare to think deeply.

Both of them frowned, their minds fluctuating for a while.

The air quieted down.

After a while, Chen Yun said to break the silence.

He shook his head and smiled bitterly: "But before considering this matter, I still have to heal the injury first."

His injury is too serious.

Not only is the Dao Foundation damaged, but the Dao body is also on the verge of collapse. Even if it is cultivated in the Dao Source, it may take a long time to get better.

"It seems I can only go to that place."

Chen Yundao looked bitter and sighed, "Sheng Huang should go back first. Let's talk about this after the seat is restored."


Sheng Ye nodded, and then asked: "So what arrangements do I need to prepare in advance?"

0...Look for flowers.


Chen Yundao thought for a while, and said, "That's fine, but Shenghuang had better stay away from Li Ran. Don't offend him. Provoking him is equivalent to provoking Leng Wuyan."

"With your strength, if you hit those three swords, it is estimated that you will have fallen by now."

This is very ruthless.

But Sheng Ye was not at all annoyed, and instead nodded in agreement.

Because this is really the truth.

He was only at the end of the Fenfeng, and Chen Yundao was already at the beginning of the source. Chen Yundao couldn't handle the three swords. If he replaced it with him, I'm afraid it would be cool with a single sword.

"I know it in my heart.

Sheng Ye will not provoke Li Ran.

Had it not been for the prohibition of love between men and women in Youluo Temple, he would have married his two daughters long ago


"Unexpectedly, Li Ran could affect the dragon's energy."

Sheng Ye's eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Xuanling Mountain.

Holy Son residence.

Li Ran sat on the chair with his chin hanging on his right hand, looking at the white beast egg in front of him.

I saw that the dragon egg was placed on the table, there was no movement at all, and the quietness was a little abnormal.

"That's not right, wasn't it still lively last night? Why did it wilt this morning?"

Li Ran was puzzled.

"Master Holy Son."

Shen Qin on the side came in with tea, and when he saw the egg on the table, he couldn't help but stunned, "Master Holy Son, what is this?"

"You said this."

Li Ran said, "This is a dragon egg."

"Dragon Egg?!"

Shen Qin covered his mouth and exclaimed, "No wonder it's such a big one!"

Although she was surprised, she didn't doubt it at all.

Lord Holy Son said it was a dragon egg, then it must be a dragon egg. It can't be wrong.

She looked at the dragon egg and asked curiously: "Holy Son, are you going to hatch it?"

Li Ran squeezed his chin and shook his head and said, "I haven't thought about it yet. It feels like hatching is too troublesome, or should I cook it?"

Shen Qin was taken aback, "Boiled?"

Li Ran nodded and said solemnly: "Have you never eaten boiled dragon eggs? It is estimated that the protein content must be very high, very nutritious."

Before Shen Qin could speak, the dragon egg suddenly moved!

Chapter 464

Chapter 464 Your conscience is so bad!

As the two watched, the dragon egg shook slightly.

"It actually moves!"

Shen Qin exclaimed and stretched out his hand to cover his mouth.

The doors and windows in the room were closed, and there was no earthquake or strong wind, but the egg moved on its own.

This picture is kind of strange.

Li Ran smiled, "It not only moves, but it also shines."


Shen Qin said in surprise: "It's a dragon egg, it's better than other eggs."

Li Ran: "

I saw that the dragon egg trembled slightly at first, and after a while, the amplitude of the shaking gradually increased.

After a while, with its unremitting efforts, it finally fell down from its upright state, and then rolled to the edge of the table "gruntly".

At the moment it was about to fall, Li Ran stretched out his hand and held it down.

But it didn't give up, it was still struggling.

Seeing "Seven Nine Zero" to this scene, Shen Qin was a little confused, "What is it doing?"

Li Ran looked at the dragon egg and said with a smile: "If I guessed correctly, it should be trying to escape."

Since leaving Leng Wuyan, this dragon egg has remained motionless and has not responded to external stimuli.

At first, Li Ran thought that the noise made last night was so loud that it hurt itself.

Although it is a dragon egg, it hasn't been born yet, so it should be relatively fragile.

But the more I think about it, the more I feel wrong.

Those dragon roars last night were clearly full of anger, why did they wither after a few hours?

That's why he deliberately said those words, just to stimulate it.

It turned out that this guy was pretending to be dead!

"You are not honest."

Li Ran smiled and shook his head, "Even so, my conscience is drastically broken!"


There was a vague roar from the eggshell, and the dragon egg shook hard.

It seems to be expressing dissatisfaction in the heart.

Although it does not know what "protein" means, it still understands the meaning of "boiled dragon egg".

This man, like that woman, wants to stew himself!

Li Ran said funnyly: "I'm just kidding. I'm going to stew it for a long time. I still have to wait until now?"

As soon as this remark came out, the dragon egg gradually calmed down.

Li Ran pressed his right hand on the egg and tapped the egg shell with his index finger. "When will you hatch? Don't make it for ten years or eight years. I don't have that patience."

Dragon Egg: "Hoho!"

"Don't you know?"

Li Ran frowned slightly and said, "How can we speed up the incubation? You don't have to sit on you like a hen?"

Dragon Egg: "Ho Ho Ho Ho!"

The tone was full of anger.

It seems to be on par with that low-level creature, which is a shame to it.

"Then you give me a solution."

Li Ran was a little helpless.

Although he really wants to be a dragon knight, he is not in the mood to play any cultivation game!

Not to mention raising an egg

Shen Qin was stunned looking at the side.

"Master Holy Son can actually talk to the egg?!"

Seeing the barrier-free communication between one person and one egg, she couldn't help swallowing. There was always an unspeakable weirdness in this scene.

Li Ran pinched his chin and fell into thought for a while.

I don't know if it's because of the tattoo on his right hand. Although he has never learned the dragon language, he can communicate with this dragon egg and even perceive the other party's emotions.

But even so, he still didn't know how to hatch the eggs.

Dragon Egg didn't know it himself.

As an immature egg, it doesn't know how to break out of the shell.

"How about breaking the shell?"

Li Ran muttered to himself in a low voice.

The dragon egg trembled, then silently rolled to the other side, ready to start running again.

It feels like it will die in this guy's hands sooner or later

Fortunately, Li Ran finally gave up this idea.

Although he really wants to own a dragon, it doesn't mean he wants to have a stunted dragon.

"Forget it, go with the flow."

Li Ran casually laid a formation, a cage woven of golden light appeared out of thin air, and directly buckled the dragon egg in it.

No matter what it makes this time, it is impossible to escape from here.

This guy is very dishonest, and his IQ is not low, so he still needs to control it a little bit.

Shen Qin carefully observed the dragon egg for a while, then turned to look at Li Ran, "Master Holy Son, where did this egg come from?"

Li Ran replied: "Master gave it to me."

"The cold head?

Shen Qin nodded.

Sure enough, such a magical thing can only be owned by the cold head.

She couldn't help asking, "Is this thing really a dragon?"

Although she never questioned Li Ran's words, the dragon species is too far away from her after all, but now it really appears in front of her.

This made her feel unreal.

Li Ran hasn't spoken yet, Dragon Egg is reluctant to do so.


It let out a scream of dissatisfaction, the egg body shook slightly, and then a burst of golden light lit up.

In Shen Qin's shocking gaze, a clear silhouette appeared on the eggshell.

It looks like a snake winding, but the coercion that radiates makes people feel terrified, and even can't help but want to worship!

Shen Qin's body trembled slightly, her delicate eyes rounded.

This terrifying coercion has fully explained the identity of this egg.

It's really a dragon!


At this time, Li Ran stretched out his hand to put a hand on her shoulder, and a warm current dissipated the chill in her body.

Only then did Shen Qin relax, but his back was soaked in cold sweat.

Li Ran looked at the dragon egg, and said with no anger: "Don't drink the siege, can't you know that you are a dragon? If you dare to scare her, daddy will really stew you!"

Dragon Egg: "Roar~"

The roar did not have the majesty just now, but a bit more grievances and grievances.

The terrifying Longwei gradually disappeared.

Calm was restored in the room.

Shen Qin spit out his little tongue, "It turns out that it's really a dragon. Good, so scary."

"Nothing scary.

Li Ran rubbed her head and comforted: "When it is hatched, I will ride it for you."

Dragon Egg: ""

Shen Qin enjoyed his caress, squinted his eyes and shook his head and said, "I don't dare, I should ride on my own, Lord Holy Son."

Dragon Egg: ""

It shook helplessly.

These two really didn't regard themselves as dragons, they really lost them.


Shen Qin thought of something and asked, "Holy Son, you went to Rakshasa Peak last night, did you see Ning'er?"

Li Ran nodded, "I see it. Don't worry, the master is very kind to her, and I use Spirit Power to open up Dantian for her every night."

"That's good.

Shen Qin breathed a sigh of relief.

After seeing Shen Ning for a long time, she would inevitably be a little worried. After hearing this, she finally felt relieved.

After Shen Qin went out, Li Ran stretched.

Just now preaching in the Luoxuefeng dojo, the movement made was really not small, he also took a lot of Cultivation Technique to get out.

"By the way, I haven't seen the task reward yet.

Li Ran sat in a chair, which was a big deal. .

Chapter 465

Chapter 465 Mission rewards, Dayan is extinct!

Li Ran has been busy for so long just now, just for the reward of this system task.

He exhaled the system panel, and a light curtain opened in front of his eyes.

[The task has been completed. ]

[Mission completion: perfect][Get a super treasure chest*1. ]

Open the treasure chest directly, and the light flashed by.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the ancient book: "Dayan Extinction Array Solution". ]

Li Ran couldn't help being taken aback.

"Ancient book?'

The previous mission rewards were mostly Cultivation Technique, supernatural powers and spirit treasures. This is the first time to get rewards named after ancient books.

Li Ran moved his mind and took out the reward.

I only felt that my right hand sank, and a pale blue quaint book fell into my palm.

The handwriting on the cover is a bit mottled and looks very chronological, but the word "Dayan" can still be distinguished.

When I opened it, I saw that it was full of dense small prints and illustrations.

Li Ran just glanced at it, and the whole person was stunned.

What is recorded in this ancient book are countless formations, and most of them are long-lost ancient formations!

From the formation effect, to how to arrange it, to how to crack it, it's all recorded clearly!

He even saw the guardian formation "Netherworld" of Youluo Temple on it!

The other guardian formations that I want to come to are also among them!

As long as you follow the methods in the ancient books, you can easily crack the big formation, and you will already be on the ground without knowing it!

"This thing"

Li Ran continued to read, and the more he looked, the more he felt shocked.

The formation above is pure and neutral, and has an infinite atmosphere that carries the momentum of the world.

As long as you thoroughly understand this ancient book, it is estimated that no formation can stop him anymore.

The vast land is so big that you can go!

"But the records above are all defensive formations, it seems that there is no active offensive?"

Li Ran glanced at ten lines and quickly turned to the last page.

After closing the ancient book, I couldn't help but wonder.

The reward he had just heard was "Dayan Extinction Array", but there was only the word "Dayan" on the cover, but "Extinction" did not reflect it at all.

"It's weird. Did I hear it wrong?"

He flipped through it casually, and inadvertently turned the ancient book upside down.

Then I couldn't help but stay for a while.

I saw the word "Dayan" on the original cover, but it turned out to be "extinct" inexplicably?


Li Ran turned the ancient book upside down again. It was clearly written "Dayan", but when he turned it around, it became "Extinct" again.

Moreover, there is no Spirit Power fluctuation at all, nor the existence of any formation.

He was a little confused for a while.

Turning the ancient book upside down and replacing it with "Extinction", and then opened the cover again, I saw that the content inside was also completely different.

Li Ran only glanced, his eyes suddenly rounded.

I saw that there is no pure neutralization defensive formation in it? All have become bloody killing formations!

On the first page alone, there are three big killing formations recorded!

Exterminate Spirit, Xuan Yin and Blood Fiend.

Extinguishing spirits can seize people's minds, allowing people in the formation to fight each other until they all die.

Xuan Yin can reverse the Spiritual Qi in the formation until everyone blasts the Meridians and die.

The blood evil formation can refine living people into blood essence. After taking it, it can Ascension's own Cultivation Base, but it will affect the mind to a certain extent.

Turning to the back, there is even a formation called "Tianyin Nine Cycles Extinction Formation", which is based on a city or even a country, obliterating all the creatures in the formation and refining it into a boundless ghost domain!

"There is actually this kind of formation! This is too damaging and poisonous, right?"

Li Ran broke out a cold sweat.

Although he thinks he is not a good person, he still feels that it is a bit damaging.

"It's worthy of the word extinction, it's really annihilating humanity!"

Li Ran shook his head and sighed.

If you really use the formation inside, it is estimated that you will not be far away from the public enemy of the human race.

He turned directly to the last page and saw only one formation was recorded on it.

"The Sleepy Sky and the Dragon Array".

This formation is not only very cumbersome and complicated, but the required materials are also exaggerated.

In addition to the various extinct fairy material ancient monsters, the main material is actually longan, dragon spine and dragon marrow!

Correspondingly, the effect is amazing.

Not only can it affect the direction of Spirit Power, adjust the concentration of spirit, it can even interfere with Dao Tianxin!

The more materials used, the stronger the interference effect!

"Good fellow, use the dragon's life to form an array?"

Li Ran shook his head.

This is beyond his understanding.

At this time, the dragon egg on the table seemed to feel something, and the egg body trembled, and there was a faint whimper.

It seems to be a little scared?

Li Ran looked at the ancient book in his hand.

Looking directly at the "Dayan", the formation inside is upright and bright, with a lot of weather, and quite like everyone.

And the other way round is "Extinction," which records all the tragic killing arrays, and the smell of blood almost overflows from the lines!

The combination of the two is the complete "Dayan Extinction Array Solution".

"Things are good things, but they must be used with care, especially the'extinct' part."

Li Ran looked a little solemn.

Throwing out a formation at random, it caused a great deal of energy. Neither the killing prison nor the corpse road had created such a big scene.

It is light to cause anger and resentment, and maybe even the human race can't tolerate him!

He shook his head and sighed helplessly.

"There was such a big noise in the Luoxuefeng dojo, but the system still gave this kind of reward."

Actually it is not said that this reward is not good at 790.

If this ancient book is given to anyone who knows a little about formation, it will be regarded as a treasure that is more important than life.

Many of the formations have disappeared. If you can get the raw materials, the power that can be exerted is beyond imagination.

Even the emperor rank may be recruited!

But for Li Ran, the value of this thing is so-so.

He doesn't even bother to cultivate, let alone study formation

"Forget it, just treat it as if you are prepared. If you get caught in the shackles later, you can be considered as a back-up player.

Formation is actually very strong.

As long as it is used properly, let alone killing the enemy by leapfrogging, even if it is more than two or three Realms, it is not impossible.

But the disadvantage is that the conditions of use are more demanding.

Time, location, and harmony of people are indispensable.

So Li Ran has always been not interested in this thing.

"I'll study it later if you have time."

He collected the ancient books casually, and then sank into Dantian, wanting to check his own practice.

As a result, just entering Dantian, the whole person was dumbfounded.

I saw Dantian shining brightly, full of all sorts of mysterious aura.

In addition to the three qi of Buddhism, Dao and Devil, there are two more lights, one purple and one silver!

"This is "

Li Ran swallowed.

How do you feel that this breath is a bit familiar?.

Chapter 466

Chapter 466 Purple Qi and Silver Light, what exactly are these things?

Li Ran sinks his mind into Dantian.

I saw the brilliance in Dantian, intertwined with several beams of different energies, rendering this small world into an overflowing appearance.

In addition to the original three-color light of Buddha, Dao, and Demon, there are actually two more things that did not exist before.

One of them is a halo of lavender.

Said it is halo, it actually looks more like smoke.

It seemed to be some kind of gaseous substance, which precipitated at the bottom of Dantian, and from time to time a trace of smoke was evaporated.

This purple mist made him feel a little familiar inexplicably.

It seems to be somewhat similar to the breath of Dragon Egg, but there is still a big difference when you perceive it carefully.

In contrast, the purple energy in Dantian has a strong majesty, a bit like the feeling of facing Sheng Ye at the beginning?

"what is this?"

Li Ran scratched his head.

After thinking about it carefully, I suddenly realized something.

Isn't this the vision triggered during the preaching just now!

When he was preaching to the disciples of Inner Sect at the Luoxuefeng dojo just now, he caused various visions of heaven and earth.

Among them is this group of purple gas, which emerged from the crevices of the mountains and formed a serpentine dragon shape in the air.

He still remembered that Sun Elder yelled "Dragon Qi", his tone was very surprised.

It's just that compared with that time, this purple gas is obviously thinner, far less dense than before.

"Dragon Qi"

When chatting with Master Qinglan, she also explicitly mentioned this "dragon spirit".

This is not a product of fantasy, but something that really exists, and has a deep connection with the Sheng clan.

"But why does this dragon energy enter my body?"

Li Ran frowned slightly, "Could it be absorbed by Heavenly Power?"

As a last resort, he was unwilling to get involved with the Sheng clan.

Sheng Ye's old fox's city mansion is extremely deep. It can't be described as an old treacherous cunning man. If he is not careful, he will be sold by this guy.

So it is better to keep the distance as much as possible.

Of course, except for the two Sheng clan princesses

"But what does this dragon spirit do to me~"?"

Li Ran tried to influence the Dragon Qi, both Spirit Power and Soul Power tried again, but the Zi Qi did not respond at all, as if he was not under his control at all.

"Mamaipi, I live in Dantian at daddy, so I don't want to use it? The rent must be paid!,

Li Ran threatened fiercely: "If you don't give any more reaction, believe it or not, daddy will clear you out?"

Then the dragon gas just surging silently, there was still no movement.

You can't even force Dantian out..

"Yes, this is an uncle here."

Li Ran didn't withdraw either, so he just let it go.

Anyway, there is great power, if it is something harmful to oneself, it will definitely be filtered out by Cultivation Technique, and it is impossible to be absorbed.

It is estimated that this dragon spirit has magical effects, but it has not been unearthed yet.

In other words, Realm hasn't arrived yet.

But while he was studying the dragon Qi, own body was slightly rippling with purple light.

The lavender smoke evaporates from the pores.

On the table not far away, the dragon egg also shimmered, and it flickered like a heartbeat.

The shimmer gradually merged with the purple gas.

The dragon egg seemed to have been comforted, the original restless mood gradually stabilized, and the breath became quiet and peaceful.

There is also a kind of close relationship between Li Ran and Li Ran.

The vitality of the dragon egg is also growing rapidly, and the dragon-shaped silhouette on the egg shell becomes clearer.

He didn't even notice these changes.

Li Ran stopped studying the Dragon Qi and turned his attention to the little man meditating on the lake.

Originally, after receiving the task issued by the system, he just wanted to fool around a bit, and didn't intend to make it real.

On the one hand, it is troublesome, on the other hand, it is because of the extraordinary skill.

The imagery of conquering the sky and controlling Yin & Yang is really too domineering, and it is in great conflict with the traditional Cultivation Technique.

Disciples are not only difficult to accept, but also easy to cause unnecessary trouble.

But after seeing the look they were expecting, Li Ran changed his mind temporarily

He wanted to get some dry goods out, and it would be considered that he did not live up to the followers of disciples. As for how many people can gain insights, it is all by chance and understanding.

As a result, I didn't expect all of them to gain enlightenment, and everyone broke through Realm!

This is a bit too exaggerated!

At that time, he just sank his mind into the villain, and then all kinds of voices rushed into his heart, and he blurted out naturally, without thinking at all.

Looking back on the content now, it seems that I was recruiting believers for myself.


Li Ran looked at the villain in the Spirit Power lake.

The little man is still sitting in the middle of the lake in Lotus Position, his body is crystal clear, his body is covered with golden ancient seals, exuding a touch of majesty.

But unlike before, now the villain's eyebrows have a silver light.

It looked like it was jumping continuously like a ball of flame.

"^What is this again?"

Li Ran looked carefully.

Unlike the silver Sword Qi on the chest, this silver light does not have that sharp murderous aura, but has an all-encompassing feeling.

The mind sank into it, as if bathing in a hot spring, and the whole body was warm and comfortable.

Regardless of the speed of Spiritual Qi's operation, or the speed of recovery of soul power, it was more than a star and a half faster.

And there is a strange feeling. He can't say it specifically, but he vaguely remembers feeling it in those fanatical "believers".

"What the hell is this"

Just when he was puzzled, a knock on the door suddenly rang.

Boom boom boom.

Li Ran exited Dantian mentally, and said, "Come in."

The door was pushed open, and Shen Qin walked in with a tray.

She smiled and said, "Master Holy Son, disciple Inner Sect went out for the trial and picked up a lot of water chestnut honey. I just sent them all. Would you like to try it first?"

(Zhao Nuo's) Water chestnut honey is a rare kind of spirit fruit, which can only be seen near Shiwan Dashan.

"and also "

Li Ran was about to nod, and suddenly he was stunned.

He stared at Shen Qin blankly, frozen in place like a sculpture.

Shen Qin was a little nervous when he saw him, and asked puzzledly: "Why is Lord Holy Son looking at me like this?"

Li Ran turned a deaf ear, eyes full of shock.

In his perspective, in the center of Shen Qin's brow, there is also a silver halo, which is shining with a faint light!

Like the silver light of the Dantian villain!

He recovered, and hurriedly asked: "Aqin, do you feel something is wrong?"

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Shen Qin was taken aback, lowered his head and checked it carefully, then shook his head and said, "I don't feel anything is wrong."

Li Ran swallowed.

So what exactly is this?!.

Chapter 467

Chapter 467 The power of faith?

Li Ran looked at the silver light on Shen Qin's eyebrows, and fell into contemplation for a while.

The light gleaming between Shen Qin's eyebrows was very different from the silver light in his Dantian.

Whether it is size, brightness, or breath, they are not on the same level at all.

But it can still be clearly felt that the two groups of silver light come from the same source.

It's just that Shen Qin is a reduced version.

"What the hell is this?"

Why did it suddenly appear in own Dantian, and then appeared on Shen Qin's forehead again?

And she doesn't feel it herself?

Li Ran couldn't think of an answer for a long time.

Finally decided to give it a try first.

He let Shen Qin sit in front of him, and then stretched out a finger, slowly touching the light ball on the center of her eyebrows.

The finger pierced the silver light directly and touched her skin without any hindrance.

Although this thing can be seen, it seems that it cannot be touched.

"strangeness "

At this moment, Li Ran thought of something, and his mind sank into Dantian again, trying to arouse the silver light between the eyes of the villain.

The silver light suddenly changed.

A part of the light spot escaped from the light cluster in the center of Shen Qin's eyebrows, slowly drifting into 790 Li Ran's body.

With a refreshing feeling, it was directly added to Dantian.

The light on Dantian's brows became brighter.

"Huh? Can I still absorb her?"

Li Ran frowned and couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

But I don't understand what this means.

He shook his head, closed his mind, and opened his eyes.

But the scene before him stunned him.

"Aqin, what are you doing?"

I saw Shen Qin kneeling on the ground, looking up at him madly, her snow-white pretty face turned red, her eyes blurred as if she was drunk.

His expression is full of piety and fanaticism.

"The slave and maid had seen the master."

Her voice trembled slightly, and her tone was utterly submissive.


Li Ran looked dumbfounded.

Since correcting Shen Qin, she hasn't called herself that way for a long time.

Shen Qin walked in front of him, blinked and looked at him with wide eyes, with a pleasing smile on his face.

Li Ran swallowed, hesitated, then reached out and touched her head.

Shen Qin squinted his eyes and rubbed his palms comfortably, like a well-behaved little cat.

"Aqin, what's wrong with you?"

Li Ran frowned.

There is obviously something wrong with Shen Qin's state.

Although she was obedient to herself in every possible way, she was far from this point. Looking at her infatuated appearance, it was as if a devout believer had seen the true god!

"Wait, believer?"

Li Ran suddenly thought of something.

He hurriedly cut off the contact with Dantian Bank of China.

Shen Qin's body stiffened, his eyes gradually recovered to clearness, and the enthusiasm in his expression quickly faded.


Her eyes were blank and said, "Master Holy Son, why am I kneeling on the ground?"

Li Ran said helplessly: "Did you remember all the things just now?"

"What happened just now?"

Shen Qin scratched his head dazedly, thinking about it for a moment, and said: "I remember that your eyes turned silver just now, and then I don't remember anything, but there is a vague feeling.

She blushed and she couldn't say anything.

Li Ran asked, "How does it feel? Keep talking."

"this "

Shen Qin squeezed for a long time, then lowered his head and whispered: "A feeling that I can dedicate myself to Lord Holy Son."


Li Ran's breathing was stagnant.

Seeing her blushing and shy, her throat can't help but tighten, "Dedicating yourself?"


Shen Qin nodded, and said seriously: "I am willing to give everything to Lord Holy Son, including my own life!"

Li Ran: ""

Shen Qin shook his head and said, "Although I think so now, I feel different just now, as if this matter has become a (ajeh) supreme glory…

Li Ran: "…"

Seeing her dazed expression, Li Ran rubbed his eyebrows.

He probably knew what this silver light was.

In order to verify own conjecture, he flashed his figure and left the room directly.

Quickly shuttled around in Sect.

Without a cup of tea, he returned to the room again.

The expression became a little clearer.

"Sure enough, I didn't guess wrong!"

Just now Li Ran shuttled around and found that all the disciples who had listened to his sermon were the same as Shen Qin, with a silver light flashing between their eyebrows.

No one can see except him.

But the other disciples who didn't hear the Tao did not.

"No wonder the feeling it gave me just now is very similar to when I was preaching in the dojo, which disciples this silver light came from.

This should be something similar to "faith".

When Li Ran preached at Luoxuefeng, not only did the group of Inner Sect disciples gain insights and breakthroughs, but they also developed their own "believers".

And this silver light is the pious "belief" of those disciples in themselves.

This was supposed to be invisible and shapeless, but under the action of the heavenly power, it formed this silver light visible to the naked eye.

Even has the ability to influence the mind.

To put it simply, it is to infinitely amplify the piety and fanaticism of the "believers", to become obedient to their own words, and even to the extent that they are willing to give their lives!

"But Ah Qin obviously didn't listen to the words, why would there be silver light?"

Li Ran thinks about it carefully. Actually, it is not incomprehensible.

Shen Qin's identity is quite special.

The other women around him are either Sect Tianjiao, or a dynasty princess, or a Sect Master.

Only Shen Qin has a master-slave relationship with himself.

He was the host of the other party from the very beginning.

Moreover, Shen Qin himself admires him very much, basically he is obedient, and it seems that he is a believer.

"But what's the use of this stuff!"

"Who needs them to give their lives for me!"

Li Ran was a bit big head for a while.

No matter how you look at this silver light, it feels a bit evil, obviously it's not a serious thing.

If he preached a few more times, wouldn't all of Sect's disciples become his fanatics?

"Good fellow, am I rebelling directly?"

I don't know how Master will react when he hears this.

But what really made him curious was that belief in this thing was so mysterious and mysterious, why was it manifested as silver light, and could even be used?

This is too weird!

"It stands to reason, isn't it the gods that can control the faith, and I'm just distracted by Realm…"

Li Ran pinched his chin, frowning and thinking.

All of this is caused by heavenly powers.

If you think about it carefully, the power of Heavenly Ability has always emphasized that it is to conquer the heavens and cut the Dao, control Yin & Yang, and let Li Ran take Heavenly Dao instead.

"The power of faith, this Cultivation Technique is not meant to train me to become a god?!"

Chapter 468

Chapter 468 Dao ancestor manifested saints, Jinmen soared!


Li Ran was lost in thought for a while.

This word is still somewhat strange to him.

Xiu practitioners have always been ~ only respecting the heavens and not the gods.

Even for a powerful existence like Leng Wuyan, in the eyes of the world, it is only a profound power of cultivation,-it cannot be called a god.

Because she, like everyone else, is essentially a human race.

This point, no matter what Realm you practice, you can't change it.

So she has only disciples, but no believers.

Of course, except for some extreme fanatics.

The essence of practice is to compete for Spiritual Qi and good fortune between heaven and earth, so as long as they reach a certain Realm, most people are selfish in their bones.

It is very difficult for these people to believe in something from the bottom of their hearts.

Haotu does have some Sects, using all deceptive methods to make his disciples fanatical like cultists, and even regard the head as the true god.

But this is just a trail, it's hard to be elegant.

And once the method fails, it will usher in a very strong backlash.

In contrast, Li Ran's status is somewhat different.

First of all, he did not confuse the mind of disciples.

Those so-called believers, after listening to his preaching, truly gained insight and Ascension, and placed him in the supreme position from the bottom of their hearts.

Just dictating the avenue can cause the sky to fall, the purple gas transpires, and even the golden gate of Taoism opens. This really shocked the disciples.

Even if Leng Wuyan preached in person, it was impossible to cause such a vision.

Therefore, it seems understandable to regard Li Ran as the reincarnation of Taoist ancestor and the living holy god.

Let's talk about the silver light.

He is quite sure now that the silver light is a certain manifestation of the power of "faith".

If he urges this force in front of the believer, the loyalty and faith of the other party will be infinitely magnified to the point where he can give his life.

But it will not affect the mood and mind.

This is not something that crooked ways can do.

Recalling those disciples worshiping gazes and the scene where everyone kneeled and shouted "Holy God", Li Ran couldn't help sighing slightly.

"It's a whole thing, as if I'm going to set up another door."

In Youluo Palace, there can only be one supreme existence, and that is the head Leng Wuyan.

But now the Inner Sect disciples of the main peak have basically become his fanatics.

The key is that he himself still doesn't know how to release it.

"Master, of course, will not misunderstand, but I am afraid that there will be some rumors.

Li Ran rubbed his eyebrows.

But for a while, I couldn't think of a good way.

As for the Holy Spirit, it is a name that Taoism has been circulating for a long time.

Taoism is godless, but there are two great ancestors.

These two people, also known as the two holy gods, were the first two people in the legend to realize Heavenly Dao, and they created a system of cultivation of the human race, helping countless human races to realize the secret of heaven.

The Cultivation Technique and supernatural powers that a hundred schools of thought contend today all evolved from these two holy gods.

It can be said that all the practitioners are their disciples from the emperor level to the Qi training.

And there is a rumor: "The Golden Gate opens and the Holy Spirit appears."

The Golden Gate has been opened, and the main road is coming.

The Golden Gate is also called the Gate of All Wonders, or the Gate of the Avenue.

According to legend, this is the symbol of Taoist manifestation.

As long as you can successfully ascend to the Golden Gate, you will be able to fit your body, sense the heavenly secrets, and enter the immortal Realm from then on.

But for a long time, this has only existed in the legend, and no one has really seen it.

Many people think that the Golden Gate is just a symbol of Taoism, not a real thing.

But under Li Ran's sermon, the legendary gates of all wonders were truly revealed in front of the disciples.

How can this not make them crazy?

So calling Li Ran the "Holy God" is really not a casual talk.

If he is not the reincarnation of the Holy Spirit, how can he make everyone realize and breakthrough?

Apart from this, there seems to be no other explanation.

This is why disciples is so crazy.

As long as he believes in Li Ran's way, he is his believer. This kind of belief is somewhat similar to Lin Langyue, and Li Ran is regarded as the same existence as the Dao.

It's just that the way of Youluodian is not as extreme as Tianshuyuan, and it will not ruin the fairy road at will.

"Holy God"

Li Ran shook his head helplessly.

That Taoist ancestor is just a legend, it is impossible to verify whether it exists or not. After all, no one has seen it with his own eyes, and there is not even a portrait.

It may be the predecessor's conjecture about Dadao.

0...Look for flowers.

And for this kind of thing, each Sect's statement is different.

Orthodox Taoist cultivators like Shinto Palace and Tianshu Yuan generally believe that Taoist ancestors exist, but very few people believe in magical gates such as the Prison of Killing.

Wuwang Temple attributed the source of practice to the Buddha.

Not to mention Wanjian Pavilion.

As the only top martial artist Sect, they only believe in strength and never worship any gods.

So Li Ran himself was quite puzzled.

Where did the Golden Gate, with its infinite intent, come from?

Is it just a manifestation of heavenly power?

Recalling the rules on the door frame and the golden branches sticking out of the smoke, he felt that things were not that simple.

Regardless of whether it is the Gate of All Wonders or not, it looks like it has a lot to do with it!

"Forget it, I don't want to think about it any more, let's try to preach as little as possible in the future."

Li Ran sighed in a low voice.

He has no pursuit of power and position. If he is really allowed to choose, he would rather take a few wives and quasi-wives to go to the leisurely life of Xianyunyehe.

But judging from the current situation, this is obviously not realistic.

Now that you have enjoyed the resources of Holy Son, you must perform the duties of Holy Son.

However, believers should try not to do too much, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble waiting for you in the future.

Although he often eats soft meals hard, he always feels a little weird when he thinks of being eaten soft meals by others.

"As for this power of faith"

Li Ran sank into Dantian, carefully looking at the silver light.

Intuition told him that there must be other magical uses for this power of faith, but it hasn't been shown yet.

But he can only study it slowly by himself.

Without a lesson from the past, it is unrealistic to find someone to learn from the experience.

Even if you ask Master, whether the other party can see the silver light is the same thing

Li Ran looked at the villain Dantian, with some thoughts in his eyes.

The silver halo in the center of the eyebrows made the villain's face flicker and darker, and the previously blurred face seemed to become a little clearer.

But still can't see the specific appearance.

And I don't know if it's his illusion. Since gaining the power of faith, this villain seems to be a little bit extra.

Spirituality? Spoon.

Chapter 469

Chapter 469 Dantian evolves, the realm of life!

Yes, it is spirituality.

The previous Dantian villain was just a pure Cultivation Technique image. Apart from tirelessly helping him cultivate every day, there would be basically no other movement.

It's like a sculpture.

But now it is clearly different.

The current Dantian villain looks more Spiritual Qi, and his fuzzy face is slightly clearer.

Compared with before, it seems to be more "human".

Li Ran didn't think much about this.

The content of the previous sermons came from the power of heaven, and this little man is also the embodiment of the power of heaven.

Perhaps there is an unknown connection between it and the power of faith.

Li Ran looked at own Dantian.

Dantian has become more and more "rich".

The mist of the Spirit Power lake is vast, and the faint Spiritual Qi evaporates. With the spirit power clouds above, there is a hazy sense of sight "Seven Nine Zero".

Compared with before, the area of ​​the lake has increased by a circle.

This is the change brought after the breakthrough of the small Realm.

With the Spirit Power reserves in his body now, even if he is a strong Transcends Tribulation, it is estimated that few people can match him.

In the lake water, thin red and white lines shuttled like fish.

This is the power of blood in his body and the power of holiness brought by Xiao Qingge's "cultivation".

On the "open space" outside the lake, the lavender dragon gas slowly filled, and from time to time, a thin plume of smoke rose into the sky and merged with the clouds.

Not long after this dragon breath was absorbed, it seemed that he didn't catch a cold with the Spirit Power Lake, but he stayed in a place that had not yet been "developed".

Faintly, it seems that there is some kind of influence on Dantian.

It's just that it hasn't shown it yet.

The Dantian villain still sits on the lake in Lotus Position.

Sitting down is the icy blue clear lotus sacred flame, and the palm of the palm is shining with the golden burning sky sacred flame.

The golden light, magic energy, Buddha light, and three-color light intertwined behind it, reflecting the village like a god.

In the middle of the villain's chest, a silver dragon tattoo entrenched, exuding a sharp, unforgeable Sword intent.

This is the Emperor Sword Qi absorbed in the sword washing pond.

At the center of the eyebrows, the power of faith is beating like a flame.

This scene is simply overwhelming.

Li Ran couldn't react to seeing it himself.

These are all his hole cards, but it's too much, right?

And this doesn't count all kinds of magical powers!

Just take out one, it is the top inheritance of the vast land, and now all of them are sleeping in Dantian.

"For a pacifist like me, it's really a treasure!" Li Ran whispered.

I forgot how I stepped on people in a fancy way..

Now his Dantian has become more and more like a Minor World.

Especially after the Dragon Qi and the power of faith came in, the whole Dantian was given a touch of vitality and Spiritual Qi.

Li Ran squeezed his chin, "Dragon Qi is the foundation of the creation of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, and the power of faith is the energy of the origin of living beings. Is this Dantian really going to develop into a Minor World?"

"Could it be that there will be no living beings born in the future?"

Although this is just an unrealistic fantasy, in theory, it seems that it is not completely impossible.

After all, the basic elements of the world, such as Dragon Qi, Spirit Power, and Water and Fire, are all gradually possessed.

Although the law of the big road is still bad, as long as his Cultivation Base is high enough, one day he will be able to do it.

Think about it carefully, isn't the world where you are in the same way?

Perhaps Haotu is a certain Dantian who exists in terror, and the other person is just like Li Ran, who is silently looking down on all this?

Li Ran shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

He knew how unrealistic this idea was.

Not to mention the long evolution required for the birth of creatures, just with the strength of an emperor-level powerhouse, it is already possible to cut the Shattering Void.

Is it still impossible to cut this Dantian through?

Although this idea is unrealistic, there may not be other existence above Haoshi.

Whether it is the disappearing ancient emperors and monsters, or the secrets of Chen Yundao, or the existence of Samsara secret realm, it seems to vaguely corroborate this.

And as Li Ran obtained the Samsara secret key, the truth behind this also revealed the tip of the iceberg.

"Perhaps, that dragon egg will give me the answer?"

Li Ran thought in his mind.

For some reason, he always felt that the disappearing ancient monsters were inextricably linked to those mysterious beings.

And the memory of the dragon race is passed down in the blood. Perhaps this dragon egg from the Samsara realm will know anything.

I just don't know how long it will take for this thing to hatch

Just when he was thinking about it, he didn't notice at all, he was faintly exuding a purple halo.

And these dots of purple awns were all absorbed by the dragon eggs on the table.

The vitality in the egg is getting stronger and stronger, and the whispering roar that comes is much stronger, and the dragon egg swaying more powerfully

Baiyun Peak.

Yi Qinglan was sitting on the rock on the top of the mountain, wearing a pure white robe slender.

She put her elbows on her knees, her chin hung on her palms, and she silently looked into the distance with a dazed expression.

"I don't know what Ran'er is doing now?"

Look down at his wrist.

Under the fair skin, a faint red line is like a blood vessel, without the slightest sense of disobedience.

"It's been so long since I've been back. How can I say that I should report peace to Poor Dao? What an annoying fellow. She wrinkled Qiong's nose and muttered softly.

Suddenly, a female voice came from behind: "Dao Chang Yi is saying who hates it?"

Yi Qinglan didn't feel surprised at all, and said indifferently without looking back: "The head of Chu likes to eavesdrop on others?"

I saw a woman in a green shirt who stood behind her at some unknown time.

It is Chu Lingchuan.

Chu Lingchuan shook his head, "But I happened to hear it. Don't be so sensitive."

"Obviously you are too nervous, right?

Yi Qinglan didn't have a good temper: "Please send someone to send a circular letter before you come next time, and then dare to trespass into my sect so arbitrarily, the poor Dao will cut you down with a single sword."

Chu Lingchuan touched his nose, "Aunty you, how come your tone is more and more similar to that of Leng Demon, and you will kill people at every turn. 4.7 That is clearly my line, okay?"

Yi Qinglan didn't bother to write with her, and said directly: "Say, what's the matter with the poor road?"

"Ahem, it's nothing."

Chu Lingchuan pretended to say casually: "Didn't you tell me before, is there a way to see Li Ran? I just came to ask, when do you plan to act?"

"Oh? Just for this?"

Yi Qinglan pinched her smooth chin and looked at her up and down, "It hasn't been two days since this, do you miss him?"

"Who, who missed him?!

Chu Lingchuan hesitated and said, "You can eat rice indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately! I just, just ask casually!

"Then you came here to ask?"

Yi Qinglan had an expression of disbelief.

"I just dropped in."

Chu Lingchuan turned his head, his tone was inexplicably vague. .

Chapter 470

Chapter 470 Haotu's laziest head, Human Race's plan to build an emperor!

"On the way?"

Yi Qinglan squinted her eyes and looked at her, "Baiyun Peak is tens of thousands of miles away from the East China Sea. Why can't the head of Chu come here?"

Chu Lingchuan said solemnly: "It's really on the way. I'm here to handle Sect's affairs nearby.

Yi Qinglan shook her head, "The head of Chu, who has never asked, since when has he been so concerned about Sect affairs?"

Chu Lingchuan's face was not red and his heart was not beating, "I am also a Sect Master, of course I am responsible to Sect. Do you really think I only drink alcohol every day?

Yi Qinglan asked back: "Isn't it?"

Chu Lingchuan said angrily: "Of course not!"

"Then what are you here to deal with this time, so that it is convenient to talk to the poor?"

"Uh inconvenient, this is confidential!"

Yi Qinglan didn't believe this woman's nonsense.

Chu Lingchuan is the laziest and laziest person she has ever met, not one of them.

Apart from fighting and drinking, there is nothing else in life that can make this person interested.

Oh, yes, and compete with Leng Wuyan.

On the eve of Zhengmo's 09 war, Chu Lingchuan realized the Deva sword, and in his excitement he let out rhetoric and wanted to hang up the emperors of the major Sects.

This woman said so, and she did.

The Emperor Shengye, Master Ming Jing, Ji Shenyuan, and Shentu were all beaten by her.

He shouted with rhetoric such as "Recasting Wu Xiu's glory, my generation is obliged", but the excitement when beating people still exposed the heart of this violent mania.

Obviously, Chu Lingchuan was just enjoying the fight.

Just when she was about to board the Youluo Palace, the demon-eliminating squad formed by the various sects of the Righteous Path was one step ahead of her.

Under the leadership of Chen Yundao, he violently hit Xuanling Mountain.

Then there is no more.

Hundreds of great powers went together, and in the end only Chen Yundao came back alive.

After seeing Leng Wuyan thousands of miles away, the horror scene of sword cutting Feiyun Mountain, Chu Lingchuan, who was on his blood, finally calmed down.

Smart IQ once again occupied the high ground.

Reason tells her that it is best not to provoke this woman.

Otherwise, let alone recast the glory of Wu Xiu, I am afraid that Wan Jian Pavilion will suffer along with it.

So when Leng Wuyan asked her provocatively, she chose forbearance and silence.

She is not convinced.

But I can't beat it

Although I swallowed this breath, the fire in my heart has been burning till now.

This is why she must grab Shen Ning.

I can't beat you, but my disciple can't also beat your disciple, right?

The curve to save the country probably means this.

At that time, because of Leng Wuyan's reasons, coupled with the chaotic situation of Zhengmo, Chu Lingchuan fell into a situation of no fight.

So the only joy in her life is drinking.

Since then, I have basically never left Sect. I drink heavily in the Temple of Fengshuang every day. I don't care about Sect affairs. Except for occasionally giving Yue Jianli a pointer, everything else is left to the Elders to take care of.

This is no secret among several emperor levels.

If Haotu were to seal the laziest head, Chu Lingchuan would be number one in the world.

It wasn't until the last time that the Immortal Climbing Conference, or rather, until the appearance of Li Ran, that Chu Lingchuan really changed.

What did Yi Qinglan think of, and her eyebrows were raised slightly, "Head of Chu, have you completely quit drinking?"

From the time the two met in the East China Sea, until now, Chu Lingchuan seems to have never touched a drop of wine.

This is simply extremely abnormal.

"Well, quit."

Chu Lingchuan nodded.

Yi Qinglan asked curiously: "Why are you quitting alcohol suddenly? Are you going to start regimen?"


Chu Lingchuan waved his hand and said helplessly, "Do you think I think? It's not that he doesn't like it?

Halfway through the conversation, he realized that he had missed his mouth, and hurriedly turned his head and covered his lips.

But it was still caught by Yi Qinglan Shurui.

"Who is he? Who doesn't like it?"

"No one is just Jianli.


Facing Yi Qinglan's scrutiny gaze, Chu Lingchuan turned his head with some guilty conscience and let out a nasal "um".

"Pan Dao Xin, you have a ghost!"

Yi Qinglan is not the ignorant "Little Cabbage" at the beginning.

Under the influence of Li Ran, he understood a little bit about the relationship between men and women, and it was natural to see that Chu Lingchuan was lying.

The "him" in the opponent's mouth is probably Li Ran!

This time I came to Baiyun Peak, and it was also a special trip to ask Li Ran!

To say that these two people are nothing tricky, she would definitely not believe them.

"This little thief knows that the purpose of his apprenticeship is extremely innocent!"

Yi Qinglan gritted her teeth secretly, "But he is really Damn it!"

"that "

Looking at Yi Qinglan's uncertain expression, Chu Lingchuan asked cautiously: "Daochang Yi, let's return to the topic just now. What are your plans for Li Ran?"

Yi Qinglan gave her a police look, "It's just that we've been apart for less than two days, so the head of Chu is too impatient, right?"

Chu Lingchuan's cheeks reddened, and he stubbornly said, "Who or who is anxious? They said that I just stopped by. Besides, Li Ran is my disciple, can't I ask?"

Seeing her pretending to be calm, Yi Qing Ganglan was more certain in her heart.

They are definitely not just an ordinary teacher-student relationship!

But since I have already told the other party, there is no better way now, besides, Yi Qinglan also wants to see Li Ran very much.

"It's easy and easy to say."

Yi Qinglan collected 790 and said, "In Leng Wuyan's site, it is very difficult to see Li Ran, so there must be a legitimate reason for him to come out."

Chu Lingchuan nodded and said, "Is that the'rotating training' plan you mentioned earlier?"


Yi Qinglan said: "Although there is a difference between Zhengma, Li Ran is your disciple and mine. This is already an ironclad fact, so it is justified."

"Now the influence of the dragon lock is gradually weakening, and the dragon energy of the entire vast land is constantly disintegrating, and the Spirit Power is getting stronger and stronger every day, which is obviously a sign of the arrival of the next golden age."

"Do you remember what happened in the last golden age?"

Chu Lingchuan nodded solemnly, "Of course I remember. The golden age is not only the flourishing age of the human race, but also the carnival of the monster race."

"So in order to face the next variables and to stabilize the status of the human race, we must add a new human race emperor as soon as possible."

Yi Qinglan believed in herself: "Er Ran'er is the strongest genius in recent years, and is currently the most qualified and capable person to prove the emperor! I believe that starting from the overall situation, Leng Wuyan has no reason to refuse."

"Pan Dao calls this: the'Emperor Creation Project.'

Chu Lingchuan was stunned.

After regaining his senses, he couldn't help sighing: "Dao Chang Yi is really an old treacherous cunning!"

Yi Qinglan twitched at the corner of her mouth, "If you can't speak, you can shut your mouth!".