
I really don't want to fall in love with my master

This novel is specifically designed for my one so I don't care about anything

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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Please, I Really Didn't Want To Fall in Love With My Master! Chapter 331 Online

Chapter 331

Chapter 331 Yue Jianli's suspicion, good fortune in the deep sea!

Li Ran frowned slightly.

I saw the body of the Devourer was already broken, and the fragmented head slowly sank down, and in the oily sea, a jade was like a sparkling fire, shining with light blue light.

He stretched out his hand to grab it, and looked at it carefully.

The jade is cylindrical, about the thickness of the index finger, and the texture is very transparent. It is cold and moist in the hand.

It seems to be made of sea water.

Li Ran injected Spirit Power into it, but there was no response.

"What is this?"

It stands to reason that Realm's Demonic Beasts has no Monster core for a long time, but this thing does come into its body.

And there is pure Spirit Power in Monster core, but there is none in this jade, it seems to be a stone.

"Could it be that it is in poor health and has stones?"

Li Ran scratched his head, feeling that this thing is not that simple.

He tried to sink the soul, and the jade suddenly shined brightly, trembling as if activated.

A burst of information flooded my mind instantly.

After a while, Li Ran's eyes were clear.

"It turns out that it was the key. It should have been accidentally swallowed by the Devourer. It's also a windfall."

At this moment, Yue Jianli came to him, "Sister Li, are you okay?"

The scene of the sea turning over the river just now made her 09 still a little dizzy.

Li Ran shook his head and said, "I'm fine."

Yue Jianli hesitated: "I saw that Devourer attacked you with Divine Soul, are you sure you are okay?"

"Soul attack?"

Li Ran pretended to be stupid: "Oh, are you talking about those rays? I was destroyed by the Sword intent before hitting me."


Yue Jianli looked puzzled.

Even if Li Tiezhu possesses the Emperor Sword Qi, he can easily kill Hedao demon, but he will not be able to block the spirit attack, right?

In front of the soul power of the avenue, the mortal soul is simply vulnerable!

But Li Tiezhu was unscathed

Even the Sword God Body couldn't be so exaggerated.

Yue Jianli can almost be sure, there is definitely a big secret in Li Tiezhu!

In connection with his acting style, personal habits, and attitude towards own, there is already a faint guess in his heart.

Although it feels like eight or nine are inseparable from ten, there are still some things that don't make sense, and it can't be completely certain for a while.

So she suppressed it for the time being.

Facing Yue Jianli's scrutiny, Li Ran felt a little guilty, knowing that he was on the verge of exposure.

He raised the jade in his hand and turned the subject away: "Unexpectedly, if a demon was slaughtered, he would still drop loot."


Yue Jianli reached out and took it, "What is this?"

Li Ran shrugged, "I don't know, it fell out of the octopus."

"What octopus, that is called Spirit Devouring"

Yue Jianli fiddled with the jade, and the more he looked at it, the more difficult it became.

I tried to inject with Sword Qi and Spirit Power successively, but there was no response. In the end, my mind sank and my whole person was stunned.

Li Ran looked at her dazedly, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

After a while, Yue Jianli came back to his senses, and his expression was very pleasant.

"Sister Li, this is good fortune!"

Li Ran asked: "What good fortune?"

Yue Jianli explained: "This thing is both a key and a map. It points to a small secret realm. If you guess right, there should be a treasure in it!

"Secret realm? Treasure?"

Li Ran nodded, "Sounds very good."

Yue Jianli exclaimed: "It seems that your luck is very good."

Li Ran shook his head and said: "It's all the merits of Chief Yue, who can see the bead with his eyes, otherwise I would have thrown the broken stone a long time ago.


Yue Jianli Ding looked at him with a smile in his eyes.

"Ahem, of course."

Li Ran suddenly felt like being seen through, and cleared his throat and said: "Then are we going back to Sect now, or are we going to hunt for treasure?"

Yue Jianli didn't hesitate to say: "The opportunity is fleeting, of course I go to hunt for treasure first."

No practitioner will miss such an opportunity.

She patted Li Ran on the shoulder and said, "In order to thank Junior Sister Li for helping me, I will definitely win you this opportunity.

"Chief Yue is really loyal.

Li Ran twitched at the corner of his mouth.

It's not certain whether we will help or whom

Yue Jian sank into the jade, recognized the direction a little, and the two of them swam toward the depths of the ocean.

The direction this jade pointed out was the seabed 10,000 meters below.

As the two dived deeper and deeper, the darkness around them became thicker and thicker, almost reaching the point where they could not see their fingers.

Even the blooming light of Sword Qi can only illuminate a few meters away, and the farther distance seems to be swallowed by darkness.

And the surrounding creatures have also become different, and the five evils have become more and more vicious, and the hideous appearance is simply hard to describe in words

There were even big fishes with completely degraded eyes and two big mouths, slowly swimming past the two of them.

Although he didn't take the initiative to attack, it still made people feel chilly in the back.

Yue Jianli whispered, "This deep-sea creature is too ugly!"

Li Ran observed with interest, squeezing his chin and said: "It is estimated that the seabed is too dark, anyway, no one can see anyone, just let it grow long."


This explanation made her laugh.

It seems to make sense to think about it carefully.

In this dark and deep sea, appearance is the most useless thing.

When the two of them entered a depth of about 10,000 meters, Yue Jianli's brows wrinkled slightly.

The huge pressure of this sea water, I am afraid that when the Foundation Building Gold Core comes down, it will be pressed into a thin sheet of paper in an instant.

Even if Yue Jianli was Nascent Soul Wu Xiu, he was a little uncomfortable at this time.

710 Li Ran was keenly aware of this, and stretched out his hand to hold the soft, pure Sword Qi enveloped her.

The pressure dissipated instantly, and there was no more discomfort.

Yue Jianli smiled and said, "Thank you Sister Li. You Sword Qi has a good grasp of it. It is much better than my senior sister.

Li Ran touched his nose, "It's all taught by the master.


Yue Jian raised his eyes and did not continue to question.

The bottom of the East China Sea.

It's dark and cold here, and there is eternal darkness everywhere except for the creatures that emit gloomy light.

The bottom of the sea is undulating, with canyons, plains, mountains and hills, but it is not much different from the surface.

And in front of a hill, three figures gathered here, shining dim light illuminating the darkness.

One of them has a pale face and no beard, and his eyes are indifferent. It is Bai Jiangye.

The man in black beside him couldn't see his face clearly, standing behind him respectfully, the breath he exuded was at least the pinnacle of Hedao!

The last person kept a distance from them, his eyes were very alert.

Feng Wanjiang, the chief of the Shinto Palace.

Bai Jiangye frowned slightly, "Chief Feng came alone?"

Feng Wanjiang shook his head, "No, there was originally a guardian of our sect accompanying him.

Bai Jiangye looked around, and wondered: "What about the other person?"

Feng Wanjiang looked bitter and whispered: "Dead."

Chapter 332

Chapter 332 Different fire secret realm, an amazing coincidence!


Bai Jiangye was taken aback for a moment.

To become a top Sect protector, at least one has to go up in the middle stage, and there is even a half-step Transcends Tribulation strong.

Although there are dangers in the depths of the East China Sea, their location is not a real forbidden area. It stands to reason that this shouldn't happen.

He frowned, "What the hell is going on? Could there be other powerful shots?"

"Not really.

Feng Wanjiang looked depressed, and sighed: "After I and Sun Hufa sneaked into the East China Sea, we encountered a spirit devourer at a depth of about 5,000 meters.

Bai Jiangye was speechless for a while.

The Devourer is a demon that only exists in the deep sea of ​​10,000 meters. It will only leave the bottom of the sea under very rare circumstances, and was actually hit by these two people?

"Chief Feng is really bad luck."


Feng Wanjiang choked silently.

The accompanying Sun Hufa was in the middle stage of Hedao. He thought it was enough to deal with this secret realm, but he encountered the spirit devourer at the peak of Hedao.

Compared with human practitioners, Demonic Beasts is extremely difficult to practice, so compared with Realm, Demonic Beasts has a stronger combat power.

What's more, the Devourer has the blood of the ancient monster, plus the gap between the two small Realms, and the limitations in the deep sea

Sun Hufa was swallowed as soon as he met.

If it hadn't been for own to run fast, it would have been digested by now.

Bai Jiangye narrowed his eyes slightly.

This is good news for him.

Without a strong opponent, he will naturally get more benefits.

Feng Wanjiang saw through his thoughts, shook his head and said, "Brother Bai is too happy too early, Sun Hufa still has a key in his body.


Bai Jiangye was startled when he heard the words.

Then the sea surged and appeared in front of Feng Wanjiang instantly, "What did you say? You put the key on the guardian?!"

Feng Wanjiang nodded, bowed his head in frustration and said: "There are two keys in total, this one is mine, and one is in Huo Fa Sun's body. Now that key is already in the belly of the Devourer ~ ""

He originally wanted to prevent white by hand and did not put the eggs in the same basket, but instead he was self-defeating, and this accident happened.

Bai Jiangye gritted his teeth, "So, no one can enter this secret realm?"

Feng Wanjiang shrugged, "Unless you find the Devourer and take out its stomach.

Of course, this is pure fart.

The East China Sea is so vast, looking for a Demonic Beasts is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Moreover, even if it is found, it is still a problem whether it can be played.

Bai Jiangye panted heavily, and his anger surged.

Although it is a small secret realm this time, there is a strange fire in it!

The most important thing is that very few people know!

There are a total of three secret realm keys, Bai Jiangye has one, and Feng Wanjiang has two.

Only when three keys are inserted at the same time can the secret realm door be opened.

This was originally a great good fortune, but it was messed up by Feng Wanjiang!

Bai Jiangye couldn't wait to cut him with a sword!

Feng Wanjiang put his hands behind his back, wiped the blood escape talisman tightly, shook his head and said: "Compared with you, I am the most uncomfortable."

Because he had provoke Li Ran before, he was removed from the position of chief by the head, and ordered to break the pill and become an infant within a year.

Through various Medicine Pill blessings, he finally advanced to Nascent Soul and returned to the first house.

As a result, he was punished and scolded by the head again because of his performance at the Dengxian Conference, and his status in Sect was even more of a failure.

Originally, this strange fire secret realm was the only chance for him to stand up. For this reason, he also hired a Hedao powerful escort.

But now Yihuo hasn't seen it, but the protector has been buried in the belly of the demon.

You can imagine the fate after returning!

The atmosphere froze for a while.

Although Bai Jiangye was angry, he couldn't really kill Feng Wanjiang.

"This is the end of the matter, I can only go back and ask Transcends Tribulation Elder to try it."

"There is no other way.

Having said that, both of them knew that this hope was extremely slim.

The East China Sea is so vast, and there is more than one Devourer. How easy is it to find a key?

It seems that the secret realm of this strange fire basically has no chance of being in this world.

"Forget it, go back first."

Bai calmed down the night and turned to leave.

Feng Wanjiang also intends to return to the land with a blood escape.

But the man in black stopped, and his voice was dumb: "Someone is coming."


Hearing the sound, the two turned their heads to look.

Not far from the sea, a cloud of silver light pierced the darkness, flying towards this hill.

It was near in an instant.

All three of them were stunned after seeing the person who came.

"Chief Yue?!"

I saw Yue Jianli floating in front of them, and there was a disciple of Wanjian Pavilion beside him. He looked a little bit stunned, but his appearance was a bit sassy.

Yue Jian slightly adjusted his eyebrows, "Bai Jiangye? Feng Wanjiang? Why are you two here?"

"We should ask you this!"

The two glanced at each other, looking puzzled.

It stands to reason that no one else knows the location of this secret realm.

Could it be that their whereabouts were discovered?

Looking at the three of them, Li Ran thought of something.

Floating to the side of the hill, I saw complex lines carved on the rock mass, and there were three small circular holes in the center.

"^Sure enough, this secret realm needs more than a key.

Seeing this scene, Yue Jianli quickly understood it.

It seems that the other two keys are on both of them.

Upon seeing this, Bai Jiangye simply said: "Wanjian Pavilion is worthy of being the overlord of the East China Sea. Nothing can escape your eyes and ears. However, it is a bit unfortunate for Chief Yue to come."

Yue Jianli asked, ""What do you say?"

Bai Jiangye said: "You have also seen that three keys are needed to open the secret realm. Chief Feng originally had two keys in his hands, but it is a pity that one of them is already in the belly of the Devourer.

"Nether Devourer?"

Yue Jianli thought about it for a moment, and suddenly realized it.

Li Ran shook his head and smiled.

Is there such a coincidence in this life (Zhao De's)?

Feng Wanjiang said helplessly: "Today Chief Yue can only return without success. If you have a chance to find the secret key, the three of us will come here again.

"that "

Yue Jianli took out a piece of light blue jade and said, "Is the secret key you mentioned this thing?"

The breath of the three of them suddenly stopped!

It's really a secret key!

How could it be in her hands?

Bai Jiangye suddenly turned his head to look at Feng Wanjiang, could it be that this guy was lying?

But Feng Wanjiang was also dumbfounded.

"Chief Yue, where did you get this jade?"

Yue Jianli said casually: "Oh, we just met a spirit devourer and killed it by accident. It was accidentally obtained in its stomach.

" cold"

The three swallowed, their throats tightened.

This is a coincidence!

And that was the demon at the pinnacle of Hedao, but he killed it?!.

Chapter 333

Chapter 333 Secret realm test, deep sea beast tide!

Feng Wanjiang was a little confused.

The secret key swallowed by the Devourer before, just appeared in Yue Jianli's hand, which made him feel unreal.

Even if it is a coincidence, that is the demon at the pinnacle of Hedao!

At least it has to be done by Transcends Tribulation, right?

Bai Jiangye was also aware of this problem and looked at Li Ran on the side.

There is no Spirit Power fluctuation on this person, it seems to be a mortal, but how can a mortal appear in this 10,000-meter deep sea?

It seems that he should be an impenetrable strong.

Maybe the Devourer died in this person's hands.

Feng Wanjiang came back to his senses, and his expression was a bit tangled.

Although the third key was lost and recovered, things have become more complicated.

Although he held a secret key in his hand, his strength was the weakest among the three forces. Whether it is the Hedao Protector of the Killing Prison or the mysterious master of Wanjian Pavilion, he is not an opponent.

Although Wanjian Pavilion is the right way Sect, but by chance, father and son can turn their heads back.

"The best result is that I leave here first, go back to Sect to prepare, and then open the secret realm.

Feng Wanjiang's thoughts were ups and downs.

But will these people let him go?

Bai Jiangye saw his thoughts and shook his head: "Chief Feng, don't think too much. There are only two 710 roads in front of you now."

"First, cooperate with us to open the secret realm, and then you will leave or stay.

Feng Wanjiang swallowed, "What about the second way?"

Bai Jiangye smiled brightly and did not speak.

The man in black's aura locked him, as long as there is a slight change, it will definitely violent trouble!

Feng Wanjiang's hairs stand upright all over his body.

Everything speaks for itself.

Either open the secret realm, or die here!

In front of the strong people, even using the blood escape, there is no confidence that they will be able to escape.

What's more, there is a mysterious powerhouse from Wanjian Pavilion on the side.

Feng Wanjiang hesitated for a moment and nodded, "Okay, I agree to open the secret realm. But after entering it, everyone has their own chances. Don't make any wrong ideas."

"rest assured.

Bai Jiangye squinted and said, "I am just for the strange fire, and I don't want to turn my face with the Shinto Palace."

"Different fire?'

Yue Jian raised his brow, his eyes flickered.

This is actually a secret realm?

The corner of Li Ran's mouth was cocked, it seems that he has found Bao this time!

But what makes him feel strange is that the system task released before has not been prompted to complete.

"Is it because there will be Demonic Beasts coming?"

He was secretly (ajeh) on guard.

Yue Jianli whispered: "Sister Li, although there is a chance in the secret realm, but it is also accompanied by murder, you must be more careful.

Li Ran nodded, "I know it in my heart."

"Junior Sister?"

Bai Jiangye was slightly taken aback when he heard it, "Chief Yue, is this your junior sister?"

Yue Jianli nodded and said: "Yes, my master just accepted the disciple a few days ago.

Bai Jiangye scratched his head.

I thought it was the power of the Devourer, but I didn't expect it to be a disciple who had just entered the sect?

The reason why there is no Spirit Power fluctuation in the co-author is because the practice has not yet begun?

There was a flash of ecstasy in his heart.

Yue Jianli is just Nascent Soul Realm. In this deep sea, his strength is limited. With a drag oil bottle, how many layers of strength can he exert?

And there is a powerful person on his side!

He took hold of the strange fire in this secret realm!

Feng Wanjiang also breathed a sigh of relief and leaned in and said in a low voice: "Chief Yue, you and I are the same righteous path, now I can only help each other."

Yue Jianli frowned and gave him a warning.

Why should she stay on the watch and help this guy?

The three of them came to the rock wall, inserted the secret key into the hole, and the light blue light suddenly lit up.

The light, like a stream of water, separates from the secret key, flows along the carved lines, and finally lights up the entire rock wall.

The pattern is complex and mysterious, as complex as a formation, shining brightly on the dark seabed.

But everyone waited for a long time, but the secret realm door still didn't open.

On the contrary, the formation light rippled, ripples rippling far away.

It seemed to be calling something.

Li Ran frowned slightly, feeling something wrong.

Suddenly he noticed something, his pupils shrank slightly, and he whispered: "Here!"

Several people were taken aback, "What's coming?"

Li Ran didn't speak, just looked at the dark and deep sea.

Divine Sense, the man in black, spread out, and suddenly exclaimed: "Demonic Beasts, it is Demonic Beasts coming! It is very large, and it seems to be attracted by this formation!"

At this time, there were already terrifying roars not far away!

Everyone suddenly reacted.

This is the test of secret realm!

Only those who survive can enter it!


There was a dull roar all around, and waves surged in the dark and deep sea.

Yue Jianli threw the long sword upward, and Sword Qi shone, dispelling the darkness.

The scene in front of you made everyone's creeps horrified!

I saw countless deep-sea Demonic Beasts encircling them.

The ugly appearances are extremely evil, almost beyond the limit of human imagination.

There are also many huge figures, extremely hideous in shape, like islands, huge shadows covering everyone, exuding a chilling breath!

Everyone's scalp was a little numb.

Li Ran stood in front of Yue Jian and exhorted, "Be careful, don't get hurt."

"You are also careful.

Yue Jianli had a solemn expression.


The Demonic Beasts finally couldn't help it, and the cold water was surging, rushing towards them roaring!

Everyone did not dare to slacken their efforts and sacrificed the Magical Item, the Taoism revolved, and crashed into Demonic Beasts!

Boom boom boom!

Taoism flickers, and the waves are surging!

Crazy reaping the lives of Demonic Beasts.

But these deep-sea Demonic Beasts seem to be possessed by a demon, and they are still attacking them with fear of death!

Li Ran was standing next to Yue Jianli, Sword Qi in his hand spitting out, one to kill one, and two to kill the other!

The surrounding crimson and dullness made it hard to tell whether it was sea water or blood water.

He only cared about Yue Jianli alone, and whether the other people were dead or alive had nothing to do with him.

Bai Jiangye is protected by a strong fellow, and he is also strong, and he has no life threats for a while.

Feng Wanjiang was in a very difficult situation.

Under this 10,000-meter deep sea, the strength was originally limited, and in the face of this tide-like beast attack, he was suddenly stretched.

Soon the color hung on him.

"Chief Yue!"

He struggled to come to Yue Jianli, trying to seek shelter.


A silver white Sword Qi cut at his feet, Li Ran looked at him coldly, "Go away!"

Feng Wanjiang had no choice but to exhaust all his energy and support it hard.


A wild roar resounded in the deep sea again, a huge shadow covered them, and an ugly giant monster came over like a mountain.

Its mouth is divided into three layers, and it is full of dense fangs!

The goal is Li Ran!

"Hedao demon!"

Bai Jiangye exclaimed, but he was stunned in the next second.

I saw Li Ran gushing out of Sword Qi, turning into a silver dragon, hovering up, and directly collided with him!


The strong shock wave made them a little unstable!

Bai Jiangye stared at the silver dragon blankly, his eyes a little shocked and blank.

"Chief Yue, are you sure this is a disciple who just entered the sect?!"

Chapter 334

Chapter 334 Silver Dragon Sword God, Secret Realm is on!

That demon's body is as huge as a whale, and his head is indeed a sharp triangle, like a combination of a whale and a shark.

The huge abyss-like mouth blossomed like petals, and it was covered with dense fangs.

Hedao demon, cracktooth whale shark!

The Sword Qi silver dragon soared up, screaming and colliding with the whale shark.

The sharp claws pierced the skin, blood flowed out, and slammed into the mountain like a rotten one.


The towering mountain peaks collapsed, and the icy water surging over made the Demonic Beasts a little unstable.

For a while, I forgot to attack.


The dust was rolling in the sea, and the whale shark's screaming roar was heard, obviously~ it was severely injured!

Bai Jiangye swallowed, his throat became a little tight.

This terrifying Sword Qi Shenlong, even if he does not have such a magical power, right?

Tell me this is the new disciple of Wanjian Pavilion?

Isn't this nonsense!

Feng Wanjiang was also stunned.

I thought that Yue Jianli was also at a disadvantage, and he could form an ally with the other party, but I didn't expect them to be the strongest side!

He said with difficulty: "Chief Yue, is this really the disciple of Wanjian Pavilion who just entered the sect?"

Yue Jianli did not shy away from saying: "Yes, Junior Sister Li was only accepted as a personal biography by Master a few days ago."

"A few days ago? Last name Li?"

Feng Wanjiang seemed to have thought of something, frowning and said, "Isn't it the legendary sword god Li Tiezhu?"

Yue Jian raised his brows, "It seems that Chief Feng's information is very good.

Feng Wanjiang shook his head, "The name of the silver dragon sword god has already been spread in several Sects.

Bai Jiangye looked solemn.

Unexpectedly, it was really that Li Tiezhu!

"It's so strong! No wonder Chu Lingchuan killed Chen Beihe's Cultivation Base."

Wanjian Pavilion is out of the dragon!

This age and strength are already comparable to Li Ran, I am afraid that the Tianjiao list will be rewritten from now on!


At this time, a loud dragon chant sounded, and I saw the silver dragon full of Sword Qi, like a blazing sun in the dark and deep sea.

The dragon claw grabbed the split-tooth whale shark and shred it abruptly!

In a terrifying howl, the blood drifted freely with the internal organs!

The spirit of the whale shark still wanted to escape, a black light flashed in the long eye, and the spirit was instantly set in place.

Then I was bitten by the silver dragon!

Listening to the unique "crunch" sound of Divine Soul Demise, even the crazy Demonic Beasts are a little bit shy!

There was a moment of silence in the deep sea.

Being able to survive in the deep sea of ​​10,000 meters, this group of Demonic Beasts is not low in strength, and many of them have already activated their wisdom.

They realize that these humans are not easy to provoke.

Many Demonic Beasts have already begun to retreat, slowly swimming back.

Just as everyone was about to breathe a sigh of relief, the formation on the rock wall moved again.

The water-like energy flowed rapidly, the light blue light became more and more prosperous, and the invisible ripples swayed towards the Demonic Beasts.

The Demonic Beasts seemed to be irritated, and became restless again, their cloudy eyes staring at the crowd, and they let out a series of depressive growls.


Bai Jiangye looked bitter.

"It's not over yet!"

"Isn't this a small secret realm? How can it be more dangerous than Samsara!"


The current is violent, and the Demonic Beasts are attacking!

Yue Jianli was running the Burning Heaven Jue, and the long sword Sword Qi was eye-catching, ruthlessly harvesting the lives of Demonic Beasts.

Li Ran has returned to her at this time.

The silver dragon dissipated, and Sword Qi turned into countless small swords to shuttle quickly, as long as a creature approaches the five-meter range, it will be instantly beheaded!

Feng Wanjiang was covered in blood at this time, constantly crushing the jade rune paper, struggling to support it in the tide of monsters.

But others don't care at all.

Anyway, the secret key has been inserted, who cares whether you are dead or alive?

Although they are unwilling to take the initiative to take action against them, if they die in the mouth of Demonic Beasts, I am afraid Chen Yundao has nothing to say.

Li Ran looked at Yue Jianli carefully.

She hunts and hunts, and Sword Qi is vertical and horizontal, slaughtering Demonic Beasts like mowing grass.

Although Realm only needs Nascent Soul early stage, but the strength shown has reached the peak of Nascent Soul and the level of half-step distraction.

It's just that Wu Xiu is not spiritual, so compared with true distraction, there is still a slight gap in means.

"Jianli possesses the Emperor Cultivation Technique Burning Heaven Jue, but Fentian Jue can only exert its true power with the support of the different fire."

"If there is a real fire in this secret realm, it will definitely take her to the next level."

0...Look for flowers...…

Yue Jianli had a deep bond with him. He was the first woman in his true sense, and he was naturally very loving in his heart.

So this secret realm, he is determined to get it!

I don't know how long it took before the formation on the rock wall quietly stopped.

The crazy deep-sea Demonic Beasts also gradually calmed down.

Although human flesh and blood are very attractive, these few are obviously hard bones. After leaving countless corpses, they chose to slowly retreat.

The bottom of the sea finally became quiet.

The surrounding area was full of blood and debris, the sea water was stained dark red, and even a pungent smell of blood could be smelled.

Except for Li Ran and Yue Jianli, the other three were more or less injured.

These Demonic Beasts have long lived in the deep sea of ​​10,000 meters. The huge water pressure makes their bodies very tough and their strength far exceeds that of the same Realm Demonic Beasts.

It caused them a lot of trouble.

Even the Hedao Protector of the Killing Prison, blood stains are scattered under the black robe at this time, his face is slightly pale, and his breath is a little unstable.

A demon corpse that was in the early stage of the road next to him was floating quietly.

The worst was Feng Wanjiang.

The wolves are unbearable.

The bloody right arm hangs weakly, and even Senbai's bones can be seen!

He took out a bottle of powdered medicine and quickly put the wine on his right arm, looking very painful and grim.

Although no big guys came to him just now, there were too many Demonic Beasts of Gold Core and Nascent Soul.

Feng Wanjiang ran out of jade for his body, and he barely managed to save himself without being buried in the belly of the demon.

The three of them took Medicine Pill and sat in Lotus Position, working hard to restore Spirit Power.

At the same time, his mind didn't dare to relax, he was always alert to Li Ran and Yue Jianli.

These two are the strongest, and they are unscathed, and if they are not kept together, they will be violent!

But Li Ran didn't seem to mean it.

He walked in front of the formation.

I saw that the light blue light had calmed down, the flow direction of the formation was reversing, and the three secret keys automatically turned half a circle.

As if the door lock had been opened, a soft "click" sounded in the void.

A touch of white light xenon hydrogen rose up, spread quickly on the rock wall, and finally turned into a large light cluster.

Secret realm, it's on! Spoon.

Chapter 335

Chapter 335 Enter the secret realm, this is the Dragon Palace?

Li Ran looked at the rock wall in front of him.

The xenon hydrogen above is faintly white, which is a unique sign of secret realm.

It seems that it was not a trap just now, but a part of the secret realm test.

Secret realm is actually an independent space, connected to the vast land through a certain medium or formation.

These spaces have different shapes and sizes.

The inheritance of the Heavenly Emperor that I experienced in the hundred thousand mountains before is a medium-sized secret realm.

The space inside is vast and there are several checkpoints to test the practitioner's ability.

And this one is obviously just a small secret realm.

Because the area is not large, it cannot be arranged too much. It can only be combined with the unique environment to screen out those who are qualified to enter it.

Li Ran squeezed his chin, "The idea of ​​using formation to attract Demonic Beasts under the sea is good, but the intensity is not easy to control."

The beast tide just now looked like "Seven Twenty-Seven", but most of the strengths are only Gold Core Nascent Soul, so it can be easily solved.

In the unlikely event that Transcends Tribulation Demonic Beasts were attracted to him nearby, it is estimated that he would have to take Yue Jian and run away.

"But this kind of intensity of the animal tide is just a welfare for me."

Li Ran just used Sword Qi in the soul-devouring black mist, while slaughtering the demon, while absorbing the soul power, the soul has been steadily in the ascension.

Counting the previous devourers, this time they have already swallowed two aura spirits, as well as Nascent Soul and countless distracting little demons.

Although Demonic Beasts has less spirit power than practitioners, they are better than enough.

At this time, his soul power is surging in the sea of ​​consciousness, and he has ascending to a whole new level!

Moreover, under the influence of soul power, the speed of the Heavenly Absolute Power became faster, and the distance to the middle stage of the distraction was getting closer and closer.


Li Ran sighed secretly.

At this moment, Yue Jianli came over.

She looked at the entrance of the secret realm, suddenly a little dazed.

Li Ran said strangely: "Chief Yue, what are you thinking?"

Yue Jianli came back to his senses and shook his head: "It's nothing, just remembered the previous experience."

Li Ran curiously asked, "Have you entered the secret realm many times?"

Yue Jianli looked at him seriously, "A lot, but the most impressive one is only once."

Li Ran was taken aback for a moment, and soon understood.

Naturally, what the other party said was the Fen Heavenly Emperor Secret Realm that entered with him in the hundred thousand mountains. It was also that experience that completely tied the fate of the two together.


Looking at the black and white eyes, Li Ran cleared his throat and said in embarrassment, "Well, let's get in now."

A smile flashed across Yue Jianli's eyes, and he didn't say much, nodded and said: "Okay.

Then he took the initiative to hold his hand.

The two walked into the white light.

Upon seeing this, the three Bai Jiangye hurriedly got up and followed in.

Although the state has not fully recovered, but at this time can not control too much.

They even survived the monster tide, how can they give up their chance cupped hands?

As the last figure immersed in white light, the formation gradually stopped working, and the depths of the sea floor became quiet again.

As if walking through a dark tunnel, I don't know how long it has passed before my eyes suddenly opened up.

Li Ran and Yue Jianli stepped onto a solid ground.

Looking at the scene in front of them, the two of them frowned slightly.

I saw them in a ruined palace.

The entire palace is based on light blue, and even the bricks and stones on the ground reflect a faint blue light.

The surrounding area has been dilapidated, and there are ruined walls in sight, and even many places have collapsed.

There are many dark red marks on the ground and walls, which seem to be splashes of blood.

It seems that there has been a fierce battle here, but there are no corpses.

Yue Jianli was puzzled: "It doesn't look like a heritage, but it's like a battlefield. I don't know where this is?"

Li Ran said: "This is Dragon Palace."

"Dragon Palace?"

Yue Jianli was stunned for a moment, "How do you know?"

Li Ran smiled and pointed at the top of his head, "That's not what it says.

Yue Jianli looked up and saw a black plaque on the top with two big blue characters written on it.

Dragon Palace.

Although the writing is good, the plaque is skewed and is about to fall off.

It doesn't seem to be majestic, but rather funny.

At this time, other people also teleported in. After seeing the scene in front of them, their expressions were a little confused.

This is obviously different from the secret realm they have experienced.

Bai Jiangye returned to his senses and looked at the Hedao Protector, and the two chose a direction to go to 0.

No matter what place it is, since it's here, you definitely can't go back empty-handed.

Feng Wanjiang hesitated and chose the opposite direction.

Li Ran stood on the spot, his spiritual thoughts enveloped the entire palace in an instant, and all the terrain and layout were fully understood.

"Let's go this way.


Yue Jianli nodded.

The two walked along the promenade to the depths of the palace.

The promenade is very deep, and the walls are shining with faint blue light, which makes the shadow of the shadows.

There are many statues standing on both sides, all of them are guards with golden belt armor, guns and swords. They are very tall, at least about ten meters in length.

The golden light flickered in Li Ran's eyes, looking carefully one by one.

Under the action of the broken eyes, it can be seen that their helmets are shining with blue light, which is obviously more than just a statue.

Just as he was about to say something, there was a soft "smell" in the air.

I saw that Yue Jian paused after leaving his figure, and a floor tile under his feet sank slightly, as if he had stepped on some mechanism.

The surrounding area suddenly shined brightly, accompanied by a loud rumbling, heavy stone gates fell on both ends.

The entire promenade instantly became a secret room!

Li Ran raised his brows, "Is this a test?"

Yue Jianli pulled his sleeves, his voice solemnly said, "Look at those sculptures."

"4.7 Huh?"

Li Ran looked up, his pupils shrank slightly.

I saw that the sculptures changed their postures at some point. At this time, they all twisted their bodies, and the two of them were huddled together.

A faint blue light glowed under the helmet, like a ghost fire, which made people feel a little flustered.

Li Ran shook his head, "It seems that this secret realm is quite special."

As soon as the voice fell, the statue next to him moved, and the large sword several meters long slashed at him!

The huge pressure almost squeezes the air!


Sword Qi swallowed in Li Ran's hand, turned into a big silver hand, and grabbed the long sword abruptly.

No matter how hard the sculpture is, it cannot be pulled out.

He raised his brows, "This strength is at least the peak of distraction."

The other statues all moved, rushing to the two in silence, and the huge weapon in their hands was smashed!

Chapter 336

Chapter 336 Pass the test, the statue guard's surrender!


There was a loud noise in the promenade!

There are as many as ten statues here, and the huge figure almost filled the entire space, and the swords roared and slashed at the two!

The momentum is amazing!

The silver light in Li Ran's eyes flickered, and the silver Sword intent rushed out, directly blowing them all out!

But the statue didn't feel any pain at all, and it twisted its body flexibly in the air.

Li Ran frowned slightly, "Chief Yue, this thing is a little bit tricky, be careful not to get hurt.

"Don't underestimate me."

Yue Jianli directly greeted him with a sword.

She flashed to a statue in an instant, and the long sword was wrapped in a sharp edge and slashed on its neck!


The statue guard is crumbling!

Li Ran shook his head and smiled. The silver giant sword in his hand condensed, and the flying body and the statue fought into a ball.

But the more he hits, the deeper he frowns.

These statues seem to be made of stone, but in fact they are not made of gold or stone, and they even have a touch of flexibility, even Sword Qi can't easily cut them off.

Moreover, not only are they extremely powerful, their movements are also very smooth, and they even have a certain degree of immunity to Sword Qi Taoism.

Li Ran tried to attack the opponent with the spirit, but it didn't cause any harm at all.

It seems that this thing is not a creature.

But both the reaction ability and the fighting consciousness are outrageous.

Although it is not possible to use supernatural powers, at least there is a peak level of distraction.


Li Ran's mouth curled up, "But it's just a bit interesting."

He rose into the air, his robe flying, his eyes gleaming with silver.

The air stagnated at this moment.

Wuzhu Sword Qi rushed out like a waterfall, spinning fast with him as the center, and soon a huge silver tornado was formed!

The tornado is tens of meters high, directly on the roof of the shed, making a terrifying whistling sound, Sword Qi almost cut the air!


The statue couldn't resist the strong suction, and was all sucked into the silver tornado, and was cut mercilessly by the sharp sword and the air!

Their bodies were covered with cracking lines, and their tall bodies quickly collapsed and collapsed, gradually being submerged in Sword Qi.

Yue Jianli stood aside, wrapped in silver light, unaffected by Sword Qi.

Looking at the figure in the storm, he muttered: "So strong

A surname is Xianghou.

The storm stopped.

Countless "stump limbs and broken arms" fell like raindrops, slamming on the ground with a loud rumbling noise, and the entire corridor was constantly shaking.

Li Ran slowly fell.

The expression was calm and his face didn't change.

Yue Jianli came to him, "Sister Li is so strong, she can actually use Sword Qi to this extent!"

Giant Sword, Big Hand, Silver Dragon, Tornado He can transform Sword Qi into various forms, and he has reached the point where he can use his hand.

This terrifying control is simply amazing.

Li Ran smiled, "Chef, Chief Yue praised it."

Yue Jianli curiously asked, "Master taught you this trick just now?,

Li Ran nodded, "That's right.

Yue Jianli smiled and looked at him with a squint, "In just a few days, Junior Sister Li can actually learn so many magical powers. The talent is really amazing.

"this "

Li Ran scratched his head and sneered: "The teacher taught me well."


Yue Jianli gave him a faint look.

The more you contact with Li Tiezhu, the more you can see Li Ran's shadow.

And after only a few days of cultivation, can he have such an extraordinary strength?

Even the Sword God Body couldn't be so outrageous.

Li Tiezhu, Li Ran

To say that these two people have nothing to do with each other, she didn't believe it if they were killed.

Just as she was about to say something, Li Ran suddenly raised her head with a look of surprise.

"What's wrong?"

Yue Jianli was a little puzzled, looking along his line of sight, he was also stunned.

I saw that among the wreckage of that place, the head of the statue was shining with a pale blue light.

The other shattered torso seemed to be attracted by magnetic force, and quickly moved closer to the head, and reassembled it into a complete look.

All ten statue guards are restored!

They climbed up from the ground, their bodies were smooth and flat, without even a trace of cracks.

"This thing can actually be resurrected?"

Yue Jianli drew out the long sword, as if approaching an enemy.

Li Ran reached out his hand to stop her, shook his head and said, "Wait, there seems to be no hostility this time."

I saw that the statue guards did not attack again, but walked up to Li Ran and knelt on one knee with a crash.

Under the helmet, the blue halo drifted away and slowly merged in the air, finally forming an ice blue bead.

The beads hung in front of him, spinning around in the air.

Li Ran stretched out his hand to hold it, but the beads instantly turned into water vapor and penetrated into his skin.

A light blue tattoo appeared on the back of the hand, and the pattern was somewhat similar to the formation at the entrance of the secret realm.

"this "

Before he recovered, the statue guards suddenly moved.

Their bodies collapsed quickly, and their huge bodies were actually condensed into the size of a projectile. Under the traction of the blue halo, they were all submerged in the back of their hands.

Yue Jianli felt a little regretful, "This, what's the situation?'

Li Ran said uncertainly: "It seems like a Magic Treasures?"

His Divine Sense leaned toward the blue tattoo, and his mind sank into a dark space.

Ten statue guards are neatly displayed inside!

A kind of enlightenment rose in his heart, he can completely control these ten statues!

Li Ran was suddenly stunned.

It turns out that this is the reward for the 727 test.

After defeating ten statues, you can gain control of them!

"This reward is really good."

These statue guards are not only powerful, but also unable to be completely destroyed. Even if they are beaten and broken, they can recover from their tattoos.

And the strength of the statue guard is determined by the strength of Li Ran.

The higher Li Ran Realm, the stronger the guards will increase.

"Good thing! It's a pity that this Magic Treasures has already recognized the master and can't be stripped, otherwise it would be good to use Jianli for self-defense.

He still had a faint feeling.

This light blue tattoo is definitely more than just controlling the statue.


At this time, there was a sound from the end of the corridor, and the door that had just fallen was reopened.

Li Ran's mind moved, and the tattoo disappeared automatically.

"let's go."

Yue Jianli nodded, "Okay."

The two continued to walk towards the depths of the palace.

Compared to these Magic Treasures, the most important thing is the abnormal fire!

At this moment, in the main hall not far away, Bai Jiangye and the two looked forward stupidly, their eyes a little dull.

I saw that in front of them was a sea of ​​flames of Wang Yang.

Countless blue flames are suspended in the air, and the flames are pulsating like water!

He swallowed, "Which one is the abnormal fire? Or are these all?!".

Chapter 337

Chapter 337 Children only make choices!

The palace is very large.

The snow-white pillars are entwined with dragons, which look like living creatures in every detail. The walls and floors are made of Wang Yushi, shining with warm light.

The atmosphere is solemn, the pillars are pure and clean, and the decoration is extremely magnificent.

But Bai Jiangye's attention is not here.

I saw a sea of ​​fire floating above the Great Hall!

Look carefully, this sea of ​​fire is composed of countless groups of independent flames.

These flames are all light blue, flowing slowly like sea water, exuding terrifying and scorching heat.

The Hedao Protector returned to his senses and swallowed. "The flame turns blue and is as clear as water. Although it is a flame, it has the aura of water attributes. Is this the legendary Qinglian holy flame?"

Bai Jiangye nodded and said, "Looking at this breath, it should be correct.

The sacred flame of the lotus, it is said that it is a powerful fire that can be boiled and dried by the sea!

It's just that it has never appeared in thousands of years, and the world has never really seen it. Only a few words can be found in the description of some ancient books.

Who controls this strange fire, and even whether it really exists, has always been divided among people.

I never expected to hide in this dragon palace!

Bai Jiangye looked excited.

Although I had known that this was a secret realm of a strange fire, I didn't expect it to be such a powerful strange fire! Even if it was compared to the Sacred Flame of Burning Heaven, it was only slightly weaker.

Looking at the sea of ​​fire in front of him, he quickly calmed down, and wondered: "But why are there so many strange fires here?

The Hedao Protector shook his head and said: "It's not clear, but the aura of each group of different fires is exactly the same. There is bursting energy in it, and it doesn't feel like an illusion."


Bai Jiangye squeezed his chin, "Is this just a test? Want us to find the right one?"

Just as they were thinking, Li Ran and Feng Wanjiang walked in one after another.

Feng Wanjiang's injuries got worse.

His face was as white as gold paper, and the blood couldn't stop ticking down, and he didn't know what he had just experienced.

As soon as the few people walked into the palace, they were all stunned.

The sea of ​​fire in mid-air was too shocking.

"Is there really a strange fire here? And there are so many?~[!"

A greedy light flashed in Feng Wanjiang's eyes. It seems that the secret realm is really not in vain this time!

"It's Qinglian Holy Flame."

Yue Jianli recognized it at a glance, and said: "It seems that we should be allowed to make a choice, but I don't know what the result of the wrong choice is?"

The golden light flashed in Li Ran's eyes, and the sea of ​​fire in his eyes became transparent.

There is a faint connection between each group of flames, and it will move the whole body if you take it rashly, it will definitely be swallowed by the sea of ​​fire.

Several other people also realized this, and looked up carefully, not daring to take any action easily.


Suddenly there was a loud rumbling noise, and all the entrances and exits fell through the stone gates!

The entire Great Hall has become a secret room again!

Feng Wanjiang walked to the door and took a look, and exclaimed: "It's a magic stone! The entire gate is a magic stone!"

Li Ran frowned.

The magic stone has natural forbidden magic ability. As long as its strength does not exceed the Transcends Tribulation period, all Taoist magical powers will be invalid.

The door to the secret place of the Li family is the same material.

However, the size and thickness of the gate here are more than several times that of the Li Family's Secret Site, and the weight has reached a terrifying level.

It is impossible to push away even if it is a martial arts.

Everyone suddenly panicked.

At this moment, there was a soft noise in the air.


In the incense burner not far away, a pillar of incense spontaneously burned, and the smoke swirled ascending.

"It seems that there is still a time limit, and the real strange fire must be found within a stove of incense!'

Yue Jianli frowned slightly, "If it's just for the test, then there is a time limit, why do we have to shut us here?"

Li Ran said lightly: "Obviously, if you fail, you don't want to go out alive."


Yue Jianli was shocked.

Li Ran said: "Judging from the scene we just came in, we are definitely not the first batch of trials, but there are no corpses, and the strange fire is here fortunately."

"It means that none of the previous testers succeeded, and they were all swallowed by the fire."

Yue Jianli had a solemn expression.

No wonder Qinglian Holy Flame is so mysterious, and there are even few descriptions.

Because the people who have seen it are all dead!

The Burning Heaven Secret Realm at the beginning, even if the trial failed, it was nothing more than a disqualification.

But this so-called Dragon Palace wants everyone to take their lives!

The air was quiet.

Afterwards, several people directly flew into the sea of ​​flames, including Yue Jianli, they all began to look for it seriously.

Time is pressing, and the real fire must be found within a quarter of an hour and successfully refined!

But Li Ran was unmoved, standing quietly on the spot, watching each group of flames with his pale golden eyes.

Time goes by every minute and every second.

Unknowingly, Lixiang had already burned two-thirds, and only the last moment was left.

But everyone is still at a loss.

Every group of different fires is so real, and the breath it emits is equally hot, and there is no way to tell the truth from the false!

Feng Wanjiang wiped his sweat, gritted his teeth and said: "|There is no time, just choose one!"

Bai Jiangye nodded and said, "One person, one by chance!

They can't wait any longer, it takes time to refine the alien fire!

The Hedao Protector stood beside Bai Jiangye, and never tried to protect him at all times.

Yue Jianli turned his head to look at Li Ran, "Sister Li, which one do we choose?"

The golden light in Li Ran's eyes dissipated, and he smiled and said, "Children make choices…"

Yue Jianli was taken aback, "Huh?"

"I want it all!"


Wuzhu Sword Qi rushed out, and the silver-white light was blazing and dazzling, instantly enclosing the entire sea of ​​fire!

Bai Jiangye stunned, and exclaimed: "Are you crazy? This will cause a strange fire backlash!!

This person actually wants to refine all the flames at the same time?!

(Zhao Zhao)

It's too simple and rude!

Boom boom boom!

The sea of ​​fire became agitated in an instant, and the flames exploded, frantically against Sword Qi!

The silver Sword Qi was quickly swallowed, but the sea of ​​flames grew stronger and stronger!

Abnormal fire can burn everything in the world, even Sword Qi and Spirit Power are no exception!

But Li Ran's Sword Qi seems endless, constantly supplementing it, the silver light seems to hang upside down in the Milky Way.

Gradually, the speed of the sea of ​​fire began to slow down, and the area continued to shrink, but the silver Sword Qi became more and more dazzling!

The Dharma Protector must not be channeled: "It turned out to be like this."

In the shocking eyes of everyone, the sea of ​​fire was forcibly compressed into the size of a fist, and all the flames merged into a ball of wo.

Condensed into a dark blue fire!

The color is as deep as the sea, the flames are rushing like waves, and the shape is like a blooming lotus flower, and there are waves of waves in it!

"This is the real lotus sacred flame!".

Chapter 338

Chapter 338 I said it was yours, this is yours!

In the Great Hall.

Sword Qi envelops the strange fire and exudes a terrifying breath.

Li Ran carefully observed it with the pupil of the broken delusion.

Those flames are all real, not illusions, and the breath of each flame is generally the same.

There is a certain connection between these flames, it seems that they are born from the same origin.

This is already obvious.

The so-called test is not to let them choose one, but the entire sea of ​​fire is full of clear lotus and holy flames!

At this time, under the suppression of the silver Sword Qi, the different fire slowly bloomed like an ice-blue Lotus flower.

Although it was firmly imprisoned, it did not give in at all. Instead, it constantly confronted Sword Qi.

Therefore, Li Ran must continuously output Sword Qi to completely suppress it.

Bai Jiangye and Feng Wanjiang returned to their senses, their eyes flashed with greed.

This is a real strange fire!

Moreover, it is the strongest one, and its power is not comparable to that of magical powers!

As long as you get the Sacred Flame of Qinglian, you will definitely be able to ride Juechen, far surpassing all Tianjiao of the same age!

Although Li Tiezhu and Yue Jianli are very strong, but the great good fortune is right in front of them, how can they easily miss it? 727

What's more, Li Tiezhu, the strongest, is currently being pinned down by the different fire, and he can't take any action at all!

"Wealth and wealth are in danger! This strange fire must be grabbed!"

The white general is hunting in night clothes, and his boundless intent to kill is surging out.

Li Ran, the guardian of the same path, is dying to death, looking for flaws and a chance to kill with one blow.

Feng Wanjiang also quietly operated Spirit Power, slowly hiding his body, waiting for a chance.

Having reached this point, no one is willing to give up.


Yue Jianli sensed their intention, the long sword was unsheathed directly, and the blade's edge trembled slightly.

She stopped in front of the three of them, without looking back: "Sister Li, you concentrate on refining the different fires, and I will help you stop them!"

Although the other party has a strong fellow, her eyes are still firm and there is no trace of fear.

Obviously, the plan is ready to fight back!

But at this moment, a suction came from behind, pulling her directly to Li Ran's side.

Yue Jianli was puzzled: "Sister Li, what are you doing?"

Li Ran said: "I will help you suppress the alien fire, and you will refine it quickly!,


Yue Jianli was stunned.

This is a great opportunity, the other party actually gave way to such cupped hands?

She returned to her senses and shook her head: "You are the one who saved me, you are the one who defeated the monster tide, and you are the one who can break the Sacred Flame of Qinglian. This strange fire should belong to you! And now there is a strong enemy ring."

Li Ran interrupted: "I said it's yours, it's yours, and the king daddy can't take it away when he comes.

"But "

Before she finished speaking, Li Ran grabbed her arm and threw it directly into the fire.

"Don't talk more, refining quickly, leave the rest to me!"

Yue Jianli fell into the sea of ​​fire and was wrapped in Sword Qi. The flames couldn't hurt him.

Looking at Li Ran's resolute profile through the silver Sword Qi and the steaming heat wave, his eyes were a bit complicated for a while.

She bit her lip lightly, "This guy"

But now is not the time for hypocrisy, she put aside distracting thoughts and began to refine her seriously.

"Do it!"

The three of them couldn't hold back anymore, and shot away, trying to fight for the strange fire.


With a loud bang, Great Hall trembled.

It seems that something heavy has fallen, and the air is full of smoke and dust.

As the smoke dissipated, all three of them were stunned, floating in the air blankly.

I saw ten huge sculptures in front of my eyes, and the indomitable body was at least tens of meters high!

They all wore gold and armor, holding swords, and exuding a murderous and bloody atmosphere.

Feng Wanjiang's throat tightened a little, "This, this is

Li Ran said lightly: "Kill them.


A light shines under the sculpture guard helmet, and the light blue halo is infiltrating like a ghost fire. (ajeh)

In the next second, the ten sculpture guards moved in a sensation, and rushed to the three of them like thunder!

The roar is endless for a while!

The more they fought, the more frightened!

The force is infinite, the defense is strong, and the speed and reaction ability are amazing!

The most important thing is that you are not tired, and there is no pain, and the overall strength is even comparable to that of Divine Martial Arts!

"What kind of monster is this!"

"Attack their heads!"

Bai Jiang's eyes sank slightly in the night, blood appeared in his hands, and his figure instantly appeared behind a statue.

The dazzling red light ran across the air, like a crimson moon, slashing hard at the back of the statue's neck!

The sturdy neck was directly cut off, and the huge head rose into the air!

Before the headless statue fell, he turned around abruptly and patted him with the palm of his hand!

Bai Jiangye flew back, but his figure was covered by shadows.

When he looked up, his pupils couldn't help but shrink.

I saw three sculpture guards come together, directly sealing his escape route!


The huge sword was slashed outrageously!

The air shook for a while, but Bai Jiangye was safe and sound.

The black-clothed guardian appeared beside him, propped up the blood-colored shield with his right hand, blocking the powerful blow.

Bai Jiangye's eyes darkened, "These things will still cooperate! Is it because there is wisdom and wisdom?

The black-clothed law protector said: "The soul attack is ineffective against them, it seems that they can only be destroyed by force."

"That's too late.

Bai looked the night into the sky, and the different fire had gradually been refined.

He resolutely said: "You go to interrupt Yue Jianli, don't worry about me, these statues will not help me for a while!"


The black-clothed law protector's figure flashed and flew towards Yue Jianli!

And at the moment when the scarlet shield dissipated, Bai turned Ye's figure into a crow, and shuttled between the statue guards without hurting him at all.

Can you kill from the eighteenth prison to the first prison, how can your strength be underestimated?

Even a statue of distraction level, it is impossible to take him down easily.

Looking at the figure flying into the sky, Bai pulled Ye's mouth with a sneer.

Li Tiezhu couldn't make a move now, and Yue Jianli couldn't be distracted, and the black robe guardian had no possibility of losing his hand.

But the next second, his smile froze on his face.

The black robe guardian flew to the different fire like lightning, the soul power in the sea of ​​consciousness condensed, ready to interrupt Yue Jianli's refining.

With the strength of his Harmony Soul, a Nascent Soul martial artist will not have any chance to resist.

But when he was about to take a shot, his body stopped instantly.

I saw a chain of translucent chains wrapped around the body, neither the body nor the soul could move.

"what is this?"

The black robe guardian suddenly turned his head to look, and his pupils suddenly shrank into needle points!

I saw a divine sword aimed at him from a distance, and the divine light from outside Nine Heavens slashed down!

Kill with one sword!.

Chapter 339

Chapter 339 Kill one by one! This time it's exposed!

The soul attacked and banned Samsara.

This supernatural power will condense all the soul power, cut out of the sky with a sword, and directly destroy the soul, and will never enter Samsara!

When he was in Wuyang City, Li Ran was already able to slay the powerhouse.

Now that so much soul power has been swallowed, the soul has entered~ a brand new Realm!

I saw the black robe protector exhausted all his strength and couldn't break free from the chain forbidden. , Can only watch the Divine Sword slash on his body.


With a muffled sound, the translucent soul left the body and was directly nailed to the wall by the god-sword.

He didn't even have time to beg for mercy, and with a crisp sound, the soul was covered with cobweb-like cracks.

Then, it smashed!

At the same time, his physical body quickly dried up, turning into dust and dissipating.

Those who are strong in the same way will die!

When Bai Jiangye watched this scene, he was suddenly frightened!

The black-clothed guardian is the pinnacle of Hedao, the existence of half-step Transcends Tribulation, and the strong one he specifically singled out!

Did you die so easily?

And it's still annihilated!

The tenacious soul of the Harmony Realm can't even hold a breath!

"This Li Tiezhu is definitely not Wu Xiu, nor can he be a disciple who has just entered the sect!"

Bai Jiangye hadn't seen this trick before, and he didn't know that it was Li Ran's magical power.

But his instinct told him that Li Tiezhu is as scary as Li Ran!

"Escape! Must escape!"

He has no idea about Alien Fire, and his only idea now is to run for his life!

Where there is life, there is hope.

Since the opponent can easily kill Hedao, isn't it the same as playing to kill yourself?

But this palace has been blocked by secret law, and there is a magic stone at the gate. I am afraid that even the bloody escape technique cannot escape.


"It seems that I can only use that trick.

The light flashed, and Bai Jiangye had a dark sculpture in his hand, the whole was in the shape of a crow, and even the feathers were all visible.

He used Spirit Power to cut his wrist, and blood dipped out immediately.

The crow sculpture was like a sponge, greedily absorbing the blood, and the eyes lit up with scarlet light.

Bai Jiangye was evading the guards' attack while constantly feeding blood.

His face became paler, but the red light in the crow's eyes became brighter and brighter.

In the end, it was so dazzling that it was impossible to look directly at it, and the entire sculpture exploded, and a red halo appeared in the void.

Bai Jiangye didn't dared to hesitate, and jumped directly into it.

The figure disappeared instantly, and the red iris closed immediately.

Li Ran just finished replenishing his soul power at this time, and raised his brow slightly after seeing this scene, "Half Holy Spirit Treasure? Or is it a spatial Magical Item?"

This Bai Jiangye method is really extraordinary.

But he didn't care.

Damn you, he will die one day.

Feng Wanjiang was not so lucky.

He himself was not injured lightly, and the Movement Technique treasure was also used in the beast tide. At this time, there was only one blood escape talisman left on his body.

But in this secret realm, it can't be used at all


The statue guard caught something and blasted it with a punch.

The air fluctuated, the hidden Dao Fa was broken, and Feng Wanjiang fell out of the void.


He lay on the ground, blood spurting wildly, this fist sank so hard that even his internal organs were about to shift.

The statue guard walked over, pinched his chest like a fly with two fingers, and directly lifted him up.

Turned around and sent it to Li Ran.

Feng Wanjiang hung in the air, with blood flowing at the corner of his mouth, but he still smiled strongly: "Silver Dragon Sword God is really powerful, congratulations on your successful acquisition of the different fire."

The corners of Li Ran's mouth curled up slightly, "Chief Feng is still so acquainted."


This word gave him a moment of surprise, and a bad premonition rose in his heart.

Feng Wanjiang chuckled and said: "Actually, with you, I have no idea about this strange fire for a long time. I will come here this time as I will help you open the secret realm."

Li Ran shook his head, "Then I have to thank Chief Feng?"

"No, of course not!

Feng Wanjiang rubbed his hands and said, "After all, we are the same righteous path. My Master and Chu Jianshou have a good relationship, and we can be regarded as a family."


Li Ran smiles and plays with his soul.

The other party's remarks are purely fabricated.

When I mentioned Chen Yundao in the Shinto Palace, Chu Lingchuan's expression of disgust was not a pretense.

And apart from Yi Qinglan in the right way, no one else can catch your eye.

Feng Wanjiang just wanted to be close, and also wanted to remind Li Ran that his master was Chen Yundao, so Li Ran did not dare to move him easily.

It's a pity that this trick used the wrong person.

Li Ran smiled brightly and whispered: "I have let you off once before, do you think I will let you leave alive this time?"

"Spare me once?"

Feng Wanjiang was a little puzzled.

Looking at the cold and indifferent eyes and the smile that seemed to be acquainted, he suddenly thought of something, and his scalp instantly exploded!

0...Look for flowers.

His eyes were round, and he said in amazement, "You, you are not a disciple of Wanjian Pavilion, you are Li."


Li Ran snapped his fingers.

The guards of the statue suddenly exerted their strength, and a crisp sound of broken tendons and fractures directly crushed Feng Wanjiang into a mass of meat!

Feng Wanjiang never wanted to understand until he died.

Why did Li Ran become a disciple of Wanjian Pavilion? And it is still passed on by the head?!

But he will never know the answer.

After a brief period of severe pain, the consciousness was completely drawn into the abyss of darkness with incomprehension and regret.

The chief disciple of the Shinto Palace, Feng Wanjiang, die!

Li Ran didn't change his face.

What about top Sect disciples?

I have let him off once before, and I will never give him a second chance!

There was silence in the Great Hall.

Li Ran stared into the air, Yue Jian closed his eyes and sat in the Lotus Position, trying his best to refine the different fire.

At this time, refining has come to an end, and it is also the most critical stage.

At this time, the reaction of abnormal fire is the strongest.

Yue Jianli frowned slightly, his body trembled slightly, his forehead was fragrant and sweaty.

That kind of pain that urges the heart to cut the liver cannot be tolerated by ordinary people.

Li Ran has a deep understanding of this.


Suddenly there was a soft noise in the air.

Li Ran looked back at the sound, frowning suddenly.

I saw that Zhulixiang had already burned out, and the red light was slowly extinguishing.

At this moment, there was a loud bang in the Great Hall, and I saw that the dome was pressing down quickly, and it was actually trying to squeeze them into mud!

The time has come, the test failed!

They have to die here!


The nine statues guarded, raised their arms to support the dome, and stepped on the ground with their feet in an attempt to prevent the formation from being crushed.

But after only three breaths, his arms completely shattered!

Can't stop it at all!

Seeing that the dome was about to be shot on Yue Jianli's body, a golden light suddenly bloomed, and the golden giant strode out of the Galaxy Cluster.


Amidst the roar of anger, he abruptly carried the formation and crushed it, lifting the entire dome!

At this time, Yue Jianli also opened his eyes.

In the sky full of golden light, he and Li Ran looked at each other from the air.

She was silent for a while, and said faintly: "Sister Li, is this trick taught to you by the respected master?"

Li Ran: ""Spoon.

Chapter 340

Chapter 340 Sister Li, I need an explanation!

The golden giant struggled to prop up the dome.

Looking at this scene in front of him, Yue Jianli's eyes were a little confused.

It is the same as the Burning Heaven Secret Realm before.

The fire, the dead, the golden giant that propped up the sky Of course, there is that big villain!

She glared at Li Ran faintly.

This bad guy can cheat himself so hard!

Li Ran scratched his head awkwardly.

Knowing that he was completely exposed, he didn't bother to pretend to go on.

He flew to Yue Jianli's side and asked, "Where is the different fire? Has it been thoroughly refined?"

Yue Jianli also knew that now is not the time to talk about this.

But he still couldn't help but pinch him, and said: "Huh, I will settle the account with you when I go out!"

Li Ran: ""

Yue Jian opened his palm, and a cloud of icy blue flame emerged, resembling a lotus flower.

The flames of the fire "July Two Seven" surged like water, as if the petals were blooming in full bloom.

"The Qinglian Holy Flame has been thoroughly refined."

The power of this strange fire really exceeded her imagination.

She directly reshaped all her Meridians, and at this time the Spirit Power in her body rushed like a big river, without a trace of stagnation.

Even Realm has reached the Nascent Soul middle stage!

The most important thing is that Fen Tianjue's shortcomings were finally made up.

Burning Heaven Jue is the ancient emperor's Cultivation Technique, powerful enough to cultivate all the way to the emperor!

It's just that although this Cultivation Technique is strong, it needs different fire to cooperate, otherwise it will not be able to exert all its power at all.

So even if she had obtained magic skills early, she didn't have much Ascension strength.

Now this clear lotus holy flame has directly taken her to a brand new Realm!

Even if it is a distraction cultivator, she is now able to cut it with a single sword!

Li Ran nodded, "It's fine after refining, and this trip is not in vain."

He himself got ten statue guards, Yue Jin Jianli got the different fire, plus the rewards of the system task, it should be said that the harvest was quite fruitful.

At this moment, Yue Jianli thought of something, "By the way, this Qinglian Holy Flame still has an ability."

The flames in her palm trembled, and the scorching lotus slowly decomposed, and finally turned into two different fires.

One of them flew slowly towards Li Ran and sank into his chest.

Li Ran was taken aback.

I felt a stream of warm water surging in my body, and my whole body was soothing, and even my spirit was refreshed.

He was a little puzzled: "What is this?"


Yue Jianli explained: "One of the characteristics of the Qinglian Holy Flame is that it can be divided into several flames, just like the state we just saw at the beginning."

"And what I just gave you is the fire of Qinglian Shengyan. This can only be divided into two parts. As long as you have it, you can use this strange fire, and it will grow with my fire."

Li Ran suddenly understood.

Spreading out his right hand, a group of icy blue fire appeared in the palm of his hand, which was no different from the one in Yue Jianli's hand.

But he was not very happy. Instead, he frowned and said: "But this way, won't it have an effect on your power?"

Yue Jianli smiled and said: "It's just a little bit, but with the accumulation of the Burning Heaven Jue, the abnormal fire will not only recover, but will gradually become stronger. You don't have to worry about this."

Li Ran still wanted to talk, but she stretched out her hand to cover her mouth, "If you dare to say no, then I don't want it either, just peel off the strange fire.

Li Ran shook his head and sighed, "All right, it's up to you."


Only then did she show a smile.

At this moment, there was a creaking sound in their ears.

Li Ran looked up, and saw that under the action of the formation, the dome was still constantly pressing down. The star giant's figure was a little bit upward, and it was obviously almost unsupported.

"I almost forgot about it."

Li Ran was covered in black mist, and quickly condensed into a huge magical appearance, and six thick arms directly propped up the sky.

With the combination of the Six-Arms Magic and the Star Giant, no matter how the formation works, the dome cannot be lowered any more.


With a soft sound, dense cracks appeared on the dome.

Finally, unable to hold the two sides of Formation and Juli, the solid jade dome shattered!

The huge stone fell like a meteorite, and the entire palace was shaking violently.

Li Ran propped up the Sword Qi barrier to keep the dust and gravel out.


The two dharma statues soared into the air. After making sure that there were no traps outside the palace, Li Ran took Yue Jian to leave the flying body.

I saw that the main hall had been turned into a ruin, like a domino, and other buildings were also crumbling.

Because the two of them did not complete the test, they still forcibly obtained the abnormal fire, which caused the entire secret realm to collapse.

Looking at the collapsed scene in front of him, Yue Jianli smiled and said, "The secret realm is about to collapse again? It's very similar to the last time.

Li Ran shook his head and smiled bitterly: "The space is about to collapse, so you are not afraid at all?"

"of course not."

Yue Jianli said earnestly: "With you by my side, I am not afraid of anything."

And in her heart, if she could really die with him, it seemed pretty good.

Li Ran's eyes were gentle and said, "Don't worry, nothing will happen.

The light on his right hand lit up, and there was a complex and mysterious pattern, exactly like the one at the entrance of the secret realm.

This is the trophy previously obtained in the promenade, which is equipped with ten statue guards.

At that time, he had a feeling that this thing is more than just Magic Treasures.

In fact, this is still a formation, a "passage" connected to the entrance, through which it can leave the secret realm.

In fact, it is equivalent to a chance to survive.

If you can't successfully conquer the alien fire, you can still use this thing to leave alive.

This secret realm seems ruthless, but in fact there is a glimmer of life everywhere.

And Li Ran discovered this in the palace, so オ has been unhurried.

He injected Spirit Power into the formation, and white light, xenon, hydrogen rose up in front of him, and finally formed a human-high gate.

The two stepped directly into it.

The bottom of the East China Sea.

The formation on the wall of Yan 4.7 lights up again, a white light flashes away, and Li Ran and Yue Jianli return to the deep sea.

The huge water pressure suddenly added to the body made both of them a little uncomfortable.

At this time, the rock wall began to tremble, the whole hill collapsed, and even the formation and the key were buried in the seabed.

The secret realm "Dragon Palace" has completely dissipated.

Li Ran looked at the formation of still flashing blue light on his right hand, feeling an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

This formation seems to contain other information, but he still can't interpret it, or the opportunity has not yet arrived.

"Dragon Palace"

As he was thinking, a sharp pain came from his waist.

I saw Yue Jianli pinch the soft flesh of his waist, gritted his teeth and said: "Sister Li, I need an explanation!".