
I really don't want to fall in love with my master

This novel is specifically designed for my one so I don't care about anything

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
50 Chs

251 to 260

The restaurant became quiet.

All eyes looked at the door.

I saw a man and a woman walk in slowly.

The man is tall and straight, with a lazy look on his handsome cheeks, while the woman's flattering attitude follows him timidly.

After seeing the man's appearance, everyone took a breath and let out a depressed whisper.

"It's Li Ran!"

"This demon is here too?"

"He is the one who came to the conference in Youluo Palace this year?!"

"This demon loves hitting women the most. He once knocked Lin Langyue on the ground!"

"Yes, I also used the pseudonym Ji Er Bangying, it is said that he is Ji Xingyun's distant cousin!"

"Chief Yue is going to suffer!"


The practitioners' hearts tightened.

Although Li Ran has no notoriety, he is extremely perverse and does not play cards according to the routine.

The most important thing is that it is notoriously disgusting against the right way!

A Ji Xingyun is already difficult enough, now there is another super demon

This time Yue Jianli is really unlucky!

"How about Xiao Er? Still not coming out to pick up guests?"

Li Ran yelled impatiently, but no one agreed for a long time.

At this time, Ah Qin pulled his 09 sleeves and whispered: "My lord, there seems to be a fight over there."


Li Ran looked up and saw that two people were facing each other not far away, and one of them was a chick in a blue shirt, isn't it Yue Jianli?

"Li Ran!"

Yue Jianli looked at him blankly, his eyes full of surprise and tenderness.

His footsteps moved slightly, and he wanted to jump into his arms, but realized that there were people around him watching, so he could barely restrain himself.

After all, there is a difference between the two of Zhengma, and they still have to keep a distance in front of outsiders.

The corner of Li Ran's mouth raised slightly and blinked at her.

I didn't expect to meet her here again.

Noting the murderous Yu Rui on the opposite side, his eyes narrowed slightly and he walked over with Ah Qin.

"No wonder no one picks up the guests, it seems quite lively?"

Ji Xingyun stood up with a smile on his face and said, "This should be Li Holy Son, isn't it? Ji Xingyun has long looked up to his name, in the lower corpse road.

The man in front of him has risen to fame, not only Devil Dao Holy Son, but also the youngest distraction in the land!

Don't dare to offend, you can't afford to offend!

Li Ran nodded, "It turned out to be Chief Ji.

Seeing that his attitude was good, Ji Xingyun finally fell to the ground.

It is said that this Li Holy Son has a perverted personality, and no one can tell his temper. Now he looks pretty easy to get along with.

Li Ran glanced at Yu Rui and asked, "What is Chief Ji doing?

Ji Xingyun said with a smile: "It's nothing, Yue Jianli is related to the death of my sect Deacon, I just came over to ask for an explanation."

Li Ran asked, "Oh? What does Chief Ji want?"

Ji Xingyun glanced at Yue Jianli and sneered: "If you owe debts in exchange for money, murder and pay for life, it is naturally worth a life! As long as Chief Yue surrenders the murderer, you can naturally leave, but if you can't hand it over, huh!"

Yu Ye is just a deacon, and he will die if he dies. Ji Xingyun is not interested in asking for justice.

This is just his excuse!

Cultivation Technique is gloomy, and the way of corpse puppets will backlash itself, so there are very few disciples recruited every year.

That's why he picked this knot to make trouble, that is, stepping on Yue Jianli and showing his face in the Dengxian Conference!

"It turned out to be so."

Li Ran nodded, but his eyes were as cold as iron.

At this time, Yu Rui asked sternly: "Yue Jianli, who on earth killed my brother Yu Ye? Hand over the man, I will spare you not to die!"

"Yu Ye?"

Li Ran froze for a moment, then smiled brightly, "I know this person well."

Ji Xingyun wondered: "Li Holy Son still knows my deacon?"

"Knowing, of course knowing."

Li Ran smiled and said, "Because I killed it myself."

The restaurant was silent for a moment.

Yu Rui slowly turned around and looked at him blankly.

Ji Xingyun frowned slightly, shook his head and said: "Li Holy Son, don't be joking."

"Who is kidding you?"

Li Ran raised his hand, the black mist gushing out from his hand, whistling and rolling in his hand.

Yu Rui's eyes instantly turned red.

This is his Little Brother's soul-eater black mist, how could he not recognize it?

"Li Ran, you really killed my brother!

Yu Rui took a step forward suddenly, his black robe swelled, the corpse energy spread, and it quickly condensed into a gray puppet!

The appearance of the net fierce is extremely terrifying!

Ji Xingyun's pupils shrank, "Yu Rui, stop!"

That's Li Ran, he can't move easily!

But Yu Rui couldn't listen anymore.

He doesn't care about Devil Dao Holy Son, he just wants to avenge Little Brother!


He threw himself at Li Ran, his black robe screamed while hunting, and at the same time the corpse puppet moved in response, sealing the retreat with gusts of gloomy wind.

Li Ran was sitting there, with a gloomy light in his eyes and a playful smile on his face.

Yu Rui's heart jumped suddenly, he noticed the abnormality, and wanted to roll over and retreat.

But it was too late.

"Forbid Samsara.

The soul chain appeared out of thin air, and instantly tied him firmly, not only the physical body, even the soul can't be separated!

The majestic soul power escaped, condensed into a sword on Li Ran's head, exuding a faint divine light.


A sword from outside the sky slashed on him brazenly!

Yu Rui looked like a sculpture, standing still, his eyes blank.

And Hun and Po are already held by Li Ran!

"This, how is this possible?!"

Yu Rui's translucent face was horrified!

The other party is obviously only distracted in the early stage, why is it that he has such a terrifying soul power and can still use the soul to attack?!

Li Ran smiled coldly, "When you Little Brother died, you had the same expression as 693.

"Wait "

Yu Rui hadn't finished speaking, the soul was submerged in the black mist, and disappeared in a burst of harsh wailing.

At the same time, his physical body began to quickly collapse, completely annihilated and turned into fly ashes under the eyes of everyone!

There was a dead silence in the restaurant.

Everyone stared at this scene blankly, with shock and disbelief in their eyes.

But in the blink of an eye, Yu Rui died like this?

That is the pinnacle of distraction, can't even use a trick?

This is too exaggerated!

Yue Jianli looked at Li Ran, Qiong's nose wrinkled slightly, and his eyes were smiling brightly.

"This bad guy is stronger than before. Well, he seems to be more handsome too!"

Ji Xingyun's throat tightened, and he couldn't recover for a long time.

Just now the two of them talked and laughed, how come they were beaten to death all of a sudden?

And Yu Rui, who was distracted at the peak, was actually distracted by Li Ran from the early stage!

His head was clouded.

"Li Holy Son, this"

Li Ran smiled and said, "Chief Ji is not going to care about me asking for a statement?"

Ji Xingyun's head shook into a rattle, "No, no more!"

Just kidding, the strongest combat power is dead, how can he dare to say anything?

Li Ran shook his head and said solemnly: "Murder pays his life, debts are repaid, Chief Ji must seek justice for own's subordinates.

Ji Xingyun wanted to cry without tears.

"Dage, really don't need it!"".

Please, I Really Didn't Want To Fall in Love With My Master! Chapter 252 Online

Chapter 252

Chapter 252 Win bragging, lose reason?

Yu Rui, who was still surging with corpse qi just now, had been completely annihilated at this time, and only a tattered black robe remained on the ground.

Ji Xingyun couldn't recover for a while.

Yu Rui was specially selected by him.

The pinnacle of distraction is a very subtle Realm.

It can stabilize and stabilize the Gold Core Nascent Soul, and it will not attract the attention of the Sheng clan because the Realm is too high.

Coupled with the relationship between Yu Rui and Yu Ye, even if Yue Jianli was severely injured, the Yin Corpse Dao could be completely blamed on personal grievances.

The big deal is to sell Yu Rui!

As long as you can step on the Ten Thousand Sword Pavilion, then in the next Climbing Immortal Conference, the corpse road will be able to show your face well.

As a result, Yu Rui died before the conference started!

Still died in the hands of Devil Dao

Ji Xingyun looked at Li Ran with a smile on his face, and there was a cool breeze on his back.

As expected, this Heavenly Demon has a perverted personality, and cannot be judged by common sense at all!

At this time, Li Ran asked: "Chief Ji, are you sure you won't be fair to him? It's your deacon who died."

Ji Xingyun shook his head decisively, Shan said with a smile: "What Li Holy Son said, it is obvious that Yu Rui took the initiative to attack you, and you are just a legitimate defense, he is more than guilty!"

The practitioners on the second floor covered their faces, and even the corpse road deacon bowed their heads in shame.

This Chief Ji is too thick-skinned, right?

The attitude towards Yue Jianli just now was different!

If you win, you will brag, and if you lose, you will be reasonable?

Ji Xingyun's expression was also a bit ugly as he listened to the people around him.

But there is no way. The situation cannot be controlled by others.

If Face is gone, you can earn it back, but if you lose your life, everything is over!

Li Ran laughed and said: "Chief Ji is really a smart person.

"Lee Holy Son praised.

Ji Xingyun smiled and said: "Since it was all a misunderstanding just now, then we won't bother and retire first."

He said that he was ready to take people away.

At this time, I wanted to hear a faint voice behind me, "Did I let you go~"?"

Ji Xingyun's body instantly stiffened, and slowly turned around, only to see the golden flames of the opponent's fingertips beating, which contained the power of terrifying burst.

"Li Holy Son, what do you mean?" Ji Xingyun said quietly.

Li Ran said lightly: "The corpse road deacon in the wild, forcibly refining the corpse puppets, triggering a riot of a hundred thousand mountain beasts

Chief Ji is not going to give me an explanation about this matter?"

The restaurant was quiet for a moment, and then the pot exploded in an instant!


"The tide of beasts is actually related to the corpse road?"

"I heard it right!"

"This is the enemy of the vast land!"

"Fake? The corpse road is not a fool!"

Ji Xingyun's scalp numb.

Why did the other party bring up this matter?

For this matter, Sheng Ye also personally approached Ji Shenyuan.

After all, Yu Ye and the corpse puppet were annihilated, and there was not enough evidence to prove that it was related to the Yin Corpse Dao.

But even so, Sect still paid a lot of money to put the matter down completely.

Except for him and a few Elders, even the disciples of this sect didn't know about this!

Why did Li Ran mention it again?

"Li Holy Son, rice can be eaten at random, but you can't talk nonsense! This matter takes the whole Sect, and you have to show evidence!" Ji Xingyun said solemnly.

In any case, this matter must not be recognized!

Li Ran grinned, "Chief Ji joked. When did Li Ran tell me the evidence?"

Ji Xingyun: "Huh?"

Before he could react, he saw the golden flame in the opponent's hand explode, instantly condensing into a big flame hand, and slapped him brazenly!

"Li Ran!!"

Ji Xingyun was frightened and angry.

He figured it out now.

This person didn't want to say anything at all, he was just looking for excuses to shoot him!

He dodged and slapped his palms on the ground, and the entire lobby was plunged into flames!

Ji Xingyun's black robe swelled, and the strong corpse aura spread and quickly condensed into a huge monster corpse.

It looks like an eagle with huge horns, and its body is made up of gray corpses. Its cry is as terrifying as a baby crying!

Demon puppet, fully carved!


The Gu eagle spreads its wings, its huge wingspan covers the sky and the sun, and its momentum is extremely terrifying!

As a result, it was about to pounce on Li Ran, when the neck was strangled by the flames.

The boundless flames exploded, and the surging Sacred Flame of Burning Heaven spread rapidly, the corpse Qi was like snow under the blazing sun, and it was burned out visible to the naked eye!

"Different fire, this is the fire of burning Heavenly Emperor!

Ji Xingyun looked shocked, took two steps towards the retreated, waved his hand: "Quickly, stop him for me!"

The corpse road deacons moved in response.

As a result, I just took a step, the dazzling light flashed in front of my eyes, and a huge gully appeared on the ground!

Yue Jianli Pian Ruo was shocked, stopped in front of them, and said sharply: "Leave them all behind!"


The deacons of Wanjian Pavilion drew their swords one after another, and fought with the people of Yin Corpse Dao!

When Ji Xingyun saw that it was not good, he immediately wanted to bugger.

As a result, he had just turned around, and a tall figure had been in front of him.

Li Ran has a cold smile and a strong voice,

The strong murderous aura does not hide at all!

Ji Xingyun fought in two battles, hissing: "You can't move me! My uncle is the emperor-level great power Ji Chenyuan, he won't let you go!"


Li Ran looked disdainful.

Who are you scaring?

My wife is still an emperor, and there are still two!

Li Ran didn't say a word, the light in his hand was shining, and the lonely evil demon sword fell into the heart of the hall, and slammed at the other party!

The devilish energy collided with the corpse, and there was a loud explosion in the air!

Boom boom boom!

The whole restaurant is crumbling!

Two Zhengmos hid upstairs shivering.

Kill someone if they don't agree?

This is too scary!

| Chief Ji, don't rush away, you haven't given me what I want. "

Zuifeng Tower is located in a prosperous area. The noise here caused countless lights. A large number of practitioners gathered outside the restaurant, looking inside.

(Wang Nuo good) Soon even the Imperial City Guards were attracted.

"Someone is making trouble!"

A group of guards in gold and armor separated the crowd and rushed into the restaurant.

The headed strong man said angrily: "Who dares to go wild in Wuyang City, cough cough cough, Li, Li Holy Son?!

I saw a mess in the restaurant, and everyone in the corpse road had fallen into a pool of blood.

Li Ran carried the bloody Ji Xingyun in his hand, frowning to look at him, "What's wrong with you?"


The burly man looked at Li Ran, who was unhappy, and then at Ji Xingyun, who was half-dead, his scalp was slightly numb.

What should I do?

This is really a fight between gods, delete it!

He cleared his throat and said cautiously: "Li Holy Son, in the imperial city, you cannot use force at will


Before he finished speaking, Li Ran picked up the demon sword Guxie and plunged it directly!

The guards were shocked!

Chapter 253

Chapter 253 Are you fighting again? I hope Chief Yue is okay

There was a dead silence in the restaurant.

The practitioners and the guards' eyes rolled round and looked at the scene in amazement.

Ji Xingyun died like this?

That was the chief of the Yin Corpse Dao, who was actually slaughtered in a single encounter?

This is too unreasonable!

But Li Ran frowned slightly.

The magic sword felt wrong as soon as it was inserted. It didn't feel like piercing into the flesh and blood, but it seemed to hit a dead tree.

Guxie couldn't absorb any energy either.

He looked at "Ji Xingyun" on the ground, his wrist shook, his clothes burst instantly, revealing his true body.

It wasn't Ji Xingyun at all, but a dry corpse with a completely different face and exactly the same breath.

Li Ran twitched at the corner of his mouth, "The corpse disintegrated? This guy responded very quickly."

The corpse path is mysterious and mysterious, and Ji Xingyun is the chief of the clan, how can it be so easy to kill?

"Want to run?"

Li Ran sank into the Dantian villain, and his perception was instantly magnified several times. Together with the powerful spirit, it instantly enveloped the entire Wuyang City.

In addition to the imperial palace, there are several forbidden places, which made him jump and unconscious.

There is no sign of Ji Xingyun anywhere else.

He continued to zoom in on Divine Sense and swept outside the city, finally finding the other party five hundred miles south of the city.

"It's so fast! But no matter how fast you are, can you still have an idea?,

Li Ran Dantian Zhongyun 693 was misty and misty, a cloud of soul power was decomposed and quickly replenished into the sea of ​​knowledge.

At the same time, an invisible divine sword slowly condensed on top of his head.

Five hundred miles south of the city.

Ji Xingyun was covered in blood, and ran forward with pace.

The autopsy combined with the burning blood escape method allowed him to escape a fatal blow and escaped hundreds of miles in a flash.

Even so, he dared not stop.

Li Ran is too strong!

It is hundreds of times stronger than the rumors, and compared with other so-called Tianjiao, it is not a level at all!

To be the heirs of the top Sect are rare geniuses in the world.

But who can step into distraction at the age of twenty?

Who can kill the peak of Distraction in the early stage of Distraction?

Li Ran has far exceeded the definition of genius.

Ji Xingyun was extremely depressed.

Not only was the accompanying deacon all dead, but he was also seriously injured.

This autopsy Dafa consumes a lot of money, and coupled with forcibly burning blood to escape, he has already hurt his origin.

"Daddy didn't mess with him, why did he suddenly kill him?"

He was puzzled.

I never thought that Yue Jianli was Li Ran's woman

Ji Xingyun's eyes were gloomy, "I really thought that I could do whatever I wanted with Leng Wuyan? Who hasn't gotten a backer! This time, I must ask my uncle to seek justice for me!" (ajeh)

He forcibly mentioned Spirit Power, flew forward for a few miles, and finally came to the base of the corpse road.

After seeing Ji Xingyun, the goalkeeper disciples were dumbfounded.

How does this bloody, miserable man look like Chief Ji?

"Ji, Chief Ji?"

"It's Chief Ji! What's wrong with you?"

Ji Xingyun gasped, "Stop screaming, don't hurry up and help daddy in

Before he finished speaking, a divine light from outside the sky, wrapped in lavender thunder, hit his back directly!


Ji Xingyun spouted blood, rolled his eyes, and fell to the ground with a "puff".

The whole life is dead.

Disciples froze for a moment, and then there was a burst of exclamation!

"Chief Ji!"

In the restaurant.

Li Ran shook his head and sighed.

"The distance is too far, the power of forbidden Samsara is weakened a lot, and I don't know if it can be killed.'

"But even if he doesn't die, it's enough for him to drink a pot."

"The woman who dares to mess with daddy is really tired of life!"

He opened his eyes muttering and found that everyone was looking at him blankly.

Especially the practitioners on the second floor were shocked and shocked.

The guard leader swallowed because of saliva and trembled: "Li Holy Son, what are you?"


Li Ran said indifferently: "I just came over to have a meal, but everyone in the corpse road suddenly got into trouble, but I succeeded in fighting back. Ji Xingyun has escaped in fear of crime."

The corners of everyone's mouth twitched on the second floor.

Boy, do you believe this?

Also succeeded in anti-kill

It is clear that you are unreasonable, and when you come up, you will hit people on the ground!

Had it not been for Ji Xingyun to run fast, I am afraid that now his life is gone!

The guard leader looked convinced, and asked with concern: "So it's like this! Then, are you all right, Li Holy Son?"

Li Ran shook his head, "Good luck, fortunately not injured."

"That's good."

The guard leader breathed a sigh of relief.

"But you might not be so lucky next time.

Li Ran patted the other party on the shoulder, "Wuyang City's public security needs to be well managed. I am a well-kept and self-sacrificing citizen who would have to worry about eating a meal. If it weren't for good luck today, I would almost die here.

The corner of the team leader's mouth twitched.

If you are a good citizen, there will be no thugs in this vast land!

You almost died here, are you talking about Ji Xingyun?

I'm really blind!

But he didn't dare to refute, and nodded repeatedly: "The lesson of Li Holy Son is that we will definitely redouble our efforts to protect the security of the imperial city."

"Yes, I have a very high level of consciousness.

Li Ran nodded in satisfaction.

The leader smirked and finally fell to the ground in his heart.

Does he dare not realize it?

This person even dared to kill Ji Xingyun, is he a small leader?

Even if Li Ran cut him off, he couldn't even turn over a splash in this imperial city!

Next, the guards entered the restaurant and dragged all the corpses out on the ground.

The restaurant was finally clean again.

Everyone looked at the mess on the ground, and they still couldn't recover.

"Is this Heavenly Demon?"

"Sure enough, as in the rumors, the strength is superb, and the personality is arrogant!"

"Why did he kill Ji Xingyun?"

"I don't know, we dare not ask!"

"How do I feel, Li Ran is giving Yue Jianli his head?"

"I also have this feeling!"

They all have some doubts.

Mingming Yue Jianli admitted that Yu Ye was killed by her, but Li Ran put the pot on her body, and even killed everyone in Yin Corpse Dao.

I always feel that something is wrong.

Hearing the discussion, Yue Jianli rolled his eyes and said loudly, "Li Ran, this is my grievance between Wanjian Pavilion and Yin Corpse Dao, who allowed you to intervene?"

Li Ran realized instantly and sneered: "Daddy kills whoever wants to kill. Do you still need permission from your little girl?"

Yue Jian's eyebrows were firm, "Who do you think is Xiao Niangpi?"

Li Ran snapped his fists and rattled, "Daddy is talking about you, not convinced?"

"Do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

"Stop talking nonsense, see the truth under your hand!"

"Fight and fight, who is afraid of whom!

The more they talked, the more angry they were, and finally they really fought!

Sword Qi is vertical and horizontal, and Taoism roars.

All the tricks greet each other's vital points.

All the way from the lobby to the private room, the door was closed with a "bang", and there were waves of bangs inside.

The Wanjian Pavilion disciple's expression changed. As soon as he was about to rush in, he heard Yue Jianli shout: "This is a duel between me and him. You are not allowed to interfere!"

"Yes "

They can only stand in place anxiously.

Ah Qin came to the door with a worried expression, wanting to check Li Ran's situation.

As a result, a gap was opened in the room door, and a big hand pulled her in directly.

The practitioners outside looked at each other.

"Fighting again?"

"I hope Chief Yue is okay

Chapter 254

Chapter 254 Tianjiao killer, female nun!

In the private room.

Ah Qin looked at the two people who were embracing each other tightly, with dull eyes and a look of regret.

What's the situation?

They were beaten to death just now, so why did they hug each other as soon as they entered the house?

Is it competing with Spirit Power?

Ah Qin scratched his head and said in doubt: "My lord, you are


Yue Jian was too involved in his hug. Hearing the voice, he realized that there was someone next to him.

As soon as she was about to draw her sword, she was stopped by Li ~ Ran's hand.

"Don't be nervous, it's your own.

"My own person?,

Only then did Yue Jianli relax.

Looking at Ah Qin, who is charming and charming, her little mouth is pouting, "Smelly Li Ran, when did you-another one of your own?"

Li Ran shook his head, "You misunderstood, we are not in that kind of relationship."

Yue Jianli hummed: "Didn't I know you yet? You guys are brazen, even if they are not now, they will definitely be in the future!"

Li Ran Didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "With me in your heart, has always been this image?"

"What do you say?

Yue Jianliqiao's face turned red, and he whispered, "I don't even let go of my righteous way disciples, what can't you do?"

Seeing that shy and resentful look, he felt like a kitten was scratching in his heart.

Ah Qin's face flushed, and she whispered: "Chief Yue misunderstood, I'm just the maid of Lord Holy Son, it's not that kind of relationship."


Yue Jianli looked at it carefully.

I saw Ah Qin's muscles and bones, finely carved and jade, and her white face was exquisite and seductive.

The gestures and gestures are full of amorous feelings, even if compared with Qin Ruyan, they don't give too much, and a pair of bright eyes are shy, but it is completely inconsistent with temperament.

Such a beauty, even if she saw it, her heart was broken.

Not to mention Li Ran's apprentice!

Yue Jianli looked at Ah Qin, and said earnestly: "You must keep a distance from him, don't believe his rhetoric, close the door at night when you sleep, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!"

"You have to believe me, I am the one who came here!"

Li Ran almost spat out old blood.

Ah Qin shook his head and said solemnly: "A Qin belongs to the Holy Son. You don't need to keep a special distance, and don't care about the consequences."

Yue Jianli:"

She stared at Li Ran angrily, "Also saying that you two are okay

Before he finished speaking, his mouth was blocked.

Ah Qin's face flushed instantly, and he hurriedly covered his eyes, and carefully observed through the gaps between his fingers.


It's exactly the same as the first half of the cheat!

After a long time, Li Ran let her go.

Yue Jian was flushed away from his face, and hammered him in shame, "You guy is necrotic, and there are people nearby!"

Li Ran smiled and said, "It's okay, it's all my own.


Yue Jianli gave him a blank look.

Seeing that delicate appearance, Li Ran's heartbeat accelerated again.

Yue Jianli noticed something and hurriedly pushed him away blushing.

"Stop it, there are still many people out there.

Li Ran nodded, "That's true."

A large number of practitioners gathered outside. Although he used his soul power to shield his perception, it was too quiet and somewhat abnormal.

He thought for a moment, his eyes lit up, and he said, "Aqin, smash!

Ah Qin was taken aback, "What is it?"

Li Ran smiled and said, "Smash whatever you see."

"Eh, all right."

Although Ah Qin was ignorant, she didn't question it either.

He walked over and raised the big round table, threw it towards the wall, and fell to pieces with a "bang".

Then he picked up two more chairs and started messing up.

Yue Jianli was taken aback for a moment, and quickly reacted.

The little face blushed and looked at Li Ran, "Bad guy, you really can think of anything."

"As long as the mind does not slip, there are more methods than difficulties."

"But what are your thoughts, huh!"

Bang bang bang!

Listening to the smashing sound coming from the private room and the terrifying Spirit Power that escaped from time to time, everyone couldn't help but numb their scalp.

Hearing this movement, Zuifeng Tower was almost demolished.

It seems to be a real fight!

"I just beat the Chief of Yin Corpse Dao, and then beat the Chief of Wanjian Pavilion?"

"Feng Wanjiang and Lin Langyue were also beaten by him."

"Good fellow, except for those monks, didn't you let go of the righteous masters?"

"Don't you know that Li Ran is known as the killer of Tianjiao?"

"I don't know if Chief Yue resists

"Hope the sword Fairy is okay."

"This Heavenly Demon really loves hitting women!"

Everyone talked a lot.

The Wanjian Pavilion disciples were even more nervous. No one knew Li Ran's magical name, and he almost killed Ji Xingyun just now!

Chief Yue will not be broken, right!

0...for flowers…

It took a full hour before the smashing sound gradually stopped.


The door was kicked open, and Li Ran walked out swaggeringly.

"Huh, a Nascent Soul, dare to make a mistake in front of me? Next time you see me hide away!"

After speaking, he walked out with his hands behind his back.

Ah Qin's face was blushing, and he followed behind with his head down.

Seeing him leave, Wanjian Pavilion disciples rushed in.

"Chief Yue, are you okay!"

"The breath is so messy, isn't it because of internal injuries?"

"Chief, your face is so red, I have Medicine Pill here, which can calm the blood."

"If you hit someone without hitting your face, Li Ran is too much, and his mouth is swollen!"

"Chief Yue sits for a while, it feels like you can't stand anymore."

Looking at the disciples of concern, Yue Jianli blushed and cleared his throat, and said loudly: "Thirty years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the girl!"

"Li Ran, I will definitely beat you next time!"

Li Ran had already walked to the door and sneered: "Only you? I can't beat me if tied with Lin Langyue!"

Yue Jianli sighed in embarrassment, "Big villain!"

Li Family Mansion.

Sheng Zhixia looked down and said, "Uncle Li, is it true that Li Holy Son won't come back this time?"

Li Daoyuan shook his head and said, "According to the old man's past experience, he probably won't come back."

In the past ten years, Li Ran has returned home only a few times, and has no interest in the Dengxian Conference at all.

I don't care if I want to come this time.

The two women looked at each other, feeling a little depressed.

They thought they could see Li Ran this time.

Li Daoyuan saw it in his eyes and sighed secretly in his heart.

"Ran'er's talent is indeed extremely high, and looks like me, but it won't make these two emperors' souls stay away from home, right?"

"What magic power does this kid have?"

"Don't come back, brat. Once he comes back, daddy will have to live ten years less."

He was shaking his head and thinking, and a family ran in quickly.


Li Daoyuan frowned, "Presumptuous! The distinguished guests are here, and they dare to rashly and dash against Your Royal Highness."

Jia Ding swallowed, and couldn't help but interrupt: "Master, the young master is back!"

Li Daoyuan: ""

"Li Holy Son is back?"

The two emperors stood up together, their expressions were pleasantly surprised, and their eyes were as bright as Star!

Chapter 255

Chapter 255 Shen Qin is no longer a slave!

Li Ran walked towards Li Mansion.

Along the way, Ah Qin blushed, quietly looking at him, and there seemed to be waves of light in his eyes.

After hesitating for a long time, she cautiously asked: "My lord, you and the chief Yue."

Li Ran did not shy away from saying: "She is my woman."

Ah Qin is willing to give his life to him, he naturally trusts the other party 100%, there is nothing to hide from this kind of thing.


Ah Qin nodded.

Although she doesn't understand why Holy Son is entangled with Zhengdao, the adult must have his reason for doing so.

She blushed and heartbeat when she recalled that they were holding each other and talking love words.

Such a heroic chivalrous girl, turned red in Li Ran's arms, her eyes fascinated

It's so ashamed!

Ah Qin sighed in her heart, "I really want to be like Chief Yue, and hug the Holy Son "Six Nine Three"!"

But she just thought about it.

Although Li Ran treats her very well and considerately, in her heart, she has never forgotten her identity as a maid.

Lord Holy Son is willing to keep her, it is already a great gift.

She really has no courage, nor is she qualified to ask for more.

Suddenly, Ah Qin thought of the little book Lu Xinran gave her.

"Although the latter part did not happen, the hug and the kiss can be matched. It seems that this cheat is pretty reliable?"

Ah Qin lowered his head, thinking wildly all the way, and there was a mess in his head.

Not long after, Li Ran's voice came in his ear, "Xiao Qinzi, we are home."


Ah Qin looked up with regret.

They were standing in front of a mansion. The two Guardian Lions in front of the door were solemn, with golden nails crisscrossing the scarlet door, and a black plaque hung on the door.

There are two golden characters in the book: Li Mansion.

After seeing Li Ran at the door, Jia Ding couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, and then he hurriedly bent over.

"Young Master, you are back!

Li Ran nodded and said to Ah Qin, "Go, let's go in."

But Ah Qin hesitated for a while looking at the open door.

Her memory here is not pleasant.

And at the thought of meeting Shen's family, my heart became more resisted.

She didn't know what identity to face.

Family, or enemy?

At this moment, Li Ran held her cold little hand and said softly, "Don't be afraid, I am here.

Seeing that brilliant smile, Ah Qin's heart was gone.

She nodded vigorously and said firmly: "Well, with an adult, Ah Qin is not afraid of anything."

Li Ran smiled and took her into Li Mansion.

"It's the young master!"

"Young Master is back!"

Jia Ding and the people of the tribe greeted them one after another, and said respectfully: "I have seen the young master!"

They looked at Li Ran's eyes, still in awe and admiration as always.

Because of the young master, the Li family has such a detached position.

Now in Wuyang City, even if it is a servant of the Li family, others dare not provoke it easily.

As for Ah Qin

No one would think of the maid in the charming look of the glamorous Hong Kong, only Li Ran's woman.

Not far away at this time, a little girl who was carved with powder came over.

After she saw Li Ran, her eyes flashed with joy. Just about to walk over, her eyes were attracted by Ah Qin on the side.

They are obviously different in their teens, but their eyebrows are surprisingly similar, and they even look exactly the same.

The two looked at each other in the air.

Although I have never seen each other, but there is a kind of emotion that originated from blood surging quietly.

Shen Ning was a little startled, and instinctively muttered: "Big sis?'

The girl next to the meal heard it, and hurriedly covered her mouth, and whispered: "Ning'er, this is the young master's woman, don't dare to shout!"

But Ah Qin's eyes turned red in an instant.

Slowly walked in front of Shen Ning, and carefully looked at the strange but familiar girl in front of her.

The maid hesitated for a while, and said with a smile: "The child is young and ignorant, you must not care about her.

Shen Ning is taciturn, but very precocious, and sensible makes people feel distressed.

Except for the evil housekeeper who was deposed by Li Ran, the other servant girls liked her very much, and at this time had the courage to help her speak.

Ah Qin turned a deaf ear, and whispered, "Your name is Shen Ning?"


Shen Ning nodded, "Mother said, I still have a Big sis called Shen, is that you?"

Shen Qin's eyes are reddish, and his smile is bright, "It's me."

The surrounding families were stunned.

Is she Shen Qin?

This seductive woman who looks smoky and flattering is actually the maid of the Shen family?!

Although it hasn't been seen in ten years, it has changed too much!

Li Ran instructed the housekeeper: "From today, the sales contract of Shen Qin and Shen Ning will be invalidated, and they will no longer be the servants of the Li family. 0 Clean up the room in my side yard, and arrange for a few diligent maids to give it to me. they.


The butler responded without daring to have the slightest doubt.

Ah Qin suddenly turned around when he heard the words, and said in horror: "My lord, I."

Li Ran rubbed her head and said with a smile: "Don't worry, you will still follow me.

Hearing this, Ah Qin breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Ran touched Shen Ning's head again, "Your sisters met for the first time, let's go have a good chat.

"Thank you, sir.

Ah Qin glanced at him gratefully.

Then, under the guidance of the maid, the two left the courtyard one step at a time.

Li Ran looked at them with a smile in his eyes.

"I rarely see Ah Qin like this."

At this moment, the butler leaned over and asked, "Young Master, do you want to cancel the contract with the rest of the Shen family?"

Li Ran frowned and said: "Why?"

The housekeeper was taken aback, "You are not with Shen Miss."

Li Ran said lightly: "Except for Shen Qin and Shen Ning, I don't care about the lives of the other Shen family. Also, let the Shen family stay away from Shen Qin. Who dares to break his leg and throw it out!"

Even the clan can kill the killer, this kind of person is really not worthy of sympathy.

The butler gave a sharp slap and bowed his head and said: "Yes!"

Just as Li Ran was about to leave, a family member walked over quickly, "Young Master, Master 4.7 wants you to go to the Zhaohui Guest House.

He raised his brows slightly, "Who's here?"

Jiading whispered: "It's your Royal Highness Princess Jiaolong and Jinyun.


Li Ran didn't know what he thought of, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly and nodded, "Okay, I get it."

Turn around and walk in the direction of the meeting hall.

Meeting hall.

The two emperors were fidgeting, and looked at the door from time to time, looking both expectant and nervous.

After a while, a tall figure strode in.

"Two princesses, it's been a long time.

They hurriedly got up and stammered: "Li, Li Holy Son, long time no see."

For some reason, both of them were a little bit twisted, their pretty faces blushing slightly.

Watching this scene, Li Daoyuan couldn't help covering his face, and sighed in his heart.

"It's terrible!"

Chapter 256

Chapter 256 Father is kind and filial, don't let waiting become a pity

The two women looked at Li Ran.

Sheng Zhixia's eyes flashed, her eyes were full of joy and excitement, and the corners of her mouth were slightly tilted, seeming to be extremely happy.

However, Sheng Anyi's eyes were a little dodging, and she looked timid and uneasy, like a child who had done something wrong.

Li Ran didn't pay much attention. After greeting the two emperors, he turned to look at Li Daoyuan.

"Father, I'm back, do you miss me?"

The corners of Li Daoyuan's mouth twitched, and said with difficulty: "Yes, I really want to.

Li Ran laughed and said, "Your expression seems to be constipated.

"My father's heart is really not very good recently."

Li Daoyuan couldn't help asking, "Ran'er, is your frequency of going home during this time a bit too high?"

It has been the third time since the divorce incident began, how long has passed since.

Going home is nothing. The key is that every time this kid comes back, he will bring him a huge "surprise".

Li Daoyuan is really worried that his own heart can't hold it.

Li Ran shrugged, "This time I came back to 09 for the Immortal Climbing Conference. I had an agreement with that little girl Shen Ning.

"Shen Ning?"

Li Daoyuan nodded.

Li Ran mentioned this to him before.

"On this little matter, my father can help you handle it. How can you run it yourself? What can you do if you delay your practice? You should go back quickly." Li Daoyuan persuaded.

Li Ran smiled, "Isn't this just to see you, I'll give you more care and company, don't let waiting become a legacy."

Li Daoyuan smiled stiffly, "You don't have to think about being a father, but practice is more important."

"Hundreds of good filial piety first, how is your practice important?"

"As expected of you, you are still so filial."

Seeing this scene, Sheng Zhixia admired: "Uncle Li, the atmosphere in your home is so good, it's really a filial piety to the father and the son."

Li Daoyuan twitched at the corner of his mouth, "Really? Haha. That's really a filial piety."

Sheng Anyi looked at Li Ran, her eyes a little shy.

She remembered the shameful image again.

I don't know if Li Ran has shown it to others? Has he seen it himself? Has he ever done strange things?

When I think of these problems, Qiao's face becomes hot, as if she has a fever.

Li Ran noticed her gaze and smiled and blinked at her.

Sheng Anyi's cheeks were even redder, and she lowered her head in a panic.

At this time, the voice of the other party's soul sounded in her mind, "Princess Sheng, don't worry, I haven't shown the image to anyone."

Sheng Anyi was relieved when he heard the words and said: "My palace believes in Li Holy Son

Before he finished speaking, Li Ran's voice sounded again, "Except for myself."


Sheng Anyi's body trembled, and the blush spread from her cheeks to the base of her ears.

She resisted the shyness, and whispered: "Li Holy Son has already seen it in the bedroom, and it doesn't make any difference after watching it a few more times. My palace just hopes that you don't do strange things.

Li Ran was stunned for a moment, and asked in doubt, "What is strange? Can Princess Sheng express it?"

Sheng Anyi lowered her head and snorted, "Holy Son should know more about this kind of thing than this palace.

Seeing that shy look, he shook his head funny.

This Jinyun princess is clearly an emperor, but she has no domineering air, but is as pure and weak as a gardenia.

People can't bear to bully at all.

Sheng Zhixia didn't notice the abnormality of Big sis, and said: "Li Holy Son, the scale of the Immortal Climbing Conference is unprecedented. All the top Sects are here, and almost all the chief heirs are here.

Li Ran nodded, "I heard about this, and I seem to want to gain something in this conference.

Most people squeeze their heads and want to enter Xianzong.

But the super genius with exceptional talent is the object of competition for each Sect, and even hesitate to fight for it.

Back then, Li Ran's sacred talent shocked the vast land, and several top Sects broke their heads for this, and finally worshipped the Palace of You Luo.

There are also Lin Langyue who is Heavenly Dao body first, Yue Jianli who Sword intent penetrates the bone, and Xiao Qingge who is super talented

With these geniuses, only the top Sect is eligible to compete.

Other first- and second-rate Sects can only stand aside.

Of course, the most important thing is my wishes.

Therefore, the prestige and popularity of Sect is also an important measure.

Sheng Zhixia said with a smile: "Although the Youluo Temple is a demon, but it is not very notorious. Li Holy Son is also a human hero, Heavenly Demon, I think he will definitely gain a lot."

Li Ran smiled and said, "Then borrow Princess Ji Yan.

The purpose of his return this time was mainly for Shen Ning.

But if you can recruit a few geniuses for Sect, why not do it?

At this time, a family member knocked on the door, "Master, there is a visitor outside the door.

Li Daoyuan frowned and said, "Didn't you see His Royal Highness is there? Tell the other party that Li Mansion has closed doors to thank you."

"But "

Jia Ding hesitated and said, "The man said she was a friend of the young master."

Li Ran raised his brows, "What's your name? Male female?

Jia Ding replied: "It's a girl, she doesn't know her name, she just said her surname is Qin."

Li Ran smiled.

Needless to say, he knew who it was.

"It's my friend, please come directly to the meeting hall."


Jia Ding retreated.

After a while, a curvy woman walked in slowly.

She was wearing black veil, and her slim figure was looming, but she couldn't see the spring when she looked closely.

Even with a black veil on his face, he still couldn't conceal the amazing charm.

It is Qin Ruyan.

When she saw Li Ran, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes.

"The slave 693 family has seen Li Holy Son, and has seen Uncle Li and the two princesses?"

"Qin Holy Maiden.

Sister Sheng Anyi got up on her forehead.

Li Daoyuan frowned, but still smiled and said, "Qin Holy Maiden is here, please take a seat."

"Uncle Li don't be polite, just call me Ruyan.

Qin Ruyan sat in a chair obediently.

She looked at Li Ran faintly, her eyes full of resentment.

This guy actually threw her in the restaurant alone, and it was still an important moment when she mustered up her courage!

Damn it too!

Li Ran touched his nose, looking a little embarrassed.

Just when he wanted to speak, Jia Ding walked in quickly, "Young Master, another visitor came to the door, and he said it was your friend."


Li Ran was taken aback, "Who is it again?"

Jia Ding said: "It's a girl, she said her surname is Yue.

Li Ran suddenly understood, "I see, let her in."


Li Daoyuan sat in a chair, looking at the four girls in front of him, his eyes dull and dull.

Princess Jinyun Sheng Anyi, Princess Jiaolong Sheng Zhixia, Hehuan Sect Holy Maiden Qin Ruyan, Chief of Wanjian Pavilion Yue Jianli

At this time, they all sat in front of him well.

Li Daoyuan felt that his heart was about to stop suddenly.

"It shouldn't be too late to sever the relationship between father and son, right?".

Chapter 257

Chapter 257 Here's another one? Are you endless?!

Wuyang City.

A group of people walked slowly into the city gate.

This is a group of young Taoist aunts, all dressed in light blue Taoist robe, wearing a tall doggy, their expressions are a bit cold and lonely.

The head is a white-robed Taoist aunt.

The pure white robes are not stained with dust, and are faintly embroidered with flying clouds. The robe of the walking room is lightly flicked, as if to take the wind away.

His face was handsome and cold, and his eyes were black and white, as if the moon was beyond reach.

Pedestrians around stopped and looked at them in surprise.

"This robe? It's Tianshu Yuan!"

"White clothes and black hair, Feiyun embroidery, this person is not Fairy Lin, right?"

"It's Fairy Lin! I had the honor to meet once in Nanfeng City!"

"The first arrogant Lin Langyue, she actually came too?"

"It seems that the Tianshu Yuan is bound to win this time!"

"It's really a worthwhile trip to have the honor to see Fairy's style!"

"Lin Fairy is so beautiful!"

"Don't use this colloquial word to describe Fairy!"

Everyone was excited about it.

Tianshu Yuan does not ask about world affairs, and Lin Langyue rarely shows up in the ordinary, but there are countless fans in the vast land.

Even if she was once defeated by Li Ran, it did not have much impact on her image.

After all, that was the number one Heavenly Demon, wouldn't it be normal to lose to him?

Lin Langyue's eyes were calm, and the crowd in front of her was bustling, but no one could see her.

This is not aloof, but indifference from the bones.

But her mood at this time was far less calm.

"Although Master agreed to let me come out, she always felt a little unhappy about her."

Originally, Yi Qinglan agreed to her coming to Wuyang City.

But since the common bathing, she has become particularly concerned about the matter, and she also said that she would change to lead the team and let her cultivate well.

Had it not been for the persuasion of several Elders, I am afraid that she would not be released yet.

"Master seems to look unpleasant to me recently, and I don't know where I did it wrong?"

She was puzzled.

At this time, deacon next to him asked: "Chief Lin, my sect's stronghold is in the west of the city, is it going to go straight now~[?"

Lin Langyue thought for a while and said, "You take someone there. I'm going to meet an old friend first."

"Old friend?"

deacon is a little puzzled.

The chief seldom goes down the mountain and is not good at socializing. What kind of friends can he have in this mundane world?

But she didn't question, nodded and led people away.

Lin Langyue's cheeks were slightly red, "I hope he is back too."

Li Family Mansion.

Looking at the four girls in front of him, Li Daoyuan felt mixed.

If you are from the perspective of picking a daughter-in-law, none of these four will be said.

Cultivation Base is high-strength, deep background, and beautiful and beautiful. Chunlan Qiuju is good at each field.

Regardless of body shape or status, they are very compatible with Li Ran.

Li Daoyuan is not unacceptable.

The problem is that the Youluo Temple has a ban!

Leng Wuyan clearly banned his disciples from marrying and dating, and Li Ran as the Holy Son violated the rules of the door, and even violated four times in one breath!

And the object is not the princess of the dynasty, or the chief of Sect!

Li Daoyuan panicked now.

"After the head of Leng knows, he won't abolish Burner Cultivation Base, just expel him from the teacher's door, right?"

"With the character of the cold head, it is not surprising even if the Li family is wiped out."

"I don't know if the ancestor can stop it."

Just when he was thinking about it, Yue Jianli stood up.

She held a lavender wooden box in her hand, which was faintly aura of xenon hydrogen.

"Uncle Li, this nine-leaf fairy tea was obtained by Junior from the Sect Treasure Pavilion, and I brought it here for you to taste."

Li Daoyuan was taken aback, and quickly waved his hand: "This gift is too expensive for the old man to accept."

He had heard of nine-leaf fairy tea.

It is said that it contains the essence of Spiritual Qi, which can nourish itself without refining.

A mortal can practice qi in one sip. If a practitioner drank it, it can strengthen the foundation and cultivate one's vitality. It is a treasure in the fairy tea.

Yue Jianli smiled and said, "Uncle Li must not refuse, this is just a little bit from Junior."

At this time, Qin Ruyan also walked over and took out a jade ornament, carved with high mountains and running water, and some Spiritual Qi escaped faintly.

"Uncle Li, this is the Lingbao that Junior acquired in the Western Regions, named Landscape Painting Wall."

"Put it in the room, not only can it harmonize Spiritual Qi, but it can also make people feel at peace and smooth thoughts."

"It has the effect of self-cultivation and nourishment.

Li Daoyuan looked at the two and smiled bitterly: "The two are too polite. This gift is so precious that the old man really can't accept it."

The two women hesitated and looked at Li Ran as if asking for help.


Li Ran was a little funny, and cleared his throat and said, "Since it's their heart, dad, don't refuse."


Li Daoyuan hesitated, but reached out and took it, "Thank you for shooting the second place, then."

"Uncle Li is too polite.

The two women breathed a sigh of relief and smiled like flowers.

Li Daoyuan sighed slightly in his heart.

Which of these people is not the lady of heaven?

Although the Li family's strength is good, but compared to the royal family and top Sect, it is not a little bit worse.

But because of Li Ran, they put their posture so low.

For a while, his heart was also a little touched.

"That's fine, although Burning's slutty, but nothing is leaking, I know it in my heart."

Li Daoyuan's mood gradually relaxed.

Since he couldn't control it, he was too lazy to think.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere in the meeting hall improved a lot.

At this moment, Jia Ding's voice came from outside the door again, "Young Master, you have another friend."


Li Ran was stunned for a moment, and said in doubt, "Here is another one? Who else can it be this time?"

Jia Ding scratched his head and said, "That girl has already come in."

Before the words were finished, a slender figure walked in slowly.

The Taoist robe (Wang Nuohao) is white, with picturesque eyebrows, and the temperament is cold and dusty, like Fairy walking out of the painting.

"Lee Holy Son!"

She looked at Li Ran with bright eyes, her expression full of surprise.

The meeting hall became quiet for an instant.

The few women looked at her in a daze, their eyes full of disbelief.

Qin Ruyan frowned slightly and muttered, "Why did she come?"

Li Daoyuan asked a little puzzled: "Qin Holy Maiden, this is"

Qin Ruyan whispered: "Lin Langyue."


Li Daoyuan was struck by lightning.

Lin Langyue?

Chief of Tianshu Academy, first Tianjiao Lin Langyue deleted?

What is she doing at Li's house?

Suddenly, Li Daoyuan suddenly thought of something, and his eyes went round in an instant.

Looking at Lin Langyue, and then at Li Ran, her throat was a little dry.

"This kid won't even dare to provoke Tianshu Yuan!""

"Li Ran, are you still there?!".

Chapter 258

Chapter 258 Warm and hospitable Li Daoyuan!

Lin Langyue looked at Li Ran blankly.

Everything that happened between the two kept going back in her mind.

Obviously there is no difference for a long time, but it seems that it has been four seasons in spring and autumn.

This man who was identified as Heavenly Dao by her can always easily shake her Dao heart.

She resisted the throbbing, and whispered softly: "Li Holy Son, long time no see."

Li Ran was a little surprised, but still nodded with a smile, "Long time no see, Chief Lin."

Lin Langyue's eyes flickered and her smile was bright.

At that moment, it was as if Nine Heavens had fallen into the mortal world.

Li Daoyuan covered his heart.

It's over.

This shy appearance is like withdrawing from the other four!

"It's the old man who was wrong, this kid is not at all compelling!"

"Lin Langyue is the chief of the Tianshu Academy, and his cultivation is the way to forget feelings. Ran'er actually dare to provoke her?"

"In case the goddess of the day knows about it"

Li Daoyuan couldn't help fighting a cold war.

He felt that one day he had to fall into the hands of his son.

Lin Langyue noticed him, and her expression suddenly became a little nervous, "Li Holy Son, presumably this should be your father, right?"

Li Daoyuan shook his head dumbly, "I am not, I am not familiar with him.


Lin Langyue was a little confused.

Li Ran laughed and said, "He is my dad and his character is more humorous."


The corner of Li Daoyuan's mouth twitched.

"Junior met Uncle Li."

Lin Langyue took out a jade pillow with complicated patterns carved on it, and the Spiritual Qi in the room suddenly agitated.

"This is a spiritual treasure refined by our great Elder, named Lingmeng Pillow. It has the effect of nourishing blood, dredging Meridians, and promoting the operation of Spirit Power.

She put the jade pillow on the table, "Junior came in a hurry and couldn't prepare well. I hope Uncle Li will not dislike it.

Li Daoyuan swallowed.

The restrained and shy woman in front of me is really the first arrogant of the vast land known as the Mingyue Fairy?

Have you prepared a gift for yourself?

He was a little at a loss for a while, "Chief Lin, you are too polite! We have never been masked, how can we accept this gift?

Lin Langyue smiled and said, "Uncle is too far-sighted. Although we met for the first time, Holy Son and I are old friends."

"Old friend?"

Li Daoyuan was a little puzzled.

He remembers that Li Ran beat him before!

Is it possible that you still have feelings?

Lin Langyue nodded, "Accurately speaking, Li Holy Son is my benefactor. This is a long story. Anyway, if he hadn't helped several times, I would have died and disappeared a long time ago."

"Is there anything else?"

Li Daoyuan was a little surprised, "Chief Lin, please take a seat, come here, and have tea!"

"Uncle Li is polite."

Lin Langyue just turned around, she was stunned.

I saw four girls sitting behind him, with eight eyes staring at her blankly.

"Princess Sheng, Chief Yue, and Qin and Qin Ruyan?"

Lin Langyue wondered: "Why are you here?"

"I should ask you this question, right?"

Qin Ruyan frowned and said, "What are you doing in Li's house?"

Lin Langyue glanced at her and said lightly: "This is the Li family and not the Qin family. Should I still report to Qin Holy Maiden?"


Qin Ruyan pinched her smooth chin, always feeling that something was wrong with this aunt.

Li Ran had obviously beaten her before, but the look in her eyes when she looked at Li Ran was a little joyful. Adoration?

"Could it be that what happened between the two?"

"That's not right, isn't Lin Langyue's cultivating Yiqingdao?"

The women are a little confused.

They didn't know what Lin Langyue and Li Ran went through, so they were very surprised by her appearance.

Lin Langyue walked to Yue Jianli and sat down.

The atmosphere quieted down for a while.

Yue Jianli couldn't help but asked in a low voice: "Chief Lin, why are you here?"

Lin Langyue cleared his throat, "Li Holy Son is kind to me, I should come and see it, but Chief Yue, why are you here?


Yue Jianliqiao's face blushed slightly, "Li Holy Son is also kind to me, so I'll come and take a look."

The two women looked at each other and looked a little embarrassed.

Turning his head to look at Li Ran Ran, his eyes were very resentful.

How many women did this guy provoke?

Li Daoyuan looked at the five girls on the opposite side and felt dizzy.

Right Way, Devil Dao, Royal Family

In the Eight Great Sects of Zhengmo, there are only three female (ajeh) descendants, and there are only two princesses in the Sheng clan imperial family.

It's all here now, no one will fall!

Li Daoyuan said quietly: "Ran'er, don't you plan to explain this to your father?"

Li Ran scratched his head, "I don't have any other fun, just like making friends.

"Do you want to make friends or girlfriends?"

Li Daoyuan sneered and said, "If a man comes today, I will believe what you said."

Li Ran rubbed his brows helplessly.

In fact, among the five people opposite, as long as Yue Jianli was his woman.

Others may have feelings beyond friendship with him, but nothing really happened.

But looking at Li Daoyuan's expression, he obviously didn't believe it at all.

At this time, the guard outside the door came in and bowed and said: "Your Majesty, it's getting late, we should go back to the palace."

"My palace knows.

Sheng Anyi nodded.

They have indeed been out for a long time, and I'm afraid they will be condemned by the emperor when they go back later.

"Uncle Li, let's say goodbye first, and see you another day.

Li Daoyuan nodded and stood up and said, "His Royal Highness, walk slowly.

"You stay here"

"I'll give it to you."

Li Ran stood up, smiled and said, "Two princesses, please here."

The two of them blushed, and did not refuse, and followed him to the door.

All the way to the gate of Li's house.

Sheng Zhixia looked at Li Ran next to him, and asked softly: "Li Holy Son, how long are you going to stay here this time?"

Li Ran replied: "Sect will be back after the ascendant conference is over."

Sheng Zhixia hesitated for a while, blushing and said: "Then you have time these few days, can you come to the palace to find me to play? I, I'm quite boring."

Li Ran looked at her expectant eyes and couldn't bear to refuse, "Okay, I will find you when I have time.

"Then it's settled!"

Sheng Zhixia smiled like a flower, and stepped on the sedan chair happily.

Sheng Anyi passed by him, her eyes erratic and she dared not look at him, "Li, Li Holy Son stay."

After speaking, he hurriedly boarded the phoenix sedan chair.

Li Ran shook his head and smiled.

I thought that these two emperors would hate him very much for leaving that kind of image, but now it seems that it is not like this

"But the palace, I really don't want to go."

The thought of Sheng Ye's old Yinbi made him feel uncomfortable.

When Li Ran returned to the meeting hall, the other three women were about to stand up and say goodbye.

"Uncle Li, it's late, so I can't bother anymore."

"Then we will go back first.

Li Daoyuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally they were all sent away, and his heart couldn't stand it any longer.

He couldn't help smiling, and said in a cold voice: "Whether you are in such a hurry? There are still many rooms in the mansion, it's not that you can't live."

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Ruyan smiled and said: "Since Uncle Li is so kind to stay, then Junior can't afford to resign.

Li Daoyuan was taken aback, "Huh?"

Yue Jianli and Lin Langyue looked at each other and sat back on their chairs one after another.

"Uncle Li is really hospitable."

"Yes, in that case, let's stay overnight."

Li Daoyuan: "?? ?"

Chapter 259

Chapter 259 Helpless Sheng Ye and Ji Shenyuan!

Wuyang Palace.

After listening to the report from the commander of the guard, Sheng Ye's eyes were dark and round.

"What are you talking about? Ji Xingyun was almost killed by Li Ran?!"


The guard commander nodded and said: "The deacon of the corpse road is annihilated, Ji Xingyun uses the corpse disintegration Dafa ~ Fortunately to escape."

Sheng Ye looked speechless.

He was worried that Li Ran would make trouble before, but when he entered Wuyang City, he severely injured the chief Yin-Shidao?

"This guy came back to make trouble-right!"

Sheng Ye rubbed his eyebrows, "Ji Xingyun's brain is broken? Are you going to mess with this evil star?"

The guard leader shook his head and said: "As far as the minister's investigation knows, Ji Xingyun not only didn't provoke him, but was very polite."

Sheng Ye frowned, "Then why did Li Ran shoot him?'

"It is said to be because of the animal tide dynasty."

"Animal tide?"

Sheng Ye reacted and shook his head and smiled bitterly, "This kid really holds a grudge!"

Although the beast tide was very bad, Yu Ye and the ancient corpse were annihilated, and it was impossible to say that it was related to the Yin Corpse Dao.

And this is Yu Ye's personal behavior, and the Yin Corpse Dao is indeed unaware.

Originally, after a close conversation between him and Ji Chenyuan, this matter had been completely turned over.

As a result, Ji Xingyun just hit Li Ran

Sheng Ye groaned for a while, and ordered: "Go and inform the Yin Corpse Dao. They can't manage their grievances with Li Ran, but they must not do anything in Wuyang City, otherwise they will be an enemy of the Sheng clan!"


The commander retreated.

Sheng Ye leaned on the dragon chair with a complex expression of helplessness.

"This guy Li Ran really doesn't let Lian worry about it. I hope he can be honest at the Immortal Climbing Conference."

Suddenly, he noticed something and suddenly raised his head, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Why is she here?

I saw the air rippling in front of me, and a slender jade stepped on the Shattering Void and stepped on the Great Hall.


There was a shout in the corner of Great Hall, and several shadows swept across like lightning!

Sheng Ye said lightly: "Stop it, it's my old friend."

The shadow paused in the air, then returned to the corner to hide.

I saw a woman wearing a rough cloth standing on the Great Hall.

The figure is graceful, the face is handsome, the eyebrows and the eyebrows are bold and heroic, but the cheeks are slightly red.

A pair of jade feet just stepped on the ground, white and lovely like a jade carving, without a trace of dust.

The woman shook her head, "Old friend? Am I familiar with you?"

Sheng Ye's brows jumped, "Chu Lingchuan, this is the Sheng Clan Palace, not the backyard of your Wanjian Pavilion. Please come in advance next time.


Chu Lingchuan dug out his ears impatiently, "It's really noisy. Who made your imperial city formation not strong, it broke with a single tap?"

Sheng Ye gritted his teeth angrily.

What kind of strength do you have in your mind? What formation can prevent the emperor-level power?

He held back his anger, "Why did you come to the palace?"

Chu Lingchuan raised his head and poured his wine, "I'm here for a meeting."

Sheng Ye was taken aback, "What kind of meeting?"

Chu Lingchuan's eyes seemed to be looking at an idiot, "Nonsense, of course it's the Immortal Conference."

Sheng Ye's brows deepened. "A mere ascendant meeting is worth your sword head personally? And I remember that Yue Jianli led the team?"

Chu Lingchuan shook his head, "I have to personally check this time, and I must find a good seedling to come out!'

Sheng Ye wondered: "Yue Jianli is a sword bone in a million, and his talent is almost equal to that of Lin Langyue. What else do you not know about?"

Chu Lingchuan sighed, "What Lin Langyue is, if you want to compare, you have to compare with the strongest."

"You mean Li Ran?"

Sheng Ye shook his head and smiled, "That is a rare genius, it is almost impossible to find a talent that surpasses him.

Although he doesn't like Li Ran, he has to admit that this guy is so talented that he is indeed the only one he has seen in his life.

Chu Lingchuan said helplessly: "I also know this, but the quality is not enough. I can only use the quantity to make up. Anyway, I can't understand Leng Wuyan's arrogant appearance!"

Sheng Ye said helplessly: "What do you want?"

Chu Lingchuan stretched out, "First arrange a private room for me, and wait for the day of the Immortal Climbing Conference, the old lady will personally check it!

"Private room?"

Sheng Ye frowned wildly.

Do you treat this as a restaurant?!

However, he understands the character of the other party, it is meaningless to be angry with her, and even if he is anxious, he can't kill him.

"A Li Ran is enough to upset me, and now a crazy woman has appeared again?"

Sheng Ye's head was big.

The extreme west.

Yinhuai Mountain.

The mountain is not tall and is shrouded in dense fog all year round.

0...…Look for flowers...…

This mist is not a warm water mist, but a pale gray, filled with a decadent smell.

There are not even roots and weeds on the mountain, only withered locust trees can be seen everywhere.

These trees are all pretty and bald, if you cut them in the middle, you can see that they are empty inside, none of them have wooden hearts.

A locust tree without wood is a ghost.

The mountain is so dark and scary.

In the depths of the gray mist, there is a large mountain gate hidden.

Devil Dao big sect, the corpse said.

At this time, in the central palace, Ji Xingyun was lying on the bed pale, his eyes closed and unconscious.

Ji Chenyuan's face was gloomy, "Xingyun's injury, surely Li Ran did it?"

The deacon on the side bowed his head and said: "Yes, dozens of practitioners have witnessed Li Ran beating the chief assassin.


Ji Chenyuan shook his head and said, "Although Xingyun has many injuries on his body, it is the soul that has suffered the most, and it also contains the meaning of extinction. It seems to be Thunder?"

"How can distraction early stage have this ability?"

Deacon said: "But it is said that Li Ran will be killed in a sharp spike in an instant. I think he is good at soul attack."

"Um "

Ji Chenyuan pondered for a while.

At this time, a withered-faced man beside the bed said bitterly: "Whether he did it or not, as long as he is caught and trained to become a corpse puppet, everything will be known! I dare to damage my son's foundation, I must make him pay for it!"

His eyes were blood-red, his expression sullen, and his stern voice seemed to be squeezed from between his teeth.

Ji Chenyuan frowned deeper.

"Don't be impulsive, why don't you have to wait for the end of the Immortal Ascension Conference, first send Xingyun to the corpse to heal your wounds."

The man gritted his teeth without saying a word.

Looking at the man with a vicious look, Ji Chenyuan sighed slightly in his heart.

Regardless of which Sect, the disciples under the sect will fight for life, Elder and the head will not easily make a move.

Because as long as you interfere, you will be ascending from personal grievances to the Sect level.

Just like when Lin Langming's Dao heart was wounded, Yi Qinglan issued a killing edict in anger, and Youluodian immediately declared war on the Tianshu Yuan.

Had it not been for Yi Qinglan's withdrawal, I am afraid the consequences would be disastrous!

If it were an ordinary deacon disciple, Ji Chenyuan didn't care at all, but it was his nephew who was injured.

"Xingyun provokes who is not good, but I am going to provoke Li Ran…spoon.

Chapter 260

Chapter 260 The tried-and-tested Lee Holy Son

The night started, and the lights came on.

Under Li Daoyuan's "gracious invitation", all three of Lin Langming stayed in the Li Mansion, living in the wing room not far from Li Ran's room.

Side yard wing room.

Candlelight flickered in the room.

Ah Qin held Shen Ning in her arms, her pretty face increased affectionately on her little face, and she took a bite from time to time.

Shen Ning's slightly fat face was covered with a faint red mark, and her eyes were a little numb.

The corner of Li Ran's mouth rose slightly, "Shen Ning, there is an extra Big sis, how do you feel?

Shen Ning's voice was milky and milky, but her tone was calm, "Big sis is good everywhere, it's just too clingy."


Looking at the helpless demo, Li Ran couldn't help but laugh.

Ah Qin didn't care, and said happily: "Thank you Lord Holy Son for allowing our sisters to see each other."

Li Ran shook his hand "Six Nine Three", "You have been with me for ten years. This is just a matter of effort.

Speaking of this, he thought of something and asked: "By the way, has the Shen family ever come to you?"


Ah Qin shook his head and said, "The housekeeper has already arranged that Shen's family is forbidden to enter the side yard."

Li Ran nodded, "If someone bothers you, just tell me. In front of me, you are still Ah Qin, but at Li's house, you are now a distinguished guest!"

Ah Qin's status depends on his attitude.

As for the Shen family, Ah Qin climbed onto a high branch and flew onto a branch to become Phoenix.

It is inevitable that someone will take her idea and want to take advantage of it, or even get rid of the status of a slave.

For this kind of person, Ah Qin may not be able to play, but Li Ran will not have the slightest pity.

A Qin looked at him, her eyes gleaming, and she whispered softly, "Thank you Lord Holy Son

At this time, Shen Ning said: "Big sis, your heartbeat is so fast."


Ah Qin was stunned for a moment and hesitated, "A fast heartbeat shows that Big sis is in good health."

"But your face is so red.

"Shut up!!

Li Ran looked at the two with a smile.

It is rare to see Ah Qin like this.

A bit less cowardly and fearful, a bit more natural and cheerful.

The whole person has a lot of sunshine.

Shen Ning quietly looked at Li Ran, her clear eyes were full of worship and dependence.

She jumped out of Ah Qin's arms and walked to Li Ran, her little hand squeezing her clothes nervously, "Young Master, can I, I hug you?"

Li Ran smiled and said without hesitation: "Of course it can."

She stretched out her hand and hugged Shen Ning in her arms.

This little guy is very light, with a faint smell of milk.

Shen Ning lay on his shoulders, her calm little face finally showed a smile, her milky voice said, "Thank you, Young Master.

Li Ran smiled, "You are no longer a slave. You don't need to call me Young Master. Well, just call me Big Brother."

"Big Brother?

Shen Ning blinked with big eyes, seemingly strange to this name.

Although she didn't say anything, the joy in her eyes showed that she was very happy at this time.

Ah Qin looked at the two of them with some envy in her eyes, and the ghost and goddess said: "My lord, I want to hug too."

Only halfway through the conversation did he react and hurriedly covered his mouth.

"It's over, I accidentally said what was in my heart!"

She has a blushing face and is ambitious, worried that Li Ran will be unhappy.

At this moment, a big hand wrapped her slender waist and directly hugged her into her arms.

When Ah Qin came back to her senses, she found Li Ran sitting on the bed, and she was sitting on Li Ran's lap!

"Holy, Lord Holy Son?!

She looked up blankly.

Li Ran smiled and said, "Didn't you say you want to hug?"

Looking at the brilliant smiling face, her pretty face instantly turned red and hot.

Zhenshou lightly leaned on his chest, his heart beating fast.

"It turns out that Master Holy Son's embrace is like this, it's really warm."

Shen Ning blinked her eyes, and said with a milky voice: "Big Brother, you are so strong.

Li Ran laughed blankly.

These two people don't have much weight on their own, so what strength is needed?

When he was about to speak, Ah Qin blushed and leaned to his ear, exhaling like blue: "Big Brother, Ah Qin likes to be held by you~"

Li Ran stiffened instantly.

After a long silence, they gently put the two on the bed.

He stood up and said: "It's getting late, you can rest early, I'll go back to the room first."

Then he walked out without looking back.

Shen Ning said blankly: "What happened to Big Brother?"

Ah Qin lowered her head and said, "I must be too reckless, and the adult who made the adult angry. How can I call the adult Big Brother?"

Outside the room 0

Li Ran leaned against the wall, breathing a little confused.

The spiritual marrow body combined with the Illuminati Sutra is too powerful.

The soft "Big Brother" just now almost made Li Holy Son surrender.

"This is not the Foundation Building yet, the power is so amazing, if you get to Hedao Transcends Tribulation, how about it?"

Li Ran couldn't help shivering.

What cadre can withstand this test!

He blew the night wind to calm down for a while, and then walked to the own room.

As soon as the door was opened, candles lit up in the dimly lit room.

Lin Langyue, dressed in white, was standing by the window, looking at him nervously.

Li Ran wondered: "Chief Lin, why are you here?"

Lin Langyue said embarrassedly: "When I came and knocked on the door just now, someone happened to pass by, so I had to hide in first."

Li Ran scratched his head. "It's just a knock on the door. Are you so nervous?"

Lin Langyue shook his head and said, "You don't understand, if this matter gets to Uncle Li's ears, I think I am such an unscrupulous person."

Li Ran Didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "You think too much. By the way, what can you do with me?"

Lin Langyue's pretty face flushed slightly, "In fact, it's nothing, I just want to come and have a look."

"Look at me?"

Li Ran walked up to her and said amused: "What's so good about me?"

It seemed that the distance was too close by 4.7, which made Lin Langyue a little nervous, and her breathing became slightly quicker.

She dodged her eyes and said softly: "I heard that after you left the Tianshu Yuan, you had a conflict with the Hehuan Sect? Are you injured?"


Li Ran said, "Fortunately, cough cough, Yi Dao took a long shot and escaped."

Ma Dan, I almost missed it.

Lin Langyue didn't hear it, and she was silent for a while and asked, "Is it for Qin Ruyan?"

Li Ran didn't shy away, "I think so."

Lin Langyue's heart tightened, her fingers rubbed her robe tightly, and an inexplicable impulse suddenly surged in her heart.

She stepped forward, slowly wrapped her arms around his strong back, her voice trembled slightly, "Li Holy Son, I miss you.

Li Ran's heartbeat suddenly missed a beat, and his whole body was as rigid as a sculpture.

What's going on tonight?

Test daddy one by one?!.