
I really don't want to fall in love with my master

This novel is specifically designed for my one so I don't care about anything

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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50 Chs

321 to 330

Please, I Really Didn't Want To Fall in Love With My Master! Chapter 321 Online

Chapter 321

Chapter 321 Li Ran falls into the water, Sword Qi transforms into a dragon!

Li Ran was standing on the shore, all eyes were on him.

Disciples were whispering.

"This is the legendary Li Tiezhu?"

"This heroic appearance is totally inconsistent with the name!"

"It's him, he beat the big brother on the first day he joined the sect."

"Really? Can mortals be able to beat Gold Core?"

"Really, I have witnessed it with my own eyes. I have been flying three times in a row. It is said that Brother Chen is still unconscious now!"

"I'm going, is there really such a thing?"

"I hope Tie Zhu can give us a sigh of relief."

Among this group of disciples, no one can exceed fifty steps.

The disdainful expressions of Elder and Deacon made them feel suffocated in their hearts.

Although Li Ran has been personally passed on by the head, the sword washing ceremony is of little significance to him, but it represents the face of this group of disciples.

"Tie Zhu, come on!"

"Tie Zhu, you can do it!"

"We believe in you!"

Disciples cheered for him.


Li Ran shook his head funny.

Deacon asked: "Are you ready?"

He didn't answer 09, and stepped directly on Jianhe.

The moment he stepped on it, a stream of pure Sword Qi poured into his body, rushing around among his Meridians.

Although there was no major damage, it was already a little uncomfortable.

"It's interesting."

Li Ran tried to control the Sword Qi, leading it to surge towards Dantian.

As soon as Sword Qi entered Dantian, he was immediately absorbed by the silver Gang Qi.

Star's silver light flickered, and then calmed down again, but the light was a little brighter than before.

"Can you really absorb it?

Li Ran suddenly became interested.

This Sword Qi was left by the previous swordsmen, and it has been tempered to the point that there is no Impurities, and it can be absorbed directly without refining, and it does not damage itself at all.

At this time, lotus leaf was already leaning towards the second one, he lifted his leg and stepped on it without hesitation.

Sword Qi poured into the body again, and was absorbed by Star after introducing Dantian.

Third piece, fourth piece, fifth piece

Li Ran walked briskly on the leaves, and did not wait for the lotus leaves to get closer, and jumped to the next one.In less than half a stick of incense, he walked more than 50 pieces!

More and more Sword Qi are being absorbed, and the silver Star in Dantian shines more and more!

The people on the shore were stunned.

This speed is too fast, right?

The lotus leaves in the Xijian Pond are controlled by formation. The reason why they move so slowly is because they worry that the disciples will not be able to withstand the drastic changes of Sword Qi.

But this Li Tiezhu was not affected at all, even leaping between two lotus leaves!

This is too exaggerated!

The Elders were also a little dazed.

"This Sword Qi adapts to speed, I have only seen it in my life!"

"No wonder the sword head can accept it as a personal pass!"

"Genius, absolutely genius!"

"It's no wonder that even Chen Zhutian is too."

"Ahem! Don't talk nonsense!

Chen Beihe's face was gloomy, and his eyes were cold, "God? Ha, go down and wash!"

His mind moved, and the formation in the pool quietly changed.

Li Ran went to the fifty-sixth film.

The Sword Qi contained in it is already much larger, even if it takes some effort to fully absorb it.

Just as he jumped down a piece, the lotus leaf in front of him suddenly sank underwater!

This directly caused him to step on the air, and the whole person fell into the pool!

The magic circle used to protect the disciple did not take effect at this time, and he fell into the water with a "puff"!

There was a burst of exclamation on the shore.

Li Tiezhu actually fell into the water!

"Sister Li!"

Yue Jianli looked anxious, and just about to fly to save someone, a sudden pressure hit her and forced her to stay on the spot.

Shen Ning was also shocked.

His face was pale as paper, and tears rolled in his eyes.

If it wasn't for Yue Jianli to pull her, I'm afraid this meeting would have already jumped off.

On the high platform.

The Elders frowned and looked at Chen Beihe in unison.

Second Elder frowned and said, "Chen Beihe, is this the famous hall you made?"

Chen Beihe shook his head and said, "It's obviously Li Tiezhu who is supporting him, and he stepped on the empty foot. What does it have to do with me?"

Second Elder sneered, "You really treat us as fools?"

Even if it is stepped empty, the formation should not be invalidated, and the formation of the sword washing pool is controlled by the big Elder.

How can there be such a coincidence in the world?

This is obviously to avenge Chen Zhutian!

Second Elder's voice was cold, "I will tell the truth to the sword head about this matter!"

He said that he was ready to save people.

Chen Beihe didn't mean to stop it.

There is no Sword intent in this pool, even if Chen Zhutian can't hold it, let alone a mere mortal?

And the distance is also carefully calculated by him.

Not only can Li Ran be seriously injured, but not be killed by Yellow Springs.

Could it be that the sword head would still turn his face against him for a disciple?

"Li Tiezhu, let you experience it today, what it's like to be pierced by Wan Jian!'

Chen Beihe smiled coldly.

But the next second, the smile froze on his face.

"what is this?"

I saw that the pool water seemed to be stirred by the invisible hand, forming a rapidly rotating vortex.

At the center of the vortex, one figure rises up on the waves.

It is Li Ran!

He was not dripping with water, his clothes were hunting, and the silver light in his eyes was dazzling!

Chen Beihe swallowed, "How is this possible? Isn't he a mortal!"

Li Ran is in pain now.

It's not painful, but supportive.

The moment he fell into the water, Sword Qi rushed towards him, swarming into his body.

Walk through his Meridians and finally gather in Dantian.

And the Sword Qi in Dantian became more and more, the silver star almost covered the sky, and finally merged into a fiery air.

With the continuous influx of Sword Qi, the silver glow is getting bigger and bigger.

In order not to let himself be overwhelmed, Li Ran can only compress 710 continuously, and then compress again.

But it's still not enough.

The blazing silver light filled Dantian almost, and even the Meridians were full of Sword Qi.

"No, you will burst into death if you continue like this."

Although these Sword Qi are very attractive, the quantity is too large to swallow them all.

Just when he was about to give up and wanted to leave the sword washing pond, the villain in Dantian suddenly moved.

The silver light was quickly swallowed by it, and silver light appeared on the crystal-like body, and finally condensed on the chest, forming a dragon-shaped tattoo!

At the same time, waves of tens of thousands are set off in the sword washing pool!

Li Ran's body was full of silver light, and Sword Qi swarmed in the pool, spinning around him.

Under the action of Sword Qi, the pool water condenses into a huge eagle claw, and the sharp claws reflect the dazzling cold light!

Followed by snake body, lion mane, antlers

In the shocking eyes of everyone, a winding silver dragon gradually emerged!

Its torso is composed of Sword Qi, its body is filled with pool water, and its scales are clearly visible, exuding coughing coercion!

Slowly opened his eyes, the dazzling silver light couldn't look directly!


The silver dragon uttered a terrifying roar, and the unpredictable power made his legs and feet weak.

Li Ran stood on the dragon's head, her silver eyes were cold and indifferent, looking down on sentient beings like a god!

Ten thousand swords return to the sect, Sword Qi transforms the dragon!


One-handed typing becomes more proficient, try to resume four to five shifts tomorrow. .

Chapter 322

Chapter 322 Sword Qi Yinlong, Li Ran's fourth statue!

Wash the sword in the pool.

The silver dragon is winding and entrenched.

This is a real dragon.

The huge body fills the entire pool, the scales on his body glow with silver light, and the sharp claws shine with Sword Qi.

The pool water was steamed up by Sword Qi, forming heavy plume clouds in mid-air.


The silver dragon raised the head of the dragon, and the high-pitched dragon roar resounded through the sky!

In an instant, the rain was pouring!

Two silver eyes lit up, looking down at the crowd indifferently through the rainy curtain.


One of the deacon's knees weakened and he knelt directly on the ground.

This is the pressure from the soul level, the surrender of Sword Qi in the body!

He trembled: "Sword God, is the God of Ten Thousand Swords!"

As soon as this remark came out, all the disciples and deacon knelt down one after another, looking in awe and enthusiasm.

"Sword God!"

"The Sword God is born!"

"Ten thousand swords return to the sect, Sword Qi transforms the dragon, this is a vision unique to the sword god!"

"Li Jianshen!"

There was dead silence on the high platform.

The Elders looked shocked, and they couldn't close their mouths.

Second, Elder swallowed, and said in a trembled voice: "In this sword washing pool, there is the pure Sword Qi of the swordsmen of the past. Can you actually echo Li Tiezhu?"

That's the Emperor Sword Qi!

There are infinite Sword intents in it.

What kind of terrifying talent does this require?

"I'm afraid I can't even do this!"

"Is it true that the sword god reincarnated?"

"Only the body of the legendary sword god can affect the great emperor's Sword intent!

"What kind of apprentice did the head bring back?"

Listening to the discussions of the Elders, Chen Beihe's face became more and more gloomy.

In his perception, Li Tiezhu didn't have any Spirit Power at all, and he was completely mortal.

But a mere mortal, how can it be possible to control such a pure Sword Qi?

Is it really the body of the sword god?

Chen Beihe gritted his teeth secretly, "I didn't expect him to have such a good fortune. Didn't I help him~"?"

Just when he was bitter in his heart, Li Ran, who was standing on the dragon's head, slowly raised his head.

The two looked at each other in the air.

Those silvery-white eyes were cold and playful, causing Chen Beihe's heart to jump suddenly, and a little unnaturally looked away.

The bad premonition in my heart is getting stronger.

Wash the other side of the sword pool.

The woman in Tsing Yi hugged her shoulders and hummed: "This guy actually got a blessing in disguise, luck is not bad."

Having said that, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and his smile was very bright.

Li Ran stood with his hand held, his body surged with Sword Qi, connected with the dragon at his feet, as if he had become a part of his body.

His eyes were full of surprises.

This silver dragon is not a vision of Washing the Sword Pond, but the fourth form of his own awakening!

After falling into the water just now, Emperor Sword Qi swarmed into his body and almost burst his body.

The result was unexpectedly activated.

The Dantian villain swiftly moved, he just absorbed all Sword Qi, and then merged into a silver dragon tattoo.

Li Ran also obtained this dragon-shaped image!

The whole body of the silver dragon is composed of Sword Qi, its eyes are two groups of sword lights, the scales hide the infinite Sword intent, and the sword gang flashes in its claws!

Even between breathing, there is a wind whistling!

There is no need to test at all, Li Ran can clearly perceive that it contains terrifying destructive power in its body!

This Sword Qi silver dragon was born entirely for destruction!


With a dragon chant, the winding body rose into the air and sank into the dark cloud.

The silver figure shuttled in the clouds, the sharp claws smashed the thunder, and the air echoed with a rumbling muffled noise!

The disciples knelt on the ground, trembling all over, not daring to raise their heads, even the Elders swayed a little.

This is the ruler of the sky, the king of the sky!


The dragon chant sounded again.

The heavy rain gradually ceased and the dark clouds slowly dissipated.

The silver dragon has disappeared.

Under the bright sunshine, the water was sparkling, as if nothing happened.

As everyone watched, Li Ran's black hair was flying, and his clothes were hunting, and he slowly fell down.

Sword Qi flickered under his feet, and his negative hand stood above the water.

Yue Jian looked at him blankly, his eyes a little blank.

"Sister Li, it looks like that bad guy…"

Especially the look of pride and arrogance is exactly the same, but it looks completely different.

She scratched her head suspiciously, always feeling something was wrong.

At this moment, Li Ran opened his legs, stepped on the water, and walked towards the opposite bank in a leisurely manner.

Seeing this scene, the disciples instantly boiled.

"Tie Zhu, come on!'

"Shut up, that's Li Jianshen!"

"I will arrive on the other side soon!"

"After the sword head, this is still the first person!"

They looked excited and excited, and they let out cheers.

Chen Beihe looked at this scene, his expression gloomy, dripping with water.

Li Ran walked on the waves, through the mist, and finally stepped on the other shore.

In front of me is a huge cliff with a "| Sword" engraved on it, exuding a pure and unforged Sword intent.

But not only did he not feel dazzling, but he felt very kind.

At this time, a voice sounded beside the sound, "This is the first sword head of Wanjian Pavilion. Only three people have seen it so far."


Li Ran turned his head when he heard the sound, and saw Chu Lingchuan standing behind him.

Her eyes were a little complicated, "Except for the first generation sword head, I am the second and you are the third."

If you want to see this sword character, you must cross the Sword Washing Pond with a mortal body, and so far only Chu Lingchuan can do it.

But Li Ran took a different approach and directly absorbed all Sword Qi.

If there is no Sword Qi, how to wash the sword?

From today, the word "sword" will be visible to everyone.

Chu Lingchuan rubbed his eyebrows, "It doesn't matter if you come to see the excitement, but you even emptied the sword pond?"

Without the Emperor Sword Qi, there is no difference between the Washing Sword Pool and the Ordinary Pool (Zhao De's), and naturally it loses the ability to test talent.

Even if she makes a move, Sword Qi needs to slowly settle, and this process will take at least a hundred years.

Li Ran scratched his head and said awkwardly: "I didn't mean it either."


Chu Lingchuan gave him a blank look and shook his head: "While washing swords is the Sect tradition, it is not the only way to measure Fu."

"Since you can absorb Sword Qi, you can awaken the Dhamma, and you have a certain number when you want to come.

"I cough cough, I am also happy for you as a teacher."

Li Ran just relaxed and said with a smile, "Master, you are so kind to me.

Seeing that brilliant smile, Chu Lingchuan blushed inexplicably, turned his head and said, "Adverse disciples, don't smile at being a teacher!"


What did Li Ran think of at this time, and asked: "By the way, Master, what about my special reward?"

Chu Lingchuan was taken aback when he heard the words, "Special reward?"

Chapter 323

Chapter 323 Silver dragon tattoo, Li Ran's "reasonable" requirement!

Chu Lingchuan wondered: "What reward?"

Li Ran shrugged and said, "Isn't it said that if you successfully cross the sword washing pool, you will receive a special reward from the master?"

Chu Lingchuan said in a huff: "Sword Qi from the Washing Sword Pool has been completely absorbed by you, and I will reward you with a big-headed ghost!"

He not only absorbed the Emperor Sword Qi, but also successfully awakened the fourth Dharma image.

The destructive power contained in the Sword Qi Silver Dragon, I am afraid that even the power of Transcends Tribulation has to be avoided.

It's already a great good fortune, this guy is not satisfied yet?

Li Ran confidently said: "Sword Qi was absorbed by my ability, but the reward was set by the master. The two should not be confused."

Chu Lingchuan rubbed his eyebrows.

She had never seen such a brazen person.

"The so-called special rewards are just being able to become a direct disciple, and at the same time get a trace of Sword Qi, these are meaningless to you.

"That's it?"

Li Ran shook his head and said, "I thought there would be something special."

"What else do you want special?"

Chu Lingchuan gave him a charming look.

Seeing his loss, she hesitated and said, "Then what do you want, let's listen to it, as long as it is not 71.0 is particularly excessive, I can consider it."

Just now, Li Ran was calculated and accidentally fell into the water. Although he was a blessing in disguise, he was always wronged.

This made her a little softhearted.


Li Ran's eyes lit up, "Then I'm not welcome.

Chu Lingchuan said amusedly: "You fellow, when have you been polite? Let's talk, what do you want?"

Li Ran leaned in her ear and whispered, "I still want to sleep with Master tonight.


Chu Lingchuan's eyes widened, her pretty face flushed instantly.

I thought that the other party would want a Lingbao, Cultivation Technique, etc., but I didn't expect it to be such an outrageous request!

"you you you you "

Her words were unsatisfactory.

Li Ran said solemnly: "This will help Ning'er wash her marrow, and Master can also have a good rest, so can I!"

Chu Lingchuan covered his mouth, and said angrily: "I said, don't ask too much!"

rest well?

Obviously it is torture, and I can't close my eyes all night!

Li Ran pulled down her slender hand and said, "Is it too much? It's not the first time anyway."

"To shut up!"

Chu Lingchuan's face (ajeh) blushed and stared at him bitterly, "You are not allowed to tell anyone about this, including Leng Wuyan, do you know?"


Li Ran nodded and said cautiously: "Then tonight"

Chu Lingchuan turned his head and hummed, "Now, let's talk about it again.

"Thank you Master!"

"Thank you, I haven't agreed yet!"

The air quieted down.

Chu Lingchuan was in a mess.

Suddenly she noticed that the hands of the two were still holding together, a shyness flashed through the eyes, and the roots of the ears were a little red.

But he didn't pull his hand out.

At this moment, she thought of something and curiously said: "By the way, have you ever practiced any martial arts Cultivation Technique?"

Li Ran shook his head, "I have never practiced.

Except for those Martial Skills and supernatural powers, he has only cultivated two of the real Cultivation Techniques.

One is the Youluo sacred scripture, and the other is Heavenly Ability.

Chu Lingchuan wondered: "Then why can you absorb Sword Qi and even awakened the real martial arts?"

This kind of form that is purely composed of Qi is called the true martial form, and its destructive power is more than several times higher than that of the common law form.

Li Ran scratched his head, "Maybe it's a coincidence?"

Chu Lingchuan shook his head and said, "That silver dragon is very mysterious and definitely has a lot of background. Um, what has changed in you?

"This one really does."

Li Ran reached out and untied his collar as he spoke.

Chu Lingchuan hurriedly turned his head and said in a panic, "You, what are you doing?"

"Master misunderstood. From just now, I feel my chest is hot.


She looked back cautiously, and then she was stunned.

I saw a dragon tattoo on Li Ran's strong chest, which was shining with a faint silver light.

The silver dragon is entrenched on his chest, even the scales and mane are all visible, and it seems that the clouds will be flying away in the next second!

The winding dragon's tail is wrapped around the waist, with the knotted muscles, there is a wild and powerful charm.

Chu Lingchuan's heartbeat accelerated for a while, "What's the matter with your tattoo?"

"I am not sure as well.

Li Ran scratched his head and said: "It only appeared after the awakening of the Dhamma. As long as I stop running the qi, the tattoo will disappear.

Chu Lingchuan was blushing, stretched out his finger and touched it.

"It's just an extremely pure Sword intent. You can't detect other abnormalities. There should be no problem. You should put on your clothes quickly.

I don't know if it is the reason for this dragon tattoo.

She has a dry mouth, and her heart throbs inexplicably.


Chu Lingchuan calmed down and said, "Let's go."

Li Ran asked: "Where to go?

She looked through the mist and whispered, "Go and vent your breath."

Wash the sword pool on the bank.

The disciples were a little restless.

"It's been so long, why is there no movement at all?"

"Nothing will happen, right?"

"Close your crow's mouth!"

"Don't worry, that is the sword god of Sword Qi Hualong, what's the surprise?"

"That's true"

The other side of Jianchi has always been hidden in the mist, let alone this group of disciples, even the Elders can't see through it.

On the high platform.

Chen Beihe rubbed his fists tightly, his eyes were extremely cold.

He wanted to plot against Li Tiezhu, but he didn't expect to help the other party awaken his talent.

Now there is no Sword Qi in the sword washing pool, and it is no different from an ordinary pool.

This made him feel depressed and want to vomit blood.

"It's Damn it!"

At this moment, he noticed something and suddenly looked up.

I saw two figures passing through the mist, flying towards the shore.

One of them is naturally Li Tiezhu.

The other person was dressed in a blue shirt and bare feet, and his identity was self-evident.

The head of ten thousand swords, Chu Lingchuan!

Chen Beihe's pupils shrank, "The sword head has always been on the other side?!"

Didn't you see his little movements?

"It's the head of the sword!"

"Sword head?"

"The sword head is here?!"

The disciples looked up one after another.

This is the head of Wanjian Pavilion, the legendary emperor-level powerhouse, everyone wants to see her style.

Chu Lingchuan took Li Ran and slowly landed on the high platform.

"Farewell to the sword head!"

The Elders stood up and bowed deeply.

Chu Lingchuan glanced across the crowd, and finally stayed on Chen Beihe's face.

"Chen Elder"

Chen Beihe cupped hands and said: "What is the command of the sword head?"

Chu Lingchuan said lightly: "Are you too old and tired of life?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked!

Chapter 324

Chapter 324 There is no more Chen in Wan Jiange Elder!

Chu Lingchuan was expressionless, looking at Chen Beihe coldly.

Chen Beihe was a little cold on his back and asked, "What does the sword head mean? Why don't you understand the old man?"

"do not understand?"

Chu Lingchuan's eyes narrowed slightly, "Don't you know what you did yourself?"

Chen Beihe's bad premonition became stronger and stronger, but he still insisted: "The old man really doesn't know what the sword head means.

"good very good."

Chu Lingchuan nodded and said, "Since you don't know, then I will tell you.

"Big Elder Chen Beihe has unruly intentions and secretly manipulated the formation in an attempt to murder his disciples."

"Public revenge~, torturing the same family."

"Two crimes are punished, do you think you deserve to die? -"

Lang Lang's voice resounded throughout the audience.

The disciples and deacons were in an uproar!

It turns out that Li Tiezhu's fall into the water was not an accident, but what Elder did secretly!

The intention is also obvious, and it is clear that he wants to avenge Chen Zhutian!

Chen Beihe's throat tightened for a while.

Listening to Chu Lingchuan's tone, it seemed that he wanted to investigate to the end!

He rolled his eyes and said, "The sword head has misunderstood. I see Li Tiezhu's talents, and I want to take this opportunity to stimulate his potential. As long as there is an accident, I will definitely save people the first time!"


Chu Lingchuan sneered, "So, I have to thank Chen Elder?"

Chen Beihe shook his head and said, "No, this is what I should do. Li Tiezhu is your personal disciple and the future pillar of Sect. How could I harm him?"

Chu Lingchuan smiled jokingly, "Li Tiezhu's talent, even I can't fully understand it. It seems that Chen Elder has better eyesight than mine? Otherwise, I should let you be the sword leader?"

"Don't dare!"

With cold sweat, Chen Beihe bowed his head and said: "The sword is heavy!"

"There is something you dare not do?!"

Chu Lingchuan was full of stern voices and expressions, "This sword washing pool contains the Great Emperor Sword Qi, even if Hedao Transcends Tribulation does not dare to try it easily, you let a mortal fall into the pool, it is already self-evident that He Juxin!"

"I see your every move, and I dare to quibble here!"


There was a muffled noise in the void, and the terrifying coercion poured in, directly overwhelming him to the ground!

Chen Beihe knelt on the ground, shaking like chaff, couldn't lift his head at all!

"Chen Beihe reported his personal vengeance and murdered the same family. According to the Sect precepts, he should be put to death!

"Nianqi's failure to succeed can avoid death sins, but life sins cannot escape!'

"When you cut the Cultivation Base for a hundred years, think about it for fifty years!"

Chu Lingchuan's voice was icy cold, echoing throughout Sect!

"Sword head!"

Chen Beihe looked terrified, and shouted hoarsely, "I'm itching for Sect. There is no credit and hard work. The sword can't treat me like this!"

At this moment, he was really scared.

Chu Lingchuan never asked about world affairs, which made him feel a little slack, and he was not as awed as he was at the beginning.

I didn't expect that the other party would turn his face against him for a disciple!

At this moment, three Elders stood up.

"Please think twice!"

"Chen Elder has a lofty status, is he comparable to a disciple?'

"I also hope that the sword head will be recovered!"

They pleaded with each other.

Obviously, they are all from the same camp.

As a big Elder, Chen Beihe has been operating within Sect for many years, and his relationship is intertwined and his position has long been entrenched.

You can't just move.

Chu Lingchuan said lightly: "Take it back? It seems that you still don't know me enough."

After speaking, he waved his right hand gently.

Chen Beihe's body suddenly stiffened.

Then the black hair became pale, the skin quickly aged, vitality and Cultivation Base were rapidly declining.

Cultivation Base started from the peak of Transcends Tribulation and dropped to the early stage of Hedao!

The original powerful Transcends Tribulation power, but now it is lifeless, the skin is as dry as tree bark, and the eyes are muddy.

Chen Beihe slumped on the ground and muttered incredibly: "Cultivation Base, my Cultivation Base…"

Chu Lingchuan waved his hand at Shattering Void, and a black vortex emerged.

"Punishing you to think about it in the depths of the Dead Sea, without my order, you can't leave within fifty years!'

The black vortex whirled, directly sucking Chen Beihe in!

He didn't even give him a chance to speak!

The air fell silent, and there was no sound.

All Elders were dumbfounded, all hairs fell down.

The sword head is so merciless!

Although Chen Beihe is not a complete loss of the Cultivation Base, cutting off the Cultivation Base for a hundred years is equivalent to knocking him off the Transcends Tribulation Realm.

Chen Beihe is already very old, and his potential has been squeezed dry. It is estimated that he will be in the early stage until his death.

What fell at the same time as Realm was his own vitality.

Lost the lifespan of Transcends Tribulation, plus fifty years of thinking about it, I am afraid it will not take long to live!

0...for flowers…

From today, Wanjian Pavilion has no more Chen Elder!

And all this is because of this Li Tiezhu

The Elders looked at Li Ran, their eyes full of jealousy.

What is the relationship between these two people, so that the sword head will shoot at Elder?

Chu Lingchuan looked at the three Elders who had just interceded, and coldly said: "What I hate most is to form a party for private purposes. You'd better be honest with me.

"Don't dare!'

"Sword Head, please rest assured!"

The three of them had their heads down, their backs were soaked in cold sweat.

Chu Lingchuan ordered: "Chen Beihe's Sect affairs, for the time being, the second Elder will take over."

"Yes, sword head."

Two Elder answered.

Li Ran stared blankly from the side.

Chu Lingchuan was saying that he wanted to vent his anger, but he thought it was just a slight punishment.

For a Sect big Elder, this is basically a waste!

"This is the style of the sword's head."

Chu Lingchuan glanced at him and said, "Do you feel more comfortable in your heart?"

Li Ran came back to his senses and said, "I feel comfortable, but won't this cause trouble to Master?"

Chu Lingchuan shook his head and said, "I am acting in accordance with the Sect precepts. Why should I be bothered? You were not injured today, and you have suffered a blessing in disguise. This only killed him for a hundred years of Cultivation Base."

"If there is any accident, I will definitely kill him!"

Seeing her resentful look, Li Ran's heart was slightly touched, and she couldn't help holding her delicate hand.

"Thank you, Master."


Chu Lingchuan's cheeks were blushing, and he said in a flustered voice: "Rebel, let go, so many people are watching!"

Li Ran said indifferently: "Anyway, I am Li Tiezhu now, what's wrong with the master pulling the hand?"

"That's not OK "

Chu Lingchuan was a little nervous, and wanted to pull his hand back.

In the end, he brought him over, and he grabbed his slender waist, as if she was pulling the other person into his arms!

Li Ran buried her head in her arms, muffled and said, "Thank you, Master, for the disciple's decision."

Chu Lingchuan's body was stiff and his cheeks were hot. Looking at the weird eyes of the Elders, his heart was about to jump out.

"This rebel!" Spoon.

Chapter 325

Chapter 325 Only Li Ran can defeat Li Ran!

The Elders looked weird.

The sword head has a strong personality and is difficult to get along with. Even the most beloved Chief Yue has never been so close to her.

But now he is holding him with his disciple?

This caused them a great mental shock.

I was very sure in my heart, the two people absolutely have a close relationship!

"This Li Tiezhu is such a nasty figure."

Recalling Chen Beihe's fate, they couldn't help but fought a cold war, and they were a little bit cold!

Seeing the expressions of the people, Chu Lingchuan's cheeks were red, and he wanted to find a place to sew in.

She gritted her teeth and said, "Rebel, let me go!'

Li Ran let go and smiled and said, "The disciple is grateful, does the master feel it?"


Chu Lingchuan coldly snorted, "You are clearly making fun of people! The masters are shouting, but in fact they don't respect "July One Zero" and respect me at all!"

Li Ran shook his head and said seriously: "The respected master treats me sincerely. The disciple knows it well. In the mind of the disciple, he has already regarded you as a real master."

Between people, it's the exchange of sincerity.

Chu Lingchuan once protected him, used Sword Qi to wash his marrow all night, and also helped him in front of Chen Beihe many times.

He has never been prejudiced and despised because he is a member of Devil Dao.

This made Li Ran's heart warm.

In any case, this master is really kind to him.

Seeing his sincere eyes, Chu Lingchuan was stunned for a moment, and said in a low voice, "Then why are you doing this to me?"

Li Ran puzzled: "Which way?"

Chu Lingchuan turned his head and hummed: "Grab my ankle, hug me to sleep, and still tease me under the eyes of everyone. Is that how you treat Master?"

Old Li Ran blushed.

How does it sound like a scumbag?

She looked resentful and whispered: "You guy knows to bully people. After bullying, you have to pretend to be stupid. It's really Damn it."

Li Ran scratched his head, "Master misunderstood the disciple."

Chu Lingchuan shook his head and said, "Then tell me, why did I misunderstand you?"

Li Ran said: "What I do is from my heart, and I don't mean to tease Master. I just like to sleep with you, like to hold you like this, it's that simple."

"Hi, like to hold me?"

Chu Lingchuan's cheeks were red, like a burning cloud on the horizon.

Her eyes panicked and said, "Even so, you are too abrupt.

Li Ran nodded and said, "Well, since Master doesn't like it, then I won't be like this in the future."

"I actually is not that meaning"

Chu Lingchuan lowered his head and blushed and said, "I am also a Sect Master anyway, hugged and hugged by the crowd. How decent does it look to others?"

Li Ran squeezed his chin, and said clearly: "The teacher means that you can hug it when there is no one?

"When did I say that? You are talking nonsense again!'

Chu Lingchuan glared at him angrily.

Still hug casually

Who does this guy think of himself?

Looking at her pretty face, Li Ran's heartbeat accelerated for a while, and whispered in her ear: "The matter of sleeping at night, please consider the master seriously.


Chu Lingchuan's heart almost jumped out.

She clutched her hot pretty face and stammered: "I, I don't think about it!"

"That is to agree?"

" No!"

After speaking, he flew away as if he fled.

Li Ran looked at her flustered back, her eyes were full of smiles, "It's okay, it's enough for me to agree unilaterally."

The Elders around looked silly.

Although the two of them had been using divine souls to transmit their voices, they couldn't hear what they were saying, but Chu Lingchuan's expressions were all in his eyes.

From embarrassment to resentment, and finally to Jiao, the blushing and shy look is like a girl in love!

Is this still the sword head that kills decisively?

Just now he was ruthless and angered at Chen Beihe's Centennial Cultivation Base, and he changed his face in a blink of an eye?

Second, Elder looked at the heroic Li Ran, and suddenly a strange thought popped up in his heart:

"Sword Head has never had a man around him for so many years, but he is so close to this Li Tiezhu, is it possible that the two of them have that kind of relationship?"

She shivered, her hairs on her head, she shook her head and dared not think about it anymore.

The other Elder looks very wonderful, and they obviously thought of going with her.

Li Ran didn't know that they were thinking about it.

Chu Lingchuan had already left, and he didn't need to stay here either, he turned around and walked off the high platform.

A dead silence on the shore 0

The disciples' eyes were dull.

They haven't recovered from the upheaval just now.

Before Banzhuxiang, Chen Beihe was still a powerful Elder.

In the end, he was beheaded by the sword head to the Cultivation Base for a hundred years, and he became a prisoner in the Dead Sea.

In order to vent his anger to Li Tiezhu, the sword head actually scrapped Sect Elder?

In their opinion, this must be because of Li Tiezhu's powerful talent!

Li Ran passed through the crowd, everyone consciously stepped aside.

All eyes were on him, eyes full of awe and enthusiasm.

This is the body of the sword god that has never been seen in thousands of years, even the emperor Sword Qi in the sword washing pond can absorb it.

The heroic posture of stepping on the silver dragon just now is still vivid.

Starting today, the name of the sword god Li Tiezhu will surely resound throughout the vast land!

"As long as Li Tiezhu grows up, he will surely crush the entire vast land!

"Jujue Zhengdao, finally has a genius who can match Li Ran!"

"What about the first Heavenly Demon? My Wanjian Pavilion has its own Silver Dragon Sword God!"

"The body of the sword god, that is no less than the existence of the holy product!"

"We are on the right track!"

Everyone looked very excited!

It seems that I have seen Li Tiezhu representing the right way and crushing Heavenly Demon Li Ran!

Listening to their discussions, Li Holy Son Didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Sure enough, only myself can beat me."

He walked in front of Yue Jianli, bent over and picked up Shen Ning. 4.7

The little guy was pale, with wet tears on his face.

She hugged Li Ran's neck, choked up and said, "Big sis, I am so worried about you. You scared me to death just now."

Even at this time, she didn't forget to change her name, and she can imagine how delicate her mind is.

Li Ran helped her wipe away the tears, pinched her fleshy little face, and said softly: "Ning'er don't worry, not only is I fine, but I have obtained pure Sword Qi, which is a blessing in disguise."

Shen Ning doesn't understand this, she only knows that Big Brother fell into the water just now

The little hand hugged Li Ran tightly, and he refused to let go of anything, as if he was afraid that he would leave him.

Yue Jianli looked at him with some thoughts in his eyes.

After pondering for a moment, he said, "Sister Li, can you show me the silver qi just now?"

Li Ran was surprised when he heard this!

Chapter 326

Chapter 326 The silver dragon sword god Li Tiezhu!

Yue Jianli's eyes were puzzled.

The Sword Qi silver dragon in the sword washing pool just now made her feel very familiar.

Recall carefully that in the animal tide battle, Li Ran held a silver gun to slaughter Demonic Beasts, and used similar anger.

The same is bright silver, the same pure and non-cast.

She asked, "Junior Sister Li, the silver gong just now, please show it to me."

"Silver Gang Qi?"

Li Ran's heart moved slightly.

He knew that Yue Jianli was aware of it. After all, the two were close and knew each other too much.

But he didn't refuse, nodded and said: "Okay."

He raised his right hand, and Sword Qi circulated in his body.


A sound of dragon chanting sounded, and the entire right arm was wrapped in silver Sword Qi. Translucent scales appeared on it, and the sharp eagle claws flickered with cold light.

The right arm looked sturdy for several laps, as if it had become a dragon arm.

This is the ability Li Ran has just realized.

As long as you run the qi, you can transform into a dragon shape. You don't need to summon the Sword Qi silver dragon completely, but can also exert part of the power of the law.

The surrounding disciples made 09 bursts of exclamation.

Obviously they were shocked by this scene.

Yue Jianli looked at the dragon's arm carefully, and her eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

This is indeed similar to Li Ran's gun intent, but it is not exactly the same.

In contrast, this dragon arm breath is more refined, and there is also a hint of unpredictable coercion.

She wondered: "Sister Li, you haven't practiced Qi yet, how did you absorb the Sword intent in the pool just now?"

Even if it is a natural body of the Sword God, it still needs Martial Cultivation Technique to operate.

It is impossible for a mortal to control this Sword Qi freely.

Li Ran scratched his head and said: "I don't know too well. Just now I fell into the water and Sword Qi automatically poured into my body. Maybe it's because Master used Sword Qi to wash my marrow?"

"It looks like this should be the case."

Yue Jianli squeezed his chin and pondered slightly, "Is it really nothing to do with the bad guy?"

Li Ran felt helpless.

He actually is not deliberately trying to hide from each other, but now is really not a good time to show his identity.

In case Chu Lingchuan knows, he is the way of Yue Jianli

He couldn't help fighting a cold war.

Seeing Yue Jianli still thinking, Li Ran hurriedly interrupted: "Chief Yue, don't be pestered here, let's go around."


Yue Jianli nodded and agreed.

He held Shen Ning, and the three of them left the sword washing pond.

A crowd of disciples watched them leave in awe.

In their hearts, Yue Jianli is still the emblem of Wanjian Pavilion and the spiritual belief of all the disciples.

Li Tiezhu is more like hope.

It is the ray of sunlight that can contend with Heavenly Demon Li Ran and pierce the dark clouds.

Although Li Tiezhu has not yet practiced Qi, with the shocking Sword Qi silver dragon, everyone firmly believes that there will always be a day to defeat Li Ran!

The young generation of Zhengdao finally has a peerless heaven!

Wan Jiange has produced a peerless genius.

The news soon swept across the vast land.

Because of Devil Dao Holy Son Li Ran, each Sect pays special attention to the younger generation, especially the major righteous Sects.

This time it is said that there was a sword god body, comparable to the talent of the holy goods, and it immediately attracted the attention of various sects of the right way.

Feiyun Mountain.

Shendao fairy palace.

Chen Yundao, dressed in a black Taoist robe, sits on a high platform.

Listening to the deacon report from the audience, his brows frowned slightly, "The body of the Sword God? Is that the best martial arts physique that has never been seen in the legend?"


Deacon nodded and said, "According to reliable sources, that person had just been accepted as a personal disciple, and he was still a mortal who hadn't practiced Qi, so he completely absorbed the Emperor Sword Qi in the Sword Washing Pool, and even turned into a dragon-shaped anomaly. !"

"Mortals absorb the Emperor Sword Qi?"

Chen Yundao looked solemn.

He knew what it meant behind it.

If the opponent is really just a mortal, then this talent can no longer be described as horror!

Except for Li Ran, it is invincible in the world!

"Besides the first time, there is another news."

The deacon report: "Li Tiezhu injured Chen Zhutian with a mortal body. In order to avenge his son, Elder Chen Beihe secretly manipulated the formation, causing him to fall into the sword washing pool."

"After learning about this, Jianshou Chu cut his hundred years of Cultivation Base on the spot, and penetrated into the depths of the Dead Sea for fifty years!"


Chen Yundao was shocked, "Chen Beihe was abolished?"

Deacon nodded, "Yes, Cultivation Base has fallen Transcends Tribulation, and there is not much life left. The Sect affairs have been delegated to the second Elder."

There was a cloud of silence in the Great Hall.

Chen Yundao was a little dazed.

Who is Chen Beihe?

That is known as the East China Sea Jianlan, the power of the peak of Transcends Tribulation, and its status in the Wanjian Pavilion is high.

Is it just to seek justice for the disciple?

"What is Li Tiezhu's background? Chu Lingchuan valued it so much!"

Chen Yundao came back to his senses, his thoughts fluctuated, "Is it really the legendary sword god body?"

If this is the case, I am afraid it is really possible to compete with Li Ran!

He pondered for a moment, and said: "Go to Wuwang Temple, maybe the opportunity to reverse the situation is here!!


The deacon retreated.

Baiyun Peak.

In the Great Hall.

A disciple in white is reporting something.

On the other hand, Yi Qinglan was sitting on a chair with her chin hanging on her right hand, and there was a dim red line on her white wrist.

Her eyes were blank and there was no focus distance of 710, as if she was in a daze, she didn't even hear a word.

"The little thief hasn't connected the red line for five days, and he doesn't know what he is doing?"

"It is said that when the Immortal Climbing Conference is over, I will come to Baiyun Mountain to find a poor Dao, but now there is no movement at all."

"Isn't he hooking up with another girl again? Damn it really

There was a mess in her mind, she couldn't control her thinking.

"Head, head?"

A call awakened her.

After returning to his senses, everyone was looking at her, their eyes a little strange.


Yi Qinglan cleared his throat, "What's the matter?"

Elder asked, "What do you think about the appearance of the Sword God Body in the Wanjian Pavilion?"

Yi Qinglan said indifferently, "What is the matter of Wanjian Pavilion to my Tianshu Yuan?"

Tianshu Yuan is beyond the mundane world, and has no contact with other Sects, not to mention the crazy woman in Chu Lingchuan

It's better not to be nosy.

Elder thought for a while, and said: "It is said that Chu Lingchuan is fully cultivating the sword god body in order to compete with Li Holy Son in the future, and the other two sects are also very concerned about this.

"To deal with Li Ran?"

Yi Qinglan was taken aback for a moment.

Recalling the strong hostility of Chu Lingchuan towards Li Ran at the Immortal Climbing Conference, Dai's eyebrows can't help but frown.

"Why is she hitting attention again?".

Chapter 327

Chapter 327 Master, it's going to be broken!

Yunjian Island.

Compared with the surging wind and clouds outside, Wan Jiange seemed particularly calm.

Although the name of "Silver Dragon Sword God Li Tiezhu" is no longer known in Sect, everyone just chats privately, and no one will disturb Li Ran.

After all, Chen Beihe's fate is still vivid.

Li Ran was also happy and quiet. The past few days have been very leisurely.

During the day, Chu Lingchuan was instructing Shen Ning to practice cultivation. He would either go to the side and get a mess, or go to Yue Jianli, and hold his little hand to tell her fortunes.

At night, he fell asleep with Chu Lingchuan in his arms.

Although Chu Lingchuan said in order to wash the marrow of the two, he actually acted as Li Ran's humanoid hug.

In the morning sun, wine enters the treasure account.

Li Ran opened his misty sleepy eyes, Chu Lingchuan was nestled beside him, his black and white eyes looked at him carefully.

His eyes were a little lost, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Seeing that he was awake, he hurriedly closed his eyes and pretended that he was still sleeping.

But the reddish cheeks and rapid breathing had already betrayed her.

Li Ran whispered: "Master, wake up, the sun is shining."

Chu Lingchuan didn't respond, as if he really fell asleep.

A smile appeared at the corner of Li Ran's mouth, and he put his arms around her slender waist and pulled it directly into his arms.


Chu Lingchuan suddenly opened his eyes and said in a panic, "You, what are you going to do?"

Li Ran smiled and said, "I thought Master was still sleeping."

"I just woke up too"

Chu Lingchuan's eyes dodged.

Although the clothes of both of them were well dressed, it still made her feel a little distraught.

The sun shines through the gauze tent, making the white of her cheeks red.

Li Ran was stunned for a while.

The skin is delicate, the flesh and bones are even, the face is delicate and there is no trace of blemishes, and the brows and eyes contain sassy and heroic spirit.

Just like the person in the painting.

Chu Lingchuan was a little uncomfortable when he saw him, and said in a low voice, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

Li Ran came back to his senses and said, "Because Master is really good-looking~".

"cut "

Chu Lingchuan turned his head, blushing, and said, "If you are slick, you will say these things to coax me.

The sober appearance that was completely different from the usual made Li Ran's heart beat faster.

He shook his head and said seriously: "What the disciple says is the truth, Master is indeed very beautiful."

"Huh, I don't believe it."

Having said that, the corners of her mouth were slightly cocked, as if there was a deer bumping in her heart.

She never cared about her appearance, but suddenly she was a little happy at this moment.

But then I heard Li Ranran say: "If you are not so rude, you are probably a great fairy sought after by thousands of people."

Chu Lingchuan smiled stiffly, "Rude?"

She was silent for a while, then squeezed her powder fist, her joints creaked.

"Being a teacher today will let you know what rudeness is!"

After a while, Li Holy Son's miserable wailing came from the room.

"Light, light, it's going to break!"

Shen Ning hopped into the bedroom and passed through the gauze tent, "Big Brother, breakfast is ready?"

Before the words were finished, the whole person was stunned.

Seeing that on the bed, Chu Lingchuan pressed Li Ran under him, with his slender legs clamped between his waist, his arms locked in his throat.

And Li Ran struggled like drowning, as if he was about to die in the next second.


Shen Ning blinked, her little face looked ignorant, "Master, are you helping Big Brother massage?"

Chu Lingchuan gritted his teeth, "Yes, your brother's skin is a little tight, I'll help him loosen it!"


Li Holy Son wanted to cry without tears.

After half an hour.

In the dining room.

Li Ran rubbed his neck and said helplessly: "Master, you are too cruel, right? I'm your real apprentice.

"Correct it, it's an adversary."

Chu Lingchuan said with no anger: "Next time you dare to talk nonsense, be careful that I am righteous and kill my relatives!"

Don't you just like to drink some alcohol, and beat people even if it's okay?

This guy actually said she was rude?

But thinking back to the woman next to Li Ranran.

It seems that they are all well-behaved and gentle, little birds and people. In contrast, I am indeed a bit enlarged…

"He doesn't despise me, right?"

Chu Lingchuan bit his lip, feeling very tangled in his heart.

Her personality has always been like this, how easy is it to change?

When Xiao Qingge acted like a baby, she was Xiaoniaoyiren, and if she did the same action, it would be like a Dapeng spreading her wings.

"Wait a minute, why should I change? What does he like and what does it have to do with me?"

Chu Lingchuan's mind was messed up.

And Li Ran was looking at Shen Ning curiously.

I saw the little guy holding his rice bowl, cheeks bulging, and eating very seriously.

He used to be fed.

He smiled and asked, "Ning'er, why are you willing to eat by yourself today?"

Shen Ning said vaguely: "I want to eat more so that I can grow up quickly."

Li Ran rubbed her head and said with satisfaction: ",|Ning'er is so good."

Shen Ning swallowed the food, her milk voice said in air, "This way, Big Brother will become tighter in the future, and I can help you loosen it too.

The corner of Li Ran's mouth twitched.

"I thank you"

After breakfast, the two of them went to the practice room to practice.

Li Ran wandered slowly in Sect.

After these days of getting along, I learned that Chu Lingchuan is not as unreliable as he thought.

Now not only does not drink, but she is also very responsible for Shen Ning.

Li Ran stopped staring at her very much.

Leaving the master bedroom, walked all the way to Jianyun Reef.

There is Yue Jianli's residence.

I boarded the reef and knocked on the door for a long time, but there was no response from the room. It seemed that he had already gone out.

Li Ran scratched his head, "Weird, before this time, Jianli used to meditate in the room.

"Sister Li?"

A female voice suddenly came from behind.

Li Ran turned his head and saw a disciple of a green shirt girl (Zhao De's) looking at him curiously.

"Are you here to find Chief Yue?"


Li Ran asked: ""Is she away?"

The female disciple replied: "No, half an hour ago, I took people away from Sect."

"Leave Sect?" Li Ran questioned: "Then do you know where she went?"

The female disciple said: "It seems that a disciple who has gone out for training has sent a signal that he has encountered trouble in the depths of the East China Sea. Chief Yue led someone to take it over."

"trouble "

Li Ran frowned slightly, "Do you know which direction she is going?"

The female disciple thought for a while and said: "It seems to be heading northeast, but I don't know the exact location."

"Okay, I get it.

Li Ran turned directly away from the cold.

The female disciple looked at his back, her cheeks flushed and her heartbeat accelerated.

"Sister Li is so cool. Strange, I obviously like men."

Chapter 328

Chapter 328 Deep sea battles, system missions released!

Li Ran walked outside Sect.

The disciple Deacon met on the road all cast a curious look, but no one dared to come over and talk to him.

After all, even Elder was cold, and everyone was in awe of him.

Leaving the mountain gate all the way.

The guard glanced at him, but just nodded and didn't say much.

Li Ran stepped on the reef, walked to no one's place, and jumped directly.

The silver light flickered under the feet, isolating the water from the soles of the shoes, and riding the waves in the northeast direction.

After all, this place is still within the scope of Wanjian Pavilion. Try not to use Spirit Power as much as possible, so as not to attract the attention of interested people.

After walking for dozens of miles, it seemed to have passed through a thin film. Looking back again, the sea was empty, and the entire Yunjian Island had disappeared.

This shows that he has walked out of the guardian formation.

Li Ran raised his head and looked forward, feeling a little lost for a while.

The East China Sea is too big.

Looking around, the blue sea is endless, and you can't see the end at a glance.

Although the sea was calm at this time, there was a touch of medicinal darkness under the clear water.

The deep sea swallowed all the light, and there was no idea what was hidden in it, which made people feel a little shocked.

Li Ran let go of Divine Sense, sensing the speed to dive underwater, but there were too many creatures in the sea, which caused a lot of disturbance to the spirit power.

He can only perceive about a few thousand meters underwater, and the deeper 10,000-meter deep water layer is somewhat incapable of 71.0.

"Jianli is the Nascent Soul Cultivation Base, it is impossible to go to the deepest place."

Sword Qi erupted under Li Ran's feet and flew to the northeast, while Divine Sense kept scanning downwards.

Hearing that Yue Jianli was coming out for rescue, it was inevitable that there was some worry in his heart.

Although she is very strong, she is at the same age, and the East China Sea is full of dangers. Who knows what monsters are hiding?

So decisively decided to come out and take a look.

If you really encounter any danger, you might be able to come to the rescue in time.

I don't know how many miles of travel, Li Ran noticed something and frowned slightly.

"Sure enough, I met hemp."

Deep in the East China Sea.

It is a full kilometer away from the surface of the water, and the sun can no longer penetrate such deep sea water.

In this gloomy water, the atmosphere is very solemn.

A group of Tsing Yi disciples formed a circle back to back, with long swords in their hands rippling with divine light, opening up sea water to protect them.

Their faces were pale, their clothes were tattered, and many of them were still colored, and their blood drifted away with the sea.

There were several dead giant sharks around, stiff and bloody, they were slowly sinking to the bottom of the sea.

There are still dozens of sharks swimming in front of me.

They have triangular heads, sharp snouts, and bluish-white eyes staring at everyone.

Teeth shark.

Demonic Beasts unique to the East China Sea.

The actual strength is generally between the Foundation Building and the Gold Core, and often moves about a kilometer under the sea.

This was not a fierce beast at first, but this group of disciples was very unlucky and encountered a group of wandering tooth sharks, including a Nascent Soul middle stage king!

The shark king is about five times the size of ordinary sharks, the blue skin is covered with barbeds, and the dense teeth in the mouth make the body cold!

Yue Jian held the long sword away from his hand, with a solemn expression.

Originally, the experience team was only besieged by a few sharks, and she solved it easily, but she did not expect it to attract sharks

She said: "Report the casualties.

The disciple beside him replied: "Five people were injured, three of them were seriously injured and lost the ability to fight."

Yue Jian clenched his teeth and asked: "How many water travel talisman are left?,

The disciple whispered: "Only the last three are left."

Yue Jianli did not hesitate to say: "Give the Water Run Talisman to the seriously injured person and break through from the southwest corner.

The disciple hurriedly said: "Chief"

"Don't talk more."

Yue Jian's eyes were deep, "You must leave here as soon as possible, otherwise there will be big troubles."

After a fierce battle, the blood has already escaped. It would be terrible if another beast was to be recruited!

"After three breaths, follow me to break through.


The waters not far away.

Li Ran hid his body and looked at them silently.

"Fortunately, I'll come over and take a look, otherwise she'll be (ajeh) really hard to deal with this group of sharks."

In fact, with Yue Jianli's strength, it was very easy to deal with a tooth hunting shark in the Nascent Soul realm, and even these groups could not stop her.

But it is a bit difficult to protect other disciples.

After all, the sea is too heavy, which limits the performance of the practitioners.

"Look at the situation first, and kill them all if it doesn't work."

In the face of Yue Jianli's safety, hiding his identity is no longer important.

Moreover, he has absorbed the Emperor Sword Qi, and his strength cannot be measured by others, even if his performance is exaggerated, it doesn't matter.


At this time, the system prompt sounded suddenly in the ear.

Li Ran couldn't help but froze for a moment, "Did the system task be triggered?"

The system interface appeared in front of him.

[Task release. ]

[In the deep sea, dangers are pervading, Yue Jian is in a dangerous situation away from him, ask the host to kill the incoming Demonic Beasts!]


Li Ran nodded in satisfaction.

Originally, he couldn't sit idly by, and now there are mission rewards to get, isn't it a good thing?

And at this moment, the disciple of Wanjian Pavilion had already begun to break through!

The practitioners and the tooth sharks are fighting together!

The Sword intent flickered, it was full of anger, slashed on the shark, and the blood wielded the wine wanton!

The Realm of this group of disciples is not low, and the actual combat ability is also good, but there are too many tooth sharks, so they are soon at a disadvantage.

"Heavy rain is approaching"

Lang Lang's voice echoed on the bottom of the sea.

Yue Jianli was wrapped in Sword Qi, and the face of the Qiushui sword in his hand was shaking and splitting.

One point two, two points four Turn into endless sword shadows in the sea, aiming at the group of hunting tooth sharks far away.

"The evil demon is annihilated!"

Jian Yu poured out in an instant, and easily penetrated the shark's body in the muffled sound!

Blood is spreading in the sea!


The sea water waved and condensed into a semi-circular water film, resisting the baptism of sword rain.

Nascent Soul Realm Demonic Beasts, has mastered supernatural powers!

At the same time, the Shark King swiftly attacked Yue Jianli, his blood basin was full of sharp teeth, and he bit her viciously!

Although it is very large, it is surprisingly fast!

The divine light of Yue Jianli's long sword was shining, and he fought with it, but it was difficult to take it down for a while.

After all, this is its home field!

The other disciples were entangled by the sharks, and they were suddenly stretched out, and it was even more difficult to break through!

A seriously injured disciple flew quickly to the surface of the water with the help of the water charm, but the toothed shark behind him was faster than him, and his big, smelly mouth bit him fiercely!


Yue Jianli looked anxious, struggling to get away.

The disciple wanted to raise his sword to fight back, but the severe pain made him unable to boost his strength at all, so he could only watch the shark bite in despair.

At this time, a touch of silver light lit up in the dark sea!

Chapter 329

Chapter 329 Sorry, I am reinforcements!

The tooth shark opened its blood basin, and almost wanted to bite the disciple in the middle!

Everyone exclaimed anxiously, but they were entangled in the sharks, and they could only watch this scene.

In the next second, there was a glimmer of light in the dark waters.

The silver-white Sword Qi pierced the sea water and brutally cut it on the shark!

The tooth shark, with its extremely tough body, was cut in half in an instant, and the blood and internal organs were scattered in the sea-.

The sharks were swimming anxiously, obviously stimulated by the smell of blood.

Everyone in Wanjian Pavilion looked back and saw a figure floating not far away.

The person was wrapped in Sword Qi, and the silver-white light seemed to be a blazing flame, easily dispelling the darkness.

"This Sword Qi"

"It's Li Tiezhu!"

"Yinlong Sword Qi, it's really Li Tiezhu!"

"Could it be that Sect came to the rescue?"

"No, only Li Tiezhu!"

Everyone looked a little puzzled.

"Sister Li?"

Yue Jianli looked puzzled, "Why did she come?"

This place is very far away from Sect, and it is in the deep water area of ​​a thousand meters under the sea.How could Li Tiezhu appear here?

But sharks are raging in front of you, not the time to think about it.

She shouted loudly: "Sister Li, be careful, these sharks are extremely difficult to deal with, you don't have to do it, and quickly seek reinforcements!

Li Ran smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I'm just reinforcements.


Yue Jianli was stunned.

The next scene caused her pupils to shrink for a while.

I saw Li Ran erupting all over his body and Sword Qi burst into the group of teether sharks like lightning.

His arms shone with silver light, and Sword Qi turned into two dragon arms, fighting wantonly among the sharks.

And the hunting tooth shark was like paper, it was easily torn into pieces, and the surging blood almost dyed the deep sea red!

The Tooth Shark King noticed him, watching his fellow clan being hunted quickly, his blue-white eyes were full of anger!

The shark's tail swayed slightly, and the Spiritual Qi in the water fluctuated, shooting at Li Ran like lightning.

I arrived behind him in an instant, his huge sharp mouth opened, almost swallowing him!


Yue Jian's long sword gleamed away from his hand, and flew towards the Tooth Shark King.

Looking at the fine fangs in front of him, Li Ran's expression did not fluctuate.

It's just Nascent Soul middle stage. Demonic Beasts of this level are like ants to him.

With a move of mind, Sword Qi's arms skyrocketed, and the silver dragon's arms instantly became dozens of times stronger, and the biting Sword Qi almost froze the sea!

He grasped the upper and lower jaws of the Shark King with both hands, no matter how hard it was, he couldn't bite it down.

Stagger your arms and exert a little force.

The Shark King was torn apart by a big body, and was torn in half directly from the middle!

The internal organs slowly fell with blood, Li Ran grabbed the remains of the Shark King, and his whole body was shining with Sword Qi, not even touched at all.

The extremely difficult Nascent Soul Shark King died in a single encounter!

The other tooth sharks noticed that it was not good. Although the humans in front of them were very lure sharks, they still chose to turn around and escape.

But Li Ran didn't plan to let them go.

A small silver sword condensed in front of him, cut through the sea water and shot out, swiftly shuttled among the sharks.

Reaping their lives mercilessly!

There was a small hole on the head of the tooth shark that was passed through, and the turbid liquid escaped and sank stiffly into the deep sea.

In an instant, the sharks died out!

The silver small sword flew back in a whirl, reintegrating into Li Ran's body.

Silence was restored in the deep sea again.

Everyone looked at him blankly, their eyes a little sluggish.

Is this done?

The group of tooth hunting sharks that almost defeated them, and a Nascent Soul shark king, died so easily?

And all of this was done by Li Tiezhu alone!

If I remember correctly, this guy was still a mortal a few days ago!

Yue Jianli swallowed and looked at Li Ran in shock.

The strength shown by Junior Sister Li is simply exaggerated!

Li Ran shook his head and said, "Don't be stunned, everyone, it would be a bad idea to invite some Demonic Beasts later."

There is no light in the deep sea, so Demonic Beasts here are well developed in smell and hearing.

The huge amount of blood just now, I don't know what monsters will be attracted.

Everyone came back to their senses, and the joy of the rest of their lives filled their chests.

"Are we saved?"

"It was Li Tiezhu who saved us!

"As expected to be the Silver Dragon Sword God, this strength is really too strong!"

"Is this the Sword God Body?

"I thought I was going to die just now!"

"Li Tiezhu, I love you!

Excited cheers echoed on the bottom of the sea.

With Sword Qi opening up the sea, there is no barrier to communication.

Yue Jianli quickly calmed down and said calmly: "This is not a place to celebrate. Let's return to Sect safely. He stopped bleeding quickly, and then Yukong flew back to Sect!"

0...Look for flowers…


The disciples answered.

They gave Li Ran a grateful look, and then floated to the surface one after another.

Soon, only Li Ranran and Yue Jianli were left.

Li Ran said, "Chief Yue, let's leave now."


Yue Jianli nodded.

The two slowly floated up, and her eyes were puzzled: "Sister Li, why are you here?"

After she arrived here, she hadn't asked Sect for help. How did Li Tiezhu find it?

Li Ran said, "I went to Chief Yue's residence today. I heard that you came out to rescue disciple Sect, so I wanted to come and have a look. I didn't expect to find you."


These remarks are naturally full of loopholes, but he can't think of a better answer.

Yue Jianli was even more puzzled after hearing this.

It's very far from Sect, and it's in a thousand meters deep sea.Li Tiezhu didn't control the spirits, how did he find them?

She asked, "Even if you find us by chance, what's the matter with your strength?"

For Wu Xiu, Spirit Power and Sword Qi are completely different.

Spirit Power represents the practice of Realm, while Sword Qi is an offensive method.

Li Tiezhu hasn't practiced Qi yet, and Spiritual Qi has nothing. In this deep sea, let alone breathing, the water pressure alone can crush him to pieces.

But not only was he safe and sound, he even easily slaughtered the sharks!

Li Ran scratched his head and said: "It may be the Emperor Sword Qi's sake that allowed me to open up the sea, and Master has also taught some methods these days, including how to use this Sword Qi."

Yue Jianli was speechless for a while.

Only a few days later, Li Tiezhu went from being a mortal to being able to kill Nascent Soul Demonic Beasts?

It's too outrageous!

Could it be that the body of the sword god, plus God-level Sword Qi, can really be so strong?

She always feels something is wrong.

But this apprentice was personally collected by the head, so there shouldn't be any problems in theory.

While she was thinking, Li Ran's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Why hasn't the task been completed yet? Is it

Suddenly he noticed something and violently pushed Yue Jianli aside!

A huge tentacle pierced like lightning! Spoon.

Chapter 330

Chapter 330 A fierce beast from the deep sea of ​​10,000 meters!

Before Yue Jianli could react, he was pushed far aside.

She looked back in confusion, and was suddenly startled.

I saw a huge tentacle passing by, fast as lightning, and the sea was almost divided!

The tentacles were khaki-yellow, and they were densely packed with suckers, which made the scalp numb.

The front of the tentacles flashed with cold light, as sharp as a sword!

If it weren't for Li Ran, she would have been recruited!

At this time, the tentacle missed a hit, and quickly retracted into the darkness, as if nothing had happened.

"What is this?"

Yue Jian frowned deeply.

Li Ran turned his head and looked towards the deep sea, where the darkness was as deep as ink, and there was no idea what was hidden.

The pupil of the broken delusion opened, a golden light flashed in his eyes, and his vision finally brightened.

The giant "Seven One Zero" in front of him made his pupils shrink!

"This is Hedao Demonic Beasts?"

The two of them were only 300 meters away from the sea level, and they were able to leave the East China Sea in no time.

Without hesitation, he grabbed Yue Jianli, Sword Qi erupted under his feet, and flew upwards.

But Demonic Beasts are obviously faster than them, and the five-person tentacles instantly surpassed them, gathering in front of them, like a big net coming over!

Enclose them directly, close the tentacles forcefully, and make a loud question!

That surging power, I am afraid that the dragon elephant will also be crushed into fleshy flesh!

In the next second, a touch of cold light lit up.


The huge tentacles were directly cut off from it!

Li Ran held Yue Jianli, and the two were wrapped in Sword Qi, free from the shackles of the tentacles.

The severed tentacles dried up quickly, but there was no blood in them, and the translucent liquid spurted wine wantonly.


The bottom of the sea was surging up in an instant, accompanied by the crying wailing of a baby, making people stand upright!

Crazy storms and undercurrents poured in, and both of them were a little unstable!

Obviously injured by humans, this behemoth has been completely angered.

But Li Ran is more angry than it.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a low voice: "Just stay here and don't move around, I'll go slaughter this beast!"

Because Yue Jian was away from him, he didn't want to pay attention to this Demonic Beasts, but now he was completely irritated by it.

Sword Qi rushed out all over his body, burning like a wave of flames on the surface of the body.

The whole person seems to be pierced into the seabed by a silver sword!

The cold sea water boiled instantly!

But Yue Jianli was stunned.

Li Ran's words just now suddenly evoked her memories.

"This is not what the bad guy said when he burned the Heavenly Emperor secret realm."

Boom boom boom!

A violent wave surged and awakened her suddenly.

I saw that Li Ran had already battled with the behemoth of the deep sea.

The silver-white Sword Qi illuminates the darkness, and she finally sees the full picture of the Demonic Beasts, and she can't help taking a breath!

What a terrible beast is this?

The huge body almost filled the entire field of vision, and the waving tentacles lasted for several miles, and every churning could set off waves!

The body is like a huge black screen, with a huge head growing on it, eight eyes are slanted, cloudy and dim, without pupils, it looks extremely vicious!

The ugly big mouth is densely covered with sharp teeth, and from time to time it makes a howl like a baby crying!

Li Ran is in front of it, like a star in the night!

It is not hidden in the darkness, it is a part of the darkness itself!

"Spirit Devourer, it's a fierce beast Spirit Devourer!"

Yue Jian was cold from all over his body!

This is clearly a demon in the deep sea of ​​10,000 meters, why does it appear here?

This demon has the blood of the ancient demon in his body, and he loves to devour creatures, at least it is also a realm!

Even if it is the flesh and blood of a group of sharks, it will not attract such a fierce monster!

Her first reaction was to ask Sect for help, and Demon was not able to deal with it!

But the next scene made her a little bit astonished.

I saw Li Ran Sword Qi fierce, shuttled between the huge tentacles, the Devourer couldn't touch him at all.

On the contrary, each of his Sword Qi can easily cut off the tentacles.

Suddenly still had the upper hand!


The Devourer was furious, and issued a terrifying scream, a wave of ripples rose, and even the sea water instantly solidified!

Li Ran's figure was firmly fixed, unable to move at all.


The huge tentacles were photographed outrageously, and the entire deep sea shook, and the small figure of Sha was instantly submerged!

"Sister Li!!

Yue Jian's expression was anxious, and he was about to swoop down with his sword.

At this moment, dazzling silver light appeared!

The silver light rushed in the darkness, and a loud dragon roar sounded!


The tentacles of the Devourer instantly exploded into pieces, and a silver dragon soared up, and its snaking body exuded infinite Sword Qi!

Devourer froze 0

This strong dragon power made it a little lost. Even as a realm, it couldn't understand how a human became a dragon.

The deep sea is divided into two pieces.

On one side it was dark and thick as ink, on the other side the silver light was dazzling.


A dragon and a demon clashed violently, Sword Qi violent, tentacles tumbling!

The entire sea area has set off waves of thousands of feet, and there are strong tsunamis on the sea!


Yinlong roared, and his scales shot away, as if a rainstorm was pouring down!

Sword Qi easily pierced the Devourer, grabbed its ugly head with sharp claws, and abruptly tore it apart amidst the harsh wailing!

The Devourer hissed, his eyes condensed, and eight beams shot towards Li Ran.

He Dao Demonic Beasts, soul and Dao are blended together, you can already use Divine Soul to attack!

Li Ran stood between his eyebrows, his expression was indifferent, he didn't evade at all, letting the spirit power hit him.

As if a clay cow entered the sea, it contained the spirit power of killing, and it was swallowed up in an instant!

The Devourer was stunned.

The huge body trembled lightly, and a retreat was in his heart.

It finally realized that 4.7 and this human being are not at the same level at all!

But Li Ran didn't give it this opportunity.The silver dragon tore it to pieces like a rotten sword, and the sharp eagle claw sword black mist emerged, directly annihilating its spirit!

The tumbling sea finally returned to calm, and the wreckage of the Devourer slowly fell into the deep sea.

The powerful demon, completely dead.

Yue Jian stared at this scene blankly, unable to return to his senses for a long time.

"Sister Li actually killed the Devourer?"

The silver dragon dissipated, and Li Ran was suspended in the sea.

The bonus of this sea water to the Devourer was too high, even if he had to spend some time and effort.

Moreover, Yue Jianli is watching from the side, it is not good to directly use the forbidden Samsara

He was just about to fly away, but there was a glimmer of light in the corner of his eyes, which immediately attracted his attention.

"Huh? What is this?".