
I really don't want to fall in love with my master

This novel is specifically designed for my one so I don't care about anything

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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50 Chs


Li Ran sat in the void.

There are three huge statues standing behind, almost full of the entire sky.

Gorgeous rays of light are intertwined, Sacred's breath and madness are entangled with each other, setting him off like a god like a devil!

Yi Qinglan's eyes widened slightly, her eyes filled with shock and consternation.

"Pan Dao knows that he knows the three ways of Dao, Buddha, and Demon, but he never thought that he could release three Dharma images at the same time!"

"Why can his Spirit Power seamlessly transition in the three states?"

Spirit Power has no phase.

But after the tempering of different Cultivation Technique and Dao, it will have different attributes.

The Palace of Medicine cultivates the Vientiane Senluo Dao, and Spirit Power will have the attributes of shadow and darkness.

Buddhism and Taoism emphasize Karma's compassion, which saves all sentient beings.

Spirit Power will be transformed into Buddha power, full of Sacred non-casting, invigorating all beings.

On the other hand, Devil Dao is eccentric, mad and willing to do whatever he wants.

The magic flame is surging, lawless!

At a young age, Li Ran was able to master the three avenues, which is an unprecedented feat.

But now it is possible to use three abilities at the same time?

Even Yi Qinglan finds it appalling!

"And this powerful soul"

She frowned slightly, "Is this guy a monster?"

"By the way, 663 Langyue."

Yi Qinglan looked back and was taken aback.

I saw Lin Langyue staring at Li Ran in a daze, with a look of worship and fanaticism in his eyes, as if he was the most devout believer, and saw the true god descend into the world!

Her breath continued to rise, and her soul instantly stabilized, and there was even a faint sign of breakthrough!

What remotely sensed secrets, what was too ridiculous, were all left behind by her.


Heavenly Dao is right in front of her!

Yi Qinglan sighed slightly in her heart when she looked at the obsessive expression of her lover.

Although Li Ran is ridiculous and shameless, he has to admit that he is indeed the only genius in the world.

The once vast geniuses appeared in large numbers.

Leng Wuyan, Chen Yundao, and Liu Xunhuan, including herself, are all shockingly talented and overwhelming characters.

But even in that brilliant era of contending hundreds of schools of thought, no one has such a terrifying talent and good fortune!

Li Ran is less than twenty years old!

"Wearing the Galaxy Cluster, picking the sun and the moon in your hands. Maybe it's not his lie?"

Yi Qinglan's eyes were a little confused.

Suddenly a weird thought popped up in my heart.

In case Li Ran really proves to be emperor, she becomes an existence of her same level, and she is tied by the red line of marriage.

(ajeh) Don't you want to let the other party play around?

Thinking back to Li Ran's Heart's Demon illusion, his eyes trembled slightly.

"This ridiculous little thief can definitely do anything. Then what should I do if I am poor?,

She was flustered for a while, and her eyes could not be calm again.

The whole Sect was shocked by such a big movement.


The bell rang.

In the Baiyun Mountain, the peaks of Elder, deacon and disciples rose into the sky one after another.

Seeing the three huge Dharma in the distance, everyone's eyes were full of shock.

"what is this?"

"Devil Dao, what is the golden giant of the Buddhist Arhat?"

"This breath seems a bit familiar?"

"Could it be an enemy attack?!"

"Go, go and see!"

The stream of light flew towards Xianyun Peak.

As soon as I arrived at the other hospital, everyone was shocked by the scene in front of me.

I saw Li Ran's eyes closed tightly, hanging in the air, with ancient seals spreading on his body, golden light.

The three dharma statues stand behind him, and they are obviously his handwriting!

"But Nascent Soul Realm, can you actually have three Dharma images?"

"Buddha, Dao, Demon, what is the origin of Li Holy Son!"

"The power of this one is terrifying enough, he still has three more?!"

"this "

Even the Elders were dumbfounded.

If you want to condense the Dhamma, you need not only the majestic Spirit Power, but also the pattern and spirit of the practitioner.

Those who are afraid of their heads and tails, and those who are frightened by flies and dogs, will also be vulnerable.

Only a person with a tenacious mind and indomitable spirit can condense the powerful Dharma image of indomitable nature.

Each of the three giants in front of them is huge and infinite, and they can be called the top Dharma statues!

But these three statues are actually the fantasy of Li Ran?

What kind of stalwart mind and courage is needed for this?

What's more, he is just Nascent Soul!


Big Elder walked forward quickly, tremblingly: "Li Holy Son this"

Yi Qinglan looked helpless, "Don't worry, he is just helping Lang Yue heal.


Elder was blinded.

What kind of injury can be treated so much?

If it weren't for the leader, they would probably treat it as an enemy attack!

Li Ran felt a little strange.

After refining all the soul power in the sea of ​​consciousness, the soul seems to have broken through a layer of tulle and entered a brand new Realm.

Then it feels like a baby who learns from babbles and grows into a tough boy in an instant.

Perception, control, and tenacity have all made a qualitative leap.

He was faintly aware that he had touched a certain boundary, but it was a little fuzzy and not clear enough.

Even at this time, he did not forget to help Lin Langyue stabilize his mind.

He whispered the Qingxin Mantra in his mouth:

"Therefore, it is advisable to realize that when you start thinking, and stop your heart's movement. The heart is empty and the spirit is not ignorant. In the work of cultivating calmness and stability, you must control its outward movement, but you cannot enter the faint and dying.

As a result, the three dharma statues behind them actually made sounds at the same time!

The golden giant is ethereal, with six-armed demons, and glaring at Vajra for mercy.

Coupled with Li Ran's voice, four different tones converge into a rolling thunder, resounding throughout the Baiyun Mountain!

The disciples of Tianshuyuan are stunned.

This seems to be the sound of the great Dao Tianyin, making their hearts calm and peaceful, and countless insights surged in their hearts for a time.

Even the Elders are fascinated.

This has nothing to do with Cultivation Base, it is Dao heart, understanding, and courage!

Some people even sat in the Lotus Position, closed their eyes, and started practicing directly on the spot.

Yi Qinglan's eyebrows trembled slightly.

"Words are broken, heart and deeds are destroyed!"

"Without being driven by the Taoist Law of the Tianshu Academy, can you make such a Taoist sound?"

"Leng Wuyan, did you ever find such an apprentice?"

Seeing Li Ran's preaching appearance, a thought suddenly popped into her heart.

It seems that Lin Langyue regards him as Heavenly Dao

No problem?

I do not know how long it has been.

Li Ran's spirit finally returned to peace, and the mantra of Tai Shangqing's heart mantra was also finished.


The three dharma statues behind the figure gradually dimmed, and finally collapsed into starlight and returned to his body.

Li Ran slowly fell to the ground.

When I opened my eyes, the golden light flashed in his eyes, exuding oppressive coercion.


He has a smooth mind, his trance disappears, and the world becomes refreshed and unified.

When the mind moves, the spirit can cover the entire idle cloud peak, and any movement can be clearly sensed.

He just moved his shoulders, and suddenly froze in place.

I saw the house turned into ruins at some point, and the small courtyard in front of him was crowded with Taoist aunts, staring at him with wide-eyed eyes.

There was even the gray-haired Elder among them.

Li Ran scratched his head, wondering: "Are you all here to listen to my story?"

Yi Qinglan: "".