
I really don't want to fall in love with my master

This novel is specifically designed for my one so I don't care about anything

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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Please, I Really Didn't Want To Fall in Love With My Master! Chapter 191 Online

Chapter 191

Chapter 191 Is this Heart's Demon? Li Ran doubts life!

With the sound of Li Ran's voice, the light in Lin Langyue's eyes gradually brightened, and his shaky heart also stabilized.

"Li Ran?"

A trace of confusion flashed in her eyes when she saw the man in front of her.

Heart's Demon has just been stripped, and his thinking is still very confused, and some are not clear about the situation.

"How could Li Ran be here? He should be dreaming."

The corners of Lin Langyue's mouth curled up slightly, "It seems to be a good dream."

He stretched out his hand and squeezed his face.

Li Ran: ""

Lin Langyue was taken aback for a moment, and said, "This feels so real~"

Li Ran slapped her hand away, angrily and funny said, "Take the opportunity to take advantage of me, right?"

Before she finished speaking, she saw a trance in her eyes, and fell to the ground with a "pop".

Having been trapped by Heart's Demon for several days, her energy and mind have reached the limit, and at this moment she has fallen into a drowsiness.

Li Ran sighed.

Just about to pick her up, Yi Qinglan's voice suddenly came from the soul:



09 Li Ran suddenly looked up.

I saw the remnant soul peeled from Lin Langyue's body, not immediately sucked in by the Yin & Yang mirror, but struggling in the air.

The remnants of the souls flying in the distance also became restless, exuding shocking howls!

Yi Qinglan's voice sounded, "This remnant soul has been nurtured by Dao heart for several days, and its breath has grown a lot, which is not comparable to that of ordinary Heart's Demon!"

Li Ran asked: "Then what should I do now?"

Yi Qinglan said: "Without Spirit Power, the Yin & Yang mirror can no longer absorb it. Throw away this Magic Treasures, and Pindao will bring you out.

Now that Lin Langyue has escaped from Heart's Demon, she doesn't need too much scruples when she makes a shot.

"go out?

Li Ran shook his head.

How to do the task after going out?

He thought for a while and asked, "How can I let this Heart's Demon attack me?"

Yi Qinglan didn't know why he asked, but he still replied: "You have not cultivated the way of forgetfulness, Heart's Demon will not target you, but if you take the initiative to touch it."

Before he finished his words, Li Ran stretched out his hand to pinch the remnant soul's neck and pulled it out of the suction range of the Yin & Yang mirror.

Yi Qinglan:",

This thing is too late for others to hide, but he actually provokes it?

Is it crazy?

The remnant soul that broke free from the shackles instantly became transparent, as if the air was out of Li Ran's control.

It changed like smoke in the air, and finally turned into a healing grimace, and suddenly crashed into his body!

Li Ran's expression was stagnant, and he fell directly on the ground, his eyes closed tightly.

Seeing his furrowed brows, Yi Qinglan rubbed his brows helplessly.

"This guy is really not worrying at all."

The scene in front of Li Ran's eyes instantly changed.

He was no longer in Dao Jue's land, but was sitting on a soft bed.

The lights flickered in the room, and the air was filled with a faint fragrance, which made people feel a little rippling.

Just at the table in front of him, a woman in a white robe sat with her back to him.

Across the wide robe, you can still see the slender figure, faintly still showing a trace of dust.

It stands to reason that all fools can detect anomalies when they suddenly come to this gentle town from a deserted place.

But there is a strange power in the dark, which makes Li Ran feel that this is the real scene.

And that experience just now is a false Huangliang Yimeng.

At this moment, Yi Qinglan's anxious voice came from the soul.

"Li Ran, wake up!"

Li Ran cleared his throat and responded, "Don't worry, I'm not lost."

He is not stunned.

At the moment of being attacked by the remnant soul, Divine Sense had already sunk into the Dantian villain, and was not corroded by Heart's Demon.

So the sight in front of him couldn't deceive him at all.

Seeing him sober, Yi Qinglan breathed a sigh of relief, and complained a little: "Why are you so impulsive that you actually provoke Heart's Demon, what if you sink into it?"

If something happens to Li Ran, let alone Lin Langyue's fairy road, it is estimated that Leng Wuyan will fight her directly, right?

With the character of that demon, the entire Tianshu Yuan will be reduced to the flames of war.

Li Ran scratched his head, "I have never seen it before, and I am really curious about what is this?

Yi Qinglan explained: "Heart's Demon is born from the heart, with three obstacles and ten evils, all of which are nourishment. Coupled with the dying air of Dao's death, it has formed this remnant soul like a physical entity. "

Li Ran knew what he said.

The three obstacles and ten evils are Taoist terms.

The three obstacles refer to magic obstacles, karma obstacles and disaster obstacles.

The ten evils, born from the mouth, are rants, and born from the heart, are greed, hatred, and delusion, and born from the body, are the killing and prostitution.

The remnant soul trapped in Lin Langyue is the beautiful Heart's Demon born from the body, which can evoke the evil thoughts in the deepest heart.

Let people sink into it, until Dao heart is completely eaten away.

Looking at the white back in front of him, Li Ran smiled and said, "I am very curious. Who is the evil thought in my heart?"

In fact, he knew it without guessing.

It must be Leng Wuyan.

Thinking back to Master's glamorous cheeks and the beautiful scenery last night, his mind was still agitated.


Li Ran blew a whistle, "The girl on the other side looks over here, don't be shy, come over and talk about life with me.'

Yi Qinglan covered his forehead.

This ridiculous guy, even Heart's Demon wouldn't let it go?

As if hearing Li Ran's call, the white figure stood up and turned around slowly.

Li Ran's smile instantly stiffened, and his whole body was struck by lightning!

"Fuck! How could it be her?!"

I saw the man with a white veil on his face, a pair of cut water eyes that were black and white, and the whole person was full of immortality, as if he was going to be immortal in the next second.


It was Yi Qinglan!

Li Ran completely doubted his life at this moment.


"Yi Qinglan" Lianbu moved lightly and walked towards him slowly.

He stepped back with his hands and feet together, trembling with his pillow.

"Don't come here!"

Yi Qinglan listened to his screams on the red line, in some clouds and mist, "Li Ran, what did you see?"

It's obviously a beautiful Heart's Demon, how can you scare him like this?

Li Ran's throat tightened, and he trembled, "You.

Yi Qinglan: "Huh?"

"I said, I saw you!"

After a few seconds of silence, Yi Qinglan's suppressed low voice sounded, "You mean, in the beauty illusion, the people you see are poor?

Li Ran nodded, "Yes."

Yi Qinglan's brows twitched and her fists tightened.

Heart's Demon can best reflect a person's evil thoughts, and it still comes from the depths of the heart, and may not even be aware of the thoughts!

Because only in this way can Dao heart be shaken!

"This shameless little thief, what has been thinking about all day long!"

Yi Qinglan's eyes burned with anger.

At this time, Li Ran's exclamation was heard again from the soul.

She held back her anger, frowned and said, "What's wrong?"

Li Ran swallowed, and said in a face: "She is starting to undress, what should I do?"

Yi Qinglan: "Huh?"

Li Ran: "Wait online, very anxious.

Yi Qinglan: "."

Chapter 192

Chapter 192 I really didn't see anything!

Li Ran looked at "Yi Qinglan" in front of him, and couldn't help thinking deeply.

"It shouldn't be"

"Even if it's not a master, it should be Jianli or Qingge, how can it be this big ice block!"

Touching his conscience, he said that he really had no idea about Yi Qinglan.

After all, not long ago, the two were still in a hostile state.

Moreover, the relationship between her and the master is not good.As a good apprentice who is filial, how can he have all those chaotic thoughts?

This is too outrageous, right?

In fact, Li Ran overlooked one point.

That is the red thread tied to the wrists of the two.

Thousands of miles of marriage are tied together, which involves the destiny Karma, which is something that even the emperor-level powerhouse can't see through.

It connects the two souls closely, can communicate with each other thousands of miles away, and even share perception.

It's not an exaggeration to describe it as intimacy.

In the cognition of Heart's Demon's remnant soul, isn't this the deepest obsession in the heart?

At this moment, "Yi Qinglan" walked up to Li Ran, stretched out his hand and slowly took off the veil.

Three thousand green silks are scattered on the shoulders, the skin is fair and can be broken by blows, and the cheeks are blushing, as charming as the morning glow.

The bright eyes looked like anger and resentment, looking at him faintly.

Li Ran's heartbeat accelerated slightly.

so cute!

Unlike her own aura that is thousands of miles away, her appearance is unexpectedly cute, coupled with her tall and graceful figure, there is a kind of strange charm that can't be said.

"Yi Qinglan" lowered his head and said softly, "Shameless little thief, why are you looking at Pang Dao like this?"

Li Ran sighed: "True, too real!"

On the other side of the red line, the real Yi Qinglan gritted her teeth, "Little thief, don't watch it anymore, hurry up and kill this Heart's Demon!"

Li Ran was silent for a moment, shook his head and sighed, "It's late.

Yi Qinglan was taken aback, "What's late?"

"She has already begun to take it off.

Yi Qinglan's scalp went numb, "Hurry up to the poor road."

Before he finished speaking, Li Ran cut off his perception directly!

"Shameless little thief~"!"

Yi Qinglan's whole body was roaring, and the entire mountain range trembled!

Hunting in white clothes, the wind screamed, and directly blew all the surrounding Elder deacons!

The Elders tremblingly hugged each other, looking at the head of Murderous Cyclonus in amazement.

"What's wrong with the head?"

"I have never seen her make such a big fire!"

"Could it be that Chief Lin had an accident?"

Dao Jueshi is similar to the secret realm. They are both independent spaces. They are not capable of breaking through and cannot see the scene.

Yi Qinglan looked at Li Ran angrily.

He had a very strange expression, his brows were slightly furrowed, but the corners of his mouth seemed to be smiling rather than smiling, as if he was admiring something.

She tried to resist the urge to catch Li Ran out.

Dao Jue's place is very special. If she intervenes at will, it will easily lead to the collapse of the place. That day, the prison will lack an excellent place for tempering the mood.

And Li Ran was still entangled with Heart's Demon at this time, and the situation was very similar to Lin Langyue before.

If he was brought out forcibly, it would probably ruin his mind, and even she would not be willing to endure the chain reaction that would be caused at that time.

Even if Yi Qinglan felt a lot of hatred in her heart, she could only endure it temporarily.

Li Ran wiped his nosebleeds and looked at the swirling scenery in front of him.

"I didn't expect this big ice block to have such a good figure."

"Wait, it's not right!

He scratched his head, wondering: "How can I see her figure?"

Heart's Demon invaded his mind, and all the sights originated from the depths of his soul.

It stands to reason that things he hasn't seen himself shouldn't exist in his fantasy.

"Is it a brain supplement? But this is also too real!"

Li Ran was puzzled.

In fact, the illusion in front of me is really not a brain supplement.

The reason why Heart's Demon can form this kind of picture is actually from Lin Langming's memory.

When she first entered Sect and was still young, she used to take a bath with Yi Qinglan

At this time, "Yi Qinglan" Lianbu moved lightly, walked in front of him, blushed and said, "Little thief, is the poor way good-looking?"

Li Ran sighed, shook his head and said, "Good-looking is good-looking, but unfortunately you don't have that taste!"


"Yi Qinglan" was taken aback for a moment.

Li Ran persuasively said: "You should say that, shameless little thief, dare to take another look, the poor way will kill you with a single sword!', that's right!"

"Yi Qinglan" was speechless for a while.

Do you still need to teach me about this?

Who on earth is Heart's Demon?

Just as she was about to speak, a big hand had already caught her neck.

Li Ran grinned and said, "Assaulting an emperor-level master? This kind of experience is not often experienced!"


He was full of energy and blood, and directly smashed her into the soil!

However, grabbing a pair of fists and smashing them down like a torrential rain, the surging fists swept away, and the entire "room" shook violently!

"Yi Qinglan" was beaten to pieces, and even his human form could no longer be maintained. It turned into a plume of smoke and was about to flee!

The remnant soul is just a kind of energy, essentially without thinking, and all behavior logic is based on the possessed.

But this strand of remnant soul is different.

Because of Lin Langyue's Dao heart, he actually gained a trace of instinct.

And its only idea now is to run away!

The farther you escape, the better!

This guy is so perverted!

Dao must die out.

Yi Qinglan's eyes condensed slightly.

I saw Li Ran's body flickering, and a strand of translucent remnant soul was struggling outward.

She couldn't help but froze.

This Heart's Demon took the initiative to leave, what happened?

The moment the remnant soul left his body and was about to fly away, Li Ran's eyes suddenly opened, and he reached out and grabbed it.

At the same time, the light of the villain in Dantian flickered, and a black mist escaped.

It is the strange treasure that was swallowed by Heavenly Power:

Soul Eater Black Mist!

The black mist spread out from his palm, instantly enveloping the remnant soul, and in a piercing scream (Wang Li's), Heart's Demon completely disappeared in smoke.

For an instant, he seemed to be empowered, and the sky was light and cloud shadowed on the spiritual platform.

A stream of pure energy flows into the body, nourishing his soul.


Li Ran let out a suffocating breath, and the light in his eyes was a little brighter.

"It turns out that this is how the system talks about refining the heart and shaping the soul."

"This Heart's Demon has a great Ascension to the Divine Soul, even if there is no reward this time, it is still a profit."

At this moment, he remembered something, his mind sank to the red line, and reconnected to perception.

"Hey, is Dao Chang Yi still there?"

After a while, Yi Qinglan's suppressed voice sounded, "You, what did you see just now?"


Li Ran touched his nose and said awkwardly: "It's too white, it's a bit reflective, I can't see anything clearly."

Yi Qinglan: "…"

"But there is a red sand mole on the back waist."

"Pan Dao killed you!",

Chapter 193

Chapter 193 The demon appears, Heart's Demon is dead!

Yi Qinglan's eyes were ashamed and angry, and her heart was burning with anger.

Although the other party was trying to save Lin Langyue, although the other party did not see her in person

But for her who is too forgiving and Dao heart is frozen, she has completely touched the bottom line!

"Pan Dao, really, really want to kill him!"

Yi Qinglan's bare hands trembled slightly.

But at the same time of inner anger, there was also a touch of helplessness.

How to kill?

Not to mention Li Ran's kindness to Tianshu Yuan, just because of the marriage, she can't shoot Li Ran.

And if you kill him, Lin Langyue's immortal road will be interrupted.

And that crazy woman Leng Wuyan

As an imperial master and head teacher of top Sect, Yi Qinglan has never been so restrained.

The other party was just a Nascent Soul middle stage, but she was helpless.

Looking at Li Ran's unruly cheeks, she had a faint feeling in her heart.

"Pan Dao will be planted in this kid's hands sooner or later!"

Li Ran didn't dare to go too far.

After all, Yi Qinglan, like her master, is an existence at the top of the vast land.

He focused his attention on the remnant soul hovering in the air.

One Heart's Demon can provide so much energy. If these remnants are swallowed up, to what extent will the spirit be tempered?

At this time, Yi Qing 650 Lan said: "Pan Dao opens the passage, you can take Langyue original road and return."

Li Ran shook his head and said, "Wait, don't worry."

Yi Qinglan frowned slightly, "What are you going to do?"

Li Ran didn't answer, but asked, "What happens if the remnant souls in this deadly land seem to have disappeared?"

Yi Qinglan said: "As long as Dao absolutely exists, it can continue to absorb the three obstacles and ten evils and condense the remnant soul Heart's Demon, but it will take a long time."

Li Ran nodded, "If this is the case, then I'm relieved.


Yi Qinglan was puzzled, "Why are you?"

Before the words fell, the whole person was stunned.

I saw Li Ran bend his knees slightly, his muscles knotted.


The loess beneath his feet collapsed, and he suddenly rose into the air, smashing into the group of remnant souls hovering in the air like a cannonball!


The piercing scream sounded, and the remnants seemed to have discovered the supreme delicacy, swarming towards him.

Because there are so many, even a huge vortex is formed in the air, and Li Ran's figure is immediately submerged!

Yi Qinglan is stupid.

What is this guy doing? (ajeh)


The light in her hand lit up, and she was about to drag Li Ran out first.

Being invaded by so many remnants of souls, even if they don't die, they will be eaten to death and become a mindless idiot.

Suddenly, she frowned slightly.

"This is "

I saw Li Ran in the center of the whirlpool, his figure hanging in the air, and a faint black mist came out of the body, enveloping the remnants of the surging soul.

The remnants of the soul in the black mist quickly died out, turning into wisps of green smoke and dissipating.

A stream of pure energy poured into his body, constantly nourishing and tempering his soul.

His eyes are getting brighter and brighter, and after the end, he is so dazzling that he can't look directly!

Yi Qinglan looked at this scene with a little surprise in her eyes.

"Can this black mist swallow the soul? There are really some ways."

"But how can Li Ran bear so much spirit power? He is obviously not even distracted.

As the remnant soul continues to die away, the black mist seems to be nourished, and the scope of the envelope is getting larger and larger.

The black mist surged like boiling water, like a black mud.

The quagmire continued to twist and condense, and finally formed a huge human form!

The body that is tens of meters high is made up of black fog, two red eyes are like lanterns, and six strong arms are waving, and the appearance is extremely hideous and terrible!

The appearance is similar to Yu Ye's Eternal Night Law.

Li Ran stood at the center of the demon's eyebrows, holding his shoulders with indifferent eyes.


The demon roared, and a gap was cracked on the face of the black mist, as if it was its huge mouth in the abyss.

Its body leaned back slightly, its chest bulged, and it sucked!

The remnant soul vortex hovering in the air was dragged by the huge suction force and poured into the blood basin of the demon image!


The devil's body swelled again, and the devilish energy was steaming like flames.

The magical power is surging, and it is impossible!

At the same time, the number of remnants was rapidly reduced, and even the gloomy sky was restored to clarity.

"No, it's the limit.

Li Ran frowned.

The villain Dantian is constantly absorbing energy, as dazzling as a scorching sun, and his soul also has a strong sense of fullness.

"Just stop here, it's too late.

Li Ran's eyes flashed, and the spirit said, "Master Yi, please open the door."


Looking at the empty Dao Jueshi, the corner of Yi Qinglan's mouth twitched.

Originally, the remnants of the soul flew wildly here, and the Heart's Demon danced wildly. It was the most dangerous forbidden area in the Tianshu Yuan.

But now?

More than two-thirds of the remnant souls were absorbed by him.

There are only two or three big cats and kittens left!

Although the remnant soul can continue to condense, it will take time.

With the current situation, if you want to return to its heyday, I don't know how many years will pass!

"This guy "

Yi Qinglan stared at him bitterly.

Although Lin Langyue is safe, how does she feel that she has suffered a big loss?

Beyond the black cliff.

Elder and deacon are whispering.

"It's been several hours, why is there no movement at all?"

"Li Ran is just a Nascent Soul realm, how could it be possible to wipe out Heart's Demon and save Chief Lin?"

"I already said that people in Devil Dao can't be trusted!"

"Don't say that, people are also here to save people, no matter whether they succeed or not, they must be grateful."

"Hey, it's a pity Lang Yue!"

"The head is confused, if you shoot earlier, perhaps the harm to Lang Yue will be less."

"Heart's Demon is entangled, no one can save!"

The expressions of the people were low, and the atmosphere was a bit heavy.

In their view, the collapse of Lin Langyue's Dao heart is almost a foregone conclusion.

What even the head can do, what about a little Nascent Soul?

At this time, Yi Qinglan raised her slender jade finger and lightly tapped it on the black cliff.

The deep vortex surged, and the door opened again.


A huge arm stretched out from the inside and crashed in front of everyone, like black hills lying across each other!

"what is this?!"

"It's a devil!"

Just when they were panicking, their dark palms opened slowly, and everyone was stunned.

I saw Li Ran standing tall, white clothes fluttering, holding the unconscious Lin Langyue in his arms.

And her breath is steady, obviously Dao heart is not broken!

The Elders swallowed, eyes filled with disbelief.

Li Ran, the devil

Actually rescued Lin Langming?

Chapter 194

Chapter 194 Yi Daochang, do you really have a cinnabar mole on your waist?

The Elders in Tianshuyuan were stunned.

They never expected that Li Ran actually rescued Lin Langyue!

Even Yitangmen is helpless, but a Demon Cultivator from Nascent Soul Realm actually did it?

How did he strip Heart's Demon, and how did he stabilize Lin Langyue's Dao heart?

No one knows.

But they all have a common idea at this time:

This boy is really not easy!

If they knew that most of the remnant souls in Dao Jue Death Earth had been absorbed by him, they would probably smash their jaws on the ground.

The demon's huge arms collapsed, turning into black mist and swept back into Li Ran's body.

Li Ran hugged Lin Langming and walked slowly in front of Yi Qinglan.

"Man, I'll bring it back for you- now."

Yi Qinglan reached out and took it.

Seeing the peaceful-looking lover in his arms, a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes, and finally he was relieved.

She looked at Li Ran earnestly, "Thank you, I've written this down.

Although he is a ridiculous and shameless little thief, he often makes people hateful.

But he also rescued Lin Langyue and Sect disciples several times.

He is indeed the benefactor of the Tianshu Yuan.

Li Ran shook his head and said, "You used to speak for me in the Wuyang Palace, so this is the two of us cleaned up."

"Two clears?"

Yi Qinglan thought of the beautiful Heart's Demon he saw, and the few remnants of the soul left in the deadly land

"This kid, he made a good calculation."

Li Ran stretched, "Okay, people have been saved, Master Yi sent me back to Sect, right?"

Baiyun Peak is more than tens of thousands of miles away from the north, and it will take him a long time to fly on his own.


Yi Qinglan nodded and did not refuse.

Seeing her unwavering cold appearance, Li Ran suddenly recalled the scene he had seen in the illusion.

That perfect figure, slender waist

It doesn't look like it was made up by the brain!

He couldn't help but Divine Soul Transmission said: "Yi Daochang, do you really have a cinnabar mole on your waist?"

Yi Qinglan's breathing was stagnant, and the corners of her eyes twitched.

She was silent for a while.

He lowered his head and couldn't see his expression. The temperature around him suddenly dropped to freezing point, and he muttered to himself in a low voice, "Sure enough, kill him?"

Li Ran: ""

"Calm, I'm just curious"

Before he finished speaking, there was a "buzz" in his mind, and then a sharp pain came from the depths of his soul.

It seems that the soul is about to be torn apart!

Before he could shout, his eyes suddenly went dark and he completely lost consciousness.

Puff through.

Li Ran fell to the ground feebly.

Yi Qinglan shook her head and said: "Don't pretend, do you think such a poor way can spare you?"


Li Ran lay motionless on the ground.

Yi Qinglan's eyebrows were slightly furrowed, the light in her eyes flashed, and she looked at him carefully.

"Too much soul power is absorbed, causing the soul to be unable to digest it in time.

"But he only has Nascent Soul, why is the soul so tough? This group of huge soul power, ordinary people probably burst into death long ago."

"There are so many secrets in this guy."

Looking at Li Ran who fell on the ground, she hesitated for a moment.

Should we just throw him back to Youluo Palace?

Thinking of the crazy lady Leng Wuyan, then look at the pale teenager in front of her

"Forget it, let him go back when he is well raised, so that Leng Wuyan won't bother to find a poor way."

With this in mind, Yi Qinglan ordered: "Come on, send Li Holy Son to rest."


Two deacons walked over and helped Li Ran up.

Feeling his strong physique, the two of them blushed slightly with annoyance, and felt a little nervous in their hearts.

Tianshu Yuan is a pure female cultivator Sect, how have they ever had such close contact with men?

Looking at Li Ran's clear profile face, a shyness flashed across his eyes.

Good, so handsome!

Soon, news of Lin Langming's successful escape spread throughout Sect.

After all, it is the chief of Sect, the successor to the future head, and every move can attract everyone's attention.

This time, being trapped by Heart's Demon in the Dao Jue Demon, it almost affected the hearts of the whole family.

At the same time, another news spread.

The person who rescued the chief from Dao Jueshi and protected her Dao heart is actually Devil Dao Holy Son Li Ran!

Moreover, it is said that he consumed too much in order to save Chief Lin, and his soul was even damaged, and he is still in a coma in the other courtyard!

For a while, Sect had a lot of discussions on the matter.

Lonely Cloud Peak.

In the bedroom, Lin Langming slowly opened his eyes.

The white walls are very familiar, and the fragrance on the mattress is very familiar. It is her own room.

0...for flowers…

At this moment, a younger sister opened the door and walked in. Seeing her with her eyes open, she was overjoyed.

"Chief Lin, you finally woke up!"

Lin Langyue's eyes were a little dazed, "Didn't I practice in Dao Jue Di? Why did I return to my own room?"

The little sister held her mouth, her eyes filled with tears, "Did you forget? You were surrounded by Heart's Demon and sat in the dead for several days, almost, almost, Dao heart collapsed!"

"Heart's Demon?"

Lin Langyue furrowed her brows, and memories emerged like a tide.

She was indeed invaded by Heart's Demon.

Under normal circumstances, the beauty of Heart's Demon is the easiest for her, and it can't shake her Dao heart at all.

But the fantasy presented this time is actually Li Ranran

She lost her resistance almost instantly.

Thinking about it now, I'm still scared for a while.

If it is really swallowed by Heart's Demon, I am afraid her fairy road will be cut off!

"Fortunately, there is a master, otherwise I will really have an accident this time." Lin Langyue shook his head.

Dao Jue was isolated from the gameplay, and only Yi Qinglan had the strength to bring her out.

Little Junior Sister hesitated for a while, and whispered: "In fact, it was not the master who rescued Chief Lin, but someone else."


Lin Langyue curiously asked, "Who would it be if it wasn't the master? The big Elder or the second Elder?"


Little Junior Sister scratched her head, "It's Li Ran."


Lin Langyue suspected that he had heard it wrong.

Little Junior Sister said with a serious face: "It is You Luo Temple Holy Son Li Ran who rescued you from the dead!

"He not only helped you strip Heart's Demon, but also stabilized your Dao heart, otherwise

The words are not finished, but the meaning is self-explanatory.

Lin Langyue was stunned.

Li Ran actually saved her?

Looking down at own hands, he seemed to pinch the other's cheeks in his memory.

She muttered startledly: "So, that's not a dream?"

ps1: The five shifts are here. New Year's Eve dinners are to be prepared. It is estimated that there will only be three shifts.

If nothing else, the 50,000 characters will be restored on the first day of the new year.

ps2: Although there are many female roles on stage, only Yue, Xiao and Shizun are the ones who really confirm the relationship.

If there is not enough experience and emotional support, it is not the harem but zm.

Don't worry, the author knows well. Spoon,

Chapter 195

Chapter 195 Li Holy Son in a coma, Lin Langyue's intestine!

"Li Ran saved me again?"

Lin Langyue leaned against the head of the bed, her eyes a little confused.

Recalling that after Heart's Demon was stripped, she opened her eyes to see the handsome smiling face. She originally thought it was another dream, but she didn't expect it to be real.

As Devil Dao Holy Son, Li Ran deliberately came from the north of tens of thousands of miles, boarded this righteous mountain gate, and entered the extremely dangerous Dao Jeremy Land.

Just to save yourself?

"It seems that I am in his heart, and I am not a dispensable person."

Lin Langyue's eyes were bright, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Little Junior Sister looked at her sometimes confused and sometimes smiling, not only shook her head.

"Chief Lin must be surprised too?

"When the news spread, Sect was in an uproar. No one thought that the one who rescued you would be Li Holy Son!

In the hearts of everyone in Tianshu Yuan, although Li Ran saved a dozen of his disciples during the "Six Six Threes" amidst the beast tide, the truth is that there is a difference between the righteous demon.

Moreover, he had a feast with Lin Langyue, even if he was not an enemy, it should be a competitive relationship.

This time, many people are confused.

Lin Langyue's eyes were full of smiles, "Yes, I didn't expect it!

Little Junior Sister sighed: "It seems that Devil Dao is not all bad guys. Then, in order to save you, Li Holy Son has suffered severe damage to his soul.

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly felt something wrong in the atmosphere.

Lin Langyue's smile narrowed and looked at her incredulously.

"What did you just say? Li Ran's soul was hit hard?"


The little sister nodded, "All Elder and deacon have seen it. Li Ran walked out of the dead holding you, and just handed you to the head, she fell to the ground."

"The head said it was because of the separation of Heart's Demon, the soul needs to be treated quietly, and I don't know when it will recover."

Lin Langyue's face was pale and her voice trembled, "Where is the other person?"

Little Junior Sister replied, "I'm in the Xianyunfeng Courtyard, and I'm still unconscious now."

Before the words fell, Lin Langyue lifted the quilt directly, and stomped up to rush towards the door.

The little junior sister exclaimed from behind: "Chief, you haven't recovered yet, you can't walk around at will. You, your coat hasn't been worn yet!

Lin Langyue didn't look back, turning a deaf ear.


In a clean courtyard, several female deacons were whispering.

"Is the demon Li Ran lying in the room?"

"Yes, the head let us take care of him, but how should we take care of this?"

A young deacon said: "It's actually very simple. Just observe his state and wipe his face and hands with clean water."

Another person asked: "Do you need to change the clothes for him?"

Little Deacon blushed and shook his head: "No, I've already changed it for him."


Several people smiled at each other and made strange noises in unison.

"So, did you see everything?"

"To be honest, how is Lee Holy Son's figure?"

"Sun deacon, Dao heart, pay attention to Dao heart!"

"Ahem, Pandao is just too curious.

Listening to their babbled discussions, Little Deacon became even more shy, stepping on his feet and saying: "I just helped him take off his coat, what are you talking about!"

"Don't talk nonsense, be careful to be heard by the law enforcement hall, and take you all to face the wall."

Just as they were joking with each other, the gate of the other courtyard was pushed open with a "bang".

Lin Langyue was only wearing the inner lining of the base coat, his face was pale and bloodless, and he was holding the door frame panting.

"Chief Lin?"

Several people were stunned, "Are you awake?"

Lin Langyue didn't answer, and asked, "Is Li Ran inside?"

"Here I am."

Little Deacon nodded.

Lin Langyue walked to the room and said: "Okay, you can go back first."

Little deacon hesitated and said, "But we are here to take care of Li Holy Son."

Lin Langyue didn't look back and said, "I will take care of him personally, so I won't bother you."

"That's all right.

Several deacons glanced at each other and walked out the door helplessly.

It seemed to be a pity.

Lin Langyue walked into the room.

The incense curls in the room, and the calming grass exudes a delicate fragrance, which has the effect of stabilizing the soul.

A white figure was lying quietly on the bed.

She paused for a moment and walked slowly to the bed.

I saw Li Ran closed his eyes and looked peaceful, as if he was asleep.

Lin Langyue's eyes instantly turned red, and she turned her head to try not to let the tears flow down.

She rubbed her eyes and whispered: "Li Holy Son, I was saved by you again

Recalling the fierce battle with the corpse in the wild, at the moment when the fluorescent shield shattered, a golden figure cut through the black fog and brought her out of the mortal situation.

The kindness of the last time has not been repaid, and this time the other party was seriously injured for her.

Lin Langyue's eyes drooped, "I owe you, it must be unclear in this life."

Looking at the fair and handsome cheeks, she shook her head and said, "You are so quiet all of a sudden, I'm still a little uncomfortable."

"Compared to now, I still prefer your nonsense."

"Don't worry, the master is amazing, she will definitely heal you and make you the genius Holy Son again.

As Lin Langyue spoke, her eyes became blurred again.

She recalled the time the two spent together in the secret room day and night, and the scenes seemed to be still before her eyes.

Eat barbecue together, shabu hot pot together, sleep together

This is a memory she will never forget.

Lin Langyue hesitated and lay gently beside Li Ran, with her right hand on his chest, feeling the steady and powerful heartbeat.

It seems that only in this way can the heart be stable.

"Bad guy, didn't you say you want the sky above your head, wearing a Galaxy Cluster, and playing with Mingyue in your hands?"

"Didn't you say that you want to break the moon in the sky and crush it to pieces?"

"You must get better soon, and wait for the day you wake up, I"

Her cheeks blushed, and even if the other party was unconscious, it was difficult to speak such words.

"I "

"What do you want?"

A familiar voice rang in my ears 4.7.

Lin Langyue stiffened and suddenly looked up.

I saw Li Ran looking at her with a smirk.

Lin Langyue's phoenix eyes widened, and he stammered: "You, you, aren't you in a coma!"

Li Ran shrugged, "I was in a coma, but I was awake before you came in."


Lin Langyue thought of something and stammered: "Then what I said just now, did you hear all of it?"

Li Ran nodded, "Not a word.

Lin Langyue's cheeks flushed instantly, and her heart was flustered. She wanted to escape when she got up.

As a result, Li Ran pulled him back.

He chuckled softly: "Don't say half of the words, what are you going to do when I wake up?"

"I, I won't tell you!"

Lin Langyue was ashamed, and his heart was about to jump out!

Chapter 196

Chapter 196 Chief Lin, what did you see in Heart's Demon?

Lin Langyue was embarrassed and couldn't wait to find a place to get in.

She thought that Li Ran was unconscious, so she dared to confide in her heart, but the other party listened to her without a word!

Recalling what she had just said, she buried her face in the pillow like an ostrich.

"It's really shameless to see people this time!"

Li Ran looked at her funny.

He was indeed in a coma before, but it was not because the soul was severely injured, but because the soul power absorbed in the dead place was too much, and the sea of ​​knowledge could not hold it for a while.

To put it simply, it's holding on.

His sea of ​​knowledge is full of majestic soul power. The villain Dantian is working day and night, refining the soul, nourishing and tempering his soul.

Not long before Lin Langyue came in, the villain finally refined a part of his soul power, and the soul had to have a chance to breathe.

Only then gradually came to my senses.

Before I opened my eyes, I heard the crying confession of this little girl.

She was lying beside herself while she was talking!

Li Ran looked at her curiously, "So what on earth did you just say?"

"I didn't say anything, you heard it wrong!"

Lin Langyue put her pretty face in the pillow, and said in a muffled voice.

Li Ran scratched his head, "Then why are you lying next to me? This is not an illusion after all?"

"I, I just want to try this bed to be uncomfortable, is there a problem?" Lin Langyue hummed.


Li Ran couldn't help but said, "Of course there is no problem, then how does Chief Lin feel?"

Lin Langyue blushed and rolled her head, "It's not comfortable at all, it's simply uncomfortable."

Li Ran sighed and said, "I don't think you will be called a cuckoo anymore, you should call it a woodpecker."

Lin Langyue wondered: "Why?"

"Because of your stiff mouth.

Lin Langyue's white cheeks were red as blood, and he said in a huff, "Li Holy Son, you haven't changed at all, you are still so bad!"

This person had teased her in the secret room before and gave her the nickname "cuckoo".

Now it's a woodpecker again.

Li Ran smiled and said, "You know I'm a bad guy, do you still dare to visualize me as Heavenly Dao?"

"How did you know?

Lin Langyue looked at him in surprise.

Except for herself and Master, it is impossible for a third person to know about this matter.

"It was Mr. Yi Daochang who told me.

Li Ran briefly said the matter.

Lin Langyue nodded clearly after listening, "No wonder my Heart's Demon was forcibly stripped, but Dao heart is still stable. It turned out to be like this."

In a sense, Li Ran is a symbol of Heavenly Dao to her.

In addition, the Tianshu Yuan's Taishangqing Heart Mantra, it seems that the sound of the avenue is in your ears, and even the Dao heart that is on the verge of collapse can be stabilized.

Speaking of this, Li Ran asked with some curiosity: "By the way, what did you see in Heart's Demon illusion, why have you been trapped for so long?,


Lin Langyue turned her head, "I won't tell you

She saw her lovely earlobes quickly turn bright red, obviously shy to the extreme.

Li Ran raised his brows: "It's not really me that you saw, right?"

"When, of course not!"

Lin Langyue stammered: "Why are you so narcissistic? I didn't see you!"

Although he said so, his confidence was very lacking.

"All right."

Seeing that she was too shy, Li Ran stopped asking.

He changed a comfortable position and lay down, "If Chief Lin has nothing to do, please lie down with me for a while."


Lin Langyue lowered her head, bit her lip and said, "How can I sleep in the same bed with you?"

After talking, I waited for a long time and there was no response.

Turning his head to look, I saw Li Ran breathing smoothly and seemed to be asleep.

Seeing his pale face, Lin Langyue's eyes flashed tenderly.

"He doesn't know how to fight Heart's Demon. It should be very difficult to fight Heart's Demon? Otherwise, he won't be damaged."

She hesitated, blushing, and got into Li Ran's arms, resting his strong arms and ears against his chest.

"It's just lying down for a while, it's not the first time anyway."

Listening to the strong and powerful heartbeat, my mind gradually calmed down, filled with an unspeakable sense of security.

She was very weak at first, and she felt tired, and soon fell asleep.

Xuanling Mountain.

Shendao Immortal Palace welcomed a distinguished guest today.

In the Great Hall, the Elders stood respectfully, looking at the white figure in awe.

The head of the Tianshu Academy, Yi Qinglan!

She was sitting in the first place at this time, a robe as white as snow, a veil covering her cheeks, and her indifferent eyes did not make waves.

And beside her sat a black robe man with a tough face and deep aura.

It is the head of the Shinto Palace, Chen Yundao.

Chen Yun said in a cold voice: "Come, Yi Daochang, taste this fairy tea, this is specially prepared for you."

It would be very precious if you want to make a special preparation for an emperor-level master.

There is pure Spiritual Qi floating on the fairy tea, I am afraid that mortals can practice Qi with just one sip Foundation Building.

But Yi Qinglan was unmoved, and said indifferently: "Head of Chen, let's go straight to the subject. Today, I made a special trip to call the poor road, what is it?"

Chen Yundao smiled and said, "Isn't it because He Yi Dao hasn't seen him for a long time, I just want you to come over to reminisce about the past.

Yi Qinglan stood up directly after hearing the words, "I have seen it now, and leave me poorly."

"Wait a moment."

Chen Yundao helplessly said: "Yi Daochang's temperament has not changed, he is still going straight forward.

Yi Qinglan shook her head 663 and said, "The head of Chen has not changed, he still likes Xu and Wei snake so much.

Chen Yundao gave a wry smile.

This Yi Daochang speaks, he can choke people to death every time

In this case, he no longer polite, nodded and said: "I really have something to ask Yi Daochang."

Yi Qinglan sat back, "asked.

Chen Yundao organized the language and said: "The first few Japanese people heard that Yi Daochang did not hesitate to confront Sheng Ye just to help the demon Li Ran come forward?"

Yi Qinglan nodded, "Yes.

Chen Yundao frowned slightly, "Li Ran is the Holy Son of a Demon Way Sect, but Tianshu Yuan is the real right way Sect. Isn't Dao Chang Yi cheering for Devil Dao?"

In the face of my question, Yi Qinglan was not surprised, "Pan Dao is not cheering for Devil Dao, but for the human race. Li Ran took the lead in fighting the beast tide and protecting the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, shouldn't he deserve this? honor?"

Chen Yundao shook his head and said, "But in any case, he is Devil Dao after all."

"Devil Dao?,

Yi Qinglan sneered, "As far as Pang Dao knows, the disciples of the Shinto Palace were also there at the time, but in the face of the beast tide, they chose to turn around and escape.

"Li Ran guarded the human bottom line. In your opinion, he is still Devil Dao. What is the Shinto Palace disciple who fled without a fight?"

"Livestock Road?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked!

Chapter 197

Chapter 197 The powerful Yi Qinglan, the punching bag of the emperor!

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar!

The Elders looked at Yi Qinglan incredulously.

Did they hear me right?

Said Shinto Palace is a beast road?

This master Yi Dao is too defiant!

Chen Yundao's eyes were slightly narrowed, and the gloomy light flickered in the broad sleeves, as if something was brewing.

The air pressure in the entire Great Hall has dropped to freezing point!

But Yi Qinglan still has no trouble, her eyes are transparent and clean, and she calmly stares at him.

"Daochang Yi, please take back what you just said, you are insulting my fairy palace!" Chen Yun said solemnly.

Yi Qinglan said: "It is not the poor Dao who insulted Guizong, but the group of disciples who fled."

Chen Yundao coldly snorted: "They just misjudged the battle situation and wrongly estimated the strength of the two sides. If the beast tide is really unstoppable, then according to Yi Daochang's statement, my disciple should be buried with him?"

Yi Qinglan shook his head and said, "I haven't had a fight before, but the Guizong disciples think that the beast tide is unstoppable?"

"They have their own judgment."

Chen Yundao said: "The life of a practitioner is also a life, shouldn't it be sacrificed in vain?"

"judge "

Yi Qinglan had a hint of joking in her tone, "So according to the head of Chen, you can escape when you feel dangerous. Then why didn't Lin Langming escape?"

"Why didn't Yue Jianli escape?"

"Why didn't Li Ran and Qin Ruyan escape?"

"Could it be that they are slow to respond and don't feel the danger?"

Chen Yundao's face changed when he heard this.

Yi Qinglan continued: "There is no problem with Mingzhe protecting oneself, but since that's the case, I will honestly shrink my head."

"Obviously, I became a deserter, but I brazenly accused the hero, saying that he is Devil Dao and is not worthy of honor?"

"Doesn't Headmaster Chen find it ridiculous?"

The Great Hall was quiet.

The look in Chen Yundao's eyes changed, making people indistinct.

In addition to warmth and anger, there is also a trace of shame and helplessness in his heart.

In any case, as a great master of the right way, facing the catastrophe of the human race, it is a fact that the disciples flee without a fight.

It is also a stain that cannot be cleaned.

But frightened by the prestige of the Shinto Palace, others just cursed privately, who would dare to say it in front of him?

Yi Qinglan dared.

Chen Yundao expressionlessly said: "Unexpectedly, I haven't seen him for so long, Yi Daochang's eloquence is getting better and better~ "."

Facing his sarcasm, Yi Qinglan did not fluctuate.

"If there is nothing else, poor Dao will leave."

Chen Yundao sneered and said: "I heard an interesting thing recently. It is said that Li Ran boarded the gate of the Tianshu Yuan and stayed overnight for several days. Is this really the case?"

Yi Qinglan's eyes condensed, "The head of Chen seems to be very interested in the affairs of the Tianshu Yuan."

Chen Yundao shook his head and smiled: "I'm just curious. I want to see if the Tianshu Yuan has taken refuge in the Demon Sect."

These remarks are a bit cruel!

"It has nothing to do with the head of Chen, so I won't bother you."

Yi Qinglan stood up, Bai Taoist robe flicked slightly, seemingly too lazy to explain.

At this moment, there was an Elder on the side dissatisfied: "Forget about colluding with Devil Dao, let the men go up the mountain? A group of female cultivators are really ignorant!

The sound is not too loud, but it is clear to everyone's ears.

Chen Yundao's face changed, "Shut up."

Before he finished speaking, the Elder was stunned, motionless like a sculpture.

After that, the body quickly aged, the skin dried up like tree bark, and the originally bright eyes became muddy.

The original powerful Transcends Tribulation power, but now lifeless, like a dying old man!

He looked at his withered hands, and his voice trembled: "My Cultivation Base is gone!"

Yi Qinglan said calmly: "Luo does not hesitate to say, when you cut your hundred years of Cultivation Base."

The other Elders shivered, their legs and feet soft.

Without even moving my finger, I cut off the Transcends Tribulation powerhouse's hundreds of years of Cultivation Base?

This is too scary!

Chen Yundao's sleeve robe bulged, and his voice was cold: "Dao Chang Yi, this is the Elder of my Shendao Sect!!

Yi Qinglan said indifferently: "Then please change the head of Chen to Elder."

After talking about his figure, he disappeared in the Great Hall.

Chen Yundao's eyes were burning with anger, but he tried to suppress it, seeming to hesitate.

In the end it was suppressed.

The Elder who had lost the Cultivation Base knelt on the ground and said with a stern voice: "I am loyal to Sect, and now my Cultivation Base has been abandoned. Please be in charge of me!"

Chen Yundao shook his head and said, "Dare to say that Yi Qinglan doesn't know what to do. You are still alive because she gave me the face."


Elder was blinded.

"Don't be humiliated at the emperor level! I have lived for hundreds of years, don't understand this?

Chen Yundao waved his hand impatiently, "Take him down, remember not to talk nonsense in the next life."

Amidst waves of miserable wailing, the Elder was taken out of the Great Hall.

The others looked at each other.

Someone couldn't help asking: "Head, isn't Yi Daochang pure-hearted and low-spirited? How can you use Cultivation Base if you don't agree?"

"Yeah, this is too strong!"

"Do it directly in Shinto Palace, this"

Chen Yundao's eyes flickered, "Yi Qinglan, she is just like Leng Wuyan, she is a lunatic!"

"|I just wanted to test her attitude today, but I didn't expect the reaction to be so intense."

"It looks like I'm going to save Li Ran to death!"

"In case she and Leng Wuyan join forces, I'm afraid the entire vast land will be turned upside down!"

Others only know that he alone suppressed three cases, his hands were covered with blood of Devil Dao, and he was called "killing Daoist".

But I don't know that after Leng Wuyan's rise, the demon flame turned against the sky, and no one in the world can stop it.

In the end, Yi Qinglan stood up and held down the invincible Youluo Temple.

Otherwise, Chen Yundao alone would not be able to stop the witch!


Chen Yundao exhaled a suffocating breath.

Since the incident of Haoyue Venerable, he has been restrained and suppressed everywhere.

"Li Ran"

"What is so special about this guy? Why do everyone protect him?"

Chen Yundao has never been so aggrieved.

Yi Qinglan stepped on Shattering Void and returned to Sect in an instant.

She was a little gaffe today.

Ever since (Wang Wanghao) Li Ran came out of Dao Jue, she has been suffocating in her heart, when she thought that the guy saw her

There is a strong urge to kill.

But Li Ran couldn't kill it.

Not only can't kill him, but also take good care of him to prevent him from falling in the middle.

This can't help but make Yi Qinggang even more angry.

Just as Chen Yundao came to the door, he should have become a punching bag.

"Go and see the little thief, if the spirit recovers, send him away quickly, otherwise, maybe something ridiculous will happen.

Yi Qinglan's thoughts flashed and she had appeared in Li Ran's room.

Seeing the two sleeping together on the bed, the corners of her mouth twitched.

"Pan Dao is outside to help you level up."

"Are you sleeping here holding a poor disciple?!"

ps: The third update today is to prepare the New Year's Eve dinner.

Not surprisingly, we will resume 50,000 characters tomorrow.

Happy New Year everyone~.

Chapter 198

Chapter 198 Lin Langyue's change, Yi Qinglan's special hobby!

I do not know how long it has been.

Li Ran opened his eyes in a daze.

The villain Dantian has been running endlessly, decomposing and refining the huge soul power in the sea of ​​knowledge, and constantly nourishing his soul.

Divine Soul is growing every minute and every second, and divine consciousness and perception are constantly strengthening.

This feeling is amazing.

It's as if the whole person is soaked in warm water, and it makes people feel sleepy and comfortable.

Consciousness is also a bit erratic, as if stepping on a cloud, there is a trance of "unconsciousness".

This is why he is so sleepy.

And because of the instability of his soul, it was difficult for him to concentrate. Although the Spirit Power in his body was surging, he couldn't use it at all.

"Sleep comfortably!"

Li Ran stretched contentedly.

Suddenly I felt itchy in my arms, and I looked down and was taken aback.

I saw Lin Langyue quietly curled up in his arms like a kitten, with a pretty face resting on his chest.

The handsome side face is white and delicate, like a flawless beautiful jade, and a faint red mark is pressed down on her small face, adding a touch of true loveliness to her.

Not knowing what she had dreamed of, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, her expression calm and contented.

A few strands of hair were scattered on the cheeks, just like the person in the painting.

Li Ran's throat moved.

Lin Langyue has always been cold and incomparable, like a bright moon in the sky, has there ever been such a charming appearance?

This kind of strong contrast made his heartbeat speed up for a while.

Li Ran pushed 663 to push her, "Chief Lin, wake up.

As a result, the other party did not respond.

"Sleep so heavy? You trust me too much, right?"

Looking at the small face that was as delicate as fat, Li Ran couldn't help but squeeze it, "Chief Lin, it's time to get up, it's time for the sun."


She snorted, her eyes didn't open, but her hands tightened.

Li Ran sighed.

Why do they like to test his concentration?

Seeing her sound asleep, Li Ran curled up a strand of blue silk with her fingers and swept lightly on the tip of her nose.

Lin Langyue frowned slightly, and hummed unconsciously: "I hate it, don't make trouble.

Suddenly realizing something, the voice stopped abruptly, and the body tightened instantly.

Her eyelashes trembled slightly, and her eyes quietly opened a gap. After seeing the intimate posture of the two, her pretty face suddenly became red and transparent.

He closed his eyes hurriedly and began to pretend to be asleep again.

"Okay, I have already seen it." Li Ran said angrily and funny.


Lin Langyue opened her eyes and smiled awkwardly when she couldn't pretend to be any longer.

Li Ran shook his head, "I remember you were quite cold, why do you look like a naive person now?"

"Han Han?"

Lin Langyue Qiong's nose wrinkled slightly, and she was not convinced: "I am not stupid, I am smart!"

Li Ran laughed blankly.

Chief Lin used to be very similar to Yi Qinglan, like a bright moon thousands of miles away, but now she is sweet and lovely like the girl next door.

The change is indeed a bit too big.

In fact, Lin Langyue itself has not changed.

Before, she repaired Heavenly Dao, felt the secret, cut the billowing red dust, and others would naturally feel very far away when she saw her.

But now she has visualized Li Ran as Heavenly Dao.

The one who repaired Li Ran, and the one who felt Li Ran was also Li Ran. The whole Dao heart has not separated him from each other, so he will be very close subconsciously.

Lin Langyue got up from his arms shyly.

For some reason, his embrace was always warm and at ease, and even his breath made her very infatuated.

Looking at the still pale handsome face, she said with concern: "How are you? Are you better?"

Li Ran shook his head and said, "I'm fine, it's fine."

"Don't lie to me."

Lin Langyue lowered her head and said guiltily: "The matter of the soul is very important, and a slight difference will affect Xiantu. This time you are injured in order to save my soul, I am afraid."

Her tone was low, her eyes were misty, and she felt she was about to cry in the next second.

Li Ran looked dumbfounded.

Soul wounded?

He is now more than twice as powerful as before (ajeh).

Moreover, most of the soul power remains in the sea of ​​consciousness. If all of it is absorbed, the soul might be ascension to a terrifying level.

Simply good can't be better.

"I'm really fine, and I feel great."


Lin Langyue said, "Then you show me a Taoist method?"

"This is really not available for the time being.

"You can't even use Dao Fa, and you still say you're okay?"

Lin Langyue choked up and said, "Why are you so aggressive?"


Looking at the teary-eyed girl in front of her, Li Ran scratched her head for a while.

How can I explain this to her?

Lin Langyue rubbed her eyes, her eyes gradually becoming firm.

She said earnestly: "But don't worry, with a respected master, I will definitely help you recover."

"You said Yi Daochang?" Li Ran smiled bitterly: "She almost hates me now, right."

Not only did he see the other party in Heart's Demon, but he also absorbed the remnant soul of Dao Jueji and there was not much left.

It is estimated that Yi Qinglan would like to kill him.

"how could be?"

Lin Langyue shook his head and said: "You have saved me this time. Master must be very grateful to you. Don't think Master is usually cold, but he is actually a very warm person."


Thinking of the indifferent eyes, Li Ran couldn't help shivering.

What does this word have to do with big ice cubes?

Then he remembered something and said: "By the way, I want to ask you something."

"Well, what do you say."

"Yi Daochang, is there a little red sand mole on his back?"

This problem has troubled Li Ran for a long time.

The scene he saw in the illusion was very real, and it didn't seem to be made up by the brain at all.

But how could Heart's Demon show a scene he hadn't seen before?

Lin Langyue was taken aback when he heard the words, "How do you know?"


Before the words fell, coughing sounded next to him.

The two of them stiffened instantly.

They slowly turned their heads to look, only to see Yi Qing Tanlan sitting on the chair, holding her shoulders with cold eyes.

"You guys, when this seat is not air?"


Lin Langyue opened her small mouth slightly.

Li Ran swallowed, his throat tightened.

He sneered and said, "Master Yi, when did you come and why are there no signs of movement?,

Yi Qinglan said coldly, "Pan Dao has been here all the time, it's because you are too forgetful, didn't you notice it?"

"always there?"

Lin Langyue's cheeks flushed suddenly.

Then the intimate appearance of them sharing the same bed just now, isn't it all seen by the master?

Her head dropped lower, and her pretty face was hot as if she had a fever.

"What a shame…"

Li Ran frowned slightly, and said displeased: "Dao Chang Yi still has a hobby of watching people sleep?"

Yi Qinglan said indifferently, "Do you still have a hobby of killing people? Would you like to try it?"

Li Ran: "Thank you, no need.".

Chapter 199

Chapter 199 Ashamed and angry Yi Qinglan!

Yi Qinglan looked at Li Ran, a trace of shame flashed through her calm eyes.


This little thief is more shameless than she thought!

She just left Sect for a while, and actually slept with her apprentice~!

And asked about such secret-private things

"What the hell is this guy's mind? Why do you see Pang Dao in Heart's Demon illusion?"

Yi Qinglan gritted her teeth bitterly.

If Lang Yue knew about this, even with her indifferent character, she would have no face to meet people.

She looked at Li Ran, her voice was cold and bitter, "Pan Dao admits that you are indeed kind to the Tianshu Yuan, but this is not your wanton capital!'

"Lang Yue is a poor disciple, and also the chief disciple of the Tianshu Academy. Unlike those women in the common world, you can't touch them as you please!"

Li Ran frowned, her eyes a little uncomfortable.

Just about to speak, he heard Lin Langming say: "Master, Li Holy Son can't be blamed for this matter."

Yi Qinglan frowned and said, "Do you still speak for him?"

Lin Langyue whispered: "What the disciple said is the truth, Li Holy Son didn't touch the disciple, it was the disciple who slept next to him.

"If you want to punish, just punish the disciple."

Yi Qinglan's chest rose and fell slightly.

For so many years, Lin Langyue has respected and loved her very much, and has never questioned her words.

But now he talks back to himself for a man?

This made her feel very bad, as if it was the Chinese cabbage that she had carefully cultivated, and it turned out to be overwhelmed by wild boars.

"Rebel, really dare not punish you as a teacher?

Yi Qinglan said coldly, "Do you remember the sixth gate rule of the Tianshu Yuan?"

Lin Langyue lowered her head, "Disciple remembers."


"If there are no special circumstances, you should not be in the same room with a man, even if you are in the same room, the distance between them should be more than one meter, let alone any more restrictive actions."

Li Ran: ""

Good guy, there is such a perverted door rule?

Is this the Tianshu Yuan or the Nunnery?

Yi Qinglan said: "At the beginning of Shiwan Dashan, you were forced to live in the same room, so you didn't care about being a teacher.

"But this time you broke the rules and deserved to be punished. Can you be convinced?"

Her voice is indifferent and her attitude is very strong.

Lin Langyue did not excuse, "The disciple is convinced."


Yi Qinglan nodded and said: "Pan Dao will punish you huh!"

The voice stopped abruptly, and she looked a little weird and her body was trembling slightly.

Lin Langyue wondered: "Master, what's the matter with you?"


She was shaking more severely, staring at Li Ran bitterly, her eyes full of sullen and shame.

This kind of throbbing from the depths of the soul can easily destroy her defenses every time.

"Shameless little thief!

Being so teased in front of her apprentice made her feel ashamed and indignant.

White Taoist Robe stirred slightly, just about to teach Li Ran a lesson, but his heart suddenly jumped, and the condensed Spirit Power disappeared!

It seems that there is a force in the dark to stop her.

"This Damn it's first line of marriage!"

Yi Qinglan has never been so aggrieved.

Lin Langyue looked confused.

Master has always dealt with things indifferently.

Why is there such a big mood swing now, as if trying to suppress something.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

He got up and walked towards Yi Qinglan.

Seeing her walking over, Yi Qinglan was actually a little nervous. Seeing that the other party was about to touch her, she couldn't help exclaiming:

"Li Ran, enough!"


Li Ran scratched his wrist frantically with his left hand and stopped, "Master Yi called me?"

Yi Qinglan gritted her teeth and said, "What do you want?"

Li Ran shrugged, "Chief Lin just came to care about me, and Master Yi's reaction was too extreme."


Yi Qinglan looked at Lin Langming, who didn't even wear a coat, and shook her head: "I'm concerned about your injury, and accompany you to sleep by the way?"


Lin Langyue wrapped her face shyly.

Li Ran cleared his throat and said solemnly: "I am a timid person and dare not sleep alone. Chief Lin is selfless, and in order to let me have a good rest, he will not hesitate to accompany Shui. With such a noble sentiment, how can Yi Dao Chang do it? Punish her?"

"Sacrifice to accompany shui? What the hell is this?

Lin Langyue wanted to find a seam to drill in.

If this master can believe, there will be ghosts!

Yi Qinglan was silent for a while, nodded and said: "So, Li Holy Son is reasonable, it is impulsive."


Lin Langyue looked blank.

Yi Qinglan said indifferently: "Lang Yue, go out first. I have something to do for the teacher and want to talk to Li Holy Son."

"Oh, OK "

Intuition tells her that there is something strange between these two people, but she can't tell the details.

She had to stand up and walked out after turning around one step at a time.

0...…Look for flowers

The door closed.

The room became quiet.

Yi Qinglan looked at him silently, her black and white eyes seemed to be able to see through people's hearts.

Li Ran looked at her calmly, "What does Dao Chang Yi want to talk to me?"

Yi Qinglan opened the mouth and said: "Li Holy Son was in the treasury at the beginning, and he had personally promised that he would not open the red line at will. Do you remember this?"

Li Ran nodded, "Remember."

Yi Qinglan frowned and said, "Then why did you break your promises twice? Is it because you want to see Pang Dao make a fool of yourself?"

Li Ran shook his head and said, "I opened the red line for a reason.

Yi Qinglan frowned deeper, "What's the reason?"

Li Ran said, "Chief Lin is only concerned about my injury. Although we slept next to me, we didn't do anything. Why should Dao Chang Yi punish her?"

"Poor Dao punishes own disciple, still need to explain to you?"

Yi Qinglan said coldly: "Furthermore, lonely men and widows, lying on the same couch, this in itself violates the rules of the Tianshu Yuan!"

Li Ran smiled and said: "Then you and I are connected by a red line, and are connected with each other, so you don't violate the rules? Yi Daochang should punish himself first, right?"


Yi Qinglan is extremely angry.

Her fists were clenched and her chest undulated violently.

This person can always disturb her state of mind in a few words.

"Forget it, poor Tao is too lazy to tell you."

Yi Qinglan got up and walked out.

Halfway through, he stopped, turning his back to him and said, "By the way, have you ever offended Chen Yundao?"

"Chen Yundao?"

Li Ran was stunned for a moment, thought for a while and said, "I was in Wuyang City some time ago and beat Holy Son and Elder in the Shinto Palace."

Yi Qinglan looked helpless and said, "Try to stay away from the Shinto Palace, Chen Yun said that guy is not easy to mess with.

Killing Daoist's name is for nothing?

Although he has been restrained, the murderous aura in his eyes cannot be concealed at all.

Li Ran was happy, "Master Yi is caring about me?"

"That's it."

Yi Qinglan didn't deny it unexpectedly.

She whispered: "Pan Dao has suffered so many grievances, don't you die so easily!"

Said that the body shape turned into a streamer and disappeared.

Seeing her dissipated back, Li Ran whispered: "She is very cute and her body is so lusty, but she has a cold personality like ice cubes."

Before the voice fell, her shy voice came in the air:

"To shut up!"

Li Ran: ".." spoon,

Chapter 200

Chapter 200 Tianshuyuan? Li Ran's backyard!

For the next few days, Li Ran stayed at Xianyunfeng to rest.

With the continuous refining of the villain Dantian, his spirit grew stronger, and the groggy trance gradually subsided.

Several female deacons took care of him in shifts and were in charge of his diet and daily life.

After this period of time, Li Ran's deeds have completely spread.

In the beast tide, regardless of previous suspicions, more than a dozen disciples of Tianshu courtyard were saved.

In order to save Chief Lin, he did not hesitate to fight with the master of the distraction realm, and kill the distraction with the body of Nascent Soul!

This time, he came to Baiyun Peak not far away, and rescued Chief Lin from Dao Jue Death.

And in order to stabilize her Dao heart, own soul, she was hit hard

The female nuns are inherently more emotional in their hearts.

Such an ups and downs plot comparable to that of the storybook greatly changed their impression of Li Ran and gave him the label of "emphasis on love and righteousness".

"Six Six Three"

Many disciples even sneaked to Xianyun Peak just to see his true face.


The bedroom in the other courtyard.

"Li Holy Son, breakfast is ready, please change clothes." A little deacon said while holding his white clothes.

Li Ran nodded, "Thank you."

Although he can take care of himself in life, since there are people serving, why should he refuse?

What's more, the other party is still a group of young aunts.

Looking at these youthful faces, the mood will be much better.

Li Ran gets dressed.

A snow-white brocade robe, with flowing clouds embroidered on the neckline and cuffs, and a cyan brocade band around the waist, revealing the silver hollow trim.

Coupled with his handsome face and tall figure, he is as handsome as a snowy mountain.

Little Deacon looked at him quietly, his cheeks flushed slightly.

Li Ran completely subverted her impression of the magic sect.

His face is fair and handsome, and his smile is bright and sunny. Especially when he looks at him, there seems to be a Galaxy Cluster hidden in those deep eyes.

As if falling into it in the next second.

Where is the devil?

Obviously it is the peerless son Pian Pian!

Li Ran thought for a while and asked, "I haven't seen Chief Lin recently. What is she up to?"

Little deacon replied: "Chief Lin has been in charge these days. It is said that the leader is helping her to stabilize her Dao heart.

Li Ran shook his head.

What's a solid Dao heart, is obviously under house arrest in disguise, not letting her come to her.

"This Master Yi, he really guards me like a thief."

At this time, the deacon asked in a low voice: "Li Holy Son, are you still telling stories today?"

Li Ran looked at her expectant expression, smiled and asked, "What do you want to hear?

Little deacon said: "The story of the West Chamber you mentioned last time, everyone is looking forward to it."

Li Ran nodded, "Okay, let's talk about this today.

"Really? Great! I'm going to tell them!"

The little deacon ran out excitedly.

Li Ran looked at her cheerfully back and couldn't help but smile.

During this period of time, these little aunts took care of him in every possible way, without any complaints.

And he had nothing to do anyway, so he told them stories.

Unexpectedly, they are still addicted to it, and they have to come and pester him every day.

"Well, nine out of ten soul powers have been absorbed, and I probably won't be able to talk about it a few times."

Deep in the clouds.

Master residence.

In the empty room, Yi Qinglan and Lin Langyue sat on the floor.

Yi Qinglan stretched out her slender index finger and pointed it on her forehead, seeming to be searching for something.

"Although Dao heart is stable, but the soul is still weak, have you seriously cultivated the soothing curse recently?"

Lin Langyue nodded and said, "The disciple is very serious about cultivation.

"That shouldn't be.

Yi Qinglan frowned and said: "It stands to reason that Heart's Demon has been stripped, and it will be fine for a few days at most. Why have you not seen any improvement?"

Lin Langyue scratched her head, "The disciples don't know that it's just that they have been upset recently and a little can't concentrate."


Yi Qinglan took a look at her, "I think you miss him for the teacher, right?"

Lin Langyue blushed pretty, "No, the disciple didn't think about Li Holy Son!"

Yi Qinglan said quietly: "I have said as a teacher, "Is he Li Ran?"


Lin Langyue was embarrassed, and reluctantly said: "Master, you are joking with your disciple again!"


Yi Qinglan sighed helplessly.

Seeing her blushing heartbeat, how can she look like a chief disciple?

It's clearly the spring girl in love!

"But fortunately, Li Ran is her Heavenly Dao, otherwise this Cultivation Base would be considered useless.

Yi Qinglan also doesn't know whether to be happy or sad. 0

After a long silence, he asked aloud: "Langming, you and the teacher are honest, do you like Li Ran?"


Lin Langyue's cheeks were suddenly red as blood, and he stubbornly said: "Why do you ask the teacher?"

Yi Qinglan said lightly: "But it's okay to say, don't worry, I won't be angry as a teacher, and won't punish you.

Facing the indifferent gaze, Lin Langyue lowered her head.

After a long time, she whispered: "In fact, the disciples don't know."

Yi Qinglan frowned, "Don't know?"


Lin Langyue's eyes were a little confused, and she whispered softly: "The disciple just thinks of him from time to time, and when he sees him, he will worry about gains and losses."

"I feel ashamed to hear him say those ridiculous things, but I still want to listen to him.

"Especially when holding him, like

Yi Qinglan asked, "It's like what?"

Lin Langyue cautiously said: "It's like holding the master, warm and practical."

Yi Qinglan turned her head and snorted coldly: "How can you compare yourself to the little thief as a teacher?"

Lin Langyue scratched her head, "This is the true feeling of the disciple, and the disciple doesn't know if this is like it or not, so please ask Master to clarify."


Yi Qinglan cleared his throat and said in embarrassment, "I don't know much about the matter in the red dust, even as a teacher."

She has practiced too much forgiveness since she was a child, and she has zero experience in this aspect, and she has no knowledge of men and women.

I don't know much about Lin Langyue yet.

"No matter, since you have regarded him as a visual object, you are destined to be bound together in the future. It doesn't matter if you like it or not.

Yi Qinglan rubbed her eyebrows.

She and Li Ran are tied to the line of marriage, and they are connected with each other and cannot be separated.

And her apprentice, future successor to the head, the destiny is also closely connected with the other party.

"If this goes on, I am afraid that the Privy Council will really become his backyard this day!"

Yi Qinglan is deeply worried about the future of Sect.

Seeing Lin Langyue's weak expression, she shook her head and sighed.

"Let's go."

Lin Langyue was taken aback, "Where are we going?"

Yi Qinglan said in a huff: "Go to your Heavenly Dao Big Brother and let him heal you!"