
I really don't want to fall in love with my master

This novel is specifically designed for my one so I don't care about anything

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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50 Chs

231 to 240

Please, I Really Didn't Want To Fall in Love With My Master! Chapter 231 Online

Chapter 231

Chapter 231 All for double harmony!

In the car.

Leng Wuyan sat on the chair with a bit of resentment in her eyes.

Li Ran wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

After a long time, her faint voice sounded, "So, you really embraced?"

Li Ran swallowed, and sneered, "It's just a simple hug.

Leng Wuyan brows jumped, and silently drew out the black sword.

The murderous aura of Jianfeng was permeated, and the space was constantly distorted and shattered.

She muttered to herself in a low voice: "It was really a mistake to let her go. Isn't it too late to chase after? Or, have Bai Yunfeng also beheaded?"

Li Ran hurriedly held her, "Master, calm down!"

"How can I be calm?"

Leng Wuyan gritted her teeth and said: "That smelly Daoist and this seat are robbing the apprentice, and you still have to rob the man with this seat? Don't cut it at this time, when will you wait?!"

These two people have been together for a few days, and they have already reached the point of hugging. If a few days pass, wouldn't they be going to sleep together!

With other people, she might not be so angry yet.

But that person was Yi Qinglan!

"I'm going to spread her ashes!"

She went hunting and got up to go.

Li Ran hugged her tightly, "Master, you have misunderstood, listen to the disciple to explain to you!"

Leng Wuyan's chest rises and falls, and he barely calms down, "Explain, I will listen to 09."

Li Ran said: "In the disciple's hometown, hugging is a kind of etiquette, mainly to express each other's cherished emotions when bidding farewell, and has no other meaning."

Leng Wuyan narrowed his eyes slightly, "So what?"

He looked righteous and said: "So the disciple and Master Yi Daochang have a pure relationship between master and disciple."

"Pure teacher-disciple relationship?"

Leng Wuyan didn't know what he thought of, and blushed and broke into a bite, "I don't know you yet? You are impertinent, daring, and especially interested in female masters. Why would you let Yi Qinglan go? "

She even had reason to suspect that this adversary was just for excitement, and made Yi Qinglan his Master!

The old Li Ran blushed and said in embarrassment: "Master misunderstood the disciple. Disciple Cheng Men Lixue, respecting the teacher and respecting the morals, and filial piety can be learned from the sun and the moon!"

"Respect for teachers?"

Leng Wuyan gave him a white look and hummed: "Confess to this seat, take a bath with this seat, and sleep and sleep with this seat. Is this what you mean by filial piety?"


Li Ran nodded and said seriously: "The confession is to soothe the lonely soul of Master. Taking a bath together is to worry that Master will accidentally drown. Sleeping together is afraid that Master will catch the cold after kicking the quilt at night."

"Does the master feel the disciple's hard work?"

Leng Wuyan: "…

Seeing his serious appearance, she Didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You rebel, your face grows faster than Cultivation Base!"

"Hey, Master, don't be angry."

Li Ran reached out and pulled her into his arms.

Leng Wuyan sat on his lap, hugging his neck, his pretty face flushed slightly.

After such interruption, she couldn't stretch herself anymore, and all the murderous aura disappeared in smoke.

She pouted her small mouth, and said with a grievance: "I said that I wanted to drag Yi Qinglan into the red dust, but I didn't let you really do that."

Li Ran smiled and said: "Since it is the task assigned by the master, the disciple must take it down!"

Leng Wuyan beat him, "Adversary, you are obedient at this time.

Seeing that charming and glamorous appearance, his heart couldn't help but feel a little rippling.

"Just kidding.

Li Ran sternly said: "The disciple and Yi Daochang are really not what you think."

He has a good impression of Yi Qinglan, and the relationship between the two is much closer, but shouldn't it be possible to talk about the relationship between men and women?

After all, the other party is the goddess of Tianshu!

Leng Wuyan said helplessly: "I don't know if you are really stupid or you are pretending to be stupid."

"A hug is nothing to you, but it means a lot to Yi Qinglan.

"Too much forgotten love, remote sensing of heaven, she can cultivate to the emperor level, indicating that Dao heart has long been free from dust, how can she have physical contact with men?"

"A hug with you means that she has denied her past self. The Tao of Emotion is no longer the supreme existence in her heart, and Dao Heart is definitely not so firm anymore."

Li Ran couldn't help being taken aback.

There is such a deep meaning behind this hug?

He puzzled: "But the disciple feels that she is quite normal?,

Leng Wuyan shook his head, "This is exactly where I am puzzled."

If Yi Qinglan gave up the Tao of Forgetfulness, it would be tantamount to destroying her own Cultivation Base, and she would fall to the emperor class almost instantly.

But in her perception, the opponent's aura was deep and not affected at all.

"How did this aunt do it?"

"Is she really not tempted by Ran'er? Then how do you explain the removal of the veil and the hug?"

Leng Wuyan was puzzled.

Intuition told her that Yi Qinglan was not right, but she couldn't tell the details.

This is actually the credit of the red line.

Li Ran and Yi Qinglan are bound by the first line of marriage. This kind of deep bondage in the soul has detached from the love of ordinary men and women.

No matter how close they are, it will not affect Dao heart in the slightest.

Leng Wuyan never thought of this.

"Finally, the Tianshu Academy is extraordinary. If you want to learn it, you can learn it well."

"As for Yi Qinglan, don't even think about igniting her idea anyway!"

Xuanling Mountain.

The master bedroom.

Leng Wuyan's eyes were misty, and she groaned: "You are really absurd in broad daylight!"

Li Ran smiled, "Master, this time feels the disciple's filial piety, right?

"do not talk!'

Leng Wuyan glared at him bitterly.

This guy insists on being a master and disciple, he is not respecting the teacher at all, it is entirely to satisfy his own evil taste!

Li Ran said pitifully, "Master, when can my disciple cultivate with you?

Leng Wuyan's pretty face flushed, "You rebel, is 680 only thinking about these things?"

Li Ran looked calm, "Yes.

Leng Wuyan turned her head and said shyly: "This, this kind of thing, don't embarrass this seat, the main reason is that your Cultivation Base is not enough."


Li Ran scratched his head, "This is also related to Cultivation Base?"

"Of course."

Leng Wuyan said with no good air: "This seat is attached to the way of Sen Luo, your spirit is so weak, I am afraid that if this seat is not paying attention, it will directly annihilate you."

Li Ran sighed, "It turned out to be like this."

Do you have to wait for him to prove the emperor?

I don't even know the year of the monkey.

Looking at his downcast look, Leng Wuyan was angry and funny.

"Your cultivation speed is so fast, in fact, it won't take long. As long as you can reach the Harmony Realm, the soul and the Dao, and the spirit and soul are tenacious, you can."

She was so shy in her heart that she couldn't say it.


Li Ran's eyes lit up, "Isn't that only one Realm missing?"

He is now the Nascent Soul late stage, and he will soon break through the distraction, and the next Realm of distraction is Hedao.

As for the so-called Realm threshold, it is basically useless to him.

Thinking of this, he got up and got out of bed without saying a word.

Leng Wuyan said in a puzzled way: "What are you doing?"

Li Ran clenched his fists, impassioned, "The disciples want Closed Door Training to practice hard, and strive for early harmony!"

Leng Wuyan: "

Chapter 232

Chapter 232 Work hard to repair your luggage

Baiyun Peak.

Yi Qinglan was lying on the bed with her pretty face in her hands, her calves swaying lightly.

If it were put in the past, she would never do such a girlish act.

But now it is very natural.

Recalling the experience of the previous two days, a shyness flashed in my eyes.

"It's ridiculous

Not only did she share the same room with Li Ran, she even "shared the bed"!

Although she didn't lie down and kept the posture of meditating, Li Ran was too dishonest, and the effect of the red line made her unable to withstand it at all.

If it were not for the last bit of strength, I am afraid that even the last line of defense…

"This ridiculous little thief!"

Yi Qinglan bit her lip, her eyes shining brightly.

And the hug between the two was almost bumped by Leng Wuyan.

"They don't feel like an ordinary teacher-student relationship. Leng Wuyan is too close to him, and he is so resistant to Wangqingdao."

"If it's not an illegitimate child, is it

At this moment, there was a flash of light in her mind.

"Could they be that kind of relationship?!"

This thought only came out for a second, before Yi Qinglan shook his head and denied it.

"Impossible, Leng Wuyan hates men more than Poor Dao, and is extremely repulsive of the love between men and women. How can he get mixed up with his disciples?"

Just when she was thinking about it, deacon's voice came from outside the door.

"Head, Chief Lin asks to see you."

"Lang Yue?"

Yi Qinglan hurriedly stood up, her robes flicked, and the big bed disappeared.

After tidying up her clothes, she said, "Let her come in."


The door was pushed open, and Lin Langyue walked in, "The disciple has seen Master."

Yi Qinglan nodded, "Why do you want to be a teacher?"

She turned around and closed the door, smiling charmingly: "It's nothing, the disciple just misses Master."

Yi Qinglan gave her a sideways look, "You girl, I don't know who learned this thing from… Come on, what's the matter?"

Lin Langyue scratched his head and said: "I heard that the master had taken action against the Hehuan Sect, and the disciple was a little worried, so I wanted to come over and take a look."

Yi Qinglan took a look at her, and said lightly: "As a teacher, you are worried about Li Ran~[?"


Lin Langyue's mind was seen through, blushing and smiling.

Yi Qinglan shook her head and said, "Don't worry, Li Ran is not only unscathed, but also has gained a lot of benefits."

He snorted inwardly, "There is almost another encounter with Yan."

"That's good."

Lin Langyue relaxed.

Looking at the appearance of the disciple, Yi Qinglan felt very complicated.

Langyue must like Li Ran, but he and Li Ran are entangled. Now Li Ran has become a disciple of own again, and he is also Langyue's teacher.

"Why is Pang Dao involved in such a chaotic relationship?"

Yi Qinglan frowned.

Lin Langyue didn't notice it, and whispered: "Master, the disciple hasn't known what happened lately. I always think of Li Ran in my heart, and I especially want to see him, even if I just say a few words.

"Hey, as a teacher too


Facing her suspicious gaze, Yi Qinglan came back to her senses, blushing and stammering: "I also convinced you as a teacher. How can I be so greedy for men?"

Lin Langyue lowered her head in shame.

Seeing that she was not suspicious, Yi Qinglan relaxed and said solemnly:

"Although Li Ran is your Heavenly Dao visualization, you have to exercise restraint and abide by your heart, so that you can achieve great success."

"In the future, don't think about it randomly and focus on your practice. The external phase is incomprehensible, and the internal phase is incomprehensible. Only by cutting off the mortal heart can Wanfa be mastered.

Lin Langyue nodded seemingly understanding.

Seeing Yi Qinglan's ethereal appearance, she couldn't help but admire: "When can a disciple sit in the clouds like a master, dart out of the dust, and not be bothered by this mortal heart?"

Yi Qinglan said indifferently: "Think of Realm as a teacher, you still have a long way to go."

Before she finished her words, her expression suddenly stagnated, and her eyes were a little bit of joy and excitement.

Seeing her not speaking, Lin Langyue said softly: "Master?'


Yi Qinglan cleared Qing Yinzi and said, "You go to cultivation first, there is something important to deal with the poor road.

"Oh well.

Lin Langyue nodded and walked out.

As soon as the door was closed, Yi Qinglan waved his sleeves and the big bed appeared out of thin air.

She sat up lightly, looked at the shining red line on her wrist, and couldn't help but smile at the corner of her mouth.

"Little thief, can you hear me~"

Holy Son residence.

Ah Qin looked at the closed bedroom door with some doubts.

"Strange, Lord Holy Son never practiced, why did he start meditating as soon as he came back?"

"It's strange to say that we are going to work hard.

She walked over and knocked on the door gently, "Master Holy Son, it's getting late, do you want to wash and sleep?"

There was no response from the room.

Ah Qin was a little worried, and pushed the door open a gap.

I saw Li Ran Lotus Position sitting on the pad with golden ancient seals on his body, Spirit Power surging recklessly, Dao Fa and Sanskrit sound complemented each other.

"It turned out to be really hard cultivation.

Ah Qin closed the door silently.

"My lord is already very strong, but still working so hard, Ah Qin can't fall behind!"

"^|For the Lord Holy Son, we must Foundation Building as soon as possible!"

She raised her pink fist, cheered herself up, and walked back to the room arrogantly.

Ah Qin is for Li Ran, and Li Ran is for Leng Wuyan.

This pair of young girls, each with great dreams, worked hard to cultivate.

However, even if Li Ran "Closed Door Training" did not forget his promise to Yi Qinglan, he would still connect the red line regularly.

A voice came from the other end of the red line, "This feeling, little thief, are you cultivating?"

Li Ran nodded, "I want to break through to the He Dao realm as soon as possible."

"Hedao Realm?"

Yi Qinglan was a little confused, "Pan Dao remembers that you are not interested in cultivation, why are you so active now?"

Li Ran smiled and said, "The disciple likes too strong people. You must work hard at Ascension Cultivation Base to be with her.

Yi Qinglan was taken aback, "Who do you like?"

My heart is suddenly sour and astringent, which is very unpleasant, "I can make you work so hard, that person must be very good, right?"

Li Ran said: "Of course, she is the best woman I have ever seen." (Wang Qian's)

Yi Qinglan felt even more uncomfortable, and she resisted the sourness and asked, "Then what kind of person is she?"

Li Ran thought for a while, and said, "She is very beautiful, strong, and high-status. She looks very cold on the outside, but she is very gentle on the inside."

Yi Qinglan was startled.

Her heartbeat gradually accelerated, and she said nervously, "What is her name for the person you are talking about?"

Li Ran shook his head, "It's about her reputation. I won't mention the name to anyone. When I reach the top of the vast land and stand by her side with strength, Master Qing Lan will naturally know!"

There was silence on the other end of the red line, and Yi Qinglan's shy voice sounded, "Rebel, you are so bold!"

Li Ran: "Huh Gu?"

Her voice was shy and flustered, with a hint of surprise, and she trembled: "You must work hard to cultivate, the poor and the poor believe you

The voice is getting smaller and smaller, almost inaudible.

Li Ran scratched his head, always feeling something went wrong. .

Chapter 233

Chapter 233 Holy Son really worked hard!

Rakshasa peak.

Leng Wuyan stood with her hand in hand, standing on the top of the mountain and looking into the distance.

This is her habit all the time, deacons have long been used to it.

But her expression at this time was a little annoying.

"Since I came back, Ran'er has been practicing hard at Closed Door Training. I haven't seen him for several days.

She was very tangled inside.

On the one hand, I hope Li Ran can practice hard and break through as soon as possible.

But on the other hand, I also hope that the other person can be with me, even if I can see him every day.

"He only has Nascent Soul late stage now, and I don't know how long it will take to break through to Hedao.

"Is it just like Closed Door Training?"

"But I have no reason to stop him."

Leng Wuyan rubbed her eyebrows, "So annoying, I really want to see Burning."

Suddenly, there was a flash of light in her mind.

"Isn't it enough for me to let him come to the palace for cultivation?"

"Not only will it not delay his practice, but I can see him every day!"

Leng Wuyan smiled, "This seat is really a heaven!'

She was excited, with her hands on her back, and walked briskly down the mountain.

Holy Son residence.

Boom boom boom.

Early in the morning, the door rang 680.


Ah Qin pushed open the door and saw Lu Xinran standing with his back in front of the door.

She smiled and said: "Aqin Big sis is early, today you seem to be beautiful again!"

Everyone in Sect knows that Holy Son attaches great importance to this "subordinate".

Before, a disciple of Inner Sect spoke harshly to Ah Qin and was directly abolished by Li Ran Cultivation Base on the spot, kicking down the mountain gate.

After knowing this, the headmaster not only didn't blame him, but instead asked the Elders to strictly control the disciples.

Since then, Ah Qin has become a special existence in Sect.

Although not a disciple of Youluo Temple, Big Brother Inner Sect bowed his head to say hello when he saw her.

Fortunately, Ah Qin has a very good personality and never bullies others. Disciples has a very good impression of her.

Lu Xinran even became a sister with her.

"Good morning Xinran, are you coming to Master Holy Son?" Ah Qin asked with a smile.

Lu Xin nodded, a little shy: "I heard that Holy Son is back. I haven't seen him for a long time, so I wanted to come over and greet him."

Ah Qin said: "Master Holy Son is still cultivating, it may not be convenient to meet guests.


Lu Xinran wondered: "This early morning started to cultivate (ajeh)?,

Ah Qin nodded, "Since my lord came back, he has been practicing behind closed doors for many days.,

Lu readily scratched his head.

In the impression, Li Ran seems to have never Closed Door Training and cultivation, except that he often goes to the master bedroom to discuss the Tao.

"Holy Son is already so strong, he has thrown out a lot of the Tianjiao of the two realms, and he is still working so hard?"

"Master Holy Son really worked hard.

"Then me too

Before the words fell, the room suddenly burst into light, and a roar seemed to rang in their hearts.

The two of them felt turbulent and fell directly to the ground.

Then, the scene before them completely shocked them.

I saw Li Ran penetrate the wall and rise into the air, dazzling like a scorching sun in the sky.


As if the void opened the door, a huge golden giant stepped into the air.

It is leaning against the Galaxy Cluster Universe, its figure is extremely tall and stalwart, and its indifferent eyes are looking down at the entire Xuefeng.

What is different from the previous ones is that the giant's figure has become taller, and the dragons entwined on his arms have become more real, and even the scales of the dragon are clearly visible!

The giant elephant neighed under his body, as if cast from white jade, exuding unpredictable power.

"What magical power is this?"

Lu Xinran and Ah Qin hugged each other, shivering under the pressure of the vastness.

In the bedroom.

Leng Wuyan was ordering something, suddenly raised her head and looked in the direction of Luo Xuefeng, with a little surprise in her eyes.

"Is this a breakthrough? Ran'er talent is really terrifying!'

"It seems that he is really moving this time!"

"Well, if you continue to cultivate at this speed, it's probably not long before you are in harmony.

Her cheeks flushed slightly and her eyes were full of shyness.

The king Deacon in the audience was dumbfounded.

"The head can actually blush?

The huge sound of Luo Xuefeng attracted the attention of the whole family.

Dense figures rose into the air, all flying towards here, wanting to find out.

Sun Elder arrived first and was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him.

"The golden body of Holy Son? This, this, this is too big!"

But it's not over yet.

The black mist spread.

The terrifying and ferocious Soul Eater looked up to the sky and roared, with six sturdy and huge arms waving, and the light of various spirit treasures complemented each other.

It has swallowed a lot of soul power, and the demon flame is raging to the sky at this time, and its size is almost shoulder to shoulder with the golden giant!


Gorgeous Buddha light blooms, accompanied by the singing of the Sanskrit Buddha, a Vajra Lotus Position sits in the void.

Hold the flower in the left hand and the sword in the right.

Vajra glared, slashed demons and demons, Bodhisattva lowered his eyebrows, six ways of compassion!

Everyone was shocked by this scene.

"Nascent Soul Realm, condensing three statues? It's almost unheard of!"

"Holy Son actually has such pure Buddha power?"

"Holy Son is really big! I'm just saying it."

"Holy Son, is this going to make a breakthrough?"

"No, how long did he break through Nascent Soul? This, this is too exaggerated!"

Disciples talked a lot.

But the expressions of the Elders were very shocked.

They are all capable of Transcends Tribulation, and Li Ran's status can be seen at a glance.

The soul is majestic, and the aura is soaring, it has far exceeded Nascent Soul Realm.

Li Ran, it's time to breakthrough and distract!

Sun Elder was trembling all over, and his eyes were full of enthusiasm!

"Such a terrifying cultivation speed can no longer be explained by talent!"

"Li Holy Son, he is definitely the son of Heavenly Dao!"

Li Ran was very depressed at this time.

It stands to reason that his Spirit Power is abundant, his soul power is magnificent, and his breakthrough and distraction is a matter of smooth flow.

But now it's stuck.

The reason was that the tempered soul was too strong, far beyond the early stage of distraction, causing his Purple Mansion Sea of ​​Consciousness to be indigestible!

"The threshold of others is that the soul power is not enough, but the threshold of daddy is that the soul power is too strong?

He thought for a while and dialed the help hotline.

"Master Qinglan, I'm stuck and can't get in. I mean Divine Soul."

Yi Qinglan was also speechless after listening, "You are too impatient, just want to break through in a few days?"

"Big Realm breakthrough is not so easy. Although your soul power is abundant, the sea of ​​consciousness in the Purple Mansion has not been fully expanded.

"Now I can only pause breakthrough, and wait until the soul power is fully tempered and run in."

Li Ran scratched his head, "This is all on the string, is there no other way?"

Yi Qinglan shook her head and said, "Unless there is a sky thunder to help you temper, otherwise."

Li Ran's eyes lit up, "Sky Thunder? I'm familiar with that stuff!"

ps: There will be more.

I feel cold and unwell, forgive me. .

Chapter 234

Chapter 234 But breakthrough is distracted, do you still have to overcome thunder and calamity?


The disciples of Elder and Inner Sect all gathered here, staring at Li Ran in the sky.

"How long has it passed?"

"At least half an hour, right?"

"What is Holy Son waiting for?"

"I don't know, maybe the hour has not arrived."

"Holy Son is so handsome!"

Listening to Disciples's discussion, Sun Elder frowned slightly.

Yeah, what is Li Ran waiting for?

Obviously, the Spirit Power is abundant and the soul is pure, and it has already reached the standard of distraction. Why-is it still reluctant to breakthrough?

Second, Elder wondered: "Did Holy Son have any problems?"

Sun Elder shook his head, "It shouldn't be, the old man didn't feel anything abnormal."

As soon as the voice fell, she noticed something and looked towards the sky in shock.

"This is!!"

"The Three Realms guards, five emperors welcome."

Invisible energy echoed between the sky and the earth, and the cloudless sky suddenly dimmed.

Dark gray clouds gathered above Li Ran's head.

The breath from the ancient Moye permeated, making everyone feel shocked.

Everyone looked up in amazement, even the expressions of the Elders were extremely frightening.

"Many gods courtesy, control the thunder."

The dark cloud was stirred by the invisible hand, slowly forming a huge vortex.

Among them is faint thunder light condensation.

The air was suppressed to the extreme.

Li Ran's clothes were hunting, and the golden ancient seals on his body gradually spread, covering his skin, like a blazing sun under the gloomy sky.

Thunderbolt wrapped around the dark clouds, thunder rumbling, and lightning flashes!

"There is a thunderbolt inside, and Thor is in hiding!"

"Golden Lightning Curse I smashed myself!"

The sound of wind and thunder stopped abruptly.

The world seemed silent for a moment.

After that, the dark cloud vortex rapidly revolved, and the mighty thunder lightning blatantly smashed it down!


The terrifying thunder light instantly drowned Li Ran!

"No, Holy Son was struck by lightning!"

"Do you want to save people?!"

Disciples exclaimed.

Have they ever seen such a scene?

Sun Elder's throat tightened and his voice hoarse: "Have you seen breakthrough and Transcends Tribulation?"


The Elders looked like puppets and shook their heads dullly.

Li Ran's breath was mixed just now, and the three dharma of Buddha, Dao and Devil were fully revealed, and no one noticed that the golden light curse was his own magical power.

All thought it was a vision of heaven and earth caused by Realm breakthrough.

Nascent Soul breakthrough is distracted, can it actually attract thunder?

This is too exaggerated!

Even if they lived for hundreds of years, they had never heard of such a thing.

Sun Elder swallowed, "This is just a distraction. If you want to break through, don't you have to break the sky?"

"Our Li Holy Son, what the hell is it!"

Li Ran trembled in the thunder light, and was shocked by the electric shock.

"It hurts!"

This trick is extremely powerful, with the ability to kill people across Realm, and as his Cultivation Base Ascension rises, the power is even more different.

The thunder light with the meaning of extinction broke through his defense almost instantly.

At this time, his whole body was filled with Blood Qi, and his knotted muscles were covered with ancient times.

It has already activated the power of the bloodline and the power of seizing the heavens at the same time, resisting the baptism of the Nine Heavens divine thunder, and ensuring that the physical body will not be annihilated in the thunder light.

At the same time, let go of the happy spirit, guiding the shattered thunder light to hit the Zifu Sea of ​​Consciousness.

When the three dharma are the same, they look up to the sky and roar, and the power, the magical intent, and the light of the Buddha are entangled, forming a shocking picture under this gloomy sky!

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!"

Lei Guang forcibly hit the Purple Mansion, as if the soul was about to be torn apart, such an acute pain was simply beyond human beings' ability to bear!

On the other side of the red line, Yi Qinglan exclaimed, "His, it hurts! Li Ran, what are you doing?"

Their perception is shared, and Li Ran's pain is also passed on to her.

"Didn't you say that you want God Thunder Body Tempering?"

"Then what?"

"Then I split myself!"


Yi Qinglan said bitterly: "You little thief is going to die? God thunder can also smash randomly?"

If she hadn't noticed that his aura was stable and had not been severely injured, she would have liked to fly directly to Xuanling Mountain.

"Leng Wuyan is really true. Doesn't this stop him, let him just fool around with his temper?"

She complained a little bit in her heart.

Little did she know that Leng Wuyan had been watching in the dark, and was ready to fish out Li Ran at any time.

Yi Qinglan said: "It's just a distracting state, it's nothing to you, why bother in such a rush?"

0...…Look for flowers.

Li Ran resisted the severe pain, "In order to be with the person I like, I must break through as quickly as possible. This pain is nothing at all.

This is an Isp obsession!

There was a long silence on the red line, and Yi Qinglan whispered: "Actually, you don't have to fight like this. Maybe she doesn't care about your Cultivation Base?"

Li Ran shook his head, "She doesn't care that I care, she has always been protecting me, but who can protect her?"

Yi Qinglan murmured: "Protect her?"

"Not only do I have to stand by her side, I have to be her support!"

"If she wants to escape from the world, I will accompany her to watch Yunjuan Yunshu, if she wants to be born, I will kill all enemies in the world for her!"


"Because, that's daddy's woman!"

In this passage, Li Ran didn't use the spirit to transmit the voice, but roared like a curse.

Actually is not because of other things, mainly because it hurts too much

Yi Qinglan sat on the bed blankly, motionless like a sculpture.

"His woman?"

Yanhong spread rapidly on her snowy and pretty face, her heart was beating violently, and an unprecedented emotion filled her heart.

As if it was a seed planted a long time ago, it finally broke through the atrium at this moment and fully bloomed.

Her eyes sparkled, "Rebel, what on earth do you want to do with the poor?

At this time, Li Ran's voice came from the other end of the red line, "Master Qinglan, I'd better disconnect the red line first, otherwise you will feel pain."

"do not want!"


Yi Qinglan's face was flushed, her eyes were bright, and she said firmly: "Don't disconnect the red line, I want to be with you!"

Leng Wuyan stood in the corner, looking at Li Ran who was struggling in the thunder light, her eyes were reddened and her eyes were misty.

"Kill all the enemies in the world for her?

"It turns out that he worked hard to become stronger, not just for that matter, but also to protect this seat."

"Adversaries know the tears that lie to this seat.

She rubbed her eyes, her voice choked, "Screaming so loudly, do you think it hurts?"

"This big idiot""

ps: There may be another chapter, but it will be later. Book friends get up tomorrow morning and read it. If not, then I didn't resist.

Chapter 235

Chapter 235 My Soul Upgraded!

The severe pain eroded Li Ran's nerves. If it weren't for the strong will and spirit, he would have fainted a long time ago.

Zifu Zhihai was continuously opened up by thunder light, as if the backlog of clouds was pierced by the scorching sun.

The incomparable soul power was injected into the sea of ​​knowledge, and the soul finally found a place to live.

Li Ran's purple mansion is superb.

He has transformed.

This is a feeling of inexplicable meaning, the whole world becomes completely different in his eyes, and every pore in his body is perceiving the outside world.

He looked at the mountains in the distance, his mind moved, and he was already standing on the top of the mountain in the next second.

And looking back, own body is still floating on the Xueluo Peak.

Divine Soul is separated, the biggest boundary between distraction and Nascent Soul.

At this moment, Li Ran was already distracted.

However, compared with ordinary distraction, his state seems a little different.

Distracted Realm, the soul is thin, and the "sixty-eighty-zero" is not in harmony with the Tao.

Although it can barely be separated from the body, it is not only very weak and weak, but also unable to be used for attack.

But Li Ran is full of spirit power at this time, and the feeling is almost the same as the entity!

And most importantly, he can actually use magical powers to forbid Samsara when he is out of the body!

Because it is the magical power of the soul attack, it does not need Spirit Power to drive it, even if it is out of the body, it can still exert its full power.

The only disadvantage is that it will enter a weak state after use, and it is extremely dangerous without physical protection.

But this is also very scary, after all, it is the ability that Hedao has!

At this moment, Yi Qinglan's anxious voice resounded in his mind, "Li Ran, are you okay?"

Li Ran was taken aback.

This red thread can still transmit sound if it is separated from the physical body?

Raising his right hand and looking at it, a red line was shining brightly on the translucent wrist.

"This line of marriage is really connected by the soul."

Li Ran came back to his senses and said, "It's okay, Master Qing Lan, I have successfully made a breakthrough."

"Really? Scared to death.

Yi Qinglan breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now she sensed that the other party's soul was separated, and she thought it was annihilated by lightning.

So scared, he almost crossed over from Baiyun Peak.

She couldn't help but complained: "You little thief, you are really crazy, how can you kill me like this?"

Xianlu is killing every step, and will fall if he is not careful. Who doesn't fumble forward cautiously?

This guy is extremely talented, as long as he cultivates well, his future is limitless.

But he acted so extreme, in order to make a breakthrough, he dared to provoke the sky thunder to smash himself!

Li Ran smiled and said: "Don't worry, I know in my heart, I still have a lot of things to do, I can't bear to die."

There was a long silence on the other end of the red line, and Yi Qinglan whispered: "Little thief, Pang Dao can't control you, but you must not be so impulsive in the future. Even if it is for her, you must live well.

Li Ran nodded and said seriously: "Qing Lan, thank you."

This time the pain of Lei Jie's soul quenching was simply not something ordinary people could bear, but Yi Qinglan accompanied him throughout the whole process, which made him feel a little warm.

Yi Qinglan blushed and stammered: "Presumptuous, you, you are not allowed to call Pang Dao like that!"

"I see, Qing Lan.

"You still said!"

Yi Qinglan covered her face with embarrassment.

"It's strange, Ming Ming Dao is so much older than him, but he always looks like a little girl in front of him."

She barely calmed her mind, and said, "Hurry up and return to the physical body. Don't leave the body easily in the future. If you are caught by the enemy, you will most likely be destroyed."

Li Ran nodded, "Well, I see.

"and also "

Yi Qinglan breathed slightly quickly, and said like a mosquito: "Don't be impatient, cultivate slowly, she, she will always be waiting for you."

After speaking, he buried his face in the pillow, and the roots of Bai Zhe's ears were blushing.

Poor Dao actually said such things

What a shame!

Li Ran scratched his head.

"How does she know that Master will always wait for me?"

"His, it won't be exposed!"

When the red line was disconnected, Li Ran returned to his body, his brows suddenly frowned.

"this "

His knowledge of the sea has also changed.

The original Purple Mansion Sea of ​​Consciousness was empty and dark, as if the night was too thick to fade, but now it was shining brightly, with light blue spots of light floating in it.

Li Ran carefully perceives it, and finds that it contains the meaning of the extinction of the gods.

After the divine soul entered the orifice, the spots of light flooded like moths into the fire, continuously tempering his soul power, and dyed the divine soul with light blue.

Divine Soul has grown stronger again, still faintly shining with a burst of thunder.

"Good guy, my sea of ​​consciousness is Upgraded?"

Li Ran was a little confused.

Yi Qinglan didn't mention this to him either.

As everyone knows, when God Thunder bombards the sea of ​​knowledge, Yi Qinglan just said casually, how can anyone really do this?

"But it seems to be a good thing at the moment. The Soul not only adds the power of thunder, but also becomes more tenacious."

The thunder light gradually stopped, the dark clouds on the horizon dissipated, and the sun shrouded the earth again.

In the shocking gaze of everyone, Li Ran fell from the sky.

"Yeah, where is everyone?

Looking at the crowd in front of him, he smiled and said hello.

Suddenly it felt something wrong.

I saw everyone staring at him in a daze, especially the female disciples, their cheeks flushed and their eyes stunned.

Lu Xinran opened his mouth slightly, and his expression was shocked.

Even the Elders covered their faces in embarrassment.

Li Ran couldn't help but be puzzled.

Could it be that they were scared by God Thunder?

Ah Qin reacted first, blushing and ran up, blocking his coat in front of him.

"My lord, your clothes!"

Li Ran was stunned for a moment, then realized.

"I go!"

He always blushed and flew away.

The female disciples put up the pergola in her hands, looking far away, her eyes still a little bit of amazement and emotion.

It was Sun Elder who reacted first.

She was excited and her eyes were full of enthusiasm.

"Twenty years old, breakthrough and distraction, the entire vast land is unique!"

"Buddha, Dao, and Demon Cultivation, the body of Nascent Soul awakens 4.7 three phenomena, and each of them is amazing!"

"It's just a Nascent Soul breakthrough distraction, which can attract heaven and earth visions, Nine Heavens Body Tempering!"

"Li Holy Son, can be called the first person in the world!"

"My Youluo Temple, as the first in the vast land!"

Other Elders are also very excited.

"Li Holy Son, really invincible!"

"If it weren't for the reincarnation of the emperor, the old man would stand upside down and diarrhea!

"Having this Holy Son, it's the blessing of You Luo Palace!"

"The headmaster knows he must be very happy!"

While standing in the corner, Leng Wuyan was not only unhappy at all, but his face was pale and the cold atmosphere spread.

"Ran'er was actually seen by them."

"Or, clear all their memories, right?"

ps: I didn't resist a cold last night

Chapter 236

Chapter 236 Does Yue Jianli have a man?

The vast land is extremely west.

A gorge traverses north and south.

It's not so much a canyon, it's an endless cliff.

It was as if the earth was torn apart, revealing a terrible scar.

Standing here, I can barely see where the other side is.

The mist below was deep, and there was no echo when a stone was thrown down. It seemed to go straight to the center of the earth.

This place is called Broken Soul Cliff.

The Demon Killing Prison is located here.

If you pass through the guardian formation, you can see that there are layers of palaces scattered on the cliff under the mist and frost.

There are 18 floors from top to bottom.

The top one is the most luxurious, with glazed golden dome and pavilion cornices, and the atmosphere at the end is endless.

There are three big blood-red characters on the black plaque at the door:

The first prison.

The lower the palace, the more ruined, and the more bloody aura, until the eighteenth floor is no longer able to look directly at it.

It is located at the bottom of the rift valley. There is no sunlight at all. The buildings are made of white bones. The strong Blood Qi is just like the essence.

The disciples walking through them were all pale, with red eyes, as if they were walking corpses.

All day long under the influence of Blood Qi, their minds have been taken over by the killing intent.

Only if you are in the top ten of the killing list, you can enter the upper level, otherwise you will not even be qualified to breathe fresh air.

The rules of the magic door are so cruel.

At this time, the two men were walking with their hands at the bottom of the valley.

A person looks indifferent, has a leisurely pace, and is incompatible with others.

It is Bai Jiangye.

There is a man in a black robe beside him.

Wearing a hood, he can't see his face clearly, and the dark robe contains blood lines, which makes people feel uneasy at first glance.

The man said: "Jianye, it seems that you are going to breakthrough Nascent Soul middle stage?"

Bai Jiangye answered, "It's almost a bit, but it's too soon."

The man nodded in satisfaction.

His apprentice is not only extremely talented, but also has an amazing insight into the way of killing, otherwise he would not forcefully kill through the eighteen prisons and become the chief disciple of Sect.

Bai Jiangye sighed, "Unfortunately, if I could witness the deaths of hundreds of thousands of mortals during the time of the beast tide, it would be enough to help me break through and be distracted.

The man said lightly: "Don't rush for a while, with your Cultivation Base, there are few rivals among the same age."

Bai Jiangye smiled bitterly: "Except for Li Ran."

"Li Ran? You mean the one in Youluo Palace?"

The man pondered for a moment and asked: "Is he really as strong as the rumors?"


Bai Jiangye shook his head.

"Then why"

Before the man finished speaking, he listened to the other party solemnly: "He is much stronger than the rumors, that is a real monster!"

The man was taken aback for a moment, and then said amusedly: "Isn't it, I just killed a distraction across Realm? You should be able to do it, too."

The Cultivation Technique of the Killing Prison is the best killer. If you really fight for life and death, you may not be able to cross the Realm to kill.

Bai Jiangye sighed, "Then Yuye I should be able to kill, but I will also be seriously injured and dying, but Li Ran is crushed all the way. There is also the magic image and the divine thunder, which are simply not the supernatural powers of the Nascent Soul realm."

"If I fight with him, I have nine levels of probability that I will die. There is only a silver lining."

The man was startled when he heard the words.

He knows the own apprentice very well.

Bai Jiangye seems rational, but in his bones he is extremely proud and conceited. Even the first Tianjiao Lin Langming has never To put in one's eyes.

Li Ran was the first to make him comment like this.


At this time, a piercing cry sounded, and a black crow with blood-red eyes flew over, holding a piece of jade in his mouth.

The man spread his hand and the jade fell into his palm. Just as Spirit Power was poured into it, his footsteps stopped abruptly.

Even if you can't see the expression, you can still feel the shock.

Bai Jiangye turned his head, puzzled: "Master, what's the matter?"

The man was silent for a while, and said in a low voice: "You are wrong. You are not a life of nine deaths, but a life of ten deaths.

Bai Jiangye was stunned, "What do you mean?"

The man sighed: "When you meet Li Ran in the future, let's go away. There is news from the front, and he is breakthrough and distracted.

Bai Jiangye: "…


East China Sea, Yunjian Island.

Fengshuang Temple.

Standing on the Great Hall, Yue Jianli looked at the woman who was so drunk in front of him, and couldn't help rubbing his eyebrows.

"Master, you have been drinking for three days

The woman was sitting crookedly, one of Bai Zhe's feet stepped on the chair.

She was facing the sky without applying powder, but her skin was as plump as jade, and her eyebrows and eyes were full of heroism.

At this moment, he was holding a hip flask and pouring his head up.

Let the drink run down the snow-white neck, even if the collar gets wet.

"Good wine!"

She finally drank enough, sighed contentedly, and her pretty cheeks were red.

Yue Jianli covered his face.

Who would have thought that this drunkard in front of him was Chu Lingchuan, the sword head of Wanjian Pavilion?

"Master, you are a little overdrinking.

Chu Lingchuan snorted, "Because I feel unhappy as a teacher!"

"Step into distraction at the age of twenty? Where did Leng Wuyan find such a monster disciple?"

That appearance is obviously extremely depressed.

Yue Jian's eyes leaped in joy, and the corners of his mouth slightly cocked, "Li Ran is exceptionally talented, and his cultivation speed is invincible in the world. It's not surprising that you can break through and be distracted."

Chu Lingchuan gave her a blank look, "If you still help him speak, you can't fight for your ambition, and you can show others a distraction?"

"It seems like being a teacher is worse than Leng Wuyan!"

Yue Jianli pouted and said in a low voice: "I want to break through. I can stand on a master alcoholic who is addicted to alcohol, what can I do?"



Chu Lingchuan cleared his throat and put the flask away, "Next time I will say bad things about being a teacher, please tell me in my heart, everyone like this is very embarrassing for 680."

Yue Jianli: "."

Chu Lingchuan blinked his phoenix eyes, drunk and confused, "Xiao Ion, I see for the teacher that your primordial yin has been lost, which guy has been playing tricks on it?"

Yue Jianliqiao blushed and stammered: "Master, you, what are you talking nonsense? You don't know that disciple Weijian is a companion.

Chu Lingchuan covered her lips, and said in amazement, "Could it be that you use a sword?"


Yue Jian was about to smoke from blushing, stepped on his feet, turned and ran out.

Chu Lingchuan pinched his smooth chin, his eyes filled with smiles.

"Xiao Ion's indifferent personality is liked by men? Haha

Talking about something suddenly came to mind, his face instantly collapsed.

"Wait, what am I happy about?"

"The disciples are all men, but the old lady is still single!"

Depressed, she took out the hip flask again.

"Forget it, just the right way of those crooked melons and cracked dates, I don't like any of them.

"Come here."

A black shadow flashed, and a man in black knelt on the ground, "sword head."

Chu Lingchuan took a sip of wine and said casually: "After a while, I will keep a close eye on the Immortal Climbing Conference. I will definitely not let it go when I meet a good seedling.,


The figure in black disappeared.

Chu Lingchuan muttered angrily, "I can't beat Leng Wuyan, and my apprentice can't beat Leng Wuyan's apprentice. What makes sense?".

Chapter 237

Chapter 237 Picking up an imperial consort for nothing?

Wuyang Palace.

Qianyuan Palace.

In the middle of the Great Hall, Sheng Zhixia and Sheng An Yizhen hang their heads down, as if they are children who have made mistakes.

Sheng Ye glanced over the two of them, and coldly said, "I heard that you have been running to Li's house very frequently recently?"

The two of them ran to Li's house every day, either giving gold and silver jewelry or spirit tea and fairy brew.

Moreover, in his name, he said that he was compassionate. The civil and military officials thought he wanted to support the Li family, and all of them ran to give gifts.

Originally, the Li family was a top-notch family, and if such a show came out, it was even more in the limelight.

Isn't this nonsense!

It was passed to the ears of Zhengdao Dazong, and he thought that Sheng Ye was standing in line with Devil Dao!

So he and Chen Yundao have been very close recently in order to balance the impact of this incident.

Sheng Zhi Xia Qiao blushed, and said in a low voice: "Father, the Li family is the hero of the Sheng clan, and the children are just expressing gratitude."


Sheng Ye was even more upset when he heard this, "Then Li Ran has looted the treasure house, how can I thank him?"

Sheng Zhixia whispered: "You let people take it casually, but you feel distressed when you take good things."

"What did you say?"

Sheng Ye frowned.

The majestic aura made her shiver.

Upon seeing this, Sheng Anyi hurriedly came out to complete the battle, "Father, don't want to be angry, Zhixia just said casually, and didn't mean anything else."

Sheng Ye not only didn't calm down, but glared at her, "You too, run to Li's house more diligent than her! You and Li Ran are not familiar with each other, so what are you going to do with me?"

Sheng Anyi lowered his head in shame.

How dare she tell her father that Li Ran holds the "handle" of own?

If you don't please the Li family, if the image is exposed, she will have no face to see people!

Seeing their weird expressions, Sheng Ye wondered: "Aren't you two fancy Li Ran?"

"How can it be!"

"I, I don't like him!"

The two exclaimed at the same time, their identical pretty faces all blushing.


Sheng Ye frowned tightly.

This shy appearance is clearly no silver in this place!

No wonder they run to Li's house every day

Co-author Li Ran not only ransacked the treasure house, but also soaked his two baby girls?

Sheng Ye used to think about it and wanted Zhixia and Li Ran to have a relationship, but it was not appropriate to think about it carefully.

Li Ran's background is too complicated, it may not be a good thing for the Sheng clan to get involved.

But the result?

The other party not only hooked up with his daughter, but also both hooked up together!

This is too crazy!

"I warn you, stay away from Li Ran!"

"Although he is a hero of the Sheng Clan, he is also a disciple of Leng Wuyan, a real demon!"

"You represent the Sheng clan, the position of the court, it's best to know a little bit in your heart!"

Sheng Ye's icy voice echoed in the Great Hall.


The two looked helpless, but did not dare to refute.

At this moment, a black-clothed guard walked in quickly, "Teach your Majesty, there is oral information from the North.

"Northland?" Sheng Ye raised his brows, "It's Youluo Palace?

The guard nodded, "It's about Holy Son Li Ran."

Sheng Ye's eyes flickered slightly, "It's Li Ran again."

The voice of the guard said: "According to reliable sources, Devil Dao Holy Son Li Ran has broken through the day before, Realm!"


Sheng Ye couldn't help exclaiming, "He has been distracted?"

The last time I saw him was Nascent Soul middle stage, only a few days have passed since then?

The guard threw a blockbuster again, "When Li Ran made a breakthrough, he triggered a vision of heaven and earth, incurred the divine punishment of Nine Heavens, and used his flesh to resist the thunder and successfully breakthrough!"


Sheng Ye stood up suddenly with a look of astonishment, and the bead curtain on his head couldn't help shaking.

"Nascent Soul breakthrough, distraction, can actually attract thunder? This, this guy is a monster!'

Sheng Zhixia and Big Si looked at each other, their eyes full of shock.

This is too scary!

The guard retreated, and the Great Hall fell silent.

Sheng Anyi came back to her senses, cupped hands said: "Father, the minister there will resign first."

"Wait," Sheng Ye said, "The Li family."

Sheng Anyi hurriedly said: "Father, don't worry, your children will never go again."

Sheng Ye shook his head, "I didn't mean that. I heard that Li Daoyuan likes to drink. You can bring ten bottles of Drunken Immortal Brew over there.


Both of them were stunned, "Father, didn't you say you want to keep your distance?"

Sheng Ye's face was slightly embarrassed, "It's just a few bottles of wine, just to express gratitude."

"Come on, tell the emperor, where are you and Li Ran?"

Looking at his kindly smiling face, the two sisters were speechless for a while.

Worthy of being the father, the speed of face change is still so shocking

In fact, this is not to blame Sheng Ye.

The main reason is that the news is too scary.

To practice the seven realms, only Transcends Tribulation is needed to prove the emperor, and Li Ran just breaks through and can induce thunder.

This is no longer what the word genius can describe!

As long as it doesn't fall, this son will prove the emperor!

He whispered in his heart, "^1 If there is no ban in Youluo Palace, it would be good to marry one at that time. Wouldn't it be that Leng Wuyan has broken the rules by picking up an emperor-level concierge for nothing!"

Rakshasa peak.

The master bedroom.

Li Ran looked at Leng Wuyan in his arms, Didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Master, didn't you let the disciples come to the palace to practice hard? It has been several days, and the disciples have not done it in total. The first half hour."

Leng Wuyan hugged him and hummed: "I don't care about it, you didn't come to accompany this seat a few days ago, you must make up this time!"


Li Ran righteously said, "The disciples have always been diligent and enthusiastic about cultivation, and I feel uncomfortable if I don't cultivate for a day."

"Nonsense, you are clearly passionate" (Wang Qian's)

Leng Wuyan's face blushed slightly, and she couldn't say anything shy.

Li Ran's face blushed, "Ahem, this is only one aspect of the reason.

Leng Wuyan thought of what he had said in Jie Lei, her eyes waved and her eyes were full of tenderness.

"I understand your intentions, but you are not allowed to be so impulsive anymore. How can something like breakthrough Realm be so trivial?"

Li Ran nodded, "The disciple knows.

Leng Wuyan said shyly: "Although you are not in harmony, we still have a lot to do, why bother to be so persistent?"

"A lot of things "

Li Ran thought of something, his eyes lit up, "Master is really just a word to wake up the dreamer!"

Leng Wuyan: "Huh?"

Li Ran whispered in her ear.

Leng Wuyan's face turned red in an instant, and she drew away like an electric shock, staring at him in panic.

"How can this, this seat do such a thing?!"

"You rebel!".

Chapter 238

Chapter 238 Apologize to each other, this is too difficult!

Li Ran looked innocent, "Isn't the master said, can you do other things?"

Leng Wuyan was ashamed and angrily, "This seat refers to holding hands, hugging, and shopping, what is in your mind!"


Li Ran's face blushed, "The disciple is also on a whim

"Bah, I think you have been planning for a long time!"

Leng Wuyan didn't make a fight.

How did this guy's brain grow, and why are they all such absurd ideas?

Thinking about it, I feel scared!

She blushed with a pretty face, staring at him bitterly, "How does this seat feel, you are more suitable to be the Holy Son of Acacia Sect?"

Li Ran Didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Leng Wuyan looked at him, feeling ashamed and angry.

He is really serious sometimes.

The comic strips, sculptures, fireworks, and the huge picture scroll composed of hundreds of projection stones, everything is extremely romantic, deeply in her mind.

Leng Wuyan is very sure that no one else in this world will treat herself so hard.

But if this guy is ridiculous, it is really ridiculous!

Thinking of what he said just now, my heart trembled.

"Adverse disciple, aren't you keen on cultivation? Then meditate on cultivation here, and come see me again when you are sober!"

After speaking, he got up and fled.

Li Ran scratched his head awkwardly.

I was a little bit on the top just now, ignoring the master's ability to accept it. Now it's a bit too much to think about it.

"Oh, if you act too hastily, you will end up beating."

680 Li Ran had no choice but to cultivate Lotus Position.

And Leng Wuyan stood outside the door, lightly leaning against the wall, her hands covering her hot cheeks.

"This rebel is really getting more and more excessive. If this continues, I don't know what outrageous demands will be made."

"I'm really a bully, let him be frivolous?"

Leng Wuyan calmed down, turned and left the bedroom.

She completely forgot, the bottom line of own has long been a little breakthrough…

Li Ran sits in the Lotus Position, and the Spirit Power in his body is circulating.

When Spirit Power returned to Dantian, he couldn't help but froze for a moment.

"Hey, this is"

Before breaking through and distracting, his attention was focused on the sea of ​​consciousness in Zifu, thus ignoring the changes in Dantian.

I saw that in Dantian at this time, in addition to the villain and the Spirit Powerka lake, there were still a few "clouds" floating.

The cloud is like cotton and cotton, floating in the "over sky", exuding a faint light.

Combining the entire Dantian with the light of the sky and the shadows of the sky, coupled with the Spirit Power lake, there is a sense of reality like a Minor World.

Li Ran felt it carefully, it turned out to be composed of spirit power.

While the villain Dantian tempered his soul, part of his soul power escaped, forming this flocculent cloud.

And this spirit power cloud can also be mobilized and can be used to supplement the spirit.

"Does this mean that my Dantian has become the second sea of ​​consciousness?"

He quickly realized the importance of this matter.

Every time you use Ban Samsara, the soul power in the sea of ​​consciousness will be emptied, resulting in a long period of weakness.

But the spirit power in Dantian was not affected.

In other words, after he uses this magical power, he can use the spirit power cloud to supplement himself and directly restore his fighting ability.

Even use Ban Samsara again!

With Realm Ascension, soul power will become more and more important, and an extra soul power reserve may mean that he has one more life!

"This amazing skill is too overbearing, it actually transformed Dantian?"

Li Ran couldn't help marveling.

It is indeed a Cultivation Technique that the two masters can't see through, and it really contains infinite good fortune!

After breakthrough and distraction, the Spirit Power in the body becomes more and more majestic, and the edge of the lake gradually extends, and the Spiritual Qi is steaming above it, which is quite a bit of blue waves.

The Dantian villain still sits on the lake in Lotus Position.

In addition to the entanglement of the three auras of Buddha, Dao, and Demon behind, there is also a faint light of thunder, which shoots thunderbolts from time to time, exuding an aura of destruction.

This villain is shaped by heavenly powers, and is essentially Li Ran's intention.

All his comprehension, magical powers, and good fortune will be reflected in this villain.

The villain itself also has various powers.

At present, there are two abilities to amplify perception and protect the soul.

And with Realm Ascension, many good fortunes will certainly evolve.

"Suddenly, there is something!"

Li Ran revolves around Cultivation Technique, and the golden ancient seal reappears, accompanied by bursts of splendid divine light.

With the powerful blessing of the soul, the Spirit Power is running without stagnation, and the Cultivation Base is also in a steady Ascension.

I do not know how long it has been.

The sky had gradually darkened, and he slowly stopped Cultivation Technique.

The Spirit Power in the body is full, and the Meridians are almost filled. After all the Dantian villains are tempered, オ can continue to cultivate.

Li Ran looked out the door, but there was still no movement.

"Master hasn't come back yet… won't you still be angry with me?"

He thought for a while, got up and walked out of the bedroom.


After the golden silk tent, the heat curled up.

Leng Wuyan soaked in the bath, his hands flicking the water unconsciously, his eyes a little blank.

"It's been a whole day, and he really didn't come to this seat.

"Is it because I said too much during the day that made (ajeh) angry?"

"Although he is a bit ridiculous, he is a man after all. This seat seems to be too harsh."

She was a little worried about gains and losses.

When she thought about scanning the palace, she didn't find Li Ran, apparently she had already left.

Leng Wuyan was taken aback for a moment, "Is Burning gone?"

"Just because I don't agree, I don't want to stay with me anymore?"

"Could it be that he and this seat are only for these ridiculous things?

She bit her lip lightly, her expression very resentful.

I was so wronged in my heart.

After soaking for a long time, she got up and left the bath, looked at the clothes hanging on the hangers, and hesitated for a while.

Finally sighed in a low voice, "Rebel"


Leng Wuyan walked slowly back to the bedroom, his head drooping all the way, a little unconscious.

As soon as I opened the door, I heard Li Ran's voice: "Master, you are back.


Leng Wuyuan looked up in confusion.

I saw Li Ran standing in front of her with a smile, and the table behind him was full of rich dishes.

He also deliberately set up a method for heat preservation, and the heat made the room warm.

These dishes are not exquisite, but they are also delicious.

Leng Wuyan was stunned and said, "You did all this?"

Li Ran nodded, a little embarrassed: "Master once cooked for the disciple, but the disciple has never cooked for the master.

"Although it can't keep up with the master's craftsmanship, it shouldn't be difficult to swallow.

Leng Wuyan was stunned for a moment, and asked, "So you left the bedroom during the day to cook for me?"

"Not all, the disciple even went to Windy City."

"Wind Wind City?"


Li Ran carefully took out an amber candy man.

It was a fairy with a fluttering dress, exactly the same as what they had eaten on their first date.

He smiled and said: "When the disciple rushed, the hawkers had basically closed their stalls, and finally found a house and asked him to make exactly the same thing.

Leng Wuyan's nose was slightly sour, and she withdrew her head and said, "You are cooking again and buying sugar, what do you want?"

Is it for that again?

"The disciple wants to apologize to Master."

Li Ran said earnestly: "It was the disciple who was abrupt this morning and made Master aggrieved."

"The disciple admits that he is lustful, but being with the respected Master is definitely not just for that matter."

"Master is right. We still have many things to do. We can eat together, go shopping together, and eat sweets together. As long as we can be with Master, no matter what we do, the disciples are happy."

"Even if I just look at Master from a distance, I feel very satisfied in my heart."

"A disciple likes Master because he likes everything about Master, including the body, but not just the body."

Leng Wuyan was startled.

Her eyes were flushed, her eyes were misty, and she choked up: "You rebel, even if you bully, you still have to lie to my tears. I really hate you!"

Li Ran stretched out his hand to pull her into his arms, and whispered: "Then the master is willing to forgive the disciple?"

Leng Wuyan was buried in his arms, and the urn sounded angrily: "Adverse disciples, I have never blamed you.

The two embraced tightly, and the atmosphere was full of sweetness and warmth.

Suddenly Li Ran noticed something, and took a look down. The whole person was stunned.

I saw the empty space under Leng Wuyan's white robe, and he only wore that pink bellyband!

He swallowed, "Master, what are you?"

Leng Wuyan's pretty face flushed instantly, and he stammered: "Ben, I thought you were still angry, so I wanted to come and coax you, knowing that you like this and this look the most…"

Li Ran's throat tightened a little.


"Wait, wait, I have to eat first!",

Chapter 239

Chapter 239 Cross-server dialogue, confess to Master!

Baiyun Peak.

Yi Qinglan was sitting on the top of the mountain, looking at the distant thoughts.

"Today is the seventh day. This little thief has not connected the red line for seven days."

"Could it be that the Cultivator was too impatient and encountered~ what problem?"

"Or just-don't want to pay attention to the poor road?"

She was worried about gains and losses, and her eyes were not clear from the water cut.

I don't know how long after sitting, Yi Qinglan sighed and stood up slowly.

"Finally, as a Sect Master, Pang Dao should focus on Sect and practice. How can you pretend that you are all men?"

"Although he is not an ordinary man cough cough, but that is too shameful!

Yi Qinglan shook her head, turned and walked down the mountain.

At this moment, the red line on the wrist suddenly lit up, and a familiar voice came from the soul:

"Hey hey, Master Qinglan, can you hear me?"

Yi Qinglan's heart jumped suddenly, her eyes filled with joy, she nodded vigorously and said, "Well, I can hear you!"

The identity of the Sect Leader and the practice were all forgotten in an instant.

The corners of her mouth curled up slightly, and her voice complained: "You little thief, you have agreed to connect the red line once a day. Seven days have passed!"

Li Ran scratched his head and said awkwardly: "The disciple has been practicing hard in Closed Door Training recently.

Mao's Closed Door Training penance.

He has been with Leng Wuyan these days.

Holy Son's residence was turned into fly ash under the thunder of the gods, and it has not been built until now, and Leng Wuyan took this opportunity to help him stabilize the name of Realm, allowing him to stay in the palace forever.

The two are tired of being together at twelve o'clock a day, how can there be time to connect the red line?

Although Leng Wuyan would not be aware of the communication through the red line spirit, but holding a master in his arms, he was chatting with another master in his head

I always feel a little weird.

Today, he had just finished shopping with Leng Wuyan, and Sun Elder suddenly reported something, and the two separated for a while.

Yi Qinglan breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words.

It turned out to be Closed Door Training cultivation, not just tired of being poor.

"Pan Dao told you that your practice should be steady and not greedy," she said earnestly and earnestly: "You are extremely talented, and the speed of practice is already amazing. What we need to do now is to lay a solid foundation.

If the foundation is not strong, the building will fall.

When it comes to Dacheng Realm, it is not who has more Spirit Power, but who has a stronger foundation.

As everyone knows, every bit of Cultivation Base of Li Ran Ascension has been tempered by the villain, and it can't be more practical.

But he nodded and said, "Thank you, Master Qinglan, for his teaching, the disciple remembered it in his heart."

Yi Qinglan was silent for a while, and said, "Do you still remember what I said to you before?"

Li Ran was puzzled: "Master Qing Lan has said a lot, what is it?

Yi Qinglan resisted the shyness and whispered: "Pan Dao said that the person you like doesn't care about your Cultivation Base, as long as you can accompany her occasionally."

She wanted to persuade Li Ran not to be greedy and ruin his future.

But Li Ran was taken aback when he heard the words.

This sounds wrong!

How would she know Master's thoughts?

He cautiously said: "Master Qinglan, don't you know it already, do you?"

Yi Qinglan blushed, and hummed: "You are so explicit. Although the poor road does not understand the love of children, but he is not a fool, how can he not hear it?"

Li Ran suddenly panicked and said incoherently, "Master Qinglan, you, you, you

Yi Qinglan said amusedly: "You guy, you roared so loudly at the beginning, you can't wait for the whole world to hear it, why are you stuttering again now?"

She thinks that the other party's heart is discovered by herself, so she is so nervous.

Li Ran wanted to cry without tears.

Sure enough, misfortune comes from the mouth!

He calmed down for a while and said solemnly: "Master Qinglan, you must not talk about this, otherwise it is not just the disciple that will be affected!"

Yi Qinglan nodded, "Don't worry, I don't understand it. After all, the identity is too sensitive, and there is a ban on the You Luo Temple, which will cause a very bad impact."

When Li Ran heard it, his heart was even more cold.

Identity sensitivity, Sect ban, bad influence

Listening to this, I really know everything!

Master, I'm sorry, disciple!

Now that the other party knew it, he had nothing to hide.

Li Ran sighed, "Master Qing Lan, this matter has been buried in the heart of the disciple, and has never told anyone.

"The disciple is not afraid of rumors, but Master, after all, Master is a girl. How can the disciple be willing to let her be criticized by thousands of people?"

Yi Qinglan's pretty face flushed instantly.

These words have clarified the matter.

The affection contained therein makes her heart almost jump out!

Her eyes were irritating Hong Kong, and her face was red and stammered: "You, you rebel, you really don't have good intentions! She also said that she respects the teacher and respects the Tao, really shameless!"

0...Look for flowers...

Li Ran shook his head and said seriously: "I like to be alone, what's the shame of this?"

"The disciple is a man, and the master is a woman. We are happy and agree. Why can't we be together?"

"Just because of this so-called master and apprenticeship, let the disciple give up what he loves? The disciple definitely can't do it!

"Even if the disciple is expelled from the teacher's door, even if he is cast aside by the world, even if he loses his identity, Cultivation Base must be with the master!"

Yi Qinglan was startled.

The strong affection and firm belief in the words cannot be faked.

Li Ran, serious!

I really want to be with her!

Her pretty face was hot and flushed, and her whole person was light and fluttering, as if floating in the clouds.


His eyes are hazy like a spring rain, and his thinking has stagnated at this moment.

The heart is flustered and at ease, shy and sweet, full of unprecedented inexplicable emotions.

It turns out that being confessed is this feeling!

After a long time, Yi Qinglan came back to his senses, and tremblingly said: "Who, who is in love with you?! You little thief, you can speak such shameful words, why did the poor way accept you as an insurgent?"

Li Ran shook his head and said: "Master Qing Lan, my disciple knows that you are cultivating the Tao of Forgetfulness, and you want to cut off the red dust, but you can't handle this kind of thing for a while.

Yi Qinglan hurriedly said: "Poor Dao can accept it!"

After speaking, he reacted and hurriedly covered his mouth.


Li Ran was stunned, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, "Just accept it, Master Qing Lan is really considerate! When we meet next time, the disciples will definitely thank Master very much!"

The red line was cut, and Yi Qinglan lowered her head, blushing as if a cloud of fire burned.

"Adversary, why do you still say thank you for this kind of thing?"

"So, doesn't Pang Dao agree to be his woman?"

"Pan Dao is really with my own apprentice?"

"Yi Qinglan, you are crazy!"

She was shy and trembled, clutching her hot cheeks, wishing to find a place to sew in.

Leng Wuyan returned to the bedroom.

Looking at Li Ran, who was despondent and dejected, he couldn't help but stunned, "Ran'er, what's the matter with you?"

Li Ran raised his head and said guiltily: "Master, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"


"Disciple exposed!" Shao.

Chapter 240

Chapter 240 Cool and Wuyan's good Big Brother!

Leng Wuyan looked puzzled, "What's exposed?"

Li Ran bowed his head and said in frustration: "Our relationship should have been known to Master Qing Lan."


Leng Wuyan was stunned for a moment, then her eyes widened, and she said in a panic: "What did you say?! Yi and Yi Qinglan know the relationship between this seat and you?"

Li Ran sighed, "If there is no accident, it should be."

What the two said just now has been very clear.

Yi Qinglan guessed the relationship between him and Leng Wuyan. He persuaded the other party not to spread the word, and the other party said that he could understand it.

Leng Wuyan's pupils trembled slightly, and her glamorous cheeks were a little red.

"The relationship between this seat and Ran'er is unexpectedly known by the stinky lady?"

Since she agreed to Li Ran's confession, she knew that this matter could not be kept secret.

She doesn't care about the worldly vision, how can there be more rumors and "six or eight zero"?

Like Li Ran said, it's a big deal to kill him, and kill him until the world is shut up.

The only scruples may be Sect disciples.

After all, the rules she set up were broken by herself, which made her somewhat embarrassed.

But never expected,

The first person to know was Yi Qinggang!

"That stinky lady, knowing that I am in love with my disciple will definitely laugh at me!"

"From now on, I will stand in front of her, I'm afraid I won't be able to raise my head anymore!"

"Why don't you kill her?"

"But she is not so easy to kill because of her Taoism and God, hey, what should this seat do?"

Leng Wuyan pinched her smooth chin and began to think seriously.

At this moment, she remembered something and asked: "Ran'er, how are you sure she knows?"

Li Ran scratched his head, "The disciple thought about it for a while, it should have been said before.

He didn't reveal the red line.

This is not his own secret, but also related to Yi Qinglan's privacy.

Moreover, with the character of the master, if he knows that he is bound to the soul of Yi Qinglan, it is estimated that he will directly kill the Tianshuyuan!

Leng Wuyan nodded without further questioning.

Looking at his guilty appearance, he said with relief: "It doesn't matter, who said that the master and disciple can't fall in love? I just like own disciples, who dare to have an opinion?"


Seeing her blushing but firm look, Li Ran's eyes were full of tenderness.

"Moreover, although Yi Qinglan is very annoying, she is not a man of talk. Even if she knows about it, she probably won't spread it." Leng Wuyan analyzed.

Li Ran nodded, expressing approval.

The other party promised that he would not speak out, and he still trusted the character of Master Qing Pilan.

"Forget it, no matter.

Leng Wuyan nestled in his arms, with a pretty face buried in his neck, rubbing like a kitten.

Anyway, as long as she can be with Li Ran, she doesn't care about anything.

Li Ran rubbed her head fondly, and said softly, "It's really the conviction that the disciple has cultivated in his previous life to meet the master.

Leng Wuyan raised his head and gave him a charming white look, "How do you know that we weren't together in the last life?"

"That's true.

Li Ran laughed blankly.

Leng Wuyan blushed and said, "No matter what life you are in, this seat will be with you. If you have the next life, you must come to confess to this seat, remember?"

Li Ran smiled and said, "Then why didn't the master confess to the disciple?"


Leng Wuyan was taken aback for a moment.

Li Ran pretended to be serious: "This time the disciple took the initiative, so next time it is the master's turn, right?

Leng Wuyan Didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "You fellow, you really don't suffer at all."

"Is the master unwilling?"


Leng Wuyan gave him an angry look.

Seeing his anger and injustice, I couldn't help but feel a little amused.

Thinking back to everything they had experienced, their hearts were full of honey. The ghost came to his ear, and said in a trembled, "Big Brother, Yan'er likes you the most~"

After speaking, she reacted, her pretty face was hot, she lowered her head and dared not look at him.

Li Ran sat blankly on the spot, his heart almost popped out!

This division

It's so sweet!

He swallowed, and said with difficulty: "Master, can you say it again?"

"can not!"

"Just again!

.. You really can't help it.

Leng Wuyan resisted the shyness and raised his head, blushing like a gnat: "Burning Big Brother, Yan'er huh!"

Her body stiffened for an instant, but her eyes waved quickly, and she couldn't lift a trace of strength.

The two were kissing, and suddenly there was a deacon voice outside the door, "Open to the head, often Elder has something to see.

Leng Wuyan broke free weakly, her pretty face blushing, but her voice was full of majesty, "I see, let him wait."


The deacon retreated.

Leng Wuyan sighed and stood up reluctantly.

Li Ran wondered: "Why is Master's business so busy today?"

Sun Elder just came to see her just now, this will happen often, Elder is here again

Leng Wuyan shook his head and said, "The Immortal Climbing Conference is about to begin. Elders from all peaks want to join in the fun."

Li Ran suddenly understood.

The Climbing Fair is the main way for ordinary people to set foot on the road of immortality.

At this time of the year, there will be a large number of family children participating, going to the Taoist platform to test their talents, in order to gain the opportunity to worship Xianzong.

And because of the strong rise of Li Ran, other Sects have had a great crisis, and they are more eager for talented seedlings, and they are also paying special attention to this Climbing Fair.

Fresh blood is the driving force behind the survival of Sect.

For Youluodian, it has recently gained a reputation and is in the limelight, and it is a good opportunity to recruit talented people.

All peaks Elder wants his own disciples to lead the team, so that if you meet a good seed, you can also give priority to your own peak.

Li Ran thought for a while and said, "Master, why don't you let the disciples go?"


Leng Wuyan was taken aback, "Why are you interested in this kind of thing?"

After speaking, I thought of something and hummed: "You want to take the opportunity to meet your little fiancé 4.7, right?"


Li Ran smiled bitterly: "Master misunderstood, it is the disciple who has made promises to others."

Then she told her about Shen Ning.

Leng Wuyan nodded, "It turns out that this is the case. Just let them pay attention to this seat, so why bother to go there yourself?"

She didn't want to be separated from Li Ran.

Li Ran explained: "Since Shen Qin came to Youluo Temple with his disciple, he has not returned home for more than ten years. The disciple would like to take this opportunity to take her home to see."

"Shen Qin?"

Leng Wuyan recalled the little maid, nodded and said, ""That girl, okay, I'm allowed. "

"Master is the best!"

Li Ran smiled and pulled her into his arms.

Leng Wuyan exclaimed, "Wait a minute, Elder is still waiting outside!"

"Then let him wait.
