
I really don't want to fall in love with my master

This novel is specifically designed for my one so I don't care about anything

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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50 Chs

171 to 180

Please, I Really Didn't Want To Fall in Love With My Master! Chapter 171 Online

Chapter 171

Chapter 171 Who asked you to mess with Li Ranran!

Feiyun Mountain.

Shinto Palace.

Outside the mountain gate, two figures were walking slowly.

It was two men in high clothes. They were supporting each other, and their pace was a little staggering.


The guard yelled, "This is the resident of the Shendao and Immortal Palace, and the idlers are waiting to retreat!"

The man walked up to him, his voice hoarse: "You take a good look at who I am?


The guard heard the words and looked at it carefully.

I saw that the man was unkempt, his body exuded a strong smell, his face was bloody, and his mouth was full of teeth.

Looks very embarrassed.

"Where is the tramp? Get out of here!" the guard said, pinching his nose.


The popularity was decimated, and he took out a token from his arms.

"Keep your dog eyes open, daddy is Feng Wanjiang, the chief of the Shinto Palace!"

The air was quiet for a moment.

"Puff, hahahaha!"

The guards laughed and burst into tears.

"You don't take a picture of yourself with soaking urine, you dare to pretend to be Chief Feng just like this bear? When we are fools?"

"Fake the chief token and pretend to be a Sect disciple. I think your kid is tired of life!"

"Don't talk nonsense with him at 09, just take it!!

The guards are gearing up to teach them a lesson.

At this time, a deacon happened to pass by, frowning and said: "What are you doing, what is the style of chaos?"

The guard grabbed Feng Wanjiang by the collar and said, "Sun Deacon, this stinky beggar pretends to be Chief Feng, and we are planning to clean him up!"

"Pretending to be the chief?"

Sun Deacon raised his brow and walked over to check it carefully.

I saw the man with a blue nose and a swollen face, and I couldn't see the specific appearance.

The Spirit Power Xenon Hydrogen in his palm covered the man's face, and the swelling gradually subsided, revealing a familiar face.

"Chief Feng?"

Sun Deacon let out an exclamation.

The guards were taken aback.

This tramp is actually Feng Wanjiang?

Sun Deacon looked at the unkempt old man again, his legs weakened in fright and almost collapsed on the ground.

"Wu, Wu Wu, Elder?!

A Transcends Tribulation peak Elder, a Sect chief disciple, how did he become such a ghost?

Sun Deacon swallowed, and said in a trembled voice: "You two, what's wrong with this?"

Feng Wanjiang and Wu Chengkong looked at each other, a trace of shame flashed through their eyes.


Too humiliating!

They were beaten violently at Xiao's house, and even Spirit Power was broken up.

Then Li Wuchang was bounced for hundreds of miles, then opened his eyes, and fell into a pit in a small village!

Don't mention the sourness!

In the end, Wu Cheng took the Medicine Pill in his flight suit and barely recovered a trace of Spirit Power, and returned to Feiyun Mountain with Feng Wanjiang.

Looking at the shivering guard, Wu Chengkong was not in the mood to pursue it, and said: "Take us to the fairy palace right away, the old man is going to meet the boss!"

This hatred will not avenge the non-gentleman!

"Li Ran, Xiao family, Li Wuchang, I must pay the price!" Wu Chengkong gritted his teeth.

Shendao fairy palace.

Chen Yundao looked at the distressed two people in front of him, frowning tightly.

With a move of mind, the breeze in the Great Hall dispelled the foul smell.

"What's the matter with you?" he wondered.

The two of them knelt on the ground with a stern voice, "Please call the head for us!"

Chen Yundao asked: "What the hell happened? Wu Elder, how could you be beaten like this?"

With Wu Chengkong's strength, it stands to reason that there are few opponents below the emperor level.

But now his five internal organs have shifted, Meridians are confused, apparently severely injured.

"It's the old thief Li Wuchang!"

Wu Elder trembled: "The old man kindly wanted Xiao Qingge to return to the fairy gate, but the demon Li Ran brazenly attacked Chief Feng! The old man wanted to stop, but was seriously injured by Li Wuchang!"

The tearful appearance seemed to be aggrieved.

Chen Yundao's brows tightened, "Li Wuchang was damaged before Daoji, but he was still alive.

He hadn't moved for so many years, and he thought the other side had passed away.

"They didn't put me Xianzong To put in one's eyes! It doesn't matter if the old man is beaten, but we can't lose the face of our Shinto Palace!" Wu Chengkong said.

Feng Wanjiang also echoed: "Yes, then Li Ran also said that my fairy palace is incompetent, it is extremely rampant!"

Chen Yundao was expressionless and said lightly: "Then how do you want this seat to be the master?"

Wu Chengkong sternly said: "Behind the devil, there is the Youluo Temple as the backing. It needs to be discussed in the long term, but the Xiao family and the Li family must not let it go!"

Feng Wanjiang nodded and said, "First destroy these two families, let them know that the Shinto Palace is not easy to bully!"

Wu Chengkong grinned and said: "Although Li Wuchang is an emperor, he is not at the same level as the head. As long as the head makes a move, he can easily."


Chen Yun waved his sleeve robe, Wu Chengkong was hit hard, and he spouted blood and flew out!

His face was extremely gloomy, "Are you teaching me to do things?

Feng Wanjiang was stunned.

What's happening here?!

Wu Chengkong lay down on the ground and vomited blood, his expression full of grievance and puzzlement.

Even if you get beaten outside, you still get beaten when you go home?

Chen Yundao said lightly: "You know, Li Ran has become a hero, and now he is the Heavenly Demon of Zhenshi?"

Wu Chengkong wiped the blood, and said in a puzzled way: "I know, but this is just a false name, why is it true?"

Chen Yundao continued: "Then you still know that this famous head Sheng Ye didn't want to give it to him, but Yi Qinglan came here based on reason?"


The two shivered, "This, how is this possible?"

How could Yi Qinglan protect Li Ran?

They are enemies!

Feng Wanjiang was puzzled: "Tianshu Yuan is the right way, how can it be Devil Dao?"

650 Chen Yun glanced at him, and asked, "Do you think that the demon who saved hundreds of thousands of lives can still be regarded as a demon?

The two were silent.

"I don't know why, but there are probably three emperor-level powerhouses behind Li Ran!"

"A Leng Wuyan is hard enough, now there is another Yi Qinglan!

"It's up to you? Then who is in charge of this seat?!"

Chen Yundao's icy voice echoed in the Great Hall.

The disciples of the Shinto Palace flee in front of the beast tide, and have been condemned by all the righteous sects.

It's finally calmed down recently, and they are going to provoke Li Ran, the salvation hero?

Let him destroy the Li family?

Chen Yundao can't wait to destroy them!

"If there is not enough success, and what is more than failure, let me go!

A gust of wind hit, and directly blew the two out!

At the same time, Chen Yundao's voice resounded through Feiyun Mountain:

"Wu Chengkong disobeyed the rules and punished Wudaoya to think about it. He must not go out for 50 years!"

"Temporarily remove Feng Wanjiang from the position of chief, and within one year break the pill and become an infant before returning to the first house!"

The two were struck by lightning!

Anxiously, he fainted with a spout of blood.

Chen Yundao sat on the chair and said bitterly, "Why is Leng Wuyan's apprentice so strong, and my apprentice is such a waste?"

"Li Wuchang's filthy embryo, can actually have such a talented offspring?

"Unhappy, really unhappy on horseback!"

Chapter 172

Chapter 172 Yi Daochang, you have a crush on me!

Li Family Mansion.

in the room.

Qin Ruyan looked at Yue Jianli's hard work and couldn't help shaking his head for a while.

"Chief Yue, are you too hardworking?"

In the past few days, apart from eating and sleeping, I was basically meditating and cultivation, and the hard work was a little too much.

Yue Jianli opened his eyes and exhaled like a white arrow.

"Xiao Qingge's progress is so fast, I have to work harder!"

Jade Girl Rakshasa's skill is the Emperor Cultivation Technique, which is not much better than Fen Tian Jue.

Xiao Qingge's own talent is good, coupled with cheating-like "cultivation method", after a while, he may really catch up with her.

This Yue Jianli couldn't accept it.

"What a silly girl!"

Qin Ruyan said with a laugh: "Xiao Qingge's rapid progress is due to dual cultivation with Li Ran. You go to accompany Li Ran every night, wouldn't she be unable to'cultivate'?"

Yue Jianli whispered: "I have tried this method."


Qin Ruyan asked: "How is the effect?"

Yue Jianli said with a blushing face, "As a result, Xiao Qingge still succeeded in Dual cultivation."


Qin Ruyan didn't finish speaking, and suddenly reacted, his cheeks blushing instantly.

She was surprised: "You two actually

Yue Jian couldn't lift up his shy head.

Qin Ruyan looked at Li Ran who was basking outside the window, her throat a little dry.

"This, this is too outrageous!"

Li Ran was lying on a lounger in the courtyard, lazily basking in the sun.

And Xiao Qingge peeled grapes on the side, feeding them into his mouth from time to time.

Her blue silk was shrunk into a bun, and her pretty cheeks were now more beautiful and unparalleled, revealing a holy and pure breath.

After these few days of "cultivation" by the two of them, her Cultivation Base has become more stable, almost reaching the completion of Gold Core.

"Li Lang, Sheng Huang told the world about your achievements this time. You have truly become a hero of the human race!" Xiao Qingge's eyes were full of admiration.

Li Ran shook his head, "It's all fake names~"."

What Zhenshi Heavenly Demon, can it be eaten as a meal?

It's true that Lingbao should be sent quickly.

At this moment, a voice suddenly rang in his ear: "Listen to Yuge in the south of the city, come and see Pindao quickly."

"Who is speaking?"

Li Ran sat up in a spirited spirit.

Xiao Qingge doubted: "No one is talking."

Li Ran dug his ears and muttered: "Is it a hallucination? I seem to hear the voice of the old nun."

The voice in his ear sounded again: "Within Yixingxiang, if you haven't arrived yet, Wan Dao will visit the house in person!

"Also, Pan Dao is a Taoist priest, not a nun!"

The voice seemed to have a hint of anger.

Li Ran swallowed.

It's really Yi Qinglan!

Why did she come to Wuyang City? Is it to avenge Lin Langyue?

"Forget it, stretch your head with a stab, and shrink your head with a stab. Sooner or later you have to face it."

Li Ran sighed and stood up.

Xiao Qingge asked: "Li Lang, do you have something to go out?'

Li Ran nodded, "If two hours have passed, and I haven't come back, remember to ask Master to avenge me."

After finishing talking, he went out frustrated.

Listen to Yuge.

This is the largest tea house in Wuyang City, and it can be called first-class in terms of location, decoration and atmosphere.

Li Ran is naturally a frequent visitor here.

"Oh, Lord Heavenly Demon is here, come in, come in!

The boss saw him walking in and greeted him eagerly.

Since Emperor Sheng announced to the world, Li Ran's reputation has been unmatched in Wuyang City, and everyone's attitude towards him has changed from fear to awe.

"Master Li is here today, all guests present are free!" The boss shouted excitedly.


"Young Master Li is here!"

"Young Master Li is still beautiful!"

"As expected of Zhenshi Heavenly Demon!"


The guests rose to greet.

Li Ran nodded, and said hello.

At this moment, he saw a white figure on the second floor, and his heart suddenly frightened.

Walking upstairs quickly, I saw Yi Qinglan wearing a veil, sitting quietly by the window.

"Yi Daochang, meet again.

Li Ran walked over and sat across from her.

Yi Qinglan glanced at him, her eyes condensed slightly, "Are you breaking through again?"

The last time I saw him was the Nascent Soul early stage, and now he is actually in the middle stage.

Moreover, the muscles and bones are strong, and the blood is like a dragon, and it seems to be reshaping the flesh!

With this terrifying cultivation speed, even she was a little stunned.

Is this person really the son of Heavenly Dao?

Li Ran smiled, "You can make a breakthrough by practicing casually, maybe this is the sky?"

Yi Qinglan shook his head, "If you can be a little less arrogant, you might really be able to reach the top.

Li Ran shrugged, "Yi Daochang meant to let me be a ruthless ice cube like you? That's not the case.

"^Ice Cube Ruthless and Loveless"

This is the first time Yi Qinglan heard someone describe this.

She was not angry either, and said lightly: "Do you know that this arrogant and arrogant character may cause you to kill?"

"If anyone can kill me, just come and kill it."

Li Ran nonchalantly said: "People are dead and birds are in the sky, and they will not die for thousands of years.


Yi Qinglan couldn't help but interrupt.

What kind of mess is this talking about, why every time I chat with him will be taken away

Li Ran asked, "Dao Master Yi came to see me this time, what the hell is going on?

Isn't it really here to kill own?

"Pan Dao is here this time to remind you. Don't put yourself in a dangerous situation, and live well anyway."

Yi Qinglan said: "If you are in danger and Leng Wuyan doesn't come forward, you can go to Tianshuyuan to find a poor way."


Li Ran was taken aback and couldn't say anything: "Master Yi, this is in the heart of (Wang Li's) me?"

Yi Qinglan nodded and said: "You think so for the time being. Remember, your life is not only your own, but also related to the poor."

Before she could finish her words, Li Ran looked terrified, clutching her collar tightly, as if facing a group of weak girls with strong men.

Yi Qinglan frowned, "What's wrong with you?"

Li Ran swallowed and tremblingly said, "Dao Chang Yi, you don't like me, do you?"

Why would you come to Wuyang City deliberately just to care about him?

He also said that it was dangerous to go to the Tianshu Yuan to find her!

What a fierce pursuit!

Yi Qinglan:"

Li Ran nervously said, "Don't think that you are an emperor-level powerhouse and you can force me to subdue. I am so mighty that I can't give in. Or else you take off the veil first, and I will think about it after I read it.

Yi Qinglan muttered to herself blankly, "Forget it, let's kill it."

Li Ran:E(O vo=.

Chapter 173

Chapter 173 It's over, this time the stone hammer!

Yi Qinglan tried to control the killing intent.

The temperature in the whole teahouse dropped to freezing point in an instant, and even the tea was frozen into ice cubes, and the guests ran out exclaiming.

Li Ran swallowed, "Yi Daochang, are you sure you don't like me?"

Yi Qinglan gritted his teeth and said: "Pan Dao is very sure!"


"Then why did you suddenly come over and care about me?" Li Ran asked puzzled.

Obviously, when we met last time, she hated him very much.

Only a few days later, he took the initiative to come to Wuyang City to care about him, and said that his life is not just his own?

The changes are too great.

Yi Qinglan rubbed her eyebrows.

She really didn't know what to say.

If you tell him Lin Langming's situation, with this kid's shameless and lustful character, he might do something strange to Lang Yue.

"Pan Dao remotely senses the secrets, without distracting thoughts, don't worry about what Pin Dao thinks of you." Yi Qinggang explained helplessly.

She didn't understand why the topic got here.

Li Ran shook his head, "I don't believe it."

Yi Qinglan's eyebrows jumped wildly.

Li Ran analyzed: "There is no love or hatred for no reason in this world. I broke Lin Langming's Dao heart before, and asked her to pinch my shoulders and legs. You should hate me so much. Why would you suddenly care about me? Come on? This is not logical."

Yi Qinglan shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter, whether you believe it or not, it doesn't matter if you don't care.

"Anxious, you're anxious.

Yi Qinglan calmed down for a while.

For some reason, she couldn't get upset in the face of Sheng Ye, and she could always disturb this guy in a few words.

Li Ran thought of something at this time, "By the way, I have a way to verify whether you like me or not."

He took out a red ribbon from the storage ring and said: "We alone hold one end. If this thing does not respond, then you are innocent."

Yi Qinglan coldly said, "Pan Dao is innocent and doesn't need to prove anything to you."

Li Ran shrugged, "It's okay, it doesn't matter if you don't dare to pull, it's human nature to love men and women, don't be embarrassed."

"To shut up!"

Yi Qinglan clenched her fists and said bitterly, "Is it because the poor Dao pulled this Ribbon, can this matter be turned over?"

Li Ran nodded, "When (ajeh) Ran.


She stretched out her hand directly to hold one end, and as a result, Ribbon did not move at all.

Yi Qinglan hummed: "What can you say now?'

Just as Li Ran was about to speak, the Red Ribbon suddenly tightened.

A warm red light lit up, and the Ribbon drifted away like fine sand in the wind, and red dots of light fluttered in the air, and finally submerged in the bodies of the two.

Ribbon has also completely disappeared.

"what is this?"

Yi Qinglan frowned.

She felt something was wrong, but looking inside herself, she didn't notice any abnormalities.

Li Ran sat in a chair, like a sculpture.

He was blinded himself.

This is Magic Treasures from the ancestors, called "A Thousand Miles of Marriage".

It is said that this thing is very mysterious. It is not enough to be happy. It depends on Karma and Fate.

But now there is a reaction between them?

Too nonsense!

Li Ran murmured: "Yi Qinglan, you actually really like me!"

Yi Qinglan:""

Her eyes were sullen, and she was about to teach the other party a lesson, when her heart suddenly beat.


She stiffened and frowned.

"Little thief, what the hell are you?"

Li Ran sighed: "This is called a thousand miles of marriage, and it actually brought us together. It's really outrageous."


Yi Qinglan's eyes were warm and angry, and when she was about to take the scene, her heart beat more violently.

But even with her emperor-level strength, she couldn't find any abnormalities.

It seemed that there was a power in the air that prevented her from touching Li Ran.

"You count me?" Yi Qinglan frowned.

Li Ran told her about the Red Ribbon.

Then he said with an innocent look: "I haven't used this stuff either. The specific function is really unclear."

Yi Qinglan's brows became even tighter when he saw that his expression did not seem to be fake.

"What weird feeling did you have just now, such as a fast heartbeat?"

Li Ran shook his head, "No feeling at all."


Yi Qinglan thought for a while, and said, "You try to take a shot against the poor road.

Li Ran was taken aback, "Is this not so good?"

"Don't worry, you can't hurt the poor way."

"No, I'm afraid of hurting myself.

Finally, at Yi Qinglan's insistence, Li Ran had no choice but to agree to shoot her.

"Master Yi is careful."

Li Ran scratched her face with his right hand like electricity.

And this fast movement was slow like a snail in Yi Qinglan's eyes.

Just as she raised her hand to open it, her heart was beating violently again, which made her move a bit stagnant.

Then he watched Li Ran grab her veil.

The air was quiet instantly.

Li Ran was stunned, his eyes were a little lost, and he looked at her blankly.

Yi Qinglan reacted, suddenly turned her back to him, and whispered angrily: "You little thief, do you want to die?"

Li Ran's throat moved, "Yi Daochang, you actually look like this, too good."

"To shut up!"

Yi Qinglan's body trembled, her eyes a little angry, but more helpless.

This little thief is so Damn it, but he can't kill it.

She gritted her teeth and said: "You are not allowed to tell anyone what happened today, otherwise the poor will never let you go!"

After finishing speaking, the figure flashed and disappeared in the same place.

Her voice echoed in the air:

"Remember, never trust Sheng…"

"He said that you are a human hero, but the title he gave you is Heavenly Demon, still emphasizing your identity as Devil Dao."

"You have to concentrate on your practice, don't participate in these intrigues!"

After a while, the sound completely dissipated.

Li Ran sighed, "I don't forget to care about me at this time. Yi Daochang's affection is really deep.

"But she has a bad relationship with Master, and I must be on Master's side. I am destined to miss her.

He recalled the appearance of Yi Qinglan's veil falling.

It is difficult to describe her looks and temperament.

It is clearly dark-clouded hair, face is lined with morning glow, fair skin can be broken by blows, and small cherry lips are rosy and pink.

It looks so cute.

But the temperament is like the distant Galaxy Cluster, which is out of reach.

At this moment, Li Ran noticed the white veil on the table and couldn't help but shook his head and smiled.

"No wonder you have to wear a veil wherever you are, because your looks and temperament are seriously inconsistent~".

Chapter 174

Chapter 174 Weird perception, collapsed Yi Qinglan!

Baiyun Peak.

In the depths of the Tianshu Yuan, the head of the residence.

The room was empty, with nothing but the white walls on all sides.

Yi Qinglan Lotus Position is sitting in the middle of the room.

She ran the Dao Fa and sensed Tianxin, but found that the Dao in the body was endless, without a trace of stagnation, and was not affected in any way.

Opening his eyes, the light in his eyes flashed away.

"Strange, when I was in that teahouse, my mood was indeed confused for a moment, but why was it not affected at all?"

Tianshu Yuan's way of forgetting feelings is very special.

Although it is extremely powerful and can communicate with the world, it is easily affected by the state of mind.

If you can't maintain the ice-clear state, your strength will not be fully displayed. If you fall into the red dust, that Movement Technique force-will dissipate.

"Is Dao heart too strong?"

Yi Qinglan shook her head, unable to think of an answer.

"What kind of relationship is there?

Yi Qinglan knows Own's body well.

However, no abnormalities can be found.

The red light spot that escaped was not some energy, but something mysterious.

A strange connection was established between her and Li Ran.

"Little thief of Damn it, where are these inexplicable things?"

Boom boom boom.

At this time, the door of the room was knocked.

Deacon's voice sounded outside the door, "Master, Chief Lin is asking for a meeting."

Yi Qinglan took out a new veil and put it on, covering his face.

"Let her in."

"Yes, Chief Lin please.

The door was pushed open, and Lin Langyue walked in.

"The disciple has seen Master.

Yi Qinglan nodded, "Why do you want to be a teacher?"

Lin Langyue smiled and said with a bewildered smile: "It's nothing, I just miss Master, come and see you."

Yi Qinglan took a look at her, "You miss Li Ran, right?"

Lin Langyue's pretty face blushed, and she didn't follow the way: "Master, you are talking nonsense again~"

Yi Qinglan was angry and funny, "You have visualized that guy as Heavenly Dao. Can't you say a few words for the teacher?

Lin Langyue came over and sat down, hugging her arm and said coquettishly: "Master, don't make jokes about your disciple."

Yi Qinglan looked at her very fondly.

If it wasn't for this lover, how could she deliberately tell Li Ran?

What does death have to do with her?

However, since Lin Langming came out of the secret room, his personality has changed a lot, and his relationship with her has also become much closer.

In fact, it is not so much a change, it is better to finally remove the shell and become the true self.

Yi Qinglan does not know whether this is good or bad.

But there is no doubt that she prefers such apprentices.

Lin Langyue asked: "Master, you go to Wuyang City this time, is everything going well?"

Yi Qinglan said: "It's not going well, I guessed Sheng Ye's abacus for the teacher, and he was more determined than I thought."

Had she not seen the memory of Lin Langyue, I am afraid that Sheng Ye would not be able to change the decision.

After listening to Yi Qinglan's narration, Lin Langyue frowned slightly.

"Sheng Ye is so obsessed with this matter, can't he and Li Ran have an enemy?"

Yi Qinglan shook his head and said: "He is not at an enemy with Li Ran, but with all Sects in the world.


Lin Langyue was stunned, "Why do you say that?"

Yi Qinglan said: "As the Ninth-Five Supreme, the Holy Emperor of the Human Race, how can you accept the existence of other forces besides the imperial power?"

"Especially the top Sects, whose strength is almost equal to that of the royal family. This is like a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh for Sheng Ye."

The most important thing about the emperor's mind is to "private the world."

Only an extremely strong desire for power can achieve the supreme king status.

Lin Langyue wondered: "If this is the case, why didn't Sect join hands to overthrow the Sheng clan?"

Yi Qinglan asked back: "Why are you overthrowing?"

"Sect is asking for immortal roads, longevity, and the mundane world is just a hindrance. Someone helps them to manage the world in an orderly manner, why do they have to do it themselves?"

"Furthermore, the royal family does not mean that it can be overthrown by overthrowing.

"The Sheng clan has ruled the mundane for thousands of years, and these thousands of miles of rivers and mountains are covered by its dragon spirit. As long as the emperor's dragon spirit is immortal, Sheng Ye's chair can still sit firmly."

Lin Langyue nodded with regret.

She has been devoting herself to cultivating and knows nothing about these things, even Dragon Qi is the first time she has heard of it.

Yi Qinglan looked out the window and said lightly: "However, in the past 100 years, the dragon spirit has gradually weakened, and Sheng Ye must have become nervous.

0...for flowers…

"That's why I desperately want to make the righteous demon oppose, so that his country can be stable."

Although Yi Qinglan cuts off the red dust, she has the eye and heart, and sees these things very clearly.

Lin Langyue sighed: "Obviously, they are all emperor-level existences, and they are still so intrigued.

Yi Qinglan smiled and said: "Emperor rank does not mean detachment, there will still be various desires, among which the desire for power is the most ferocious. It is not surprising that Sheng Ye is like this.,

Lin Langyue blinked, "Then what desire does the master have?"

"As a teacher

Before Yi Qinglan finished speaking, the whole person froze, and his eyes were full of disbelief.


Lin Langyue noticed the strangeness and asked, "Master, what's the matter with you?"

Yi Qinglan was silent for a while, and said in a low voice, "It's okay, you can go out first."

Then with a wave of her sleeves, Lin Langyue was sent out by a gentle breeze.

The door closed quickly.

Yi Qinglan suddenly covered her chest, panting violently, a faint blush on her cheeks behind the veil.

"How is it possible? How can it be possible to sense even this kind of thing!

"This is thousands of miles apart, what the hell is that red line!"

She cut off her five senses, but found that it didn't help at all.

As if throbbing from the depths of the soul.

"This guy is absurd in the daytime!"

"Poor, poor way"

Yi Qinglan gritted her teeth bitterly.

She sits in the Lotus Position, working hard to run the heart spell, trying to calm down.

But the perception that came from thousands of miles away still constantly impacted her nerves.

It didn't stop until the evening.

Yi Qinglan wiped the fine sweat beads on her forehead, her eyes were no longer calm.

"The little thief finally disappeared. I want to go to dinner.

She actually felt a little tired, leaning against the wall and closing her eyes to rest, the restless Dao heart gradually calmed down.

But just half an hour later, a stronger throbbing came again.

Yi Qinglan looked out the window with a sad and indignant expression.

"Li Ran, have you ever finished!" Spoon.

Chapter 175

Chapter 175 Are you bound to Yi Qinglan?!

Li's secret place.

Li Ran looked at Li Wuchang with suspicion, "I said Lao Li, are you calculating me again?"

Old God Li Wuchang was drinking tea, "Do you think that the old man is idle, and there is nothing to do with you every day? What's wrong with this?"

Li Ran frowned and said, "What kind of relationship do you have? What is it? It always feels a little weird.

Li Wuchang shook his head, "It was accidental by the old man. It seems to involve the soul Karma. I can't see through it.

He gave him a weird look, "Don't you already use it?"

Li Ran said helplessly, "I just try it casually. I never thought it was really successful."

He stretched out his right hand and saw a red line on the inside of his wrist, like a blood vessel looming.

Since the red Ribbon dissipated, there has been such a thing on his wrist.

Li Wuchang took a closer look and did not detect any abnormalities.

"Do you feel anything strange? "Six, five, zero"

Li Ran scratched his head, "I don't feel anything, but the other party doesn't seem to be right.

Li Wuchang said: "Don't worry, this is not a evil thing, on the contrary, it implies a certain way, which is definitely beneficial and harmless…"

"E, that's fine.

Li Ran breathed a sigh of relief.

How can I say that Yi Qinglan is also here to care about him, if he really hurts the other party, he will feel sorry.

Li Wuchang picked up the teacup and asked curiously, "Who did you use it with? That little girl from the Xiao family?"

Li Ran shook his head, "No.

"Who is that?"

"Yi Qinglan.


Li Wuchang spouted a mouthful of fairy tea.

"Ahem! Yi, Yi Qinglan?!"

He looked at Li Ran in astonishment, "You're not talking about the head of the Tianshu Yuan, that emperor-level powerhouse Yi Qinglan, right?!"

Li Ran downcast, "Well, it's her."

Li Wuchang swallowed, his head humming.

Li Ran and Yi Qinglan are actually tied to a marriage?

This is too nonsense!

He came back to his senses and asked nervously, "Does Yi Qinglan know our relationship?"

Li Ran thought for a while, "I don't know, I never mentioned it to her.

Li Wuchang breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with a serious face: "Remember, don't mention my name outside in the future. You are not my grandson, and I am not familiar with you."

Li Ran covered his face and said, "As for?

"As for? That's Yi Qinglan! Don't drag the old man, he hasn't lived enough yet!" Li Wuchang blew his beard and stared at Qing.

Li Ran just remembered now.

Yi Qinglan and Li Wuchang have a grudge, and it seems that they have damaged his foundation.

"Don't worry, Lao Li, I will avenge you."

"I thank you. Just stay away from me."

Li Wuchang looked at Li Ranran, his throat tightened.

"Even she dare to provoke? That's really fat, this brat! Or daddy still run away?'

At this time, outside the Li family mansion.

The janitor Ding Zheng yawned boredly, and suddenly opened his mouth a little no longer.

I saw a group of guards dressed in gold and armor, coming to the gate mightily.

All of them were burly figures and solemn expressions, with yellow Ribbon tied around their necks, indicating their identities.

Royal guard!

Jia Ding was a little stunned for a while watching such a big show.

The guards stood on both sides, dividing a passage, and a golden sedan chair carved with a dragon fell slowly.

The girl in a bright yellow robe walked out.

She wears a pale gold veil, can't see her face clearly, and her gestures exude unspeakable extravagance.

The guard leader said loudly: "Princess Jiaolong is here, everyone in the Li family accepts the order!"

"Jiao, Princess Jiaolong?!"

Jia Ding's legs trembled, his face full of disbelief.

Is it her?

That is the most famous three princesses of the Sheng clan!

He knelt on the ground tremblingly, "Little man, see your Royal Highness!"

Sheng Zhixia nodded, "Flat, go in and give a report."

"His Royal Highness Princess Xie."

Jiading stood up, pushed open the door, and rushed into the mansion quickly.

After a while, the whole Li family became restless.

From the patriarch to the Elder, and then to the various deacons, all came to the courtyard and respectfully looked at the girl who entered the courtyard.

"Li Daoyuan, head of the Li family, pay homage to your Royal Highness the princess!"

"Meet your Royal Highness the princess!"

With Li Daoyuan's hello, everyone was about to kneel down.

Although there are clan emperors in the Li family, it doesn't mean that they can transcend the world.

In the final analysis, the Li family is still a family of Life in the imperial capital.

To them, Princess Jiaolong is a great figure!

As a result, Sheng Zhixia's Spiritual Qi surged, and everyone's knees couldn't bend down, and they couldn't kneel down at all.

Li Daoyuan was puzzled: "What does the princess mean?"

Sheng Zhixia said with a smile: "Li Ran is a human hero, the god of the world saves the devil, the Li family and the glorious, do not have to pay this gift.

"Bring things up.

She waved her hand, and the guards brought a huge plaque covered with a red cloth.

Li Daoyuan doubted: "This is"

Sheng Zhixia said: "The Emperor Sheng is grateful for Li Ran's achievements. The Li family has cultivated such a hero and deserves the honor of being immortal."

She reached out and took off the red cloth.

I saw that it was a black plaque with a dragon and phoenix "Li" on it.

The font is golden and brilliant, three points into the wood, which contains the meaning of the road, as if you can't look directly at it in a scorching sun.

Sheng Zhixia said: "This character is written by Emperor Sheng's pen. Officials of the Manchu dynasty pass by the door. Civil officials should step off the sedan chair, and military officials should dismount their horses to show their admiration."


"Shenghuang imperial pen?"


Everyone suddenly "buzzed" the pot.

Even Li Daoyuan was stunned.

The plaque inscribed by the Emperor's Royal Pen?

This is the first time that the world has opened up, and it is simply the supreme glory!

But he did not feel happy.

The emperor's heart is unpredictable, if you lift you to the sky today, you may fall into mashed flesh tomorrow!

Besides, Li Ran's identity is so special. I really don't know if this matter is good or bad.

But the things were delivered to the door, and he didn't dare not accept them.

Li Daoyuan said: "Xiaomin thank the emperor Sheng for grace, and wish the emperor Sheng Sheng health and prosperity, and long luck and prosperity.

Then the Elders walked over and carefully put away the plaque.

Sheng Zhixia walked to Li Daoyuan and said with a smile: "You are Uncle Li, right?"

Li Daoyuan was taken aback, "Uncle?"

The two met for the first time at 4.7, and the identity gap was huge. This title is too close.

Sheng Zhixia said: "The trip to this palace is hurried, so I didn't have time to prepare anything, so I prepared some small gifts. I hope my uncle will not be offended."

Speaking of the guards moving in big boxes one by one, the jewels inside were about to overflow.

Obviously they are very valuable items.

Li Daoyuan scratched his head and gave himself a gift when they met. Isn't this princess too polite?

Sheng Zhixia looked around, "Uncle, why didn't you see Li Ran, isn't he at home?"

Just as Li Daoyuan was about to speak, a voice sounded next to him:

"Princess Sheng."

Sheng Zhixia turned around and saw Li Ran striding forward.

She was a little shy, but also a little surprised, and she said, "Li, Li Holy Son"

Li Daoyuan frowned.

How does he feel that something is wrong with this princess?

Chapter 176

Chapter 176 Enter the palace, enter the treasure house!

Sheng Zhixia looked at Li Ran Ran, her eyes a little complicated.

This man is not only Devil Dao Holy Son, but also a human hero, and he holds her greatest secret.

Such a complicated identity made her feel a little flustered for no reason.

Sheng Zhixia stabilized her mind, "It's been a long time, Li Holy Son."

Li Ran smiled and said, "Didn't we just meet it two days ago?'

Sheng Zhixia was taken aback for a moment, and shook his head: "The palace has been in the palace and never went out. Li Holy Son must have remembered it wrong.


Li Ran frowned slightly.

She had come to see herself two days ago, so it is impossible to remember this thing wrong.

At this moment, he noticed the palace guard next to him, and his heart suddenly became clear.

"It seems that it should have been sneaked out, so I don't want to be known by others."

Thinking about this, Li Ran joked: "That may be because I missed the princess so much recently that I had hallucinations."

"Missing this palace?"

Sheng Zhixia's pretty face suddenly blushed, and he said shyly: "Li Holy Son, don't be kidding, what do you miss in this palace?"

Li Ran took it for granted: "Because we are friends, doesn't Princess Sheng want me?

Sheng Zhixia pinched the hem of her skirt and whispered: "Just, there is only a little bit of 09."

"A little bit is enough." Li Ran squinted with a smile.

Sheng Zhixia's eyes dodged and didn't dare to look at him.

Li Daoyuan on the side looked silly.

Looking at Princess Sheng's shy look, who would believe that if there is nothing wrong with the two of them!

"Wanjian Pavilion, Hehuan Sect, now there is another princess Jiaolong? This kid is too outrageous!"

Li Daoyuan couldn't help worrying about own's fate.


After all, there are the Li family and the palace guards nearby, and Sheng Zhixia must maintain the image of the emperor.

She cleared her throat and said, "Li Holy Son, this time I come here to send a plaque written by the imperial brush, and the other is to invite you into the palace.

"Into the palace?"

Li Ran frowned.

Could it be that Sheng Ye wanted to see him?

Yi Qinglan specially told him that Sheng Ye is the emperor's mind, only Jiangshan and Huangquan are in his eyes, not a trustworthy person.

Li Ran didn't want to get too entangled with this kind of people.

Seeing him not speaking, Sheng Zhixia saw his thoughts and whispered: "Holy Son, don't worry, my father is already Closed Door Training. It's just that the Lingbao and Immortal materials need to be selected by you, so you are invited to enter the palace. One trip."

"It turned out to be so."

Li Ran nodded, and stopped hesitating.

Sheng Zhixia looked around, "Where are Chief Yue and Qin Holy Maiden? Do they want to go to the palace together?"

Li Ran said, "Qin Ruyan, Sect has sent a letter and has already returned. As for Yue Jianli, she hasn't woken up yet.

"Isn't awake yet? It's almost noon."

Sheng Zhixia was a little puzzled, and suddenly thought of something, her cheeks instantly turned red.

She stammered: "Okay, okay, let Holy Son go into the palace alone."

After talking about running away, he walked away quickly.

Li Ran looked at her flustered back and couldn't help but wonder.

Yue Jianli practiced hard all night and just fell asleep in the morning, so he still hasn't woken up yet.

Is there any problem with this?

At this time, Li Daoyuan came over and said in a low voice: "You and Duke Jiaolong…

"It's a friend." Li Ran said seriously.

Li Daoyuan looked at him with contempt, "At the beginning you said that Yue Jianli was a friend, but what happened?


Li Ran touched his nose awkwardly, "This is really a friend."

If you treat her so badly on the flying boat, you probably hate yourself to death, right?

It may be a bit reluctant to say that friends are all.

The imperial palace is located in the center of Wuyang City.

The entire palace group climbs up in steps, the most central Jinluang Temple is also located at the highest point, and the surrounding palaces are scattered high and low, like stars arching over the moon.

Li Ran and Sheng Zhixia walked through the palace.

The surrounding buildings are magnificent and magnificent, showing the imperial coercion and majesty.

"Spray, the royal family is indeed rich and extravagant." Li Ran sighed.

Sheng Zhixia shook his head and said: "If you can choose, this palace would rather live on the mountain. Even if you look at the white clouds and wild grass, it is better than this cold stone."


Li Ran nodded, "Rather than staying in the palace and being wrapped in these vulgar objects, it is better to pick up the stars and watch the moon and see the vicissitudes of life."

"Catch the stars and watch the moon, look all over the vicissitudes of life?"

Sheng Zhixia froze for a moment, savoring it carefully, and a trace of yearning flashed in his eyes.

She looked at Li Ran's profile and murmured: "My palace really can't understand Li Holy Son more and more."


Li Ran smiled, "What do you say?

Sheng Zhixia broke his fingers and said: "You are obviously Devil Dao Holy Son, but you have a heart for the common people. You are obviously cynical and unruly, but you can always say something thought-provoking."

She sighed softly: "Li Holy Son is really a strange person.

Li Ran shook his head, "I think Princess Sheng is even stranger."

"Huh?" Sheng Zhixia was taken aback, "Why is this palace strange?"

Li Ran said, "She is a high-ranking princess, but she likes to peek at others, huh!"

Sheng Zhixia hurriedly covered his mouth and blushed and said: "Don't talk nonsense, this palace is not a peek! And, you also forced this palace to look like that, it's really bad!


Li Ran coughed suddenly.

Only then did she see a court lady passing by at a distance of 650, jumping away quickly like a frightened little rabbit.

You can't be shy, but you still have to pretend to be nothing.

Li Ran laughed and said: "Okay, anyway, you know and I know about this, no third person knows."

Sheng Zhi Xia Jiao nodded, "The palace will just reluctantly believe in you."

The two continued to walk forward, through the long corridor, and came to a huge palace.

This palace is a little different from others. It doesn't look that gorgeous, and it is full of ancient vicissitudes.

Two tall guards stood in front of the door.

The black armor covers the whole body, and even the fingers are wrapped. There is only a gap in the eyes, but it looks hollow.

Li Ran's heart shuddered slightly.

He couldn't see through the two of them.

Sheng Zhixia stepped forward and took out a token, "The emperor has an order to let Holy Son Li go into the treasure house to select the Lingbao."

The black armor guard glanced at the token, did not speak or salute.


With a soft sound, the gate of the palace opened a gap.

There was Zhanran divine light penetrating from the crack of the door, and the plaque on the door head slowly lit up with the word "Bao".

Even outside the door, you can feel the celestial spirit escaping.

Sheng Zhixia handed the token to Li Ran and said with a smile: "Li Holy Son, please enter the treasure house.".

Chapter 177

Chapter 177 The logic of the emperor, the weird red line!

This place is the treasure house of the Sheng clan.

It is said that there are thousands of years of accumulation of the Sheng clan, countless spiritual treasures and immortal materials, and even legendary sacred treasures.

Li Ran took the token, opened the door and walked in.

The divine light shone in front of him, as if passing through a curtain of water, and when he opened his eyes, he was already in a huge space.

There is no one here, there are only rows of shelves in front of you, all kinds of Lingbao fairy materials are placed on them at will, xenon hydrogen is tinged with a faint divine light.

At this time, an old voice sounded in the air:

"Only for the first treasury, the time is half an hour, ten spiritual treasures, and eight immortal materials."

"Touching means choosing, and you can't go back on it anymore."

Then there was no movement at all.

I think it should be the manager here.

Li Ran raised his brows, "Half an hour? That's enough."

He didn't worry, and walked slowly with his hands behind his back.

Behind a wall.

Sheng Ye, who is known as Closed Door Training, stood with his hands in his hands, beside him stood an old man with a sloppy figure.

Obviously, it was a solid wall from the other side, but they looked empty, and Li Ran's every move was in full view.

Sheng Ye looked at Li Ran, who was not hurried, and his eyes flickered.

"Cao Wan, what do you think of this person?"

The old man named Cao Wan looked carefully and admired: "The roots are excellent, the talent is extraordinary, it is really rare in the world!"

Sheng Ye asked again, "What else?"

Cao Wan thought for a while, and said: "The old minister has guarded the treasure house for hundreds of years. Even if the prince comes in, he can hardly hide his joy. But this young man has a calm expression and is not rushed, and his mind is also excellent."

Comparing Li Ran with the prince, it sounds a bit rebellious, but Sheng Ye didn't care.

"Good talent, excellent temperament, Leng Wuyan really has a good apprentice." Sheng Ye whispered.

Cao Wan shook his body and said in surprise, "Is this boy Leng Wuyan's apprentice?"


Sheng Ye nodded, "Not only that, even Yi Qinglan will protect him, and even turn his face with me on the spot."

Cao Wan was silent.

He is an old monster who has witnessed an era.

How terrifying Leng and Yi are, he knows better than anyone else.

The background of this young man is far beyond his imagination.

Sheng Ye said solemnly: "If he can be a Devil Dao honestly, why must he be a hero?"

Cao Wan asked, "What is your Majesty worried about?"

Sheng Ye shook his head, "Youluo Temple itself is not a pure magic door, but the cold head method is too harsh. Now there is another Holy Son like this, I am worried…"

Cao Wan added: "Your Majesty is worried that the Devil Dao's coat will be removed from the Youluo Palace, causing the power of the two realms to be out of balance?"

Sheng Ye sighed, "But it doesn't make much sense to say this now. The rise of Leng Wuyan and Yi Qing Tanlan Li Ran has been unstoppable, and even I can't stop it."

Cao Wan lowered his head.

After so many years, it was the first time he saw Sheng Ye showing such a helpless look.

"I think Zhixia seems to have a good impression of him

Sheng Ye muttered in a low voice: "Unfortunately, Youluo Palace prohibits marriage and love, otherwise you can match Zhixia with him. Wouldn't it be possible to catch both Youluo Palace and Tianshuyuan at the same time?

Cao Wan was shocked.

Just now I wanted to suppress people, so I planned to marry my daughter backhand?

Is this the logic of the emperor?

Li Ran didn't know that the two elders were observing him secretly.

He wandered around the treasure house with his hands behind his back, his eyes about to see the flowers.

There is a dazzling array of Lingbao immortal materials, the immortal spirit and light are radiant, even if you use the pupil of the broken delusion, you can't distinguish it.

However, he couldn't touch it at will, which made him a little bit scared of choice.

"Since I'm here, I have to let Sheng Ye bleed well, but I can't choose randomly."

At this moment, a familiar voice rang in his ear:

"Left shelf, first row, third.


Li Ran was taken aback, but there was no one looking around.

The voice sounded again, "Don't look, it's a poor way."

"Yi Qinglan?" Li Ran was stunned, "Are you here?"

"Pan Dao is in Feiyun Mountain, tens of thousands of miles away from you."

Yi Qinglan said: "Sheng Ye is observing you, don't say anything, you can communicate with the poor Dao with your mind.

"Sheng Ye is looking at me?"

Li Ran's eyes slightly raised, and he scanned the entire treasure house, but found nothing.

"Cut, it's not that a family doesn't enter the house. Both father and daughter have this hobby."

Yi Qinglan said at this moment: "Is there a red line on your wrist?

Li Ran nodded, "Yes, but it doesn't hurt or itchy, I don't know why it is used."

Yi Qinglan's teeth are itchy.

You don't feel the pain or itching anymore, the poor way has suffered a day and a night of sin!

She suppressed her anger and said: "||After the test of the poor road, this red line can ignore the distance, let you and me communicate with each other, and can also convey your feelings to the poor road."

"Transfer feelings?"

Li Ran was stunned, "So, don't you know what I do?"

Yi Qinglan gritted her teeth, "Do you think Peng Dao wants to know? If it wasn't for Peng Dao, I really want to kill you!"

Li Ran raised his wrist, and saw the red line flickering with dim light, which seemed to be in an "on" state.

He couldn't help reaching out and scratching.

"Don't, don't scratch!

"Huh? Why?"

Yi Qinglan's trembling voice sounded: "Don't worry, you are not allowed to touch this red line anyway!"

Li Ran: ""

Yi Qinglan calmed down and said, "You try to sink your mind into the red line to see if you can cut off your perception.

Li Ran did what he said.

He sank, and suddenly entered a dark space.

(Wang Li's) There was only a tight red thread in front of him, one end tied to his wrist, while the other end was immersed in the darkness, extending to an unknown distance.

Li Ran shook his wrist, the light on the red line gradually extinguished, and the perception was cut off.

After shaking again, the red light gradually lit up again.

Yi Qinglan's excited voice sounded, "Sure enough, the poor road's speculation is correct, you can cut off the perceptual advantage!"

This line of marriage is very strange.

She can feel Li Ran, but Li Ran cannot feel her.

And only Li Ran can cut off perception, she can only passively accept it.

Yi Qinglan's voice sounded again, "Li Ran, Fan Dao make a deal with you."

Li Ran wondered: "What deal?

Yi Qinglan said: "Pan Dao will help you find the most precious Lingbao in this treasure house, and you must ensure that you will not open the red line casually in the future, especially at and at that time!!

Li Ran: ""

Chapter 178

Chapter 178 You kid pick the expensive ones!

Li Ran decisively chose to agree.

The opening of this red line means that the other party is monitoring him. Needless to say, Yi Qinglan can't accept it himself.

And the other party can help him find the baby, why not do this?

After getting a reply, Yi Qinglan said: "You first make a few turns in the treasure house, let the poor road feel the spirit power as a whole, so that you can make the best choice."


Li Ran nodded and continued to wander around.

Behind the wall.

Sheng Ye frowned, "How long is he left?"

Cao Wan replied: "There are still less than two surnamed Xiang."

"What is he doing here? Most of the time has passed, and he didn't even get a single item?" Sheng Ye was puzzled.

Cao Wan couldn't understand either, "Could it be that there are too many treasures to look at?"

At this moment, Li Ran, who had turned twice, finally started, reaching out and picking up a piece of black soft armor.


Sheng Ye's eyes widened, "Blue Profound Armor! This is a reward given to the prince by the joint promise, why is it still here?"

Cao Wan scratched his head, "Have you given it to the prince? The old official doesn't know

"Lost Soul Clock! This baby shouldn't be on the first floor!'

"Yin & Yang mirror? He is not a female 650, so what does he use the mirror for?"

"Shuiyue Zhu Ling? Is he going to hang himself!"

Every time Li Ran took something, Sheng Ye's eyes widened.

The spirit treasures that the other party took are all the most precious here!

All kinds of Magic Treasures are piled up like a mountain here, there are many unsuccessful and useful, Spirit Power is disordered and can't be perceived.

Even with Cao Wan's eyesight, he couldn't be so precise.

But Li Ran didn't hesitate, as if he had spotted it!

Although Sheng Ye didn't use these things, it didn't mean that the other members of the royal family didn't need it.

Besides, some treasures he has promised to others.

It's embarrassing now!

"The shelf on the left, the fourth row, the fifth. The blood-transforming Xuanyuan needle, killing people is invisible, and Realm is extremely difficult to guard against.

"The longbow on the front weapon rack has the meaning of destroying demons, and it should also have its own magical powers."

"The inconspicuous black grass on the right front is the top fairy material Nine You Grass, capable of refining Nine Cycles Soul Recovery Pill."

"Behind you"

Under Yi Qinglan's guidance, Li Ran strolled around the courtyard and collected all kinds of spiritual treasures.

Sheng Ye's face became more and more ugly.

He suddenly regretted it.

You shouldn't just open the treasure house and let him choose in order to observe this kid, you should choose it directly to him!

Actually, he is not stingy, but these are countless spirit treasures. I don't know how many people in the clan stared at them, but they were all taken away by him!

Before he knew it, Li Ran had already obtained nine spirit treasures and eight immortal materials, and there was still the last one to choose from.

At this time, Yi Qinglan seemed to notice something.

"You move the weapon rack in front of you.


Li Ran did what he said.

After removing the shelf, I saw a huge sword standing behind, the whole body appeared black and black, and there was a faint red light flowing at the edge of the blade.

It looks very evil.

Yi Qinglan said: "This sword is called Guxie, which can be regarded as a monster. It has a strong bloodthirsty and violent aura. It is difficult for ordinary people to suppress. But you have the blood of Emperor Blood Demon, so it shouldn't be a problem to use it."

Li Ran nodded, "Then it's up to you."

He stretched out his hand to grab the Guxie Sword.

As a result, as soon as I started, the giant sword shook violently, and the scarlet light circulated on the pitch black sword, as if it was about to break free!

"Not satisfied?"

An uncomfortable flashed in Li Ran's eyes.

His eyes instantly dyed red, his right arm suddenly became thick, and a faint Blood Qi xenon hydrogen came out.

Guxiejian immediately calmed down.

It seemed that he had become a little sheep directly from the evil wolf, and it was a bit outrageous to be docile.

Li Ran waved a few times.

The wind howled in the treasure house, and the ferocious killing intent diffused from the blade.

"It's pretty smooth."

Li Ran put away the great sword with satisfaction.

Yi Qinglan whispered: "I have chosen things for you, remember (ajeh) our agreement."


Li Ran stretched out his hand and scratched the red line, "Don't worry."

Yi Qinglan was ashamed and indignant, "You're here.."

Before he finished speaking, he cut off perception directly.

"Want to scold me? There is no door." Li Ran grinned smirkly.

He raised his head and asked, "I have selected things, so let's go out."

As a result, there was no sound in the treasure house.

Behind the wall.

Cao Wan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, his eyes a little flustered.

Sheng Ye was silent for a while, and said in a low voice: "I should have told you that I want to put this Guxie sword in the secret room?"

Cao Wan swallowed, "The old official put the sword on the shelf specially, and he was going to put it away."

He never expected that Li Ran would push the shelf away!

Sheng Ye patted him on the shoulder, "Give you three days. As much as Li Ran takes, you will make up for me.

After speaking, he turned and left.

Cao Wan wanted to cry without tears.

Do evil!

"What about people?"

When Li Ran was still wondering, a flower suddenly appeared before his eyes, and he opened his eyes and appeared outside the door.

Sheng Zhixia was waiting outside, and when he saw him coming out, he hurried to greet him.

"How about, did you choose any good things?"

Li Ran smiled and said, "I chose good things. I guess your father is going to bleed heavily this time."


Sheng Zhixia said indifferently: "It's just a few pieces of spiritual treasures, and the father is not so stingy."

Li Ran nodded, "Okay, I have finished choosing things, then I will go back first?"

"Wait a moment "

Sheng Zhixia grabbed his sleeve and whispered, "I've come here, do you want to sit in the palace?"

Li Ran frowned, "Go to your palace? Not suitable, right."

He doesn't care, but the other party is a daughter of gold, so he is not afraid of being gossiped?

Sheng Zhixia shook her head, "My palace is not so hypocritical, and it's just drinking tea and chatting. What's wrong?"

Li Ran thought for a while, "That's OK, let's lead the way."


Sheng Zhixia looked cheerful and seemed very happy.

The two came all the way to Yujiao Pavilion.

Sheng Zhixia screened the maid outside the door and walked into the bedroom with Li Ran.

She smiled and said, "Sit down first, and I will get some good tea for you.

After speaking, he hopped and ran out.

Li Ran looked around.

I saw that the bedroom area was huge and the decoration was magnificent, but the decorations and furnishings in the house were full of girlish atmosphere.

"I didn't expect Princess Sheng to have a girlish heart~"

He wandered with his hands behind his back.

Outside the palace gate.

Sheng Anyi is walking towards this side.

"Strange, why is there no one at the door? What is that girl Zhixia doing?"

The corners of her mouth were slightly cocked, and she crept in. .

Chapter 179

Chapter 179 Sheng Zhixia's secret has been revealed!

Sheng Anyi walked into the bedroom quietly.

I saw no one in the hall. After going around the screen, I saw a figure shaking slightly behind the curtain.

There was a smirk at the corner of her mouth.

He walked over, then suddenly lifted the curtain and hugged the opponent directly.

"Smelly girl, what are you doing here-…huh?"

Sheng Anyi scratched it, feeling something wrong.

Own Little Sister, doesn't seem to have such strong muscles, right?

And this head is too high.

She raised her head in confusion, her pupils couldn't help shrinking!

It's actually a man!

This is the Jade Jiao Pavilion, the bedroom of the three princesses.

Except for her and the personal palace maid, no one has come in, including the father!

How can a man appear at this time, still wearing casual clothes?

Reminiscing that there was no one outside the door, a thought suddenly flashed through Sheng Anyi's mind.

The palace is thief!

And trespassing into the bedroom, is still a flower picker with unruly intentions!


Li Ran looked dumbfounded.

When the other party came in, he noticed it.He thought he was just trying to scare himself, but he didn't expect to jump directly on him!

"I haven't found Princess Sheng so unrestrained before?"

He just turned his head, a cold light lit up, and a dagger was stabbed!

Sheng Anyi said angrily: "A thief, don't die!'

Li Ran grabbed the head and pressed the opponent against the wall with his backhand, frowning and saying, "Are you crazy?"

Sheng Anyi struggled fiercely, "A thief, it's a capital crime to be in the palace, do you want to live?"

Li Ran wondered: "What thief, you didn't let me in, huh? You changed your clothes so quickly?"

"What are you talking about?

Sheng Anyi looked up, and her whole body was stunned for an instant.

"Li, Li Li Li Ran?!"

Isn't this Heavenly Demon Li Ran, how could he appear here?

Li Ran looked at the familiar pretty face in front of him, always feeling something was wrong.

After perceiving it carefully, I found that the breath of the other party was completely different, and suddenly realized something.

"You are not Sheng Zhixia, who are you?"

"I "

Just as Sheng Anyi was about to speak, there was a sudden footstep behind him.

"Li Holy Son, this spiritual tea is first-class"

The voice stopped abruptly.


The tea can fell to the ground and smashed to pieces.

Sheng Zhixia looked at them blankly.

I saw Li Ran pressing Sheng Anyi against the wall, while Sheng Anyi's hand was still holding his arm, and the two were close to each other, looking very close.

Sheng Zhixia's eyes were suddenly covered with mist.

She held her small mouth, and said aggrieved: "Big sis, how can you do this?"

Sheng Anyi said with difficulty: "Zhixia, listen to me to explain to you."

Li Ran looked at these two extremely similar faces, his throat tightened, "Or, can you explain it to me first?"

After a while.

The three of them stared wide-eyed while sitting on the chairs.

Sheng Zhixia said speechlessly: "So Big sis, are you treating Li Holy Son as a flower picker?"

Sheng Anyi lowered her head and said embarrassedly: "You haven't even entered the palace, let alone other men, and you're wearing casual clothes."

Sheng Zhixia shook her head and smiled bitterly, "Then you have to see clearly, it's too impulsive to do it directly.

Sheng Anyi's head dropped lower, "This is my palace's fault, I'm sorry, Li Holy Son."

"It's okay."

This was a misunderstanding, and Li Ran didn't care.

He squeezed his chin and looked at the two of them, "Are you twins?"

Sheng Zhixia shook his head and said, "No, Big sis is three years older than me. We are just looking like.,

Li Ran was taken aback, "That's too similar!"

Their eyebrows are almost the same, unless you look carefully, you can see a little difference.

Otherwise, he wouldn't fail to recognize it for the first time.

Even twins rarely have such a high degree of similarity.

Sheng Anyi said: "The father is a powerful emperor, and it is difficult to give birth to heirs. It is necessary to resort to the secret method of the Sheng clan. This is why we are so similar."

Sheng Zhixia added: "If we don't wear palace dresses, even people close to us might admit mistakes.

Li Ran nodded.

If you really want to say the difference between them, it may be that the breath is different.

Sheng Anyi is more gentle and weak, such as Yangliu Fufeng, while Sheng Zhixia is full of youthful vitality.

At this time, Sheng Zhixia recalled: "I remember that Big sis had a breath-isolating hood. After putting it on, even the mother and queen almost admitted wrong."

0...…Look for flowers.

"The breathless hood?

Li Ran was stunned for a moment.

Thinking of all the previous things, and then looking at Sheng Anyi, whose face was flushed, she suddenly reacted.

"So you were the one who came to me that day?"

No wonder she suddenly wanted to look at the photo-taking stone, co-authoring it is not Shengzhixia at all!

Sheng Zhixia was puzzled: "Big sis also went to see Li Holy Son?"

Sheng Anyi's face blushed and she almost got under the table.

Li Ran said in a huff: "It's not just looking for me, but also pretending to be you and asking me to show her the video."


Sheng Zhixia stood up suddenly and stammered: "Sister, Big sis has already seen the video?"

Sheng Anyi nodded as if resigning, and said in a low voice: "I heard you said that Li Holy Son did strange things to you, and worried that you were deceived, so he took advantage of the situation."

"Then you can't really watch it either!"

Sheng Zhixia covered her face and stepped on her feet in shame.

When I thought of the shameless scene being seen by Big sis, my heart was panicked and I wanted to find a place to sew in.

Sheng Anyi also shyly said: "I didn't expect it to be like that!"

Both of them pulled their heads together, looking faceless.

Li Ran smiled and said, "It's okay, anyway, you two are about the same length. Who knows if this is Big sis or Little Sister?"

Sheng Zhixia shook his head, "I was wearing a Jiao robe, and Big sis was Princess Jinyun, and the palace skirt was embroidered with auspicious clouds. This can be seen from this glance."

Li Ran shrugged, "Then I can't help it."

Sheng Zhixia's eyes rolled, as if thinking of something, she whispered in Sheng Anyi's ear.

Sheng Anyi's pretty face flushed instantly, and her head shook into a rattle, "No, absolutely not!"

Sheng Zhixia pouted: "That's not fair, if Big sis disagrees, I will ignore you again!

"Yes, but that's too

Sheng Anyi looked very tangled.

"It doesn't matter, it will be fine in a while! Anyway, it's not someone else.

Sheng Zhixia dragged her into the bedroom, pulled up the curtains, poked her head out and said, "Li Holy Son is not allowed to peek."

Li Ran: "Huh?" Spoon.

Chapter 180

Chapter 180 One handle has become two?

Li Ran didn't know what they were doing.

While drinking spiritual tea in the hall, while waiting bored.

It took about a surname of Xiang before the curtain was lifted slowly, and the two walked out from behind the screen.

Sheng Zhixia carried her hands on her back, with a successful smile on her mouth.

And Sheng Anyi followed suit step by step.

She had a loose bun, her luxurious palace dress was a little messy, her face was flushed with blood, and she dared not see anyone with her head down.

Li Ran looked at the state of these two people, wondering: "What did you do just now?"

Sheng Zhixia smiled and said, "It's nothing, that's it."

Before she finished speaking, Sheng Anyi hurriedly covered her mouth, "Don't talk nonsense, or I will really get angry."

Sheng Zhixia pushed her hand away, pouting: "I will show it to Li Holy Son sooner or later anyway."

"Can't give it to him!"

Sheng Anyi held her weakly, her eyes filled with panic.

Sheng Zhi "Six-Five Zero" Xia patted her on the shoulder, "Don't worry, who can tell that it is you? This is fair to both of us."

Sheng Anyi said bitterly: "But what does this matter have to do with me!

Sheng Zhixia shrugged, "Who made Big sis pretend to be me and deceive people and peeked at my secret?"

"I didn't lie, I cared about you"

Sheng Anyi's voice is getting smaller and smaller, and his confidence is a little lacking.

Although her starting point is good, she does have the nature of deception, which is irrefutable.

Li Ran scratched his head, "What are you talking about, why can't I understand a word?"

Sheng Zhixia came over and said with a smile: "Li Holy Son, how about we make a deal?"


Li Ran frowned, "What deal?"

Sheng Zhixia stretched out her hand, and placed a cyan photo-taking stone in her palm, "Use this stone for my one."

"What's inside?" Li Ran wondered.

Sheng Zhixia gave him the photo-taking stone, "Holy Son Li will see it."

"can not watch!"

Sheng Anyi exclaimed and was about to jump over.

But Li Ran's Spirit Power has been injected into it, and a clear picture is projected in the air.

The palace is quiet.

Sheng Anyi froze in place, her face flushed like blood.

Even Sheng Zhixia turned his head shyly.

Li Ran looked at the video, his blood pressure soared, and his nosebleeds almost came out.

He swallowed, and said with difficulty: "What, what does this mean?"

Come to test the cadre's determination again?

Sheng Zhixia said: "This is what I just recorded for Big sis."

Li Ran puzzled: "Then why do you want to show it to me?"

Sheng Zhixia explained: "I was wearing a dragon robe on the previous photo-taking stone, and I could tell my identity at a glance."

"And this time Big sis changed into a heart suit, basically no one can tell, no one knows whether this image is me or Big sis.

Li Ran was speechless for a while.

What kind of shirt, isn't it just a bellyband!

He wondered: "But what good is this for you?"

Is it purely for the sake of sister?

Sheng Zhixia hummed: "Big sis took a peek at my secret, which is not fair to me. So I decided to turn it into a secret for both of us!

Li Ran: ""

This brain circuit is too strange!

Sheng Anyi had already covered her face and dared not see anyone.

Sheng Zhixia said, "How about, Li Holy Son, there is nothing to lose to you anyway."

"That's true "

Li Ran looked at the picture stone in his hand.

One handle has become two, as if he still earned it?

"make a deal."

Li Ran put away the shadow stone, then threw the previous piece to her.

Sheng Zhixia reached out and took it, and put it away happily.

"Drink tea, drink tea."

Li Ran sat for a while, seeing Sheng An looking ashamed and impatience, it was inevitable that he was also a little embarrassed.


He stood up and said, "It's getting late, then I'll go back first."

"Okay, I'll send it.

Sheng Zhixia was about to stand up and was held down by Sheng Anyi.

She dodged her eyes and said in a low voice, "I'll take Li Holy Son out."

Sheng Zhixia tilted her head and thought, "That's fine.

It just so happened that she planned to destroy the previous shadow stone first.

Sheng Anyi walked to the door, "Li Holy Son, please."

Li Ran nodded and followed her out.

Along the way, the two were silent.

Sheng Anyi's expression was tangled, and some hesitations stopped.

Seeing that she was about to walk out of the palace, she plucked up the courage and said, "Li Holy Son, you must never show the photo-taking stone to others."

Li Ran nodded, "Don't worry, no one else will see it except myself."

Sheng Anyi blushed and said, "You are not allowed to see, you must forget what you saw just now!"

Li Ran thought about it for a while and muttered: "That's probably not forgotten..

Sheng Anyi's face turned redder when she heard that, she gritted her teeth and said bitterly: "If you know that stinky girl in Xia, you know to bully this palace!"

"Calm down, get used to it 0" Li Ran said with a smile.

"How do you get used to this kind of thing! It's really ugly to let this palace look like that." Sheng Anyi's eyes were full of resentment.


Li Ran scratched his head and said, "I have something to say, it's still pretty. Princess Sheng has a really good figure."

She has a similar body shape than Sheng Zhixia, but she is a little weaker, and she seems to have a pitiful feeling.

"You, you are not allowed to talk nonsense!"

Sheng An stepped on her feet ashamedly, "It's not good at all!"

Faced with Li Ran's playful eyes, she was flustered, picked up her skirt and fled.

Looking at her slender figure, Li Ran couldn't help shook his head.

"It's really pretty, I won't let people talk about it

Back to Li Mansion.

A group of people were busy in front of the door, Jia Ding stepped on the ladder to climb up to the door.

Li Daoyuan stood below and commanded, "Go to the left, a little bit to the left, and the right is right."

Li Ran walked over, "Father, what is this?"

Li Daoyuan replied: "Isn't Sheng Huang bestowing a plaque, I'll let someone hurry up and hang it up."

Li Ran raised his brow slightly as he looked at the character "Li" that used to be a dragon and a snake.

"In my opinion, let's hang up to the back door."

Li Daoyuan was taken aback for a moment, "Backdoor? Is there anything wrong, this is the 4.7 of the imperial brush!"

Although he didn't catch a cold on this matter, after all, it was written by the emperor himself, so Face should be in place.

Li Ran shook his head and analyzed: "Li Mansion faces the most prosperous street. There are countless high-ranking officials coming and going. As a result, they have to dismount their horses and sedan chairs now. I am afraid it will cause dissatisfaction and cause trouble."

"Hanging on the back door also seems that my Li family is low-key, not arrogant."

Li Daoyuan looked at him suspiciously, "In fact, you don't think so in your heart?"


Li Ran cleared his throat, "Of course, the main reason is that I feel unhappy with Sheng Ye. I feel uncomfortable with this brand."

He already knew what had happened at the palace.

If it hadn't been for Yi Qinglan to support him, this feat would really have been wiped out by the other party.

Li Daoyuan covered his face.

"Look at the emperor's upset? You really dare to say anything!