
I really don't want to fall in love with my master

This novel is specifically designed for my one so I don't care about anything

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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50 Chs

151 to 160

Please, I Really Didn't Want To Fall in Love With My Master! Chapter 151 Online

Chapter 151

Chapter 151 Rebel, bullying me again!

At first, seeing Lin Langyue giving Li Ran a massage, apart from being jealous, Leng Wuyan was also faintly happy.

After all, that was Yi Qinglan's apprentice.

Looking at the other party's untidy clothes, she was obedient to Li Ran, making her feel like she was guilty of sighing.

There is no longer too much care.

But now?

Chief of Wanjian Pavilion, Holy Maiden of Hehuan Sect, Jiaolong princess of Dasheng Dynasty.

Which one is not the national beauty, the supreme arrogance?

At this time, they all gathered around Li Ran, greeted him with warmth and caring.

"Do you call this a righteous body, and you never go for it?"

Leng Wuyan's mouth twitched.

I'm afraid that all the beautiful girls under the sky have been hooked up by him!

She felt sour in her heart as if she had knocked over a bottle of vinegar.

"This rebel is really annoying!"

Leng Wuyan stood aside, sulking silently.

Li Ran noticed her emotions, his heart jumped slightly, got up and walked to her side.

Only then did the girls react.

Leng Wuyan is still here!

This is an emperor-level power, the head of the Youluo Temple, and the murderous Devil Dao giant wall!

They hurriedly bowed and said, "Junior has seen the cold head, is disrespectful and disrespectful, and looks at Haihan."

Leng Wuyan looked at them calmly and said nothing.

The three of them broke down in a cold sweat 09.

Could it be that there is a taboo?

Leng Wuyan didn't speak, and they didn't dare to get up, so they kept bowing.

"Ahem, Master,"

Li Ran said, "They are just caring about the disciples."


Leng Wuyan said indifferently: "Qin Holy Maiden and Princess Sheng, I don't say much, only this disciple of Wanjian Pavilion.

She stared at Yue Jianli with a torch-like gaze, and said: "The righteous and demons are not at the same time. As the righteous god, why are you so concerned about the safety of Ran'er?"


Yue Jianli didn't know how to answer.

The Doctor Luodian prohibits personal affair between men and women. If she tells the relationship between the two, I am afraid that it is not only herself, but Li Ran will follow.

So there was silence for a while.

Li Ran couldn't help feeling a little distressed when he saw it.

As a man, he naturally dared to act, not to mention that he didn't want to hide from Leng Wuyan.

But Sheng Zhixia is still there!

If this incident spreads out, I am afraid Wanjian Pavilion will not be able to tolerate this chief!

And how did he know that Sheng Zhixia had already watched the two of them?


In a hurry, Li Ran leaned into her ear and whispered something.


Leng Wuyan shook her body, her pretty face flushed instantly, and she almost couldn't stand steady.

He actually said this kind of unspoken words!

And there are others in front of her, and her shame is about to explode.

She glared at Li Ran bitterly, and said in a secret voice: "Adversary, if you dare to talk nonsense, be careful that this seat ignores you!"

Li Ran cleared his throat and said, "Master, when I return to Sect, the disciple will explain to you, why embarrass others?"

Leng Wuyan hummed: "Does this hurt?"

Li Ran didn't speak, but quietly touched his hand behind her.

Leng Wuyan's legs and feet were weak, and he stammered: "Okay, all, all get up."

The girls were relieved and straightened up one after another.

Qin Ruyan looked at the cold head with an annoyed blushing face, and then at Li Ran, who was upright and awe-inspiring. He always felt that something was wrong.

Leng Wuyan did not dare to stay any longer.

Otherwise, this disciple might do something absurd.

She turned around and said, "I will return to Sect first.

Li Ran nodded, "The disciple and master will go back together."

"no need."

Leng Wuyan shook his head and said, "Go back by yourself, and you are not allowed to use the Sect teleportation array."


Li Ran was taken aback, "Is it possible that the disciple should fly back? Master, this can be regarded as spanning the vast land!"

Leng Wuyan raised her eyebrows and said: "I think you are too slack on weekdays. This is also a way of practice.

Li Ran covered his face.

What kind of practice is clearly a public revenge!

Seeing his downcast look, a smile flashed across Leng Wuyan's eyes.

"Huh, why don't you punish you, do you really let you bully this seat?"

She took a step and disappeared into the secret room in an instant.


Li Ran sighed, "Creating evil!"

Sheng Zhixia cautiously said: "Li Holy Son, did we make the cold head unhappy?"

Li Ran shook his head, "It has nothing to do with you, it's my own problem.

"All right

At this time, Sheng Zhixia thought of something and asked: "By the way, how about Lin Fairy? Why didn't I see her?"

Li Ran was stunned for a moment.

Looking at the surrounding tables, chairs and beds, and recalling the time they spent in this secret room, the corners of their mouths can't help but curl up slightly.

"She, should this be Sect?"

Baiyun Peak.

Deep in the clouds.

In the master bedroom, the master and the apprentice sat facing each other.

Looking at own apprentice, Yi Qinglan's eyes were complicated, "Lang Yue, can you explain to Master, why do you want to do this?"

Lin Langyue whispered: "The disciple is sorry for Master's teaching."

Yi Qinglan frowned slightly, "But that demon forced you? Don't worry, you boldly say that being a teacher will definitely help you get justice!"

Although Leng Wuyan is very strong, she can't watch her disciple being bullied twice.

Lin Langyue shook her head, "Master has misunderstood that this is all voluntary by the disciples."


Yi Qinglan frowned, "You mean you voluntarily pinched your shoulders and legs for that demon?"

Lin Langyue lowered her head and gave a soft "um" nasal sound.

Yi Qinglan's eyes were full of puzzlement.

In the past few days, my Dao heart steadfast apprentice, how did 633 become like this?

Could Li Ran confuse people?

"Langyue, my Tianshu Yuan wants Heavenly Dao, do you want to abolish the Cultivation Base and let the Dao heart dissipate?"

Lin Langyue said: "Master, my disciple's Dao heart has never been so stable.


Yi Qinglan was taken aback and looked at her intently, frowning deeply.

I saw Lin Langyue's Dao heart firm, thoughtful, Spirit Power running more smoothly than before.

Cultivation Base actually rose instead of retreating!

"What's happening here?"

Even if she is as strong as her, now she is a little confused.

Lin Langyue said softly: "Master, you have always protected your disciples so well."

"So much so that I just lost a battle, and my mind was shaken, Cultivation Base regressed.

"Such a fragile Dao heart, can it really climb the fairy road and compete with everything?"

"Li Ran is right. The flowers in the greenhouse will never bloom on the fairy road!"

"A disciple should be a towering tree that cannot be destroyed, not a greenhouse flower that can be broken by a finger!"

Lin Langyue raised his head, there seemed to be a shining Star in his eyes, "Whether it is forgotten or extremely affectionate, as long as the disciple's intention to climb to the immortal is endless, one day he will reach the summit!"

Yi Qinglan looked at the familiar and unfamiliar disciple in front of him, and was stunned for a while.

The atmosphere was quiet for a long time.

Yi Qinglan wondered: "What did you just say? Extreme love?!"

Lin Langming: (O_O)

It's over, let's talk about it!.

Chapter 152

Chapter 152 Yi Qinglan: Adversarial disciples, actually practice routines as a teacher!

Yi Qinglan was puzzled: "If you heard me right as a teacher, what you just said was extremely affectionate?"

Lin Langyue said earnestly: "Master, you heard me wrong."

Yi Qinglan was speechless for a while.

Do you have a diarrhea of ​​ears?

Suddenly she frowned.

its not right.

The Taoism of the Tianshu Yuan is based on Heavenly Dao. If Lin Langming really falls into the red dust, the Dao heart will collapse in an instant.

But how can Cultivation Base not retreat but advance?


What did Yi Qinglan think of, and she was shocked: "You don't think of Li Ran as a visual object, do you?"

Lin Langyue lowered her head, everything was said without saying.


The entire mountain trembled for a while, and the sea of ​​clouds surged above the mountain!

"Evil boy, evil boy!"

Yi Qinglan was heartbroken, "Do you know that you are in the process of self-defeating?"

No wonder she did such an intimate thing, but Dao heart is still as solid as a rock.

It turns out that she visualized Li Ran as Heavenly Dao. The closer the relationship between the two is, the closer she is to Heavenly Dao, and the Dao heart will naturally become stronger!

In Yi Qinglan's view, this is no different from the evil way!

It may not be a problem now, but what if Li Ran Cultivation Base stalls?

What if he falls?

That means that Lin Langyue's immortal road has also been ruined!

How can people compare with Heavenly Dao?

"Rebel, why did you do this?"

Yi Qinglan said with a heartache: "Is it just because of the man's rhetoric that you gave up the opportunity to be immortal?"

Lin Langyue was silent for a while.

Then he whispered: "Master, please check the memory of the disciple."


Yi Qinglan was taken aback, "What did you say?"

Lin Langyue sat in the Lotus Position and let go of Divine Sense, "Master, you will know after watching it."

Because she took the initiative to cooperate and would not hurt her soul, Yi Qinglan hesitated for a moment, and gently tapped her finger on the center of her forehead.

I saw it from the day when the tide of beasts attacked the city.

Scenes of real memories are displayed in front of Yi Qinglan:

The city wall.

Behind him is a frightened practitioner, and in front of him is a raging beast wave.

Li Ran soared into the air, a golden flame burst all over his body.

"Let these beasts know who is the prey~"!"

He is like a red flame meteor, dragging the flame tail and crashing into the beast pack!

The power of one person can block the tide of beasts!

In the battlefield.

Li Ran's blood boiled, and he stepped Nascent Soul Thunder Lion under his feet, holding his beating heart high in his hands.


For a time, the group of demons was frightened!

Before the waterfall.

Li Ran rescued her between life and death, and a battle broke out with Yu Ye!

The star giant, the huge thunder that smashed down

The body of Nascent Soul, killing and distracting!

In the secret room.

Li Ran lowered his eyebrows, with the Buddha's light shining behind him.

With flowers holding a sword, Vajra glared.

Destroy the ancient corpse of the Transcends Tribulation period with one sword!

Yi Qinglan withdrew from memory.

In the future, it is their two kinds of ambiguous actions, which are really unsightly.

Lin Langyue opened his eyes, "Master, can you see clearly?"

"See it clearly."

Yi Qinglan's eyes are complicated.

Li Ran is indeed not a prodigal son.

On the contrary, he was determined and courageous.

Less than twenty years old, the dual cultivation of Buddhism and Taoism, the body is like a dragon, and the talent is so strong that people can't believe it!

The appearance of the giant Star Giant is a pattern that has no power.

There is also the world-shaking god thunder, and the demon beheading Vajra…

She even felt that even Leng Wuyan could not teach this kind of apprentice.

"If this son does not fall, he will surely proclaim his emperor!"

At this moment, she seemed to understand Lin Langming's choice.

In memory, Yi Qinglan also heard what Li Ran said:

[What if I am Heavenly Dao?][If the sky above my head, wearing Galaxy Cluster, you bright moon, naturally in my palm?]

"No matter how strong the talent is, now it's just a Nascent Soul, actually trying to replace Heavenly Dao?"

Yi Qinglan shook her head.

For some reason, I suddenly remembered the figure who was under pressure and looked at her condescendingly.

"It's so arrogant!

Lin Langyue looked at the unpredictable expression, nodded, shook his head, and gritted his teeth again, scratching his head.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"


Yi Qinglan came back to her senses, cleared her throat and said, "Ahem, it's nothing."

"Lang Yue, you are still too impulsive!

She said earnestly: "I admit that Li Ran is indeed a great emperor. But the world is fickle, and with his arrogant personality, if an accident falls, wouldn't you want to ruin Xianlu?"

Lin Langyue smiled and said, "With the respected master, the disciples are relieved.


Yi Qinglan was confused.

Lin Langyue said solemnly: "Li Ran is very strong, and with the escort of Leng Wuyan and Shizun, two emperor-level powers, how could he fall?"

Yi Qinglan frowned and said, "Why does the poor Dao want to protect him?"

Lin Langyue said pitifully: "||Does Master want to watch the disciple's Dao heart dissipate?"


Yi Qinglan was so angry and funny.

"Okay, you actually figured it out as a teacher!"

"How is this calculation? Disciples like Master the most.

Lin Langyue smiled, holding her arm coquettishly.

Yi Qinglan was stunned.

They have been with them for more than ten years, and Lin Langming has always respected her, but has never been so close to her.

This made her feel warm.

"Lang Yue seems to have really changed, but Pan Dao still likes this change."

"As for Li Ran"

"Even for the sake of Langming, we must never let him fall."

Thinking back to the arrogant little thief, the joking sound seemed to be still in his ears:

[Tao aunts who have never been in love are qualified to say forgetfulness?]

The roots of Yi Qinglan's teeth are itchy.

"But it's really uncomfortable!"

South Wind City.

Li Ran was using wine to pour her sorrows, and empty wine jars were placed under her feet.

And Yue Jianli, Qin Ruyan and Sheng (Wang Haohao) Zhixia looked at him helplessly.

"Li Holy Son, you have been drinking all day, the wine in this Qiufeng Building is almost drunk by you." Qin Ruyan said helplessly.

Li Ran shook his head and sighed, "You know what a fart, I'm borrowing wine to pour my sorrows, but why don't you get drunk? What about the boss, you sell fake wine?"

Qin Ruyan said speechlessly: "You are already Nascent Soul, let alone drinking, even if you soak in a wine jar, you won't be drunk.

Li Ran's eyes lit up, "In the wine jar? Good idea!!

The three of them finally held him down.

Sheng Zhixia wondered: "Li Holy Son, but what are you worrying about?"

Li Ran sighed, "You are still young, and you don't understand it."

Sheng Zhixia looked down unconvincedly, "It's a lie, it's not small at all!"


Li Ran hung his chin and looked sad.

"Master is really jealous this time, what can I do if I return to Sect?".

Chapter 153

Chapter 153 Three women, a boat?

Seeing Li Ran frowning, Sheng Zhixia said: "Li Holy Son, are you worried about flying back? It doesn't matter, you can use Sheng Clan's teleportation array."

Li Ran shook his head and said: "It has nothing to do with this.

Even if he can't use the teleportation array, he still has a dragon, he doesn't need to consume a trace of Spirit Power, and it is not a problem to return to Sect.

Mainly what should I do after I go back?

The last time the marriage contract was exposed, he racked his brains and coaxed him for several days before he was considered as coaxing the master.

And this time he and Lin Langyue "cohabited together", plus Yue Jianli's incident..

If you want to coax a good teacher, it is conservatively estimated that it is also The Underworld level of difficulty.

Sheng Zhixia tilted her head and thought for a while, "If Li Holy Son is not in a hurry, why not go back to Wuyang City with this palace?"


Li Ran puzzled: "What do you want to do in Wuyang City?"

Sheng Zhixia said: "This time the beast tide came, the practitioners saved hundreds of thousands of people. This palace will report to the emperor father, so that he will tell the world about everyone's achievements. As the leader, you are even more credited. Wei, it would be best if we could be there."

Li Ran waved his hand, "It's just a fake name, I'm not interested in it.

He is not a vain character.

Otherwise, how can you act so recklessly 633, and even beat righteous way disciples in Qingzhou City?

He didn't care about this kind of empty head and brain.

Sheng Zhixia continued: "In addition to telling the world, the father will also give you the rewards you deserve.


Li Ran was taken aback.

Sheng Zhixia nodded and said: "The people of Nanfeng City are the people of the Sheng clan. You fight for them. Of course, the Sheng clan must show something.


Li Ran cleared his throat, "How do you express it?"

Sheng Zhixia thought for a while, "Such a great achievement, Lingbao and Immortal materials combined, at least a dozen pieces, right?"

Only when.

Li Ran pushed away the chair and stood up.

"When shall we leave?"


Li Ran said solemnly: "It doesn't matter what Lingbao or anything else, mainly I am homesick."


Qin Ruyan couldn't help but laugh, "Li Holy Son, you are still so'righteous' as expected."

"Of course, I am not only straight, but also straight.

Li Ran blinked at Yue Jianli, "Is it, Chief Yue?"

"I, I don't know."


Yue Jianli blushed and lowered his head.

A shyness flashed through Qin Ruyan's eyes, and a smile on his face.

And Sheng Zhixia didn't know what he thought of, Qiao blushed transparently, and she didn't dare to look at him.

It's just that Li Ran didn't notice.

"By the way, do you want to go together?" he asked.


Qin Ruyan and Yue Jian divorced in the same voice.

Li Ran was taken aback.

Yue Jianli must be trying to grind his ears and temples, so why does Qin Ruyan join in the fun?

Qin Ruyan saw his thoughts and pouted: "Why, you are also a worthy minister against the beast tide slave house, can't you still go to receive an award?"

"Yes, of course."

Sheng Zhi Xia Qiang resisted the shame, nodded and said: "Qin Holy Maiden is a human hero, of course you can go together.


Li Ran nodded, "Then let's go."

It's been a long time since I saw Qingge's girl, so I just went back to Wuyang City to check her homework.

By the way, can you still get some good things out of the hands of the ancestors?

After all, he can control his dark history.

A few people straightened up and set off.

Li Ran originally wanted to ride Long Xin with Yue Jianli, but it wasn't appropriate to think about it carefully.

Lonely men and widows, one righteous and one demon, sitting in a sedan chair, it is inevitable that they will fall off the tongue.

So I chose to ride the flying boat of Shengzhixia together.

Looking at the huge and extravagant flying boat in front of him, Li Ran couldn't help but nodded secretly.

The royal family is rich in wealth!

This flying boat is made of non-metal and non-stone, with golden dragons carved on it. It is a magical item for Princess Jiaolong's Shengzhixia.

The eaves on the boat are glorious and magnificent, and there are more than ten rooms just like a palace flying in the sky!

Sheng Zhixia took them onto the deck and came to the door of the guest room.

"The layout of these rooms is the same, all the supplies are brand new, you can choose at will, you can live in whichever room." She said.

Li Ran walked into the room at random, "I will live here."

However, Yue Jianli and Qin Ruyan decisively chose one left and the other, and they lived next door to him.

The scene is very similar to before.

Sheng Zhixia thought of something that shouldn't be thought of again

She covered her face and said, "You can rest early, come upstairs to see my palace if you have something to do.

After speaking, he ran away in a hurry.

Li Ran walked into the room.

The decoration in the room is also gorgeous, the furniture is made of Lingxiang wood, and the fragrance of the incense burner on the table is curling.

Even the tea leaves are good spirit teas.

He couldn't help sighing again for the wealth of the royal family.

If it is compared to strength, the top Sect is nothing less than nothing, but if it is compared to financial resources, the Sheng clan should be the number one in the world!

After all, it is the imperial court that oppresses China and the richness of resources is unimaginable.

Sit by the window and look down.

The flying boat has started, flying at an altitude of 10,000 meters, and the city-state has shrunk into a small grid under its feet.

Although the flight speed is not very fast, but the victory is very stable, hardly feel any bumps.

"I don't know what Jianli is doing."

Li Ran sinks his mind into the Dantian villain.

He absorbed the energy of the black mist, and the soul got a qualitative leap, coupled with the enlargement of the villain Dantian, the entire flying boat was shrouded in his perception.

Like God's perspective, no movement can escape his eyes.

Yue Jianli was pacing back and forth in the room at this time, opening the door to check from time to time.

Looks a little expectant, a little shy, and a little scared?

And Qin Ruyan sticks to the wall, seeming to be eavesdropping on Li Ran's movement.

Li Ran brows jumped, "This woman definitely has a problem!"

I forgot that I was also "peeping" in some way

At this time, he sensed a slight change, and he carefully probed the past.

I saw Sheng Zhixia rolling back and forth with the quilt in the gorgeous bedroom upstairs.

She blushed with shame, and her hair was disheveled, and she murmured: "Holy Son and Chief Yue live so close, they will definitely be okay, you know the summer, forget it quickly!'

"But I really can't forget this palace!"

"Holy Son Li is Devil Dao Holy Son, Chief Yue is the Sword Immortal of Righteous Dao. How do these two people look like they can't fight with each other, why did they become Dao companions?"

"That's not right, isn't You Luo Temple forbidding affair between men and women? What the hell is going on?"

Sheng Zhixia rubbed her hair, puzzled.

Li Ran retracted Divine Sense and sat in a chair blankly.

After a long silence, he whispered:

"Grass, exposed!"

Chapter 154

Chapter 154 Sheng Zhixia was scared to cry!

Li Ran rubbed his eyebrows, his face was thoughtful.

How did you expose yourself?

He and Yue Jianli had a bond long ago, but those things are their secrets, and it is impossible for others to know.

Besides, listening to Sheng Zhixia's statement, I already know that they have done things like clouds and rain.

Not long after that happened, how did she know?

"Could it be that Qin Ruyan leaked it out?"

Li Ran thought for a while, but it didn't feel right.

Qin Ruyan had seen him act murderous, and knew that he would never be merciless.

Besides, if this matter leaked out, it didn't do her any good.

If you want to threaten him with this secret, it is even more impossible to tell someone else.

"It seems to be monitored by Sheng Zhixia-ah."

Li Ran's eyes were cold, "If you really make any crooked ideas, even the emperor daddy can't kill it!"

On this flying boat, the strongest is General Wang, who is just a Nascent Soul late stage.

He can even be distracted, but can Nascent Soul stop him?

Li Ran walked straight out of the room and walked all the way upstairs.

Sheng Zhixia was still tossing on the bed, and suddenly there was a knock on the door.

She cleared her throat, "Who?

The voice of the guard came from outside the door, "His Royal Highness, Princess Li, Holy Son said something is looking for you."

"Lee Holy Son?"

Sheng Zhixia was shocked, "Wait a minute!"

She hurriedly got up, straightened her hair in the mirror, smoothed the folds of her clothes, and sat on a chair dignifiedly.

"Ahem, please come in, Li Holy Son."

"Yes, Holy Son, please come in."

The guard opened the door, and Li Ran walked in with a smile, "I have seen your Royal Highness."

Sheng Zhixia stood up and said, "Li Holy Son is polite, what's the matter for looking for this palace?"

The door just closed at this moment.

Li Ran's smile instantly converged, and he covered her mouth and pressed her directly onto the bed!


Sheng Zhixia's eyes were horrified, and he didn't know why he suddenly got into trouble.

For a while, he even forgot to resist.

Li Ran first turned on the pupil of breaking delusion, and scanned the room carefully, making sure that there were no formations and mechanisms.

Then a soundproof formation was thrown away.

He lowered his head and looked at Sheng Zhixia, his golden eyes were extremely indifferent, "Say, what do you intend to do?"

Sheng Zhixia: "Hmm!"


"Forgot to cover your mouth, you can't speak."

Li Ran let go, Sheng Zhixia got up and ran out of the door.

But within two steps, he fell to the ground with a puff.

I saw a red rope tied her up, tied her hands together, and held her high above her head.

The body was tied up in shame, and the bumpy figure was revealed.

A faint light lit up, and she was wrapped in invisible power and hung in the air.

Li Ran moved a chair, and the old god was sitting opposite her.

"Princess Sheng, don't think about tricks, because you definitely don't have as many tricks as I do."

Sheng Zhixia said nervously: "This palace warns you, don't mess around, the guards of my Sheng clan are all outside the door!"

Li Ran shrugged, "Then you shout, shout to see if someone will come to rescue you?"

"Come on! Escort!"

Sheng Zhixia shouted for a long time, but no one responded at all.

She tried to use the Cultivation Base, but the next second, a black blade of light hovered between her neck.

As long as there is a slight change, it will definitely be cut down without hesitation.

Sheng Zhixia's pretty face was frosty, and he said indignantly: "This palace kindly invites you to go with you, why do you treat this palace like this?"

She thought Li Ran was going to do something indescribable to her.

"Good intentions?"

Li Ran's eyes raised slightly, "In that case, why are you spying on me secretly?"

Sheng Zhixia was taken aback, "When did this palace monitor you?"

"You're still stiff, aren't you?"

Li Ran laughed, "Princess Sheng may have forgotten, I am a member of Devil Dao, and what I do best is torture a confession!"

A gloomy light flashed in his hand, and a sharp dagger was added.

Standing up and walking in front of Sheng Zhixia, he gestured back and forth on her body, the cold blade made her hair stand up.

"You, what do you want to do? This palace is the princess of the Dasheng Dynasty, you better not mess around!" Sheng Zhixia stammered.

Li Ran smiled and said, "Don't worry, since Princess Sheng doesn't want to say it, let's play slowly."

"This fair and delicate skin is a good material. If you cut it off, it's a pity, you can get it bit by bit."


Sheng Zhixia didn't react.

"Yes, the upper body can be used as a waistcoat, and the legs can be used to fit the soles of boots. As for the softest and delicate leg roots, use them as two gloves. I think it will be very warm in winter."

0...for flowers…

Li Ran licked his lips, looking very perverted.

Sheng Zhixia was trembling all over, and the hair on her back stood up.

She gritted her teeth and said, "You Devil, I won't let you go as a ghost!"

"Don't worry, you won't die for a while. My craft must be performed while people are alive to achieve the ultimate effect.

"Pain and anger will tighten your muscles and tighten your skin, so that it will be softer and more elastic."

"So get angry, it will only excite me!"

"Jie Jie Jie!"

Li Ran licked the blade with a strange smile, then froze for a while, turned around and took a bite.

A bit too deep into the play.

"Where do I start?"

Li Ran seemed to think seriously.

Sheng Zhixia looked at him blankly, feeling the cold touch of the tip of the knife, tears suddenly filled his eyes.


After speaking, he cried with a "wow".


Li Ran swallowed, "Hey, I haven't done it yet."


Sheng Zhixia cried loudly, and the cry was loud.

Li Ran was dumbfounded.

"I just played it casually, is it so scary?'

"Well, you are also an emperor, Gold Core practitioner, cry a hammer!"

However, Sheng Zhixia cried more and more vigorously, her voice seemed to fill her brain with magic sounds, and Li Ran's head was as big as a fight.

After half an hour.

Li Ran lay on the table, eyes blank.

Sheng Zhixia's eyes were red and swollen, and the heavy rain was about to cease, and she was sobbing every now and then.

"I said," Li Ran spoke slowly, his voice heavy, "You should be able to hear it, I was scaring you just now, right?,


Sheng Zhixia's voice was hoarse.

"Obviously I was under surveillance, why are you crying so vigorously?" Li Ran was aggrieved.

Sheng Zhixia choked up and said: "Who is watching you? My palace doesn't know what you are talking about.

Li Ran frowned and said straight to the door: "Then how do you know that Yue Jian and I were separated?

Sheng Zhixia was taken aback.

Then his cheeks flushed.

It turns out he was talking about this! Spoon.

Chapter 155

Chapter 155 Grabbed the handle of the emperor!

Sheng Zhixia recalled the scene he saw that day, his face was flushed and his heart beat violently.

"You, what are you talking about, I don't understand at all."

"Can not understand?"

Li Ran's eyes narrowed, gleaming dangerously.

"You better not test my patience, do you want everyone here to bury you?"

Sheng Zhixia was silent.

Although Li Ran is a hero who fought against the animal tide, it was from the standpoint of the human race, and it did not mean that he was a good man and believer.

On the contrary, he is still the Devil Dao Holy Son who kills decisively.

Sheng Zhixia bowed her head in frustration: "How did you know

She is obviously hiding well, how did Li Ran discover it?

"Just leave it alone, let's talk about it, how do you monitor me, and why do you monitor me?"

He squeezed Sheng Zhi Xia Xue's "six three threes" pretty face, smiled and said: "If I find you are lying, be careful of your face."

The touch and temperature from her cheeks made her ashamed and indignant.

With her noble status, no one has ever dared to be so frivolous than her.

Sheng Zhixia bit her lip and said quietly, "Li Holy Son, are you a hero or Devil?"

Li Ran shrugged, "It depends on whether you are my enemy."

Sheng Zhixia sighed and shook his head: "My palace has never thought about what to do with you or monitor you. That incident was purely accidental."


Li Ran frowned.

Sheng Zhixia whispered: "It was indeed an accident. Do you still remember the gift this palace gave you?"

Li Ran thought for a while, "Are you explaining like a mirror?"


Sheng Zhixia said: "It is because of that Magic Treasures that I saw a scene that I shouldn't watch."

After listening to her narration, Li Ran was completely dumbfounded.

Turns out to be so!

That Mingrujing is indeed a treasure. It can detect the surrounding scenery and sounds, but there is almost no Spirit Power fluctuation.

In addition, he was picking Yue Jianli with a gun at the time, and this movement was concealed from his perception.

Li Ran's throat moved, "In other words, you can see everything through the mirror?"


Sheng Zhixia responded with a nasal sound, lowering his head not to look at him.

Li Ran covered his face and said, "Then what did you see?"

Sheng Zhixia said as if resigning his fate: "I can see everything."

Li Ran's face blushed, and he said in a bad mood: "Sure enough, you didn't feel good about the gift you gave me!"

Sheng Zhixia's face was burning with smoke, "This palace didn't mean it, I thought you would erase the mark directly, but you are coughing all day and night!"

Li Ran slumped on the chair, looking dull, and murmured: "It's not guaranteed at night, and it's not guaranteed at night.

Did he broadcast live to someone else?

What a shame!

"Wait, how do you know it's a day and a night?"

Li Ran wondered: "You won't be watching the whole process, are you?"

Sheng Zhixia lowered her head in shame.

it is more than words.

Li Ran: ""

Normal people see this scene, shouldn't Divine Sense be shut off immediately?

This emperor actually saw the end from the beginning?

This person definitely has a problem!

Li Ran shivered, "I didn't expect you to have this kind of hobby!"

"This palace isn't so good!"

Facing his skeptical look, Sheng Zhixia said shyly: "Ben and this palace have never seen them before, they are simply curious.

Li Ran rubbed his eyebrows, "No matter how curious you are, you can't spy on other people's privacy?"


Sheng Zhixia also knows that her behavior is so little

All can only blame her strong "curiosity".

"Anyway, things have happened, and it doesn't make sense to say this."

Li Ran squeezed his chin and said, "The question now is, what should I do with you?"

Qin Ruyan knew a little bit about it.

But Sheng Zhixia is different, what if she leaks things out?

Sheng Zhixia said sincerely: "Li Holy Son, don't worry, this palace will never say anything about it.,

Li Ran shook his head, "But I don't believe you."

Sheng Zhixia pouted: "Then what do you want to do."

Li Ran thought about it seriously.

If you want the emperor to shut up, you have to hold her handle, which will make her throw a rat.

But how do you catch her handle?

Seeing Sheng Zhixia who was tied up with five flowers in front of him, his mind flashed.

Without a handle, you can create a handle!

Li Ran leaned in her ear, muttering something 0

"No, absolutely not! How can this palace do something like this?"

Sheng Zhixia's head shook into a rattle.

Li Ran flew in his hand, "Since you don't want to, then I can only kill you."

"you dare!"

"Guess I dare not?"

In the end, in order to save her life, Sheng Zhixia had no choice but to obediently agree.

A surname is Xianghou.

Li Ran put away the photo-taking stone and said with satisfaction: "Yes, for your cooperation, let me let you go."

Sheng Zhixia squatted in the corner, her pretty face flushed, "Then, that image, you must not pass it out!"

Li Ran nodded, "Don't worry, as long as your mouth is strict, I promise that no third person will know.

"All right "

Sheng Zhixia lowered her head helplessly.

"Princess Sheng stayed, don't give it away."

Li Ran snapped his fingers, removed the soundproof formation, Shi Shiran walked out.

Sheng Zhixia looked at his back, with a shy expression and flustered eyes.

"This palace actually did such a ridiculous thing?"

Due to Li Ran's threat, she could only choose to compromise just now.

In accordance with his request, he made a shameful move and said some blushing words.

And this scene was also recorded by the other party with a photo-taking stone.

Sheng 4.7 Zhixia wants to die.

"Father, I'm sorry, Erchen!"

She hugged her knees and her eyes were misty.

As the emperor of the Sheng Dynasty, she has a noble status and a lofty status. She has never experienced such a thing.

She simply broke through her physical and psychological double defenses.

Suddenly, Sheng Zhixia thought of something.

"That look, isn't it the same as Chief Yue that night? God!"

She blushed instantly, wishing to get into a crack in the ground.

"I'm going to die, I'm really ashamed!"

"Li Ran, you devil!"


In the guest room downstairs.

Li Ran was carefully searching every corner of the room.

Yue Jianli was puzzled: "What are you looking for?"

Li Ran looked cautious, "The slope is steep and the road is slippery, so be careful of overturning!".

Chapter 156

Chapter 156 No, Sheng Zhixia is not right!

Early the next morning.

Qin Ruyan walked out of the room.

Leaning on the railing and looking far away, the sunshine and wine are very warm on the body, and the misty clouds seem to be within reach.

She stretched out comfortably, and the graceful waistline was fully exhibited.

"Last night was really quiet.

Qin Ruyan blinked, "I want to come to Li Holy Son to use sound-proof formation, which is really cautious."

After contacting these few days, based on her knowledge of Li Ran, she was definitely not so honest last night.

She walked to the door and clicked the door lightly.

"Li Holy Son, it's late, it's time to get up for breakfast."

After waiting for a long time, there was no movement at all.

"Is he up already?"

Qin Ruyan shook his head and turned to leave.

Just after Yue Jian left the room, the door suddenly opened, and Li Ran walked out refreshedly.

"Morning, Qin Holy Maiden.

Qin Ruyan looked at him and then at Yue Jianli, who was shy and timid behind him, couldn't help being a little dazed.

"Li Holy Son, you can't avoid people anymore?" she asked in confusion.

Li Ran shrugged, "There are only three of us on this floor. Anyway, you know, what else is there to hide?"

"That's true." Qin Ruyan nodded.

After 09, she remembered something and reminded: "But you still have to pay attention, if you are seen by Sheng Zhixia, it will be hard to say."

"Sheng Zhi Xia?"

Li Ran shook his head and smiled.

People watch the battle throughout the whole process, and they know more than you!

But now that she has her handle in hand, she doesn't worry about what storms the other party will turn over.

Li Ran flexed his muscles and made a burst of crackling noises.

"Go and eat.

After speaking, he strode out of the room, and Yue Jian followed suit.

Seeing his strong muscles like a dragon, Qin Ruyan's eyes lit up with mist.

"I don't know if Chief Yue can stand him

Several people came to the dining room on the second floor, Sheng Zhixia had been waiting here long ago.

She is wearing a bright yellow high-waisted long skirt, which outlines a beautiful figure. The skirt is embroidered with golden dragons, which adds a touch of royal dignity to her.

The hair bun on the head is loosely curved, and the brocade-like blue silk hangs down from the fragrant shoulders. The whole person is full of youthful vigor.

Qin Ruyan smiled and said, "Princess Sheng dressed up very beautifully today."

"Qin Holy Maiden praised, just freshen up casually." Sheng Zhixia said modestly.

At this moment Li Ran walked over.

Her pretty face blushed instantly, her eyes dodging not to look at him.

Li Ran was quite calm, "Morning, Princess Sheng."

"Good morning, early morning, Li Holy Son." She lowered her head and stammered.

At this time, the maids carrying meals came in one after another, and all kinds of delicacies and delicacies filled the table.

The Xenon Chlorine on the dishes has a faint Spiritual Qi, and obviously the ingredients are very extraordinary.

The maids went out after serving the food, and only four of them were left in the dining room.

"Everyone, please have a meal."

Sheng Zhixia greeted, and several people took their seats.

During the dinner, she had been quietly looking at Li Ran.

When I think of what happened yesterday, it feels like a hundred claws scratching my heart, and even the food has no taste.

"Will Li Ran show the image to others?"

"What if he loses the photo-taking stone?"

"What if he does something strange to the image?"

Sheng Zhixia felt that his head was about to explode.

Qin Ruyan said at this moment: "Princess Sheng, are you?"

Sheng Zhixia was taken aback and shook her head quickly, "I am not, I don't!"

Seeing everyone's weird eyes, she blushed and hung her head.

Qin Ruyan said in doubt: "I said you are not feeling well, I feel that your face is a bit bad."

Sheng Zhixia swallowed and smiled forcefully: "Thank you Qin Holy Maiden for your concern, this palace just didn't rest last night."

"Oh, OK.

Qin Ruyan nodded.

A shyness flashed from the side of Yue Jian from the bottom of his eyes.

Li Ran told her everything.

Thinking of all the crazy actions that day, Sheng Zhixia had witnessed them, she wanted to find a place to sew in.

"I blame you!"

Yue Jianli glared at Li Ran bitterly, stretched out his hand and twisted hard on his waist.


Li Ran almost squirted out the rice

Qin Ruyan's eyes circled around the three of them, always feeling that something was wrong.

She seemed to have missed something good.

"I'm done, you guys use it slowly."

After Li Ran had eaten enough, he put down his chopsticks and left.

"Ben and Hong Kong are fine too, and both of you eat slowly.

Sheng Zhixia also left the dining room shortly thereafter.

Looking at their backs, Qin Ruyan frowned slightly, "Chief Yue, do you feel that they are not quite right?"

Yue Jianli blushed and immersed himself in the food, "No, I think it's normal.

On the deck of the flying boat.

Li Ran sat in a chair, basking in the sun comfortably.

The flying speed of the flying boat is not fast, but it is also the case, it will make people feel very comfortable, as if they are on vacation.

"Lee Holy Son.

A soft voice rang in my ears.

Li Ran turned his head and saw Sheng Zhixia standing aside, looking at him timidly.

"Princess Sheng, what's the matter?

Sheng Zhixia said hesitantly: "Li Holy Son, can you destroy yesterday's image?"

"What image?" Li Ran began to play dumb.

Sheng Zhixia snorted: "That's what the palace looks like."

"E, you say this, right?"

A cyan stone appeared in Li Ran's hand.

Sheng Zhi 633 Xia hurriedly reached out to grab it, but the stone disappeared in a flash, but she almost rushed into Li Ran's arms.

She blushed and stood up in a hurry.

"Li Holy Son, don't tease this palace."

Li Ran shook his head and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I just want a guarantee, so I won't be bored and spread everywhere."

"But the image is too shame

Sheng Zhi Xia Zhen's head hung down, "If it accidentally leaks out, the name of this palace will be ruined."

Li Ran thought for a while, "Princess Sheng is worried that she won't be able to find her husband? So, when you have Dao companions, I will destroy them in front of you.

Sheng Zhixia was stunned for a moment, and then shook his head: "I don't want to find any Dao companions if I don't care about men and women in this palace.


Li Ran squeezed his chin and said amused: "But how do I think Princess Sheng is particularly interested in that kind of thing?"

"Ben, this palace doesn't have it!

Sheng Zhixia was ashamed and anxious, turned around and ran off the deck.

When she ran into Qin Ruyan head-on, she didn't even bother to say hello, blushing and ran back to the bedroom.

Qin Ruyan looked at her flustered back, then looked at Li Ran who was basking in the sun, her eyebrows couldn't help but gently twitched.

No, these two people definitely have a problem!

ps: There are thousands of roads, safety first, irregular driving, the author tears twice.

Chapter 157

Chapter 157 Filial piety moved Tian Li Holy Son!

Although the speed of the flying boat was not fast, with the help of the teleportation array between the cities, they rushed to Wuyang City within two days.

Stepping on this land again, Li Ran couldn't help feeling deeply.

It's not long since I came back last time.

But so much happened in the middle, which made him feel like a world away.

In order not to cause a sensation, the girls have changed into casual clothes, with veils blocking their pretty faces.

But even so, the graceful figure also attracted the attention of pedestrians.

Sheng Zhixia invited out: "My palace must return to the palace first, do you want to come to the palace to play together?"

Qin Ruyan and Yue Jianli did not answer, but turned their eyes to Li Ran.

Li Ran resolutely refused, "Don't go, what's so fun about the palace? Then you can send someone to send the Lingbao to Li Mansion."

Yue Jianli said: "Then I won't go either."

She must follow Li Ran.

Qin Ruyan said diligently: "Places like the imperial palace are not suitable for slaves, but brothels are more cordial."

Sheng Zhixia nodded and said, "Well, this palace will take a step first, and I hope you will be there in person when your father tells the world.

At the thought of being separated temporarily, she was still a little bit reluctant.

The most lonely emperor's house.

She has a noble status, and she has lived in good clothes since she was a child.

Everyone saw her respectfully, even if it is Sect Tianjiao, they must respectfully call Princess Sheng.

But because of this, she has never had real friends.

But Li Ran is totally different. They didn't put her princess' identity to put in one's eyes at all, which made her feel very natural and comfortable.

Sheng Zhixia hesitated for a while, walked to Li Ran, and whispered: "Li Holy Son, you will keep the secret between us, right?"

Li Ran nodded, "Don't worry, I will do what I say."


A blush flashed across Sheng Zhixia's cheeks, "I believe you!"

After speaking, he turned and ran away.

Li Ran shook his head.

As long as it does not affect Yue Jianli, he will not harm a girl's reputation.

He couldn't do such a dishonest thing.

Qin Ruyan curiously said: "Li Holy Son, what is the secret between you and Princess Sheng, it's so mysterious~"."

Li Ran glanced at her, "If I tell you, can it be called a secret?"


Qin Ruyan gave him a white look, "I feel that she is out of luck in the past two days. Something unspeakable must have happened between you."

Li Ran's eyes raised slightly, "Isn't there a secret between Qin Holy Maiden and I?"


Qin Ruyan was taken aback when he heard the words.

Li Ran leaned in her ear and whispered, "If you reveal the secret, I will definitely kill you.

Qin Ruyan's hair stood up on his back, and his body froze in place.

Li Ran grinned, turning around and rubbing Yue Jianli's head, "Let's go, let's go home."


Yue Jianli nodded obediently.

Seeing the two people drifting away from their backs, Qin Ruyan bit her lip, her eyes filled with mist.

"I won't talk about it, why do I always scare people? I also leave them alone here.

"Li Ran, you really hate it!"

Standing on a busy street, she was like a child abandoned by her parents, feeling extremely wronged.

At this moment Li Ran turned back and said, "What are you thinking, why don't you keep up?"


Qin Ruyan pointed at herself, "You mean, I'm going to your house too?"

Li Ran took it for granted: "Of course, or where do you want to go?"

The yin spirit in Qin Ruyan's heart dissipated instantly, the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted, and his hand wiped the corners of his eyes.

"Come on~"

In fact, Li Ran just frightened her.

With Qin Ruyan's character, he would not talk nonsense.

And when he was trapped in the secret room, Qin Ruyan searched the Shiwan Mountain for three days, and even traveled across the vast land for thousands of miles, telling Leng Wuyan about the matter.

Li Ran knew this favor.

Otherwise, I would have recorded a small video for her a long time ago.

However, he always felt that if he really recorded a small video for Qin Ruyan, it might be in her arms.

The three came all the way to Li Mansion.

When the guardian saw him, he was stunned on the spot.

Then he shouted excitedly:

"Young Master is back! Young Master is back!"

There was a loud noise in the yard, and the servants and families greeted them one after another, forming two rows in front of the door.

"Young Master, welcome home!"

Their voices were loud, and they bowed at ninety degrees, obviously well-trained.


Li Ran couldn't help covering his face.

A strong sense of sight at the bathing center.

Li Daoyuan also walked out after hearing the sound, and couldn't help being stunned when he saw them.

"Ran'er, why are you back again?"

"Listening to your tone, it doesn't seem to be very welcome?"

"How come this is all you can see.

Li Daoyuan looked at him, the two slender girls surrounded by black veils.

"^|These two girls are"

"E, they are my Arab girlfriends." Li Ran said casually.


In the study.

Li Daoyuan sat opposite the three of them, his eyes sluggish.

He swallowed, "If I'm not mistaken, this is Chief Yue of Wanjian Pavilion, right?

Yue Jianli respectfully said: "Junior Yue Jianli has met Uncle Li.

This was the first time she saw Li Ran's father, and she felt nervous.


Li Daoyuan was puzzled: "You and Ran'er won't be

Yue Jianli lowered his head shyly.

Needless to say, Li Daoyuan understood everything.

"Ran'er, you won't forget that you are Devil Dao Holy Son? What if this Wanjian Pavilion comes to you?" Li Daoyuan frowned.

Li Ran shrugged, "Wanjian Pavilion will not know. Even if you hear some rumors, you should not easily believe it. (Wang is good)"

"That's how it is said, but it is always risky."

Li Daoyuan rubbed his eyebrows.

He is the head of the Li family, and he has to take care of the overall situation, and he can't be as handsome as Li Ran.

Then, he looked at another charming and charming woman, and curiously said: "Then this girl is again"

Qin Ruyan sat well and said softly: "Junior Qin Ruyan, I have met Uncle Li."

"Oh, it turned out to be Miss Qin. Wait, you are Qin Ruyan? Hehuan Holy Maiden Qin Ruyan?!" Li Daoyuan's eyes were round and wide.

Qin Ruyan nodded shyly, "Uncle is right, Junior is indeed the Holy Maiden of the Acacia Sect.

Li Daoyuan's throat tightened a little.

One Wanjian Pavilion is not enough, and another Hehuan Sect?

And they are all chief disciples, one is second on the Tianjiao list, and the other is third on the Heavenly Demon list!

Li Daoyuan looked at Li Ran, his voice trembling, "Your kid really intends to eat a table!".

Chapter 158

Chapter 158 Daddy likes to be friends with witches!

Li Daoyuan looked sad.

Actually it is not that he doesn't want to see these two girls, but their background is too big and their stand is too special.

Although the Li family is a well-known family, it can't withstand the two top Sects.

Li Ran smiled upon seeing this, "Calm down, don't be nervous, it's nothing.

Li Daoyuan shook his head and said: "You have soaked all the chief disciples of the family, and you have soaked two at a time. Is this nothing?"

The two women bowed their heads shyly.

Li Ran originally wanted to say that he actually only made one, but he didn't know where to start.

I simply didn't bother to explain it.

Qin Ruyan seemed to have acquiesced when he saw him, and there was a flash of excitement and shyness in his eyes.

Li Daoyuan said: "Wanjian Pavilion and Hehuan Sect will not be mentioned for the time being, if this matter is known by your master, how do you plan to explain it?"

Leng Wuyan is notoriously ruthless with an iron face.

The prohibition of personal relationships between men and women is another prohibition that she most taboos.

Li Ran shrugged, "Master already knows.

"Already known?"

Li Daoyuan suddenly became nervous, "Then, did you expel you from the teacher's door?"

"Of course not, she just asked me to fly back to Sect by myself, so I stopped in and went home." Li Ran said.

Li Daoyuan Yi 633 stunned, "It's that simple?"

This is not like the character of the Cold Witch!

He doesn't know that this rule is in vain

Although a little puzzled, it relieved him a lot.

Li Ran asked, "By the way, where is Qingge now?"

Li Daoyuan said: "Since you left, Qing Ge has gone to secret places and ancestors to practice almost every day, but he hasn't come here today, it should be in Xiao Mansion."

Li Ran nodded, "Okay, then I'll go look for her in a while.

I haven't seen this girl for a long time, and I still miss it in my heart.

He left the study with the two girls.

In order to avoid being too conspicuous, Li Ran arranged them in a more remote wing, and then let trusted servants serve them.

in the room.

Yue Jianli was like a koala, holding him and refused to let go.

"Well, in broad daylight, I don't know how to be ashamed."

Li Ran reached out and shaved her nose.

Yue Jianli pouted his mouth, "You and I are already in that kind of relationship, what else is there to be ashamed of others?"


The face that was originally heroic, her eyes waved at Hong Kong, and Xiafei's cheeks looked very cute.

Recalling the various pasts between the two, the sword-fighting girl who yelled and killed, now turned into a wiping soft for him.

Li Ran's heart is full of warmth.

He smiled and said, "Should we talk about life first?"

"Don't talk about it anymore."

Yue Jianli blushed and cast his head over, "You should go to Xiao Qingge first.

"Sword Li?"

Li Ran couldn't help being taken aback.

Yue Jianli's Zhenshou leaned on his chest and whispered softly: "You and Xiao Qingge had a marriage contract long ago, and I was later, but I am the first to be with you. I am sorry for her."

"Last time I fought with her, I was indeed a little impulsive. You can apologize to her for me.

Li Ran smiled, "Then why don't you go by yourself?"

Yue Jianli Tsundere said: "Hmph, anyhow, I am also the chief of Wanjian Pavilion, how can I apologize to her personally?"

Seeing Li Ran's gaze with a smile but a smile, she lowered her head and said helplessly: "Well, I'm not very embarrassed.

"Okay, don't worry."

Li Ran rubbed her head, "I will make it clear to Qing Ge."


Yue Jianli blushed and said like a mosquito, "Well, then I won't lock the door at night, and wait for you to come back."

Li Ran looked at her shyly and couldn't help swallowing.

After finally getting out of the room, he couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, "Wenrou Township is a hero's home, and the ancients don't deceive me!"

"Puff chuff~"

Laughter came from the side.

I saw Qin Ruyan leaning against the door frame, looking at him with a smile and crooked eyes.

"Li Holy Son, pay attention to your body, the color is a scraping steel knife!

Li Ran carried his hands behind his back, and said proudly (ajeh): "This Holy Son is so talented, and ten hard-bone knives can't be scratched. Does Qin Holy Maiden want to try it himself?"

"Who is going to shave you?"

Qin Ruyan blushed and gave a light sip.

This guy always speaks nothing, he is more like a disciple of the Hehuan Sect than himself

"By the way, you just brought the slave family into the mansion, so you are not afraid of other people's gossip?" Qin Ruyan asked.

Li Ran puzzled: "What gossip can there be?"

Qin Ruyan whispered: "The slave family is a demon girl of the Acacia Sect. In the eyes of others, I am afraid that it is inferior to the girl in Goulan. Isn't Li Holy Son afraid of tarnishing his own reputation?"

Because of her special status, she has always been stigmatized. No matter how good someone covets her, she will draw a clear line from the outside world.

Otherwise, all kinds of rumors will definitely be attracted.


Li Ran sneered, "Fist is the last word, and reputation is the most useless thing. If you still care about reputation, it can only mean that the fist is hard enough!"

"Moreover "

Li Ran gave her a sideways glance, "What's wrong with the witch? Daddy likes to be friends with the witch, who would dare to disagree?"

After speaking, he turned and walked out.

Qin Ruyan looked at his back and didn't recover for a long time.


Her lips curled up slightly and her smile was extremely charming.

Xiao Family Mansion.

Everyone in the Xiao family sat in the meeting room, from the patriarch to Elder.

The atmosphere is a bit solemn.

Xiao Qingge looked at the young man sitting opposite, his eyes full of alertness.

"Everything does not go to the Three Treasures Hall, Chief Feng came to my Xiao family this time, what the hell is going on?" she asked aloud.

The man put down his teacup and said with a smile: "It's been a long time since I have seen you, Junior Sister Xiao is still so quick to talk."

Although he smiled kindly, Xiao Qingge did not relax his vigilance at all.

This is Feng Wanjiang!

Chen Yundao's most proud lover, the chief disciple of the first palace of the Shinto Palace!

And based on her understanding of Feng Wanjiang, this person is definitely a smiling tiger, the brighter the smile, the harder the attack!

There must be nothing good for him to come to find himself.

Feng Wanjiang took a closer look at Xiao Qingge, and was slightly surprised: "In my opinion, Junior Sister Xiao's aura seems to be much introverted. Is it possible to break through to the Gold Core state?"

Xiao Qingge nodded and said: "Good luck, luckily breakthrough.

She herself is a half-step Gold Core, plus the vigorous Spiritual Qi, breakthrough of Li's secret land is also natural.

Bang bang bang.

Feng Wanjiang smiled and applauded, "As expected to be Fairy, the super talent is really extraordinary, and the future is unlimited. It is really a blessing for my Shinto Palace!

Xiao Qingge frowned and said bluntly: "I have already been expelled from the teacher's door, how does Cultivation Base have anything to do with the Shinto Palace?"


Feng Wanjiang's smile diminished when he heard the words, his eyes flashed with dangerous light. .

Chapter 159

Chapter 159 The wicked have their own wicked grind!

The atmosphere died down.


Xiao Nian said aloud: "Chief Feng, Qing Ge lost her talent and was expelled from Sect. It is a fact that she is no longer a disciple of the Shinto Palace."

Feng Wanjiang smiled and said, "I understand what the chief Xiao meant. The original decision was indeed Shendao~ Gong hastily."

"And I came here today to bring you good news."

He took out a document from his arms and said: "After consultation with Elders of Sect, it was agreed that Sister Xiao would be re-accepted under the sect and become the direct disciple of my first fairy palace.

"this "

"The first fairy palace?"

Everyone in the Xiao family began to discuss.

Xiao Qingge pressed his lips tightly, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

At the beginning, Shinto Palace saw her talent and rushed to get her into the door, but when her talent was lost, she kicked her away again.

And now she has recovered from the Cultivation Base after all the difficulties, and the Shinto Palace said lightly "sloppy" and wanted to pull her back to Sect.

Still use this kind of charity attitude!

This made her feel humiliated.

Feng Wanjiang said: "Junior Sister Xiao, you can't come to lead?"

Xiao Qingge was unmoved, and coldly said: "Chief Feng still don't call me Junior Sister. From the day I was expelled from Sect, I will have no affiliation with the Shinto Palace. As for this edict, please ask Chief Feng to take it back. "

Feng Wanjiang shook his head and said: "Junior Sister Xiao, how many people have dreamed of the legend of the Immortal Palace, are you sure you want to give up this opportunity?"


Xiao Qingge did not hesitate.

Feng Wanjiang put away the edict and nodded, "It's okay, it seems that Junior Sister Xiao is very dignified."

"If there is nothing else, Chief Feng will walk slowly all the way." Xiao Qingge directly got up to see off the guests.

"Not urgent."

Feng Wanjiang said: "Since Junior Sister Xiao refuses to return to Sect, then return the things that belong to Sect."

Xiao Qingge was taken aback, "When did I take Sect's stuff?"

"Sister Xiao is really forgetful.

Feng Wanjiang smiled and said, "You entered the mountain gate at the age of eight, and this Cultivation Base, isn't it all thanks to Sect?"

Xiao Qingge frowned, "What do you mean

Feng Wanjiang smiled and said: "Since you are going to completely break with Sect, then you will abolish Cultivation Base yourself. From then on, you have no affiliation with Shinto Palace."

"What did you say?!"

Xiao Qingge sprang up.

The complexions of everyone in Xiao Nian changed.

Xiao Qingge is now the hope of the Xiao family, did Feng Wanjiang actually let her use Cultivation Base?

Xiao Nian looked unhappy, and said in a deep voice, "Speaking of this kind of things in my Xiao family, Chief Feng is too arrogant!

Feng Wanjiang said indifferently: "Even the edict of the Shinto Palace dare not accept it. I think your Xiao family is too crazy, right?"


Xiao Nian's face changed.

Xiao Qingge resisted his anger and said, "My previous Cultivation Base has been dissipated. It was the soul fruit that turned my talents, and my practice was no longer the Shinto Palace Cultivation Technique. Why should I abolish the Cultivation Base?"

Feng Wanjiang stood up, "Just rely on the three words of Shendao Palace! Why, do you have an opinion?,

Everyone in the Xiao family was immediately filled with indignation.

Too overbearing!

Even the top Sect can't bully people like this!

Feng Wanjiang said: "Now the Xiao family is precarious, relying on the Shinto Palace is the only choice. And you Xiao Qingge enters the first house, and your cultivation resources are inexhaustible. What's the reason for rejection?"

"I'll give you one last chance, whether or not to take the order!

Xiao Qingge knew that the other party was forcing herself to submit, but she still did not hesitate.

"I won't answer!"

The Xiao family will never be sent under the fence even if the storm is precarious.

There is a shortage of cultivation resources, so she will slowly cultivate.

Anyway, Shinto Palace, she will never go back!

"good very good!"

Feng Wanjiang smiled coldly, "It seems that you think that if you stand next to Li Ran, you can compete with the whole Sect?"

"Who called me?"

A male voice rang, and the meeting room suddenly became quiet.

Everyone looked at the door.

I saw a tall figure slowly walking in, his eyes were cold and deep, and his face was as sharp as a knife.

"Li Lang!"

Xiao Qingge covered his mouth, eyes full of surprises.

He actually came back!

Li Ran walked up to Feng Wanjiang and asked, "I didn't understand what you said just now. Would you like to say it again?"

Looking at the man in front of him, Feng Wanjiang's scalp was a little numb.

Isn't this demon in Southern Xinjiang!

When did you come back?

Pop, pop, pop.

Li Ran raised his hand and patted his cheek, "I asked you to say it again, dumb?"

Feng Wanjiang was humiliated by this, but he didn't dare to get angry, his face flushed and said, "I'm here to deliver the imperial edict of Shinto.

0...Look for flowers...


Li Ran said, "Take it out and show it to me."

Feng Wanjiang did not dare to resist, so he took out the edict and handed it to him.

Li Ran opened his eyes and frowned, "What kind of shit?'Here's grace, allow him to return to Sect'? I really treat myself as a dish."

He crumpled the edict into a ball and handed it to Feng Wanjiang.

"Let's eat it.


Feng Wanjiang was stunned.

Li Ran smiled and said, "Don't understand? I said, you can eat this bullshit edict for me."

Feng Wanjiang clenched his fists, "Li Ran, don't deceive others too much"

His voice stopped abruptly.

Li Ran pinched his face with his left hand, Juli squeezed his mouth abruptly, and then directly stuffed the edict into it!


"Really, how old you are, you have to be fed by someone else to eat."

Everyone in the Xiao family watched this scene in astonishment.

Chief Feng, who was still aggressive just now, is now being carried by Li Ran like a chicken?

This contrast is too big!

Li Ran smiled, "Can't swallow anymore? It's okay, I'll help you."


Raising his hand and slamming it on Feng Wanjiang's door, his face was immediately covered with blood!



After a few punches, his face was sunken, and his mouth was full of teeth!

Li Ran frowned and said, "Can't you swallow this?"

"Swallow it!"

Feng Wanjiang opened his trembling mouth wide, and said in horror, "If you don't believe me, I really swallowed it!"

He is just a Gold Core master, and the gap with Nascent Soul is too big, especially when the opponent is still a genius Nascent Soul!

The moment Li Ran caught him, he sealed the Spirit Power in him with a secret method.

Stop talking about the Fa now, he can't even burn blood, he can only be slaughtered!

Li Ran nodded and said with satisfaction: "Very good.

Feng Wanjiang was about to breathe a sigh of relief when a voice came from his ear, "Spit it out for me now."


His legs softened and he almost collapsed on the ground.

Li Ran said enthusiastically: "Can't spit it out, right? It's okay, I'll help you."

Bang bang bang!

There was a sound of fists to the flesh in the meeting room, and Feng Wanjiang's wailing and begging for mercy were also mixed from time to time.

Xiao Nian watched this scene, his voice a little tight.

This is how the wicked have their own wicked grinding? Spoon,

Chapter 160

Chapter 160 The peak of Transcends Tribulation, Wu Chengkong!

Everyone in the Xiao family watched this scene blankly.

The head of the Shinto Palace, who was originally high above and domineering, collapsed on the ground like mud.

His cheeks were cracked and fleshy, he clung to Li Ran's calf, and begged:

"Don't, don't fight, Li Holy Son, I really can't vomit!"

Feng Wanjiang wanted to cry without tears.

To become the chief disciple of the top Sect, how could he be a weak one?

On the contrary, regardless of talent, aptitude or understanding, he is extremely strong, and he is rare among his peers.

But I met Li Ran, a pervert.

As soon as he met his face, he blocked his Spirit Power with the way of all phenomena.

As a pure Taoist, after losing the Spirit Power of Taoism, it is simply fish on the chopping board.

"If I knew Li Ran was back, I wouldn't come to Xiao's house if I was killed!"

"Six Three Three" Feng Wanjiang's intestines are about to regret.

Li Ran pulled his leg out, stomped his cheek on the ground and ran it hard, "Listening to your tone just now, I don't seem to be able to keep my own wife?"

"You can keep it, you can definitely keep it!"

Feng Wanjiang trembled: "I just said nothing, Li Holy Son, don't mind!"

Li Ran smiled and said, "It's okay. When everyone says something wrong, I'm not so careless."


Xiao Nian covered his face.

You've beaten people like this, isn't it just a matter of ignorance?

Feng Wanjiang chuckled and said, "I knew that Li Holy Son was generous and would not have the same knowledge as me.

"of course."

Li Ran looked up at the Xiao family and asked, "Did he say anything before I came?"

"this "

Everyone looked at each other.

At this time, Xiao Jialiu Elder whispered: "Feng Wanjiang said that if Qing Ge is unwilling to return to the Shinto Palace, then he will abolish Cultivation Base and have nothing to do with Sect."


Li Ran's eyes raised slightly, "Abandoning Cultivation Base? Chief Feng is so majestic."

Feng Wanjiang's heart suddenly became cold.

He swallowed, and said in a panic: "Li Holy Son, I'm talking about anger, just want to scare Junior Sister Xiao, how dare you really abandon her Cultivation Base!!

Li Ran shook his head, "No, you dare."

Feng Wanjiang: "…"

A faint light lit up in Li Ran's hands, and his cheeks were very cold in the light. "Then Chief Feng guesses, dare I dare?"


Feng Wanjiang's body trembled like chaff.

This is the No. 1 Demon in the vast land.

Is there anything he dared not do?

"I am the chief of the Shinto Palace, and I am the head of Chen Yundao. If you move me, the Shinto Palace will not let it go!"

Bang bang bang.

Li Ran applauded, "" Chief Feng's background is really big. Would you like me to introduce myself to you?"

Feng Wanjiang was silent.

No matter how old he is, he can't be older than Li Ran.

And that demon Leng Wuyan

I'm afraid that even Chen Yundao has to weigh it, right?

Feng Wanjiang's forehead blue veins violently, and he roared loudly: "Wu Elder, if you don't show up again, you will really kill you!"

Li Ran frowned, "Elder?"

Suddenly he felt like a man on his back, and suddenly looked back.

I saw ripples in the air, and an old man wearing a black Taoist robe appeared out of thin air.

He has white beard and hair, and his face is expressionless.

With a wave of his broad sleeves, Feng Wanjiang was directly sucked into his palm and placed firmly on the ground.

A trace of Spirit Power penetrated into his body, and the churning qi and blood suddenly calmed down.

"Wu Elder, why are you here now?!"

Feng Wanjiang breathed a sigh of relief, his tone a bit complaining.

The two of them were going down the mountain together, but Wu Elder didn't know where to go halfway.

He didn't take the Xiao family seriously, so he came up the door by himself. He didn't expect to meet Li Ran here.

Wu Elder shook his head and said: "Wan Jiang, you are too impatient, the old man can still see you being abolished? You know we missed an excellent opportunity."


Feng Wanjiang was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly reacted.

If Li Ran really wants to abolish him, it is a war between the two Sects, and Wu Elder has plenty of reasons to do it!

But the roar he had just now reminded the other party to wake up.

"Are you using me as bait?" Feng Wanjiang frowned.

Wu Elder said indifferently: "Those who make big things do not stick to the trivial. I don't need to say this, Wan Jiang should also understand it."

Feng Wanjiang snorted.

The truth is such a truth.

But when I think of Wu Elder hiding in the dark and watching him get beaten, I feel extremely upset.

Watching the conversation between the two with no one else, a vigilance flashed in Li Ran's eyes.

This Wu Elder is very strong.

Even standing there is like a big mountain, which makes people unable to lift the desire to resist at all.

At this time he noticed that Xiao Qingge's body was trembling slightly, and his eyes were full of horror.

Li Ran frowned, "Qingge, do you know him?"

Xiao Qingge nodded and whispered: "His name is Wu Chengkong, Transcends Tribulation Cultivation Base! I was expelled from Sect because of his gift."

"Is it the pinnacle of Transcends Tribulation?"

Li Ran's eyes became more solemn.

That is the existence second only to the emperor rank, and it is the top power that squeezes thousands of miles!

Although he had cut an ancient corpse of Transcends Tribulation, it was due to various chances and coincidences, and in the face of the real Transcends Tribulation, he didn't think he had any chance to win.

The Realm gap is too big, it is not a level at all.

This is a gap that cannot be bridged by any magical powers!

Wu Elder looked at Li Ran, shook his head and sighed: "Li Holy Son's talent is really strong, and the old man is only seen in his life. At your age, you can be called the first person in the world! What a pity!"

"Almost killed you.

He made no secret of his own murderous intention.

But now that there is no valid reason, he can't do it directly, otherwise Sect won't be able to keep him.

After all, Transcends Tribulation is just a joke in front of Leng Wuyan.

Wu Elder glanced at Xiao Qingge, 4.7 "Don't even dare to accept Sect's edict, Xiao Qingge, you are getting bolder and bolder!"

Xiao Qingge shook his head and said: "My talent is not unique, why does Sect have to force me to go back?"

Wu Elder snorted coldly: "Do you really think Sect is looking for talent? You lost your Cultivation Base and were expelled from Sect, but now you return to Xianlu. Wouldn't the world laugh at my incompetence in Shinto Palace?"

"Otherwise, you will be a mortal for your whole life. Otherwise, you will die in Feiyun Mountain!"

These words are really overbearing!

Xiao Qingge's face was pale, "You!"


Li Ran's body was full of light blooming, and the ancient seal, Blood Qi and Buddha's light were mixed, and the breath was directly pulled to the top!

He stood in front of Xiao Qingge, his eyes glowing with a faint golden light.

"Shinto Palace is incompetent, isn't this true?"