
I really don't want to fall in love with my master

This novel is specifically designed for my one so I don't care about anything

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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50 Chs

208 to 210

Chapter 208 Lee Holy Son's farewell event!

Early the next morning.

Baiyun Peak Great Hall.

The Elder deacons of Tianshuyuan gathered here, looking at the man in the middle of the Great Hall.

Devil Dao Holy Son Li Ran.

It was here that everyone met him for the first time, but the atmosphere was completely different on the two occasions.

At first, because of their Devil Dao status, the Elders were wary in their hearts, with a touch of contempt.

After all, righteous demon are opposed, and they are firm righteous Taoist practitioners. Even if Li Ran is kind to Tianshu Yuan, it is difficult to eliminate the prejudices in his heart.

But what happened next completely subverted their views.

In order to save Chief Lin, Li Ran did not hesitate to go to death, and in order to stabilize his Dao heart, he was traumatized and temporarily lost the Cultivation Base.

This spirit of self-sacrifice, not to mention other righteous ways, is how many people in the same school can do it?

And Li Ran even showed terrifying talent and strength.

The three huge golden bodies of dharma, Buddha, Dao, and demons are combined into one body, and there is a clear heart mantra that is like the sound of a great road…

All deeply shocked the hearts of Elders.

Handsome, handsome, talented, and self-sacrificing.

Such a handsome young man is simply poking the heart of these old aunts too!

They even think that it's good for Li Ran to stay in the Tianshu Yuan?

663 "Lee Holy Son,"

A white-haired Taoist aunt came over and said: "I heard that you are going back to Sect. I am grateful for your kindness to my sect. I am a little polite. Please don't dislike it."

She took out a pure white medicine bottle from her arms, with a faint halo flowing on it.

"This is the one-element soul-returning pill made by the old man with the immortal material worry-free grass. It can stabilize the soul and replenish the soul power.

This is a real good thing.

Like the soul fruit, it can save lives at critical moments!

Li Ran did not pretend, and reached out and took it, "Thank you Elder, then Junior will accept it."


Big Elder smiled in his eyes, and looked at him with admiration.

Immediately afterwards, several other Elders also stepped forward.

"Li Holy Son, this is the rootless water I obtained in the East China Sea, which can clear my soul and clean my soul

"This Lingbao Duster has the power to exorcise demons

"These three inches of jade can stand a blow from the path, so they are presented to Li Holy Son

They took out their treasures one after another, and for a while, the light was flowing in the Great Hall.

Li Ran scratched his head.

These Taoist aunts are still real!

Because of his previous experience, he has always had a bad impression of the right way, and he feels somewhat hypocritical.

But Tianshu Yuan is not like that.

Although this group of Taoist aunts are stubborn and pedantic, once they get their approval, they will treat you with heart and soul.

Seeing Li Ran accept the gift, the Elders retreated contentedly.

At this time, Lin Langyue slowly walked over.

Her white clothes are still not stained with fine dust, but her pair of bright eyes are full of dismay.

"Sir, I…"

She wanted to say something, but she was still in her throat.

The mist in the eyes gradually diffused, and the eye sockets were slightly reddish.

Li Ran touched her head, "Okay, it's also the number one arrogant, pay attention to own image."

Lin Langyue rubbed her eyes, pouting her small mouth and said, "As long as you are there, who would dare to be number one?"

Seeing the intimate behavior of the two, the Elders made no waves.

After all, it was Chief Lin's savior, and it didn't seem like getting close at all.

But Yi Qinglan, who was sitting on a high place, had a complicated look in her eyes.

Lin Langyue untied the black rope around her neck and took out a piece of white jade from the neckline.

The jade is transparent and warm, with a "Cheng" engraved on it, exuding a faint fragrance.

"I don't have any good things either. This is Chengxin Jade. It can be worn on the body to calm down and get rid of distracting thoughts. Give it to your husband."

Li Ran smiled and said, "Give it to me, what should you do when you have distracting thoughts from now on?"

Lin Langyue looked at him and said seriously: "Mr. is my only distraction."

Li Ran was startled, his heart moved slightly.

Unexpectedly, (ajeh) had a cold temper like her, and would say such sultry things.

Lin Langyue looked at the white jade in his hand and blushed and whispered, "Although this Chengxin jade is not of high quality, I have been cultivating it for my life and keeping it personally. Please be kind to my husband.

She has worn this jade personally since she was a child, and after so many years of nurturing, it has become a part of her body.

At this moment, he was playing with him in his hand, suddenly feeling a little shy in my heart.

Li Ran nodded, "Okay, I will cherish it properly.


Lin Langyue lowered her head, making a sound like a mosquito.

Next, those deacons who had been in contact with him also came to give gifts.

Although it is not very valuable, it can also be seen full of heart.

"Li Holy Son, come over and sit down if there is nothing to do."

"Xiao Zhufeng welcomes you at any time."

"Xianyunfeng's room has been rebuilt and will always be reserved for you."

"Last time you talked about The Romance of the West Chamber, I just missed it. Can you tell me if you have a chance?"

"Li Holy Son, can I hug you?

The little Taoist aunts put Li Ran in the middle, and for a while, Yingying and Yanyan were endlessly heard.

Although the contact time is not long, they will inevitably feel a little bit reluctant to this bright smiling Xiaojiu boy.

Yi Qinglan watched this scene with cold eyes and frost on her face.

I felt uncomfortable for no reason.

"This group of rebels, because of a man, have they forgotten Daoxing?"

"There is also Li Ran, the little thief with a heart, I really saw one hook up, Damn it!"

She cleared her throat and said coldly, "Okay, let's end the farewell. It's getting late, don't delay Li Holy Son's return journey."


The head has already spoken, and the deacons obediently retreated.

Yi Qinglan stepped off the platform, "Li Holy Son, let's go."


Li Ran nodded and followed her out of the Great Hall.

Lin Langyue looked at their backs and couldn't help scratching their heads, feeling a little strange.

"Where does Master seem to be weird?"

On the top of the mountain.

Yi Qinglan looked at Li Ran calmly.

"Thanks to Li Holy Son for helping me, I will send you back."

Li Ran smiled and said, "I helped Yi Dao grow so much, don't you give me any gifts?"

Yi Qinglan shook her head and said: "You have absorbed more than 80% of Dao's soul power, which is enough to offset the friendship between you and me."

That majestic soul power not only made his Ascension huge, but his future cultivation was even more smooth.

And the Heart's Demon dissipated in Dao Jueshi, it would take at least hundreds of years to recover.

This is indeed a generous gift.

Although she didn't give it on her own initiative.

Li Ran sighed, "Sure enough, Daochang Yi is still so indifferent."


Yi Qinglan quietly rubbed her bare hands behind her back. .

Chapter 209

Chapter 209 The flustered Yi Qinglan, the crisis in the dense forest!

Yi Qinglan felt a bit wronged suddenly.

Yesterday I said I was cute, but today I became indifferent?

Although she is not close to Li Ran, she has done a lot for him over and under.

He even confronted Sheng Ye and turned his face on the spot with Chen Yun ~ Dao.

Her personality is a little colder, but that is because of her nature, coupled with the cultivation of forgetfulness, it will inevitably make people feel a little alienated.

But it's not enough to use "indifference" to form-content, right?

"Just because Pin Dao didn't give you a gift? Well, if you feel cold and indifferent, Pin Dao doesn't care.

Yi Qinglan turned her head and stopped looking at him.

There was no expression on his face, but his heart was sour.

"This shameless fellow!"

Li Ran didn't notice her abnormality, and shook his head: "The gift is not important, the important thing is the mind."

Yi Qinglan took a look at him and snorted coldly, "Pan Dao had no intention of you!"

Li Ran said: "That's why I said Yi Daozhang is indifferent. I feel very reluctant to bear you, but you can't wait to send me away quickly."

"Can't bear me?"

Yi Qinglan's heart jumped suddenly, and she stammered: "You, don't talk nonsense, you can't bear the little deacon!"

Li Ran said seriously: "I'm not talking nonsense, I also specially prepared a gift for Master Yi!

"Gift? For the poor?"

There was a glimmer of joy in Yi Qinglan's eyes, and the corners of her mouth behind the veil slightly cocked.

Obviously the eyes are looking forward to it, but they pretend to be calm and say: "The poor way does not need your gift."

"This is something I prepared carefully, Master Yi is sure not to?"

"Ahem, since you are all ready, the poor Dao will reluctantly accept it."

Li Ran looked at her disgustingly straight and smiled in her eyes.

He took a step forward and opened his arms.

Yi Qinglan was taken aback, "What does this mean?"

Li Ran said solemnly: "This is the gift I prepared, a warm hug."

Yi Qinglan's brows twitched.

What do you call careful preparation?

She knew this guy was unreliable!

"Forget it, poor Tao doesn't need it"

Before the words fell, his expression suddenly stiffened.

I saw Li Ran plugged in the red line and scratched his wrist vigorously.

The throbbing from the depths of the soul made her feel a little lost for a while.

Taking advantage of this gap, Li Ran stepped forward and hugged her in his arms.

Yi Qinglan's body tightened instantly, her heart beating violently, her eyes full of panic.

She was ashamed and angrily said: "Little thief, let go of the poor way!"

Just about to reach out and push the opponent away, Li Ran said softly, "Yi Daochang, I will miss you."

Yi Qinglan was startled.

All the things that happened between the two came to mind, and suddenly I felt that I couldn't lift up a little strength.

She blushed and rolled her head, "Pan Dao doesn't miss you at all.

Although he said so, he didn't struggle, but let the other person hold him.

After a while, Li Ran released his hand.

Yi Qinglan was relieved.

"Fortunately, he didn't do anything excessive, otherwise he would be poor

At this moment, I saw Li Ran smiled and said, "The smell of Yi Dao's long body is so good that people can't wait to take a bite."

Yi Qinglan's cheeks flushed instantly, gritted her teeth and said, "Cheeky!

With a wave of her sleeves, the gust of wind rolled up, and Li Ran was blown away directly.

His figure flew away amidst a scream.

It wasn't until he completely disappeared that Yi Qinglan leaned weakly on the tree trunk.

A pair of bright eyes and sparkling, bright red face can't even be blocked by the veil.

She was dejected and whispered, "Pan Dao, what should I do?"

Since I was a child, I have practiced the Tao of Forgetfulness, let alone contact with men, I have never had this kind of thought.

In the end, Li Ran was held in his arms.

This made her feel confused.

After sitting alone on the mountain for a long time, Yi Qinglan barely calmed down.

His figure flashed, and he returned to his own residence.

Seeing the big bed in front of me, I couldn't help but stunned.

When Li Ran left, he didn't take it away, and it was still placed in the corner of the room.

"Who does anyone bring a bed with him? This guy really wants to be at ease.

Yi Qinglan wanted to throw it out with a wave, but he didn't know what he thought of, and he hesitated for a while.

She paused for a while and walked slowly to the bed.

"What's so comfortable about? It should be the same as sleeping on the ground, right?"

"Pan Dao just wants to verify

She looked around with some guilty conscience, and then lay down cautiously.

I have to say that Li Ran can really enjoy it.

This mattress is top-quality, moderate in hardness.

0......For flowers......

It makes people sink in at once, but it can still provide enough support for the body, even if you lie down for a long time, you won't feel tired.

"It seems to be quite comfortable?"

Sunshine wine was very warm on her body, and the breath of Li Ran still remained on the pillow, making her blush and heartbeat.

Thinking back to that brilliant smiling face, she felt a fascination again.

Yi Qinglan covered her hot cheeks and sighed in a low voice, "Pan Dao is really finished this time."

South of Central Earth.

In the dense jungle.

A figure was flying across the forest, wrapped in a faint white light, suppressing the breath to a minimum.

From time to time, he looked behind him with a panic expression.

Someone seems to be chasing her.

She flew for nearly five hundred miles in one breath, and her Spirit Power was a little unhelpful, so she had to stop temporarily.

The black veil slipped gently, revealing a delicate and charming face.

It is Qin Ruyan.

She was pale at this time, took out a Medicine Pill and put it in her mouth, working hard to restore Spiritual Qi.

At the same time, he looked around vigilantly.

Suddenly, she noticed something, and her eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

"No, this woods is too quiet!"

There wasn't even a trace of birds or insects around, the air was faintly depressed, and even Sunshine Wine felt cold on the body.

"not good!"

Qin Ruyan stood up directly.

call out!

There was a screaming sound in the air, and several cold rays shot out, pressing her nose into the tree!


The huge ancient tree was directly blasted apart!

Qin Ruyan exuded a trace of cold sweat on his forehead, suddenly turned his head to look.

I saw a woman come out from behind the tree and smiled and applauded: "Senior Sister Qin is a deep Cultivation Base. After so many days, Spirit Power hasn't dried up yet."

The woman was charming in appearance, and she did not succeed compared to Qin Ruyan, but there was a little more coquettish between her eyebrows and her demeanor was also slightly frivolous.

Just as she spoke, a middle-aged man also flew over, blocking Qin Ruyan's retreat.

The man smiled sullenly, "Holy Maiden Qin can really run!'

A trace of despair flashed through Qin Ruyan's eyes.

If it was just this woman, she would not be afraid, but this man is the pinnacle of distraction!

She is just perfect in Gold Core, two big Realms are different, and she has no power to fight back at all!

Chapter 210

Chapter 210 Li Holy Son falls from the sky?

Qin Ruyan knew that he couldn't be kind today.

While working hard to restore Spirit Power, he procrastinated time by talking.

"Cheng Yuzhu, thanks deacon, do you know that killing a fellow student is a felony? It's still too late to look back!" She said with a sharp voice.

"Look back?"

Cheng Yuzhu smiled lightly: "Sister Qin, do you know how long I have been waiting for this opportunity? And if I let you go today, can you let me go?,

A trace of darkness passed through Qin Ruyan's eyes.

The other party is indeed deliberate.

First, she forged the Sect order and asked her to rush back to Sect as soon as possible, and then arranged for the master to ambush halfway.

She beheaded more than a dozen people, forced herself out of the siege, and hid in this dense forest for several days.

But in the end he was forced to this situation.

"Sect Leader is about to go out. If something happens to me, you will never escape!" She said coldly.

Cheng Yuzhu laughed "Six Six Three" and joked, "You have been with Li Ran, the devil, who can think of me? And I have my own way not to let Sect Leader know."

"To blame, I can only blame you for staying outside for too long, which gave me a chance."

Qin Ruyan's eyes were gloomy, "For the position of Holy Maiden, you really struggled!"

Cheng Yuzhu shrugged, "In this position, Senior Sister Qin has been sitting for so many years, should it be someone else's turn?"

What else Qin Ruyan wanted to say, Cheng Yuzhu shook his head and said: "Sister Qin, you don't have to delay time. This dense forest has been blocked by our people for hundreds of miles, and you have already pierced your wings and cannot escape.

"Your people?"

Qin Ruyan's eyes sank again, "Is it the ancestor Huanxi?"

Cheng Yuzhu grinned, "Sister Qin is really smart."

At this time, Xie Deacon said: "Junior Sister Cheng, don't talk nonsense with her, Chi is going to change!'

Cheng Yuzhu nodded, "Then give it to Xie Deacon."

"According to what I said before, I will deal with it before killing her!'

"Thanks, deacon, please."

Listening to the unscrupulous conversation between the two, Qin Ruyan's face became paler.

The Realm gap is too big, even if it burns blood, it can't run away!

Xie Deacon walked towards her slowly, with a grinning smile on her face, "Qin Holy Maiden, it is said that you have several spirit beads in your body. Do you hand it over by yourself, or do I do it myself?"

"You rubbish, is also worthy of my spirit orb?"

Qin Ruyan's eyes were firm, and his right hand behind his back was pinched into a seal.

Gather the last trace of Spirit Power, ready to explode at any time!

There is not much fear in my heart, but there is a faint tent.

"If Li Ran knows that I am dead, will he be happy or sad? Don't worry about me leaking my secrets this time

Just as Xie Deacon lost his patience and was about to do it, there was a sudden sound of hunting wind over his head.

A black shadow whizzed down!


The black shadow crashed between the two, and the ground trembled!

I saw a huge pit appeared in front of me, and the air was filled with smoke and dust.

Qin Ruyan was taken aback.

Xie Deacon frowned slightly, "What is this?"

The dust gradually dispersed.

In the pit, a gray-headed man stood up.

Li Ran looked resentful.

"This girl is too cruel, right? I just gave her a hug and threw her for thousands of miles?"

"Too inhuman!"

Yi Qinglan waved his sleeves just now and threw him directly from Baiyun Mountain to Middle Earth!

That's an emperor-level existence, although it's just a random shot, it's not something he can resist.

Li Ran couldn't stop his figure at all, and could only glide helplessly in the sky.

If it weren't for the power of the bloodline at the end, it might really be thrown out.

Originally there was a bond of marriage, and Yi Qinglan couldn't make a shot against Li Ran.

But what the marriage front line identified is the "hands-on" intention.

Just now, Yi Qinglan was ashamed and anxious, and didn't mean to shoot Li Ran. In the red line's determination, this was just acting like a baby.

"Since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!"

Li Ran was about to connect the red line and twisted, and suddenly felt something wrong with the atmosphere.

Looking up, I saw two women and a man beside him staring at him in a daze.

One of them is still an old acquaintance.

"Qin Holy Maiden? It's a coincidence that I can actually see you here!" Li Ran asked in surprise.

Qin Ruyan swallowed, and said with difficulty: "Li Holy Son, why are you here?"


Li Ran was a little embarrassed and said, "This is a little accident."

Can't you say that you were thrown over, right?

He changed the subject and said, "Didn't you say that Sect is in a hurry? What are you doing here?"


Qin Ruyan wants to speak but stops 0

Li Ran noticed something was wrong, frowned slightly, turned to look at Cheng Yuzhu and Xie Deacon.

I saw that in addition to consternation in the eyes of the two people, there was also a strong guard and murderous intent!

"I see,

Li Ran suddenly understood, "It seems that Qin Holy Maiden is in trouble."

Qin Ruyan nodded and said helplessly: "And it's still a terrible trouble."

She was also a little unsure in her heart.

Li Ran has the ability to kill distractions across Realm, but that is to save Yue Jianli.

Would he be willing to take this risk for himself?

Li Ran squeezed his chin and looked at deacon. "This guy is not so good."

Qin Ruyan said truthfully: "The peak of distraction is a powerful enemy."

Li Ran thought for a while and asked, "If I kill him for you, how are you going to thank me?"

Qin Ruyan was stunned for a moment, and then the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and said, "The slave house is at your disposal, Li Holy Son can do whatever he wants~"

"Cut, here again.

Li Ran gave her an angry look.

Xie Deacon and Cheng Yuzhu looked at each other, frowning tightly.

Why is Li Ran here?!

This guy is not easy to mess with!

Qin Ruyan seems to have a very close relationship with him, and if there is a conflict with this demon, it is not a good thing for them.

Xie deacon cupped hands said: "Li Holy Son, has long admired his name, and Xie Feiyuan is the deacon of the inner hall of the Hehuan Sect.

He put his posture very low, just don't want 4.7 to be inevitable.

"Yeah, are you still the same door?"

Li Ran glanced at Qin Ruyan in surprise.

Qin Ruyan looked bitter, "The slave family told Li Holy Son before that it is the normal state of Devil Dao to kill each other in the same family."

Xie Feiyuan continued: "This is a private matter within my clan, and I also ask Li Holy Son to avoid it for the time being to avoid any misunderstanding between the two cases."

He deliberately ascending to the height of Sect, just doesn't want Li Ran to intervene.


Li Ran shook his head and said, "You are all dead, so what's the misunderstanding?"

Xie Feiyuan frowned and said coldly, "Holy Son Li is going to intervene in the affairs of the Acacia Sect? Even if you are Holy Son, you have to be reasonable!!

Li Ran said lightly: "I'm here to support her, not to reason with you."


Xie Feiyuan's face changed.