
I really don't want to fall in love with my master

This novel is specifically designed for my one so I don't care about anything

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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50 Chs

261 to 270

Please, I Really Didn't Want To Fall in Love With My Master! Chapter 261 Online

Chapter 261

Chapter 261 No one sleeps tonight!

Li Ran was stiff like wood.

His will has been defeated by Ah Qin once.

At this time, the nephrite jade was warm and fragrant in his arms, and the faint fragrance was wrapped around the tip of his nose, which directly caused his blood pressure to soar again.

Li Ran swallowed, "Chief Lin, what are you?"

Lin Langyue couldn't look up shyly.

Holding his sturdy back, his cheeks were hot and red, and his bright eyes were almost dripping with water.

She bit her lip and whispered: "I don't know what's wrong. I always think of you in my mind. I think when I am cultivation, when I listen to the Tao, I think when I sleep. Enchanted."

As she talked, her voice seemed to have a hint of crying, "It's all to blame for you, for treating me like that in that secret room, I won't be able to go back again!"

Li Ran Didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "What you said is as if I had abandoned you all the time.

Lin Langyue's face was buried in his arms, and the urn said with an aura: "I don't care, you are responsible to me anyway."

Li Ran scratched his head and asked amusedly: "Then Chief Lin is going to make me responsible?"

Lin Langyue said: "I just want you to fulfill the 09 line promise."


Li Ran was taken aback for a moment, "What promise?"

"In the secret room that day, you said that you would replace Heavenly Dao and hold Mingyue in your arms."

"And you are now my Heavenly Dao."

Lin Langyue raised her head, Xia Fei's cheeks under the candlelight, and whispered softly: "Mingyue has entered your arms, why are you turning a blind eye?"

Seeing that shy but determined appearance, Li Ran's heartbeat gradually began to accelerate.

Lin Langyue is beautiful.

The facial features are indispensable, no flaws can be found, the temperament is cold and noble, but it is full of youthful breath.

At this time, the iceberg melted, and the cheeks were blushing, even if the senior monk saw it, his heart would be throbbed.

What's more, Li Holy Son is not an eminent monk yet.

He is an Isp.

Li Ran said fiercely: "Chief Lin, do you know the consequences of doing this?"

Lin Langyue looked like a Star, and said with a smile: "At the moment when I regarded you as Heavenly Dao, I had already considered all the consequences, huh!"

She was tensed, her eyes wide open, and her eyes panicked.

After a long time.

Li Ran raised his head and said with a smirk: "Then, did you also consider this?"


Lin Langyue's cheeks were hot and she looked shy.

Tianshu Yuan is a female cultivator.

She has never even been alone with a man, how can she stand this frivolity?

The courage that I had plucked up at this time all disappeared, and even the tip of my heart was trembling.

Li Ran deliberately said: "Didn't Chief Lin let me fulfill my promise?"

Lin Langyue was ashamed and anxious, "But I didn't let you behave like that!!

"Don't Chief Lin like it?"

"That, that's not right, it's just a bit too sudden."

Lin Langyue hesitated for a while, panting in a low voice.

Li Ran smiled silently.

She is the same as Yi Qinglan, once Wang Qingdao is broken, her personality will change from high cold to delicate, like a little girl who regrets to understand.

Wait, Yi Qinglan?

"Fuck, forget this! If this matter is known to Master Qinglan…"

Li Ran's scalp was slightly numb.


He cleared his throat and said cautiously: "Chief Lin, I want to tell you something."

Lin Langyue shook her head and said, "Needless to say, I also know that you have other women, right?"

"I heard that you have a fiancee, and Qin Ruyan seems to like you too. The two princesses look at you wrong."

"Although I feel uncomfortable, I am not qualified to say anything. After all, I am the one who came later.

"I don't want too much, I just hope you have me in your heart."

Outsiders see this scene, I am afraid they will smash their jaws on the ground.

Dang Mingyue Fairy, the first arrogant of the vast land, actually put down such a low posture in front of a man?

However, Li Ran smiled bitterly in his heart.

"What do you know, there is another master who is yours!"

"So, I am now both her junior and her senior?"

"this "

The thought of this made his brain hurt.

Lin Langyue thought of something and said shyly: "You still don't call me Chief Lin, it sounds a bit alienated.

Li Ran returned to his senses and asked, "Then what do I call you? Lang Yue?"

"Well, it feels weird, only Master would call me that."

"The little moon?

Lin Langyue blushed and said, "Forget it, you should call my name."

What little moon is really ashamed!

Boom boom boom.

At this moment, the door of the room was knocked softly.

A soft voice came from outside the door, "Li Holy Son, have you rested?"

"!! "

Lin Langyue looked flustered, "No, it's Qin Ruyan!'

Li Ran asked strangely: "What's wrong with Qin Ruyan? It scares you like this?"

Lin Langyue whispered: "I have never dealt with her. If she sees me here, she will definitely laugh at me! And it will spread out the reputation of Tianshu Yuan…

Before I finished speaking, I heard Qin Ruyan say: "If you don't say anything, then I can come in.

Lin Langyue was in a hurry.

She looked around, noticed the closet on the side, and actually opened the door and got in!

Li Ran: ""

The moment the closet door closed, the door was gently pushed open.

Qin Ruyan walked in.

She looked at Li Ran who was standing by the window, she couldn't help but was stunned, and then said quietly: "The slave family thought that Li Holy Son was asleep, why didn't she make a sound when she heard the knock on the door? Don't you want to see the slave family?"

Li Ran came back to his senses and said embarrassingly: "I just wanted to open the door for you, 693 you already came in.

"Cut, who believes you."

Qin Ruyan gave him a white look, and suddenly his nose moved, "It smells so fragrant in the room, has anyone been here before?"

The scent was familiar, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

Li Ran casually made up: "It should be my body fragrance."

Qin Ruyan was so angry and funny, "You don't have this smell, you haven't smelled it when you are a slave?"

After speaking, he reacted, and his pretty face flew blush.

Li Ran smiled and said, "When it comes to body fragrance, no one can compare to Qin Holy Maiden, right?"

He can still recall the sweet and fragrant taste.

Qin Ruyan's cheeks flushed instantly, and he stammered: "The slave said, that, that is the smell of rouge!"


Li Ran nodded, "That should also be a very special rouge.

Qin Ruyan lowered his head, his pretty face was about to burn.

After a long silence, she whispered: "Li Holy Son, at the Kuifeng City restaurant back then, why didn't you say goodbye?"

That day she plucked up all the courage and stood in front of Li Ran, but the other party disappeared without even saying a word.

This made her feel very shocked.

The reason why I came to Li Mansion this time was to ask this matter clearly.

Looking at Qin Ruyan who was aggrieved with her small mouth, Li Ran sighed inwardly.

"It's not that I don't want to answer you"

"But there is one more in the closet!".

Chapter 262

Chapter 262 When happiness comes knocking!

Seeing the aggrieved Qin Ruyan, Li Ran couldn't help scratching his head.

How should he answer this?

The one who took him away was Master Qinglan, can't you tell the truth?

Not to mention whether Qin Ruyan would have misunderstood, Lin Langyue would still be hiding in the closet, what would he think when he heard it?

Li Ran pondered and said, "At that time, I suddenly received a message from the head of the house, and urgently summoned me to rush back to Sect, so I left in such a hurry."


Qin Ruyan was surprised when he heard this.

There was a ban in the Doctor Luo Temple, she didn't consider this at the time, would Leng Wuyan not punish him for it?

She nervously said, "Are you okay, did the cold head punish you?"

Li Ran shook his head and said, "It's okay, Master didn't notice it.

"That's good."

Qin Ruyan relaxed.

She sighed and said, "Even if you are in a hurry, you should tell the slave family."

She had already made that look, and it was really hurtful to leave without saying goodbye.

Li Ran apologized: "Sorry, I was too nervous at the time."


Qin Ruyan gave him a pretty blank look, "Li Holy Son has a romantic nature. I haven't seen any scenes before, so he will be nervous?"

"Ah this"

Li Ran blushed when he heard this.

Seeing his embarrassment, Qin Ruyan's grievances disappeared a lot, and she couldn't help but say: "Okay, just kidding you."

Li Ran breathed a sigh of relief, "Master Qin Holy Maiden has a lot."

At such a critical time, it is really not very authentic to leave the girl alone.

Although this is not his intention.

"Huh, if the slave's belly is a little bigger, I'm afraid you would have been pissed off by you." Qin Ruyan yelled.

She was not really angry.

On the contrary, when I heard Li Ran's explanation, I was relieved.

"As long as it doesn't hate me.

Qin Ruyan hesitated for a while, and whispered: "Li Holy Son, the slave family doesn't know what impression you have in your heart, but in the restaurant that day, you really exhausted all the courage of the slave family."

Li Ran nodded and said, "I know, you are not that kind of girl~".

In a place like the Hehuan Sect, and it is still the Holy Maiden of Hehuan, it can always hold onto the body firmly.

This Holy Maiden is far more conservative than it seems.

Qin Ruyan looked up at him, an inexplicable look flashed in his eyes.

"Li Holy Son, do you still remember the Nujia promise to you?"

Li Ran was taken aback, "What promise?"

She said with a blushing face: "The Nu family has promised you that they will give you the spirit orb. But the spirit orb will not change until the Nascent Soul realm. The Nu family is only one step away from Nascent Soul, and it is possible at any time. breakthrough

"It turned out to be this."

Li Ran squeezed his chin and said, "But in what way did you give the spirit orb to me?"

He had some suspicions in his heart, but he was not sure.

Qin Ruyan bit her lip, and said timidly: "You will know it naturally when the slave family gives you it."

Li Ran nodded, "Okay.

At this moment, the door of the room was knocked suddenly.

Boom boom boom.

Yue Jianli's low voice sounded outside, "Li Holy Son, are you asleep?"

Li Ran: "…

Come again?

Don't they need to sleep?!

Qin Ruyan suddenly panicked, "It's over, Chief Yue is here!"

Li Ran frowned and said, "We didn't do anything, what are you afraid of?"

"you do not know."

Qin Ruyan whispered: "Chief Yue went to me just now, and I lied that I was going to sleep, but in the end I sneaked up to you!"

Li Ran laughed and said, "So what? You guys are already familiar?"

"No," Qin Ruyan shook his head, "Chief Yue suspected that I was plotting against you for a long time, but I never admit it. If I get caught, I won't have the face to see her!"

Li Ran: "Huh?"

Qin Ruyan glanced around in a panic, and his eyes lit up when he saw the big closet.

"Li Holy Son, I'll go in and hide for a while, don't you say I've been here!

Li Ran was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "No, there are there."

Before he finished speaking, Qin Ruyan had already opened the cabinet door and got in.

The air was quiet for a moment.

Then came an exclamation from the closet, "Lin Langyue, you, you, why are you here?!"

Li Ran covered his face, "I said, there are people in there!"


Yue Jianli had already pushed the door and walked in, looking at him with a puzzled look, "Who were you talking to just now?"

Li Ran swallowed and smiled bitterly: "It's nothing, I'm just talking to myself.


Yue Jianli nodded without thinking too much.

In the closet.

The two women stared at each other with big eyes.

Qin Ruyan looked at her carefully, and said, "Lin Langyue, what are you hiding here for?"

Lin Langyue's cheeks were slightly red, "I want to say that I am cleaning, do you believe it?"

"I believe you are a ghost!"

Qin Ruyan said in a bad mood: "You won't sleep at night, hide in Li Ran's closet to clean up?!

Lin Langyue said in embarrassment: "^1 Don't talk about me, didn't you hide in too?"

Qin Ruyan frowned slightly, "I am trying to hide from Yue Jianli, but who are you trying to hide from?"

"To hide from you."


Qin Ruyan suddenly reacted, her eyes rounded, "You, you and Li Holy Son, my God!"

What kind of relationship is between Lin Langyue and Li Ran?

This simply subverted her three views!

Lin Langyue's pretty face had a fever, and his head was drooping. There was a panic that the secret was revealed.

Seeing that shy appearance, Qin Ruyan felt more certain.

She was incredulous: "Aren't you cultivating the Cultivation Base? This is tantamount to self-defeating Cultivation Base! You are not afraid of Yi Qinglan's move?"

Lin Langyue shook his head and said, "The matter between me and Li Holy Son is more complicated. You don't understand it. Right, I haven't asked you yet. What happened to you in the restaurant that day?"

Qin Ruyan's cheeks flushed, "What happens has nothing to do with you!'



The two stared at each other bitterly.

Or (Wang Nuo is good) the timing is not right, and the fight has definitely started.

At this time, the sound of talking outside attracted their attention.

The two looked along the crack in the door.

I saw Yue Jianli nestled in Li Ran's arms and said, "Bad guy, I miss you so much."

Li Ran scratched the tip of her nose, "Didn't we just separate?'

Yue Jianli pursed his lips: "It's already two hours apart."

"Little follower."

Li Ran rubbed her head and looked very fond of her.

Seeing this scene, Lin Langyue covered her mouth, her eyes filled with disbelief.

In her impression, Yue Jianli is a hero, heroic, and Sword intent.

Now this obsessive appearance completely exceeded her cognition.

She swallowed and murmured: "This big bad guy, even Chief Yue will not let it go?"

Qin Ruyan sneered, "He didn't even let you go, so why did he let Yue Jianli go?"

Lin Langyue:"

Chapter 263

Chapter 263 Goodbye Li family, I'm going to sail tonight

Yue Jianli was puzzled: "Bad guy, how do I feel that you are out of your mind today?"

Li Ran smiled and said, "Is there? Maybe it's too tired during the day."

How dare he tell each other that there are still two hiding in the closet?

These three Sect chiefs fight, and it is estimated that they will be able to tear down the Li Mansion!

Yue Jianli thought of the fight with Ji Xingyun during the day, and a trace of tenderness flashed in his eyes.

A light print on his face, blushing, said: "Thanks for your hard work, husband."

Li Ran shook his head and said, "Don't work hard, serve the people.

"What are you talking about."

Yue Jianli punched him funny.

Talking about what she suddenly remembered, she worried: "But if you severely injured Ji Xingyun this time, will it lead to revenge from Yin Corpse Dao?"

Although Yin Corpse Dao acted low-key, it was a top magic door after all, and it was definitely not easy to provoke.

Besides, Ji Xingyun is not only the chief, but also the son of Sect Three Elder, and the nephew of Emperor Ji Chenyuan!

She didn't think the other party would give up.

"Seriously injured?"

Li Ran sneered.

Not to mention the physical injuries, the ban on Samsara alone is enough for Ji Xingyun to drink a pot!

Although the soul power traveled hundreds of miles, the power was weakened a lot, but the accompanying extinction thunder intent, like a bone gangrene, continued to wipe out his soul.

If you don't die, you have to be half disabled! 693

Even if it is an emperor level shot, it is not so easy to completely recover.

"It's okay, don't worry."

Li Ran said with relief: "No matter how fierce Ji Xingyun and I fight, it is only a personal grievance. If Ji Chenyuan dared to make a move, it would be the ascending to Sect dispute."

In terms of strength alone, he is definitely not as good as the corpse emperor Shen Linyuan.

But if it's a background, Li Ran is really worthy of him!

Besides, would Ji Chenyuan be willing to bet on the whole Sect for his nephew?

Yue Jianli nodded, "Those corpse road deacons are all dead in my hands, and the surname Ji should not dare to be an enemy of both sects at the same time."

She also made up her mind. If it doesn't work, she will ask Master to do it.

"Anyway, apart from drinking, Master's only hobby is fighting. This time, I will find her an emperor-level opponent, she will be very happy, right?"

She wondered inwardly.

Li Ran looked at the cabinet and hesitated, "Well, should we go out and take a walk?"

Yue Jianli said strangely: "It's big night, what do you go out for?"


Li Ran embarrassed: "I think the weather outside is pretty good, and I want to go out to bask in the moon."

Yue Jianli was so angry and funny, "What are you talking nonsense (ajeh)? Anyway, I don't want to go anywhere, I just want to hold you well."

Li Ran couldn't help sighing silently.

This request is not excessive at all, but what can the two girls do?

At this time, I only heard Yue Jianli ask: "By the way, why did Chief Lin come to Li's house today?"

Hearing this, Lin Langyue's expression suddenly became tense, and her ears were pricked up.

Yue Jianli asked suspiciously: "I think her eyes are not right, you will not have any unspeakable relationship?"

Li Ran swallowed, "This

Before he could speak, Yue Jianli said to himself: "It shouldn't be. Chief Lin's cultivation is the way of forgetting emotions. He has always hated men the most. How could he give up Cultivation Base for you?

"Yes, you are right.

Li Ran nodded like pounding garlic.

In the closet.

Qin Ruyan lay beside Lin Langyue's ear, jokingly: "Isn't Li Holy Son a man in your eyes?"

Lin Langyue covered her hot pretty face, "Stay away from me, demon girl!"

When this demon girl discovered her own secret, she had no face to meet people.

After a long time, he barely calmed down, and asked in doubt: "It's so late, what is Chief Yue coming over?"

"do what?"

Qin Ruyan was stunned when he heard the words, and then a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Opened his eyes and looked across the door, he said excitedly: "There may be a good show tonight!"


Lin Langyue was a little confused.

in the room.

Yue Jianli blushed and hugged Li Ran, "Today you were so mischievous in the restaurant that you were almost spotted by the deacons. You are really necrotic!"

The two of them hugged each other in the private room, outside were practitioners of the two realms of Zhengmo, and there was only one door between them.

It was ashamed.

Li Ran smiled and said, "Is this still bad? There is even worse."


Yue Jianli hammered him shyly.

The swirling atmosphere rippled between the two of them.

Suddenly, Li Ran recovered, his body instantly stiffened.

"I almost forgot, there are two more in the closet!"

He rolled his eyes and said, "Let's go to your room."

Yue Jianli was puzzled: "Why?"

Li Ran scratched his head, "The yin in this room is too heavy, I feel uncomfortable."

"Yin Qi?"

Before the other party could question, he directly hugged him up, "Let's go, it's not far away anyway.

Then he strode out of the room.

He is not interested in broadcasting live to the two of them.

After they went out, the room became quiet.

The closet door opened slowly.

Qin Ruyan pouted and hummed: "Li Holy Son is really stingy, see if he won't lose a piece of meat."

Lin Langyue still looked blank, "What did they do?"


Qin Ruyan's eyes seemed to be looking at the mentally retarded.

With a trembling of her wrist, there were a few more pamphlets in her hand, and she gave Lin Langyue a brainstorm.

"Go and study hard, idiot."

After speaking, he walked out with his hands behind his back.

Lin Langyue wondered: "What is this? Cultivation Technique cheats?"

She opened her eyes curiously, her eyes straightened instantly, and the blush spread quickly on her pretty face.

"This, this, this is too unsightly!"

"Qin Ruyan, what are you giving me!!"

In the courtyard.

As soon as Li Ran walked out holding Yue Jianli, he ran into Li Daoyuan head-on.

The three froze in place.

Yue Jianli covered his face in shame.

Li Ran smiled and said, "Father, haven't you slept so late?"

Li Daoyuan twitched the corners of his mouth, "It's okay, I'll stroll around. You guys are busy, don't worry about me."

Old Li Ran blushed, holding Yue Jianli and sprinting away quickly.

Li Daoyuan rubbed his eyebrows and sighed, "It's really terrible."

He was about to turn around and leave when Qin Ruyan walked out of the room.

The two eyes faced each other, and the air instantly became quiet.

Li Daoyuan's eyelids jumped wildly, "Qin, Qin Holy Maiden?"

Before I finished speaking, I saw Lin Langyue come out, blushing and muttering, "Qin Ruyan really holds it."

Suddenly she felt that the atmosphere was not right, and raised her head to see Li Daoyuan looking at herself blankly.

"Hey, Uncle Li? You haven't slept yet?"


Li Daoyuan was silent for a long time, and slowly turned and left.

Qin Ruyan couldn't help asking: "Uncle Li, it's so late, why are you going?"

Li Daoyuan's voice was hoarse, "It's okay, I'll go back and pack my luggage."


"I'm afraid it will be too late if I don't leave."

Chapter 264

Chapter 264 Righteous and evil all eat Li Holy Son, "Harem Concubine" Chu Lingerchuan!

Early the next morning.

In the dining room, a few people were sitting around the table, and the atmosphere was a bit embarrassing.

Yue Jianli, Qin Ruyan, and Lin Langyue lowered their heads, like children who had done something wrong.

Coming out of Li Ran's room last night, I ran into Li Daoyuan one after another

At this time, the three of them were very ambitious.

That's Li Ran's father, what if they treat them like random women?

Especially Lin Langming, his head was almost falling into the bowl.

She read all the pamphlets last night.

The whole person was greatly shocked.

Those things that she couldn't even imagine were all unfolding before her eyes, constantly impacting her nerves.

The result was that there was no-eyes closed for the whole night.

Li Ran was the only one who feasted, and the chopsticks were alive, and he vaguely said: "Why don't you guys eat it?"

Li Daoyuan rubbed his eyebrows.

Your kid is really heartless!

He forced a smile and said: "Yes, everyone eat more, don't be restrained.


"Thank you, Uncle Li."

"Uncle Li, eat more too.

The three moved their chopsticks.

Qin Ruyan asked curiously: "Uncle Li, you said last night that you packed your luggage and set off. Where are you going?"

Li Daoyuan sighed, "It's nothing, I just want to go for a walk.

"Walking with luggage?"

..Well, doesn't Life have to move forward with a heavy load? "

He thought about it last night.

The Palace of Medicine Luo, Wanjian Pavilion, Hehuan Sect, Tianshu Yuan, and the Royal Family of the Sheng Dynasty almost included the top power of the vast land.

Where else can he go?

Although the vast land is big, there is nowhere to be!

Li Daoyuan hesitated for a moment and looked up at Lin Langyue, "Lin Fairy, although Ran'er is not a villain, but in other words, he is also a member of Devil Dao. Are you not afraid of Sect's punishment when you come together like this?

Lin Langyue said with a smile upon hearing the words: "Uncle may not know that Holy Son Li is very popular in the Tianshu Yuan, and now Elder and Deacon are okay and still remember him."

Li Daoyuan was stunned, "Is there anything else?"


Lin Langyue nodded and said: "He is not only my savior, but also a distinguished guest of Baiyun Peak recognized by my master. He is the first man to climb Baiyun Peak since the establishment of the Tianshu Academy."

Li Daoyuan looked at Li Ran who was eating Hesai, and he couldn't recover for a while.

No wonder this kid has no fear, and the co-author has already fixed the Tianshu Yuan?

Good guy, is it true that all the demons are taken?

He swallowed, and cautiously said, "So Dao Chang Yi will not slap the Li family flat with a slap in a rage?"

"Of course not."

Lin Langyue laughed and said, "Not only does it not, but Master has been protecting Li Holy Son."

Qin Ruyan nodded, "I can testify about this. In order to protect Li Holy Son, Master Yi shot us Sect Elder to death, and forced my master to apologize to him.

Li Daoyuan opened his mouth slightly and his face was shocked.

Let Tianshu Goddess escort?

This kid has something!

Li Ran didn't know his psychological changes, and asked, "Father, where did Qingge go? I didn't see her yesterday."

Li Daoyuan replied: "She is about to break through the Nascent Soul, and she is in the closed door training cultivation."

"Almost breakthrough?"

Li Ran knew it.

When he left last time, Xiao Qingge was already Gold Core Consummation.

With her super talent, coupled with the majestic Spiritual Qi, breakthrough Nascent Soul is indeed just around the corner.

This kind of practice speed, although not comparable to him, is already terrifying.

"Well, wait for her to make a breakthrough, and then help her consolidate the Cultivation Base.

A smirk appeared at the corner of Li Ran's mouth.

At this time, the butler walked in quickly, "Master, received a letter from the palace.

"The palace?"

Li Daoyuan took the letter, opened it and took a look, and almost bit his tongue.

I saw only one line in the letter: [Li Holy Son, can you come to the palace to play with me today? Waiting for you~]

Signed: Sheng Zhixia.

Sent with the letter, there was also a jade token with a dragon carved on it. The weather was very extraordinary.

"Doing evil!"

Li Daoyuan looked up to the sky and sighed.

Li Ran took the letter and looked at it, and couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"This princess Jiaolong is really real. Did you send the token directly? I'm not afraid of losing it."

"Fine, although I don't want to go to the palace, but I have been invited twice.

At this moment, Li Daoyuan held his hand tightly and said earnestly: "Burn'er, you can play, but you must pay attention to the scale, don't let the Li family play out!"

After breakfast, the three women went back separately.

After all, they are traveling with Sect disciples, and it is not good to stay away all night.

But Li Ran simply tidied up, and walked in the direction of the Sheng Clan's imperial palace.

As soon as he came to the gate of the palace, a eunuch hurried up to greet him.

He smiled and said, "Li Holy Son, you are here."

Li Ran was taken aback, "Do you know me?

This is the important place of the palace, is his name already so loud?

The eunuch smiled and said: "His Royal Highness greeted her specially, saying that you might come over and let the villain wait here in advance."

"That's it.

Li Ran nodded.

Unexpectedly, Sheng Zhixia's mind was quite delicate.

Then he showed the token, and after confirming that there was no problem, the eunuch bowed his waist and said, "Please."

Li Ran wondered: "You won't take me there?"

The eunuch explained: "The Jade Jiao Pavilion is an important part of the palace, and the villain is not qualified to enter. Her Royal Highness said you know how to go."

"All right.

Li Ran nodded and walked into the palace gate.

According to memory, walked all the way to the direction of the princess's bedroom.

The closer you get to the Jade Jiao Pavilion, the scarcer the men will be. In the end, you won't even be able to see a little eunuch, and all the palace ladies came and went.

They looked at Li Ran curiously, but no one came up to question him.

When passing a palace, he ran into a woman head-on.

The man was carrying a hip flask, drunk and dim-eyed, and stepped on the ground with bare feet without wearing a pair of shoes.

Li Ran frowned slightly, "Does anyone even dare to match wine during the day in this palace?"

The woman opened her eyes in a daze, and she was stunned when she saw him.

She rubbed her eyes vigorously and couldn't talk: "Are you Li Ran?!"

Li Ran was also taken aback when he heard this, "Do you know me too?"

Then he reacted, "Princess Sheng should have told you? Which concubine are you?"

There are only two princesses in the Sheng clan. Those who dare to drink here must be the harem concubines.

Who knows that the woman disdainfully smiled, "Concubine? Sheng Ye is a fart, and he deserves to be a concubine by my old lady."

The whole person froze before finishing speaking.

I saw Li Ran covering her mouth, frowning and whispering: "Small down, this is the palace! If you want to scold, you also scold in your heart, don't you want your head?"

Chu Lingchuan sobered up in an instant, a little confused for a while.

How dare this kid dare to touch her?! Spoon.

Chapter 265

Chapter 265 Chu Lingchuan's mind!

Chu Lingchuan looked at him blankly.

It stands to reason that with her strength, even if she drinks too much alcohol, she will not be touched by Li Ran.

She just couldn't believe it.

I didn't expect this guy to really dare to get started!

Li Ran didn't think so much.

How does he know who Chu Lingchuan is?

This is the imperial palace, and no movement can escape Sheng Ye's eyes.This woman scolds Sheng Ye in front of him, isn't she just looking for death?

She is dead or alive, Li Ran can't control, but he doesn't want to cause trouble.

Chu Lingchuan breathed fire in his eyes, and said angrily: "Dare to touch my old lady, do you want to die?"

Li Ran frowned.

Is this lady sick?

He took out a handkerchief and wiped his hands, and said uncomfortably, "I was so drunk, I thought I would touch you?"

Chu Lingchuan gritted his teeth, "You!

"What are you?

Li Ran coldly said, "Sixty-nine Three": "If you want to die, don't drag on others! Do you know that an unintentional remark of yours might let these palace ladies take their lives?"

In this common mundane, Sheng Ye is the sky, the ninety-five supreme.

If you dare to scold him in the palace and be heard by someone who has a heart, then you will afflict the Nine Clan!

Chu Lingchuan sneered, "The people in the Demon Cult still care about the life and death of others? After all, you are afraid of Sheng Ye!"

Li Ran shook his head, too lazy to talk nonsense with her, just about to leave from the side.

As a result, Chu Lingchuan's figure flashed and stood in front of him.

Li Ran let go again, and Chu Lingchuan blocked again.

Li Ran rubbed his eyebrows, "What do you want?"

Chu Lingchuan coldly snorted, "You have to apologize to me for touching me."


"??? "

Chu Lingchuan looked at him suspiciously.

This is the evil and maddening Devil Dao Holy Son in the rumor?

It's too easy to talk!

Li Ran didn't bother to pester her and just walked past her.

Chu Lingchuan looked at his back, his eyes flashed slightly, and followed him with his hands behind his back.

Li Ran frowned and said, "What are you doing with me?"

Chu Lingchuan hummed: "This palace is not yours. Can you control how I leave?"

"It really doesn't matter.

Li Ran glanced down, "But you are barefoot so you are not afraid of diarrhea?"


Chu Lingchuan almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood.

Can this person speak!

She gritted her teeth and said: "I'm feeling the pulse of the earth, what do you guys know!"

Li Ran laughed and said: "So you leave this to the earth to get the pulse? Does the earth know about this?'


Chu Lingchuan calmed his breath.

For some reason, a few words with this guy gave her the urge to hit someone.

"Is this definitely the apprentice of Leng Witch? The personality difference is too big!

"Dare to cover my old lady's mouth? If it weren't for his good intentions, his head would be screwed off for him!"

In fact, she mainly looks at Leng Wuyan's "Face"

Along the way, Chu Lingchuan was quietly looking at him.

Li Ran was a little hairy when she saw him, "Can you stop watching me? Haven't seen a handsome guy?"

"I haven't seen you so not wanting face."

Chu Lingchuan is actually not interested in him, but trying to find his shortcomings.

If you want to train a disciple that surpasses Li Ran, it is not realistic to rely solely on talent. After all, the sacred talent is already at the top.

Therefore, we must find another way to defeat him at the opponent's shortcomings.

"I have to say that this guy is so strong that I have never seen it before.

"The Dao body is transparent, the Spiritual Qi is full, the most important thing is that the blood is so strong, it is the top martial arts physique!"

Li Ran's roots are perfect, and she can't find any flaws for a while.

"There really is such a physique in the world? No wonder it can Dual cultivation!"

Wu Xiu and Tao Xiu are two extremes.

Dao Xiu pays attention to communication between heaven and earth, sensing heaven and secret, and controlling Dao principles with a strong state of mind.

But Wu Xiu wants to refine himself, tap the potential, and mobilize the mighty power of heaven and earth with pure martial intent.

There are no people who have dual cultivation of Taoism in this world, but most of them are all alone.

The reason is simple, not enough talent.

The early stage was okay, as long as you worked hard, you could Ascension, but when you came to the Realm behind, you were just fighting for talent.

And like Li Ran, Dao heart martial arts coexist, she has never seen it before.

To put it simply, it means to have the talents of Lin Langming and Yue Jianli at the same time, and then strengthen them several times.

"Unfortunately not my apprentice."

Chu Lingchuan muttered inwardly.

The two of them walked all the way to Yujiao Pavilion.

Li Ran stopped and turned to look at her, "Are you planning to go in with me?"

Chu Lingchuan came back to his senses, looked up and saw the plaque of Yujiao Pavilion, shook his head and smiled: "I said, why did you come to the palace, so it was for a private meeting with the princess?

Li Ran glared at her, "Have you ever seen such an upright private meeting?

After speaking, he walked in directly.

Chu Lingchuan snorted and followed in with his hands behind his back.

In the palace.

After Ling Luobao account.

Sheng Zhixia lay on Sheng Anyi's lap and muttered, "Big sis, do you think Li Holy Son will come today?"

Sheng Anyi shook her head, "Where do I know this kind of thing?"

"It should come, he promised me yesterday."

"But Lee Holy Son seems to be very busy."

"Yes, he seems to have a lot of confidantes."

The two women looked at each other and sighed softly.

Yesterday in Li's house, there were only three Tianjiao from Zhengmo Dao, and they were all the chiefs of the top Sect.

And the relationship with him is very close.

Will Li Ran still have time to find them?

Unlike Little Sister, Sheng Anyi feels a little complicated.

She wanted to meet Li Ran, but she was really shy and couldn't do it. After all, she had a "handle" in the other's hand.

"I blame Zhixia, leaving that kind of image is really necrotic!'

Sheng Anyi had a fever again on her face.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of footsteps 4.7 outside.

Sheng Zhixia frowned and said strangely: "Who?"

She has sent all the palace ladies away, who else will come in?

A male voice came from outside Bao's account, "It's me."

The two of them were taken aback when they heard it, and then joyful excitement flashed in their eyes.

It's Lee Holy Son!

They got up from the bed, packed their clothes, and walked quickly through the treasure tent.

"Li Holy Son, you are here!"

The two of them smiled brightly, but they couldn't help being stunned when they saw the woman behind Li Ran.

Sheng Zhixia was puzzled: "Is this a girl?"

Li Ran frowned, "Don't you know her?"

The two shook their heads together, "I don't know, I haven't seen it."

Li Ran turned his head and looked at her in shock, "Good fellow, are you breaking into the palace with you?".

Chapter 266

Chapter 266 Never admit defeat to Chu Lingchuan!

Li Ran looked at Chu Lingchuan suspiciously.

Dare to drink heavily in the palace and insult Sheng Ye in public.

He thought that this person is not a noble concubine, but also a relative of Sheng Ye.

As a result, the two princesses didn't know her?

"Privately breaking into the palace?"

Chu Lingchuan squeezed his smooth chin and nodded, "To be precise, I did break in."

Li Ran frowned.

The footsteps moved slightly, blocking in front of the princess without leaving a trace.

Sure enough, this woman was not quite right.

The golden light in the eyes is rippling, and the pupils of breaking delusion are opened to the extreme, but there is still no abnormality.

She didn't fluctuate in the slightest Spirit Power, she looked like an ordinary person.

But ordinary people can break into the palace and come to this palace?

Chu Lingchuan noticed his movements and said with a smile: "It seems that Li Holy Son and the princess have a good relationship. Does Sheng Ye know about this?"

Li Ran's eyes were deep, "Who are you?"

Chu Lingchuan took a sip from the hip flask and wiped the corner of 09's mouth boldly, "Guess?"

Li Ran twitched at the corner of his mouth.

"Forget it, love to say nothing, I'm not interested in knowing."

He turned to the two princesses and said, "Let's go, we don't care about her."

Although the two women were a little worried, they nodded obediently.

Chu Lingchuan was stunned for a moment, and said curiously, "Are you not worried about my wrong intentions?"

Li Ran turned his back to her, shook his head and said: "This is the palace, Sheng Ye doesn't care about you, why do I care so much?"

Wuyang Palace is Sheng Ye's nest, and it is impossible for anyone to sneak in under his nose.

This woman must be of extraordinary origin.

Although he looked like an ordinary person, it was also possible that the gap between the two was too great, which made him unable to see each other at all.

And the woman's eyes looked strange at him.

Some were amazed, some were unhappy, and some were sorry, as if they had known him before.

Instinctively told Li Ran to stay away from her.

Chu Lingchuan smiled, "Li Holy Son is different from what I imagined.

Li Ran asked: "Then what do you think I should be?"

Chu Lingchuan thought for a while, and said, "A genius like you should be arrogant and arrogant, but the result is unexpectedly rational?"

In the face of her deliberate provocation, Li Ran has always been restrained and didn't mean to do anything.

This is the right choice.

But without knowing her identity, she was a little too cautious.

Li Ran shook his head, "You think too much, I just don't bother to care about you."

Chu Lingchuan:"

Her forehead bounced with blue veins, and just about to get angry, the three of them had already turned and left.

"Like his master, he doesn't know how to chat at all!'

Thinking back to Leng Wuyan's condescending, contemptuous and looking down eyes, she felt extremely upset in her heart.

Chu Lingchuan gritted his teeth secretly, "I will definitely train a disciple who surpasses Li Ran, and let that witch look good, Wu Xiu is the strongest!"

"The first genius in Haotu? I don't believe you have no shortcomings!"

She snorted and followed up with her hands behind her back.

Luxurious carved wooden table.

A huge chessboard is spread on the table, with undulating patterns of mountains drawn on it, and the names of places and passes are also marked.

It seems to be a real map.

There are three dice next to it, as well as chess pieces made of rhino horn and ivory, carved with various patterns.

Li Ran looked at the two princesses who were very interested, and asked in doubt, "You called me into the palace specially, so that I can play chess with you?"

Sheng Zhixia nodded vigorously, "Yes, this is called Junxingqi, which is popular in the palace, everyone loves to play!"

Sheng Anyi said: "This chess cannot be played by two people. Three or four talents are the best."

Li Ran puzzled: "It's a big palace, four people can't get it together?"

Sheng Anyi said helplessly: "Cou can make it out, but they dare not take it seriously. We haven't lost a game until now."

Li Ran laughed: "Okay, anyway, I'm here, so I'll play with you. Who will tell me the rules?"

Sheng Zhixia explained to him patiently, "Throw the dice to determine the power of action, the advancement of the chess piece triggers the event, and the winner is determined according to the score."

Li Ran Didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Isn't this a flying chess?

But in comparison, this military chess is more complicated and more antagonistic. In addition to luck, it also requires cooperation and strategy.

"It seems that the entertainment life of the palace is quite rich!"

Sheng Zhixia said with regret: "Actually, the four of them are the most fun and fairest, but we can't make it together."

Before the words were finished, a voice came from the side, "Who said that I couldn't get it together? I'm counted as me!"

Several people turned their heads and saw Chu Lingchuan standing by, eager to try.

Li Ran frowned and said, "You haven't left yet? Aren't you afraid that Sheng Ye will trouble you?"

"Sheng Ye is a fart"

"Stop, stop!"

Li Ran rubbed his eyebrows, "If you are cruel, let's play together if you want."

Chu Lingchuan sat on the chair with a carefree, "I understand the rules, you just wait to be tortured and killed by me!"

A surname is Xianghou.

An angry roar sounded from the bedroom.

"Li Ran, you are so despicable, you actually did a sneak attack!"

"Wait a minute, where's my old lady's forage?

"A good one-on-one, you actually burned my food?"

"Damn it ah ah ah ah!"

693 When the last chess piece was eaten, Chu Lingchuan thumped his chest and screamed.

She stared at Li Ran bitterly, "You humble fellow, don't speak martial ethics at all!"

Li Ran confidently said: "Soldiers are not tired of deceit, and your own brains are not good enough, so don't blame the enemy for being too cunning.

"Who do you think has a bad brain?"

"Whoever loses has a bad brain."

The roots of Chu Lingchuan's angry teeth itch, and he can't wait to punch Li Ran on the ground.

"Hmph, I'm taking care of this, let's have another game!"


Li Ran hugged his shoulders, "It seems you are still not convinced."

Chu Lingchuan sneered: "It was just a release of water just now. You don't really think I can't play with you, do you?"

Li Ran nodded, "Okay, let's add some punishment next."

Chu Lingchuan waved his hand, "You can punish whatever you want, anyway, I can't lose another game!"

An hour later.

Chu Lingchuan's face was covered with paper strips, his chest was violently ups and downs, and he gasped in anger.

The paper that blows with every breath flies up and down.


Li Ran scratched his head, "It seems that there is no place to post it. Are you sure you want to play it?"

Chu Lingchuan gritted his teeth, "Why do you only beat me and not them?"

"Because you are so bullied.

"Am I him?

Chapter 267

Chapter 267 Chu Lingchuan's exciting game!

"What a broken game, it's not fun at all!"

Chu Lingchuan hugged his shoulders and sat on the chair with enthusiasm.

Li Ran suffocated a smile.

This woman is not really stupid.

It's just that her temperament is going straight, she can't turn a bit, plus the three subconscious alliances of them, there is no win at all.

He jokingly said: "I have said, if your mind is not good, don't embarrass yourself too much.


Chu Lingchuan gasped for breath, "It is said that you will fight separately, but in the end you all targeted me, you are bullying!"

Every time she said a word, the note with her breath flew up and down.

The three of them couldn't help but look at this scene.

Li Ran smiled and said, "What's the matter, I can't afford to lose?"

"Who can't afford to lose?"

Chu Lingchuan said bitterly: "It's obviously that you are cheating!"

At this time, Sheng Zhixia came out and said roundly: "Well, this time you and Li Holy Son are the first team, we are the first team, and finally look at the overall score of the team, this time should be fair, right?'

Chu Lingchuan hummed: "Since you have said so, then I will reluctantly agree."

Although she didn't want to be with Li Ran, she didn't want to be an enemy with Li Ran.

This guy is so cunning!

"This time, I must win!"

Chu Lingchuan cheered for himself in his heart.

A surname is Xianghou.

Chu Lingchuan, who was eliminated again, was motionless like a sculpture.

She looked at Li Ran blankly, her eyes full of disbelief.

"I am your teammate, why don't you tell me there are traps ahead?"

Li Ran shrugged, "This trap cannot be bypassed. If you don't step on it, I have to step on it."

"So you let me go and die?"

"Dead fellow daoist.


Chu Lingchuan wiped his fists and resisted the urge to knock his head.

Li Ran patted her on the shoulder and comforted: "Sacrifice the ego and make the greater ego, the organization will never forget you."

Chu Lingchuan gritted his teeth.

"Where did Leng Wuyan find the apprentice, this is too shameless~"!"

Although they won in the end, she was not happy at all.

There is no gaming experience at all!

Li Ran put a note on the faces of the two princesses and asked, "How about it, are you still playing?"

Chu Lingchuan rolled his eyes and slapped the table, "Play, of course you want to play! But this game is boring, let's play something else."

Li Ran curiously asked: "Then what do you want to play?"

Chu Lingchuan smiled at Mimi and said, "Let's play a little bit exciting this time."

She took out a jug of wine and put it on the table, and then picked up a white jade-like stone. "The rules are very simple. The four of us take turns to roll the dice. The person with the lowest points must answer a question from the person with the highest points. to be honest.

"If you refuse to answer, take a sip of wine.

She looked at Li Ran provocatively, "How about it, does Li Holy Son dare to play?"

Li Ran said speechlessly: "This is the excitement you said. It's too boring!"

Isn't this true or dare?

Chu Lingchuan said: "You don't understand, the simpler the more fun."

Li Ran looked at her suspiciously, "Are you sure it's not because of the complexity you don't understand?"

Chu Lingchuan was a little embarrassed, and said with no anger: "Just say you can play or not!"

Li Ran nodded, "Okay, I will convince you of your defeat today.

The two princesses also expressed no opinion.

A successful smile appeared at the corner of Chu Lingchuan's mouth.

"Let you bully me, since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!"

The game starts now.

The four people roll the dice in the order of their seats. Li Ran is the first and Chu Lingchuan is the last.

first round.

Li Ran four o'clock, Sheng Zhixia three o'clock, Sheng Anyi four o'clock, Chu Lingchuan six o'clock.

Sheng Zhixia pouted this little mouth, "I lost the first round, so bad luck."

Chu Lingchuan said triumphantly: "Are you ready to accept punishment?"

"Well, you can ask.

Sheng Zhixia nodded.

Chu Lingchuan cleared his throat and said, "Who is your favorite person in your heart? Not including your relatives."

Sheng Zhixia glanced at Li Ran subconsciously, shook her head and said, "I didn't…

"Ahem, tell the truth.


A shyness flashed through Sheng Zhixia's eyes, and she was silent for a while, took a sip from the flask.

The strong wine roared, and the blush spread quickly across the annoyance, as if coated with a light rouge.

Chu Lingchuan applauded, "Princess Sheng is so refreshing!"

Sheng Zhixia lowered her head and seemed afraid to look at Li Ran.

The game continues.

Sheng Anyi lost in the second round, and Chu Lingchuan had the highest points.

Li Ran frowned.

This person is too lucky, right?

Chu Lingchuan thought for a while and asked, "What is the most shameful thing you have ever experienced?"

Li Ran covered his face.

What are these problems!

"this problem.."

Sheng Anyi clenched her clothes, her expression was tense and shy, and she couldn't answer for a long time.

Chu Lingchuan said: "Don't blame me for not reminding you, this wine is called Luo Fanchen, but it is said that immortals will fall into the world after drinking it."

Before he finished speaking, the other party had already taken a sip from the hip flask.

Chu Lingchuan was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "Yes, when I didn't say it."

In the third round, Li Ran had very bad luck and only threw one point.

Chu Lingchuan still has the highest points.

Li Ran looked at her suspiciously, "You are not cheating anymore, are you?"

Chu Lingchuan coldly snorted: "If I have to speak with evidence, I can't be lucky if I'm lucky?"

Li Ran raised his brows.

He has been observing the other party with the pupil of the broken delusion, there is no problem with the technique, and there is no Spiritual Qi fluctuation, it does not seem to be cheating.

"Is it true that fools have stupid blessings?"

Chu Lingchuan said impatiently: "Hurry up, it's up to you to answer the question."

Li Ran nodded, "You can ask."

Chu Lingchuan looked a little serious, and said solemnly, "What is your Dao heart image?"

This is the purpose of her playing this game.

Since the opponent's roots are perfect, then we can only look for flaws in the state of mind.

Twenty-year-old breakthrough and distraction, this is an extremely exaggerated concept, even if the opponent is a genius, it is impossible to be able to take into account the mood at the same time as the Ascension Cultivation Base.

Li Ran (Wang Nuohao) puzzled: "Why are you asking this question?"

Chu Lingchuan said, "Ask what is my freedom. Of course, you can also choose to drink."

I thought to myself, anyway, if I infuse you a few more times, you will be able to recruit everything.

Li Ran said casually: "No, there is nothing shameful about this."

His voice rang loudly, resounding in the palace:

"Win the sky and cut the road, grasp Yin & Yang."

"Pillar the heavens, good fortune, and achieve the immortal and indestructible supreme true god.

"Replace Wanfa with my law, and delete it with my will instead of God's will."

"This is my Dao heart."

Chu Lingchuan heard this but frowned, "Are you saying that your image is to replace heaven and earth? What a joke?"

Before the words fell, the whole person was stunned.

I saw that Li Ran was covered with mysterious ancient seals, exuding a faint golden light, and behind it was a vast Universe Galaxy Cluster!

The breath of eternal desolation spread, and a pair of golden eyes looked at her indifferently.

"Who is kidding you?".

Chapter 268

Chapter 268 This bitch is an old man!

Chu Lingchuan's mouth opened slightly.

"what is this?"

The golden ancient seal like a tattoo exudes a mysterious and majestic atmosphere.

Swallow, refine, swallow Wanfa, immortal

It not only means to annihilate everything, but also contains vitality, the cycle of death and rebirth.

The Galaxy Cluster shines behind Li Ran, a faint halo of wine is on the body, the stars and the golden light are intertwined, and the whole person is set off like a god sitting high in the cloud.

There is really a hint of the atmosphere of the world!

The two princesses looked at him obsessively, their eyes shone with shock and worship.

"Li Holy Son is so handsome!

Chu Lingchuan frowned.

This guy did not lie, his Dao heart image is indeed to replace heaven and earth.

And this Cultivation Technique is very mysterious, even she can't fully see through it.

"This is arrogance!"

Chu Lingchuan shook his head and said, "Differentiating gods, but also want to replace heaven and earth?

Li Ran disapproved: "When I was a Gold Core, some people said that I was arrogant. After breaking the pill and becoming a baby, some people said that I was arrogant. Now that I am the youngest distraction practitioner, you still think I am too mad."

"In the following Hedao, Transcends Tribulation, and even the sermon, doubts will still be heard, but I don't care at all.

"When I sit in Shuangtian and talk about heaven and earth, doubts will no longer exist, and you 693 will only respect me like gods!"

Chu Lingchuan looked at him blankly.

Respect him like god?

She would only find it ridiculous to say this from someone else's mouth.

But the person in front of him is Li Ran.

He has done a lot of things that others seem to be impossible.

Maybe he

Can you really become a true god and change the day?


Chu Lingchuan punched him on the skull.

"It hurts!

Li Ran clutched his head and let out a painful cry, and the image of Gu Zhuan and Universe disappeared instantly.

Chu Lingchuan said in a huff: "Pretending to be coercive in front of my grandmother? He still respects you as if he respects the gods, and Tianling Gai will break it for you!

Li Ran rubbed his head, using Spirit Power to ease the pain.

"You have too much strength for your small arms and legs, right? How many bowls of rice are you eating for a meal?"


Chu Lingchuan rolled up his sleeves again.

Li Ran hurriedly stopped her, "Okay, are you still playing games?"

"Play, let's continue!"

Chu Lingchuan said bitterly: "If you don't vomit today, my old lady won't have the surname Chu!"

However, the expression in her eyes at this time has undergone a subtle change.

Although this guy has an annoying personality and can't speak, but the boldness and style in her chest are also unprecedented.

"I have to say that Leng Wuyan did find a good apprentice."

In the next few hours, Chu Lingchuan was not defeated.

No matter how the three of them roll the dice, the points will never exceed her.

In the end, Li Ran had cheated with Spirit Power, and he only threw five points, still a little less than her!

At this moment, Li Ran was convinced that he was fooled.

This bitch is an old man!

But now it's too late to say anything.

Sheng Zhixia and Sheng Anyi were already lying on the table, while Li Ran's figure was shaking, and the world in his eyes kept turning.

This wine is a bit strange.

Although the entrance is strong, it is not difficult to swallow. After a while, it makes people feel ecstatic, and it seems that even the nerves are paralyzed.

Even with Spirit Power, the alcohol cannot be forced out.

Actually, he wants to drink, mainly because Chu Lingchuan's problem is too tricky.

He blushed after hearing many questions, and he didn't know what the female hooligan said.

Li Ran pointed at her, dizzy and said: "You cheated!"

Chu Lingchuan hummed, "Don't you like sneak attacks? Didn't you say I'm stupid? See if I can't kill you!


Li Ran slapped the table angrily. Just about to stand up, the sky was spinning around in his mind, and he fell directly to the ground.

Lie down under the table and fell asleep.

"That's it?"

Chu Lingchuan shook his head and smiled.

He took out his own hip flask, raised his head and took a sip.

"A mere mortal dust can drink you like this, then you drink my old lady's ajeh, don't you even know the last name?"

Having said that, the look in his eyes is somewhat admiring.

Luofanchen is a famous immortal brew.

Even if you use Spirit Power, you can't get rid of alcohol. Even if Transcends Tribulation Realm comes, it's estimated that you can't drink more than ten cups.

The two princesses drank two sips each, and they were already unconscious.

And Li Ran drank more than twenty sips before he completely lost consciousness. He was already drinking astonishingly.

"When he arrives at Transcends Tribulation, and even Zhengdi, maybe he can really drink with me."

The jug in Chu Lingchuan's hands is named Liuxia, which can absorb the Spiritual Qi of the heavens and the earth, and produce immortal brews continuously.

And the fairy wine in this pot, even if she drank it, was a bit drunk, and the other emperors didn't even dare to touch it.

This is why she has been drinking alone.

Drinking friends are hard to find!

"Although I didn't find any flaws this time, I still have a chance in the future. I was the first day in the world? I really don't believe in evil!"

Chu Lingchuan got up and went out.

Halfway through, he stopped and stood there for a while, then turned around and picked up the three of them easily.

Passed through the Ling Luo treasure tent and threw them on the bed.

Seeing that strange sleeping posture, Chu Lingchuan shook his head and sighed.

"Sure enough, my shortcoming is too kind."

She shook her head and walked out of the palace with her hands behind her back.

Qianyuan Palace.

Sheng Ye looked at the man in black in front of him, frowning and said: "Ji Chenyuan really didn't say anything?"

The man in black shook his head, "Nothing said."

Sheng Ye frowned deeper.

He asked people to send a letter to Ji Shenyuan and ordered the other party not to do anything in the imperial city.

With Ji Chenyuan's character, he would definitely agree, but he shouldn't be so calm.

After all, it was his nephew.

"Your Majesty, do you want to warn him again?" the man in black asked.

"No need.

Sheng Ye shook his head, "He should know in his heart, Leng Wuyan is not something he can afford."

After speaking, he rubbed his brows helplessly.

Too much trouble recently.

The Immortal Climbing Conference is just around the corner, there is a mixture of fish and dragons in the city, and there is a Holy Son who likes to make trouble, not to mention, there is another unreasonable sword head in the palace.

"I don't know if Chu Lingchuan demolished my palace.

Sheng Ye's mind moved, Divine Sense covered the princess's bedroom, his eyes were instantly rounded, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

"Li Ran, he, he dare"

Under the shocking gaze of the man in black, Sheng Ye stood up and roared: "Deng disciple, you really have eaten the courage of the bear heart and leopard!"

As soon as the voice fell, Divine Sense was cut off, and Chu Lingchuan's lazy voice sounded in his ears:

"Don't forget, I still live here, and if I dare to use Divine Sense indiscriminately, my head will be screwed off for you!'

Sheng Ye:

Chapter 269

Chapter 269 Serious consequences of being drunk!

I do not know how long it has been.

Li Ran opened his eyes in a daze.

He had a strange dream.

In the dream, he held Leng Wuyan with his left hand and Yi Qinglan with his right hand.

The two of them are cute little cats in his arms, and sweetly call themselves "Burning Big Brother"

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and Chu Lingchuan shouted outside the door: "Adverse disciples, come out and drink with the old lady-wine!"

He was still wondering when he became her apprentice, and then the two masters rose into the air, drew out the black and white swords, and chased her for a mess.

Then he woke up.

My head was muddled, what happened before I fell asleep?

I vaguely remembered that I played a game with that silly lady, but I never won it once. I drank more than 20 sips, and then became unconscious.

"By the way, she's riding a horse!"

Li Ran came back to his senses, angrily wanted to go to her for the theory, but found that his arms were a little heavy.

Turning his head suspiciously, the whole person was stunned.

I saw myself lying on the luxurious bed, surrounded by light pink light gauze tents, and the air was full of refreshing fragrance.

A girl is lying on her left.

The pretty face is white and exquisite, as if it is a work of art, without any blemishes, there is a touch of red on her cheeks, and the blurred drunken state makes her more moving.

It is the height of Zhixia.

Her head was resting on Li Ran's arm, her bright yellow Jiao robe was a little messy, and her white and slender jade legs pressed against him.

Li Ran turned his head stiffly.

The same is true on the right.

The same girl, the same cheek, the same posture.

He swallowed, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"This should be a dream, right? Well, it must be a dream. It seems that Jiu Jin is really big."


At this moment, Sheng Anyi rubbed her body and opened her dim eyes.

Li Ran hurriedly closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

Sheng Anyi looked at him blankly, and then smirked: "I didn't expect to wake up from a dream or a dream. I met again, Li Holy Son.

She smiled and stretched out her delicate hand, squeezing Li Ran's face.

"Hey, it feels so real, huh?"

She noticed something, her body instantly stiffened and her face flushed rapidly.

The air quieted down.

This makes Li Ran who pretend to sleep a little nervous.

But then it was beyond his expectation.

After confirming that he was not awake, Sheng Anyi didn't get up and leave, and screamed in panic. Instead, she blushed and lay back in his arms.

The mouth is still biting softly, "Anyway, I drank too much, I don't know anything.

Li Ran: ""

Just when he was considering whether to wake up, Sheng Zhixia woke up first.

She sat up, stretched her waist comfortably, and just opened her eyes, she was stunned by the scene in front of her.

"Lee Holy Son?"

"Big sis?"

Sheng Zhixia covered her mouth, her heart beat wildly, and the blush spread from her cheeks to the base of her ears.

She squeezed her cheek hard, but Bi Ya grinned in pain, making sure it was not a dream.

Looking at the two people in "Sound Sleeping", a pair of bright eyes were full of shyness.

The three of them actually slept together?

This is too ridiculous!

Sheng Zhixia hesitated for a moment, and then lay back slowly.

Nestled sideways in Li Ran's arms, he looked at his handsome profile idiotically.

The cheeks are fair but masculine, the skin is so delicate that you can't even see the pores, but the outline is as tough as a knife.

With my eyes closed at this time, it is not as sharp as usual, and it feels a little more cordial.

Her eyes swept across the clear-lined Adam's apple, and her face suddenly became redder.

"Lee Holy Son"

An inexplicable impulse suddenly surged in my heart.

She closed her eyes fascinatingly, pursed her lips, and leaned towards Li Ran's face.


After I posted it, I felt something was wrong.

I opened my eyes and found that I was chewing on the back of Sheng Anyi's hand!

"? ?? "

Sheng Zhixia raised her head and saw Big Sis staring at her shyly.

"Little Sister, what are you doing!


Sheng Zhixia stammered: "Sister, it turns out you, you are pretending to sleep!"

A shyness flashed across Sheng Anyi's eyes, and she hummed, "If I pretend to be asleep, wouldn't you really kiss me?"

"Who kissed?"

Sheng Zhixia defended: "I just want to wake up Li Holy Son.

Sheng Anyi hummed: "Who are you lie to! I need to get so close to wake up? And so hard, it sucks the back of my hand red!"


Sheng Zhixia was ashamed and indignant.

Sheng Anyi's eyes are a bit complicated.

She knew how Little Sister felt about Li Ran. In theory, she shouldn't stop the other party, but just now, for some reason, she just couldn't control her own hand.

There was a sour and strange feeling in my heart, and I seemed to be reluctant to see this scene.

0...Look for flowers...…

Listening to the low-pitched arguing between the two, Li Ran felt a little confused.


Should he wake up now, or should he continue lying down?

How can it feel more embarrassing to wake up?

Forget it, don't worry, go on sleeping.

However, if this matter is discovered by Sheng Ye, it is estimated that he will fight hard with himself.

The remaining wine rushed up, he just thought about it, and fell asleep deeply.


Sheng Zhixia's index finger was placed on her lips, "Big sis, be quiet, don't wake up Li Holy Son."

Sheng Anyi nodded and asked in a low voice: "Then shall we get up now or continue to lie down?"

Sheng Zhixia also hesitated.

To be honest, she still wanted to lie down in Li Ran's arms for a while.

But when I think that Big sis is still around, there is an indescribable sense of shame.

At this moment, Li Ran stretched out his hand in a daze, and pulled both of them into his arms.

The eyes of the two women widened in an instant, and their hearts were about to jump out!

After confirming that he was not awake, he slowly relieved his heart.

Sheng Zhixia blushed and whispered: "Big sis, shall we sleep for a while?"

Sheng Anyi let out a nasal "um", obviously shy to the extreme.

After a while.

"Little Sister, where do you put your hand!"

"Sister, I haven't moved my hand."


Outside the palace.

Sheng Ye looked at Chu Lingchuan in front of him, frowning and said, "Chu Jianshou, what do you mean?"

Chu Lingchuan was sitting on the rocking chair, swaying "crunchy".

"What does Sheng Huang want to do?"

Sheng Ye said solemnly: "This is my palace. What do I need to report to you?"

Chu Lingchuan shook his head, "But now this is my private room, I hope you can stay away from here."

Sheng Ye's face became more and more gloomy, and the suppressed dark clouds were condensing over the palace.

"Chu Lingchuan, I just give you a face, are you really afraid of you?!"

The black armored guards behind him drew out their swords, and the atmosphere was extremely severe for a while!

Chu Lingchuan sneered, "Dare to draw a sword in front of me?"


The sword seemed to be alive, struggling to get out, and put it directly on the necks of the guards.

The next second will make their heads roll off!

Chapter 270

Chapter 270 This damn muscle memory!

Looking at the woman in front of him, Sheng Ye's eyes started slightly.

The head of ten thousand swords, Chu Lingchuan.

Unlike the well-known Chen Yundao, Chu Lingchuanchuan acted very low-key, and there were so few rumors in the vast land that even many people did not know her existence.

People only know that there is a mysterious female emperor in Wanjian Pavilion, but few people know her appearance, name, and deeds.

If you really want to talk about the fame of the ordinary, it may not be as big as Yue Jianli.

But Sheng Ye knew in his heart that this woman was not low-key at all, but too lazy!

Even Sect's affairs are cumbersome in her eyes. She drank on Yunjian Island every day, and gradually faded out of people's sight.

For her, there are only two interesting things in the world.

One is drinking.

The other is drinking while fighting.

In the original golden age, Chu Lingchuan made a bold statement saying that he wanted to pick the emperor all over the world, and he did so.

From Yin Shidao to "Six Nine Three" in the killing prison, and then to Wuwang Temple and Shinto Palace, she beat them one by one.

Although they are all point-to-point, no outcome is determined.

But after that, all the powers she challenged were closed in Closed Door Training.

That year, Sheng Ye was also forced to play against her.

She only used a weed to cut off the surging cold river!

The river flows backwards, and the turbid waves are empty!

That scene is still fresh in Sheng Ye's memory.

It wasn't until Leng Wuyan cut the mountain gate thousands of miles away that Chu Lingchuan became honest, and rarely set foot in Middle-earth.

This is an alcoholic and violent mania!

As a last resort, Sheng Ye absolutely didn't want to be an enemy of her.

"Chu Lingchuan, what do you mean? Planning to do it in Wuyang Palace?" Sheng Ye's voice was low.

Chu Lingchuan shook his head, "Obviously you led people to surround this place, trying to bully me a weak woman with more people and fewer people."

Sheng Ye almost spat out old blood.

Weak woman?

Do you also match?

He endured his anger and said: "You trespass into the palace without permission, so I won't care about you. Now that I'm going to the palace, do you dare to block it?"

Chu Lingchuan chuckled lightly and said, "Anyone? If I'm not in the palace, that's what you worry about the most, right?"

Sheng Ye fell silent upon hearing this.

The emperor level can enter this imperial city, even if it does nothing, it will be a huge threat.

If Chu Lingchuan dangles in the city, Sheng Ye will probably be worried all day long.

But when the other party was in the palace, he was the most assured.

Both of them knew this in their hearts.

Although Chu Lingchuan didn't know how to work around, he was not a fool.

She said casually: "Since Emperor Sheng doesn't welcome me, should I go out and go around? But if someone provokes me, I won't keep my hands, I'm afraid this Wuyang city will tsk.

Sheng Ye said solemnly: "Are you threatening me?"

Chu Lingchuan nodded, "You can understand this."

Sheng Ye rubbed his eyebrows and said helplessly, "What do you want?

Chu Lingchuan said: "If you want me to stay here, stay away from here, and don't scan around with Divine Sense. I don't want to see men here, especially you.

Sheng Ye was furious.

Co-author Li Ran is not a man anymore?

He shook his head and said, "I just want to go in and find the two princesses, and Li Ran.

Thinking of this, his chest was ups and downs, gritted his teeth angrily.

Although their clothes are well dressed, what is the proper way for the three of them to lie on the same bed?

But there are guards behind him, which is not easy to say clearly.

Chu Lingchuan smiled and said, "It's okay, don't worry, I will help you look at him."


Sheng Ye expressed doubts.

Chu Lingchuan said casually: "Don't worry, they just drank my fairy wine, and nothing really happened.

After speaking, he whispered, "It's obviously my own daughter who posted upside down, can I still blame others?"

Sheng Ye's forehead bounced with blue veins, "What did you say?!"

Chu Lingchuan waved his hand, "Don't send it."

After speaking, he stood up and swaggered into the palace.

She actually doesn't want to protect Li Ran, but she hasn't found the other party's flaws yet and needs to continue to observe.

But Sheng Ye didn't know this.

Looking at her back, her face was uncertain.

"What is the relationship between Chu Lingchuan and Li Ran?"

"Why are these emperor-level female cultivators all entangled with him?!

At this time, the guard leader behind him asked: "Your Majesty, are we still going in?"


Sheng Ye cleared his throat, "I remember that there are still some setbacks and no approval, so let's go back to Qianyuan Palace first."


The guards responded.

As soon as the words came out, the sword hovering around the neck seemed to be conscious, hovering in a circle and inserting it back into the scabbard.

"It's better for Li Ran to be honest with Lian, otherwise hum!"

Sheng Ye strode away with his hands behind his back.


Branches on the moon.

Jade Jiao Pavilion.

Li Ran felt itchy on his face and opened his eyes in a daze.

I saw Sheng Zhixia lying next to him, flicking his cheek with a pinch of hair, smiling in his curved eyes.

Seeing him open his eyes, he suddenly panicked.

Avoiding like a bunny, blushing, he said, "Li, Li Holy Son, you are awake."


Li Ran sat up and moved his neck.

I slept very comfortably.

Although the spirit of the wine is great, it contains the essence of Spiritual Qi. Now it is completely absorbed by the body, and the whole body is warm and comfortable.

Even Spirit Power has increased a little.

He looked at the nervous Sheng Zhixia, scratching his head awkwardly, "Ahem, this is actually an accident."

Sheng Zhixia nodded shyly and said, "Well, my palace knows."

This has nothing to do with Li Ran.

They drank too much because they played games, and it was their own decision to continue lying next to him.

Li Ran thought of something, and looked around, "Hey, where's Princess Jinyun?"

"This palace is here"

A muffled sound came from the quilt.

Sheng Anyi's small head slowly came out, her pretty face flushed and her hair was scattered.

His eyes were flustered and shy, and he didn't dare to look at him.

I don't know what Li Holy Son has dreamed of. Her hands are not honest at all, and the technique is fast and sharp, she can't stand it at all.

Even the strength to get up and escape was lost

Li Ran glanced down.

I was relieved to see that my clothes were well dressed.

It seems that nothing substantive has happened 4.7.

"Although he fell drunk in Gentle Township, he still defended himself like jade.

"It is said that the wine meets the character, it seems that I am really upright!"

"As expected of you, Li Holy Son!"

He gave himself a compliment in his heart.

Li Ran stood up and stretched hard.

Looking at Sheng Anyi, who was still motionless in the quilt, she wondered: "Princess Jinyun won't get up yet?"

Sheng Anyi blushed and screamed: "Thank you, Li Holy Son, to avoid it. I and my palace must put on clothes first."

Li Ran was taken aback, "Huh? Wearing clothes?"

Sheng Anyi tilted her head and whispered: "Li Holy Son may not remember. You didn't move much at first, but suddenly later, and the speed of your hand is too fast, I can't stop it at all."

Li Ran covered his face.

This damn muscle memory!.