
I really don't want to fall in love with my master

This novel is specifically designed for my one so I don't care about anything

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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50 Chs

211 to 215

Qin Ruyan looked at Li Ran blankly.

"Not to be reasonable, but to support me?"

She grew up in a magic door, and everyone around her was profiteering and selfish to the extreme.

Even if they are fellow seniors, they must always be on guard, not knowing when they will be stabbed.

Only by becoming more ruthless and selfish than others can we protect ourselves in this environment and survive.

Even if Sect Leader Liu Xunhuan admires her very much, he never regards her as a relative.

After all, it's just a relationship of mutual use.

This was the first time someone stood in front of her, accustomed to seeing the hypocritical smiling face.

He also said seriously that he wanted to support her.

"No wonder Yue Jian does not care about Zheng Mo's difference, and wants to be with him aside from everything. Li Ran is indeed a special man."

Looking at the tall and straight back, Qin Ruyan's heart was filled with unprecedented warmth.

Xie Feiyuan's face became more and more gloomy, and he said in a dark voice: "Li Holy Son, do you have to be nosy?"

Li Ran said lightly: "Qin Ruyan, I'm in Baoding!"

He was trapped in the secret room, and it was Qin Ruyan who traveled across the vast land for a long distance to report to Leng Wuyan.

He kept this favor in his heart. 09

"Save her?

Xie Feiyuan smiled and tried to heal, "Li Holy Son is too worthy of himself, right? A Nascent Soul is a mere Nascent Soul, and he is also worthy of calling me a device?"

The arrow is on the string and I have to send it.

Even if it is Holy Son of Youluo Palace today, he must still be killed!

"What's wrong with distraction?"

Li Ran looked disdainful, "Daddy didn't kill it!"

He took a step forward, and the mud under his feet flew away, and his figure instantly appeared behind Xie Feiyuan.

The majestic Blood Qi was wrapped in his fist, and he slammed it over!

Xie Feiyuan wanted to reach out and take it hard, but he was hit by a punch and flew out!

Bang bang bang!

I broke several trees in a row to stop his figure.

Xie Feiyuan's face was pale and his expression was shocked.

Isn't this guy Dao Xiu, this strength is too great!

Li Ran didn't give him a chance to breathe, and with Blood Qi in his bag, he slammed into it like a bloody meteor!

For a time, the fist wind violently in the dense forest, Dao Fa roared!

Xie Feiyuan became more and more frightened.

The biggest difference between distraction and Nascent Soul, in addition to the spirit and dharma, is the purity of Spirit Power.

Distracted powerhouses can extremely compress Spirit Power, and the reserves of Spiritual Qi in Dantian are dozens of times that of Nascent Soul!

And the compressed Spirit Power can burst out even more terrifying power.

But Li Ran is not only infinite in Spirit Power, but also purer than him?

There is also that terrifying physical power, every punch makes him surging with blood, and his internal organs are about to shift!

"What kind of monster is this guy!"

He didn't expect that as the pinnacle of distraction, he was actually crushed and beaten by the Nascent Soul realm!

"No, you must fight quickly!"

Xie Feiyuan's eyes were sullen, "Boy, today I will let you see what is distraction!!

He got up, his figure vacated, and Spirit Power spread out wildly.

A huge golden Buddha statue emerged out of thin air.

Although it is a Buddha statue, the expression is not solemn, there are no strands on the body, and the air is filled with a faint red light.

Xie Feiyuan grinned and said, "Boy, in front of my joyful Dharma, you will know how vulnerable you are. This is a gap you can never cross!


Li Ran's impatient voice sounded.

The shadow covered Xie Feiyuan's body, and he turned his head back somewhat fanatically.

The whole person was stunned for an instant.

I saw a terrifying demon figure standing behind him.

The devil's body is made up of black fog, like a blazing black flame, with six huge arms waving in the air, and the joy that the Buddha is as short as a dwarf in front of it!

"This, this is

Xie Feiyuan was dumbfounded, his face full of disbelief.

Li Ran rose into the sky, embedding the demon's eyebrows.

The black mist rolled on the six big hands of the devil, and the spirit treasures glowing with divine light continued to emerge!

Yin & Yang mirror, falling soul bell, chemical Xuanyuan needle, Yunling spear

With the blessing of Spirit Power, these spirit treasures were all magnified dozens of times, and they happened to be in the hands of demons.

In the end, the black body bloodblade demon sword Guxie slowly emerged and was held in the last hand.

The breath of bloodthirsty and killing spread in the air, making people can't help but stand upright!


On the face made of black mist, a hole was opened, and a terrifying whistle was made from the sky!

The demon flames are surging, and the black mist is full!

Cheng Yuzhu's legs and feet were a little soft, and his face was as pale as paper.

"What kind of monster is this?

Even Qin Ruyan was shocked, "Li Ran actually awakened another Dharma image?!"


The devil raised the Guxie Sword and brazenly cut it to Huanxi Buddha!

Huanxi Buddha also transformed into six arms, and the two dharma statues immediately fought into a ball!

There was a loud roar in the dense forest, and the black mist and red light collided wildly.

The earthquake trembled, the soil flew up, and the trees fell in pieces!


The devil raised the soul-falling bell, and a colorful divine light enveloped the Buddha statue, directly setting it in place!

The other arm was holding the Guxie Demon Sword, and Sword Ray cut through the air with the blood on the surface!

In Xie Feiyuan's horrified gaze, he directly cut off the Huanxi Buddha statue!


He seemed to be hit hard, blood spurted wildly, and his face was like golden paper.

Before he could react, a silver light stabbed him like a lightning, and directly pierced him!

Moxiang picked Xie Feiyuan on the gun and slowly lifted it in front of Li Ran.

Looking at Li Ran, who was embedded in the eyebrows of the demon, with indifferent eyes, Xie Feiyuan was heartbroken for a while!

"This guy is not Nascent Soul at all! Nascent Soul can't be so strong!"

He finally realized that Death was approaching.

This young Holy Son does have the ability to kill him!

"There is only one last 663 opportunity left, I don't believe that your soul can be tempered!"

Xie Feiyuan's eyes were blood red, and all his soul power was gathered, and he slammed into Li Ran!

Although the Divine Divine Realm tempers the soul, it can only barely leave the body, and does not have the ability to attack.

He is forcibly urging him with the strength of the peak of distraction.

Fight to the death!

The result was completely different from what he imagined.

Before the majestic soul power could reach Li Ran, it was directly swallowed by the surging black mist!

The devil followed his mouth with satisfaction, and his body grew a bit stronger.

Li Ran sneered.


The soul-devouring black mist itself can devour the soul power, this guy still actively sends it to the door?

Xie Feiyuan's seven orifices shed blood, trembling all over, and said in amazement, "This, how is this possible?"

This guy is actually involved in the way of the soul!

He did not hesitate to abandon his physical body, his soul was separated, and rose into the air like smoke and mist.

Xie Feiyuan had only one thought in his mind now.

Run away, run away!

As a result, before flying out of two meters, Yin & Yang mirror black light turned on and directly sucked his spirit into the mirror.

Wailing and becoming the soul in the mirror!

At the same time, his physical body quickly dried up, and his flesh and blood were swallowed by the Guxie Demon Sword!

The body fell and the soul was destroyed, completely disappeared in the world!

The magic phase dissipated, and Li Ran floated to the ground.

Looking at Cheng Yuzhu, who was paralyzed on the ground, with a cold smile at the corner of her mouth, "By the way, there is one more...".

Cheng Yuzhu's face was pale, and two battles fought.

Facing Li Ran's cold gaze, his legs felt weak and he almost collapsed on the ground.

"Is he really Li Ran?"

"Isn't Li Ran Nascent Soul Realm rumored? Why can I kill Xie Feiyuan?!"

There was a blank in her mind.

Xie Feiyuan is the pinnacle of distraction!

However, Li Ran was crushed and beaten from start to finish, and he didn't even have a chance to breathe.In the end, his soul was completely destroyed!

There is also that terrifying six-armed demon, which is not the strength that Nascent Soul should have!

Cheng Yuzhu looked bitter.

"How could Qin Ruyan know such a monster!"

Qin Ruyan also looked shocked.

She knew that Li Ran had the ability to slay distractions across Realm, but she didn't expect to be crushed in this way!

She covered her cherry lips, her eyes flashed, "Li Holy Son, you have become stronger again after a few days."

Li Ran shook his head and said, "He is too weak.

Realm is not the only measure of strength.

Although Xie Feiyuan is the pinnacle of distraction, his methods and experience are very mediocre.

In the end, it was an extremely wrong decision to choose to attack with spirits.

Almost all of the soul power was consumed, but it became the mouth-to-mouth meal of the Soul Eater Black Mist.

This also caused him to become extremely weak, and even lost the opportunity to escape from the body.

Otherwise, the Yin & Yang mirror would not be so easy to absorb the spirit of the peak of distraction.

Qin Ruyan shook his head funny.

Nascent Soul says distraction is too weak?

This guy is still so arrogant.

However, he does have the capital to be successful.

When Cheng Yuzhu saw that the two were chatting, her eyes rolled.

Quietly pinched the seal with both hands, preparing to burn the blood to escape.

This demon can kill even the pinnacle of distraction, but her Gold Core is perfect, and she has no ability to resist.

But at the moment when the blood exploded, the shadow under her suddenly moved, directly locking her to the ground!

The secret method of the Doctor Luo Palace, the Shadow Hell!

Li Ran smiled and said, "Walk in such a hurry?"

Cheng Yuzhu's throat tightened and said with difficulty: "Li Holy Son, I also follow orders, and I don't know that Senior Sister Qin is yours."

Qin Ruyan's face flushed, "Who is his person~[?"

Li Ran looked serious and said, "Don't talk nonsense, we are a pure relationship between men and women."

Cheng Yuzhu looked speechless.

For Qin Ruyan, he did not hesitate to intervene in the affairs of the Hehuan Sect, and even killed the peak of distraction, is this still pure?


She thought so in her heart, but smiled on her face: "It's me who speaks

At this moment, a cold voice sounded in the air.

"Cheng Yuzhu, what are you rubbing with here?

Cheng Yuzhu was taken aback, then suddenly turned to look.

I saw a red figure floating down behind him.

The man had a yin warbler in his eyes, his face was white and his face was as bright as blood.

Cheng Yuzhu seemed to have found the backbone in an instant, and said in surprise: "Thank you, guardian, you are finally here!"

Qin Ruyan's pupils shrank, "Xie Longju? He actually came?"

Li Ran wondered: "Do you know this person too?"

Qin Ruyan looked jealous, "Xie Longju, the guardian of the inner hall, is also Xie Feiyuan's brother!"

Li Ran nodded, "It turns out to be a family."

Qin Ruyan whispered: "He is different from Xie Feiyuan, but he is distracted and perfect, half a step in the same way! He is a master of Inner Sect, the methods are extremely harsh!"

Although Xie Longju looked young, he was actually almost two hundred years old.

In order to maintain the appearance of own, she often looted the female yin yuan, and once sucked all the females in a small family into adults!

Notorious in Middle-earth!

"Half a step?"

Li Ran's eyes were slightly heavy.

Xie Longju looked at the mess around him and frowned, "Cheng Yuzhu, what are you doing here, the time given by the ancestor is coming!"

"It takes so long to deal with a Qin Ruyan?'

Cheng Yuzhu smiled bitterly: "Thanks to the guardian, I was about to succeed, but I had no choice but to kill Li Holy Son halfway!"

"Lee Holy Son?"

Xie Long raised his brow and looked at the man beside Qin Ruyan.

That face looked familiar.

He was uncertain: "This Li Ran of Youluo Temple?"

Cheng Yuzhu nodded and said, "It's him."

Xie Long raised his brows and frowned, "Even if it is You Luo Holy Son? He can't intervene in my Hehuan Sect affairs!"

Cheng Yuzhu smiled bitterly.

Having said that, people don't reason with you!

Xie Longju thought of something at this moment and wondered: "Where is Feiyuan? Isn't he with you?"

Cheng Yuzhu swallowed, "Thanks deacon, he has fallen."


Xie Longju was taken aback for a moment and couldn't say anything: "Fall? What are you kidding?"

There is only one Gold Core and one Nascent Soul on the opposite side.

His Little Brother is the pinnacle of distraction!

Cheng Yuzhu whispered: "Thank you, Deacon was beheaded by Li Ran, his body was gone, and his soul was gone. It was what I saw with my own eyes.


There was a muffled noise in the void, and the air instantly became gloomy and cold.

Xie Long's red robe swelled, the temperature dropped sharply, and the surrounding weeds were covered with frost!

He said with a hoarse voice: "Is Little Brother really dead?"

Cheng Yuzhu shivered, nodded and did not dare to speak any more.

Xie Longju looked at Li Ran, his eyes extremely cold.

"You killed me Little Brother?"

The majestic coercion overwhelmed the sky, and even Qin Ruyan on the side felt like he was going to be crushed!

But Li Ran was calm,

He took out the Yin & Yang mirror, and under the urging of Spirit Power, a wisp of injustice escaped, wailing and rolling in the air.

The face struggling in the smoke is Xie Feiyuan!

Seeing this scene, Xie Long lifted his eyes to split, his eyes were blood red!

Not only did his Little Brother die, he was also refined into a ghost!

"Asshole thing, I want to brush you thousands of dollars!"

Xie Longju gritted his teeth and said hoarsely: "I want to drink your blood, eat your meat, and pay tribute to the dead soul of my Little Brother!"


There was a gap in the void behind him, and a terrible claw stretched out, and the dark and tyrannical aura filled with madness!

Qin Ruyan's eyes trembled slightly.

Half-step harmony and the peak of distraction are not the same concept.

This Xie Longju is simply terrifying!

"Li Ran, I definitely can't leave, you still have time to leave now!" She looked anxious.

Li Ran sneered, "Go? As long as he isn't in harmony, I'll cut it all at once!"

,|You Little Brother? You mean this guy, right?

Cheng Yuzhu finally relieved (Wang Wanghao), eyes gleaming with excitement.

Although Xie Feiyuan died, but fortunately the ending has not changed.

"Qin Ruyan, although Li Ran protects you, you still have to die..."

Before the words fell, the whole person was stunned.

I saw several black chains appear out of thin air, holding Xie Long lifted and locked tightly, unable to move no matter how hard he struggled.

Xie Long looked suspicious.

The chain is not bound by the flesh, but his soul!

"What is this thing that can hold Hun and Po?!"

I saw Li Ran hanging in the air, her black hair flying, her eyes flickering.

The majestic soul power surging out, condensed into an invisible sword!


Accompanied by a soft sound, a divine light that seemed to come from outside the sky abruptly struck his body!

Xie Longju stood motionless in the same place, seemingly safe and sound, but his eyes were dim.

And his soul has come out, directly nailed to the ground!

Supernatural power-forbidden Samsara actor.

Strip the flesh, cut off the soul!.

A divine light was inserted in Xie Longju's chest, firmly nailing his soul to the ground.

And as the soul was stripped away, the big hand in the void instantly dissipated.

The dense forest suddenly became quiet.

Xie Longju's translucent face was shocked.

"How can it be?!"

Li Ran actually stripped his soul and cut off all contact with the flesh!

Although the soul is invisible, it has quality.

He was suppressed by the divine light at this time, and the majestic soul power contained in it made him unable to move at all!

"Soul power is so strong, and he still masters the technique of divine soul attack."

"Is he really Nascent Soul?"

Xie Long raised his body for a half-step, knowing how appalling this was.

Breaking the pill into an infant, first foraying into the soul.

Only after entering the Nascent Soul Realm, will the soul be polished and tempered. At this time, the soul is as fragile as a child, and its effect is limited to perception.

And after tempering to a certain level, you can step into the realm of distraction.

Distracted practitioners have been able to separate their souls from the body and manifest the golden body of the law, which really involves the mystery of Hun and Po.

But still unable to use Divine Soul to attack.

Only when you reach the realm of harmony, the soul and the Tao are in harmony, that can be called a true mastery of the gods and souls!

From heaven to earth, omnipotent!

As for a Nascent Soul in Li Ran's district, it doesn't matter if the soul power is stronger than him, but he still masters the way to attack 663?

This is too outrageous!

Li Ran slowly fell to the ground.

His face was pale and his figure was a little shaky.

The cost of banning Samsara is too great.

Even with his powerful soul power, he was almost instantly emptied!

Of course, the power is beyond his imagination.

Xie Long raised his body for a half-step, and was directly smashed by a sword, almost without any resistance!

He took out the white medicine bottle, poured out a Medicine Pill and took it.

This is the one yuan soul recovery pill given by Elder from Tianshu Yuan, which can stabilize the soul and replenish the soul power.

The entrance of Medicine Pill melted, and a stream of heat converged on the spirit platform, and the soul power consumed was quickly replenished.

Li Ran's face also returned to blood.

He walked up to Xie Longju Hun and Po, reached out and grabbed him.

Xie Longju struggled, but it didn't help at all. Under the influence of the forbidden Samsara, he had lost control of himself.

He looked terrified: "Li Ran, you can't kill me, this is starting two wars!"

Li Ran disdainfully said: "You too take yourself too seriously. For the sake of a distraction, the Hehuan Sect will fight the Youluo Temple?"

(ajeh) Xie Longju's soul trembled slightly.

What the other party said was the truth.

Although he can be regarded as a person with a face, but compared with Sect's interests, he is not even a fart!

"Then you can't kill me either, otherwise Huanxi Ancestor will not let you go!" He said sternly.

"Happy ancestor?"

Li Ran grinned, "If I'm not wrong, he is all mud Bodhisattva crossing the river, he can't protect himself, right?"

Xie Longju was silent.

They took advantage of Liu Xunhuan's Closed Door Training before they dared to kill Qin Ruyan in pain.

But now Qin Ruyan is still alive!

If this matter is known by Liu Xunhuan, even the ancestor Huanxi will suffer!

Li Ran is not a fool and will never let him leave alive!

Xie Longju's heart was full of unwillingness and fear.

He still has a Movement Technique power, countless supernatural powers are useless, so he died in the hands of Nascent Soul Realm?

I'm so unwilling!

The black mist surged in Li Ran's hand, and in a piercing wailing, he swallowed his soul power cleanly.

The black mist dissipated, and Xie Longju's soul was like a candle in the wind, almost disappearing.

Li Ran took out the dark side of the Yin & Yang mirror and pointed it at him.

"Go, the whole family is to be neat and tidy."

The black light came on and the strong suction power came. Hun and Po were sucked into the mirror like smoke, and became the ghosts in the mirror just like Xie Feiyuan.

At the same time, his physical body collapsed like fine sand in the wind.

Xie Longju, he died!

Cheng Yuzhu was completely dumbfounded.

Xie Longju didn't even use a single trick, so he died?

That's half a step!

Li Ran actually used the body of Nascent Soul to kill two distracting powerhouses in a row!

She wanted to run away, but the intense fear made her legs feel weak and she couldn't lift up any strength.

Can only slumped on the ground weakly.

Qin Ruyan was numb to this.

Now even if Li Ran said he could prove and claim the emperor, she would not be surprised or questioned.

This guy is a pervert!

Li Ran asked aloud, "Then there is another one, what are you going to do with it?"

Qin Ruyan glanced at Cheng Yuzhu and said with a chuckle: "You mean Junior Sister Cheng? If Li Holy Son is reluctant to kill, just keep it for yourself."


Li Ran rubbed his eyebrows.

He wanted to ask if he should bring this person to Liu Xunhuan, after all, it was considered evidence.

Why did it change the taste in Qin Ru's cigarette holder?

Cheng Yuzhu suddenly woke up when he heard the words, a glimmer of hope rose in his eyes.

"Li Holy Son, as long as you don't kill the slave family, the slave family is at your disposal!"

"Although the Nujia doesn't have spiritual beads like Senior Sister Qin, it also has Yin & Yang's Cultivation Technique, which is of great benefit to your Cultivation Base!"

She was originally a disciple of the Hehuan Sect, and these things were trivial.

Surviving is the most important thing!

Qin Ruyan hugged her shoulders and said, "My junior sister Cheng is pretty, right?"

Li Ran nodded and said: "It's pretty good-looking."

Not to mention the character.

This Cheng Yuzhu face is like a peach blossom, and the skin is like fat. It is indeed a standard beauty.

At this moment, I begged and pleaded, and I saw the look of pity, even steel can turn into softness.

Seeing his appreciative eyes, Qin Ruyan suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

There was a faint regret in my heart.

He whispered secretly, "Li Ran won't really leave her, right? I would kill if I knew it."

But since it was said to be handled by Li Ran, it was hard to say more.

Li Ran walked to Cheng Yuzhu and squatted down and asked, "Are you sure this person is useless to you?"

Qin Ruyan rolled his head and said stiffly: "It's useless, it's up to you."

Before I finished speaking, there was a crisp sound in my ear.

Turning his head, he was taken aback for a moment.

I saw Cheng Yuzhu fell to the ground, her breath disappeared.

The neck was twisted into a weird angle, the pupils gradually expanded, and there was still a dazed look on his face.

Li Ran clapped his hands, "Since it's useless to keep it, let's kill it.

The corner of Qin Ru's cigarette was slightly raised, and his eyes smiled and said: "I didn't expect you to be really willing to kill her. I thought you would stay by your side.


Li Ran shook his head disdainfully, "She is not worthy yet."

Qin Ruyan said amused: "Li Holy Son's requirements are quite high."

Li Ran said solemnly: "That's natural. If it were Qin Holy Maiden, I might still consider it.

Qin Ruyan's face flushed, turned his head and slapped lightly.

"Cut, just talk without practice, there is a thief-hearted and courageous home

Qin Ruyan looked at Li Ran with an inexplicable brilliance in her eyes.

"Thanks to Li Holy Son for helping me, otherwise I'm really going to die here!"

Li Ran shook his head and said, "You don't need to thank me, but you should thank Yi Daochang.

"Yi Daochang?"

Qin Ruyan looked confused.

Li Ran smiled without explaining.

If Yi Qinglan just threw him here, he wouldn't have the chance to save Qin Ruyan.

It can only be said that everything is fate.

Although Qin Ruyan was a little puzzled, she still said seriously: "Anyway, it is you who saved me. I will remember this kindness in my heart."

Li Ran said casually: "It's okay, you also helped me. I said, we are friends.


Qin Ruyan leaned close to his ear, glaring at him, exhaling like orchids, "There are many kinds of friends, so which one are we?"


Li Ran tapped on her head, and said with no air: "Speak well, you are not like Cheng Yuzhu."

Qin Ruyan rubbed his forehead, a little unconvinced: "How do you know that I am not?"

Li Ran gave her a white look.

Ming Ming Yuan Yin did not disperse, but he still had to pretend to be very skilled.

Qin Ruyan understood what he meant, his face flushed slightly, and he rolled his head with a "hum".

But I don't know how to refute it.

At this time, there was a whistling sound not far away.

Li Ran frowned, "Someone is coming, is it an enemy or a friend?"

Qin Ruyan suddenly remembered something and exclaimed: "No, it must be their people, I was attracted by the movement here!"

Cheng Yuzhu once said that this dense forest has been surrounded by them.

There are definitely not a few practitioners around!

The howling sound is fast approaching.

Li Ran carefully perceives, "There are fifteen people in total, and the strongest one is that Yuan is going to late stage."

The two distractions of the Xie brothers should be the leaders of the team.

Other people's Realm is not high.

Li Ran took the One Yuan Huihun Pill, and at this time his spirit power had already recovered partly.

Although it is not enough to use the spirit, it is not a problem to use Spirit Power and Taoism alone.

A gloomy light flashed in Li Ran's hand, and the Guxie Demon Sword appeared in his palm.

"You wait here, I'll kill them."

"careful "

Before Qin Ruyan finished speaking, his figure rose into the air.

Within a moment, there were shouts in the dense forest, accompanied by screams.

"There are enemies!"

"It's not Qin Ruyan, it should be her accomplice!"

"End, hurry up!

"Be careful behind you!"


After the surname Xiang, the screams stopped and the dense forest returned to peace.

Li Ran slowly walked out of the forest.

The black mist line of the magic sword in his hand, the blood on the blade is more intense, and he is obviously thirsty for blood.

One person and one sword exudes a strong Killing intent, which makes people a little creepy.

Qin Ruyan didn't care, and quickly greeted him with a smile: "Master Holy Son has worked hard. The slaves don't know how to repay such great kindness."

Seeing her charming look, Li Ran laughed: "Since I want to repay you so much, then give me a few of your spirit beads."


Qin Ruyan was stunned for a moment, "How do you know about Lingzhu?

Li Ran replied: "Just now Cheng Yuzhu said that you have spiritual beads in your body. It sounds like a good thing."

Her cheeks are slightly red, "Of course it's a good thing..."

Li Ran asked curiously: "What the hell is that?"

Qin Ruyan explained: "My physique is quite special. I am a natural-born girl with colored glaze. With Cultivation Base Ascension, there will be colored glaze orbs in my body, which are the so-called spirit orbs."

Like Ah Qin, she has the top Dual cultivation physique.

Concubine spiritual marrow body will continue to produce essence spiritual marrow.

And the glazed body will give birth to the orb, which contains pure cathodic qi, which is also of great benefit to practice.

Both can be said to have their own strengths.

In contrast, the glaze body of the plain girl is more suitable for fighting, while the charm of the maiden girl's spiritual marrow body is stronger.

With this kind of physique, it is inevitable that people will be defeated.

So Qin Ruyan has been protecting herself carefully.

Coupled with the presence of Liu Xunhuan, it has been so many years without incident.

Li Ran didn't understand this very well, frowning and said, "So they chased you for the beads in your body?"

Qin Ruyan shook his head, "No, I only have the Gold Core realm right now, and the Yin Qi in the spirit orb is limited, not enough to take such a big risk."

"They are for my position as the Holy Maiden, the spirit orb is only incidental.

Li Ran puzzled: "Liu Xunhuan is an emperor, there are still people in Sect who dare to look for your position?"

0...…Look for flowers...

Qin Ruyan smiled bitterly: "Last time in Xuanling Mountain, I told you that the matter of the Hehuan Sect is very complicated and cannot be explained in a few words."

"All right.

Li Ran nodded.

There is a reason why Devil Dao is a devil. Calculating with each other, sticking a knife behind is the main theme.

Compared to the other Devil Dao three sects, Youluodian is simply a different kind.

Qin Ruyan glanced at him and asked in a low voice, "Do you really want my spirit beads?"

Her pretty face was reddish, her eyes sparkling, she was a little shy.

Li Ran thought for a while, "What harm will it do to you?"

Qin Ruyan shook his head and said: "There is no harm, I can't absorb the yin air, I can only keep it up."


Li Ran stretched out his hand, "Then you can give me a few."

Qin Ruyan's face flushed red, and he stammered: "This is not something I can give if I want to, it needs to be given here, anyway!"


Li Ran scratched his head, but didn't care too much, "All right, I'll talk about it later."

Qin Ruyan:""

She blushed and lowered her head, her head almost falling into her chest.

Li Ran asked: "Then are you going back to Sect now?"

Qin Ruyan shook his head, and said shyly, "The situation has developed to this point, and the ancestor Huanxi and I are endlessly dying! Now that Sect Leader hasn't left the customs, I might be wiped out if I go back."

Li Ran nodded and said, "Yes, why don't you follow me back to Youluo Palace to avoid it?"

"You Luo Temple is too far away from here, it is very likely to be intercepted halfway, the risk is too high."

Qin Ruyan pondered for a moment, and said, "There is Kuifeng City nearby. It is a large city. The city owner is said to have the ability to meet the Dao. It is better for me to hide there first.

Li Ran nodded, "Alright, let's go together, it just so happens that I also go to tidy up."

He was thrown out by Yi Qinglan, his whole person was ashamed, and his spirit power had not recovered yet, so he should really be repaired before going on the road.

Qin Ruyan's eyes were full of smiles, and she said, "Cut, just say it if you want to protect them~"

Li Ran: "Huh?"

Her eyes were shining, and she blushed and said in a low voice: "Don't worry, Lingzhu... The Nujia will definitely give it to you."

After speaking, he flew away embarrassedly.

Li Ran looked at her back, always feeling something went wrong. Spoon.

No Xiangshan.

Cuixia Peak.

In the luxurious palace, the sound of silk and bamboo is endless. Through the thin red gauze tent, you can faintly see the graceful figure swaying.

The ancestor Huanxi sits on a chair, like a tiger stalking a dragon.

He is a burly figure, with bulging muscles under his thin and loose clothes, and his whole figure is like a volcano that erupts at any time.

A few nice-looking girls next to him were squeezing his shoulders and legs.

Boom boom boom.

There was a knock on the door.

The ancestor said solemnly: "Come in.

An old man in a gray robe walked in quickly, "Seeing the ancestor, the villain has something important to tell."

The ancestor waved, "You all go down."


The sound of silk and bamboo stopped, and the girls got up and left.

Only two of them are left in the Great Hall.

The ancestor said: "Let's talk about it, what's the situation?"

The old man swallowed, and said: "Sixty-three" "The troops sent to intercept Qin Ruyan are completely wiped out."

"What did you say?"

The ancestor frowned, suspecting that he had heard it wrong.

The old man whispered: "The deacons sent there, Cheng Yuzhu, and brother Xie Longju are all dead, and there are only a dozen corpses left on the scene.


The entire Great Hall trembled.

Boundless Blood Qi spread, and the air was full of tyrannical murderous aura!

The old man fell on the ground trembling, not even daring to lift his head, his eyes were full of panic.

The ancestor Huanxi does not seem to be middle-aged, but he is actually an old monster, several times older than him!

Just keep using the secret method to keep your appearance, and that secret method

To put it bluntly, it was piled up with human lives!

The corpses that died under the hands of the ancestors can almost cover this Cuixia Peak!

"Cheng Yuzhu is also dead?"


"A bunch of trash!"

The ancestor's voice was cold and bitter, and contained strong anger.

The old man trembled: "The villain suspects that Qin Ruyan has a helper, otherwise Xie Longju would not have missed it."


The ancestor resisted his anger and groaned: "To be able to kill Xie Longju so easily, at least he has to be a master of Hehuan and dare to intervene in Hehuan Sect affairs. Who will it be?"

The old man said: "The head is about to leave the customs, the top priority now is to deal with Qin Ruyan, otherwise it will be bad if the head knows it!"

The ancestor Huanxi's eyes flickered, and his eyes were a little jealous.

The reason why he moved Qin Ruyan this time was for the position of Holy Maiden.

There has been a plan for this matter, but there has been no suitable candidate.

It was hard to find Cheng Yuzhu, who was born and charming, and trained her to the Gold Core Consummation, which made her eligible to compete for the position of Holy Maiden.

This time, taking advantage of Liu Xunhuan's Closed Door Training, Qin Ruyan is not in Sect. It was a godsend.

I didn't expect to miss, even Cheng Yuzhu was dead!

The ancestor's eyes were cold, "Don't you want me to do it myself?"

There were countless pairs of eyes staring at him in Sect, and a slight change would be reported to Liu Xunhuan, which made him never dare to act rashly.

Only disciples below the same path can avoid these eyes and ears.

Qin Ruyan is just a Gold Core, two distractions are more than enough for He Fu, but now the whole army is wiped out!

If he did it himself, it would definitely reach Liu Xunhuan's ears.

But if you leave it alone, Liu Xunhuan will know this as well when Qin Ruyan returns.

The ancestor Huanxi's eyes flickered, and he hesitated for a while.

Kuifeng City.

On the street, a man and a woman are walking slowly.

The man is tall and straight, with a handsome face, while the woman is veiled and has a graceful figure.

It is Li Ran and Qin Ruyan.

They walked together like a biren, and pedestrians looked at each other for a while.

Li Ran asked curiously: "By the way, you haven't said yet, why did the ancestor Huanxi send someone to kill you?

Qin Ruyan sighed softly, "Not for the position of Holy Maiden.

The Cultivation Technique of Hehuan Sect is very special, there are two completely different ways of practice.

One is the dual cultivation, Yin & Yang complementation of life, and the other is forcibly plundering and replenishing oneself.

Liu Xunhuan is the first route taken.

Pay attention to Yin & Yang complement each other, you love me.

This method needs to be tempered slowly, and the entry is relatively slow.

But the victory lies in a solid foundation, a stable mood, and a longer-term future.

The ancestor Huanxi is different.

He has always believed that picking up is the essence of Dual cultivation, so he looted women on a large scale and committed countless evils.

This way of entry is indeed fast, and many people in Sect also choose to cultivate in this way.

The notoriety of Hehuan Sect also came from this.

Qin Ruyan said: "The old ancestor Huanxi always wanted to make the method of replenishment orthodox, but there was no other way to press it down by the head, and that was the focus of attention on me."

"If Cheng Yuzhu becomes Holy Maiden, then more and more people in Sect will definitely choose to plunder

Li Ran frowned, "But Liu Xunhuan is an emperor, can you just kill this ancestor?"

Qin Ruyan smiled bitterly: "How can it be so easy?"

"The ancestor of Huanxi is Elder, who is higher than the head in terms of generation, and the power in Sect is intertwined. If he is moved, the entire Sect will violently shake 0...

"Even if you kill him, can you kill all the other disciples?"

"Furthermore, the friction between the two sides of Zheng Mo is intensifying, and the head does not want to make huge changes inside.

Li Ran rubbed his eyebrows.

The Hehuan Sect is really complicated.

In contrast, the disciples of Youluo Temple and Elder are as silly as Baitian

He thought for a while and asked: "Then they can't kill you this time, won't the ancestor Huanxi take the shot directly?,

That is the power of the pinnacle of Transcends Tribulation, which is definitely not easy to mess with.

Qin Ruyan frowned slightly, "Probably not, the other Elders are all staring at him. If he takes the initiative, he will just turn his face with the head."

"Besides, the head is about to leave the gate, so he should be more restrained in what he says.

The two of them walked to the door of the restaurant while chatting.

The shopkeeper hurriedly greeted them when they saw that they were extraordinary, with a bright smile.

"The guest officer, please, do you two go to the top or stay in the store?"

Li Ran threw out a silver ticket, "open two upper rooms."

The shopkeeper shook his head and said, "Sorry, there is only the last room left in the shop."

"Just 4.7 one room?"

Li Ran said helplessly: "Come on, let's change one."

The shopkeeper said with a smile: "The guest officer doesn't have to worry about it. There has been a caravan entering the city in the past two days, and the other restaurants must be full. Only my room has just been vacated.

Li Ran frowned slightly.

The street is really crowded, and you can see a caravan after a few steps. The boss is not lying.

"But there is no room for two people.


The boss cleared his throat and said with a smile: "Guest officer, our bed here is very big, let alone you two, you can sleep even if you have two more.

Li Ran:"..