
I really don't want to fall in love with my master

This novel is specifically designed for my one so I don't care about anything

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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50 Chs

161 to 170

Please, I Really Didn't Want To Fall in Love With My Master! Chapter 161 Online

Chapter 161

Chapter 161 Close the door and let Li Wuchang!

Li Ran is not Wu Chengkong's opponent.

He and the other side are separated by a few big Realms. This is an iron fact and an irreparable gap.

But if you fail to fight, it doesn't mean you have to admit counsel.

Xiao Qingge is his woman, and the other party's words are up to this point, he can't turn a deaf ear to it.

When facing the weak, you will be prestigious, and when the strong come, you will be a turtle?

Then talk about smashing the sky, wearing a Galaxy Cluster!

At this time, Li Ran's body was full of xenon hydrogen, and his blood was rolling like a big river, rushing in his body!

Not even one step back!

"Li Lang"

Xiao Qingge looked at his back, bit his lips gently, mist filled his eyes.

Feng Wanjiang looked at Li Ran, his heart was a little bit angry.

He knew that this demon was very strong, but he didn't expect it to be so strong!

It doesn't matter if Realm crushes him, this pound of carbon Buddha power, and the tumbling blood makes people shudder!

"What a monster!" He exclaimed in his heart.

Wu Elder's eyes also flashed with surprise, "Are you still a dual cultivation of Buddhism?"

Although this Buddha power is not vast in his opinion, it is pure to the extreme, as if it is a high monk who has been enshrined in front of the Buddha for hundreds of years!

09 Li Ran's faint Blood Qi looks familiar, it seems to be

"Blood Demon Emperor Bloodline?"

However, what surprised him most was the golden ancient seal that spread out from the neckline, exuding the aura from the ancient times.

Even if he looked carefully, he couldn't help but feel palpitations!

"How many adventures does this guy have? How can he have such a background when he is less than twenty!"

This is no longer a problem that can be explained by talent!

"In time, this son will surely crush Wanzong!"" Wu Elder's heart shook slightly.

He frowned and looked at Li Ran, his eyes changed, as if he was weighing something.

Not only a little bit ready to move, but also a little scrupulous and jealous.

After a while, Wu Elder said: "Li Holy Son knows what he is talking about? The Shinto Palace is the supreme master of the right way. How dare you be incompetent?"

Li Ran sneered and said, "A Transcends Tribulation Elder, who came to the mundane family to be majestic, threatened and tempted to take people away. Isn't this a sign of incompetence?

Wu Elder didn't change his face, "Xiao Qingge is my fairy palace disciple, and the old man is just performing his duties.

"She is no longer a disciple of the Shinto Palace!"

Li Ran coldly said: "The disciple Cultivation Base was accidentally lost, and he was kicked out without hesitation. Can you do your duty to Sect?"

"Now that she sees her talent regained, she has become your fairy palace disciple again? It's really ridiculous!

Wu Elder narrowed his eyes, "What does Li Holy Son mean?"

Li Ran said, "I mean, where are you going back and forth, Xiao Qingge doesn't want to go to the Shinto Palace, no one can force her!"

As soon as this remark came out, the atmosphere instantly died down.

The Xiao family squeezed a lot of sweat.

The opposite is Transcends Tribulation, who can smooth the Xiao family with one hand!

Wu Elder's black robe has no wind and automatically, his voice is like a cold wind, "It seems that Li Holy Son, I can't move you if I'm right!"

The air in the hall was dignified, and the powerful pressure spread, and everyone's faces were pale, as if a big rock was pressing on their bodies.

Li Ran was the first to bear the brunt, his chest became stuffy, and even his breathing became difficult.

But he still refused to back down.


Wu Elder grinned with anger, "Nascent Soul kid, do you really think you can stop the old man?"

His sleeves swayed, and the spiritual pressure spread.

Li Ran's whole body of Spirit Power was instantly blocked, and even the tossing blood was suppressed, and he was frozen in place like a sculpture, unable to move a finger!

I can only watch Wu Elder walk towards Xiao Qingge.

Seeing that Xiao Qingge was about to fall into the opponent's hands, Li Ran suddenly became anxious.

He urged the heavenly power to the extreme and tried to ban the right thumb. break through.

A golden light flashed in his hand, and a Buddha bone fell into his palm.

Crush it directly!

The majestic Foli suddenly spewed out, finally giving him a little gap.

But Li Ran didn't do anything, but instead gathered all the Buddha powers and roared in the form of six-character mantra:

"Old head Li, if you don't do anything again, your grandson-in-law will be taken away!"

Accompanied by a faint Sanskrit voice, the roar resounded through the sky.

Re-echoing the sound under the control of Li Ran Ran, rolling towards the sky above Li Mansion!

"Old Li Tou Li Tou"

Li Wuchang, who was beating a ton in a secret place, said in a daze, "Who? Who called daddy?"

He frowned and felt-down, and instantly came to his senses.

"Dare to bully my grandson?!"

Wu Elder was stunned for a moment, and then laughed dumbfounded, "Li Holy Son is struggling to roar with such a voice? Hahaha!"

Li Ran glared at him without speaking.

Wu Elder proudly said: "The old man is the pinnacle of Transcends Tribulation! As long as it is not an emperor's shot, who can stop the old man?"

After speaking, he reached out and grabbed Xiao Qingge.

But just as soon as he was about to touch her, a big blood-red hand appeared in the void, and he slapped him into the ground with a slap!

Li Wuchang's unhappy voice sounded, "A Transcends Tribulation waste, dare to bully my grandson?"

Wu Elder felt sorry.

Feeling the pressure from the depths of the soul, he said in amazement: "Emperor-level powerhouse? How is this possible?!"

Li Ran was already free at this time, shook his head and said, "You didn't inquire about it before you came. Do you really think my Li family is a soft persimmon?"

"Li Family?"

Wu Elder suddenly thought of something, "It's Li Wuchang! The bang mad demon Li Wuchang, he hasn't died yet at 633!"


The atmosphere is quiet.

Li Ran looked at him sympathetically.

Then the blood-red big hand shot like crazy, and the entire Xiao family seemed to be experiencing ten eighth-level earthquakes!

Li Wuchang's desperate voice echoed in the air:

"Who allowed you to nickname daddy?"

"What tied the bang crazy demon, daddy is clearly called the prison lock crazy dragon!"

"Dog stuff, of course daddy is not dead, and he must live longer than you!"

Wu Elder couldn't move at all.

The whole person was like a tree stump, and was shot into the ground abruptly, with only one head exposed outside.

At this time, the nose is swollen, the hair is scattered, and there is no such thing as a strong Transcends Tribulation.

Li Ran covered his face.

Is the dark history of Old Li Tou well known?


Watching this scene, Feng Wanjiang couldn't help but split his liver and gallbladder!

In addition to Leng Wuyan, Li Ran actually has an emperor-level master to support him?

What a shit!

He swallowed, turning around and exposing his hands and feet and was about to slip away.

As a result, he ran into a tall figure head-on.

He looked up, his face was earthy, and the mountain smiled: "Li, Li Sheng."

Li Ran looked at him condescendingly, clenched his fists and made a crackling sound, smiling very brightly.

"Don't go in a hurry, they play theirs, we play ours."

Chapter 162

Chapter 162 Li Wuchang's loss trick!

An hour later.

The earthquake finally stopped.

Half of the Xiao family has been turned into ruins, and everyone in the Xiao family stood helplessly on the street, looking dumbly at the ruins in front of them.

In the courtyard.

The big red hand is carrying Wu Chengkong, and Li Ran is carrying Feng Wanjiang in his hand.

The two men were completely undressed, and they were motionless like two dead dogs.

Li Wuchang scolded angrily: "A child of Transcends Tribulation, dare to call daddy's name directly? It's almost the same after changing to the head of the Shinto Palace!"

Obviously, the four words "tie bang crazy demon" deeply stimulated his nerves.

Li Ran was taken aback, "Old Li, how do you know that he is from the Shinto Palace? Do you know him?"

"How can I recognize this kind of waste?"

Li Wuchang said: "The Taoism on this person is exactly the same as Chen Yundao's bull nose. It must be that the Shinto Palace has not run away."

"Bull nose"

Li Ran shook his head and smiled.

That was an emperor-level powerhouse, and few people in the entire vast land dared to say that.

Li Ran looked at Feng Wanjiang, who was dying, and there was a trace of fierceness in his eyes.

The light in the hand quietly condenses.

At this time, Li Wuchang's voice sounded, "Boy, I know what you want to do, but I advise you not to do this."

Li Ran frowned, "Why?"

Li Wuchang said: "Because this will not only offend Chen Yundao, but also give him a rightful chance to make a move.

Li Ran's eyes flickered.

"I have the Youluo Temple as a backing. The big deal is when Sect is repaired to the emperor level and then come out, Wuyang City will also be protected by you, what else can I worry about?"

"this "

Li Wuchang's awkward voice sounded, "But the old man can't beat him."

Li Ran wondered: "Aren't you also an emperor? It stands to reason that it should be the same?"

"Who told you?"

Li Wuchang explained: "Emperor rank is only the collective name of Realm, and the real strength needs to be considered and supernatural powers. Just like you are Nascent Soul, but how many Nascent Souls are your opponents in the world?"

"Emperor ranks are also divided into ordinary and genius, like Leng Wuyan and Chen Yundao belong to genius, and old cough cough, at most personal talent~"."

"And the emperor level is not the end. Forget it, you don't understand too much."

Li Ran shook his head, "In short, you are the one who persuaded."

Li Wuchang surprisingly did not refute, but said indifferently: "Niubi used his own power to suppress the entire Devil Dao. If Leng Wuyan was born, I am afraid that Devil Dao is already in the wind."

"You haven't experienced those years, and you don't know what the three words'Chen Yundao' mean. "

"If he really makes a move, I can barely protect the Li family, but the Xiao family will definitely not be able to."

Li Ran's eyes were a bit solemn.

Li Wuchang has always felt cynical and seldom speaks so seriously. It seems that he is really not easy to provoke.

Li Wuchang continued: "Li Ran, you are a genius who will definitely prove and proclaim the emperor. For you, the most important thing is time. Don't fall until you are invincible, otherwise everything will be empty talk.

"Don't get a handle on people like Chen Yundao and Yi Qinglan, if they get off the court, I'm afraid everything will stop!"

Li Wuchang said these words from the bottom of his heart.

The vast land is vast and outstanding, and countless geniuses are born every year, but how many people can really ask?

Most of them are not halfway, or lack of xinxing.

Regardless of his character or aptitude, Li Ran has only seen him in his life. The only thing he needs now is growth time.

In order to be a waste of Gold Core, why take this risk?

Li Ran himself understands this truth.

He looked at Feng Wanjiang and said with regret: "Then let him go like this?"

This guy threatened Xiao Qingge.

Just let him go, Li Ran was upset.

Li Wuchang pondered for a moment, and a red light fell into Feng Wanjiang's Dantian.

His muddy body trembled, a flash of flushing across his face, and then he passed out again.

Li Ran wondered: "Old Li, what did you just do?"

Li Wuchang sullenly said: "I used a secret method to lock his essence. As long as this guy doesn't reach the Transcends Tribulation level, he will never be hardened."


Li Ran shivered, "Your move is too bad, right?"

Li Wuchang didn't get angry: "Isn't it to vent your anger to your kid?"

Li Ran glanced at Wu Chengkong and said, "Then don't favor one another and lock this old thing."

"no need.

Li Wuchang said: "He has a loss of essence and lack of kidney qi, so he has long been considered a man."

Li Ran shook his head.

These two are really hard brothers.

Li Wuchang's transformed big red hand clamped the two with his thumb and middle finger, and flew out with a "bang".

They crossed a beautiful arc and completely disappeared from sight.

Li Ran put up a pergola and watched them turn into light.

Li Wuchang said in a voice transmission: "I have to go back, I am too active today, and Sheng Ye should trouble me for a while."

"Okay, I'll go back to find you in secret later." Li Ran nodded.

The big red hand in the void dissipated.

Li Ran moved his shoulders, and just turned his head back, the whole person was stunned.

I saw that everyone in the Xiao family was pitiful and helpless, and the half of the Xiao Mansion behind them was turned into ruins.


Li Ran was a little embarrassed.

He and Lao Li just hit too high, and accidentally killed the Xiao family.

"Li Lang!'

Xiao Qingge Ruyan threw herself into his arms like a forest, rubbing like a little cat.

"When did you come back?"

"I miss you so much!

"Elder Natake was scary just now."

She hugged Li Ran tightly, as if she couldn't finish her words.

"It's okay, I'm here." Li Ran rubbed her head fondly.

"Nephew Li Xian.

Xiao Nian walked over at this time and cupped hands said: "Thank you, Nephew Li Xian, for your help. My Xiao family owes you another great kindness!"

Li Ran shook his head, "I'm sorry, Uncle Xiao, made the Xiao family like this."

Xiao Nian said sternly: "What is a house? People are the root! If Qingge is taken away today, the consequences would be unthinkable!"

Shinto Palace is obviously unkind.

If Xiao Qingge was taken up the mountain, he really didn't know what he would face.

Li Ran thought for a while and said, "I will send someone over to help you (Wang Haohao) clean and repair it together, and try to restore Xiao Mansion to its original state as soon as possible.

"Before this, please go to my Li's house and stay for a while."

Xiao Nian shook his head and refused and said, "You don't have to worry about your nephew. The Xiao family has many restaurants in the city, so you can settle down completely, but it's Qing Ge."

He smiled and said, "Why don't you go to Li's house for a few days?'

Xiao Qingge was taken aback, "Why am I the only one to go?"

Xiao Nian leaned in her ear and muttered something.

Xiao Qingge's cheeks became redder and red, and finally covered her face shyly, and said strangely: "Father, what are you talking about, I don't want to care about you!"

Li Ran looked at the two with a blank face.

Xiao Nian patted him on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "Nephew, come on!"


ps: At least 50,000 characters are guaranteed every day, and the last one is usually around 11 o'clock.

The road is getting worse and worse recently, and the number of rollovers has increased significantly. It takes half a day to deal with problems every day

Chapter 163

Chapter 163 Sheng Zhixia is in love?!

Wuyang Palace.

Jade Jiao Pavilion.

Sheng Zhixia sat on a chair, hung her chin and looked out the window, with a very complicated expression.

Sometimes shy, sometimes worried, sometimes reluctant

The experience of the past few days has left a deep mark in her mind, and she cannot forget it anyway.

"That devil, actually doing that kind of thing to this palace, it's too much!"

Sheng Zhi Xia Qiao's face was blushing, and her bright eyes were full of shame and anger.

At this moment, a female voice rang in her ear, "Who did something to you?"

"He took me."

Just as Sheng Zhixia was about to answer the conversation, she suddenly reacted and hurriedly covered her mouth.

Turning around, I saw a woman standing behind her, looking at her with a smile.

She wore a white auspicious cloud palace dress, which looked very similar to her, as if carved out of a mold.

"Big sis, how come you walk without a sound?" Sheng Zhi Xia Jiao groaned.

This person is her second sister.

The second princess of the Sheng clan, and the princess of Jinyun Sheng Anyi.

Sheng Anyi laughed and said: "The door is almost broken by me. You have no reaction at all. What are you thinking about so fascinated?"

Sheng Zhixia shook her head and said: "I didn't think about anything, just in a daze.


Sheng Anyi squeezed her smooth chin, and said suspiciously: "I don't think it looks like 633. I was still biting just now, saying who has done too much to you.


Sheng Zhixia blushed and said, "Big sis must have heard it wrong!"

Sheng Anyi looked at Little Sister's shy appearance and frowned: "Zhixia, you are not in love anymore, are you?"

"Love, love, love?!"

Sheng Zhixia stood up suddenly and said incoherently: "Big sis, don't talk nonsense, I and I are not in love! Besides, how can I fall in love with him?!"

Sheng Anyi tilted her head and said, "So, who is he?"

Sheng Zhixia covered her mouth, and her black and white eyes were full of panic.

I missed it!

In the palace.

Sheng Anyi sat on the chair with serious and serious eyes.

Sheng Zhixia stood opposite her, her fingers tangled together, like a child who had made a mistake.

She hugged her shoulders and asked: "Let's talk about it, how far are you already?"

"this "

Sheng Zhixia didn't know what was thinking of her, her cheeks blushed, and she couldn't speak.

Sheng Anyi was shocked when she saw this, "You will not have

"of course not!"

(ajeh) Sheng Zhixia hurriedly said: "We only met for a few days, nothing happened at all!'

At the same time, I added:

In addition to making the other party tied up, a shameful video was also recorded.

Sheng Anyi looked at Little Sister carefully, and saw that it was indeed the same as before, and then he was relieved.

Although Sheng Zhixia is very talented and has a compassionate temperament, he is very simple in nature.

Sheng Anyi was really worried that she was deceived.

"I've known each other for a few days, so you don't want to stay away? It seems that this little brother is very attractive."

"Who is out of mind? I didn't think of him." Sheng Zhixia defended.

But the voice sounds unassuming.

"I really didn't think about it?" Sheng Anyi asked with a smile.

Sheng Zhixia whispered: "I admit that there is a little bit, but it is definitely not because I like him, but something else happened."

Sheng Anyi said, "Let's talk about how you feel about him in your heart. I'll help you analyze it."

Sheng Zhixia thought for a while, and said: "It's just a little annoying, a little shy, and a little bit too."


Sheng Anyi added.

Sheng Zhixia blushed, and measured it with her thumb and index finger, "Just, just a little bit."


Sheng Anyi couldn't help but laugh, "Little Sister, congratulations, you are in love."


Sheng Zhi Xia Tan opened her mouth slightly, and then shook her head into a rattle, "Impossible, absolutely impossible! I hate him, you don't know how bad that person is!"

Sheng Anyi shook her head and said, "Then who was the person you hated the most before?,

Sheng Zhixia said: "It should be Concubine Li, she always chews the roots of other people's tongue behind her back."

Sheng Anyi continued: "Then think about it, do you hate these two people the same feeling?"

Sheng Zhixia was stunned.

It seems really different.

For Li Guifei, I'm bored from the bottom of my heart.

And when I recalled Li Ran, he felt anguish and joy in his heart, with a sour and unfamiliar feeling.

Sheng Anyi smiled and said, "My silly Little Sister, it seems you really like him.

"Impossible, he is so bad and still treats me like that"

Sheng Zhixia became less and less emboldened, blushing like a fever.

Sheng Anyi quipped: "Congratulations, our Xiao Xia finally found the true emperor!"

"Big sis!"

Sheng Zhixia stepped on his feet reluctantly.

Suddenly she thought of something and wondered: "Big sis, how can you understand this? Obviously you are single since you came out of your mother's womb."


Sheng Anyi said embarrassingly: "I have confiscated some scripts since the little palace maid, and that's what it says on it."

"Wow," Sheng Zhixia said angrily: "It turns out that you are also talking about soldiers on paper, so I almost believed it!"

She was ashamed and angry, and grabbed her underarms with both hands.

"No, it's too itchy!"

The two of them were laughing and playing, rolling together on the couch.

There was a full irritation, and then they separated panting. Their hair buns were a bit scattered, and the luxurious palace dresses were full of folds.

The two leaned together.

Their eyebrows are very similar, and they look like twins.

It's just that Sheng Anyi's figure is weaker, and the corners of her eyes are a little more gentle.

Sheng Zhixia looks more youthful and vigorous.

"Okay, stop making trouble.

Sheng Anyi's breath was a little disturbed, "Your Cultivation Base has improved again, right? Big sis almost can't hold you down."

"Of course, I'm a genius." Sheng Zhixia smiled.

"I'm proud of you."

Sheng Anyi squeezed her greasy little face, "By the way, I forgot to ask you, which family's son is that person?"

Sheng Zhixia said shyly: "It's the Li family."

"The Li family in Wuyang City?"

Sheng Anyi nodded, "That can be regarded as a high gate compound. Although it is not as good as the royal family, it is not so unmatched.

She asked again: "Which son of the Li family is it? What's his name?"

Sheng Zhixia whispered: "His name is Li Ran."

"Oh wait, who are you talking about?"

Sheng Anyi suddenly got up and looked at her in shock, "Don't tell me, it's the Heavenly Demon Li Ran!!

Sheng Zhixia lowered her head and gasped, "It's him


Sheng Anyi sat weakly on the bed, a mess in his mind.

Own pro Little Sister, the emperor's most beloved daughter, the princess dragon of the great dynasty

Actually fell in love with Devil Dao Holy Son?!.

Chapter 164

Chapter 164 Li Ran must be the demon!

Sheng Anyi's mind was blank.

Who is Li Ran?

The Holy Son, Heavenly Demon of the Medical Luo Temple ranked first, after taking the lead in breaking through the Nascent Soul realm, he became the recognized first genius in the vast land!

Although he is not a murderous villain, his deeds are shocking enough.

That is the devil among the demon, the ruthless man among the ruthless people!

Sheng Anyi swallowed and murmured: "Zhixia, although the Sheng clan stands neutral, is it a bit inappropriate for you to find such a demon to fall in love?"

Princess Jiaolong is the card face of the Sheng clan, and is deeply loved by the people of Li people. It can be called an idol-like existence.

In the end, he fell in love with Devil Dao Holy Son?

It always feels weird.

Sheng Zhixia shook her head and said: "First, Li Ran and I are really not that kind of relationship, it's just that some misunderstandings have occurred."

"Second, Li Ran is not the kind of person you think."

Sheng Anyi wondered: "What kind of person?"

Sheng Zhixia said seriously: "Big sis knows that the tide of beasts has attacked Nanfeng City?"

Sheng Anyi nodded, "I heard that the situation is said to be particularly critical. Fortunately, the Sect disciple will take action.

Sheng Zhixia said: "It was Li Ran who led the crowd to resist the animal tide."

"It's him?"

Sheng Anyi was taken aback.

She always thought it would be Lin Langyue or Yue Jianli, after all, they were the leaders of the righteous way disciples.

Sheng Zhixia said: "It was him who blocked the beast tide alone, saved dozens of practitioners, and killed the beast king Thunder Lion himself.

"Lin Langyue personally told me that if Li Ran was not there, they would not be able to stop the beast tide, and hundreds of thousands of people in Nanfeng City would become Demonic Beasts!"

Sheng Anyi's boss stared at Feng, his eyes were full of surprise.

Little Sister would not make jokes about this kind of thing.

Could it be that Heavenly Demon Li Ran is still a savior who saves the common people?

Sheng Zhixia looked lightly and whispered softly: "Although he acted arrogantly, rampantly, and a bad guy, he has his own bottom line, racial righteousness, and magnanimous person, much better than those hypocrites."

Sheng Anyi looked at Little Sister and couldn't help sighing in her heart.

Seeing this, she is really stuck!

Boom boom boom.

At this time, the door of the room was knocked gently.

Sheng Zhixia recovered and said, "Come in."

A court lady walked in and said, "The servant girl has seen Princess Jiaolong and Princess Jinyun."

Sheng Zhixia asked: "What's the matter?"

The court lady replied: "The emperor wants you to go to Qianyuan Palace to face the saint."

Sheng Zhixia was taken aback, "Father is out? I wanted to ask about the beast tide, so I happen to have something to report."

She stood up, and the maid came over to arrange her clothes and hair bun.

"Big sis, I'm going to see my father first.

She left quickly after speaking.

Sheng Anyi looked at her back with complicated and helpless eyes.

"Xiao Xia has someone who I like, my palace is very happy, but the other party is the demon cult Holy Son

"Li Ran? I really want to meet him when I have a chance. What kind of person is it that can take away Xiao Xia Xia's soul?"

Qianyuan Palace.

The Great Hall was empty, and there was no one else except the tall figure on the dragon chair.

Renhuang Shengye sat on the high platform and looked out the window deeply.

"Li Wuchang did it. It's really rare. This old guy doesn't pretend to be dead?"

"Looking at the other person's breath, it should be Elder from the Shinto Palace, squirting, and the courage is getting bigger and bigger."

Despite his thoughts, his face remained expressionless, like a cold rock.

At this time, a sound of footsteps sounded.

"The sons and ministers pay homage to the emperor, and I wish the emperor to be holy."

Sheng Ye looked at Sheng Zhixia in the audience, a trace of pampering flashed in his eyes, "Get up."

"Yes, father.

Sheng Zhixia straightened up.

Sheng Ye said indifferently: "South Xinjiang and his party, what is the result?"

Sheng Zhixia replied: "Return to the emperor, the beast tide was blocked by the Sect disciples, and the line of defense was not broken. No people in Nanfeng City were killed."

Sheng Ye nodded, "I already know this."

Sheng Zhixia continued: "The tide of beasts was caused by Yuye, a master of the corpse path. He tried to refine a Transcends Tribulation corpse puppet, which led to the Demonic Beasts riot in Shiwan Dashan."

Then she submitted a paperwork.

All the details of this investigation are recorded above.

Sheng Ye flipped through it slowly.

Sheng Zhixia said to the side: "I have attached a list of people who participated in the fight against the beast tide. They are all heroes of my human race. They should inform the world and give them corresponding rewards."

Sheng Ye did not speak, and silently finished reading the document.

After a long time, he opened his mouth and said: "That's right, they are indeed human heroes, and they should be praised by the world."

"Father is wise!"

Sheng Zhixia looked happy.


Sheng Ye said: "You have a problem with this list. How can there be the names of Youluodian, Hehuanzong and other demons on it?"

Sheng Zhixia said in doubt: "Because they have all participated in the fight against the animal tide. Especially the Holy Son of a Demon Way Sect Li Ran, they have made great contributions. This is obvious to all.

0...…Look for flowers.

Sheng Ye shook his head, "Devil Dao is Devil Dao, how could he become a hero? You remembered it wrong.

Sheng Zhixia shook her head and said, "I'm sure there is no

"You remembered wrong.

Sheng Ye interrupted aloud.

Sheng Zhixia was stunned, "Father?"

Sheng Ye frowned and said, "It seems that you have forgotten what I said last time."

"Devil Dao is Devil Dao, and the right way is the right way. Only when the righteous devil fights and never stops, the Sheng clan can sit in this iron bucket."

"Now that you list Li Ran as the greatest hero, what will the world think? The Doctor Luo Palace is still not a magic door?"

"If the boundary between righteousness and devil is blurred, I am afraid that the order of the vast land will be rewritten!'

His voice echoed in the Great Hall, with unquestionable majesty.

Sheng Zhixia was silent for a long time, and whispered: "What about the meaning of the father?"

Sheng Ye said: "Naturally, we still want to tell the world, but we must cancel all the names of Devil Dao, and at the same time replace the leader with Lin Langming."


Sheng Zhixia exclaimed.

She didn't expect Sheng Ye to do such a wonderful job, directly obliterating all of Devil Dao's achievements!

"Is the father not afraid of Leng Wuyan's trouble?" she asked eagerly.

Sheng Ye sneered and said, "It is the Tianshu Yuan who has robbed Li Ran for the credit. She is also looking for trouble with Yi Qinglan. What does it have to do with me?"

Sheng Zhixia was stunned, and looked at Sheng Ye incredulously, with a strange expression in her eyes.

"Erchen absolutely disagrees."

Before she finished speaking, her figure disappeared in the Great Hall.

He didn't even give her a chance to speak.

Sheng Ye said: "Send an invitation to the Tianshu Yuan. At that time, I will invite the head of Yi Qinglan to come and observe the ceremony. I believe she will be very satisfied with the result."


A voice sounded in the corner, and then the Great Hall fell completely silent.

"Yi Qing"

Sheng Ye smiled coldly, "She should hate Li Ran very much, right? Thank you so much this time!

Li Family Mansion.

In the bedroom.

Looking at the three girls in front of him who were staring at him, Li Ran couldn't help but fight his head.

He cautiously said, "Why don't I sleep by myself today?"


The three said in unison.

Li Ran Didn't know whether to laugh or cry and looked at Qin Ruyan, "What are you going to join in the fun!"

Qin Ruyan smiled and said, "The slave family is best at warming the bed. Would you like to experience it with Holy Son?"

Feeling the two murderous gazes next to him, he couldn't help crying without tears.

"Thank you so much!" Spoon.

Chapter 165

Chapter 165 Qin Ruyan, expert in backyard governance!

The atmosphere in the room is very embarrassing.

Although Yue Jianli said that he was sorry Xiao Qingge, when the two met, they pinched again.

Xiao Qingge hugged his shoulders, "Chief Yue, I didn't expect to meet again so soon."

Yue Jianli shook his head and said, "I don't want to see Miss Xiao at all."

Xiao Qingge sneered, "I don't want to see you either, but why did you show up at my fiance's house?"

Yue Jianli hugged Li Ranran's arm, and said softly: "My husband Qinse and I are in harmony, Yudie has a deep affection, and I will be where he is."

Li Ran gave her a surprised look.

Can you tell such a nasty thing?

It's not like the character of a sword fairy!

Yue Jianli Qiao blushed and was very shy, but he refused to let go.

Sure enough, when a woman becomes jealous, she can do anything

"Husband "six three three"? I have never called it that way!"

Xiao Qingge's chest rose and fell for a while, and a white light flashed in his eyes, "I didn't have a good fight last time, let's fight again!"

Yue Jianli hummed: "You don't think that you are my opponent if you practice Gold Core?"

Xiao Qingge lit up his pink fist, "Don't talk nonsense, see the truth under your hand.

Yue Jianli said indifferently: "I've been half a step Nascent Soul, and you are the Gold Core early stage. I don't want to bully you, let's talk about it.

She leaned on Li Ran's shoulder, "I don't want to make my husband angry.

Xiao Qingge gritted his teeth angrily, but had nothing to do with her.

Li Ran: ""

Yue Jian went straight away from his personality, when would he be like this?

Is this the gift of a woman?

At this time, he noticed Qin Ruyan's smile, and he was winking at Yue Jianli.

Suddenly it became clear.

It must be the ghost of this demon girl!

Xiao Qingge hugged Li Ran's other arm and groaned: "Li Lang, look at her bullying people~"

Yue Jianli said grievances: "People just want to be with their husband."

"Li Lang~"



Li Ran frowned and said, "Stop it, you two don't say anything."

Seeing him seemed to be angry, the two women dared not speak immediately, and sat in a tight-kept manner.

Li Ran glared at Qin Ruyan, "You come out with me."

After speaking, he got up and walked out of the room.

Qin Ruyan's eyes were full of smiles, and he walked out.

In the courtyard.

Li Ran said in a huff: "You taught Yue Jianli to be jealous of Zhengfeng?"

Qin Ruyan blinked, "The slave family doesn't understand what Li Holy Son is talking about."

Yun Ling's spear suddenly appeared, and the tip of the spear trembled slightly, "Do you understand now?

Qin Ruyan pouted and said grievances: "Hurry up, put it away, your spear is so scary, and the small body of the slave family can't stand it.

Li Ran: ""

If it hadn't been for the fact that her yin hadn't disappeared, he would really think that the other party had gone through a lot of battles.

Qin Ruyan wrapped her fingers around Qingsi, and said, "Children who can cry have candy. The women around Li Holy Son are better than the other, and Chief Yue's personality is too strong, so it is easy to suffer. The slave family is just helping. She just got the hang of it."

Li Ran rubbed his eyebrows and said helplessly: "What does the key matter have to do with you?"

Isn't this pure chaos?

Qin Ruyan lowered his head, winking like silk and said: "Why don't you take the slave house as well as Holy Son. The slave family will definitely not be jealous, and it will also keep your backyard in order."


Li Ran knocked a violent millet on her head, "Are you thinking about fart?

Qin Ruyan rubbed his head, tears flowing with pain.

"Li Holy Son doesn't believe in the level of slaves?"

Li Ran nodded, "I don't believe it very much."

"Then you wait."

Qin Ruyan turned and walked into the room.

After a while, Yue Jianli walked out.

She came to Li Ran and lowered her head and whispered softly, "Husband, I was wrong just now. I shouldn't play a petty temper. How can I dominate the husband alone?

Li Ran: "Huh?"

Yue Jianli raised his head, his cheeks reddened, "You and Miss Xiao haven't seen each other for a long time, so hurry up and accompany her. My and our days are still long."

After speaking, I returned to the own room.

Li Ran raised his head blankly, and saw Qin Ruyan smile triumphantly, like a little fox.

"This enchantress"

in the room.

The candlelight flickers and the aroma is curled up.

Xiao Qingge's pretty face was especially gorgeous under the lights.

She looked at Li Ran's handsome cheek idiotically, "Li Ran, haven't seen me for such a long time, do you miss me?"

"Of course I thought about 0

Li Ran played with her small face, pinching it like a hamster, looking very cute.

Xiao Qingge pursed his lips and said vaguely: "I will definitely work hard to cultivate so that I can be with you forever.

Li Ran shook his head and said, "You have worked hard enough.

When we parted last time, she was still in the late stage of Foundation Building. It didn't take long before she was already in the early stage of Gold Core.

And Li Daoyuan also said that she would come to secretly meditation every day, even during the Shuangyuan Festival.

Xiao Qingge shook his head and said: "Not enough, I have to become stronger.

She has an inexplicable sense of crisis in her heart.

The women around Li Ran are better than the other.

In contrast, her super talent seems a bit mediocre.

She secretly cheered herself up: "Come on, at least you have to surpass Yue Jianli."

Li Ran remembered something at this moment and wondered: "When we left Xiao Mansion, what did Uncle Xiao say to you, looking mysterious?"

"No, nothing."

Xiao Qingge's cheeks flushed instantly, and her eyes were flustered and she dared not look at him.

Li Ran squeezed his chin, "If you don't say it, be careful that I have tortured to extract a confession."

"I said, I said…"

Xiao Qingge pinched the corner of his clothes and said shyly: "My father said that the higher the Realm, the harder it is to have children, and your Cultivation Base is too fast. If Realm is too high, you may not be able to have children."

Li Ran laughed and said: "That's it? It's not 4.7 that Uncle Xiao asked me to cheer."

In fact, this worry is purely redundant.

With his special blood, it is more than enough to give birth to a football team even if he is proving to be the emperor.

It's just that he doesn't have this idea at all now.

He asked: "But we haven't fulfilled the marriage contract yet, doesn't Uncle Xiao mind?"

Xiao Qingge said shyly: "My father said that the marriage contract is only a formality, as long as the two love each other is enough, and that everything is mainly about giving birth and having children."

Li Ran covered his face, "Your father is really avant-garde.

Looking at the shy and timid lady under the candlelight, he gradually smiled presumptuously.

"Although I have no plans to have children, it's okay to practice first."

Xiao Qingge's innocent eyes were wide open.

"Play, drill?".

Chapter 166

Chapter 166 What is Xiao Qingge's Dual cultivation Cultivation Technique?

Next room.

Qin Ruyan and Yue Jian were close to the wall from their ears, listening carefully as if they were spies.

But after a long time, the needles were still audible next door.

There is not even the voice of speaking.

Qin Ruyan straightened up and said fortunately: "It seems that the sound insulation formation is used again, and Li Holy Son is still so cautious.

Yue Jianli was taken aback when he heard the words, "Why is it'used again'?"

Qin Ruyan's pretty face flashed with blush, "Did I say that? You should have heard it wrong, right."

"Yes "

Yue Jianli always felt something was wrong.

But she didn't think too much, but entangled: "Qin Holy Maiden, did you think I was too scheming just now?"

Her character is straightforward, how can she know how to intrigue with women?

Qin Ruyan taught her those words just now.

Qin Ruyan comforted: "Why? You think, there are so many outstanding women around Li Holy Son. If you want to get his preference, you must use your wrists.

Yue Jianli broadcast 09 head said: "But I don't think he likes this look.

Qin Ruyan akimbo his hips: "Do you have experience or I have experience?

Yue Jianli scratched his head, "You should be more experienced, right"

After all, the other party is the Hehuan Sect Holy Maiden, and the identity is here.

"So you are right to hear me." She squinted with a smile.

Yue Jianli looked at her, always feeling that something was not right.

"Why do I feel that you have another plan?"


A trace of embarrassment flashed across Qin Ruyan's pretty face, "I, what do I have to do?

Before they finished speaking, the two of them were stunned.

I only felt that the surrounding Spirit Power suddenly rioted, like boiling water, swarming toward the next door!

White light burst into the next room, streaming out from the windows and door cracks, tearing through the entire night.

A holy breath permeated, making people's mind calm and peaceful.

The two watched this scene blankly, unable to speak for a long time.

Qin Ruyan swallowed and murmured, "This time the movement is really big."

Li's secret place.

Li Wuchang is training a parrot to learn how to speak.

Li Wuchang: "Learn from me, hell locks the mad dragon.

Parrot: "Follow me and tie the bang crazy demon."


Li Wuchang squeezed its neck blankly, and the parrot screamed as Spiritual Qi dissipated.

This parrot was transformed with Spirit Power to accompany himself to relieve boredom.

In order to make it more spiritual, I separated a trace of Divine Sense and stuffed it in, but found that it knew too much

Decisively choose to kill the birds and kill the mouth.

Suddenly, Li Wuchang was taken aback one by one, as if he had noticed something.

"This Spirit Power fluctuates. I think Rakshasa's power is activated. With Li Ran's awakening level, the timing is just right."

"This kid is really lucky!"

He shook his head and leaned against the railing to kick up tons.

Li Ran looked at Xiao Qingge, who was full of white light in front of him, and couldn't help being a little startled.

"What's the situation?"

Xiao Qingge was puzzled: "I don't know, just at that moment, the magnificent girl Rakshasa's work started automatically."

Just as Li Ran was about to speak, a wave of majestic Spirit Power swept over him, swarming into his body.

But this Spirit Power seems to be a little different.

It is more refined than usual, it seems to have been refined, and the xenon hydrogen has a faint white light.

The light on Xiao Qingge's body is exactly the same.

Spirit Power is flowing among Meridians, constantly moistening his blood.

Li Ran seemed to feel something in his heart and started the bloodline awakening state, his eyes turned into a cold dark red, and his figure quickly rose.

A trace of pain flashed through Xiao Qingge's eyes.

But she also knew that she couldn't interfere with Li Ran now, so she bit her lip to endure it.

Li Ran sees himself inwardly.

I saw that the white light and Blood Qi were entangled with each other, and the dark red factors were constantly removed, and Blood Qi became more and more transparent.

I don't know how long it took before this change quietly stopped.

The breath of blood awakening has completely changed.

The Blood Qi that was distributed before was very mixed, mixed with the urge to violently kill, and the activation time was too long, and it might even affect Li Ran's mind.

But now it is completely different.

Blood Qi has become much calmer, and it still contains bursting power, but it is easier to control than before.

The murderous aura is still strong, but it won't make people lose their senses.

Even the dark red eyes that resemble Demonic Beasts have become as clear as red crystals.

The key is

He broke through again.

The villain Dantian sat still in the Lotus Position, and a ray of white light was added to the light blooming on his body.

And in the Spirit Power lake in Dantian, there are also white and red blood lines running through it, as if it were fish in the lake.

The area of ​​the lake is also larger than before.

He has broken through to the Nascent Soul middle stage.

"what's the situation?"

Li Ran scratched his head, "Is this jade girl Rakshasa skill Dual cultivation Cultivation Technique? Wait, I won't absorb Qingge's Cultivation Base, right!"

He hurriedly looked down and saw Xiao Qingge's eyes closed slightly, and the white light in his eyes was exquisite.

The breath is rising steadily, and finally settled in the Gold Core late stage!

She actually broke through!

"This Cultivation Technique seems to have a background, it seems to be specially prepared for blood awakening?"

This jade girl Rakshasa Gong was from Li Wuchang.

At that time, he was still wondering, how could there be a female Sister Cultivation Technique on Old Li's head.

It turned out to be matched with the Bloodline Awakened!

Li Ran shook his head, "Such an important matter is not explained. Fortunately, 633 cultivated Qingge."

Li Wuchang is too unreliable.

At this time, Xiao Qingge also opened his eyes.

The white light in her eyes flashed away, and her eyes regained their clarity.

"Li Lang, I seem to have broken through." She was incredible.

"I can see it."" Li Ran smiled.

Xiao Qingge felt the majestic Spirit Power in his body, and said in amazement: "I actually broke through two small Realms in succession? This is much faster than cultivation!,

Li Ran said earnestly: "It makes sense, then we will work harder to see if we can directly let you break the pill and become a baby tonight."

Xiao Qingge blushed and rolled his head, "Then, then you first turn off this awakening state."

Li Ran was taken aback, "Why?"


Early the next morning.

Li Ran opened the door refreshed and stretched comfortably.

Qin Ruyan happened to pass by the door.

"Good morning, Li Holy Son, your Cultivation Base seems to have broken through?"

I saw that his aura was more vigorous and restrained than before, and his eyes flashed from time to time. It was obvious that Cultivation Base had taken a step further.

At this time Xiao Qingge also came out.

After Qin Ruyan saw her, he was stunned.

"Gold Core late stage, have you also made a breakthrough? Or two small Realm!'

Qin Ruyan swallowed.

Sleeping with Li Ran, is there such a benefit?.

Chapter 167

Chapter 167 Li Wuchang wool!

Wuyang Palace.

Jade Jiao Pavilion.

Sheng Zhixia leaned against the window with a low expression, not knowing what he was thinking.


The soft call rang in my ears.

She looked back and saw Sheng Anyi standing beside her.

"I called you several times, what are you thinking so engrossed?" Sheng Anyi smiled: "You don't think of your Li Holy Son again, do you?"

Sheng Zhixia surprisingly did not argue, but bowed her head and sighed.

Sheng Anyi was taken aback and rubbed her head, "What happened, why is the mood so depressed? Tell Big Sis."

Sheng Zhixia grieved and said: "I'm not the emperor..

Then he explained what happened in Qianyuan Palace.

Sheng Anyi was silent after listening.

She was not surprised by Sheng Ye's decision.

In the eyes of the emperor, the Sheng clan is more than anything, and even the lives of their sisters are not worth mentioning.

In fact, even if Li Ran becomes a hero, it may not affect the rule of the Sheng clan.

But in Sheng Ye's view, any possible risks must be stifled in the cradle.

This is the rule of the emperor.

In contrast, Sheng Zhixia's so-called principles are simply insignificant in his opinion.

Sheng Anyi said helplessly: "Since it was the father's decision, there really is no way."

Sheng Ye said no two, and the decision he made has never changed.

Sheng Zhixia whispered: "Li Ran has paid so much for the Human Race and made such great achievements. Now because of the so-called risks, they have all been wiped out."

"This is unfair to Li Ran, to Qin Ruyan, and to all Devil Dao who participated in the war.

"And I promised Li Ran to give him the reward he deserves. It seems that I have to break my promise."

Tears were shining in her eyes and her expression was full of guilt.

Sheng Anyi thought for a while and said, "Why don't you explain it clearly to him, maybe he can understand?"

Sheng Zhixia shook her head and choked, "But I really have no face to face him now.

Looking at Little Sister who was crying, Sheng An couldn't help but feel distressed.

"It seems that Li Ran is really important in her heart~".'

"Why don't I go to Li's house to help her explore her breath?"

"Just look at whether Li Ran is reliable. I know that Xia's mind is simple. Don't be deceived and don't know it."

Sheng Anyi thought secretly in her heart.

Li's secret place.


Li Ran kicked Rui to open the magic stone gate and walked in angrily.

Li Wuchang was not surprised, he teased the parrot to play without looking back, "Bring the door."

Li Ran hugged his shoulders and said, "Old Li, you are too unreliable. That girl Rakshasa is actually Dual cultivation Cultivation Technique? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Although he and Xiao Qingge have benefited a lot, he is still unwilling to let each other practice Dual cultivation Cultivation Technique.

This kind of Cultivation Technique generally advances quickly, but the foundation is generally unstable, and the combat ability is mediocre.

Ah Qin has no talent for spiritual practice, so she can only change her physique with her concubine spiritual marrow.

But Xiao Qingge is different.

She herself is super talent, isn't she a waste of talent to cultivate this kind of Cultivation Technique!

The old god Li Wuchang was saying: "Who told you that Rakshasa Gong is Dual Cultivation Technique?"

Li Ran frowned, "Isn't it?"

Li Wuchang hummed: "This is the inheritance of the legendary Nine Heavens goddess. It has natural restraint against demons and monsters. It is more possible to prove that it is emperor by practicing to the Realm of Rakshasa Nine Cycles! This top-level Cultivation Technique, how can it be achieved? Do you have dual cultivation skills?

"so smart?"

Li Ran wondered: "Then how did I breakthrough last night?"

Li Wuchang replied: "Because of the Rakshasa function to clear blood impurities, the physique of the blood awakened person becomes purer. Simply put, this Cultivation Technique is only useful for you."

"So that's it." Li Ran knew it.

His physical body has indeed transformed, and the ascension level of his awakening has more than doubled.

And the energy that escaped during his transformation also made Xiao Qingge's breakthrough.

"Then you say it beforehand, so that I am a little psychologically prepared." Li Ran scratched his head.

Li Wuchang shook his head and said: "This Cultivation Technique emphasizes unintentional, unintentional and arbitrary. If you prepare in advance, you will fall behind."

"It turned out to be like this,"" Li Ran relaxed and praised: "As expected, I am the Emperor of the Li family. I know so much. "

Li Wuchang looked smug, "Of course! I thought that the old man was stunned in the past, who heard the name "Prison Lock Crazy Dragon" not afraid of the wind?"

Li Ran nodded, "Especially the female nun, if you see your legs trembling, right?"

Li Wuchang: "Huh?"

Li Ran smiled and said: "Take a root to break the red rope to tie the female nun, and claim to be an old artist. Later, my master chased him all the way from the north to southern Xinjiang. This is your glorious deed, right?"

Li Wuchang:""

At this time, a new parrot screamed: "Tie, my crazy tie, art is to tie bang!'

Li Wuchang: ""


The new parrot is also gone.

Li Wuchang gritted his teeth and said: "|Leng Wuyan told you this?"

Li Ran shrugged, "Guess."

Li Wuchang was desperate, but helpless.

At the beginning, Leng Wuyan chased him for tens of thousands of miles, and cut and scrapped more than a dozen holy treasures, causing him to occasionally do bad things.

That woman is too cruel!

Li Wuchang looked at him suspiciously, "So what do you want to say about this?"

Li Ran stretched out his hand and said, "Hush money."

Li Wuchang was so angry when he heard the words, "Daddy helped you to make peace yesterday! You ungrateful fellow, come to sift my wool today?"

Li Ran wiped his face and said seriously: "I remember the kindness of the ancestors, but I can't remember them.

"Then why are you?"

"But feelings belong to feelings, and business belongs to business."

"Am I him!"

Li Wuchang's chest fluctuated violently.

He can see it, this kid is much shameless than him!

"Forget it, I'm unlucky to have your grandson."

(Wang Haohao) Li Wuchang put his sleeves on, and a bunch of bottles appeared on the table, and the air suddenly filled with a strange smell.

"You pick it yourself.

Li Ran's eyes lit up, "I said the old ancestor must have stock! What kind of treasures are these, would you please introduce me?"

Li Wuchang cleared his throat, "The bottle of Medicine Pill you are holding is called Nine Cycles Promise Pill."

"It sounds great, what is the specific effect?"

"Cough cough, you can understand it as a tonic medicine.

Li Ran looked speechless.

"What about this string?""

"This is a fascination."

"It sounds outrageous. What about this golden candle?"

"This is called ten li joss sticks, dripping on the body has unexpected effects."

Li Ran couldn't help getting goose bumps looking at these strange things in front of him.

"Lao Li, are you sure you are not a disciple of the Hehuan Sect?!".

Chapter 168

Chapter 168 The princess's strange hobbies

Li Ran looked at the weird "Magic Treasures" on this table, and his voice tightened.

This is too outrageous!

Sure enough, he still underestimated the abnormality of the ancestor!

"I said Lao Li, do you have any slightly more normal Magic Treasures? These things are useless to me."

Li Wuchang shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, that's really gone."

Li Ran looked suspicious, "Isn't it, you are also an emperor-level master anyway, don't you have any treasures?"

Li Wuchang didn't get angry and said, "Don't ask me about this, go ask your master!"

"Daddy's savings for most of his life, more than a dozen pieces of sacred treasures, let her scrap them all!"

Li Ran: "."

He had heard Master talk about this matter.

Looking at Li Wuchang's desperate look, it seems that there is indeed no inventory.

"Yes, you can keep these things for your own fun."

Li Ran was about to turn around and leave, suddenly his eyes were attracted by an object.

It was a red Ribbon, exuding a hint of fluorescence, which looked very extraordinary.

He stretched out his hand and took it up and asked, "Ancestor, what is this?"

Li Wuchang took a look and said, "This is called a thousand-mile marriage. It is said that holding two men and women at the same time will have a special induction between the two. But not everyone can succeed. This thing is very mysterious. Look. It's Karma and Fate."

Li Ran nodded, "It sounds pretty reliable, have you used this thing?"

Li Wuchang dismissed it with a smile, "Who uses this stuff? It's harp, isn't it fragrant to tie it directly?"

Looking at Li Ran's weird eyes, he realized that he had missed his mouth and cleared his throat in embarrassment.

"Okay, there's nothing else to get out of here."


Li Ran put away the red ribbon, and prepared to go back and try it with Master.

"Then you keep resting, I will see you another day."

"I beg you not to come.

Li Ran walked out of the secret place.

"Little Lord."

"I have seen Young Master."

People passing by bowed their greetings and looked very respectful.

He is not only the young master of the Li family, but also the world's number one Heavenly Demon, whose magical name makes them respect and awe.

"Little Lord "

A milky voice sounded in my ears.

Li Ran turned his head and saw a little girl who was carved and carved behind him, her big black eyes looked at him timidly.

It's Shen Qin's Little Sister, Shen Ning.

Li Ran knelt down and said, "It's been a long time since I saw the little guy. How are you doing?"

Shen Ning obediently said: "Very good, thank you young master.

Li Ran took a closer look.

I saw that her complexion was indeed much better than before, and the clothes on her body were also clean and tidy.

After using the Medicine Pill given by Li Ran, the bruises and scars from before have disappeared.

Li Ran asked: "Remember what I told you last time?


Shen Ning nodded vigorously, took out a token from his arms, and specially hung it around his neck with a red string.

"Wait until the start of the Immortal Climbing Conference, to test your talent, if you can practice, I will go to Xuanling Mountain to find you."

Li Ran smiled and rubbed her little head, "Really good."

Shen Ning seemed to have received a great reward, her black and white eyes slightly puffed up, full of excitement and joy.

Li Ran slowly walked out of the gate of Li Mansion.

Yue Jianli and Xiao Qingge went to compete outside the city. They are now similar to each other in Realm, and no one will let them.

And Qin Ruyan was a little bit wrong from the morning, and the look in his eyes was dodgy.

After breakfast, I hid in the house and never came out.

Li Ran was clean alone.

Ready to go out for a stroll, go to a tea house for a cup of tea.

At this moment, he noticed a ghost Chong Chong outside the wall.

The man was wearing a black hood with a veil on his face, and he was looking around with his head.

Li Ran frowned, "Who is this?"

He appeared behind the person in a flash, patted her on the shoulder, "Man, who are you looking for?"


The man was taken aback, turned around abruptly (ajeh), and the veil fell with the wind.

After Li Ran saw his face clearly, he couldn't help but froze, "Princess Sheng?"

Sheng Anyi looked at the man in front of him, her handsome face gradually overlapped with the portrait in her memory, and she couldn't help but fought a cold war.

It's Li Ran!

Facing this legendary Heavenly Demon, she was nervous for no reason, and stammered: "You, don't get me wrong, this palace just goes around casually."

"Turn around?"

Li Ran pinched his chin and looked at her.

I always feel that something is wrong, but I can't tell.

The aura on her body was covered up, and she couldn't perceive anything, but it was true that she looked like Sheng Zhixia.

Li Ran thought for a while, and suddenly said: "Princess Sheng should have come to give me the treasure, right?"

Sheng Anyi was taken aback for a moment, ""Treasures?"

"Yes, isn't it about sending the reward to Li Mansion?" Li Ran said.

"Uh, this"

Sheng Anyi scratched his head for a while.

She knew that the other party regarded her as Little Sister.

The two of them are extremely similar in appearance, and coupled with the vestments on their bodies that can shield perception, even their relatives may not be able to distinguish them.

"We have to wait for the treasure thing."

Sheng Anyi couldn't figure out Li Ran's temper and didn't dare to tell the truth. It would be bad if he angered the other party.

Li Ran didn't think much, nodded and said, "It's okay, don't worry.

Seeing that he was quite talkative, Sheng Anyi gradually relaxed.

She suddenly thought of something and said tentatively: "Li Holy Son, do you remember what you did to this palace before?


Li Ran was stunned for a moment, "Why are you talking about this all of a sudden?"

"My palace, my palace is a little upset recently

She said ambiguously, wanting to see if she could tell her something.

Li Ran smiled, "Princess Sheng don't worry, as long as you keep the secret, the image will never be seen by others."


Sheng Anyi turned her mind, and said, "Can I see it again?"

Li Ran said strangely: "It's just a video. What's so interesting about it."

Sheng Anyi said: "This palace is also to remind yourself, don't forget to help you keep secrets.

She followed the other party's words and said that she actually didn't know what the secret was.

"Okay, then you can watch it if you want."

Li Ran didn't take it seriously either, and set up a phantom array to prevent it from being snooped by outsiders.

Then he took out the photo-taking stone and played it.

Looking at the picture in front of her, Sheng Anyi's mouth opened slightly, her phoenix eyes filled with disbelief.

The face in the image is exactly the same as myself, flushed, with blurred eyes, saying shameful things

As if that was me, my shame was about to explode!

Sheng Anyi blushed like a fever, and her legs and feet were a little soft.

She dared not look any more, turned around and fled.

"Say, goodbye!"

Li Ran couldn't help being speechless for a while looking at the back of her running.

"I came here specifically to revisit it? What kind of habit is this princess?

Chapter 169

Chapter 169 Sheng Ye, can you stop making trouble?

Wuyang Palace.

On the huge square, hundreds of civil and military officials are listed here.

The five-clawed real dragon is carved on the high platform in the center, exuding a majestic and solemn atmosphere.

This is a palace of the Sheng clan, used to worship the ancestors or announce important matters.

However, this time the beast wave attacked Nanfeng City, which was regarded as a great disaster for the Masters, so Sheng Ye ordered the activation of the palace and temple to make the matter known to the world.

Renhuang Shengye sat on the dragon chair, waiting for something quietly.

The princes and princesses behind them stood silently.

Sheng Zhixia lowered his head, his expression was very low, a little guilty, and a little self-blaming.

And Sheng Anyi glanced at her quietly, her face was slightly flushed, and her eyes were full of shyness.

At this time, the imperial eunuch shouted, "The head of the Tianshu Yuan Yi Daochang, come and observe!

Then there were ripples in the void, and a Taoist girl in white fluttering through the air.

The pure white robe is not stained with fine dust, with a white veil on his face, making it difficult to see his face.

She is clearly standing in front of everyone, but she is like a distant Galaxy Cluster, separated by endless light years.

Sheng Ye stood up, "Yi Daochang.

Yi Qinglan's head slightly, "Sheng Huang."

She rarely appeared in the world, but this time the opening of the temple was of great importance, not only involving the Tianshu Yuan, but also involving hundreds of thousands of common people.

So facing Sheng Ye's invitation, he agreed to come to watch the ceremony.

Sheng Ye stretched out his hand and said, "Master Yi, please sit down."

Yi Qinglan nodded and sat beside Sheng Ye.

Her chair and dragon chair are flush, almost in no particular order. This is Sheng Ye's respect for the emperor-level powerhouse.

For this level of existence, the so-called royal majesty is a joke.

What Yi Qinglan respected was his emperor-level strength, not the status of the Ninth Five-Year Lord, Sheng Ye knew this well.

"The ability of Master Yi Dao to come to observe the ceremony is of great significance to me, and it also makes the opening of the temple a little bit more immortal." Sheng Ye said with a smile.

Yi Qinglan said lightly: "Sheng Huang is polite, since it is related to the Tianshu Yuan, the poor should be the Taoist temple."

Sheng Ye nodded and said, "I really want to thank Guizong's Chief Lin for successfully resisting the tide of beasts this time. If she hadn't been there at the time, I am afraid that Nanfeng City would be devastated and hundreds of thousands of people would be buried in the beasts' belly!"

Yi Qinglan shook his head and said, "Sheng Huang has been overwhelmed. This is the credit of all the practitioners, and Lang Yue just did what he deserved.

"Okay, it's a matter of course!"

Sheng Ye admired: "As the Sect Tianjiao, but can care about the life of the Li people and take the people's affairs as part of the matter, what a broad mind is this? Yi Daochang really taught a good apprentice!"

His remarks seemed to praise Lin Langyue, but in fact they praised Yi Qinglan without leaving a trace.

Yi Qinglan was calm, "I'm overly acclaimed."

He fell silent and stopped talking.

Sheng Ye knew her temper and didn't care.

He raised his hand, and the eunuch immediately delivered a document.

Sheng Ye handed the document to Yi Qinglan, and said: "Master Yi, take a look first. This is the result of Zhixia's investigation in Southern Xinjiang. I will announce it to the world when the time comes."

Sheng Zhixia's face turned white when he heard the words, and he pressed her fists tightly. He wanted to stand up and say something, and a slender hand grabbed her.

She looked up and saw Sheng Anyi shook her head at her.

Sheng Zhixia understands the meaning of Big sis.

It's too late to say anything now.

In front of the two emperors, Sheng Ye and Yi Qinglan, where can she speak?

This matter is not only related to the Sheng Clan, but also to the interests of the Tianshu Yuan!

She stepped up not only could not change the facts, but would bring disaster to herself.

"But "

Sheng Zhixia lowered her head, her eyes were foggy, "This is not a fact!"

Yi Qinglan took the document and flipped through it.

Suddenly there was a slight pause.

[Lin Langyue, a disciple of Tianshu Academy, led the practitioner to repel the beast tide, saved hundreds of thousands of people from the water and fire, and made great contributions, and he is the hero of the human race!][I hereby announce to the world, to reward ten Lingbao, eight immortal materials, and give the title of "True Immortal Protecting the Country"!]

Seeing her slightly condensed expression, Sheng Ye's eyes flashed with pride.

"How does Yi Daochang feel?"

Yi Qinglan closed the document, "The writing is good."

Sheng Ye laughed blankly, "You are actually joking too."

Yi Qinglan said calmly: "Pan Dao is not joking, the writing is good, but there are some problems with the content."

Sheng Ye raised his brows, "What's the problem?"

Yi Qinglan said: "As far as Phan Dao knows, it is not Lin Langyue who takes the lead in repelling the beast tide, but Holy Son Li Ran of Youluo Temple.

0......Look for flowers.

Sheng Ye was happy.

This is to make things easier.

It doesn't matter if you say it, it saves everyone trying to understand and pretend to be confused.

He smiled and said, "Don't worry, Master Yi, I have already arranged, this feat will definitely fall on the head of the Tianshu Yuan! As long as I am here, Chief Lin will always stabilize Li Ran!"

He took Yi Qinglan to death this time.

Originally, the other party didn't deal with Leng Wuyan, and Li Ran had broken Lin Langyue's Dao heart before.

Tianshu Yuan also ordered him to kill him for this.

It can be seen that Yi Qinglan hopes that Li Ran will die!

The two hit it off!

Yi Qinglan said lightly: "Then trouble Shenghuang."

Sheng Ye smiled triumphantly, "No trouble, no trouble! I just contribute to the right way."


"Then trouble Emperor Sheng to change it back."

Sheng Ye: "Huh?"

He was stunned: "Dao Chang Yi said just now to change it back?"

He suspected that he had heard it wrong.

Yi Qinglan said, "Since this feat belongs to Li Ran, why should it be placed on Lin Langyue's head?"

Sheng Ye swallowed, and said in a puzzled way: "Master Yi, don't you want to suppress Li Ran?"

Yi Qinglan frowned and said, "Why do you want to suppress him?'

What she hopes most now is that Li Ran can quickly prove that he is the emperor, so that Lin Langyue's fairy road is a smooth road.

Sheng Ye also let Lin Langming press Li Ran?

Isn't this pure chaos!

Emperor Sheng reminded: "Don't forget Mr. Yi, this Li Ran is Devil Dao."

Yi Qinglan said righteously, "What's wrong with Devil Dao? Although Li Ran is Devil Dao, he is also a human race. Why should Emperor Sheng deprive him of his honor? This is a major matter of the human race. I hope you can handle it impartially!

Sheng Ye looked at her blankly, always feeling that something was wrong.

what's the situation?

How does this aunt help Li Ran to speak!

Sheng Zhixia was also blinded.

Yi Daochang is too upright!

Sheng Ye's throat moved, "That Dao Chang Yi meant to write all Devil Dao on it?"

Yi Qinglan shook her head, "Others can't write, and the poor can't control it. Anyway, Li Ran must write!"

Sheng Ye covered his face.

What is this called! Spoon.

Chapter 170

Chapter 170 Tell the world, Heavenly Demon!

Sheng Ye sat on the dragon chair with no expression on his face.

He really can't figure out what the hell is Yi Qinglan going crazy?

No matter from which level, Li Ran should be the enemy of Tianshu Yuan.

But Yi Qinglan not only didn't deal with him, but also had an attitude of protecting him!

"Is Li Ran the Holy Son of Youluodian, or the Holy Son of Tianshuyuan?"

Sheng Ye was confused.

At this time, Yi Qinglan said: "Sheng Huang, Tianshu Yuan does not need to plunder other people's achievements, please return the honor that belongs to Li Ran to him.

Her voice was cold and there was no room for negotiation.

A trace of shame flashed through Sheng Ye's eyes.

Obviously it is a happy thing for everyone, but now he seems to be a despicable villain!

Sheng Ye was silent for a while, and said aloud: "This document is the result of Princess Jiaolong's field investigation. There is no forgery. I, there is nothing to change."


Sheng "Six-Five Zero" Zhixia couldn't help it.

She just wanted to stand up and speak, but found that her whole person was blocked, and she couldn't spit out even a syllable.

Sheng Ye's face was grim.

During the recent period, Li Ran's popularity has been too high!

If such a character is not firmly labeled as Devil Dao, it is likely to be a huge risk in the future.

If Tianshu Yuan doesn't want this glory, then he will give it to Wanjian Pavilion!

Yue Jianli will never refuse, right?

Yi Qinglan's eyes narrowed slightly, "Sheng Huang is sure that the document is not forged?"

Sheng Ye asked coldly: "Dao Chang Yi is questioning me?,

The two confronted each other, and the atmosphere suddenly became solemn.

The royal heirs and hundreds of civil and military officials behind him couldn't help but fought a cold war.

If these two fight, it is estimated that the entire Wuyang City will be gone!

"That day, Li Ran not only pushed back the beast tide, but also saved dozens of Sect disciples. Emperor Sheng's move might be difficult to convince the crowd." Yi Qinglan's voice was calm.

Sheng Ye chuckled lightly: "Dao Master Yi was not there at the time, just hearsay, how can it prove that the document is fake?"

Yi Qinglan shook his head, "It seems that Emperor Sheng has decided.

Sheng Ye said: "The decision I made has never been changed."

Yi Qinglan sighed lightly, "Pan Dao didn't want to be that way.'


Sheng Ye was taken aback.

I saw Yi Qinglan's robes waving, the clear sky suddenly became dark, and the night enveloped the entire Wuyang Palace.

Change the day and the day, the sun and the moon are dark!

An exclamation suddenly sounded in the square.

Sheng Ye frowned and said solemnly, "Dao Chang Yi, what do you mean by this?"

In the Wuyang Palace, this Yi Qinglan is crazy!

Suddenly he noticed something, and suddenly looked up, his pupils couldn't help but shrink slightly.

I saw the night sky like a curtain, and a huge image was projected on it.

The ocean-like beast tide swept in, the sacred fangs were clearly visible, and the roar seemed to be in the ear!

This picture is too real, as if you have experienced it yourself.

Everyone was pale, two battles, and even a civil official had collapsed to the ground!

However, at this moment of despair, a tall figure soared into the air, wrapped in golden flames, and slammed into the beast tide!

The fire spreads, Demonic Beasts wailes!

The next scenes deeply stimulated the nerves of everyone.

I saw Li Ran's silver spear flying, and the monster corpses piled up like a mountain under his feet. The golden giant standing on top of the earth, forcibly blocked the tide of beasts.

In the end he was full of Blood Qi, stepping on the corpse of the beast king Thunder Lion, and walked forward against the tide of beasts.

Demonic Beasts are splitting their livers and wailing as the wolf fox flees!

The picture stopped in this summer.

This is the memory acquired in Lin Langyue, which Yi Qinglan projected using secret methods.

The content of Beheading Yuye was not played, and she didn't want Li Ran to become the enemy of the corpse road.

The night went away, and the sun renewed the wine.

But the square was still silent.

Everyone was immersed in the shocking scene and couldn't help themselves.

Sheng Zhixia's eyes flashed.

She just heard that Li Ran was so great, but she didn't expect it to be so exaggerated!

One person scares away the group of demons?

It's so handsome too!

And Sheng Anyi opened her mouth slightly, her eyes filled with shock.

"He has such great power, no wonder Little Sister is willing to do that."

Yi Qinglan said indifferently: "Does Sheng Huang still think he is right?"

Sheng Ye was silent.

He never expected that the other party would come prepared.

If this image is spread, not only will the prestige of the royal family be challenged, but it will even stand on the opposite side of the entire Devil Dao!

"This Dao Qing Lan, he will not hesitate to offend the emperor for Li Ran? What is their relationship?"

The strength that Li Ran showed was far beyond his expectations.

And standing behind two top Sects, what terrifying energy is this?

At this moment, Li Ran's position in his heart has reached an unprecedented height!

Sheng Ye silently weighed the pros and cons 0

At this time, the imperial eunuch stepped forward and cautiously said: "Qi, the emperor, the hour has come."

Sheng Ye's brows trembled slightly.

He glanced at Yi Qinglan, his eyes seemed like a bottomless sea, and the calm and the waves couldn't afford any waves.

But he knew that in the depths of the sea, raging waves that would destroy everything were brewing.

Sheng Ye sighed in his heart, but there was no wave on his face, and he said solemnly, "Open the temple!"


The eunuch said loudly: "Fengtian will carry it, open the palace and build the temple!"


The five-clawed golden dragon carved on the high platform lights up, the golden halo fills up, and the solemn breath of Sacred fills the world.

Except for Sheng Ye and Yi Qinglan, everyone knelt on the ground.

Sheng Ye stood up, slowly walked up the steps, step by step on the high platform.

The bead curtain shook, the dragon robe flew, and the momentum climbed steadily, as if the sun couldn't look directly at it.

This is the coercion of the Emperor!

Only Yi Qinglan could see, his footsteps were a bit heavy

After a while, the voice of majesty sounded:

[Holy Son Li Ran, Holy Son Li Ran, repulsed the tide of beasts, made great contributions, saved hundreds of thousands of people from fire and water, and is the great hero of the human race!][I hereby announce to the world that I will reward ten spiritual treasures and eight immortal materials!][Because it saves the world and saves the world's evils, it is specially given the title of'Heavenly Demon of Zhenshi!]

Diyin rolled away from the horizon, resounding in every corner of the vast land!

At this moment, all the practitioners were stunned and looked towards Wuyang City in amazement.

Li Ran4.7?

Save the common people? Heavenly Demon?

Everyone came up with an idea:

This world is about to change!

Standing on Rakshasa Peak, Leng Wuyan looked at the clouds scattered by Diyin, smiling brightly at the corner of his mouth.

"Heavenly Demon, it's so ugly, Sheng Ye really doesn't know how to name it."

"From the perspective of this seat, it should be called Haotu's No. 1 Demon!'

At this time, a deacon walked quickly and knelt on one knee.

"The head of Qi, one to six peaks, Elder, the prison hall and the killing hall disciples are all ready to go, and they can go to Wuyang City at any time!

Leng Wuyan waved his hand, "It's gone, no need to go."

The disciple was stunned, "Huh?

Leng Wuyan lazily said: "Since Sheng Ye is so acquainted, I don't bother to trouble him, let him play by himself.
