
I really don't want to fall in love with my master

This novel is specifically designed for my one so I don't care about anything

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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50 Chs

181 to 190

Please, I Really Didn't Want To Fall in Love With My Master! Chapter 181 Online

Chapter 181

Chapter 181 Sheng Ye's wool is full of pours!

Li Daoyuan looked at Li Ran speechlessly.

First, he got into the chief of Wanjian Pavilion, then provoke the Holy Maiden of Hehuan Sect, and got confused with Princess Jiaolong.

Now he still said that he was unhappy with the emperor?

"I always think I will plant this kid in his hands."

He began to think seriously about whether to sever the father-son relationship with Li Ran.

Li Ran saw his worries, patted him on the shoulder, and comforted: "Don't worry, there is no accident with me."

Li Daoyuan shook his head and said: "You are the biggest accident."

Li Ran scratched his head, "It sounds like I am not your own."

Li Daoyuan looked serious, "When necessary, you may not be my own. The old man is ready to draw a clear line with you at any time."

Li Ran: "

Seeing him walking into the mansion, Li Daoyuan sighed.

"This kid is extremely talented, has a very good understanding, and his starting point is countless times higher than others!"

"As long as it takes time, it will become a mighty power that can crush the entire life!"

"But looking at his level of care and trouble-making ability, the old man is really worried that he will not survive that time!"

"But fortunately, there is a clan emperor in my Li family, even Sheng Ye has to weigh it!" Li Daoyuan comforted himself.

As everyone knows, Li Wuchang is already considering whether to run away

At this time, Jiading at the door came over, "Master, the plaque has been hung up.


Li Daoyuan nodded, "Very well, let's take it off again."


The family members were all stunned.

Li Daoyuan said lightly: "Pick off the plaque and hang it to the back door."

After speaking, he left with his hands behind his back.

Only a few family members were left looking at each other.

in the room.

Li Ran began to count the gains of this palace trip.

Blue Profound Armor, Falling Soul Bell, Devil-Breaking God Bow, Yin & Yang Mirror, Shuiyue Zhuling

Dao, Dao, divine light complemented each other, and the strong Spiritual Qi filled the room.

These are rare high-rank spirit treasures that can be put into the body like the Yunling Spear, and ascension along with the user's strength.

It is also the best stock in the first floor of the Shengzu treasure house.

No wonder Sheng Ye is in pain.

The Sheng Clan's treasure house is divided into three layers. The first layer contains various spiritual treasures and immortal materials, and the second layer stores Cultivation Technique cheats and various magical powers.

The third floor is the most mysterious, it is said that it is a secret room, which contains the most precious treasure.

Li Ran squeezed his chin, "The Sheng clan has a rich background in suppressing the country for thousands of years. I really want to take that treasure house in one pot!"

However, it is definitely not realistic at this stage. At the very least, you have to try Transcends Tribulation or Zhengdi.

The two black armored guards in front of the door felt extremely dangerous to him.

What's more, there is a mysterious old man inside

Li Ran shook his head, stopped thinking about these things, and turned his attention back to Lingbao.

To say that the biggest gain this time is the Demon Sword Guxie.

With a flick of his wrist, a pitch-black giant sword emerged out of thin air, and the cold killing meaning permeated the entire space.

This sword is very heavy, and the epee has no sharp edge, but it cuts like iron.

The blood flowed on the blade, and you could feel its strong desire for fresh blood.

"It is indeed a bit evil, no wonder Yi Qinglan calls it a magic sword."

This sword has bloodthirsty power, and it can absorb blood after cutting an enemy. The more power it absorbs, the stronger the killing intent is.

Coupled with the bloodline awakening, the combat power directly doubled and soared!

"good stuff!'

He looked more and more satisfied.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door.

Li Ran put away the Guxie Demon Sword, and the terrifying murderous aura immediately dissipated.

I saw Xiao Qingge opened the door and hopped in.

After seeing him, his eyes lit up, "Li Lang, you are back!"

She threw into Li Ran's arms excitedly.

Li Ran rubbed her head, "What good has happened, so happy like this?"

Xiao Qingge wrinkled her nose and said proudly: "Hey, you should ask Chief Yue about this.

"Hmph, you didn't win, what's so good about?"

Yue Jianli walked in, his face was full of displeasure.

Xiao Qingge smiled and said, "Now I have been able to hold on for half an hour, and I have passed hundreds of tricks!'

She raised her powder fist, arrogant and arrogant, "Victory over Yue Jianli is just around the corner!"

"Cut, dream."

Yue Jianli gave her a glance, and then squeezed into Li Ran's arms.

I have to say that Xiao Qingge's progress is indeed fast.

Just a few days ago, she was only a Gold Core early stage, and she couldn't even go three ways under Yue Jianli's hands.

Hundreds of tricks can now be passed.

This is due to the powerful power of "The Jade Girl Rakshasa Gong" and her cheating-style "cultivation" method.

But Li Ran knew in his heart.

Wan Jiange follows the path of attack, and the murderous aura is the strongest among the sects of the right path.

If the two of them are really fighting for life and death, with the current strength of Xiao Qingge, it is estimated that even half sex will not be able to hold on.

The jade girl Rakshasa is powerful in smashing demons and eliminating demons. When facing demons and Demonic Beasts, her power is ascending geometrically.

The two have their own strengths.

The two of them are now pinching each other.

Although they fought the landlord for a few nights, the relationship between the two men eased slightly, but neither was convinced.


At this moment, Yue Jianli noticed something.

She looked up at the table, and she was stunned.

I saw a dazzling array of Lingbao and Immortal materials on a table, and the Xenon Chlorine was glowing with brilliant light.

"Hiss! It turned out to be all high-end spirit treasures and top-level immortal materials! The quality is so high that you rarely see it even in Sect!"

Xiao Qingge also noticed, his eyes were a little straight.

"Li Lang, you went to the palace to rob 650 at this time?"

Li Ran smiled, "Sheng Ye took the initiative to let me squeeze the wool, I definitely can't be polite to him!"

With a move of his mind, two spirit treasures flew out of thin air.

"Shuiyue Zhuling is strong and soft, and it has a Sacred breath, which matches Qingge's Cultivation Technique very well. This Lingbao will be given to you.

"And this devil-breaking divine bow was given to Jianli. Although Wanjian Pavilion's supernatural powers are strong, its long-distance combat ability is slightly insufficient. This divine bow can make up for this deficiency and greatly Ascension your combat power."

As he said, put the Lingbao into the hands of the two.

This was specially selected by Yi Qinglan for the sake of the strength of the two Ascension women, so that he could return to Sect with confidence.

Seeing Li Ran's serious look, the eyes of the two women sparkled with clear waves.

This is the feeling of being cared about!

Xiao Qingge said softly: "Li Lang, you are so kind to me."

Yue Jianli rubbed his eyes, "Thank you husband, I like this bow very much."

Li Ran squeezed their faces, "Okay, don't be hypocritical, isn't mine yours?"


The two women looked at each other, and Yue Jianli nodded slightly with a blushing face.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Qingge waved his right hand.

The door and windows were closed by the breeze, and the candles in the room were blown out.

Li Ran was taken aback, "What are you doing?

Xiao Qingge's eyes were shy, "cultivation!"


Chapter 182

Chapter 182 Pervert? I am admiring art!

The turmoil caused by the beast wave has basically subsided for many days.

But the title of "Heavenly Demon of Zhenshi" has swept across the vast land.

In order to commemorate Li Ran's achievements, Nanfeng City Lord carved a huge statue for him, which stands in the middle of the square.

And he also became the first Devil Dao to be admired by the mundane.

Now that Li Ran's magic name is mentioned, the practitioners of Zhengdao Xiu are very mixed.

This person beat righteous way disciples brutally and brutally is true, but in front of the beast tide, it is also true to save the disciples.

So the outside world has different opinions on him.

Some people say that he is a world-destroying demon star, and the day he rises will surely turn against the sky.

Some people also say that he is brave and righteous, defending the bottom line of the human race.

But in any case, there is one point that everyone agrees:

Li Ran is too strong.

At the age of less than twenty, he has already reached the Nascent Soul middle stage. What a terrifying cultivation speed is this?

Even if he is a sacred talent, he shouldn't be so exaggerated!

Moreover, Li Ran's combat power has far exceeded the level of Nascent Soul middle stage.

Which Nascent Soul dare to tear the Thunder Lion King?

It's almost the same after being torn by hands!

If Li Ran was like a dark cloud before, it lay in the hearts of Tianjiao, making people feel uneasy.

Now it was like the whole night sky, so they could only look up.

Speaking of this demon, apart from awe, there is only a touch of powerlessness in my heart.

Six horses pulled by a luxurious dragon, galloping across the sky.

Li Ran sits in the golden sedan, watching the scenery while sipping fairy tea.

The breeze was blowing, very pleasant.

He left Wuyang City early this morning.

The turmoil caused by the beast tide has basically subsided, and he does not intend to stay there anymore.

After these few days of hard cultivation, Xiao Qingge and Yue Jianli felt weak when they saw him.

This meeting should still be asleep.

When he went to bid farewell to Li Daoyuan and Li Wuchang, he didn't know why, but he obviously felt relieved.

Li Ran took out two letters from his arms, and a faint fragrance came out.

This was sent from the palace last night, and I haven't had time to check it.

When I opened the first letter, I saw that the font on it was clean and saucy.

The content is very brief:

[Li Holy Son, I will abide by our agreement. If there is a chance in the future, can I win the stars and moon with you?]

The inscription below is "~"Xia" with a bright smiling face painted beside it.

Obviously Sheng Zhixia's handwriting.

"Why do you look like a confession?"

Li Ran wondered: "This princess will not like me anymore, right? I still bullied her."

He scratched his head, a little puzzled.

But I don't bother to think about it anymore.

After putting away the letter, he opened the second one.

The content is also very simple.

[Li Holy Son, please save the photo stone, even if you do not watch it yourself, let alone do some strange things… I wish you good luck. ]

Although there is no signature at the back, when you look at the slender and tactful font, you know that it was written by Sheng Anyi.

"Do you still need to worry about this kind of thing? Do I look like a pervert?

While biting, he took out the photo-taking stone and played it.

"I see it purely from the perspective of appreciation.

On the screen, Sheng Anyi's face is red, her eyes are tactful, and she is wearing a thin white heart suit

It seems that the weak Liu Fufeng is very touching.

Li Ran wiped his nosebleed.

"The shots are really good. It seems that Sheng Zhixia is very talented in photography~"

After carefully appreciating, Li Ran put away the photo stone.

The golden light in his hand flashed, and there was an extra mirror.

Yin & Yang mirror.

This is the spiritual treasure obtained from the treasure house of the Sheng clan.

The mirror material is not gold or stone, and the edges are carved with primitive lines.

The strange thing is that the front of this mirror is pure white, and the back is dark and black. There is no mirror at all.

Nothing happens even if Spirit Power is injected.

He studied for several days, but he didn't understand how this thing was used.

At this time, Li Ran noticed the red line on his wrist.

"Why don't you ask Yi Qinglan? She must know."

"She said don't open the red line casually, now there is something to ask her, shouldn't it matter?

Li Ran thought for a while, sinking his mind into the red line.

Xuanling Mountain.

Temple of Medicine Luo.

Leng Wuyan and Yi Qinglan sat facing each other, the tea fragrant on the table.

Leng Wuyan said indifferently: "Sheng Ye's abacus, I guessed it a long time ago. The dragon spirit has been getting weaker and weaker over the years, so it's no wonder he can't sit still."

Yi Qinglan nodded, "It's not just about Li Ran. There have been many disputes between righteous and evil, and the shadow of the imperial court can be seen in it.

Leng Wuyan gave a sneer at the corner of her mouth, "He had better be honest, otherwise don't blame me for cutting off the dragon veins!"

Yi Qinglan's brows jumped, "Compared to Sheng Ye, Poor Dao still hopes that you can be honest. It is true that you have cut the dragon veins and will not be able to reconsolidate within a thousand years. I am afraid that this Li people will suffer!"

Leng Wuyan glanced at her, "|Who is Li Min? Are you familiar with this seat?"

Yi Qinglan:"

She rubbed her eyebrows.

This witch is still difficult to communicate with as always.

Leng Wuyan looked at her, "I'm very curious about something, don't you hate Burner the most? Why do you want to help him out?"

Yi Qinglan said: "Poverty Dao said it out of a sense of justice, do you believe it?'

Leng Wuyan sneered and said, "Do you believe this?"

" Do not believe."

Yi Qinglan hesitated for a moment, and said helplessly: "Pan Dao is actually for Lang Yue."

"Lin Langyue?"

Leng Wuyan frowned, "What does that have to do with Li Ran."

Yi Qinglan sighed lightly: "Since she came out of the secret room, Wan Dao found that something was wrong with her. After careful inquiry, she learned that she had visualized Li Ran as Heavenly Dao.


Leng Wuyan was shocked (Wang Li's), her phoenix eyes were full of incredible, "Your apprentice is crazy!"

She knows what this concept is.

This means that Lin Langming's Immortal Dao has been bound to Li Ran.

If Li Ran Cultivation Base stagnates, or if something happens, then her fairy road will also be damaged.

From the moment she visualized Li Ran, she didn't cultivate ruthless Tao.

It's the way of Li Ran!

"In other words, that Lin Langyue, will he be entangled with Burning Li for the rest of his life?"

Thinking of this, Leng Wuyan couldn't help gritting his teeth.

Yi Qinglan looked bitter, "So you understand why Peng Dao wants to protect him, right?"

Leng Wuyan's eyes flickered, "In fact, this matter is easy to solve.

Yi Qinglan curiously asked: "How to solve it?"

Leng Wuyan looked serious, "Kill your apprentice."

Yi Qinglan's eyes were angry, and when he was about to speak, her face suddenly changed.

"This little thief!",

Chapter 183

Chapter 183 Scratch, I scratched like crazy!

Yi Qinglan looked at the red line slowly shining on her wrist, her face couldn't help but change.

How did Li Ran connect the perception?

And still at this time!

After a while, Li Ran's voice came in his mind, "Hey hey, is Yi Dao long there?"


Yi Qinglan used Divine Soul to transmit voice, "Didn't we make an agreement, can't we connect the red line at will?"

Li Ran said: "I didn't connect randomly, this time I have something serious to ask you.

Yi Qinglan snorted coldly: "You little thief, what business can you do!

Then cut off Divine Sense and ignored him.

Sitting in front of her was Leng Wuyan, she had to concentrate all her mind, even a little distraction might make the other party notice.

In case the red line binding with Li Ran is discovered by the other party

Yi Qinglan felt that she might have no face to live.

Jin Jiali.

Li Ran bit dissatisfiedly, "Smelly ice cube, who do you look down on?"

As he said, he scratched his wrist twice.

Yi Qinglan's face changed abruptly, her eyebrows furrowed slightly, her cheeks behind the veil blushed instantly.

The white and slender fingers trembled lightly.

"This Damn it guy! Ming, Mingming said that you are not allowed to touch the red line!"

Seeing her look weird, Leng Wuyan frowned 650 and said, "What's the matter with you?"

Yi Qinglan reluctantly suppressed the throbbing, "It's okay, the poor way is only um!"

The voice came to an end.

Her eyes were wide open, her eyes were stained with mist, and her earlobes were gradually reddening, and her eyes were full of shame and anger.

This guy is still endless!

This feeling has nothing to do with the body, but the throbbing from the depths of the soul, even her frozen and silent Dao heart can hardly be suppressed.

At this moment, her heart trembled, and even her hands and feet were a little weak.

Leng Wuyan pinched her chin, the more she looked at it, the more wrong she got.

This aunt is Mount Tai who hasn't changed his face before. Has there ever been such a big mood swing?

"Just because I said to kill her disciple?"

"That should be anger, not this way!!

Leng Wuyan wondered: "Yi Qinglan, are you uncomfortable in any way?"

Yi Qinglan gritted his teeth angrily.

It's not just uncomfortable, it's almost uncomfortable!

And it's all thanks to your disciple!

She resisted her shame, reopened Divine Sense, and said angrily: "Little thief, what do you want to do?"

As a result, Li Ran also got angry, scratching without saying a word.

This is a pain for Yi Qing (ajeh) Lan.

The delicate fists rubbed tightly, and the body trembled slightly, as if trying to endure something.

At this time, Leng Wuyan was aware of it.

The delicate eyebrows were raised slightly, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Ran'er is back!"

Yi Qinglan stiffened upon hearing this, "Li Ran is back?"

Leng Wuyan nodded, "I'm flying in this direction, it's only five hundred miles away from Xuanling Mountain, and I just happen to have something to ask him."

She raised her slender hand and shook it in the void.

The air suddenly fluctuated, and Li Ran's figure suddenly appeared in the Great Hall.

Li Ran looked dumbfounded.

I was scratching my wrist in the golden sedan just now.

He saw Leng Wuyan sitting in front of him, and his smile suddenly filled with him, and he was about to hug him with his arms outstretched.

"Master, my disciple really misses it"


Leng Wuyan coughed and winked at him.

Li Ran turned his head and found that Yi Qinglan was staring at her bitterly, her bright eyes full of shame.

Li Ran swallowed and smirked, "Dao Chang Yi is here too, ahaha, what a coincidence."


Yi Qinglan gritted her teeth, her voice seemed to squeeze out between her teeth, "What a coincidence!"

Li Ran's throat tightened for a while, feeling chilly behind his back.

Leng Wuyan said at this moment: "Ran'er, you sit down first, I have something to ask you."


Li Ran sat aside obediently, sitting tightly, without squinting.

"This assassin"

Yi Qinglan's tooth roots itchy with hatred.

Leng Wuyan asked aloud, "Do you know about Lin Langyue?"

Li Ran was taken aback, "Lin Langyue, what happened to her?"

"It's better to talk about it."

Yi Qinglan resisted his anger and explained the matter roughly.

Li Ran listened and digested it for a while.

"In other words, does Lin Langyue regard me as Heavenly Dao?"


Yi Qinglan looked serious.

She didn't plan to tell Li Ran about this, but now she has to say it, otherwise Langming

Li Ran nodded, "It seems that Fairy Lin is still very discerning.

Yi Qinglan frowned and said, "Do you know what this means? You are just a mere Nascent Soul body, how can you compare with Heavenly Dao? In case you can't prove and claim the emperor

Li Ran interrupted: "I will prove to be the emperor."

Yi Qinglan was taken aback, "What did you say?"

Will prove to be emperor?

The world is not benevolent, the immortal road is bumpy, and there are countless people who have fallen in the middle.Who dares to let go of this rhetoric?

Li Ran said lightly: "In that secret room, I told Lin Langyue that I would put my head on the sky and wear the Galaxy Cluster.

"Same as the avenue, in harmony with the heaven and earth, win the stars and the moon, grasp Yin & Yang."

"I'm not trying to compare with Heavenly Dao, but this Heavenly Dao will eventually be held in my palm."

He is not talking about it, nor is he guilty of secondary disease.

This is an image of heavenly power, and he is just stating a fact.

Yi Qinglan looked at him blankly.

The young man's heart was so great that it far exceeded her imagination.

"Same as the avenue, in harmony with Tianlun?"

She shook her head and smiled bitterly, "Leng Wuyan, your apprentice is too arrogant, Leng Wuyan?"

I saw Leng Wuyan hung her chin and looked at Li Ran foolishly.

"As expected of this man, he is really attractive~"

Li Ran cleared his throat and said in a low voice, "Master, Master Yi is talking to you."


Leng Wuyan came back to his senses, and immediately sat down, "Well, where are we talking?"

Yi Qinglan looked at the two of them suspiciously.

I always feel that something is wrong, but I can't tell you the details.

Li Ran reminded: "Speaking of Lin Langyue's visualization."


Leng Wuyan nodded, "Then how to solve this? Your apprentice is not dependent on Ran'er, right?"

Yi Qinglan brows frantically, "What is Lai Shang? It was Li Ran who fooled Lang Yue!"

"You fart!"

"You, you are rude!"

The two stared at each other without blinking.


Li Ran looked at the two people who seemed to be children quarreling, and couldn't help being speechless.

"Or let's talk about business first."

Yi Qinglan took the lead to look away and said: "Pan Dao came here this time, there is something to discuss."

Leng Wuyan hummed: "What's the matter?"

Yi Qinglan hesitated for a moment, and said in a low voice, "Pan Dao, I want to borrow Li Ran for a few days.

Leng Wuyan: "…"

Chapter 184

Chapter 184 Lin Langyue's Heart's Demon, the emperor-level vinegar jar!

"Borrow Li Ran?"

Leng Wuyan looked at Yi Qinglan warily.

It's like she's own baby in Kaijian.

"Aren't you Tianshu Yuan pure-hearted and low-spirited? This kind of tiger-wolf term can also be said?"

Li Ran also righteously said, "Although I am really easy to use, but not everyone can use it!"

Yi Qinglan was ashamed and annoyed, "What are you talking nonsense? I just want to take up his time for a few days and help the poor Dao a favor."

"Help you?"

Leng Wuyan frowned and said, "The gap between your Cultivation Base is so big, what can I do to help?"

Li Ran added: "Pre-declare, betrayal of the body-I will not do it."

"Don't worry, even if you want to sell, you won't buy it.

Yi Qinglan shook his head and said: "Accurately speaking, it is not to help poor Dao, but to help Langyue."


Li Ran frowned, "What happened to her?"

Yi Qinglan sighed and said in a low voice, "She was lost in Dao Jue's land."

"Dao absolutely?"

Leng Wuyan's brows also frowned.

That is the forbidden area of ​​Tianshu Yuan. It is said that it can isolate Wanfa, and the avenue will also decline in it!

Only two people who went in ended up.

Either Dao heart collapsed, or Cultivation Base skyrocketed.

The last time Lin Langyue's Dao heart was damaged, Cultivation Base retreated, and he entered this forbidden area.

The result not only supplemented Dao heart, but also directly broke the Dan and became a baby.

Yi Qinglan said: "Lang Yue was too eager to enter the Ascension Cultivation Base, and he insisted on entering Dao Jue Di again. Seeing that her Dao heart was stable and she had successfully come out, she agreed to go in."

"Unexpectedly, but lost in Heart's Demon."

Leng Wuyan asked in confusion: "You are too unhappy, aren't you the best at dealing with Heart's Demon? Which level is she lost in?"

Yi Qinglan's eyes dodged, and she whispered: "Beauty, beauty off"


"Puff, hahaha!"

Leng Wuyan couldn't help laughing, "Yi Qinglan, what you cultivate is forgiving of love! As a result, the most proud disciple can't pass the stage of beauty? It's so funny!'

"And what about this kind of thing, what did you come to find Ran'er for? He couldn't help.

Yi Qinglan nodded, "I can help."

"why "

Before Leng Wuyan finished speaking, he suddenly thought of something and couldn't talk: "What do you mean

Yi Qinglan looked helpless, "Actually, from the moment Langming visualized Li Ran, she was no longer the way of forgetfulness, but the way of extreme affection."

"For her, Li Ran is both Heavenly Dao and Heart's Demon, so…"

Leng Wuyan's smile narrowed, and coldly said: "So the Heart's Demon that made her fall is Burning?"


Yi Qinglan nodded heavily.

Leng Wuyan's face is like frost.

Good guy, I was still laughing at people just now, but they were in the illusion with Li Ran.

She gritted her teeth and said: "Very well, then let her die in it."


Yi Qinglan said anxiously: "Dao Jue Death is more special. If someone else forces her to attack her, I'm afraid it will damage her Dao heart even more. Now, only Li Ran can bring her out safely."

"I don't agree!"

Leng Wuyan's voice was cold.

Yi Qinglan shook her head and said, "What Dao absolutely tests is the Dao of Forgetfulness, and it is not offensive to other people. This is just a matter of effort for Li Ran.

"That's not OK.

"Leng Wuyan"

"Come, see off!"

Leng Wuyan was tough, and there was no room for negotiation.

Yi Qinglan had no choice but to stand up helplessly and glanced at Li Ran before leaving.

"I hope Li Holy Son can think about it.

Li Ran scratched his wrist and said he received it.

Yi Qinglan's cheeks reddened, and she glared at him bitterly, and her figure disappeared instantly.

There was silence in the Great Hall.

Leng Wuyan looked at the silent Li Ran, his eyes suspiciously said: "You are not going to save it!"

The words were blocked before they were finished.

A hint of shyness and helplessness flashed in her phoenix eyes.

I want to push him away, but I can't lift it up with any strength, so I can only let him go.

After a long time.

Li Ran stood up, smiled and said, "Master, I miss you so much."

Leng Wuyan said with a blushing face, "You have no face and no skin, you come here every time~"

Li Ran heard the words and said, "If the master doesn't like it, then the disciple won't be like that next time."

"It's actually okay, this is not impossible."

Leng Wuyan whispered warmly and needed to say.

0...Look for flowers...…

Li Ran looked at her and couldn't help squeezing her pretty face.

"Master is so cute!"


Leng Wuyan rolled her head and hummed: "This seat is not cute! Also, don't think that you can get through it!"

"This seat punished you to fly all the way back, but you ended up doing well and went straight to Wuyang City!"

Li Ran smiled and said, "The disciple heard that there are spirit treasures to take, so he just passed by. After all, it is a bastard to take advantage of it.

A smile flashed across Leng Wuyan's eyes.

"Forget it, since it's Sheng Ye's advantage, it still has to be accounted for. I won't care about this matter with you.

Li Ran smiled and nodded, "Master is wise."

Leng Wuyan continued: "Then you can explain now, what is the relationship between you and that female disciple of Wanjian Pavilion?"


The look between the two in the secret room, she could see that there was a problem at a glance.

And that Yue Jian is gone from Yuan Yin

Li Ran swallowed, and whispered: "It's the kind of relationship that Master thought."

He didn't intend to keep it secret.

A big man who dares to act, he must admit it, otherwise it would be unfair to Leng Wuyan and Yue Jianli.

But having said that, he was still a little bit ambitious in his heart.

After all, this is an emperor-level vinegar jar!

Leng Wuyan looked at him faintly, "When did it start?,

"It's this beast tide."

Li Ran didn't conceal it. He talked about everything from the tit-for-tat in the secret realm to the final interdependence between life and death.

Leng Wuyan listened quietly.

Seeing the gentle expression in his eyes when he recalled, his mood was a little bit sour, but more helpless.

She could see that Li Ran was not just playing, but moved the truth.

"You rebel!"

Leng Wuyan said bitterly: "Your fiancée surnamed Xiao, I didn't care about you, and now there is another chief of the Wanjian Pavilion, and I am still unclear with Lin Langyue of the Tianshu Yuan! You are a Holy Son! of a Demon Way Sect, what do you want?"

She was extremely wronged.

It's not enough for this person to have himself, he has to provoke other girls, and all of them are righteous gods!

Li Ran scratched his head and cautiously said: "If the disciple said, it is to penetrate the enemy, do you believe it?"

Leng Wuyan: ""Spoon,

Chapter 185

Chapter 185 The disciples' filial piety can be learned from the sun and the moon!

"One way?"

Leng Wuyan was angry and funny, "You mean, I still want to thank you for your contribution? Sacrificing hue for the development of Sect?"

Li Ran smiled, "It's all what a disciple should do.

"No face and no skin!"

Leng Wuyan glared at him.

But think about it, this guy is really going to be on the right track.

The chief disciple of Tianshu Yuan and Wanjian Pavilion is entangled with him, and they are all figures who will succeed the head in the future.

Half of the four Sects of the right way are related to him!

Except for Xiao Qingge who has left the Shinto Palace, it seems that there are only those show donkeys in Wuwang Temple left from being poisoned.


Leng Wuyan thinks more and more angry, "Do you want to unify Devil Dao? Then Qin Ruyan seems to care about you too, do you want to help you propose marriage?"


"Sixty-five zero" Li Ran said embarrassingly: "Master, stop joking, the disciple and her have a pure relationship between men and women."

Leng Wuyan sneered and said, "Pure? What is in your mind, can you still be unclear about it?"

Li Ran leaned in front of her and said with a smile: "Then the master knows what the disciple is thinking about now?"


Leng Wuyan looked at his deep eyes, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and his eyes dodged: "What do you think, what does it have to do with this seat?"

"Of course it does.

Li Ran leaned in her ear and whispered: "The disciple thinks."

Leng Wuyan's pretty face blushed instantly, his eyes seemed to drip out, and he stammered: "Don't think about it! Ben, I haven't forgiven you yet!"

"All right."

Li Ran sighed, "How can the master forgive the disciple?"

Leng Wuyan turned her head in a huff, "I haven't thought about it yet."


At this moment, deacon walked in outside the door and bowed and said, "Master, Sun Elder has something to see.,

Leng Wuyan nodded, "Let her come in."


Deacon retired in response.

Leng Wuyan glanced at him, "Don't hurry up and sit down?"


Li Ran sat beside her obediently.

After a while, the grandson Elder in a black robe walked in, "The old man has seen the head."

At this moment, she noticed Li Ran on the side, and her expression was pleasantly surprised: "Holy Son is also back?"

Li Ran nodded, "I have seen Elder Sun."

Sun Elder said excitedly: "Holy Son is really famous this time! Heavenly Demon who resists the tide of beasts, the hero of the human race, and the town of the world, since then, who does not know the king?"

At the beginning of the 100,000 Dashan Mountain, she suggested that Li Ran lead the team to explore, just to show Sect's strength.

Unexpectedly, Li Ran saved hundreds of thousands of people and became a human hero!

He was also awarded the title of Heavenly Demon by Emperor Shengye!

This is simply the best publicity for You Luo Temple.

There is the jade face Rakshasa Leng Wuyan on the top, and the Heavenly Demon Li Holy Son on the bottom. Now when it comes to the four major demon gates, the Youluo Temple is the leader!

Li Ran shook his head and said, ""It's all false names, and Sun Elder is too famous.

"Sun Elder, you shouldn't praise him like that, he is always arrogant, and I am afraid it will be even more arrogant to hear you say this." Leng Wuyan snorted coldly.

"Geniuses must be proud!

Sun Elder smiled and said, "Holy Son can reach the Realm of Nascent Soul early stage at this age. It is normal to be a little arrogant.


Li Ran cleared his throat and corrected: "To be precise, I am already Nascent Soul middle stage."


Sun Elder was taken aback when he heard the words, and then looked at him carefully.

I saw his Spirit Power introverted, his eyes were deep, and his aura was stronger than before.

"Holy Son actually broke through again?!

Sun Elder was so excited that it was difficult to hold on to himself.

How long did it take for the Podan to become an infant, and actually broke through to the middle stage!

Is it really a small Realm a month?

Sun Elder calmed down and sighed: "It is really the blessing of my Youluo Temple to have a descendant like Li Holy Son!"

Li Ran smiled triumphantly and blinked at Leng Wuyan.

"What's so good about it, isn't this good teacher?" Leng Wuyan hummed.

Li Ran nodded, "Indeed, the master has taught well, and the disciples have always been grateful."

Talking and quietly grabbed her little hand.

Leng Wuyan bit her lip, trying to stay calm.

There are still people in front of you, this rebel is too presumptuous!

She gave Li Ran a stern look, "You are so grateful?"

"The disciples' filial piety can be learned from the sun and the moon.

Li Ran squeezed her little hand and said solemnly.

Leng Wuyan was ashamed and angry, but he couldn't help it.

Sun Elder didn't notice any abnormality, and continued: "The head, now our Youluo Temple's reputation is increasing day by day, just take this opportunity to recruit disciples, and completely establish the status of Devil Dao's first sect!"

Compared to the lazy and lascivious Holy Son, who is not the head of the world, this Sun Elder is the person who cares most about the development of the sect.

"This seat"

Before Leng Wuyan finished her words, she kept her right hand quietly reaching behind her.

Her body stiffened instantly, and the blush spread from her face to her neck, so that she couldn't get a trace of strength.


Sun Elder looked at her suspiciously.

Leng Wuyan suppressed his shyness and said, "I will consider it seriously. You should step down first."

With a wave of his sleeve robe, a gust of wind directly rolled out the two of them.

Standing outside the Great Hall gate, Sun Elder looked dumbfounded.

As the oldest Elder, he has worked hard at Sect for so many years and has never suffered this kind of treatment.

For a while, he couldn't help but froze in place.

Li Ran has become accustomed to it.

He stood outside the door and said loudly: "Master, the disciple has just made a breakthrough, and his foundation is not stable. I want to come over to talk to you at night, remember to leave the door for my disciple!"


There was no wind and the door closed automatically with a bang.

Li Ran touched his nose, "Master is quite angry, why don't you come over to cup her at night?"

At this time, I heard Sun Elder muttering from the side: "The head of the house actually threw the old 4.7 body out?"

Li Ran patted her on the shoulder and said sympathetically: "Sun Elder, just get used to it."

After speaking, he turned and walked down the mountain.

Leave her standing in place like a sculpture.

Holy Son residence.

Ah Qin hung her chin and looked out the window, her face was not thinking, "When will Master Holy Son come back? I really miss him~"

"It's just a step away from the Foundation Building, and then you can dual cultivation with Lord Holy Son!"

"Well, you must work hard and strive to be a good Human Cauldron!"

She raised her pink fist to cheer herself up.

At this time, a familiar voice sounded behind him, "Good fellow, your ambitions are too ambitious, right?"

Ah Qin's body stiffened, and suddenly turned around to look.

I saw Li Ran looking at her with a smile.

"Holy Son Lord!".

Chapter 186

Chapter 186 Shen Qin's changes, Yi Qinglan is soft!

Ah Qin stood up and looked at him in surprise.

"Master Holy Son, when did you come back?"

"just came back."

Li Ran knocked on her head, angrily and amused, "Aside from Dual cultivation in your little head, can't you hold on to other things? Can we pursue it a little bit?"

Ah Qin said: "It is Ah Qin's greatest pursuit to be able to help adults.

Seeing her serious things, Li Ran sighed lightly.

Reached out and touched her hair.

This stupid girl is so stupid that makes people feel distressed sometimes.

Ah Qin's eyes raised slightly, seeming to particularly enjoy this contact.

Li Ran sat on the chair and asked, "Have you been serious about cultivation recently? Have you encountered any problems?"

He is still more concerned about Ah Qin's practice.

This is actually not for Dual cultivation.

With the opponent's special physique, only Realm is high enough to have the ability to protect itself.

Ah Qin nodded vigorously, "Well, the cultivation person is serious, and I have almost finished the first stage."


Li Ran said: "You run 09 Cultivation Technique to show me.


Ah Qin revolves the Xuanji Illumination Sutra, and the dress is automatic without wind, and the faint light of xenon chlorine comes, and the holy white light fills the whole room.

Her skin is crystal clear, her body is like jade, the hair bun on her head is spread out, and the jet black and green silks are gently flicking.

The appearance is very similar to Rakshasa, but the feeling is completely different.

Xiao Qingge's Cultivation Technique is a Sacred with the meaning of attacking and killing demons.

But Ah Qin exudes a warm and holy breath, which makes people clear and can't help but want to embrace him.

Coupled with the effect of the concubine's spiritual marrow, it makes her smile with all kinds of amorous feelings.

It seems to be a poppy blooming on the top of a snow-capped mountain, noble and holy, but full of temptation.

Ah Qin walked slowly in front of him, and whispered: "My lord"

The veins between the eyebrows and eyes made Li Ran's heartbeat speed up a bit.

This is just a late stage exercise.

Continue to cultivate, the power of charm will become stronger and stronger, and the real cultivation will reach the realm, and a light smile will make the fairy fall!

Li Ran calmed his breath, nodded and said, "It's okay."

Ah Qin stopped Cultivation Technique, the light gradually dissipated, and his body returned to normal.

"After completing the first stage of cultivation, you will be able to successfully Foundation Building, and the power of the Guangming Jing will truly be displayed.

"After the Foundation Building, the first spiritual marrow will be born from the spiritual body of married women, which is of great benefit to the cultivation of adults."

The more she spoke, the smaller her voice became, and she lowered her head shyly.

Li Ran squeezed her small face and said amusedly: "I let you cultivate, I want you to get rid of the tangerines of life and death, not to make you think about these things every day.


A Qin blushed and said, "Isn't that spiritual essence wasted for nothing?"

Li Ran Didn't know whether to laugh or cry and said: "You are pretty good at living."


Ah Qin scratched her head, smiling delicately, "Holy Son, I'll go to boil some water first, can you take a bath?"

Li Ran nodded, "Good too.

In the bedroom.

The steam is steaming on the tub.

Li Ran was soaked in it, and his mind became calm.

He didn't let Ah Qin serve this time, because there were still important things to do.

The heart sinks into the red line on the right hand, and the first line of marriage is linked.

"Yi Daochang, can you hear it?" Li Ran's voice transmission.

This time, the voice on the other end was not impatient, but with a hint of surprise, "I can hear it! Li Holy Son, Pan Dao has been waiting for you!"


Li Ran said uncomfortably: "I didn't expect Daochang Yi to have two faces. Didn't he still say that I had no business in the daytime?"

Yi Qinglan explained: "The attitude of poor Dao is indeed bad during the day, but that's because your master is on the opposite side. You may find the relationship between you and me. Besides, don't you tortured poor Dao for so long?"

Li Ran scratched her wrist crazily during the day, which really made her suffer.

Moreover, the shame of being afraid of being discovered can hardly be explained by words.


Li Ran Didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "This is as if we are in love with each other."

Yi Qinglan said angrily: "You little thief, who is the one with you…"


Li Ran cleared his throat, "Auntie, please pay attention to the tone of your speech, is this a begging attitude?"

Yi Qinglan was silent for a while, reluctantly said: "It is the impulse of the poor road."

Li Ran nodded in satisfaction.

It is a historical breakthrough to let this big ice block speak softly.

At this time, Yi Qinglan wondered: "Li Holy Son, what are you doing? Why does the poor road feel so hot?"

"E," Li Ran said casually: "I'm taking a bath.


Yi Qinglan frowned.

The other party shared the perception with her in such a private time.

She is now warm all over, as if she was in warm water.

Coupled with the dialogue between the two souls, it is no different from bathing together!

This made her feel the limit.

Li Ran sensed her dissatisfaction and smiled, "Well, don't you wait for me to finish washing?"

"No," Yi Qinglan shook his head and said, "It's still Langyue's thing that is more important."

Li Ran smiled at the words and asked, "How is Lin Langyue's situation now?"

"very bad."

Yi Qinglan whispered: "She is trapped by Heart's Demon, and she must be awakened as soon as possible. If Pan Dao directly intervenes, her Dao heart will be seriously damaged.

"You are not cultivating love, Heavenly Dao, you can pass 650 without obstacles in Dao Jue Death Land. And only you can get her out of the entanglement of Heart's Demon.

Li Ran thought for a while and asked, "How many days are there?"

Yi Qinglan said: "Lang Yue insisted on three more days at most, and the best time to bring her out is tomorrow.

Li Ran nodded, "Okay, I get it.

"then you "

"I will go to the Tianshu Yuan tomorrow.

The reason why Lin Langyue had Heart's Demon was inseparable from what he did in the secret room.

The other party is about to collapse Dao's heart and cut off Xianlu. He can't just sit back and watch.

Yi Qinglan's voice was excited, "That poor Dao thanked Li Holy Son first!"

Li Ran shook his head.

It seems that she really cares about this apprentice to make the emperor-level powerhouse speak like this.

Yi Qinglan suddenly remembered something and asked, "By the way, what's the matter with you looking for the poor road during the day?"

"Oh, I forgot if you didn't tell me."

Li Ran said, "I don't know how to use the Yin & Yang mirror, so I just wanted to ask you."


Yi Qinglan's faint voice sounded, "Just such a small matter, are you torturing Poor Dao like this?"

Li Ran hummed: "Who makes you always call me a thief? Tell you, I'm big!"

Yi Qinglan: "Huh?

Li Ran: "I'm talking about heads."

Yi Qinglan: ""

Chapter 187

Chapter 187 Coax Master to fight!

When I made an appointment with Yi Qinglan, Li Ran cut the red line.

He sighed slightly in his heart.

He didn't expect that what he did in the secret room would have such a big impact on Lin Langyue.

So that it became not only her Heavenly Dao, but also her Heart's Demon.

So not to mention that there is no danger, even if there are crises, Li Ran has no reason to shrink.

But thinking of Leng Wuyan's attitude during the day

"People are to be saved, but Master, they are also to be coaxed.

Li Ran looked at the dimly lit Mount Rakshasa outside the window, his eyes firmed down, full of flaming fighting spirit.

"Master the big battle, start now!"

The master bedroom.

Leng Wuyan sat in a chair, flipping through a picture album in his hand.

The smile on the corner of his mouth never stopped.

This is the present Li Ran gave her the last time he came back.

It shows all the memories of the two from the confession to the first date.

Leng Wuyan never gets tired of it.

"Ran'er is a caring person, and indeed very talented, but it's a bit too carefree."

I don't know what's going on, there is no shortage of women around Li Ran.

Whether it is Righteous Dao Tianjiao or Devil Dao Holy Maiden, they have an unclear relationship with him.

This made Leng Wuyan feel a little sour.

The stronger the existence, the more difficult it is to give birth to heirs, so for a truly powerful person, it is normal for wives and concubines to be in groups.

But Li Ran is just yuan

Leng Wuyan wrinkled her Qiong nose and looked resentful.

"Nascent Soul Realm just provokes so many women. What if you really prove to be the emperor?"

"Last time I forgave him too easily, which caused him not only to fail in the slightest, but to even dare to hook up with the righteous Tianjiao."

"Well, I have to leave him alone for a few days if I say anything this time."

At this moment, there was a sudden noise outside the palace, accompanied by bursts of exclamation.

I can still vaguely hear the word "Holy Son".

Leng Wuyan frowned, got up and walked out of the bedroom.

I saw the deacons of Rakshasa Peak gathered in front of the Great Hall and looked up to the sky noisily.

"You guys are arguing here…"

Before Leng Wuyan's words came to an end, the whole person was stunned.

I saw Li Ran hanging in the air, with densely packed photo stones floating beside him, projecting a ray of colorful spots.

In the dark night in front of him, a huge picture was formed.

The photo stone has two functions.

One is to record real scenes, such as the picture of sisters Sheng Anyi.

The second function is to infuse ideas into it, and then you can leave the picture you want.

It just looks quite different from the real scene.

At this time, each of the photo-enhancing stones shows a part of the picture, as if there is no jigsaw puzzle, which makes people unable to understand the meaning.

The deacons whispered.

"Master Holy Son, what are you doing?"

"Is it on the show?"

"What kind of show is this, I don't understand it at all."

"I can not understand it too."

"This night, the head will not be angry, right?"

Leng Wuyan looked at Li Ran with some doubts.

What is this kid doing?

Li Ran's forehead slipped with cold sweat.

It is a huge project to manipulate hundreds of photographic stones at the same time, and make fine adjustments separately.

Even with the spirits that he had strengthened, he obviously felt a little strenuous.

Finally, under his constant debugging, the broken images were finally combined, showing a huge image in the night sky.

That is a beautiful woman.

She is plain white and tall.

The white robe is flying with the wind, the exquisite face is glamorous and unparalleled. With a long sword in his right hand, he can feel the pressing pressure from far away.

It is the head Leng Wuyan.

Seeing this scene, and then listening to the surrounding discussion, a shyness and nervousness flashed through Leng Wuyan's eyes.

"In front of so many people, does Ran'er want to confess to me in public?"

If this is the case, their relationship will be completely exposed.

Then it's not just the Youluo Palace, I'm afraid it will cause violent disturbances in the entire vast land, and the two will also face endless rumors.

"Forget it, the anti-regular moment is set by this seat, who dare to have an opinion?

"If people in this world dare to gossip, I will kill them to shut up!"

Just as she was thinking about it, the image in the sky suddenly moved.

I saw "Leng Wuyan" walking forward slowly, and the surrounding scenery kept changing.

From the long grass warbler flying, the spring is full, to the scorching sun, the fire umbrella is high.

Then the fallen leaves drifted down, and finally the ground was covered with snow.

She has been walking silently, and this road seems to never end.

Through the spring, summer, autumn and winter, she hasn't changed anything. There is no one around her, only the long sword in her hand.

A strong sense of loneliness hits the face, making people feel a little depressed.

At this moment, the long sword in her hand was blurred and slowly turned into the appearance of a little boy.

The little boy is beautiful, fresh and handsome, and is looking at her with a smile.

"'Leng Wuyan" led the little boy to continue walking forward.

The difference from the previous one is that the picture becomes fresh and bright at this time, and the two people's steps are also very light, and they are obviously happy.

As the seasons change, the little boy gradually grows up.

The face became clearer and clearer, and the height became taller and taller. In the end he was even half a head taller than her and became a real man.

That man is Li Ran.

The two of them were still holding hands and walking forward. They didn't look like mentors and apprentices, but more like lovers.

At the same time, the angle of the image slowly turned, changing from the front to the back.

The two people in the picture just walked forward like this, their figures getting smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared into the unknown distance.

And the hand they held has never been released.

The scene was silent and everyone was stunned.

This image is very simple, but it is very meaningful, and it makes people feel like (Wang Li's).


The photo stone lost control and fell to the ground like raindrops.

Li Ran looked tired.

Leng Wuyan stared at him blankly, his heart beating violently, full of unspeakable warmth and softness.


Li Ran fell from the sky.

The crowd consciously separated a passage, and he walked slowly to Leng Wuyan.

In the eyes of everyone, the two of them faced each other, and the tenderness in their eyes almost overflowed.

Li Ran whispered, "Thanks to Master for his company and teachings, disciples can walk to today step by step. And the years to come."

"Just let the disciple be the sword in your hand."

The voice is not loud, but full of affection.

Leng Wuyan's eyes were foggy, her right hand tightly covered her chest.

"This rebel really killed this seat!"

ps: This is the third shift. There will be five shifts today. You may be late, but you will not be absent.

Chapter 188

Chapter 188 Respect the teacher and respect Li Holy Son!

Rakshasa Peak is the residence of the head, and all the deacons here are sisters.

They covered their chests at this time, and their eyes were full of small stars.

The fairy road is bitterly cold and thorny, and every step must be covered with thorns.

For practitioners, "being the sword in your hand" is simply the most romantic love story!

"Master Holy Son is so interested!"

"Yes, the picture just now was so beautiful!"

"Be the sword in your hand? Oh my god, goose bumps are getting up!"

"For some reason, I suddenly wished they were a couple."

"Don't talk nonsense, the boss is the most taboo about this, be careful to slap you to death!"

Everyone was talking buzzingly.

The scene just now was too much like a confession!

Especially the influence of two people walking together holding hands, it seems to be very right, it's like a heavenly creation.

But reason tells them that this cannot be a confession.

Because the other party Leng Wuyan.

The emperor-level masters who have been single for hundreds of years are very secretive about men and women, and even set a personal ban to prohibit disciples from engaging in affair between men and women.

Unless Holy Son gets bored, how dare to confess to the master?

At this time, a female deacon couldn't help but ask: "Holy Son, the image you just released is in the end."

Li Ran smiled and said, "That's a thank you gift for Master."


Everyone is even more puzzled.

Li Ran voiced Lang Lang, "650 today is just the tenth anniversary of my entrance into the Sect. Since I entered the Medical Luo Temple when I was eight years old, the Master has always cared for me and took me on a long journey of immortality.

"If there weren't for Master's indoctrination, there would be no Li Ran where I am today."

"So through this day, I want to express my gratitude and sincerity to Master."

Li Ran said, blinking at Leng Wuyan, "Does the master feel the true heart of the disciple?"

Leng Wuyan's face was blushing, and a shyness flashed under his eyes.

"This rebel is really bold!"

After listening to Li Ran's words, everyone was stunned.

"It turns out that today is the 10th anniversary of Li Holy Son's entry into the clan!"

"What a filial apprentice!

"Yes, this gift is too distracting!"

"A good apprentice like Holy Son is really rare now!"

"This filial piety is really a lesson from the sun and the moon!"

The deacons praised them one after another.

Li Ran smiled at the corner of his mouth.

The tenth anniversary was just a reason for making up. He didn't know when he joined the sect.

Facing everyone's praise, he looked humble and said: "Everyone is absurdly praised, respect the teacher and respect the truth, it's just the duty of being a disciple."

Upon hearing this, everyone exaggerated.

Leng Wuyan glared at him bitterly.

Respect for teachers?

He almost bullied the Master to death!

What's your duty?

In his eyes, the disciple's duty is to fall in love with the Master?

Li Ran noticed the other's gaze and cleared his throat and said, "Sorry, I'm bothering you, it's not too early now, you should go back and rest early."

"Master Holy Son is too polite.

"Don't disturb, don't disturb."

The deacons responded a few times and then dispersed in twos and threes.

After everyone left, Li Ran looked at Leng Wuyan and said with a smile: "The disciple just broke through and felt that his foundation was not stable. I would like to ask the teacher to respect some spiritual matters."


Leng Wuyan said blankly: "It's rare for you to be so diligent. Come in with this seat."

After speaking, he turned and walked into the bedroom.


Li Ran's eyes were full of smiles, and he quickly followed in.

The bedroom of the bedroom.

Leng Wuyan looked at him, coldly said: "You fellow, you are getting bolder!"

Li Ran didn't panic at all, holding her hand and not letting go, "Master hasn't answered the disciple's question yet.

Leng Wuyan wondered: "What's the problem?"

Li Ran asked again, "Does the master feel the sincerity of the disciple?

Leng Wuyan recalled the scene just now.

The picture of holding hands and the words of affection

Her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, but Yuan insisted: "I didn't feel it at all!"

Li Ran grabbed her hand and put it on own chest.

"what about now?"

Leng Wuyan's cheeks glowed blushing from the palm of his palm, and he turned his head and said, "You rebel, how come you are not at all righteous?"

Li Ran said seriously: "Every word the disciple says comes from the heart."

Leng Wuyanheng (ajeh) glanced at him, "Are you doing this to every girl?"

Li Ran was shocked.

It seems that this is still jealous!

He shook his head and said, "The disciples only do this to Master.

Sculptures, comic strips, fireworks, and the "short film" just now, he has never done this to others.

I have to admit that Leng Wuyan is a very special existence in his heart.

Leng Wuyan smiled at the corner of her mouth, and hummed, "You are so carefree, I don't believe it~"

Li Ran said with a serious expression: "Even if the disciple is bothered, no one will ever be able to replace the position of the master. Yan'er will always be my little treasure.

"!! "

Leng Wuyan's cheeks instantly turned red, and his heart was about to jump out of panic!

How could this person speak such shameful words in a serious manner?

This cheeky guy!

She covered her blushing pretty face with her hands, and stammered: "You, you, you, you, you, you, don't let you talk anymore!"

Li Ran smiled and said, "Is the master still angry with a disciple?"

Leng Wuyan's eyes flashed lightly.

She is almost running out of strength to stand, how can she still be angry?

"You rebel, every time you annoy this seat, you will play like this, she hates it.

Li Ran smiled and squinted: "This disciple is an expression of true feelings."


Leng Wuyan pursed her lips: "It sounds better than anyone else."

Li Ran corrected: "Compared to saying, the disciple is still better at doing it."

Leng Wuyan recalled that he was manipulating hundreds of photo-taking stones, the look of hard and tiredness, and there was a hint of gentleness in the bottom of his eyes.

A faint light turned into his body, and his tired mind was instantly relieved.

"Thank you, Master." Li Ran grinned.

Leng Wuyan gave him a pretty white look, "In the future, it's best to do what we can, what if I really hurt my soul and affect Daoji?"

"For Master, everything is worth it."


Although she said so, her tone has softened.

Li Ran climbed up along the rod. "For the disciple's hard work, can the master satisfy the disciple's small request?"

Leng Wuyan questioned: "What request?"

"That's what the disciple told you during the day

"No, absolutely not!"

Leng Wuyan's head shook into a rattle, "How can I do something like this?"

Li Ran said: "That was originally Master's clothes, how can it be said to be the next work?"

Leng Wuyan's face blushed, "Then, that can't be worn to others!"

"Well, it turns out that the disciple is someone else

Li Ran sighed.

Seeing his downcast look, Leng Wuyan couldn't bear it.

She quietly tightened the hem of the skirt, and hesitated a little: "I've said it beforehand. You can only look at it, and you can't mess around!"

Li Ran's eyes lit up suddenly.

"Don't worry, the disciple is notoriously honest!"

"You're blaming me for this letter."

With a flick of his wrist, a pink apron with very little fabric appeared in his hand.

"Master, please change clothes!"

Leng Wuyan took it with a blushing face, her eyes full of shyness.

"It's dying

Chapter 189

Chapter 189 Climbing the door, enter the Tianshu!

Early the next morning.

Li Ran walked out of the master bedroom, drunk in the bright sunshine, and stretched out comfortably.

Although I didn't sleep all night last night, I was still refreshed.

That pink bellyband is exactly the New Year gift that Leng Wuyan gave him on the day of Shuangyuan Festival.

At that time, Li Ran made an ambition to let the master personally wear it to him!

After successfully unlocking the achievement this time, I immediately felt that my thoughts were well understood, and the whole person was floating.

Recalling the shy and timid face of the master under the candlelight, and the perfect figure

No, the nosebleed is about to spray out again!

Li Ran sighed up to the sky, "Master, always drop the gods!"

Last night, he stayed in righteously.

Although there is no final step to make a breakthrough, but looking at the glamorous cheeks, the face becomes red and shy, and the taste is not enough for outsiders.

In the bedroom.

Leng Wuyan was holding the quilt, the blush on his face had not disappeared.

"Bad guy, just take a look when you're done. I don't know how to do anything. How can this seat believe his nonsense?"

"But he still has a conscience and didn't force this seat."

"Huh, I can't blame this kind of thing, I can only blame you, Cultivation Base Ascension is not fast enough!"

She didn't know what she thought of, her eyes were rippling, and she was retracted into the quilt again.

"I'm so ashamed!"

Li Ran walked down the mountain with his hands behind his back.

But he did not return to own residence, but left the mountain gate all the way down the mountain.

About five hundred miles south, a white figure was faintly seen on the hill ahead.

Yi Qinglan was dressed in white, with a veil on her face, standing with her hands on top of the mountain.

Li Ran fell in front of her.

"Yi Daochang.

She slightly foreheaded, "Li Holy Son, you are here."

The two agreed yesterday to meet here early this morning and go to the Tianshu Yuan to rescue Lin Langyue.

Even though it was full of wind and moon last night, Li Ran would not delay business.

Yi Qinglan said earnestly: "Li Holy Son is willing to help, and I am grateful for the poor Dao heart."

Li Ran shook his head and said, "I am willing to come to Lin Langyue. It has nothing to do with you, and you don't need to thank me."

"She will fall into Heart's Demon, and I am also responsible."

Yi Qinglan was silent upon hearing this.

The look in his eyes changed slightly.

Although this person is arrogant and reckless, it has to be said that he is indeed a responsible man.

Moreover, he has saved the lives of Lin Langyue and the Tianshuyuan disciples many times.

She muttered inwardly, "Obviously he is not a wicked person, but acting so absurdly

Li Ran remembered something at this moment, and said, "I went to the Tianshu Yuan, you had better keep it secret. Master still doesn't know about it."

Yi Qinglan looked strange, "Then what are you going to do?'

Li Ran sighed, "What else? It must be important to save people! As for the master, I will explain to her well."

Yi Qinglan shook her head, "You shouldn't need to explain."

Li Ran frowned, "What do you mean?"

She said: "Who told you that your master doesn't know about this?"


At this time, Leng Wuyan's faint voice sounded in the air:

"Adversary, I really can't see what you think?,

Li Ran was stunned for a moment, "Master?"

Leng Wuyan's voice was calm, "Pay attention to safety and come back early.

"Yi Qinglan, if something goes wrong with Burning, I want the entire Tianshu Yuan to be buried with you! Including you!"

Yi Qinglan shook her head and said, "Li Ran is Langming's Heavenly Dao now. Even if you don't say it, the poor Dao won't watch him have an accident."

The air calmed down, and there was no echo.

Yi Qinglan turned her head and said, "Let's go."


Li Ran nodded.

With a wave of Yi Qinglan's Dao Robe, he only felt that the light in front of him flickered. When he opened his eyes again, he was no longer in Northland.

In front of me was a mountain range towering into the clouds.

The peaks are closely connected, and there is a primitive courtyard at the top of each peak, which is beautifully shadowed among the white clouds, and it looks like a clear pillar and an endless charm.

From time to time, there are cranes flapping their wings on the horizon, loud and bright cranes are accompanied by melodious bells, and the whole mountain gate is full of fairy spirit.

This is Baiyun Peak.

Tianshuyuan resident.

Li Ran smiled, "It's worthy of the right way, this is really extraordinary."

Yi Qinglan said: "The mountains and rivers are shining, and the eyes are astounding, but the boundary is good, even if it is replaced by the Acacia Sect, the weather is still extraordinary."

Li Ran laughed blankly.

I haven't noticed before, this aunt is quite real.

Tianshu Immortal Palace.

Elders and deacons from the peaks of Tianshuyuan gathered in this way, and the atmosphere was very solemn.

0...For flowers...

"Chief Lin has been silent for three days!"

"Dao Jue Death Land is not a joke. Every day is delayed, the difficulty of getting out of trouble increases by one point!"

"Otherwise, please ask the head to do it!"

"But this will ruin the chief Dao heart!"

"That's better than losing your life, right?"

They argued, and the opinions were divided for a while.

One of the oldest Elder whispered: "But for Lang Yue, what is the difference between breaking off Xianlu and dying?"

Everyone was silent for a while, shook their heads helplessly and sighed.

For Lin Langyue, a supreme arrogant, cultivation is equivalent to life. If Dao heart collapses, I am afraid

At this time, someone said: "The head is back!"


They looked back one after another, only to see Yi Qinglan slowly walking in.

There was also a slender teenager by his side.

The boy has a handsome face, sword eyebrows and star eyes, white face with clear lines, and deep eyes with a bit of unruly.

Even Elder couldn't help but sigh, "What a handsome young man!"

Suddenly someone wondered: "This person looks so familiar."

"Yes, I always feel like I have seen it somewhere"

"Wait a minute, isn't this the demon Li Ran?"

"Li Ran?!"

The inside of the palace boiled instantly, and everyone's eyes were full of shock and perplexity.

Li Ran is here?

That is the famous town Heavenly Demon, the number one Devil Dao Holy Son!

Tianshu Yuan is a purely righteous Sect, and it has always been a clear demarcation from Devil Dao.

How could he be allowed to climb the mountain gate?

And still stand with the head?

Someone couldn't help but ask: "Master, what's the situation?'

"Why would you take this demon up the mountain?

"This is simply tarnishing Sacred Land!"

"When did my Tianshuyuan visit the demon?"

Everyone talked all of a sudden.

"To shut up.

Yi Qinglan's voice was calm, but it seemed to ring in their hearts, and the atmosphere instantly became quiet.

"Li Holy Son was specially invited by Fan Dao! He has saved the lives of Lin Langyue and a dozen of his disciples. He is my benefactor of the Tianshu Yuan!"

"Don't you say hello yet?"

The Elders looked at each other, but did not dare to refute.

The cupped hands that everyone brushed together said: "I have seen Li Holy Son." Spoon,

Chapter 190

Chapter 190 Enter the Doomed Land and strip away the remnant Heart's Demon!

Looking at the aunts saluting in front of him, Li Ran dug his ears impatiently.

Different road non-phase plan.

These people think he is a demon, he thinks these Taoist aunts are pedantic, everyone is not the same.

This kind of hypocritical courtesy is unnecessary.

When the Elders in Tianshuyuan saw his lazy appearance, they would inevitably feel even more dissatisfied in their hearts.

They are also top Sect Elders, they are the powerful Venerables of Transcends Tribulation, and they take the initiative to condescend to greet this junior, but he still ignores them?

This is too crazy!

At this time, Elder stood up and asked, "Headmaster, Chief Lin is still trapped in the deadly land. Although Li Holy Son is kind to the Tianshu Yuan, it is not the time to talk about this!"

"Yes, it's important to save the chief!

"One or two days later, I really can't make it back!"

"Chief Lin is in danger!"

"If Dao's heart collapses, I am afraid that Langming will really not survive!"

"Six-Five-Zero" Elder deacons said one after another.

They are not actually targeting Li Ran, but really worried about Lin Langming's safety.

Yi Qinglan nodded and said, "Pan Dao can understand everyone's feelings. Langming has followed Pang Dao and asked for immortality since childhood, and Pang Dao has always regarded her as his own."

"Now that she is trapped by Heart's Demon, it is naturally impossible for Poor Dao to sit idly by."

Elder said, "Then please let the boss take action! Even if the Dao heart is damaged, it is better than the big road collapses, and the death will disappear!"

Yi Qinglan said: "Pan Dao will neither damage her Dao heart nor watch her die."

Elder was overjoyed when he heard this, "Does the head already have a way?"

Yi Qinglan shook his head and said, "There is no way for the poor Dao, but Li Holy Son has a way. Today, I invite Li Holy Son to come, to ask him to enter the Dao indefinitely and save Lin Langyue!"


"Can Li Ran save Langming?"

"He only has Nascent Soul Realm, what can he do?

"How can anyone in Devil Dao enter my forbidden land?"

Everyone talked about it all at once.

Yi Qinglan shook her head secretly.

These people didn't know that Li Ran had become Lin Langyue's Heavenly Dao.

But she also couldn't say clearly that if this matter spreads out, I am afraid that the Tianshu Yuan will not be able to tolerate this chief.

"Pan Dao has his own plan, you don't have to say more."

With a wave of Yi Qinglan's sleeves, everyone instantly left the palace and came to a cliff.

The cliff is hundreds of meters high and appears dark blue. Its appearance is as smooth as a mirror, but it does not reflect the figure.

Yi Qinglan said to Li Ran: "Wanfa is cut off from the dead, and the avenue has fallen. There is no trace of Spiritual Qi. Taoism is in it, and it is no different from a mortal."

"There are countless remnants of Heart's Demon. If Dao's heart is unstable, it will be dissipated by Heart's Demon in an instant."

"You are not cultivating Emotionless Tao. As long as you don't let go of Happy God, Heart's Demon will not actively attack you.

"We can use the red line to communicate, and the poor way will guide you.

"If there is an accident in the middle, Pan Dao will take action to rescue you."

She reminded me tirelessly.

Just as Li Ran was about to speak, there was a soft sound in his mind.


[Task release: Refining the heart. ]

[Enter the Daojie Land, use the remnant Soul Heart's Demon to strengthen the heart and temper the soul!]

"There are still tasks?"

"Refining the Heart"

Li Ran's heart moved slightly.

At this time, Yi Qinglan said, "Li Holy Son, are you ready?"

Li Ran nodded, "Ready.


Yi Qinglan stretched out Bai Zhe's slender finger and lightly tapped it on the cliff.

The entire cliff was rippling and rippled, and a dark and deep cave emerged, exuding bursts of desolation and desolation.

Li Ran didn't hesitate, and walked in with his leg raised.

The figure was instantly engulfed by darkness, and the entrance of the cave was also closed.

The divine light in Yi Qinglan's eyes flickered, breaking through the vast void, as if God's perspective, watching the movement in Dao Jue's land.

After passing through the ink-like pitch black, I don't know how long it took before Li Ran finally stepped on the solid ground.

At first sight is a desolate land.

Under the gloomy sky, the surface was dry and cracked like a desert, and only a few crooked neck trees stood alone, looking lifeless.

A translucent ghost passed by in the sky, exuding bursts of terrifying aura.

Barren and dead.

This is a dead place where life is annihilated.

Li Ran felt it.

There is no trace of Spirit Power in the air, and there is no induction of any Taoist magical powers.

Li Ran connects to the first line of marriage, and the soul said:" "Dao Chang Yi, which direction should I go?'

Yi Qinglan replied: "Go ahead, Lang Yue is not far away.

Li Ran walked forward as he said.

Yi Qinglan did not lie to him, the remnant soul wandering in the air turned a blind eye to him, and did not intend to attack him actively.

"But this Heart's Demon doesn't attack me, how can I temper my soul?"

Li Ran couldn't help scratching his head, "Forget it, let's save someone first.

He followed Yi Qinglan's guidance all the way, about a baby's time away, and saw a white figure from a distance.

I saw Lin Langyue sitting in the Lotus Position, her eyes closed and her forehead dripping with cold sweat.

Countless translucent remnants hovered over her head, watching her greedily like a vulture.

When her Dao heart collapses, she will be divided and eaten by these Heart's Demon!

Yi Qinglan said: "There are more and more Heart's Demon attracted. Be careful not to provoke these things."


Li Ran walked up to her, reached out and pushed her gently.

"Lin Langyue, wake up."

Hearing his voice, Lin Langyue frowned slightly, and her expression seemed to be a little struggling.

But still unable to open his eyes.

Yi Qinglan's voice is solemn, "It seems that she is already deeply enchanted and cannot easily wake up, so she can only use the second plan.

Li Ran nodded and took out a mirror from his arms.

Yin & Yang mirror.

This is a very special Magic Treasures.

The black side is yin and the white side is yang.

The yin face can absorb the remnant soul and store it in the mirror body, while the yang face can release the remnant soul, which is a unique attack method.

To release the remnant soul, you need to provide Spirit Power, but not to absorb it, so it can also be used in Daojie.

This is also the second method Yi Qinglan said to him.

Use Yin & Yang mirror to peel off Heart's Demon.

Li Ran placed the black side in front of Lin Langyue, a faint light flickered, and her face reflected on the black mirror.

4.7 At the same time, a touch of translucent remnant soul was slowly peeled off.

As the remnant soul was stripped away, Lin Langyue's expression was very painful, her breath became more and more disordered, and her whole body trembled.

At the moment of complete stripping, her phoenix eyes suddenly opened, and the light in her eyes was like a candle in the wind, which will be extinguished in the next second!

Heart's Demon was forcibly removed, and her Dao heart is about to collapse!

At this time, Li Ran's faint voice sounded: "The ten directions of void, all disappeared and returned to silence."

"In the state of one spirit alone, you can't move your mind, and only involve thinking, it becomes the leftover law."

As if hearing the sound of the Dao Tian, ​​Lin Langming's pale face returned to blood, and the Dao heart that was on the verge of collapse was stabilized again.

Li Ran is the avenue to her, and only Li Ran can take action to stabilize her Dao heart.

Yi Qinglan finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene.

"fine "

Before she finished her words, her eyes condensed, "Be careful!"