
I really don't want to fall in love with my master

This novel is specifically designed for my one so I don't care about anything

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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50 Chs

241 to 250

Rakshasa peak.

Sitting on the chair, Yi Qinglan was a little nervous looking at Leng Wuyan who was opposite.

"Why did this witch suddenly call Pang Dao?"

"Could it be that the matter of poor Dao and Ran'er was exposed?"

Just yesterday, her mind got hot and she agreed to Li Ran's confession, and Li Ran was still Leng Wuyan's apprentice.

So what is the relationship between her and Leng Wuyan?

When I think of this, my face has a fever.

And Leng Wuyan was also very cramped at this time.

"The relationship between this seat and Ran'er is unexpectedly known by this smelly Daoist!

"She doesn't say anything, she must be laughing at me in her heart? It's really annoying..."

Both of them had their heads drooping, and the needle dropped inside Great Hall.

After a long silence, they raised their heads at the same time.

"you "

The cheeks of the two of them blushed, and the atmosphere is a bit embarrassing.


Yi Qinglan cleared his throat and asked first: "Leng Shoumen, you came here today, what is the matter?"

Leng Wuyan hated in her heart.

Obviously I already know, but I'm still pretending to be 09 stupid with this seat, this aunt is really annoying!

She said lightly: "Why are you here for me, you should be very clear in your heart?"

Yi Qinglan's heart jumped when she heard the words, and she shook her head and said, "Also please let Leng Shoumen express it."

Leng Wuyan rolled her head and hummed, "Of course it's because of Burning."

Falling in love with a disciple is too embarrassing, even she is a little bit hard to tell.

"Li Ran?"

Yi Qinglan glared inwardly.

She rubbed the hem of her clothes tightly, and said, "What's wrong with Li Ran? Why don't you understand the words of the cold head?"

Leng Wuyan gave her a white look, and said helplessly: "Okay, don't act. Although this relationship between master and apprentice is a bit taboo, I have already been mentally prepared."

"Master-disciple relationship?"

Yi Qinglan's throat tightened and her expression was flustered.

It's over, the poor way is really exposed!

She trembled: "Do you know everything?"

"Of course." Leng Wuyan sighed: "I know that there will be such a day, but I didn't expect that person would be you.

Yi Qinglan was a little dazed.

This attitude is a bit strange.

Normally, according to the other person's personality, didn't they have already lifted the table?

But now it is calm and somewhat abnormal.

What she thought of, worried: "Then you won't punish Li Ran, will you?"

Leng Wuyan's cheeks flushed slightly, "I didn't expect you to care about him. You are also responsible for this. Why should you punish him?"

Yi Qinglan hesitated for a moment, and asked, "In that case, you asked Pindao to come here for

Leng Wuyan was a little shy, and whispered: "I just hope you can keep it secret, don't tell this matter. I don't care about the world's vision, but Li Ran is different, and Sect also has a ban."

Yi Qinglan was a little bit confused, and said in doubt: "Pan Dao just needs to keep it secret?

Leng Wuyan nodded, "Well, you just need to keep it secret."

Yi Qinglan opened her mouth slightly and looked at each other incredible.

Is this still the jade-faced Rakshasa, the witch of Youra?

It's too considerate!

Her cheeks were slightly red, and she said seriously: "It's about two reputations. Needless to say, the poor way will be kept secret."

"That's good.

Leng Wuyan suddenly relaxed a lot, and said with a smile: "Although I don't like you, I have to admit that you are indeed a magnanimous person. Then I believe you once."

Yi Qinglan was silent for a while, and said uneasy: "Are you sure you won't punish Li Ran?"

Leng Wuyan blushed and said: "Look at what you said, I am willing to punish, and I should punish myself.

Yi Qinglan walked out of the Great Hall dazedly, still a little confused in her mind.

Leng Wuyan knew about her and Li Ran, not only did he not get angry, but he said that he believed her?

This is too abnormal!

Although it is a good thing, she always feels that it is not true.

She was just about to fly away, and a familiar voice came from her ear, "Master Qinglan? Why are you here?"

I saw Li Ran standing not far away, looking at her in surprise.

Yi Qinglan's cheeks blushed instantly, and her heartbeat accelerated.

It was the first time the two met since the last time they confessed in the air. They were shy and didn't dare to look up at him.

Li Ran walked up to her and said with a smile, "Master Qinglan, it's been a long time since I saw you.

Yi Qinglan lowered her head, "Yes, it's been a long time."

Li Ran thought of something, scratching his head and said: "Yes, what I told you last time"


Yi Qinglan looked at the deacon walking by her side, and said nervously: "There are so many people here, let's go and talk elsewhere."


Before Li Ran could react, his eyes flickered, and when he opened his eyes, he was already on the top of the mountain thousands of miles away.

He wondered: "Master Qinglan, what are you doing?'

Yi Qinglan lowered Zhen's head, "Just now, the cold head has talked to the poor road."


Li Ran suddenly became nervous, "What did you say?"

Yi Qinglan blushed and said like a gnat, "She already knows about us."

Li Ran was taken aback when he heard the words, "Our business?"


Yi Qinglan nodded, "But it is strange that she was not angry, but rather supportive."


Li Ran was puzzled: "The disciple didn't understand, what does Master Qinglan say about 680 love?"

Yi Qinglan glared at him, "You little thief, are you deliberately teasing poor Dao?"

Li Ran scratched his head, "The disciple really didn't understand."

"Playing stupid again."

Yi Qinglan's cheeks flushed, and she said softly, "Leng Wuyan agrees that we are together."


Li Ran almost bit his tongue.

Yi Qinglan's cheeks are even redder, "What are you doing so loudly?"

Seeing her shy appearance, Li Holy Son had a stubborn expression on his face.

He really has a good impression of Yi Qinglan.

The length is very beautiful, the figure is also great, although the character is a little bit Tsundere, but sometimes it is really cute.

If you want to say that you don't want to have something with each other, you are deceiving yourself.

But after all, the other party is an emperor-level power who is too ungrateful. Although he flirts with each other from time to time, he has never expected too much.

But when are they together?

Why doesn't he know this?

Li Ran's throat tightened for a while, and he was uncertain: "Master Qinglan, when you talk about being together, do you mean to practice together, or

"Adversaries, I have to torture Poor Dao like this.

Yi Qinglan glanced at him strangely, and summoned the courage to say softly: "Being together, of course, refers to being a couple!

After she finished speaking, she lowered her head shyly, and the roots of her ears were hot.

Li Ran was struck by lightning.

"Love, lovers?!".

Li Ran looked at Yi Qinglan stupidly, suspecting that there was a problem with his ears.


Not friends, not mentors, but lovers?

He couldn't help reaching out and touching his opponent's forehead.

"Strange, don't you have a fever?

Yi Qinglan gave him a pretty white look, "You guy, always like to talk nonsense."

Li Ran swallowed.

Who are we talking nonsense?

Yi Qinglan saw that he was unwilling, and said with a laugh: "Little thief, when you confessed through the red line, you were very courageous. Why are you becoming more cautious now?"

"A confession across the red line?"

Li Ran seemed to understand a little bit.

Yi Qinglan turned her head and whispered: "What you said yesterday will always be remembered in Dao's heart."

She blushed, but her eyes were firm.

Li Ran suddenly understood.

Yesterday, the teacher he said was Leng Wuyan, but Yi Qinglan mistakenly regarded herself as herself.

And that sincere words, naturally became a confession to her!

"This is too exaggerated, right?

However, what is even more exaggerated is that the other party actually agreed!

Li Ran's eyes were full of disbelief.

He accidentally hit and bumped, and took down an emperor-level power who cultivated a sense of emotion?

"this "

At this time, Yi Qinglan said: "Little thief, do you know why Pindao promised you?"

Li Ran shook his head, ""The disciple doesn't know. "

Yi Qinglan walked slowly in front of him, her cheeks blushing behind the snow-white veil.

"Because I don't know when to start, the shadow of you will always appear in my heart."

"Although you act ridiculously, you are very principled. Although there are no taboos, you can still stick to the bottom line.

"Pan Dao has practiced the way of forgetting emotions since he was a child. He never knows what the love of men and women is, and has always been uncertain about how he feels about you."

"But when I don't see you, your shadow will always pop up in my heart, and when I see you, I will always blush inexplicably and heartbeat.

Her voice trembled slightly.

Obviously speaking these words made her extremely shy.

Li Ran was startled.

Master Qinglan has a cold personality, he has never seen the other side like this.

Yi Qinglan asked, "Do you still remember what I said to Pang Dao~ "?"

Li Ran returned to his senses and asked, "Which sentence did the master say?"

She waved her sleeves, and an image appeared in the air.

Actually realized the own memory.

I saw in the picture, "Li Ran" walked up to her with his hands behind his back, and said with a smile:

[Yi Daochang just hasn't met the right person yet. ]

[If that person really stands in front of you, you will only have him in your eyes, and you can't tolerate anything else. ]

[At that moment, you will know, what forgiveness, what secret, all shit!]

[You want to lie in his arms, want to behave like a baby, want to melt with him, want to give him all tenderness!]

The image freezes.

Yi Qinglan raised her head to look at him, her eyes sparkling with inexplicable affection.

"Pan Dao originally thought that these words were just your rhetoric and wanted to disturb the Dao heart of Pang Dao."

"But slowly, I discovered that the poor road really changed.

"When you stand in front of Pindao's eyes, Pindao really can't hold anything else in his eyes."

"The way of forgetting feelings and secret secrets are all left behind.

"Pan Dao really likes to be held by you."

She was ashamed in her heart, wiping the hem of her clothes tightly with her delicate hands, but she forced her to look at Li Ran.

"Little thief, tell Pindao, is this a liking?'

Li Ran looked at her foolishly.

The experience between the two hovered in their minds.

Yi Qinglan will always do more than said.

She silently paid a lot, including confronting Sheng Ye, turning her face with Chen Yundao, and forcing Liu Xun to let go

But he never took the initiative to ask for anything.

And he relied on the existence of the red line, relied on that he was Lin Langyue's Heavenly Dao, and took all this for granted.

Thus ignoring the most important sincerity.

Seeing the shy but sincere Master in front of him, his heart was full of tenderness and guilt.

A person who is too forgiving of love carries an extremely hot heart, but he thinks that he has deep feelings, but he ignores it.

Li Ran couldn't control herself anymore and stretched out her hand to embrace her in his arms.

"Master Qinglan, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Even though the two have established a relationship, Yi Qinglan is still very nervous, her body stiff like wood.

"Little thief, why are you sorry for the poor Dao?

Li Ran muffled: "The disciple should have confessed to you face to face.

She was stunned for a moment, and then the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, and she whispered softly: "It seems that you have met the right person."

The two of them hugged each other quietly, and time seemed to stagnate at this moment.

Listening to his powerful heartbeat, Yi Qinglan's heart was extremely peaceful.

"Pan Dao never thought that he would become like this."

Zhenshou buried himself in his chest and whispered: "Although I don't know if this is right or wrong, but Pan Dao doesn't regret it.

Li Ran felt warmth in his heart, "The disciple will not let Master Qing Lan regret it.

Yi Qinglan's cheeks blushed.

"Don't call the poor master master, it sounds weird.

The two of them have come to this point. This kind of appellation between master and apprentice gave her a strong sense of shame.

Li Ran scratched his head,

Yi Qinglan became more shy, shook her head and said, "No!"

"Then Lanlan?"


"Kiss baby? Sweetheart, dear?"

"Don't, don't say it!"

Yi Qinglan's hair stood upright all over her body, flushed and panicked, "You guy, how come you can say such nasty things?"

Li Ran looked innocent, "Then you can't be called Dao Chang Yi, right?'

Yi Qinglan said helplessly: "Fall, you should continue to call Master."


Li Ran smiled and looked at her, "Master, take your veil off, the disciple wants to take a good look at you."

"Cut, what's so nice."

As Yi Qinglan said, she reached out and took off the veil.

I saw her fair and pretty face flushed, her eyes dazzling with ripples, as if she was a bit drunk.

Qiong's nose is pretty, her cherry lips are rosy, she looks well-behaved and charming.

Coupled with the elegant temperament, no matter how many times you look at it, the lethality is equally amazing.

Li Ran said blankly: "Master, you are so cute.

"You rebel, don't talk nonsense!"

(Wang Qian's) Yi Qinglan covered her hot pretty face, "Pan Dao is not cute at all!"

It seemed to be grotesque, but it looked more like a spoiled child, which made his heartbeat speed up again.

Leng Wuyan is indifferent to the outside world and obsessed with him, while Yi Qinglan has a cold temperament but a cute and charming personality.

The two of them have superb strength and lofty status, but they are ashamed as a little girl in front of him.

Li Ran sighed in his heart, "These two masters are fatally sweet!"

At this moment, he remembered something, "By the way, Master Qinglan, there is a problem that has been bothering the disciple."

Yi Qinglan nodded and said: "What question, please ask."

|What does the disciple call you? Qinglan?"

Li Ran put his arms around her slender waist and leaned close to her ears and whispered, "Master, is there really a cinnabar mole on her waist?"

Yi Qinglan: E(O vo! Valley!

ps: There is a fifth watch later, let's see it tomorrow morning.

Although the young author has average writing skills, the plot is really designed carefully, and he tries his best not to be hydrological.

So the speed is difficult to increase

Please, I Really Didn't Want To Fall in Love With My Master! Chapter 243 Online

Chapter 243 It turns out that the illusion is all true! (the fifth update yesterday)

Yi Qinglan flushed quickly and stammered: "You, you rebel, why are you so concerned about this matter?"

Li Ran smiled and said, "The disciple is just curious.

She said angrily: "The poor way doesn't allow you to be curious!"

"That is there?'


Yi Qinglan turned her head and looked flustered.

Li Ran shook his head and said: "The disciple doesn't believe it, unless the master can prove it.,

She wondered: "How to prove?"

"Ahem, just to let the disciple look at your lower back."

"Absurd little thief!"

Yi Qinglan tightened her robes tightly, and said with shame and air, "Why are you awake when you are full of plastic bags?"

Li Ran confidently said: "The disciple cares about his girlfriend's body. Is there anything wrong with this?,

Yi Qinglan rubbed her eyebrows.

Although this guy is the man she identified, the level of shamelessness is indeed only seen in her life.

It's too ridiculous!


When she was about to speak, she saw Li Ran sighed and said with a lonely expression: "The disciple knows that Master is a superior Fairy. Although we are together, we can't be as close as other lovers. We still have to keep a proper distance."


Yi Qinglan glared at him with an angry 680, "You can't tell when you are a poor Dao? You are pretending to be pitiful again!"

She actually doesn't want to keep a distance from each other, but they just confirmed the relationship, and even one day is not up, so she should show her waist to him?

I feel flustered when I think about it.

Seeing Li Ran's downcast look, she was angry and funny in her heart. Although she knew that the other party was deliberate, it was inevitable that she still cared a little.

"This little thief really takes the poor road to death.

Yi Qinglan hesitated for a long time before she put her feet on her ears, blushing and whispered: "There is indeed a cinnabar mole on the back of the poor road~"

After speaking, he lowered his head shyly.

That cinnabar mole was born and located right in the center of her waistline.


Li Ran was stunned for a moment.

Doesn't that mean that all the pictures he saw in Heart's Demon illusion were real?

Thinking back to those slender legs and slender waist…It turned out that there is such a hot figure hidden under the big robes of the master?!

Li Ran raised his head, blocked his nose, and sighed, "Unfortunately, I would have watched it longer if I knew it!"

Yi Qinglan's cheeks are hot, and she can't wait to find a seam to get in.

(ajeh) "Adversary, are you satisfied now? What a shame!"

The tone of resentment made his heart beat faster.

At this moment, Li Ran thought of something and wondered: "But the disciple has never looked like a master, why is it shown by Heart's Demon?"

Yi Qinglan replied: "Pan Dao has also thought about this question, and the only answer is Lang Yue.

In this world, apart from herself, only one person has seen her body.

That is Lin Langming.

At that time, the other party had just entered Sect and was only seven or eight years old. The two took a bath together, and only that time.

I thought it was Heart's Demon that had invaded a part of the memory, and then it appeared in his illusion.

Li Ran squeezed his chin, "Well, it makes sense, no wonder it looks so real

"Don't think about it!"

Yi Qinglan said in embarrassment, "Quickly forget it for the poor road!"

When she thought that the other party had seen her true appearance, she felt shocked, as if all the robes on her body had been seen through.

Li Ran shook his head, "Forget, it must be unforgettable. If the master feels unfair, the disciple will show you too?"

Yi Qinglan blushed and sipped, "Who wants to see you!

Li Ran sighed, "Are you sure you won't look at it? Alas, I really feel sorry for Master."


"The disciple is actually pretty pretty.


Every time I chat with this guy, Yi Qinglan feels a sense of powerlessness.

She doesn't know anything about the relationship between men and women, how can she hold a prodigal son like Li Ran?

"Okay, just kidding."

Seeing that the other party couldn't help it, Li Ran also accepted it.

He walked to a flat rock, his mind moved, and the breeze blew away the dust.

I got up and sat on it, patted the empty seat next to him, "Master, come and sit down, let's talk carefully."


Yi Qinglan breathed a sigh of relief, and fell beside him lightly.

As a result, he just sat down and let out an exclamation, only to see Li Ran pick her up in his waist and gently put it on his lap.

Yi Qinglan leaned in his arms, her heart trembled, her pretty face flushed and said: "Little thief, you are lying again, didn't you say to speak well?"

Li Ran hugged her waist and smiled: "The stone is too ice, and the disciple is afraid that the master will catch a cold."

Yi Qinglan still can't see his thoughts?

Qiaosheng gave him a blank look, "What a bad guy."

Li Ran smiled and did not move too much, just hugging her quietly.

Yi Qinglan leaned on his chest, listening to the powerful heartbeat under the muscles, his flustered heart gradually calmed down.

Her eyes were blurred and she whispered softly: "Little thief, are you shameless when you say poor things?"

Li Ran was taken aback, "Why does the master say that? Just because we are masters and apprentices?"

Yi Qinglan shook her head and said, "Not only that, but also Lang Yue."

"You have become Langyue's Heavenly Dao visualization, do you know what this means?"

"From forgetfulness to extreme affection, to her, you are already an obsession in the depths of the soul."

"The closer you are, the stronger your Dao heart will be. The closer you are, the stronger your understanding of Dao."

She sighed, "Lang Yue is destined to be inseparable from you, but Feng Dao, as her master, is not shameless with you?"

Li Ran scratched his head.

Good guy, listen to this, daddy has become a Tang monk?

"The disciple took the initiative to confess to the master. If the master is shameless, then the disciple is extremely shameless."

"Lin Langyue can't do without his disciple, but the disciple can't do without the master."

"Anyway, no matter what, the disciple will not let Master Qinglan leave."

He held Yi Qinglan tightly, as if he was afraid that she would fly.

Seeing his nervousness, Yi Qinglan's heart was about to melt.

"Really injustice"

She shyly hugged Li Ran's strong waist, and said idiotically: "You are shameless if you are shameless, and you don't want to leave you as a thief."

As for Langyue

Tell the other person well, should you be able to understand it?

The two embraced each other quietly, feeling each other's heartbeat and breathing.

Li Ran smelled her unique fragrance, and suddenly remembered something, "By the way, Master Qinglan, you said you have already talked with my Master?"


Yi Qinglan replied: "She knows about us, and the poor Dao has confessed."


Li Ran swallowed and said nervously, "You mean Master already knows everything?"

Yi Qinglan nodded with certainty, "She knows everything.

Li Ran: "…"

Chapter 244

Chapter 244 Treasure girl Yi Qinglan!

"You have confessed?"

Li Ran's head was a little confused.

In other words, Master knows that he is with Master Qinglan?

Isn't this over?

He actually didn't want to hide from Leng Wuyan, but fell in love with Yi Qinglan, he himself just just learned

No mental preparation at all!

In the golden sedan chair before, the two almost fought each other just when they heard that they had practiced the Tao of Forgetfulness.

Master's terrifying murderous aura is definitely not pretended!

And knowing that they are a couple this time, won't they directly~ kill Baiyunfeng?

Li Ran checked around nervously and even lifted up-her robes were examined carefully.

Yi Qinglan blushed and covered her robe, and stammered: "Little thief, you, stop, it's so presumptuous!"

Li Ran shook his head and said, "Master Qing Lan has misunderstood. The disciple wants to see if you have missing arms or legs.

Yi Qinglan resisted the shyness, "Why did Pindao break his arm and leg?

Li Ran wiped his cold sweat, "Master knows our relationship and will definitely cut you off! Master Qinglan, or you can run away first, and the disciple will help you behind!"

"Why is she cutting the poor way?"

Yi Qinglan snorted coldly: "Leng Wuyan is indeed very strong, but poor Dao is not afraid of her!"

She was not talking big.

In order to seek justice for his disciples, Leng Wuyan directly obliterated a first-class Sect.

This matter caused an uproar.

Therefore, Chen Yundao organized the Demon Slaying Conference and assembled various sects to attack the Youluodianshan Gate.

As a result, Leng Wuyan killed one person with one sword, and the sky was dim, the sun and the moon were dull.

The blood stained Rakshasa Peak red, and the pile of bones blocked the mountain gate!

Even Chen Yundao was wounded and escaped.

But she still refused to give up, and directly led people to counterattack the Shinto Palace!

Thousands of miles away, the sword slashed Feiyun Mountain, destroyed the guardian formation with a single sword, and flattened the ten thousand zhang mountain peak!

Seeing that Chen Yundao's ashes were about to be lifted, Yi Qinglan went down the mountain to stop her.

The two faced each other for three days, and no one shot.

Because they are not sure how big their own odds are.

Coupled with Chu Lingchuan and Wuwangsi bald donkeys who were staring at him, Leng Wuyan decided to give Chen Yundao a chance to be a new man.

After so many years, Leng Wuyan has become stronger, but Yi Qinglan has not fallen behind either.

Their relationship has also become a little strange.

Like an enemy but not an enemy, like a friend but not a friend, they obviously dislike each other, but they are a little bit cherished.

After all, the other people in the two realms of Zheng Mo really couldn't catch their eyes.

Yi Qinglan said indifferently: "The murderous aura of Tianshu Yuan Dao Fa is indeed not as important as Youluo Dianzhong, but it is even better in the way of annihilating the soul. If you really want to fight, the poor Dao may not necessarily lose!"

Li Ran: ""

Now it is not a question of who wins and who loses. The key palms and backs are all meat, and he feels distressed if anyone loses!

He asked cautiously: "Master Qinglan, how did she react when you told Master about this?"

Yi Qinglan thought for a while and said, "It's calm."


Li Ran scratched his head, "Is it wrong?"

Yi Qinglan said in a puzzled way: "Pan Dao also finds it strange. She was ready to fight, but her attitude is very good, and she also said that she is also responsible for this matter."

Li Ran regretted it even more, ""What then?"

"Then Pang Dao admitted that something really happened, she let Pang Dao keep it secret, saying that sooner or later there will be such a day, but fortunately that person is Pang Dao."

Li Ran is stupid.

Abnormal, too abnormal!

This doesn't sound like Master's style!

He wiped his cold sweat and asked in doubt: "Are you sure you are talking about the same thing?"

Yi Qinglan nodded and said shyly: "Of course she is sure, she has picked out the words clearly, saying that we are a taboo teacher-student relationship.

Having said that, Li Ran always felt that something was wrong.

There must be something wrong with the link.

"Is it because the master is so angry that he makes his mind mad?"

He pinched his chin and looked worried.

Yi Qinglan glanced at him, blushing, and whispered: "Little thief, poor Dao is for you, so you don't have to lose your face. Don't you want to bear poor Dao."

Li Ran came back to his senses and said seriously: "Even if a disciple loses the world, he will never lose Master Qinglan!

At the same time, I added: Except Yue Jianli, Xiao Qingge, Master Master, etc.

Yi Qinglan's face blushed, "Well, I believe you.

Seeing her sincere and pure eyes, a sense of guilt rose in his heart.

0...Look for flowers-

"Master Qinglan, I have something to confess to you. Actually, there are other disciples.

"do not talk."

The green jade fingers pressed against his lips, and Yi Qinglan swung her head over and said, "Poor Dao has long known about the absurd things you did."

Li Ran was taken aback, then suddenly.

It should be the effect of the red line, so that the other party also has a perception.

When I think of this, even with the thickness of his face, he feels a little hot.

Yi Qinglan was also blushing and heartbeat. Seeing his embarrassment, she couldn't help but laugh: "You little thief, now you know that you are embarrassed, what did you think about when you did bad things?"


Li Ran smirked.

Yi Qinglan wrinkled Qiong's nose and hummed, "No matter how many friends you have in the poor road, anyway, you have to be the best to the poor road…

Li Ran nodded as if pounding garlic, "Master, don't worry, disciples have always been filial, and they are well-known in Haotu."

"Don't you think this is not persuasive when you say this in a hug?'

Yi Qinglan glared at him blushingly.

In fact, she is not generous at all.

On the contrary, seeing him get close to other women, the jealousy in my heart can't be controlled at all.

Qin Ruyan was an example.

But there is no way, Li Ran's character is so volatile, it is basically impossible to stop him.

Can't do ridiculous things with him by yourself?

She was frightened when she thought about it.

The two were tired and crooked for several hours, and Yi Qinglan reluctantly left.

This is Li Ran's promise to increase the red line once a day to twice a day, otherwise it is estimated that he will not be let go tonight.

Looking at the back of Qingli who turned her head three times, Li Ran's eyes were full of gentle smiles.

Yi Qinglan is really a treasure girl.

Regardless of appearance and body shape, it is just that pure worry and pure heart, how many people in this world can have?

Think about her, think about Lin Lang

Li Ran smiled and shook his head, "Who said that the Tao of Forgetfulness is the most ruthless? It is clearly rooted in love."

He turned and looked in the direction of Xuanling Mountain, his smile instantly collapsed.

"Going back now, you won't be slaughtered by the master, right?"

"Maybe I'm already sharpening the spoon now.

Chapter 245

Chapter 245 Leng Wuyan, a negotiating ghost!

Rakshasa peak.

Li Ran was lying at the door of the bedroom, peering inwardly.

"Li Holy Son, what are you doing?"

A female voice suddenly sounded behind him, which shocked him.

Li Ran turned his head and saw Wang Deacon looking at him suspiciously.

"Ahem, it's okay, I wandered around.


Wang Deacon didn't doubt that he was there, nodded and left.

"Wait a moment!!

Li Ran grabbed her and asked, "Wang deacon, have you seen the head today?"

Seeing the other party holding own arm, Wang Deacon's face flushed, and he nodded and said, "The head is on Rakshasa Peak today."

Li Ran asked, "Then what do you think of the head's mood today?"

Wang Deacon thought about it for a while, "It seems pretty good. She was cooking in the dining room by herself just now."


Li Ran was a little confused. "Six Nine Three"

Master knew about this, the first reaction was not to kill, but to cook?

It's so abnormal!

"Forget it, it's a blessing or a curse, it's a curse that can't be avoided, let it be your fate."

Li Ran sighed and walked into the bedroom in despair.

Wang Deacon looked at his back, his face flushed slightly with annoyance.

"Holy Son is still so handsome, and his hand is so powerful! It's just that this look is not right, it seems to be brave and righteous."

As soon as Li Ran walked into the bedroom, he ran into Leng Wuyan head-on.

"Teacher, Master

His tense tongue was knotted.

Leng Wuyan smiled, "Ran'er, you just came back, the food is ready, shall we have dinner?"


Li Ran looked behind her.

I saw a large table full of dishes on the back, all kinds of delicacies and delicacies, mountain delicacies, and Spiritual Qi drifting faintly.

Obviously the ingredients are very precious.

Li Ran swallowed, Shan said with a smile: "So rich? Why is Master interested in cooking today?"

Leng Wuyan gave him a white look, "What you said, do you usually treat you badly?"

Li Ran shook his head, "The disciple didn't mean that."

Leng Wuyan said with a smile: "Aren't you going on the road? This seat is specially prepared for you to see you off."

"Send, see off?!"

Li Ran's legs are weak.

Good guy, it turned out to be decapitated rice!

Listen to this, will you send me on the road after eating?

Leng Wuyan didn't notice it, and took him to the table to sit down, "Come on, quickly taste the craftsmanship of this seat."

Li Ran's throat tightened a little, "Master, are you so anxious?'

"Eat quickly, it will be cold in a while."

"It's cold? Are you talking about food or me?"

"What nonsense?"

Leng Wuyan's face blushed slightly, and she took a piece of silver eagle meat and handed it to his mouth, "Come on, open your mouth, ah~"

Li Ran opened his mouth dumbly and swallowed without even chewing.

Leng Wuyan looked forward to: "How is it, is it delicious?"

He paled and nodded, "It's delicious, but it's the last meal."

"Hey, eat more if it's delicious."

"Well, a stuffed ghost is better than a starved ghost."


Leng Wuyan was puzzled, "What are you talking about Ran'er? What the hell is it?"

Li Ran gave a wry smile, "Didn't you say that, after eating this meal, I will send my disciple on the road?"

Leng Wuyan scratched his head, "Yes, aren't you going to the Immortal Climbing Conference?"

Li Ran was taken aback when he heard the words, "Master said on the road, referring to Wuyang City?"

Leng Wuyan nodded and said, "How about it? I'm the one who counts the days, it seems that you should set off in a few days.

Li Ran wiped cold sweat.

It turned out to be a false alarm!

As soon as he breathed a sigh of relief, he heard Leng Wuyan say: "By the way, I called Yi Qinglan today.

Li Ran stiffened and stammered: "Well, what then?"

Leng Wuyan smiled and said, "Then, I will level her out!"

Li Ran frowned slightly, and asked in confusion, "How did the master make things right?"

Leng Wuyan explained: "Since she already knows our relationship, I will have a showdown with her on the spot."

"She was surprised at first, but when I heard I told her to keep her secret, she agreed without hesitation.

"This stinky lady, this time is quite good to talk."

Li Ran: (0?0)

He rubbed his eyebrows.

How did these two talk?

Why did each other settle the other side at the end?

Leng Wuyan wrinkled Qiong's nose, "How about it, is this great?"

Li Ran firmly raised his thumb and said sincerely: "Master is really a negotiator."

"of course."

Leng Wuyan hugged her shoulders triumphantly.

Regarding the actual situation, Li Ran has probably guessed that the two people talked about not the same thing at all.

He thought for a while and decided not to tell her the truth for now.

What if two people fight?

At least he has to wait until he is able to pull it off. It's not the time yet.

At this time, Leng Wuyan said: "Ran'er, hurry up and eat."


Li Ran just picked up the chopsticks, but saw her blushing cheeks and whispered: "After eating in a while, go, go and accompany this seat in the bubble bath."


As soon as the voice fell, he put down his chopsticks, and said in an awe-inspiring manner: "The disciple is finished eating, shall we just make a bubble?"

Leng Wuyan:"


In the room, two pretty girls were lying on the bed, their slender legs swaying lightly.

It is Lu Xinran and Ah Qin.

The residence of Holy Son was destroyed by the sky thunder. Li Ran stayed in the bedroom, while Ah Qin was invited by Lu Xinran to come and live with her for a period of time.

They are now reading the same storybook at the same time.

I don't know what they saw, their faces flushed, and their eyes were rippling.

After reading the last page, Lu Xinran closed the book and said, "This is so vivid, but I don't know what it's like to be in love?"

Ah Qin put her index finger in front of her lips, and said in a low voice, "Xin Ran, you'd better keep your voice down. If you are heard by others, you will suffer!"

Medical Luodian ban 4.7 to stop the affair of men and women.

Including the textbook describing the personal relationships between men and women, it is also forbidden to circulate in Sect.

If this little book is discovered, she will suffer!

Lu Xinran sighed, "Sect is good everywhere, but this ban is too uncomfortable. Especially when you have to face such a handsome Holy Son every day, who can control himself?"

"Xin Ran!"

Ah Qin is angry and funny, "How do you think about this kind of thing?"

She found out, this girl looked cute, but her heart was full.

Ah Qin blushed when he saw the little notebooks in his collection.

Lu Xinran hugged her and hummed: "This is human nature, Ah Qin Big sis is with Holy Son every day. Of course, if you are full, you don't know if you are hungry, you are hungry."

Ah Qin covered his face. .

Chapter 246

Chapter 246 Ah Qin, the last hope of the whole village!

Facing Lu Xinran's envious eyes, Ah Qin shook his head and said, "I'm just the maid of Lord Holy Son, and you are the disciple of Inner Sect, with a boundless future. How can I envy you?"

Lu Xinran gave her a sideways look, "Why don't you change Big sis with me?'

Ah Qin shook his head without hesitation and said, "No change.

She shouldn't leave Lord Holy Son.

As long as she can follow Li Ran, even if the head comes, she will not change.

Lu Xinran said sourly: "Aqin Big sis, you don't know, how many teenage disciples in Sect want to change with you."


Ah Qin was taken aback, "Really?"

"of course it's true.

Lu Xinran shook his fingers and said, "Master Holy Son is handsome, talented, and a cute little Tsundere. Which disciple Deacon in Sect doesn't greet him?

"And Lord Holy Son has a really good figure!"

Recalling the day when Li Ran broke through, Shen Lei burned his clothes and was directly seen by everyone.

It looks much better than when you wear clothes!

The female disciples' saliva and nosebleeds flowed, and no one slept in the female dormitory that night.

Lu Xinran looked around at 09, leaning into Ah Qin's ear and said: "It is said that Yang Elder of Six Peaks still has a portrait of Holy Son in the room!"


Ah Qin took a breath, "Then Elder Yang is several hundred years old, right?"

Lu Xinran took it for granted: "What's the matter? I'm a woman several hundred years old. Who can reject Holy Son?"


Ah Qin couldn't help shivering and got up with goose bumps.

Lu Xinran sighed, "But everyone has just been addicted to the mouth, there is a Sect ban, and I don't dare to cross the thunder pond for half a step."

Ah Qin nodded, "That's true."

Leng's head is the most taboo about this kind of thing, and no one dares to touch her easily.

"But Ah Qin Big sis is different. You are not a Sect disciple, and you are not subject to the ban. Are there any shameful things that happen with Lord Holy Son every day?" Lu Xinran stepped on and asked with a smile.

Ah Qin blushed and pushed her.

Lu Xinran squeezed his chin, "But looking at Master Holy Son's attitude towards you, it's not as simple as a servant."

Li Ran attaches great importance to Ah Qin, and all the disciples of Inner Sect know this.

Because of this, everyone is very respectful to Ah Qin, and even the big brother nodded hello when he saw him.

The corner of Ah Qin's mouth was slightly angry, and her face flushed.

Li Ran did treat her very well, and even made her a little flattered.

Looking at her blushing cheeks, Lu Xin couldn't help being stunned.

"Aqin Big sis, why are you getting better and better?"

I saw her skin white and delicate like silk. Every move has a kind of sultry temperament.

With the timid eyes, there is a strong beauty of demon burning and pure blending.

A Qin said shyly: "Where there is, it is better to look better with Xinran."

Lu Xinran shook his head.

The two are not in the same style at all.

She is quite youthful and lovely, but Ah Qin is really so beautiful.

Concubine spiritual marrow body is a unique physique, with Realm Ascension, the charm will become stronger and stronger.

Coupled with Ah Qin's good foundation, it is indeed a bit moving.

Lu Xinran looked at her and murmured: "The appearance of Big sis, even if I look at it, my heart will be moved. How did Master Holy Son hold back?"

Ah Qin's face turned redder when he heard that, and he whispered: "I am in the posture of a willow, and my status is humble, and the adult is the Star in the sky. Little Sister, don't say any more silly things."

How dare she tell the other party that she is just cultivating, waiting for the Foundation Building to dual cultivation with Lord Holy Son?

Lu Xinran shook his head and said, "Big sis doesn't know how to use its own advantages.

After speaking, he carefully looked around and took out a booklet from the mezzanine under the bed.

After hesitating, he handed it to Ah Qin with some pain, "I have treasured this secret book for many years, so I will give it to Big sis today.

"What, mysterious?

Ah Qin took it and turned it around. His eyes opened and rounded, and blush spread quickly on the annoyance of her face.

"This, this, this is"

Her hands were trembling, and her eyes were full of disbelief.

This is too shameful!

Lu Xinran patted her on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "Because of the Sect ban, we are destined to have no relationship with Holy Son. This cheat is handed over to you, you must understand the essence of it, and strive to get Holy Son as soon as possible!!

"Remember, you are carrying the dreams of all the female disciples of Inner Sect, you are not fighting alone!

Ah Qin: ""

The other party's tone seemed to be saying something extremely solemn.

She covered her hot cheeks, "It's so ridiculous!"

Boom boom boom.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Lu Xinran was taken aback, hurriedly stuffed the script into her arms, and whispered: "Don't be discovered by anyone!"

After making sure that she was put away, she got up and went to open the door.

Just opened the door and was stunned, "Holy Son Lord?"

I saw Li Ran standing at the door with his hands behind his back, frowning and said: "I opened the door for so long, is there something shameful?"

Lu Xinran's eyes flickered and said in a panic: "I, I didn't do anything.

"The lying technology needs to be improved.


Li Ran shook his head without thinking about it, and asked, "Ah Qin is here, right? I'm here to look for her.

"Here I am!"

Ah Qin heard his voice and ran over quickly, "Master Holy Son!"

She was cheerful, but she was shy, and the "secret book" in her arms was heavy

Li Ran smiled and stretched out her hand to hold her hand, "Let's go."


Ah Qin was held by his big hand, blushing, and walked out with him happily.

Lu Xinran looked at the backs of the two of them and couldn't help but speak loudly: "Aqin Big sis, you must practice hard!'

Ah Qin almost fell off his wings.


On the way, Li Ran looked at her suspiciously, "Why does Lu Xinran care about your practice?"

A Qin blushed and bowed his head: "Sister Xin and Xinran are very nice, and they have always cared about me."

"All right."

Li Ran didn't ask.

Ah Qin calmed down and asked, "Holy Son, where are we going?"

Li Ran replied, "Go home.

Ah Qin was taken aback, "But our house has not been rebuilt yet."

Li Ran smiled, "Who said that we went back to that home? We are going to Wuyang City."

"Wuyang City?!"

Ah Qin was stunned. .

Chapter 247

Chapter 247 Master and apprentice taking a bath together!

Ah Qin was startled.

Wuyang City.

These three words are both familiar and unfamiliar to her.

Although she was born in Wuyang Imperial Capital, she came to Youluodian with Li Ran when she was eight years old, and has never returned in more than ten years.

The memory of there has long been crippled.

Li Ran looked at her dazedly, and couldn't help feeling a little distressed, and said softly: "I haven't been back for so many years, I must be very homesick, right?"

"Family "

Ah Qin lowered his head.

The Shen family was also a wealthy family back then, controlling the silk trade in the imperial capital, and it belonged to the top group in the city.

But with the death of the ancestor of the Supreme Being, in order to compete for the position of the patriarch, several forces within the clan broke out in chaos.

Her parents were abolished Cultivation Base and suffered serious injuries.

Watching her familiar relatives fucking in the same room, this had a great impact on her young.

And because of this civil turmoil, the Shen family almost fell apart, and later it touched the interests of the Li family, and it was naturally annexed.

And her parents were also seriously injured and left the root cause of the disease. They died four years later.

Ah Qin was silent for a long time, then shook his head and said, "I don't want to."

Li Ran was stunned for a moment, and smiled bitterly: "Your answer is beyond my expectation."

Ah Qin raised her head, her eyes clear and said: "At the moment my parents passed away, the Shen family had no meaning to me."

"Where is Holy Son, where is my home."

The closest relatives have become blood feuds, what else can she miss?

Li Ran scratched his head, "Do you know that I still have a little sister, Little Sister?"

"Dear Little Sister?"

Ah Qin wondered: "A Qin is the only child, where did Little Sister come from?"

Li Ran said: "She's called Shen Ning, she's about six or seven years old, and she should be born to your parents later."

Ah Qin shook his head blankly.

She has been in Xuanling Mountain, the news is very blocked, and she doesn't even know that she still has a Little Sister.

Li Ran asked, "Then do you still want to see Shen Ning?"

If he wanted to see him, he would take the other person down the mountain, if he didn't want to, he would never let Ah Qin have anything to do with the Shen family.

After all, this is not a fond memory for her.

Ah Qin nodded without hesitation: "I want to see you.

Unlike the others in the Shen family, it was the blood of her parents and also her close relatives.


Li Ran rubbed her head, "Then I will take you back and turn around. It just so happens that you haven't been out for a long time."


Ah Qin nodded vigorously, her eyes full of joy.

She was so happy to be able to go out with Lord Holy Son and see her own pro-Little Sister again.

Baiyun Peak.

Luohua Tianchi.

This is a natural hot spring in the back mountain.

Because the bottom of the pool is full of Spirit Stones, the water temperature remains constant throughout the year, and the spirit springs continue to pour into the pool to keep the water clear.

This is also Yi Qinglan's dedicated pool, and there has never been a second person here.

But today it made an exception.

At this time, the steam in Tianchi was steaming, and the two women sat side by side.

Yi Qinglan was submerged in the water, only one head leaked out.

I don't know if it is due to the heat, and my face is slightly flushed.

Bathing with others makes her very uncomfortable, even if the other party is a woman, or a lover whom she regards as her own.

Lin Langyue flicked the surface of the water, curiously asked, "Why does the master think of asking the disciple to take a bath?"

I remember that the last time they took a bath was more than ten years ago.

Yi Qinglan said indifferently: "It's nothing, it's just the interest. It just so happens that you can also chat with the teacher to relieve boredom."

"Oh, OK."

Lin Langyue scratched his head, feeling a little strange.

Master has always liked to be alone, when do you need others to relieve your boredom?

But she didn't think much about it, and she was very happy to be able to get closer to the master.


Yi Qinglan cleared his throat, "Lang Yue, have you been practicing smoothly recently?"

Lin Langyue replied: "It's going well, Realm is already stable, but there is still a long way to go before Nascent Soul late stage."

"Well, if Li Holy Son is still there, I might have reached the late stage threshold."

As long as Li Ran is by her side, her cultivation efficiency will be very high.

At that time, just because of the voice of the other party, he broke through from the Nascent Soul early stage to the middle stage.

The speed is simply outrageous.

Yi Qinglan frowned slightly, "Don't think about it, there are no shortcuts to practice. You have just made a breakthrough, and you must fight steadily, and you must not be greedy.

"Yes, the disciple knows."

Lin Langyue nodded.

Immediately she remembered something and asked, "By the way, Master, the Immortal Climbing Conference is about to begin. Should my Sect also pay attention to it?"

Yi Qinglan said at the forehead: "That's natural, this matter has been arranged by the three Elders."

Although Tianshu Yuan is far away from the mortal world and does not ask about world affairs, it is also a behemoth that is constantly in motion and needs fresh blood to supplement it.

Especially since they only recruit female nuns, the range of options is even narrower.

Therefore, the annual Dengxian Conference will not be missed.

Lin Langyue hesitated for a moment, and said, "1 Why don't you let the master leave this to the disciple?"


Yi Qinglan was puzzled: "Why are you interested in this matter?"

Lin Langyue explained: "My sect has not received any good seedlings in the past two years. The disciples have some influence in the ordinary, and if they come forward, they may be able to gain some."

"Besides, since the end of the animal tide, the disciple has not gone out to experience anymore, and he has taken this opportunity to adjust his mood.

This reason is simply perfect.

Yi Qinglan didn't think too much, "Okay, since you want to go, then go."

"Thank you, Master!"

Lin Langyue looked excited.

Where is she for experience?

I just want to see if I can meet Li Ran.

And the Li family is also in Wuyang City, if you have the opportunity, you can go and have a look

When I think of this, my eyes (Wang Nuohao) are full of smiles.

Contrary to her, Yi Qinglan looked a little nervous at this time.

This time I asked the other person to take a bath, of course, not for small talk, but to talk about Li Ran.

After all, they are already lovers, and they shouldn't hide from Lin Langyue because of their emotions.

But after hesitating for so long, he kept thinking about him and didn't know how to open his mouth.

"Why don't you try it out first?"

Yi Qinglan thought for a while, and pretended to say casually: "Ahem, my teacher recently heard an interesting anecdote. It seems that there is a second-rate Sect leader who has formed Dao companions with her direct disciple.

Lin Langyue was taken aback when he heard the words, "Did the Master and the disciple form Dao companions?"

Yi Qinglan nodded and said cautiously: "What do you think of this matter?"

She looked at each other nervously.

Lin Langyue slapped the surface of the water and said angrily: "How can there be such a brazen person in the world?"

Yi Qinglan: ""

Chapter 248

Chapter 248 Yi Qinglan: I have never been so shameless in my life

Yi Qinglan's brows twitched.


No one has ever commented on her like that.

She looked complicated and said: "This is really not very nice, but it can't be described as shameless, right?"

Lin Langyue shook his head, "The relationship between the teacher and the apprentice should be pure. If there are miscellaneous emotions, isn't this filial piety changed?"

"Master and disciple become lovers. This will not only affect Sect's reputation, but also how can disciples of the same clan deal with themselves?"

The person Lin Langyue respects most is Master.

In her heart, the word "Master" is noble and holy, and cannot bear the slightest trace of pollution.

That's why there is this kind of reaction.


Yi Qinglan lowered his head.

Although she doesn't care about the secular perspective, it is somewhat embarrassing to be criticized by own disciples.

"Fortunately, I tried it out in advance. I didn't expect Lang Yue to be so resistant to this matter."

She hesitated and said: "But I heard that the disciple did not worship the master, but the headmaster's private biography. This shouldn't affect Sect, right?"

"Private transmission?"

Lin Langyue thought for a while, "If this is the case, it really has no effect on Sect 693."

Yi Qinglan breathed a sigh of relief and nodded: "I think so as a teacher."

Lin Langyue frowned slightly, puzzled: "But if two people really love each other, then just be a couple. Why should you become a master and apprentice? This relationship always feels a bit strange."

Yi Qinglan was stunned for a moment, her eyes a little complicated.

I can't help but sigh, "You're right, but Hong Chen is so fierce, and emotional matters are not reasonable at all. Who can predict it in advance?

Lin Langyue looked at her blankly, "Master?"

Yi Qinglan's eyes were blurred, and she said softly: "The head has always been single, and she also enjoyed this loneliness until she met that disciple."

"The appearance of that person painted her world with color, and made her understand what it is like to feel, and it also made her unable to bear the loneliness anymore.,

"She knows that her own choice will have a very bad effect, but compared with the other party, all of this seems so insignificant.

"She would rather bear all the infamy than she would let go of the other person's hand.

Yi Qinglan looked at Lin Langyue through the misty mist, "Do you still think she is shameless?"


Lin Langyue was stunned.

The master's voice whispered, containing sincere emotions, and it hit her heart in one fell swoop.

After the silence, she rubbed her red eye sockets softly, "It was a disciple who was reckless just now. How can such a person of love and sex be said to be shameless?"

She is the way of extreme affection.

This desperate feeling of going to the other side deeply touched her.

A big stone fell in Yi Qinglan's heart.

It seems that Langyue is still acceptable as long as he talks carefully.

"Then do you want to show off now?"

To be on the safe side, Yi Qinglan decided to try again.

"But I heard from the teacher that before the two confirmed their relationship, the disciple and his senior sister had some fetters.

Lin Langyue was stunned when he heard the words, "Does the head know the relationship between the two in advance?

Yi Qinglan whispered: "I know."

Lin Langyue frowned, "Isn't this a footstep?'

"Insert, infiltrate?"

Yi Qinglan's cheeks flushed, "Isn't it?"


Lin Langyue slapped the surface of the water and said angrily: "It turned out to be a shameless person!

Yi Qinglan covered her face.

Just for a while, she has been shameless three or four times.

I have never been so shameless in my life.

Lin Langyue shook his head and said, "I thought he was a man of the most affectionate and sexual, but he did not expect to destroy the feelings of the two disciples. How can the master do this?'


Yi Qinglan said in embarrassment, "I can't say that, it's just that the relationship between them is more complicated.

"Complex?" (ajeh) Lin Langyue thought of something, shocked: "Master meant that the three of them are together in life?"

"!! "

Yi Qinglan's heart jumped!

His white cheeks quickly dyed blush, and he stammered: "When did the teacher say that? What is this, this?!"

She had never had such an idea before, and it simply subverted her idea.

Three life together?

It's ridiculous to feel flustered just thinking about it!

Lin Langyue also nodded, "It's really a bit shameful.

Looking at the flustered Yi Qinglan, she couldn't help but wonder: "But why did the master suddenly talk about this? And it seems to be familiar with the head.

Master has forgotten his love and nurturing, and is the most repulsive of his children's affection.

"Unfamiliar, not familiar at all!"

Yi Qinglan's head shook into a rattle.


Lin Langyue scratched his head, always feeling something strange.

Yi Qinglan sighed in her heart.

"Don't tell her first, otherwise Pang Dao really has no face to meet people. Let's take your time."

At this moment, Lin Langyue swam over slowly, and said with a smile: "Master, disciple will wipe your back for you, right?"

"Huh? No need."

"Master, you are welcome!"

The flying boat pierced the sky.

Li Ran sat on the deck with Erlang's legs upright, basking in the sun leisurely.

They are advancing in the direction of Wuyang City.

The Immortal Climbing Conference is actually an enrollment ceremony. It is mainly based on personal wishes. No matter how big the battle is, it is useless.

So besides him and Ah Qin, there were only two deacons accompanying him this time.

Ah Qin nestled beside him like a kitten, peeling the grapes and feeding them to his mouth.

Seeing that handsome white face, my heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Recalling what was recorded in the "cheat book", her pretty cheeks were hot instantly, and her eyes flickered and she dared not raise her head.

"Lu Xinran is really ridiculous, he actually hides that kind of script, but is it true that what is written in the book?

There was a mess in her little head, as if she was drunk.

Li Ran didn't notice her abnormality, but connected the red line on her wrist.

Talking with Master Qinglan every day has become a daily routine.

"Master Qinglan, my disciple misses you.

There was a moment of silence on the other side of the red line, and Yi Qinglan's shy voice sounded, "Little thief, I miss you too, but can you disconnect it first?"

Li Ran wondered: "Master is not convenient?"

"It's not so

Before Yi Qinglan finished speaking, he heard a sound of water, and then Lin Langyue's voice came: "Master, your body is really good! Your skin is also very good!"

Li Ran swallowed, and said in surprise: "You, what are you two doing?"

Chapter 249

Chapter 249 Rebellious disciple, yet another way!

Facing Li Ran's doubts, Yi Qinglan said shyly: "It's nothing, it's just taking a bath with Langyue.


Li Ran imagined the scene for a moment, and the blood pressure began to rise again.

He listened to Lin Langyue's voice, a smirk formed at the corner of his mouth, and he stretched out his hand and scratched his wrist.

Yi Qinglan's body trembled, her cheeks flushed and hot instantly.

I exclaimed in my heart, "Little thief, you hurry up-hand!"

Li Ran suffocated a smile. After a while, he heard Lin Langyue's suspicious voice, "Master, do you have a fever? Why is your body so hot?'

Yi Qinglan: ""

Her face was flushed, her legs and feet were soft, and she leaped into the air.

The white Taoist robe automatically put on his body without any wind.

Lin Langyue raised her head and said in doubt: "Master, what's the matter with you?"

Without looking back, Yi Qinglan said in a trembled voice: "Pan Dao is ready, you can soak yourself slowly."

After finishing speaking, the figure dissipated in an instant.

Lin Langyue soaked in the pool alone, wondering: "Is it done so soon?"

"Isn't it what I said that made Master angry?"

On the top of the mountain.

Yi Qinglan leaned on the tree trunk, her breath was disordered, and she complained: "You guy, it's ridiculous. Just now Lang Yue was still next to him, so he dared to make trouble!"

Li Ran smiled, "Don't you think it's exciting, Master?'

"I'm irritating you, you are almost ashamed!"

Yi Qinglan, Xiafei's cheeks, her pretty face flushed.

Just now, I took a bath with my apprentice, but Li Ran was making trouble on the other side of the red line. Her strong sense of shame made her want to find a place to sew in.

"It's really necrotic, you know to torture poor Dao!"

It took a long time for Yi Qinglan to calm down.

Thinking back to the content of the conversation with Lang Yue just now, I couldn't help but sigh slightly.

"Little thief, I just had a chat with Lang Yue. She seems to be unacceptable to our relationship."

Li Ran was taken aback when he heard the words, "Master has already made it clear to her?"

"Not yet."

Yi Qinglan shook her head, "Pan Dao just slapped on the sidelines, but her reaction was very violent."

Listening to the other's low tone, Li Ran said with relief: "Master, don't worry, she will understand one day."

"hope so."

Yi Qinglan gave a wry smile.


It's probably not that easy, this girl just said she was shameless

Yi Qinglan didn't care about the world's vision and rumors, otherwise he would not be with Li Ran.

But Lin Langyue is different.

It was her personal disciple, who grew up watching each other, and his feelings have surpassed ordinary masters and disciples.

"He is Langyue's Heavenly Dao. This bond cannot be cut off. How should Pang Dao be with him?"

Yi Qinglan rubbed her eyebrows and couldn't help but feel a little worried.

But looking at the red line on the wrist, my mood gradually became more cheerful, "No matter, anyway, as long as you can be with the thief, you are shameless.

She blushed and whispered, "Little thief, where are you? Pindao wants to see you."

Li Ran scratched his head, "The disciple also wants to see Master, but now he is on a flying boat, and he is almost reaching Wuyang City."

"Wuyang City?"

Yi Qinglan wondered: "What are you going there for?"

Li Ran replied: "The Immortal Ascension Conference is about to begin, and the disciples are attending on behalf of Youluodian."

"You also went to participate?"

Yi Qinglan suddenly understood something.

No wonder Lin Langyue was going to the Immortal Cultivation Conference suddenly, but it turned out to be Li Ran.

I keep saying that for Sect, for experience, in fact, it is for men at all!

And it's for her man!

This rebel!

Yi Qinglan is so angry and funny, "It's actually so pitiful!"


Wuyang Palace.

Sheng Ye frowned deeply as he looked at the memorial in front of him.

"This Immortal Climbing Conference, there are so many forces concerned?"

Except for those first- and second-rate forces, almost none of the top Sects are absent, and the leader is either the chief or the personal pass.

Although the Dengxian Conference in previous years was very lively, it was not so exciting.

Sheng Ye figured it out for a little while.

"I think it should be Li Ran's relationship.

This Devil Dao Holy Son is too strong, which brings great pressure to other Sects.

Although his current strength is not enough to affect the overall situation, what about another decade?

What about another hundred years?

Li Ran is extremely talented and grows extremely fast.

If you really prove the Dao and claim the emperor, plus that terrifying cold witch, the Youluo Palace will look down upon the entire vast land by then!

Therefore, the sects are increasingly eager for talented seedlings.

Even if you can't surpass Li Ran, you can't drop too much.

"So many practitioners gather in Wuyang City, if something goes wrong

0...…Look for flowers

Sheng Ye groaned slightly and said, "Come here."

As soon as the voice fell, a black figure emerged out of thin air, kneeling on the ground, "Your Majesty."

Sheng Ye commanded: "Let the imperial city guards send more manpower to maintain stability in the city, especially on the day of the Immortal Climbing Conference, absolutely must not go wrong.


The man's figure disappeared.

Sheng Ye rubbed his eyebrows, "It doesn't matter to other people, I just hope Li Ran can be honest."


Li Family Mansion.

In the meeting hall.

Li Daoyuan looked at the two young girls in bright and beautiful clothes in front of him, with a little nervous and helpless expression.

Since Li Ran returned to Sect, the two princesses ran to Li's house twice in three days.

I didn't come to send gold and silver jewellery, or to send spirit tea and immortal brew. He said that this was a compassionate emperor, but in the end he was asking about Li Ran's news.

Li Daoyuan can see that these two princesses have a close relationship with Li Ran!

"Nizi, it doesn't matter if you provoke a mosquito dragon princess, even Princess Jinyun will not let it go? This is for the life of the old man!"

At this time, Sheng Anyi said: "Uncle Li, the emperor knows that you have a soft spot for good wine, so I specifically asked me to send you this drunk fairy brew."

She shook her wrist, and there was a jade box in her hand.

After opening, there are ten porcelain bottles, and the fragrance of wine bursts into the nose.

Just smelling the smell makes people a little bit drunk.

Li Daoyuan quickly took it, "Thanks for the grace of Emperor Sheng, how can He De let Emperor Sheng be missed? I am really flattered.

"Uncle Li, you are too polite."

Sheng Zhixia said with a smile: "There are ten bottles in it. You can taste it first, and then go to the palace after drinking.

"Yes," Sheng Anyi nodded and said, "There are no outsiders here. You don't have to be so restrained."

Li Daoyuan wiped his cold sweat.

Co-authoring you two really don't think of yourself as an outsider!


Sheng Zhixia cleared her throat, pretending to say casually: "Uncle Li, at this ascent to the immortal meeting, has Holy Son Li Holy Son ever said he will come back?"

Sheng Anyi also quietly pricked up her ears.

Li Daoyuan looked at the expressions of expectation between the two, and his voice tightened.

Good guy, really came to Li Ran!

He bitterly said in his heart: "Is it not counted that I provoked Wanjian Pavilion and Hehuan Sect, and provoked two princesses?"

"Isn't this cheating!" Shao.

Chapter 250

Chapter 250 Ji Xingyun, Yue Jianli's trouble!

The flying boat stopped outside Wuyang City.

The two deacons went directly to the Sect stronghold and waited for the start of the Immortal Ascension Conference there.

And Li Ran walked into the city with Ah Qin.

Looking at the prosperous and magnificent imperial capital in front of him, Ah Qin's eyes became a little straight.

In the past ten years, her main venues for activities have been limited to the one-third acre of Luoxuefeng, and even the number of trips to Rinfeng City has been pitiful.

Have you ever seen such a huge city state?

She looked around like a curious baby, but her little hand gripped Li Ran's sleeve tightly.

There has been too much change here and in memory, and this dense crowd also made her a little nervous.

Li Ran held her hand and asked, "Why, scared?,

Ah Qin blushed and shook his head, "With the Holy Son, Ah Qin is not afraid. It's just that I rarely see so many."

Li Ran smiled and said, "Relax, the people who should be nervous "Six Nine Three" are them."


Ah Qin was taken aback when he heard the words, and then looked at the pedestrians around him.

I saw the eyes of others dodge, and their expressions were tense.

When they meet them, they will automatically let them go to the sides. No matter how crowded the street is, the two of them are always empty.

In Windy City before, her appearance always attracted all kinds of eyes, but in this imperial capital, no one dared to look at her at all.

Ah Qin whispered, "Master Holy Son, they seem to be afraid of you?"

It's more like awe than fear.

Regardless of identity and strength, as far as the things he has done, which one is not shocking the world?

In this Wuyang City, whether you are a flat-headed people, a high-ranking official, or a family child, who doesn't know Li Holy Son?

Who dares not know Li Holy Son?

Li Ran shook his head, "Just be scared if you're afraid, it saves a lot of trouble.

It's better than just a few annoying flies popping up just fine.

His eyes raised slightly, sweeping across the bustling crowd.

"The practitioner is much more than usual."

Because of the Immortal Climbing Conference, various Sect forces flooded into Wuyang City, and they were all practitioners carrying knives and swords.

The two ways of right and evil gathered, and the atmosphere was much more solemn than usual.

At this time, the sun was in the sky, it was already 10 minutes at noon.

There was a restaurant right in front, Li Ran said, "Let's go eat something first, and then go home after eating."

Ah Qin nodded obediently, "I listen to adults."

The two raised their legs and walked forward.

Zuifeng Building.

The atmosphere at the originally lively restaurant was cold and solemn at this time.

In the lobby, the two groups are facing each other.

One side is full of swordsmen in Tsing Yi, embroidered with the golden small sword logo on the collar, obviously they are swordsmen from Wanjian Pavilion.

The headed Sa Shuang girl is naturally Yue Jianli.

Opposite her sat a gloomy man, his face pale as paper under his black robe.

Behind him stood several black-robed men with a gloomy expression, exuding bursts of decadent and oppressive aura.

Yue Jianli frowned and said, "Ji Xingyun, what do you mean? Want to start a fight here?"

Ji Xingyun sneered, "Yue Jianli, what you did yourself should know in your heart, still pretending to be stupid with me?"

Yue Jian frowned.

Ji Xingyun is the heir of Yin Zudao Tao, only in his early twenties, but because of dealing with Zuqi all the year round, his face looks about the same as forty or fifty.

Although Wan Jiange and Yin Corpse Dao did not deal with each other, there was no grudge between the two.

She said impatiently: "If you have something to say quickly, if you have a fart, don't be around here."

Ji Xingyun smiled more gloomily, "Chief Yue is really an honorable person who forgets things. If so, then I'll say it clearly. My clan has an Inner Sect deacon named Yu Ye. Can Chief Yue still have an impression?"

"Yu Ye?"

Yue Jian's head jumped.

It turned out to be this!

Ji Xingyun continued: "At the beginning, in Shiwan Dashan, someone saw Yu Deacon fighting with you, and then you returned to Nanfeng City, but Yu Deacon never heard from you. Is there such a thing?"


Yue Jianli nodded.

Ji Xingyun asked, "What about others?"

Yue Jianli said indifferently: "It's dead, I killed it."

Ji Xingyun was taken aback for a moment.

He guessed that Yu Ye was dead, but he didn't expect the other party to be such a bachelor, and he didn't even conceal it.

His long and narrow eyes narrowed slightly, "Chief Yue is not going to give an explanation?

"Of course I have to.

Yue Jian lifted his long sword away from his thumb, revealing an inch of cold light sword edge.

The sharp and cast-free Sword intent burst out in an instant, surging in the entire lobby, making people spine cold!

Her eyes were cold and determined, "I gave this statement, can you catch it?"

Ji Xingyun frowned, "Did you break the pill?"

This is clearly the aura only available in the Nascent Soul realm.

Unexpectedly, in just a few days, she would have broken the pill and become a baby!

Yue Jianli raised his eyebrows, "Why, I dare not pick it up?

Ji Xingyun twitched the corners of his mouth, shook his head and said, "Chief Yue is indeed Tian, ​​but it is a pity that he is still too young, Yu Rui!"

A man behind him responded, and the breath of decay and death spread, and instantly washed out Sword Qi.

Under the black robe, the cheeks were old, and a pair of eyes shone red.

Yue Jian shrank from his pupil, "Distracted?"

The restaurant was quiet for a while.

Among the practitioners on the second floor, there was a burst of whispers.

"This is a distraction realm, right?"

"This breath definitely exceeds Nascent Soul, but which Realm is still unclear."

"This Yu Rui is Yu Ye's own brother, a master of distraction!"

"His mother and maid! This Ji Xingyun came to attend the Immortal Climbing Conference, and also brought a master of distraction?"

"The Chief Yue brought only a few Gold Core deacons!"

"As far as I know, I came prepared. It is said that this time I will step on Yue Jianli and Lin Langyue!"

Although there are many righteous cultivators among them, everyone hesitates a little.

They were here to recruit people, and most of the people they brought were Gold Core Nascent Soul.

Moreover, as the top Sect, the corpse road is secretive and impermanent, which is not so easy to provoke.

No one wants 4.7 to be this early bird.

In the lobby.

Yu Rui's voice was stern, "Is Little Brother really dead?"

Yue Jianli nodded, "All souls are destroyed, and those who die can't die anymore."


A gloomy wind rises on the ground, and the whole restaurant is like an ice cellar!

Yu Rui gritted his teeth, "At that time, you were nothing but Gold Core. It was impossible for you to kill it. Hand over the murderer!"

"Don't believe it? How about I kill you too, go and ask him?"

Yue Jian burned the sky decisively from his body, and the fiery sword light was against the yin wind.

There is a huge difference between the two Realm, but it does not mean that she is afraid of each other, even if she is not an opponent, she will bite a piece of meat!

Just at this moment, a lazy voice rang out from the door, "Little Er, find me an elegant room, Little Er?

Yue Jian trembles away from his body, and suddenly looks back!