
I really don't want to fall in love with my master

This novel is specifically designed for my one so I don't care about anything

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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441 to 450

Please, I Really Didn't Want To Fall in Love With My Master! Chapter 441 Online

Chapter 441

Chapter 441 Li Ran's good fortune, is this the harvest you said?

In the bedroom.

Shen Ning was lying on the bed, and Leng Wuyan sat on the edge of the bed.

The two of them held hands together, the air was prepared by the method of hydrogen, and the deep light seemed to trickle, slowly pouring into Shen Ning's body.

Under Leng Wuyan's control, he slowly developed Dantian.

Wuxiu and Taoxiu are fundamentally different.

For Wu Xiu, the ultimate goal is to temper himself, and the importance of pursuing scriptures and sutras is far more important than Dantian.

Spiritual Qi is only used as Ascension Cultivation Base, which can only be regarded as the "power" to support itself. The real power is the Sword Qi hidden in the meridians.

Therefore, the development of Dantian has not paid much attention.

Tao Xiu is completely different.

What they pay attention to is the impermanence of Taoism and the induction of heaven and earth, and Spirit Power is the only condition for the application of Taoism.

Only by expanding Dantian to be big enough and tough enough, can we store more Spirit Power, and can display a steady stream of Taoism.

The two cannot be said to be strong or weak.

After all, everyone's talents are different, and personal strength cannot be a standard of measurement.

But for Chu Lingchuan and Leng Wuyan, they have stood at the pinnacle, representing the strongest combat power of Daowu.

This is why Chu Lingchuan is so persistent and must beat Leng Wuyan.

It's not that she can't afford to lose, but Wu Xiu can't afford to lose!

"It seems that Chu Lingchuan is quite attentive."

While transmitting Spirit Power, Leng Wuyan said faintly: "Shen Ning's meridian has gradually formed, and the potential of Innate martial arts has been stimulated. Even if you don't practice the Cultivation Technique of the Wanjian Pavilion, your martial arts strength will increase day by day."

This is what Chu Lingchuan thought.

Since you can't always guide Shen Ning, then expand your talent to the extreme so that Shen Ning can win at the starting line.

"Huh, although the idea is good, but with just this little method, it is difficult to get this seat?"

Leng Wuyan's eyes play.

As long as Shen Ning's Dantian is developed in advance, the stored Spirit Power will far exceed the current Realm.No matter what Realm Shen Ning cultivates, his own Spirit Power will be several times that of the same Realm practitioner!

Coupled with the blessing of super talent, although it is not as exaggerated as Li Ran, it can also crush ninety-nine geniuses!

"This seat will not only win Chu Lingchuan, but also Yi Qinglan~"!"

The thought that Lin Langyue could not only defeat Li Ran, and even Shen Ning might even fail to defeat Shen Ning in the future, Yi Qinglan would definitely be very uncomfortable. Leng Wuyan felt very happy.

The speed of opening up Dantian is also a bit faster.

At this time, it was getting late, and with the feeling of warmth all over, Shen had fallen asleep in a daze.

The bedroom quieted down for a while.

Li Holy Son sat on the chair, his head downcast.

"It's okay to sleep together, what is it called?"

Leng Wuyan and Yu Guangjing saw his frustrated expression, and a smile flashed across his eyes.

"Adversary, do you really think this seat doesn't know what his mind is?,

Looking at Shen Ning who was asleep, her cheeks were reddening for no reason.

"I still want to do it, I want to be beautiful!

At this time, I just listened to Li Ran carefully asking: "Master, Ning'er is already asleep, is it okay for my disciple?"


Leng Wuyan nodded, "You can go back now."

Li Ran smiled bitterly, "Master, is going to drive the disciple away?"

Leng Wuyan took it for granted: "The reason why you stay here is that Shen Ning will be afraid? Now that she is asleep, why are you staying here?"

"I "

Li Ran couldn't refute it for a while.

Unexpectedly, what I just said would lift a rock and hit Own in the foot.

Seeing his dejected look, Leng Wuyan couldn't help but feel softened, and said, "Forget it, if Shen Ning wakes up in the middle of the night to find Big Brother, I think it is troublesome for you to stay here."

Li Ran's eyes lit up, "Master, really?"

Leng Wuyan added: "But if you say it beforehand, you have to be honest, and you can't make any mistakes, otherwise I will throw you out."

Li Ran smiled and said, "Master, don't worry, the disciple is an honest person."

As long as you can keep yourself, you can say anything.


Leng Wuyan gave him a funny look, "If you are an honest person, then there will be no bad people in this world."


Li Ran scratched his head and smiled.

The candlelight flickered in the bedroom, entangled the reflections of the two of them.

Leng Wuyan was a little flustered inexplicably, and cleared his throat and asked, "What have you gained in these days when you went to Wanjian Pavilion? Except for acknowledging a master."


Li Ran nodded and said, "The disciple has gained a lot of good things this time."


Leng Wuyan curiously asked: "I can call you a good thing, I think it should be good fortune, right?"

"Master, just take a look."

Li Ran spread his hands, and the silver-white Sword Qi gushed out, forming a dragon shape in the air.

I saw a small slap-sized silver dragon circling and dancing in the air, and even the scales of the dragon's whiskers were fully visible, and the eyes were piercing, like living creatures.

Although she is small and exquisite, she can feel the power of horror.

"|Emperor Sword Qi?"

Leng Wuyan raised her brows, "No, it's more than that, have you awakened Wuxiang with this spirituality?"

Li Ran nodded, "The disciple has indeed awakened the Wuxiang."

Leng Wuyan was speechless for a while.

If I remember correctly, this is already his fourth Dharma form, right?

Others may not be able to awaken a Dharma image in the Harmony Realm.

He is just a distraction Realm, Buddha, Tao, demons, and martial arts do not fall, this is really a bit exaggerated.

However, Leng Wuyan's focus is not here.

"Unexpectedly, Chu Lingchuan really let you absorb the Emperor Sword Qi. It seems that she is really good to you as a disciple."

Although there was a smile on his face, there was a ray of resentment in his eyes.

Li Ran Shan smiled and said, "Accidents are all accidents."


Leng Wuyan snorted coldly, and didn't bother to care about him.

"Besides, are there any other gains?

"Uh (Hao Zhao Zhao) By the way, there is this one too.

Li Ran retracted the silver dragon and opened his palm again. An ice-blue flame emerged out of thin air, burning quietly in the air.

Leng Wuyan couldn't help but stunned looking at the lotus flower-like fire and the permeating water-attribute aura.

She was surprised: "This is Qinglian Shengyan?!"

Li Ran nodded, "Yes, it is the Qinglian Holy Flame.

Leng Wuyan's throat moved.

Among the countless different fires, although the Qinglian Sacred Flame is not the top, it is definitely one of the most mysterious.

The mysterious place lies not only in its weird and powerful power, but also in the legendary demon who sees the dragon without seeing the end.

So far no one knows who the last owner of Qinglian Shengyan was.

As a result, this legendary strange fire fell into Li Ran's hands?

"It turns out that the good thing he said is such a treasure?!"

Leng Wuyan stared at him blankly, a little bit overwhelmed for a while.

Chapter 442

Chapter 442 You will not be the son of Heavenly Dao, will you?

Leng Wuyan couldn't help feeling a little stunned as he watched the strange fire steaming in Li Ran's palm.

As an emperor-level powerhouse, she knows the preciousness of this strange fire.

The sacred flame of the lotus flower is said to nurture the center of the earth under the sea. It is a powerful fire that can be boiled and dried by the sea!

It has never been seen for thousands of years, and the world has never really seen it. Only a few words can be found in the description of some ancient books.

The kind of powerful power in the legend has been eager for the strong from all walks of life.

If you just look at the power purely, it may not be as good as the Burning Heaven Sacred Flame.

But in contrast, there are many more strange characteristics.

The breath containing water attributes alone makes Qinglian Shengyan a very special existence.

Leng Wuyan asked curiously: "Where did you get this strange fire?"

Li Ran said, "Master still remembers Chen Yundao's dead disciple?"

Leng Wuyan thought for a while, and said, "You mean that the chief disciple of the Shinto Palace is called Feng Wanjiang, right?"

The reason why Chen Yundao went to Wanjian Pavilion to inquire about his crimes was because of the accidental death of this chief disciple.

So she is still a little impressed with this name.

"Yes, it's him.

Li Ran nodded: "At the bottom of the East China Sea, Feng Wanjiang and Bai Jiangye were preparing to explore the secret realm.

Starting from rescuing Yue Jianli, he gave a brief and concise description of what happened, 773.

Leng Wuyan became more surprised as she listened, a pair of bright eyes widened, her lips staying closed for a long time.

"It's a coincidence, isn't it?

In order to save Yue Jianli, Li Ran had to kill a Devourer.

And this spirit devourer happened to be the one who ate the guardian of the Shinto Palace!

The two obtained a secret key by accident.

And in the secret realm opened by this secret key, there happens to be the legendary Qinglian holy flame?

"Is there such a coincidence?"

Leng Wuyan looked at Li Ran with complicated eyes.

This can no longer be described by good luck, it is simply enchanting luck!

This clear lotus holy flame hasn't appeared in the world for thousands of years, but by chance, it was taken into the bag by Li Ran.

It seems to have been waiting for Li Ran for so many years.

Thinking about it carefully, his luck is indeed not so good.

The strange fire, the treasure, the magical skill, the good fortune that others dare not even think about, can always easily fall into his hands.

"Ran'er isn't really the son of Heavenly Dao, right?"

Leng Wuyan couldn't help falling into thought.

Li Ran shook his head and said: "But this strange fire should have been a sword, but she must split the fire to me (ajeh)."

Leng Wuyan came back to her senses, angrily and funny said: "You are all quite generous.

This is one of the top different fires, and it is the treasure that will make other practitioners break their heads!

But these two people are actually letting them go?

I guess only the pillow will do this, right?

But Leng Wuyan was not angry either.

She had known the relationship between Li Ran and Yue Jianli a long time ago.

And they have also reached the last step, it is impossible to separate in any case.

If this is the case, why bother for yourself?

Leng Wuyan's eyes looked at the different fire, and a faint light flashed in his eyes.

"This flame does have the ability to differentiate and can divide the fire into two. Not only will it not affect the power of the different fire, but it will form a certain connection, which will gradually become stronger according to your Cultivation Base."

She is worthy of being an emperor-level power, and she can see through the nature of the strange fire at a glance.

"This Qinglian Shengyan should have other abilities, but you still need to explore it slowly."


Li Ran nodded.

A smile flashed across Leng Wuyan's eyes and said, "This time I go to Wanjian Pavilion and I can get the Emperor Sword Qi and Qinglian Holy Flame. It is indeed a fruitful harvest."

Although all the things that happened this time really irritated her, judging from the benefits Li Ran gained, it was indeed a worthwhile trip.

Li Ran scratched his head, "By the way, there is another thing."

"What else "

Before Leng Wuyan finished speaking, he was stunned.

I saw a flash of blue light in the air, and ten burly men appeared in the room instantly.

Upon closer inspection, he found that this was not a living person, but a blue-gray sculpture.

They are all standing silently, wearing golden belt armor on their bodies.

No face can be seen under the helmet, only the light blue ray of xenon can be seen.

"This is "

Leng Wuyan's eyes were a little puzzled.

Li Ran explained: "This is also obtained from the secret realm. There are a total of ten sculpture guards.

These sculpture guards not only obey his orders, but also make changes according to his mind.

The huge figure that was originally tens of meters high and upright, under the control of Li Ran, has become almost the same as a normal human body.

If you put on a robe, I'm afraid it will be fake.

Leng Wuyan raised her eyebrows slightly.

She can see that although these sculptures are not spiritual, they are "sense" to a certain extent.

This kind of mental intelligence is not the thinking of living things, but under the action of some kind of power, it can fully understand and execute the commands of the master, and respond to everything around it.

"It's impossible to achieve this degree only by formation. What is this?"

Even Leng Wuyan couldn't see through it for a while.

Li Ran stretched out his right hand, and the blue light condensed on the back of his hand, forming a set of complicated and mysterious patterns.

It looks like a tattoo, exuding an ice blue light.

"These statue guards are usually hidden in this space, and they will appear as long as they receive my instructions."

"Although they don't use Dao Fa, their power is consistent with my Cultivation Base, and will become stronger with my Cultivation Base Ascension.

"Even if it is shattered, it can automatically reorganize in the space on the back of the hand.

Listening to Li Ran's description, Leng Wuyan frowned deeper and deeper.

"Can it be reorganized?"

She stretched out a finger and lightly tapped it on a sculpture.


With a soft sound, dense cobweb-like cracks spread, and the tall statue instantly shattered into a child's powder.

However, the blue light under the helmet still shone.

Under the blue light, the debris on the ground floated up, and Xiuran sank into the back of Li Ran's hand.

A surname is Xianghou.

A complete statue resurfaced out of thin air.

Both the appearance and the breath were the same as before, as if they had not been affected at all.

Leng Wuyan is keenly aware that this ability is inseparable from the formation of the back of Li Ran's hand.

"The origins of these things such as spiritual empowerment, growth, rebirth, and development of space are not simple."

Although the sculpture guard is not as strong, the information behind it is a bit shocking.

"In addition to Qinglian Shengyan, but also possesses such a strange thing, what is the origin of the secret realm?"

Leng Wuyan fell into thinking.


At this time, Li Ran remembered something and said: "The secret realm is quite interesting. There is a plaque hanging at the entrance with the word'Dragon Palace' written on it."

"What did you say?!"

Leng Wuyan stood up suddenly, and said in shock: "Dragon Palace?!".

Chapter 443

Chapter 443 Ancient demon secrets Xin, ancient survivors!

"What did you say?"

Leng Wuyan looked at Li Ran in surprise, her eyes a little unbelievable, "The secret realm you went to is called Dragon Palace?"

Li Ran nodded, ""It is true. "

When I first entered the secret realm, a plaque was hung at the door.

Although it was crooked and about to fall off, the word "Dragon Palace" could still be clearly distinguished.

He can't remember this wrong.

Leng Wuyan's expression changed, and she fell silent for a moment.

Li Ran saw the strangeness and asked in confusion, "Master seems to know something about this dragon palace?"

Leng Wuyan shook his head, "It's not an understanding, it's just ~ I've heard of it."

Li Ran was suddenly curious.

He felt that the secret realm was weird at the time, but he couldn't tell the details-what was wrong.

Leng Wuyan organized the language and said: "The secret realm of the Dragon Palace is not the inheritance left by the great power, but the ancient land of the ancient survivors."

"Ancient survivors? Ancient land? What is that?"

Li Ran became more confused as he listened.

He didn't even understand these vocabulary, and basically he hadn't heard anyone talk about it.

Leng Wuyan explained: "Ancient survivors are actually monsters in essence. To be precise, they should be the ancestors of the monsters.

Li Ran was taken aback for a moment, "Monster ancestor?"


Leng Wuyan said: "Have you ever noticed that even demonic beasts of the same kind have strengths and weaknesses. As long as there is a trace of ancient beast blood in the body, it will far exceed the same kind of combat power and cultivation speed. "

"Is such that."

Li Ran nodded.

At the beginning of the beast tide, the wild bears and thunder lions with the blood of the ancient beasts were far more powerful than other Demonic Beasts, and they could even use the abilities of the bleeding veins.

Leng Wuyan asked: "Then have you ever thought about where these bloodlines come from? Where is the source?"

"The source of blood?"

Li Ran was stunned when he heard the words.

He really didn't think about this problem.

Leng Wuyan continued: "Actually speaking, they are all descendants of the ancient monster race."

"Sharp-toothed tiger, named Jiantu in ancient times, a pair of fangs can hardly shake the holy treasure, and a roar of a tiger can make a hundred demons surrender."

"The wild bear, called a cunning watch in ancient times, can transform a human form when it is born. When the Cultivation Base reaches a high depth, it can smash a thousand-zhang mountain with a single palm."

"The Yin Snake Bird, originally called acid and, must be accompanied by terror in what it does…

"The ancient demon clan was very powerful at the time, and it was completely capable of fighting against the human race. Half of the vast land was a dark and skyless demon territory."

"It's not like now, only under the pressure of the human race, hiding in a hundred thousand mountains to survive."

Listening to Master's words, Li Ran's head was a little confused.

These are Demonic Beasts that can be seen everywhere in the 100,000 Great Mountains. Most of them don't even have Lingzhi.

"Master, since the ancestors of these Demonic Beasts are so powerful, why have their descendants become worthless little monsters?" He couldn't help asking.

Leng Wuyan said, "Because the blood is thin."

"Compared to human practitioners, Demonic Beasts pays more attention to blood inheritance. In other words, all the powers of the monster race are in that flesh and blood."

"The thinner the blood, the lower the possibility of awakening."

Li Ran asked again, "Where are the ancient demons? It's impossible to all die, right?"

Leng Wuyan shook his head and said, "I haven't experienced that era, and I don't know where they have gone. It seems that at a certain point in time, all the ancient monsters have evaporated out of thin air.

"Some people say that it was an extraterritorial demon who made the move. Some people said it was the demon clan, Shattering Void, and the collective soaring. Although there are different opinions, one thing is certain, that is, the ancient demon are no longer in the vast land."

Li Ran murmured: "Not in the vast land?"

This sentence is beyond his cognition.

Leng Wuyan continued: "As the ancient monsters collectively leave, the remaining blood veins become weaker and weaker, and gradually they "degenerate" into the current monster race. "

"Of course, not all the ancient monsters have disappeared. There is still a small group of monsters that survive for some reason. They are trying to keep their blood pure, so there are very few offspring."

"These ethnic groups are the legendary survivors of ancient times.

Li Ran was stunned, "In other words, these ancient survivors are the real monsters?"


Leng Wuyan nodded.

Li Ran digested silently for a while.

The amount of information in these words was indeed too great, which made him a little unacceptable for a while.

And there are many places that he hasn't really figured out.

0...for flowers…

For example, what is the foreign demon?

What does it mean to not be in the vast land?

Leng Wuyan saw his doubts and shook his head: "You don't have to think too much now, you should know it, you will know it someday. If you don't think about it, it means that Realm hasn't arrived yet.

"All right."

Li Ran forcibly suppressed his curiosity, and did not continue to question.

Leng Wuyan sighed inwardly.

In fact, there are many things, not that she doesn't want to say, but that she can't be completely sure.

The presumed ingredient is too big.

There is no need to disturb Li Ran's mood because of these hearsay news.

At this moment, Li Ran thought of something and asked: "Master, then what is this Dragon Palace?"

Leng Wuyan said: "The Dragon Palace is said to be an ancient land of ancient survivors. It not only has the inheritance of ancient monsters, but also the shocking secret that they disappeared back then."

"It's just that after the ancient monsters disappeared, no one could find the location of the Dragon Palace anymore. Many practitioners went to the East China Sea to hunt for treasure, but in the end most of them disappeared and died."

"So the Dragon Palace has gradually become a half-truth."

Speaking of this, she gave Li Ran a complicated look.

The secret place that drove countless people back then opened the door to him by chance.

Perhaps, this is the fate?

Li Ran squeezed his chin and hesitated and said, "But the scale of the dragon palace is not large. And the most valuable thing is only a strange fire. If this is the inheritance of the ancient demon, it would be a bit cold to cultivate, right?"

"Only a strange fire?

Leng Wuyan was angry and funny.

The Sacred Flame of Qinglian is the supreme treasure, but it doesn't seem to be worth mentioning in his mouth.

"Who told you that there is only one Dragon Palace? It is said that the area of ​​the Dragon Palace is vast, but it is divided into several small secret realms under the action of some kind of mighty force. You should be one of them."

"I see."

Li Ran knew it.

This makes sense.

"By the way, Master,"

At this moment, he remembered something and asked, "Which ancient land is the Dragon Palace?"

Leng Wuyan whispered: "You should know the answer by listening to the name."

"Ancient demon, dragon!" Shao.

Chapter 444

Chapter 444 Overlord of the sky, a transcendent thing!


Li Ran was taken aback when he heard the words.

The meaning behind these two words is too great, even if he can't fully digest it for a while.

No matter how powerful Demonic Beasts are, they will leave behind more or less heterogeneous offspring, even if it is the ancient calamity god "Beast", there have been traces of descendants in the depths of the Shiwan Great Mountain.

However, there are several special ethnic groups, but they only exist in legends, and they have not been seen for tens of millions of years.

Dragons are one of them.

Although the dragons have left behind various legends, most people in the world can only get a glimpse of its appearance on the scroll.

So far, whether dragons exist is still controversial.

Whether it is an imaginary imagination or a real demon, the whole world still has different opinions on this.

Even if Li Ran, as Devil Dao Holy Son, has the most top-level resources and information, but for the Dragon Clan's "Seven Seven Three", it is still limited to hearsay.

"Is there really a dragon in the world?"

Li Ran asked curiously.

Just now he was keenly aware that the master was talking about the "ancient monster dragon clan", is this legendary clan really a demon that existed in ancient times?

Leng Wuyan nodded, "Of course. The dragon not only exists, but was once the master of the entire sky. It is a transcendent thing above all races, even the human race can only be subdued under the dragon's might.'

She threw a blockbuster in a light tone.

"Master of the sky? Transcendence?"

Li Ran couldn't help being stunned.

Unexpectedly, the Dragon Race still has such a glorious past, that it can even overwhelm the Human Race?

Leng Wuyan smiled and said, "Don't you notice it yourself? The giant dragon entangled in your star's magical aspect, and the spiritual silver dragon's military aspect, do you think they all appeared out of thin air?"


Li Ran scratched his head, "I thought it was just a manifestation of energy, but a symbol.

Leng Wuyan shook his head and said, "No matter what symbol it is, it must be supported by real existence. If only by fantasy, how can a powerful Dharma manifestation?"

"The reason why the Dhamma is the Dhamma is to communicate with Wanfa, using Dao heart as the medium, so that the true God is reflected in reality."

"So the more powerful the Dhamma, the more real existence is needed for support."

Li Ran was stunned when he heard the words.

Although he awakened the four phenomena, all of them were awakened by chance and coincidence, and he didn't really understand the meaning behind them.

In other words, he was not interested at all

"No wonder Qingge's awakening Faxiang is me… I want to be in her Dao heart, and she already regards me as the true god."

"Think of it this way, maybe the Star Giant is a real person?"

That stalwart body wearing a Galaxy Cluster and standing upright, with the terrifying power of capturing a dragon on the left hand and an elephant on the right hand, is actually a creature that has ever existed? What terrible cultivation base and strength does this require?

Li Ran couldn't imagine.

And that glaring Vajra, six-armed Heavenly Demon, are there really Buddhas and gods in the world?

Leng Wuyan saw his thoughts and shook his head and said: "This seat says it needs to be based on reality, but it may not always be exactly the same. Under the influence of thousands of ways, various changes may occur."

"Vajra Buddha, may be a certain Buddhist monk. The six-armed Heavenly Demon, perhaps reflecting the power of Devil Dao, is very possible.

Li Ran nodded, but there was a faint feeling in his heart.

Whether it is Buddha or Heavenly Demon, they are definitely not as simple as ancient cultivators. There seems to be some unknown secret behind them.

"By the way, having said so much, the disciple still doesn't know what Master's face is?"

Li Ran blinked his eyes and asked.

Leng Wuyan looked slightly embarrassed, and said lightly: "In the heart of this seat, the true god is only himself, so why do you need any facial features?"

Li Ran raised his brows, "Master doesn't have a face?"

Leng Wuyan said with certainty: "No.


Li Ran squeezed her chin and looked at her carefully, always feeling that something was a little wrong.

Master seems to be hiding something.


Leng Wuyan was uncomfortable when he saw him, and cleared his throat to change the topic, "But then again, your silver dragon martial arts is real, and it should reflect the ancient monster dragon clan.

As soon as this remark came out, Li Ranran's attention was really drawn away, "But if the dragon clan exists for real, why can't I find any relevant words in any historical books?"

"For stability."

Leng Wuyan explained: "History was originally written by the victors. Neither Sect nor the royal family are willing to admit that period of oppressed history.

"All the ancient monsters suddenly disappeared, including the strongest dragon clan, and the strength of the entire monster clan was weakened to its lowest point."

"Although there are many immortal emperors in the human race, the backbone of the human race has not been greatly affected. Moreover, the cultivation speed of the human race is much faster than that of the ordinary monster race."

Li Ran added: "So the Terran launched a counterattack?"

"Speaking of a counterattack, it is actually more like a massacre. After thousands of years of depression, the Human Race is eager to prove its supreme supremacy."

Leng Wuyan said: "The monster race lacking high-end combat power can't compete with the human race at all. The living environment has been compressed step by step. In the end, the surviving monster race was expelled into the hundred thousand mountains, and can no longer step on it. Half a step out of the jungle."

Li Ran swallowed.

He always thought it was the territory of the Demon Race, but did not expect it to be the prison planned by the Human Race? Leng Wuyan continued: "And whether it is Sect or the Royal Family, in order to protect the so-called Human Race pride, all relevant records are either Destroy it or hide it deeply."

"The people who have lived through that era are also very secretive about this dark history. Over time, the existence of ancient monsters such as the dragon clan has become a legend, and only a small group of people know the truth behind it."

The room gradually became quiet.

Only 4.7 candles are burning and flickering.

Li Ran let out a foul breath.

Unexpectedly, after the Dragon Palace secret realm, there was such a huge amount of information, which made him a little stunned for a while.

Leng Wuyan looked at him with complicated eyes in his bright eyes.

Although Li Ran doesn't know anything about the existence of the dragon clan, he has forged a certain "indissoluble bond" with the dragon clan.

The Shenlong on the Star Dharma, the Yinlong Wuxiang composed of Sword Qi, and the secret realm of the Dragon Palace that seems to be opened for him…- It seems that there is a certain number.

It's just that he is not aware of it yet.

At this time, Leng Wuyan thought of something, a white light flashed in his hand, and a pure white egg appeared in his palm, exuding amazing vitality.

Li Ran looked at the egg and curiously asked, "Master, what is this?".

Chapter 445

Chapter 445 Dandan's sadness~

Li Ran looked at the egg curiously.

The egg shell is white and smooth, and the shape is round and perfect, almost the size of a bucket, exuding vitality from the inside out.

"Master, what is this?"

Compared with the strange beast eggs that I usually see, this one is obviously a little too big, and the surging vitality like the river water all shows that the origin of this thing is extraordinary.

Leng Wuyan said: "This is an alien beast egg from the Samsara realm. It was obtained by the person in the mirror.

This was originally given by Chen Yundao in order to ask Ming Jing to take a shot.

In order to vent her anger to Li Ran, she cut Chen Yundao with a sword outside the East China Sea, and directly frightened Master Ming.

In order to let Leng Wuyan calm down, Ming Jing gave the egg to her like a treasure.

She didn't take it too seriously, but now it seems

"Samsara Realm?"

Li Ran was taken aback when he heard the words.

Regarding the Samsara realm, he had talked with Yi Qinglan and Chu Lingchuan, knowing that it was an extremely mysterious and dangerous place.

Where did this egg come from? "Chen Yundao really has an inextricable connection with the Samsara realm.

Li Ran frowned and thought.

Leng Wuyan looked at him suspiciously, "You seem to know something about Samsara?"

"Well, the disciple Zenghe cough cough, the disciple did hear a little bit."

Li Ran coughed, and secretly said in his heart: "I almost missed my mouth."

From his experience, it is best not to mention the other two masters in front of Leng Wuyan, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Especially at this time, in case something goes wrong, it may be all for nothing tonight

At this moment, he thought of something, and took out a stick-shaped thing from the storage ring, "Master, look at this."

Leng Wuyan looked at Dingqing, her pupils couldn't help shrinking, "This is"

I saw that the thing was shaped like a wooden wedge, but the texture was like metal, with complicated and dense lines carved on it, exuding an eternal mysterious atmosphere.

"Samsara secret key? Where did you get this thing?"

Leng Wuyan came back to his senses, eyes full of shock and puzzlement.

How could this thing appear in his hands? Li Ran shrugged, "Someone else gave it."

Leng Wuyan was taken aback, "Huh?"

She suspected that she had heard it wrong.

Li Ran then narrated what happened in Jiangli City concisely, only to downplay the existence of the two masters intentionally or unintentionally.

Leng Wuyan's voice moved, and said with difficulty: "You mean, a small city lord in the Harmony Realm can actually possess the Samsara key and give it to you as a gift?"

Li Ran nodded, "Yes."

Leng Wuyan was speechless for a while.

This is a treasure that countless people are eager for, how can it get into his hands in a confused way?

Is this the legendary top luck?

It's too outrageous!

She came back to her senses, Didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I really don't know what to say. Could it be that you have some kind of attraction to Heavenly and Mortal Treasures?"

Li Ran shrugged, "Maybe this is the protagonist's halo?"

"What halo?"

Leng Wuyan was a little confused and couldn't understand what he was talking about.

Li Ran slapped haha, "It's nothing, the disciple said nonsense."

Leng Wuyan didn't ask further.

She looked at the quaint key, her brows frowned slightly, "But even if you get the Samsara key, don't enter it easily. The danger in the Samsara realm is beyond your control of Realm."

Li Ran nodded, "The disciple knows.

Yi Qinglan and Chu Lingchuan also told him this way back then.

To be honest, he really has no interest in this Samsara realm.

For him, it is better to get along with each other as soon as possible, and it is more attractive to communicate with the masters in depth.

"It's good if you know it in your heart.

Leng Wuyan didn't say much when she saw this.

After all, Samsara has not been opened for many years. Whether it will open again is still unknown. It is too early to worry about it now.

Li Ran looked at the egg and curiously asked, "Master, what is in this egg?"

Leng Wuyan committed suicide: "Ancient demon.

"Ancient demon?'

Li Ran hadn't reacted yet, and the next scene completely stunned him.

I saw Leng Wuyan's hands suddenly appearing, wrapping the eggshell, the alien beast egg seemed to have been stimulated, and the whole body bloomed with white light, floating in the air dripping and spinning.

Under the shining light, the egg shell became very transparent, and the silhouette of the thing in the egg also came out.

It looks like a small snake, with arms and legs on its slender body, winding up and down in it.

I really want to be asleep.

In the next second, the little snake seemed to be alarmed by Spirit Power, and two white lights shot in from his eyes, transmitting out like substance.


A terrifying roar sounded, and the unpredictable coercion filled the entire bedroom!

Obviously it is no more than a few inches long, but it seems to sit high in the clouds and look down at everything, making people unconsciously want to worship.

Of course, Li Ran and Leng Wuyan don't eat this set at all.

Feeling the familiar coercion, Li Ran couldn't help swallowing, "This dragon?!!"

What kind of snake is this, it is clearly a real dragon!

Co-author, this is a dragon egg?!

Leng Wuyan said indifferently: "It is indeed a dragon, and it is pure blood. In order to get Ming Jing to shoot, Chen Yundao really has his blood."

Her tone was casual, and she didn't seem to put the legendary super monster clan To put in one's eyes.

"Roar!" It seemed that she was aware of her contempt, and another roar sounded from the egg, and her voice was obviously more angry.

Although it has not really broken the shell, 773 consciousness is also in chaos, but it still maintains a subtle perception of the outside world.

The dragons are majestic and inviolable!

Even if it is still a dragon egg!

Leng Wuyan narrowed her eyes slightly, "Shut up, you will be stewed if you call again."


The roar stopped abruptly, and the pressure dissipated in an instant.

Although it doesn't understand what "simmered" means, the undisguised killing intent is not a joke.

And the breath of Leng Wuyan gives it a kind of chill from the depths of the soul, it seems that higher beings are contemptuous of own

The dragon egg shook, and a deep sob was sent out, clearly conveying the meaning of begging for mercy.

Li Ran covered his face.

Good guy, is this the so-called ancient monster dragon clan?

The desire to survive is too strong!

He just wanted to say something, suddenly seemed to feel something in his heart, and raised his right hand.

I saw the blue light and hydrogen on the back of the hand, the mysterious formation automatically lit up, and a feeling of blood connection surged to my heart.

Li Ran walked over slowly, and placed his right hand on the eggshell.

The whirring sound stopped instantly, and the white light and blue light intertwined, staining the bedroom with dazzling colors.

Feeling the pulsation in the dragon egg, the message conveyed made him a little stunned.

This egg seems to be

Seek comfort?.

Chapter 446

Chapter 446 Dragon knight development plan!

Li Ran confirmed that there is no problem with own perception.

The dragon egg is constantly releasing goodwill emotions.

There are relatives, joy and excitement, but more are wronged.

It's like a kid who has been bullied, finally found the backbone, pitifully asking for comfort.

The twinkling white light seemed to say: "Look, that woman bullied me, you can help me to bully me back.


Li Ran cleared his throat, "That, she and I are in the same group.

The dragon egg was quiet instantly.

The pure white light trembled for a while, like a light flickering in the wind and rain, which would be extinguished in the next second.

The little dragon swims anxiously in the egg, even through the thick eggshell, Li Ran can feel how broken it is

Probably the same is true for the betrayal of relatives, right?


Li Ran added: "Don't worry, we will not attack you. I will protect you.

As soon as this statement came out, Bai Guang gradually stabilized.

The dragon egg became docile again, exuding a calm and tranquil atmosphere.

Although its consciousness is still in chaos and cannot understand the language of these human races, it does not affect the communication with Li Ran in the least.


Li Ran can not only comprehend its meaning, but can even perceive its state and emotions.

The right hand was placed on the eggshell, the ice-blue light on the back of the hand was hydrogenated, and a strong heartbeat came from the palm of the hand.

The vigorous vitality is moving.

One person and one dragon, as if connected by blood.

And it was the mysterious formation that flashed blue light on the back of the hand that successfully built this medium.

"It seems that I guessed it right at the beginning. This formation is definitely not as simple as I imagined. It seems that the secret realm of the Dragon Palace is really related to the ancient survivors."

"But this dragon egg is from the Samsara realm, but it is an ancient demon that has disappeared for many years.

For a time, countless pieces of information from ancient monsters, dragons, Samsara realm, and Dragon Palace secret realm were intertwined in his mind, which made him fall into thinking.

There is a faint connection among them, which connects these fragments together, but it is a little fuzzy and not clear enough.

The only thing that can be determined now is that the Shinto Palace is absolutely inseparable from these things!

"Chen Yundao~.."

Li Ran played with the dragon egg, his eyes changed.

Leng Wuyan looked at him and then at the docile dragon egg, a little bit overwhelmed for a while.

"Ran'er can actually communicate with the Dragon Clan?"

Throughout the ages, in the eyes of ancient monsters like the Dragon Race, the Human Race has always been the status of a lower-level person, and only a few top powers are qualified to talk with it.

This is the pride hidden in the blood night, even the dragon eggs that have not hatched.

But Li Ran is just a distracting Realm, but can he be so close to the dragon?

It's really unbelievable.

Recalling Li Ran's previous experience: accidentally entered the Dragon Palace secret realm, inexplicably obtained the Samsara key, and this time came into contact with the dragon egg through himself…

This can no longer be described by good luck, as if there is a certain number in the future.

"This kind of good fortune is good fortune, and luck is linked together. Is it true that Ran'er is the son of the avenue, the legendary man of choice?"

Leng Wuyan was speechless for a long time.

Li Ran didn't think too much, but curiously asked, "Master, how long will it take for this thing to break out of the shell?"

Leng Wuyan returned to her senses and shook her head: "This seat is not clear. The higher the level of life, the more difficult it is to be born. Most of the dragon races are close to distraction when they are born. It's not an easy task for them to break the shell."

"Don't look at this little guy who is full of vitality now, but maybe he won't be able to see the sky for a few years, and it's not impossible to even make a half-way turn.

Li Ran nodded clearly.

It is true.

With the strength of the dragon clan, if it can be unscrupulous. Propagating at will, I'm afraid there is no room for other races in the vast land.


At this time, the dragon egg shook lightly, and the white light flickered, as if it were blinking eyes.

Li Ran felt the message it conveyed, and suddenly laughed.

"Okay, knowing that you are great, you will definitely not be wrong."

The dragon egg shook.

It seems a little proud and proud.

Looking at the barrier-free communication between one person and one egg, Leng Wuyan said with a smile: "I see you and this egg are also destined, otherwise you will take it away."

Li Ran scratched his head, "But I don't know how to incubate eggs."

Leng Wuyan nodded his forehead and said amusedly: "This is a pure-blood dragon. There is a complete inheritance system in the blood. You will be able to cultivate Breathing Exercises cultivation before you are born. How can you incubate?

"Just wait patiently for it to come out on its own. Of course, the premise is that it can come out alive.

The dragon egg was shaking again.

Obviously a bit unconvinced.

Li Ran nodded, "Alright, that disciple will not be polite to Master."

He is not interested in the secrets of Samsara, but this egg is quite fun, and he is full of curiosity about the creatures in the egg.

If it really hatched, wouldn't he have a chance to be a dragon knight?

Does someone else ride a dragon with a sword?

It's very cool to think about it!


Leng Wuyan gave him a white look, "Don't come to this set, when have you been polite with this seat?"

Li Ran smiled, and put the dragon egg away with his backhand.

The storage ring could not store living things, so he put the dragon egg into the blue space on the back of his hand.

This is also the only thing that can be put into it besides the statue guard.

At this moment, Leng Wuyan remembered something and asked: "I remember Chu Lingchuan once said that you seem to have realized what Sword Technique, and even cut off her bedroom?,

Li Ran nodded, "Master said it should be sword drawing.

"Drawing swordsmanship?"

Leng Wuyan raised her eyebrows slightly, "Isn't that the ultimate move of the ancient Wuxiu? It seems that it has been lost for many years, how could you

Before the words fell, the whole person was stunned.

(Zhao Zhaohao) I saw Li Ran gripping his right hand and pushing his thumb slightly. The surging Sword Qi was hanging upside down like a galaxy, sweeping across the room.

Although this sword has not been cut out, the sharp and unforged cutting mind seems to be able to cut off everything in the world!

Leng Wuyan's throat moved, her eyes a little shocked.

Such a pure mind cutting is definitely a sword drawing technique!

This is a long-lost ancient ultimate move. It is said that it takes a million times to draw the sword to achieve a slight success. Li Ran actually realized it on his own?

It is too exaggerated!

In her eyes, there has never been any genius at all.

Because whether she is a genius or a mediocre, she is an ant, and there is no difference between a demon.

But now he was deeply shocked by Li Ran.

"Such a good fortune luck, coupled with unprecedented talent and enlightenment"

Leng Wuyan sighed and shook his head: "Ran'er, you are not really a monster, are you?"

Li Ran: "Huh?"

Chapter 447

Chapter 447 Li Shima kills chickens!

Leng Wuyan's eyes were a bit complicated.

Different fire, Sword Qi, killer move, secret Li Ran went to the East China Sea on this trip, and the harvest was so big!

Think about it carefully, every time he leaves Sect, he will fish a lot, and he will take out one at random, which is a good fortune that no one else can repair in a few lifetimes.

It seemed that Heavenly and Mortal Treasures had come to look for him.

Even she can't understand

And Li Ran was also stunned.

Many things discussed tonight are completely beyond his inherent impression and understanding.

He almost overthrew his previous cognition, and slowly revealed a corner of this mysterious world.

Not only that, but also got a real dragon egg!

This series of things made him feel a little unreal until now.

Suddenly fell into silence.

The two had chatted for a long time, and they had been on the third day of the month before they knew it.

At this time, the night was as thick as ink, a bright crescent moon hung on the top, a faint brilliance entered from the window, and the furniture in the room was plated with silver edges.

Shen Ning breathed evenly, and she had already fallen asleep.

The quiet in the bedroom seemed to be able to hear the heartbeat.

At this time, Li Ran broke the silence with a loud voice, "Master, can Dantian of Ning'er develop well?"

Leng Wuyan nodded and said: "Haste is not enough, everything is too bad, especially for things like Dantian. It must be done step by step. Only 773 can do this tonight."

Although I talked a lot just now, it didn't affect her one mind and two use. While chatting, she has been silently conveying Spiritual Qi.

Li Ran squeezed his chin, "In other words, Master is already busy?"

"Yes, this seat is already"

Before he finished speaking, Leng Wuyan froze.

I saw Li Ran walk to the bed and sit down with her slender waist in her hands, and buried her head on her shoulders, "Then the master has time to step on the disciple now?"

Leng Wuyan's pretty face turned bright red from time to time.

"Isn't I talking to you all the time?"

Li Ran shook his head, "Master knows that the disciple doesn't mean that."

"Ben, I don't know!

Leng Wuyan quietly wiped the hem of his tight clothes with his hands, his eyes dodge a little.

Although Shen Ning is asleep now, she is still inexplicably nervous.

The relationship between the two is full of taboos, and Shen Ning's identity is so complicated

The shyness in her heart made her want to find a place to get in.

But even though her heart turned back and forth, Li Ran did not take the next step, but was rare and very honest.

Just holding her silently and motionless.

Leng Wuyan noticed something wrong with him, and said softly, "Ran'er, what's wrong with you?"

Li Ran muffled and said, "Master, my disciple misses you.

Leng Wuyan was so angry and funny, she stretched out her hand and pinched him.

Li Ran gritted his teeth and said nothing.

Leng Wuyan's eyes were a little helpless, but then she was gradually filled with tenderness.


She bit her lip, gently hugged each other with her backhand, Zhenshou and him leaned together.

Although he was silent, there was warmth surging.

This time Li Ran went to Wuyang City to participate in the Immortal Climbing Conference, and stayed in the East China Sea Wanjian Pavilion for a long time. The two had not seen each other for a long time.

Although they returned to Youluo Temple today, they had no chance to be alone because of Shen Ning's arrival.

Although Leng Wuyan has been sulking, the feeling of longing in her heart can no longer be suppressed.

I can't wait to get tired of every minute and every second in his arms.

"Bad guy, I really hate you!"

Leng Wuyan whispered, but other complaints could not be said.

Li Ran sighed secretly.

Although he is romantic, he is still responsible for asking himself.If he really says I am sorry, then this master should be the only one?

Obviously he is the overwhelming demon master, but after following himself, he suffered all the "wrongs"

"The disciple is absurd and lustful, and it is not particularly reliable, but the master is always the most special existence for the disciple."

Li Ran held her upstairs tightly, as if trying to rub her into her body, "If there is no Master, the disciple will not be able to live.

Leng Wuyan lingered after hearing the words (ajeh).

After being silent for a long time, he turned his head and whispered: "Huh, every time I use some sweet words to coax people, I won't believe you.

Having said that, the warmth in the eyes is too strong to be removed.

How can she really be angry with Li Ran?

After all, it's just a bit jealous and worrying about gains and losses.

"Master doesn't believe me?"

Li Ran straightened up, holding her hand and pressing it on her chest, "Master can't feel the sincerity of the disciple?"

Seeing that scorching gaze, a drum-like heartbeat came from the palm of his palm, and Leng Wuyan's eyes panicked.

She hurriedly pulled her hand back, "Okay, can you feel that it's not alright?"

Li Ran smiled and said, "Master really feels it?"


Leng Wuyan lowered his head.

Li Ran said solemnly: "Then, for the sake of fairness, disciples should also feel Master's sincerity."


Leng Wuyan was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that the snowy and white pretty face was hot instantly.

"No, no!!"

She folded her hands on her shoulders, blushing and staring at Li Ran warily.

I know this guy is not at ease!

What crooked ideas are in my mind?!

Li Ran touched his nose, and fortunately said, "Master, this is too cold for a disciple."

Leng Wuyan bit her lip, "Anyway, don't move your mind. I, I haven't forgiven you yet!"

"You haven't forgiven the disciple yet?"

Li Ran scratched his head, "It seems that I can only use the last resort."

"What are you going to do?"

Leng Wuyan was vigilant as if he was guarding against thieves.

Li Ran cleared his throat and said seriously: "The Li's horse kills the chicken."

Leng Wuyan: "Huh?"

Before she could react, Li Ran had already squeezed her shoulders and pressed them both lightly and lightly.

While massaging, he asked diligently: "How is it, is my disciple's hand strength okay?"

Leng Wuyan was speechless for a while.

Her eucharist has long been completed, Meridians are transparent and natural, no matter how hard you press it, you will not feel at all

Li Ran also saw this.

He thought for a while, and gently put Leng Wuyan down, "Master, I will give you a set of foot therapy."

"Ah? What kind of foot therapy?"

Leng Wuyan was still a little confused, her shoes and socks had been removed from her legs, and her jade feet fell into the palm of the opponent.

"Wait! Don't press it!"

She blushed like a ripe apple.

Li Ran wondered, "Why?"

Leng Wuyan rolled her head and snorted: "Too, too itchy~"

Li Ran: ""

"Then disciple will step on your back!"

"No need to wait, who asked you to come up?!".

Chapter 448

Chapter 448 Self-taught Li Holy Son

Early the next morning.

The night faded, and the bright sunshine was on the earth.

The disciples of the Medical Luo Temple woke up one after another, and the whole Sect was full of vitality.

Rakshasa peak.

The deacons shuttled in and out of the palace, preparing for today's affairs, and from time to time came from the window ~ chuckles and conversations.

In contrast, the head bedroom is quiet-a bit too much.

Contrary to the hustle and bustle outside, the room was quiet, almost audible.

The sandalwood on the table has been burned, and the last ray of green smoke dissipates in the sun. Behind the gauze-like silky tent, the bed of agarwood carved and wood is very messy.

Li Ran was lying on the bed, her eyes closed and she was still asleep.

Leng Wuyan nestled beside him like a kitten, with his head resting on his arms, and his slender arms wrapped around his Qiang#'s waist.

And Shen Ning was squeezed into the corner, hugged Li Ran's calf and fell asleep.

The picture is a bit strange, but it is indescribably harmonious.

Even the breathing sound of several people can be heard in a quiet room.

Boom boom boom.

At this time, the door of the room was knocked gently, and deacon's voice came from outside the door: "Master, breakfast has been prepared, and meals can be arranged at any time."

The voice was over, but the room was still quiet.

Seeing that no one answered, Deacon turned around and left the bedroom door without saying anything.

Listening to the sound of footsteps outside the door, Leng Wuyan's bright eyes blinked.

She was not asleep.

With her Cultivation Base Realm, sleeping has long become meaningless.

Even if you force yourself to fall asleep, your consciousness will remain awake all the time, which has become the instinct of the body.

"I really don't know where this guy sleeps so much

Leng Wuyan looked up at Li Ran, and saw that he was still sleeping very soundly, but his sleeping appearance was inexplicably cute.

She tilted her head and thought, "Breakfast is ready, do you want to wake him up?"

After hesitating for a while, there was still no sound, "Shen Ning is still not awake anyway, I think she shouldn't be hungry, so let's lie down for a while."

She changed a comfortable position and continued to lie back in Li Ran's arms.

Neither Leng Wuyan nor Li Ran need to eat. This breakfast is for Shen Ning, because this little girl hasn't reached the level of bigu.

Yesterday, she forgot about it, which made Shen Ning hungry all day. In the end, Li Ran did the dinner himself.

This made her, the master, somewhat ashamed.

So last night, I specifically ordered to go down and let deacon prepare three meals a day on time.

"Well, no hurry, let's talk about it when Shen Ning wakes up hungry."

Leng Wuyan hugged Li Ran, her pretty face daunting comfortably.

Although they were still awkward yesterday, they have to admit that Li Ran's arms are still as comfortable as ever

Suddenly, she noticed something and hurriedly closed her eyes tightly.

I saw the knock on the door just now, but it awakened Li Ran from his sleep.

He opened his eyes in a daze, the bright sunshine made people feel good, and he was very lazy.


Last night it was chatting and massage. It was late when I fell asleep, but I still slept very securely.

Lying in the familiar palace with the beautiful master beside him, this made him feel very stable.

"Right, Master

Li Ran remembered something, looked down, and saw Leng Wuyan lying beside him.

The long eyelashes fluttered gently, the fair face was like a morning glow and the snow, and the sleeping face was quiet and beautiful, like a person in the painting.

"Not awake yet?

Li Ran was a little funny, "Master, don't pretend to be asleep, you have to pretend to be a while every time you wake up in the morning."

The cheeks of these masters of my own are too thin.

As long as you lie on the same couch at night, you must pretend to sleep when you wake up the next day.

I really think that as long as you wake up late, the person who sleeps is not yourself

Typical ostrich psychology.

Leng Wuyan couldn't pretend after hearing the words, so she opened her eyes and glared at him with a blushing face, "Who pretended? Can this seat just wake up?"

Li Ran smiled and said, "Master, as an emperor-level power, when does he need to sleep? I'm afraid I can't sleep even if I want to sleep, right?"

"Just you talk a lot!"

Leng Wuyan gritted his teeth and stared at him puffingly.

"By the way, the master is still satisfied with the disciple's service last night?" Li Ran leaned over and asked softly.


Leng Wuyan was stunned for a moment, and then her pretty face instantly became red with clouds.

She was ashamed to think of what happened last night.

At first, the two were still talking about the secrets of the Dragon Race and the Ancient Demon, everything was normal, but when they fell asleep in the middle of the night, Li Ran gradually released himself.

Must do something to kill her.

0...…Look for flowers.........

After all, it's just massage.

She pinched her shoulders and inserted her legs, and even had to help her press her feet. It was called "foot therapy".

It makes people feel ashamed to think about it.

In the end, she was busy working until midnight, and after she was sure she was no longer angry, then she lay down in bed and fell asleep.

"Bah, it's ridiculous. I don't know where you learned these things."

Leng Wuyan blushed and hummed: "What kind of horse kills chickens, you don't listen to it seriously, you don't often go to and out of any Fengyue place, do you?"

Otherwise, how can you follow them in a different way, and each move has a corresponding name?

"It's wrong.

Li Ran shook his head and said, "The disciple is completely self-taught, and he has only been taught by Master."

"Cut, who is rare?"

Leng Wuyan rolled his head and snorted, but the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted.

"Isn't the master rare?" Li Ran asked rhetorically.

" so so."

Leng Wuyan was still stiff.

Li Ran smiled and said nothing more.

He knows the master's temper very well, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it with the words "hard mouth and soft heart, duplicity".

"The disciple is only a rare master.

Li Ran reached out his hand to hug her, smelled the refreshing fragrance, and felt peaceful.

Leng Wuyan is an extremely special existence to him, and it is also irreplaceable by anyone.

As long as she is by her side, her heart will be very stable.

Leng Wuyan's cheeks were reddish, and he whispered softly: "You rebel, when did you learn to act like a baby?"

Having said that, he stretched out his hand and rubbed his hair, his eyes were full of joy and petting.

After getting along last night, many things have already been said, and the intimacy between the two has returned to the past.

Now she can't get angry if she wants to be angry.

"I really can't do anything with you, I will be pissed off by you sooner or later." Leng Wuyan said angrily.

Li Ran grinned, "It's too late for the disciple to hurt Master, why are you still willing to piss you off?"

"Huh, it sounds good."

Leng Wuyan snorted: "If you really think so, you won't be entangled with Yiqing Ganglan and Chu Lingchuan! Or you can clear the way with them, so I believe you."

"Well this"

Li Ran scratched his head awkwardly. Spoon.

Chapter 449

Chapter 449 Was caught a current?

Sever ties with the other two masters?

What a joke!

For Li Ran, Master Wuyan is very special, but the other two masters are also very important.

No matter which one he is asked to abandon, he is absolutely unable to do it.

To give every master happiness, this is the self-cultivation that a filial disciple should have.

In this regard, Li Holy Son has always been strict with himself.

Facing Leng Wuyan's words, she didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Okay, I just talk about it casually. Seeing how scared you are, you know that you are reluctant to do this."

Leng Wuyan couldn't help but pinch him, "You are a big carrot!"

"Hua Xin?"

Li Ran scratched his head, "This disciple is obviously filial."

Leng Wuyan sneered, "What are your thoughts on earth, don't you know it in your heart?"

"My mind?"

Li Ran was taken aback when he heard the words.

Is "Seven Seven Three" exposed by oneself?


He swallowed, and said nervously, "Why did the master say this? The disciples respect the two masters very much."

Leng Wuyan glanced at him, "Respect to sleep on the same couch? Do you have any misunderstanding of the term respecting the teacher and respecting the Tao?"


Li Ran looked awkward.

This matter is really not easy to explain, after all, it was caught by the other party.

Leng Wuyan continued: "Even if nothing happened to you, it's only now, and I won't be sure in the future.

"At the beginning, you didn't have the same respect for this seat, but the result? Not yet."

Speaking of this, she blushed slightly on her cheeks, but she couldn't continue.

She feels that own worry is not unreasonable.

Li Ran's character, she couldn't be more clear, the relationship between teacher and student is not a taboo for him, but it will make him feel very exciting.

And Yi Qinglan and Chu Lingchuan are both first-class beauty

To say that he has no other thoughts, Leng Wuyan absolutely does not believe it.

Having said that, even if Li Ran has no other thoughts, the two empresses will post them upside-down!

If that were the case, Li Ran would absolutely not be able to control it.

When I think of this, my heart is sour and full of resentment.

Li Ran saw through her thoughts, stretched out her hand to squeeze the small white face, and said with a smile: "Master, don't worry, the disciple's mind will not change."

"I may have many masters, but Yan'er will always only have one."

His tone was very sincere, and what he said was truly from the heart.

Leng Wuyan's cheeks were reddening, and she turned her head and said, "Rebel, you are not allowed to call Ben like that, and you are the best at rhetoric. Who knows if what you are saying is true or false?"

"Yan'er doesn't believe me?"

Li Ran clutched his heart with a very hurt expression.

"I've said it, it's not allowed to call this seat like that, it's terrible!'

"Has Yan'er forgot to call me Burning Brother? Hmm!"

Before she finished speaking, her mouth was covered by her hand.

Leng Wuyan's pretty face was hot, and she snarled: "Shut up, it wasn't you at the beginning, you forced me to say it?"

"Ming Ming Ming!"

Li Ran looked innocent.

It was the other party who called out at the beginning, he didn't recite this pot!

Just when he wanted to say something, a voice suddenly came from beside him, "Big Brother, Master, what are you doing?"

The air was quiet.

Leng Wuyan hurriedly let go of her hand, moving away from him quickly.

"No, nothing."

The two looked back.

Shen Ning was already awake, sitting in the corner, rubbing her eyes in a daze.

The two of them were so forgetful that they didn't even notice the little girl waking up.

Leng Wuyan hid on the side, blushing and unable to raise her head.

I almost forgot that there was someone next to me.

Shen Ning is not only her disciple, but also Li Ran's "Little Sister", she may become a big sis in the future, Shen Qin, her identity is particularly complicated.

So in front of Shen Ning, she was ashamed to contact Li Ran.

"Big Brother!"

Shen Ning didn't pay much attention. After seeing Li Ran, she said excitedly: "Big Brother, you haven't left last night?"


Li Ran nodded, "Isn't it your little girl who said she was afraid?"

"Big Brother is so good!"

Shen Ning let out a cry, plunged into his arms, and rubbed against him.

Like a koala, he refused to come down for a long time.

"Big Brother, are you sleeping here too?"

Shen Ning raised her head and asked innocently.


Li Ran cast a glance at Leng Wuyan, and said unnaturally, "I don't need to sleep, I have been meditating and cultivating by the side last night."

"Oh "

Shen Ning bit her finger and wanted to say something more.


At this time, Leng Wuyan cleared his throat and said: "Okay, don't be tired of you two, breakfast is ready, get up and eat quickly.

As soon as the voice fell, Shen Ning's stomach screamed.

She was cleansed by Sword Qi and was developed by Spirit Power last night. Dantian. Although she only has the middle stage of Qi training, she has reached a terrifying level in terms of physical fitness and potential stimulation.

The energy consumption is also extremely high.

In the current Realm, only relying on meditation to absorb Spirit Power can no longer keep up with the rate of consumption.

That's why it's very easy to get hungry, and the appetite becomes very large.

Refining the Qi, this is part of the practice.

Shen Ning rubbed her belly a little unhappily, and nodded, "Well, the disciple is indeed a little hungry.

"Then let's go eat."

Li Ran got up and got out of bed, reached out to hug Shen Ning, and walked out the door with Leng Wuyan.

As soon as the three of people walked out of the room, they ran into a few deacons head-on.

"You start from the head"

Before Wang Deacon spoke, he was stunned.

"Why is Lord Holy Son here? And he still came out of the bedroom, did it last night?

The eyes of the other deacons were a little sluggish.

The atmosphere solidified for a while.

Li Ran's throat moved, and he didn't know how to explain it.

At this time, Leng Wuyan reacted and turned to him and said, "Ran'er, you don't have to come so early in the future to please your peace, and put more thoughts on your practice. I am already very pleased."

As he said, she reached out and hugged Shen Ning over.

"I'm going to take Shen Ning to dinner. If there is nothing else, you can do it first."

Li Ran realized in an instant, nodded 4.7 and said: "Okay, the disciple will go back to practice.

After speaking, he turned around and left without looking back.

The deacons were relieved when they saw this.

Wang Deacon shook his head and said, "It turns out that Holy Son just came in the morning, I thought

"Why do you think?"

Leng Wuyan said coldly: "Spend more thoughts on cultivation, don't always think that there are none, if you dare to talk nonsense and be known by this seat

She didn't finish her words, but the threat was already very obvious.

"The disciples dare not!"

Wang Deacon hurriedly knelt on the ground, looking very flustered.

This is a Sect Master. Just a trace of coercion is not something he can bear.


Leng Wuyan snorted coldly, turned and left as soon as he brushed his sleeves.

Wang Deacon collapsed on the ground, wiped his cold sweat, and the other deacons were also pardoned.

But no one noticed, Leng Wuyan's hot-smelling ears

Chapter 450

Chapter 450 The prestige of Holy Son!

Rakshasa peak.

Li Ran walked out of the bedroom.

The guard in front of the door saw him and couldn't help but stunned, "Holy Son Lord?"

One of them reacted and said with a smile, "Master Holy Son came to please peace so early?"

They came to change shifts in the morning. They didn't know that Li Ran came last night. They thought they came here early in the morning to greet the head.

After all, he used to do this often before, and both of them have been okay.

Li Ran said without embarrassment: "It took a long time to go out on this trip. I haven't seen Master for a long time. I should come here soon and ask An オ right."

The guards gave thumbs up and said, "Master Holy Son really respects the teacher."

"Holy Son is as filial as ever.

Facing their applause, Li Ran looked calm and calm, and said calmly, "This is just a duty to be fulfilled as a disciple.

When the two heard it, the applause could not help becoming more enthusiastic.

Holy Son is a famous filial piety, and it can be described as filial piety to the head. Almost no one in Sect knows this.

09 As long as he is in Sect, he will basically come to please Announcement twice in the morning and evening.

And every time he comes in the morning very early, so that the guard changing shift never knows when he enters

Li Ran said something to them, then turned and walked down the mountain.

Looking at the tall and straight back, the two guards couldn't help but sigh in a low voice:

"The talent is so amazing, but I still don't forget the original intention. The head has really accepted a good apprentice!"

"Yes, this kind of filial piety is really rare.

"And I feel that Holy Son is more handsome than before."

"Well, every time I see Holy Son, there is a feeling of lightening in my eyes."

"It's a pity that Sect has rules."

The two looked at each other and sighed helplessly.

With such strict rules, they can only sigh with excitement.

Li Ran didn't know the whispers between them.

Just turning around, his expression collapsed in an instant.

"It's really unlucky. As soon as I got out of the bedroom, I was hit by the deacons.

Although he has a very close relationship with Leng Wuyan, almost everyone in Sect doesn't know it, but sleeping in a room is always unpleasant.

It may even cause some rumors.

Fortunately, Leng Wuyan's reaction was fast enough, so that he could successfully confuse the past.

"But I was kicked out by the master before I had any food."

Li Ran looked upset.

The only thing that made him feel fortunate was that after the hard work of the whole night yesterday, he had basically settled the master.

Although there is still a little temper, it is much better than before.

At least I can get close to myself now..

And all of this is inseparable from Shen Ning's god assists.

"Even though this little girl caused the misunderstanding at the beginning, she is also indispensable for letting Master calm down in the end."

Shen Ning didn't know his relationship with Leng Wuyan, so it was easy to say the wrong thing.

But he still fulfilled Li Ran's instructions perfectly, allowing him to stay in the palace of the head of the palace, and then he had the opportunity to let the master calm down.

Shen Ning's character is precocious and intelligent, and she is a very good "wingman".

"It's just that she seems to rely on me too much?"

Li Ran thought of something, and his expression became complicated for a while.

Shen Ning is too clingy.

That kind of obsessive feeling seems to have gone beyond the scope of brothers and sisters, even if she is not so close to the big sis Shen Qin.

Although Li Ran likes this girl very much, he always feels something weird.

Think of what Shen Ning said before

"This little girl won't be real"

Li Ran couldn't help but shook his head, then shook his head vigorously.

"No, Ning'er is only so old, how do you know what to like? More should be just a family-like attachment."

He comforted himself silently in his heart.

But when I recalled the serious look of the little girl, there was always some inexplicable guilty conscience.

"Forget it, I don't want to, let it be."

Li Ran sighed and walked all the way down the mountain.

Luoxuefeng Dojo.

The main peak sits in the Inner Sect disciples Lotus Position, waiting for Elder's sermon on the stage.

Sermon on the main peak.

This is the tradition of Youluo Temple once a month, and only the disciples of Inner Sect on the main peak can participate.

On the one hand, Ascension and their perception of the Dao, on the other hand, it is also a process of answering questions and solving doubts, which can be said to be of great benefit to their own practice.

Normally, this kind of thing comes in turns from each peak Elder.

As for the head Leng Wuyan

Over the years, it has only been posted twice.

Although she cares about the Cultivation Base, her disciple, she has not yet been so diligent, and she feels that she feels at ease with Dadao, and lacks interest in the way of preaching.

Today it was Sun Elder's turn.

This is the most mysterious Elder in Youluo Temple. It is said that his strength is second only to the leader Leng Wuyan, and he can be called the first person under the emperor level.

Of course, all this is just hearsay.

After all, no one has ever seen Sun Elder take a shot, so the strength is naturally unknown.

But this did not affect the enthusiasm of everyone.

Being able to sit firmly in the position of the big Elder, and let the other five peaks Elder be convinced, how can it be an ordinary elder?

It must be that the super strong did not run away.

So as long as it's her turn to preach, the disciples will have unprecedented enthusiasm.

At this time, the dojo was full of people, and there were no empty seats.

But the scene was very quiet, and everyone looked at the black-clothed old Ji on the stage seriously.

Sun Elder glanced over and nodded in satisfaction.

"Everything is almost here, then let's open it now."

Before the voice of 773 was over, the disciples suddenly became a little commotion.

It seemed that someone had seen something and murmured, attracting everyone else to turn their heads and look over.

For a while, there was a burst of whispers.

Many people even got up and left the dojo.


Sun Elder frowned slightly, "What's wrong?"

Following everyone's sight, the whole person was stunned for a moment.

"It's him?"

Li Ran walked on the mountain road with his hands folded, his head drooping and thinking wildly.

The topics I talked to with Master last night were the powerful dragons, the ancient monsters that disappeared inexplicably, the mysterious Samsara realm, and the slightly chaotic relationship with Shen Ning.

Countless fragments were intertwined in his mind, which made his thoughts rise and fall for a time, and he couldn't calm down at all.

Suddenly, it was a little dark in front of me, it seemed that someone was blocking me.

Li Ran looked up suspiciously, and suddenly froze in place.

I saw a large number of Inner Sect disciples standing in front of him, looking at him feverishly.

"Master Holy Son, you are back!"

Following the voice of one person, disciples knelt on one knee.

Everyone clenched fists with their right hands, punched their chests, and said in a loud voice: "I have seen Lord Holy Son!"

The neat voice resounded through the sky!

Seeing this scene, Sun Elder couldn't help swallowing, his expression a little regretful.

"Li Ran actually has such prestige?".