
I really don't want to fall in love with my master

This novel is specifically designed for my one so I don't care about anything

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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50 Chs

206 to 207

Yi Qinglan was able to achieve the throne, Dao heart has long been clear, and he has a clear understanding of himself.

But it was precisely because of this that she gave birth to a little suspicion.

Because she couldn't see herself clearly.

That kind of inexplicable feeling, the sudden acceleration of the heartbeat, the red line on the wrist that cannot be cut off

It made her feel messed up.

And all of this is related to Li Ran.

"Then Damn it little thief, is it a catastrophe for the poor?"

Yi Qinglan sighed.

If this continues, I'm afraid her mood will really become unstable.

But it's strange.

Obviously her heart is disturbed, but Tao Fa works freely, without a trace of obscurity.

"The reason why Lang Yue is not affected is because Li Ran is her Heavenly Dao visualization, but why is it so poor?"

"Is it because of the existence of this red line?"

Yi Qinglan looked at her wrist.

Even with her Cultivation Base, she couldn't see through the line of marriage.

This thing made her feel mysterious and mysterious, and it seemed to touch Karma's fate, which could not be explained by common sense.

"Although it has no effect on Cultivation Base, if there is something in your heart, what else can you talk about too much?"

"What the hell is this feeling, I must figure it out!"

Yi Qinglan's eyes gradually became firmer.

Suddenly she thought of a special method in 09, but she was not sure whether it would work.

"Although it's ridiculous, let's give it a try. Just feel safe and secure."

She took a step forward, her figure disappeared suddenly, and she came to the black cliff in an instant.

Behind this cliff is Dao Jueshidi.

"Li Ran will see the poor Dao in Heart's Demon illusion, what will he see in the poor Dao?"

Although Heart's Demon is a karma, it can arouse things deep in my heart that I didn't even realize.

Yi Qinglan wanted to use this method to verify whether he was sentimental or ruthless.

The slender fingers pointed on the cliff, and the black vortex slowly emerged.

The air of death and extinction emanating from it is far less intense than it was at the beginning.

She condensed her breath as much as possible, raised her leg and stepped into the deep vortex.

As soon as he stepped on the road to death, the earth trembles suddenly, and the entire space shook.

The energy of the emperor rank is too terrifying, Dao Jue must not be able to carry it at all.

Even if Yi Qinglan has worked hard to suppress Cultivation Base, this space is still crumbling.

"Quick fight and quick decision.

She looked at the remnant souls that shuttled in the sky, the number had become extremely scarce, and most of them had been refined by Li Ran.

Yi Qinglan's mind moved, and a cloud of translucent mist was held in her hand.

It is the beauty of Heart's Demon.

Heart's Demon was just energy, without consciousness, and when he noticed that someone was there, he ran into her directly.

But in the blink of an eye, she was wiped out by her Dao heart

Yi Qinglan was a little bit distressed, "This Heart's Demon is too fragile to bring the poor road into the illusion at all.

"It seems that we have to have a few more!"

Her figure flashed, and when she returned to the place again, there was already a large cloud of mist in her hand.

The beauty of the whole dead place, Heart's Demon, was all caught.

There was a flash of light in her eyes, and the divine light was shrouded in the mist, squeezing the mist together abruptly, slowly forming a giant heart's Demon.

"It's up to you whether it can work.

Yi Qinglan let her be happy, broke Dao heart, and lifted all guards.

Then carefully bring the mist into the palm of your hand.

"Come on, you are the last chance for the poor."

The moment Heart's Demon entered the body, the scenery in front of Yi Qinglan suddenly changed.

"It's done!'

After a lot of tossing, she was finally dragged into the illusion.

The room in front of me was empty, without a piece of furniture. It was her own bedroom.

"Pan Dao is really ruthless in his heart, even the beautiful Heart's Demon doesn't know what to transform, otherwise, how could he return to his own room?"

Yi Qinglan breathed a sigh of relief, and the corners of her mouth slightly cocked, "It's worthy of a poor way.

"Big ice cube?

A familiar voice rang from behind.

She stiffened instantly, and slowly turned her head to look.

I saw a big bed on the sunny side of the room, and "Li Ran" was lying on it with Erlang's legs up and looking at her with a smile.

"Ice cube, you are back."

"You took the veil off, let me take a good look at you."

"Why do not you speak?"

Looking at the brilliant smiling face of "Li Ran", Yi Qinglan gritted her teeth, "Why are you here?!"

"Li Ran" asked back: "If you don't have me in your heart, how can you see me?"

He got up and walked towards her.

"Pan Dao has you a big ghost!"

"You, don't come over!"

"Asshole, what are you doing undressing?"


"Li Ran" was beaten to fly ash by Yi Qinglan before he even untied the first button.

Yi Qinglan's figure flickered, and she left Dao Jue Death directly.

Standing on the top of the mountain, she trembled and her eyes were full of shame and anger.

"Why? What the hell is this?"

"Pan Dao obviously wants to kill him, how can he see him in Heart's Demon illusion?"

The snow-white robe was hunting, and the whole mountain trembled!

She suddenly regretted it.

This plan is too unreliable!

Originally, I did this just for a psychological comfort.

The result is good now, and the mentality has just collapsed!

"It shouldn't be"

Yi Qinglan was puzzled.

As an emperor, Wang Qing Dao has already reached its peak.

Although Li Ran is a special existence for her, how easy is it to say that she is emotional?

In fact, she and Li Ran have overlooked one point.

663 That is the red thread tied to their hands.

The first line of marriage allows two people to connect with each other and share perceptions.

For Heart's Demon, isn't this just intimacy?

Yi Qinglan barely calmed down, her chest undulating slightly.

"Could it be that Pang Dao was really moved by him?"

The veil flicked lightly, and her blushing cheeks could be seen faintly.

"But he is Leng Wuyan's apprentice! If this matter is known to the witch, Pang Dao will have no face to behave!"

"And Lang Yue seems to still like him very much."

"How can I be poor?"

She was in a mess, as if she was in a mess.

Reminiscing about the handsome face of Baizhi, she couldn't help sighing.

"Sure enough, it was a catastrophe from the poor road."

Looked at the red line on the wrist, "I don't know what this little thief is doing in the poor room?"

Her soul instantly covered Baiyun Peak, and she could have a panoramic view of her every move.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Yi Qinglan gritted her teeth.

"Little thief Damn it, actually to Lang Yue and that is a poor room!"

As soon as she stepped on her foot, her figure disappeared instantly.

ps: There is a fifth watch late, probably after twelve o'clock.

There are many events during the New Year, and the update time is unstable. Please forgive me. .

in the room.

Lin Langyue gently massaged Li Ran's head.

Looking at that handsome face, the blush on his face has not faded.

I don't know when it started, Li Ran has already occupied her heart.

Maybe it's a man in the beast tide? Or he doesn't flinch in the face of distraction? Or maybe it's the day and night in the secret room

Li Ran is like a spring rain, gradually infiltrating her heart.

It even became her Heavenly Dao visualization.

Lin Langyue didn't know if it was right or wrong to do this, but she never regretted it.

How about binding Cultivation Base to the other party?

If it weren't for Li Ran, she would have died for an unknown number of times!

At this time, Li Ran withdrew from the state of introspection and slowly opened his eyes.

The two looked at each other.

Looking at the deep eyes, Lin Langyue was a little nervous, "Sir, do you feel better?"

Li Ran nodded and said, "Thanks for shooting, I feel better."

"That's good."

Lin Langyue showed a smile, still pressing her hand gently.

Li Ran grabbed her delicate hand and said, "You have been pressing for a long time, let's talk carefully."

Lin Langyue trembled and stammered: "Good, good."

"Actually, there is a question I always wanted to ask you." Li Ran said.

Lin Langyue nodded, "Excuse me, sir."

Li Ran curiously asked: "Why do you visualize me as Heavenly Dao?"

Although he is indeed very strong, Realm is not much different from Lin Langyue.

How could this top Sect Tianjiao regard him as Heavenly Dao?

Lin Langyu pursed her lips: "It's not all because of you.


Li Ran was taken aback, "What's wrong with me?"

Lin Langyue blushed and said: "You teased people like that in the secret room, and a few words made my Dao heart unstable. If you don't treat you as Heavenly Dao, I'm afraid this Dao heart would have collapsed long ago.

Li Ran covered his face.

Good guy, it turns out that's the case.

He smiled bitterly: "Are you forced to be helpless?"

Lin Langyue shook her head, "No, it's mainly the words you said~"."

Li Ran wondered: "Which sentence?"

Lin Langyue cleared his throat and imitated his tone and said, "If I had the sky above my head and I was wearing a Galaxy Cluster, wouldn't you naturally be in my palm?"

Li Ran scratched his head, "But what if I'm bragging?"

Lin Langyue said: "I don't know why, I just think you can do it, and you will eventually master Heavenly Dao.


Li Ran couldn't help but laugh, "You have confidence in me."

Lin Langyue blushed and nodded seriously, "Of course I have confidence in you. First, Mr. is the best."

Seeing her firmness, Li Ran's heart trembled.

The two were once rivals, but they were accidentally entangled. Now the fate is connected and cannot be cut off.

Li Ran smiled and said, "So you are willing to put yourself in my palm?"


Lin Langyue's cheeks were hot, her eyes flustered, "I, I don't have one."

Li Ran sat up, hung his chin and looked at her, "Really?"

Lin Langyue tilted her head and whispered: "Yes, even if that is the case, what are you going to do with me?"

Li Ran looked at her shyly, her heartbeat speeding up inexplicably.

Lin Langyue closed her eyes tightly and rubbed her clothes tightly with her fingers.

The distance between the two is getting closer.

At this moment, Li Ran Yu Guangjing came to a white figure, and couldn't help but shook his spirits.

Turning his head to look, the whole person froze suddenly.

"Yi Daochang?!"

I don't know when, Yi Qinglan has been sitting on the ground in Lotus Position, as if meditating into concentration.

Lin Langyue opened his eyes and was also taken aback.


Li Ran frowned slightly, "Master Yi, why don't you come in without knocking at the door?"

Yi Qinglan said indifferently: "Pan Dao goes back to my own room, do I need to tell you in advance?"

"It seems to make sense.

Li Ran couldn't refute it.

"But you are too supernatural, there is no movement at all?"

Yi Qinglan sneered: "It's not that the poor road hasn't moved, but you two are too devoted, right?"


Lin Langyue was ashamed and anxious, and wanted to find a seam to get in.

Li Ran blushed and said, "You misunderstood, we are discussing spiritual practice and exploring Heavenly Dao."

Yi Qinglan glared at him faintly.

Poor Dao believes you a ghost!

Come one step later, and you two will already have it!

She was a little annoyed for no reason, and coldly snorted: "Okay, then you continue to discuss, the poor way will meditate here, and listen in by the way.


Li Ran looked at Lin Langyue helplessly, "Okay, it seems that we can't explore today. Let's make an appointment another day."

How can Lin Langyue sit still at this moment?

She blushed like an apple, jumped up from the bed, and ran out with her face wrapped.

The room became quiet.

Yi Qinglan suddenly became a little nervous.

Isn't the scene in front of me exactly the same as in the Heart's Demon illusion?

"^Big ice cube."

Li Ran's voice sounded.

Yi Qinglan was shocked, even the conversation was the same?

She reflexed conditionedly: "You must not move or take off your clothes!"


Li Ran looked dumbfounded, "Why should I undress?"

"Ahem, it's okay.

Yi Qinglan's pretty face turned red slightly behind the veil.

After knowing her innermost thoughts through Heart's Demon, she became more flustered than before.

Don't even know how to face Li Ran.

"Pan Dao is his Heart's Demon, he is a poor Heart's Demon, what is this called?" Yi Qinglan couldn't help thinking wildly.

Li Ran didn't notice her abnormality, and continued: "My soul has basically recovered. Tomorrow you will send me back to Sect."

Yi Qinglan was taken aback, "Are you going back?"

Li Ran smiled, "Why, Master Yi can't bear me?"

"Li Holy Son has been thinking too much, but it's too late to be happy."

Yi Qinglan said, "Pan Dao will send you away early tomorrow morning."

Li Ran nodded, "Then trouble Yi (Wang Wanghao) is the leader.

Looking at his calm expression, Yi Qinglan suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

"Li Holy Son is polite.'

After that, he got up and walked out,

"Yi Daochang."

Li Ran called her aloud.

Yi Qinglan stopped and asked without looking back, "What's the matter?"

Li Ran smiled and said, "Has anyone told you that you are actually quite cute?"

"Yes, cocoa is cute?"

Yi Qinglan shook her body and said in a panic, "What are you talking about nonsense, how cute is the poor way?"

"You look so cute now.


Yi Qinglan rushed out.

She leaned against the wall, trying to calm her breath.

In the eyes of others, she has always been indifferent and indifferent. No one has ever used such a word to describe her.

"Pan Dao is not cute at all!

She clutched her chest, her heart beating violently, "This innocent guy!" Ling,