
I really don't want to fall in love with my master

This novel is specifically designed for my one so I don't care about anything

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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50 Chs

141 to 150

Please, I Really Didn't Want To Fall in Love With My Master! Chapter 141 Online

Chapter 141

Chapter 141 Do you want to sleep together?

In the secret room.

Mingyuan's old face was twisted and crooked, with deep fist marks printed on it.

Li Ran rubbed his fists and said coldly, "Do you want to tell me?"

Mingyuan wanted to cry without tears, "The poor monk is really helpless!"

"According to you, the two of us will be trapped here forever?" Lin Langyue frowned.

Ming Yuan shook his head, "I can never talk about it. As long as the filth here is gone and the Spiritual Qi reunites, this master can use Dharma to unlock the Restrictions.

"When will the filth dissipate?" Lin Langyue asked.

Mingyuan embarrassed: "The poor monk doesn't know the exact time, but it should be a long time.

"long time?"

Lin Langyue had a bad premonition, "It won't take decades to pass, right?"

Ming Yuan nodded, "After all, it has accumulated thousands of years of death, and it is not that simple to see the bottom of it dissipate."

Lin Langyue paled upon hearing this.

Are they going to be trapped in this secret room for decades?

If it can be cultivated, decades are not a big deal, but the three flowers here withered and the Spirit Power dries up, it is impossible to cultivate!

So what are they doing here?

In a daze?

Li Ran silently picked up the spear.

Ready to sack the old monk.

At this 09, Mingyuan raised his left hand and saw that his fingers were floating like fine sand in the wind.

"It's time."

Mingyuan's tone has a hint of relief.

His face was calm and peaceful, as if he was bathing in the light of Buddha.

"The poor monk worshipped before the young Buddha, and the audience was tainted with incense, but the eyes of the Buddha were covered by dust. After all, it is impossible to eliminate the three poisons of greed, anger, and delusion."

"Mindfulness creates good karma, and mindfulness suffers evil karma. By creating this karma, you should have the result of this karma.

Mingyuan's voice became a little distant, as if it came from afar:

"Buddha, you can't destroy fixed karma."

"The evil monks owed in this life will continue to be repaid in the next life."

At the beginning, he forged himself into a corpse puppet, which caused a riot in the Demonic Beasts in Shiwan Dashan, leading to the slaughter of nearby villagers.

It can be regarded as an indirect murder.

Mingyuan's body faintly revealed a faint halo, and his rotten robes were windless.

He looked up at the void, there seemed to be something there.

The corner of his mouth smiled, and he sighed softly, "Buddha."

The air froze for a while.

With a soft sound, Mingyuan's body split from the center of his eyebrows, covered with cobweb-like cracks.

In the faint Sanskrit sound, it completely disappeared.

Li Ran frowned slightly as he watched this scene.

Turning to look at the empty void.


The secret room became quiet.

After Mingyuan sat down, there was nothing here, only Li Ran looked at each other.

Lin Langyue whispered: "What to do? Are we going to be trapped here all the time?"

Li Ran shook his head and said, "I can't think of a way."

Restrictions have been activated, and even Divine Sense has been isolated. It is almost isolated from the outside world.

Even if Yue Jianli and Qin Ruyan came back to look for them, it would be difficult to find the Immortal Cave hidden behind the waterfall.

At the thought of being trapped here, Li Ran's head grew bigger.

At this time, the task reminder sounded in his mind.

[The task has been completed. ][Mission completion: perfect][Get a super treasure chest*1. ]

This is a task issued by the system before entering Immortal Cave, asking him to supersede this thousand-year-old corpse.

But Mingyuan finally recovered his mind and slowly dissipated in the Buddha's light. It was indeed a perfect accomplishment of the task.

"Open the treasure chest."

[Congratulations to the host for getting the Lingbao "Guiyuan Stupa"!]


A light flashed in Li Ran's hand, and a small transparent pagoda appeared.

The lower and upper parts of the pagoda are divided into sixth-level. The pagoda is the top of the orb, and the pagoda is full of complicated and detailed lines.

I don't know what material it is made of, it is crystal clear, and there is still a faint golden light flowing inside.

This is a top spirit treasure.

It can be stored in the body and Ascension along with his strength.

In addition to destroying evil and suppressing demon, it also has a very powerful ability.

Generate Buddha bones.

The Guiyuan stupa absorbs energy and automatically generates Buddha bone relics, with the same level as Li Ran's Realm.

Li Ran picked up the pagoda and examined it carefully.

I saw golden light condensed on the transparent tower, filling the tower base bit by bit.

"Unexpectedly, the bones of Buddha can be gathered here!"

Li Ran's spirit was shocked.

This stupa can absorb the energy of Restrictions!

When the golden light fills the six-story pagoda, you can get a Buddha bone relic.

As long as he has a relic, he can replenish the Buddha's power, and he can also unlock the Restrictions and go out!

Although the filling speed is not fast, it will always fill up!

"Fortunately, you don't need to be stuck here for too long.

Li Ran was completely relieved.

Lin Langyue still didn't know what happened.

She lowered her head, her expression frustrated, "If you really stay stuck here for decades, I'm afraid your practice will fall a lot, right?"

Li Ran shook his head helplessly.

At this time, she was still thinking about practicing.

At this time, Lin Langyue's face was pale and her figure was thin, like a fragile white flower.

After losing the Cultivation Base, she didn't look like a thousand miles away, but she felt a lot more real.

A smirk appeared at the corner of Li Ran's mouth.

Decided not to tell her the news first, so that she could also feel the feeling of being a mortal.

Li Ran yawned and said, "Let's talk about the matter of practice. There is something urgent at the moment."

"What's the matter?" Lin Langyue asked curiously.

With a wave of his hand, a large carved wooden bed of Lingxiang 633 suddenly appeared. Even the bedding and pillows were brand new, exuding a faint fragrance.

Li Ran lay on it and stretched comfortably.

"That's a good night's sleep. After a day of fighting, I was exhausted."


Lin Langyue said with difficulty: "You said that the top priority is sleeping?

And, why would anyone bring a big bed with them?!

What is in this guy's mind?

Li Ran lay on the bed and sent out an invitation, "Are you going to come and sleep together?"

Lin Langyue rolled her head, "No, go to sleep by yourself."


Li Ran nodded and closed his eyes.

After a while, my breathing became even, and I actually fell asleep.

Lin Langyue rubbed her eyebrows helplessly.

This person's heart is really big

She looked around, went to the corner and squatted down.

After a day of eagle warfare, her mind was already exhausted. In addition, at this time, the Spirit Power was lost, and a strong sense of fatigue surged.

Lin Langyue hugged her knees and soon fell asleep.

After a while, Li Ran quietly opened his eyes.

Seeing her nestled in the corner with a pitiful appearance, I couldn't help being a little bit ridiculous.

"Big Sister on the list is down~"

He rolled over and fell asleep happily. .

Chapter 142

Chapter 142 Flustered Lin Langyue!

South Wind City.

Yue Jianli slowly opened his eyes.

I found myself lying in the bedroom of Qiuyue Tower.

At this moment, a female voice came from the side, "Are you awake?"

She sat up suddenly, and saw Qin Ruyan sitting on the side, looking at her with complicated eyes.

Yue Jianli glanced around and asked, "Where is Li Ran?"

Qin Ruyan shook his head, "I don't know, he hasn't come back yet."

"How long has it been?"


Yue Jianli turned over and stood up, picking up the long sword to rush out of the room.

Qin Ruyan's voice came from behind, "You don't need to go."

Yue Jianli stopped, turned around and frowned, "What do you mean by this?"

Qin Ruyan said: "When you were in a coma, I already went back to find him, he…"

"What's up with him?"

Yue Jianli rubbed the long sword tightly, his fingers lost their blood color because of the force.

"He disappeared.

Qin Ruyan whispered: "I searched for hundreds of miles, but I didn't find any trace, as if it had disappeared out of thin air."

Her voice was low and she was not at all charming.

At that time, after Yue Jianli had settled down, she returned to Shiwan Dashan for the first time, but there was no one there.

"For someone as strong as Li Holy Son, nothing will happen to him. Maybe he has returned to Sect now. Qin Ruyan seems to be comforting himself.

Yue Jianli shook his head and said: "Impossible. If he resolves to fall into the wild, he will definitely come to me as soon as possible. It is impossible to leave silently."

In this situation, she didn't even bother to hide the relationship between the two.

Yue Jianli thought for a while and wanted to ask, "What about the others? Yu Ye, Lin Langming, Bai Jiangye?"

Qin Ruyan shook his head and said, "They are all gone.

This is what makes her strange.

Judging from the situation at the scene, there was definitely a fierce battle, but no matter what the result was, there shouldn't be no trace left.

"I'm going to find him.

Yue Jianli didn't say much anymore, turned around and walked out of the room door, directly into the air.

Not long after flying, I heard the sound of hunting wind coming from behind, turning my head, I saw Qin Ruyan following behind him.

"I'll find it with you~" Qin Ruyan said.

Yue Jianli didn't say anything, but the speed of flight was faster.

The two figures swiftly swept towards the 100,000 mountains.

In the secret room.

I don't know how long it took before Lin Langyue opened her eyes blindly.

I just feel relieved and exhausted. I can sleep very comfortably.

It's like sleeping on own bed.

Wait, bed?

Lin Langyue suddenly opened his eyes, and saw that he was lying on Li Ran's big bed with his breath still remaining on the pillow.

And Li Ran was sitting opposite her, with a small agarwood table in front of her, and the small stove on the table was "popping".

He picked up the teapot and poured the tea into the cup. The fragrance of tea overflowed for a while.

"Yeah, are you awake?" Li Ran said lightly.

Lin Langyue: ""

She came back to her senses, stood up hurriedly, and hid in the corner far away.

I stammered nervously: "Why do I, I, I sleep in bed?

Li Ran shrugged, "After I got up, I saw that you were not sleeping well, so I took you to the bed.,

"Hug, hug to bed?!"

Lin Langyue's cheeks suddenly became red.

Li Ran amused: "Why are you so nervous? You don't have any Cultivation Base anymore. If I really want to do something, I still have to wait for you to fall asleep?"

Lin Langyue shook his head, "I know you are not that kind of person, I'm just"

She is just too shy.

Tianshu Yuan is a pure female cultivator Sect, and she rarely contacts men.

Now that the lone man and the widow are in the same room, it has made her very nervous, and she slept on the other side's bed again.

This made her a little difficult to digest for a while.

Li Ran said at this time: "Don't stand stupidly, come and have some tea."

Lin Langyue hesitated for a while, resisting the panic in her heart, and sat opposite him.

"It's fine if you bring the bed with you. What's the matter with this table and tea set?" She wondered.

Li Ran said, "Anyway, the storage ring space is too big, and it's empty when it's empty. Maybe it's useful."

Said to help her also pour a cup of tea.

"Don't use it now? How about a taste of my tea."

Lin Langyue nodded, picking it up and wanted to drink.

In the end, I forgot that I didn't have a Cultivation Base. I was scalded and let out an exclamation. The tea was almost on my body.


Seeing her frantic look, Li Ran couldn't help but laugh, "Lin Langyue, compared to before, I still think you are more real now."

"True?" Lin Langyue was taken aback.

Li Ran nodded, "Before you were always high above, as if you were looking down at sentient beings from the clouds, but now you have a lot of flesh and blood."


Lin Langyue shook his head and said: "What I am asking for is too much. Others think it will be a bit far away. This is not my intention."

"Too great?" Li Ran grinned,"|Sounds very high-end."

Lin Langyue said: "There are thousands of great roads, each of which is different. The way of the Tianshu Yuan is to forget feelings and reach the public, and there is no difference between superior and inferior.


He heard Leng Wuyan say this, and it seems to be the same way as Yi Qinglan.

Li Ran couldn't help sighing: "Too high to forget love, the worst is not as good as love. It is in my generation."

"The place of love is in my generation?"

Lin Langyue was shocked when he heard the words, and looked thoughtful.

After a moment, he nodded and said: "Li Holy Son is really extraordinary. Based on these words, you can see the deep understanding of Dadao."

Li Ran shook his head and said, "I didn't say this, it was Wang Rong."

"Wang Rong? Which expert is that?" Lin Langyue asked curiously.

"That's the Jin Dynasty. Forget it, you don't even know it." Li Ran waved his hand.


The atmosphere quieted down for a while.

The two were drinking hot tea in silence.

The scent of tea is curled up, adding a touch of warmth to this small room.

The old monk Mingyuan thought very well (Wang Haohao). In addition to the ability of blockade, this Restrictions can also ensure the circulation of air.

Keep fresh air in the room all the time.


Suddenly there was a soft noise.

Li Ran frowned, "What sound?"

Lin Langyue clutched her belly, her cheeks flushed, "No, sorry, my belly screamed~"

After going through a big battle and sleeping for a few hours, she was already so hungry that her chest was pressed against her back.

Li Ran suffocated a smile, and said solemnly: "So, I thought a cuckoo flew in."


Lin Langyue had some doubts.

At this time, there was another "cuckoo" cry in my stomach, which was almost like a cuckoo's cry.


Her face burned instantly, and she got up and hid in the corner.

Li Ran shook his head funny.

Didn't you feel that her face was so thin before?,

Chapter 143

Chapter 143 Living with Lin Langyue Life

Lin Langyue stood in the corner with her head down.

Embarrassingly wanted to find a seam to get in.

"It's so embarrassing, why is there such a loud noise?"

Originally, she had been bigu for many years, and basically could not eat except for tea, but there was no Spirit Power supplement here, and the empty hunger was simply unbearable.


Lin Langyue suddenly thought of something, and couldn't help exclaiming: "I almost forgot, there is no Spirit Power here, it is impossible to fast!"

There is no Spirit Power, no food, let alone decades, I am afraid that it will not last for a few days!

Couldn't the two of them starve to death here?

"Li Ran, are we going to starve to death?"

Her voice stopped abruptly, and she froze in place.

I saw Li Ran sitting on a small bench with a carbon stove in front of him, holding a large handful of meat skewers in his hand.

Looking at her strangely, "What did you just say?"

Lin Langyue: ""

"excuse me."

This guy not only brought a bed, table, tea set, but even a charcoal stove and meat!

In a normal practitioner's ring, shouldn't the Talisman and Magic Treasures be installed?

Why did he bring all these strange things!

As everyone knows, Li Ran came to 633 and said that this kind of Ascension Life quality thing is much more important than Fudi and the like.

Li Ran put the charcoal into the carbon stove, then lit the tinder with flint and threw it in.

After a while, wisps of smoke appeared on the carbon stove.

He took out a fan from nowhere. While gently fanning the wind, he flipped the skewers, and occasionally took out bottles and jars and sprinkled them with spices.

Looking at the professional technique, Lin Langyue's head was a little confused.

Is this man Holy Son or a cook?

With the continuous roasting, the aroma of the meat gradually diffused, making the index finger move.

"This cuckoo fellow daoist, do you want to come and eat together?" Li Ran asked.

"No, thanks."

Lin Langyue was a little embarrassed and embarrassed to pass.

Li Ran was taken aback, "Are you sure you don't want to eat?"

She shook her head and said, "I'm not hungry."


As soon as the voice fell, his stomach screamed unconvincingly, and his pretty face blushed instantly.

Li Ran looked at her jokingly, "It looks like your stomach raised an objection."

Lin Langyue was embarrassed and shy, rubbing her flat belly.

"Then I can't eat your food for nothing."


The most lacking thing here is food. They don't know how long they will be locked up. Why is she embarrassed to eat Li Ran's food?

"At this time, you are quite principled."

Li Ran said, "Well, let's do a deal?"

Lin Langyue curiously asked: "What deal?"

Li Ran thought for a while, and said, "It just happens that I'm tired. If you eat a skewer of barbecue, you can massage me half a stick of incense. The top is not capped.


Lin Langyue's cheeks flushed, and she shook her head vigorously and said, "How can I give you a massage if a man and a woman give or receive a kiss?"

Li Ran shrugged, "It's just squeezing your shoulders and beating your legs. What's the problem with the clothes? Of course, I don't like the hardships of others. You should decide for yourself."

He picked up a skewer of grilled wings, bite it down, and the meat was fragrant.

Lin Langyue swallowed.

Really hungry

After hesitating for a while, she hesitated and walked to Li Ran, and said cautiously: "It's only okay to pinch your shoulders and thighs."

Li Ran laughed and said: "If you think about something else, I still don't want to.

Lin Langyue blushed and nodded, "Okay, then I will only eat a bunch.

She was hungry now, she couldn't hold on anymore, she could only bow her head to the barbecue.

Li Ran handed her the barbecue.

Lin Langyue's eyes lit up just as soon as he took the first bite.


I don't know if she's too hungry. The meaty fragrance exploded in the taste buds instantly. The tender meat quality with the right seasoning made her want to stop.

She quickly finished a skewer of barbecue and blinked at Li Ran with big eyes.

"I want to eat another bunch."

Li Ran directly gave her a stool, "Sit here and eat slowly."


The two gathered around the charcoal fire and feasted.

It didn't take long for the barbecue to be wiped out.

Lin Langyue rubbed her still flat belly, with a satisfied expression, "It's so full to eat~"


Li Ran cleared his throat and took out a lottery," "Come on, Lin Fairy, it's time to pay. "


Lin Langyue was taken aback for a moment, covering her mouth, "I eat these all?"

"What do you think?" Li Ran said angrily and funny: "It's more edible than me, your stomach won't be space Magic Treasures, right?"

Lin Langyue lowered her head shyly, "Then how long does it take to massage in total?"

"You'll know by counting.

So she began to check the lottery one by one.

"One stick of incense, fragrance of both sexes

"Two or two hours?!"

Lin Langyue was dumbfounded.

When will the massage go?

Li Ran lay on the bed comfortably and smiled and said, "Come on, Lin Fairy, please start your performance."


Lin Langyue's heart beat for no reason. After having sex for a long time, she still blushed and walked over obediently.

Sitting next to him, but don't know how to start.

Li Ran stabbed his leg on her leg, "Let's start by pinching the leg."

Lin Langyue's body was as stiff as a puppet, but she still raised her slender hand and gently squeezed him up.

This scene was seen by outsiders, and it is estimated that the chin will hit the ground.

The first arrogant of the right way, give Devil Dao Holy Son a leg?

I don't know how many people's dreams will be shattered.

Lin Langyue's face was burning hot.

Has she ever been so close to a man?

The other party's leg was resting on her thigh, and the hard muscles could be felt with both hands through the clothes, which made her heart almost jump out.

And this is just the beginning, there are two full hours behind

"Lin Langyue, Lin Langyue, why are you so greedy?" She couldn't help but blame herself.

But there is no way.

She can't hold on forever, unless she wants to starve herself to death

"By the way, Li Holy Son, you don't have much food, right? Shouldn't you save some?" She tried to change the subject.

Li Ran shook his head, "You won't be able to persist for decades after saving it. It's better to enjoy the moment."

Lin Langyue was silent for a while.

Yes, no matter how you save, it is impossible to hold on for that long

Li Ran said at this moment: "Stop thinking about it, come and help me squeeze my shoulders."

After speaking, he lay down on the bed.

"How should I pinch this?"

Lin Langyue didn't know how to start.

Li Ran said casually: "Can you just sit on me?"

"Sit, sit on you?!".

Chapter 144

Chapter 144 What if I were Heavenly Dao?

Lin Langyue didn't feel embarrassed to sit on Li Ran in the end.

She knelt sideways and sat aside, trying hard to help him massage.

Li Ran didn't mind.

He had no idea about Lin Langyue.

The reason for this request is just to satisfy own evil taste.

The bright moon hanging high above Nine Heavens, kneeling and sitting next to him to massage himself at this time, will give a man an inexplicable sense of accomplishment.

Anyway, there are only two of them in this secret room, and it will not shame Lin Fairy's reputation.

Lin Langyue's face was bright red.

Li Ran's clothes were very thin, and she could clearly feel her body temperature through her clothes, as if she was in close contact. This feeling made her heart tremble.

She tried to chant the pure heart mantra silently to stabilize her mind, but found it was of no use-yes

Without the Cultivation Base, Dao heart seems to have become a joke.

If Yi Qinglan sees that his proud lover pinches the man's shoulders, it is estimated that he will faint on the spot, right?

Lin Langyue sighed secretly in her heart, "Master, I'm sorry, my disciple is ashamed of your teaching."

At this time Li Ran said, "Go down a little bit and use more energy.


Lin Langyue massaged hard.

Eat people with short mouths, make people soft

One hundred thousand mountains.

Yue Jianli and Qin Ruyan took the waterfall as the center, looking for them like a carpet.

But apart from the tragic scene left by the fighting, there was no trace of anything else.

And as night fell, the howls in the dense forest came and went, and the Demonic Beasts began to agitate.

The two met at the waterfall, and their faces were slightly pale.

Searching all the time, their Spirit Power is almost running out.

"Did you find anything?" Qin Ruyan asked.

Yue Jianli shook his head, "There is no trace to the southeast, they shouldn't go there."

Wanjian Pavilion has a unique tracing technique, even if Li Ran flies away, he can find the approximate direction.

But now I have found nothing.

Qin Ruyan sighed, "No trace to the northwest."

The two looked at each other, their faces full of helplessness.

Li Ran's breath seemed to disappear out of thin air here.

But they couldn't imagine that there is a cave behind this majestic waterfall.

Qin Ruyan clenched his fists, "Could it be that they were given by Yu Ye?"


Yue Jianli shook his head and said, "Li Ran is much stronger than you think! Even if you can't deal with the Distraction Realm, you can't keep him with just one Yu Ye."

She has seen Li Ran's strength.

The mysterious golden ancient seal, the thunder electric light that penetrates the sky and the earth can survive in the collapsed secret realm with the Gold Core Cultivation Base, not to mention that it is now a baby?

She didn't believe that a mere Yu Ye could wipe him out.

Qin Ruyan frowned and analyzed: "In this case, there are only two possibilities."

"Either he hides his traces and hides somewhere with Lin Langyue. Or he has the power to intervene and take them away directly.

These two results are not what they want to see.

Yue Jianli sighed and lost his clue for a while.

Qin Ruyan frowned slightly, her heart full of melancholy.

"Lee Holy Son, where have you been?

"Okay, very good, step on it again.

Li Ran lay down on the bed with a relaxed expression.

And Lin Langyue is tirelessly helping him step on his back.

Now she can't use Spirit Power, and her physique is only slightly better than ordinary people. For Li Ran, her hand strength is really small and pitiful.

So simply let her stand up and step on her back, which is indeed much more comfortable than massaging with her hands.

Lin Langyue wiped the fine beads of sweat on her forehead, "Li Holy Son, how long is left? I, I'm a little bit weak…"

Although it is difficult to judge the time here, at least one hour has passed.

Li Ran saw that she couldn't hold on anymore, nodded and said, "Okay, let's stop here."


Lin Langyue breathed a sigh of relief, got down from him, and sat on the edge of the bed, panting.

Li Ran shook his head and said, "The young man is not physically strong, so he just massaged it for a while, so tired?"

Lin Langyue gave him a white look, "Would you like to try it?"

Li Ran shrugged, "If you don't mind, I can try it too."

Lin Langyue thought of something, blushing and shook her head: "Forget it.

How could she let a man squeeze on her lap?

Lin Langyue leaned against the bed and sighed: "I will never eat your barbecue again. Although the meat is delicious, the massage is really tiring."

"This is what you said, don't regret it then." Li Ran said.


Lin Langyue thought about it seriously and said, "Of course, if my stomach expresses objections, I should respect its opinions."

0...Look for flowers.


The two looked at each other and laughed together.

Li Ran was funny, "Yes, Lin Fairy, how long has passed since you have become so shameless."

Lin Langyue wrinkled her Qiong nose, "The one who is close to Zhu is red, and the one who is close to Mo is black. Li Holy Son should find out more on his own body.


Li Ran looked at her charming appearance and couldn't help nodding, "I still prefer your current state."

Lin Langyue tilted her head, her eyes flashed with shame, "I am still me, is there any difference from before?"

"Of course there is."

Li Ran said lightly: "Outside you are the No. 1 Tianjiao, the chief disciple of the Tianshu Yuan, and the preacher of the Taoism of Forgetfulness, but it is not Lin Langyue."

"Only in this secret room without Spirit Power and isolated from Taoism, can you truly be yourself."

"The hardest thing in life is not to cultivate immortality, but to be yourself.,

Lin Langyue was stunned when he heard the words.

"The hardest thing is to be yourself?"

There was waves in her eyes, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

After a long time, Lin Langyue shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Why did Li Holy Son ruin my practice?"

Li Ran was almost taken in by Li Ran.

What she cultivated was the way of being too emotional, what she wanted was to let go of the seven emotions and six desires, and completely cut off the past self.

And Li Ran's remarks are obviously what the Hongchendao said.

Li Ran didn't take it seriously. "The practice that breaks so easily is not a great way to come."

Lin Langyue sternly said: "Li Holy Son, as I cultivated Heavenly Dao, I only have Heavenly Dao in my heart."

Li Ran didn't care: "Then you can fix your Heavenly Dao, why? Are you worried about being dragged into the red dust by me?

Lin Langyue secretly said in her heart: There is indeed this worry!

Just a few short hours with Li Ran, her Dao heart made waves more than once.

This man seems to have some kind of magic


Li Ran smiled and said, "What if I can represent Heavenly Dao?"

"What did you say?" Lin Langyue suspected that he had heard it wrong.

Li Ran's voice was flat, echoing in the secret room:

"If I had the sky above my head and I was wearing a Galaxy Cluster, wouldn't you naturally be in my palm?" Shao.

Chapter 145

Chapter 145 Female donor, please don't be nervous!

"The sky above your head, wearing a Galaxy Cluster?"

Lin Langyue looked at him blankly.

The arrogance of this man was beyond her imagination.

She has seen a lot of powerful people who combine good fortune, including the emperor-level powerhouse Yi Qinglan, who are just looking for Heavenly Dao.

But Li Ran actually said that he is Heavenly Dao?

When these remarks go out, I am afraid that people will laugh out of their teeth, saying that this kid is arrogant, ignorant and fearless.

But for some reason, she couldn't laugh.

There was a huge face that penetrated the sky and the earth came to mind in his mind.

The giant glowing with golden light, the dragon elephant surrendering under him, and the vast Universe starry sky behind him.

Isn't it just the sky above your head, wearing a Galaxy Cluster?

What kind of weather pattern is there to visualize such a majestic Dharma!

Li Ran said that he was Heavenly Dao, and it seemed that he was not making a false statement, but was walking in that direction step by step.

"Six Three Three" "If he is Heavenly Dao, the bright moon is naturally in his palm?"

Lin Langyue suddenly became a little flustered.

If there is such a day in the future, does she really want to let the other party play?

At this time, she recalled what Li Ran had personally said in Qingzhou City:

[The bright moon in the sky, right? See how I break you apart!]

Lin Langyue flew a blush on her cheeks, stretched out her hand to touch her heart, and her eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

It's over, Dao heart is completely messed up

Li Ran did not expect that some words of own would have such a big impact on her.

He moved his shoulders and said, "Lin Fairy's massage technique needs to be improved, but that's okay. Now, the last thing we lack is time."


Lin Langyue recovered and turned her head in shame, "Why do I need the Ascension massage technique? I, I am not a tool to please you!"

Li Ran squeezed his chin, pretending to be serious: "That's correct. But in this secret room, you don't seem to have anything to do except to please me, right?"

Lin Langyue thought for a while, it seemed that this was really the case.

The Dao Fa is isolated here, and even cultivation is impossible. There is really nothing to do.

"Then we can also chat, why use the word'please'," Lin Langyue whispered.

"Just kidding,"

Li Ran sighed, "We are not born and die in the same acupuncture point, but it can be considered destined."

"Different pillows for birth, same acupuncture points for death?

Lin Langyue wiped the corners of her clothes, feeling a little strange inexplicably.

At this time, Li Ran smiled and said, "You said that if future generations find this secret room and find the bodies of the two of us, will they think that we are a pair of loving Dao companions?"

"ー Fairy, a Holy Son of a Demon Way Sect, because the demon can't stay together for a long time, so willing to die for love? That's really touching."

Li Ran is just teasing her.

In a few days, the Buddha's power will be full, and with Buddha bones in hand, the Restrictions can be unlocked in minutes.

And the food he brought with him was completely enough to eat these days.

Lin Langyue's cheeks blushed, and she stammered: "Who, who is Dao companions with you? Still dying in love?!"

The focus of her attention is actually not starving to death, but dying for love

Li Ran shrugged, "You can imagine that picture for yourself."

Lin Langyue imagined it for a moment, and she couldn't help lowering her head dejectedly.

It does seem like a martyrdom

"Master, I'm sorry, the disciple, not only does the disciple massage the man, but he also died with the man."

Lin Langyue put her hands together, confessing seriously.


Li Ran couldn't help but laugh.

Unexpectedly, she also has such a cute side.

After Lin Langyue's confession was over, she sighed slightly when she saw the messy white clothes on her body.

As Nascent Soul, although Spirit Power is banned, the Taoist body is still transparent.

The sweat shed without a trace of dirt, and the food eaten will also be automatically refined.

But the clothes were really dirty.

For her who always loves cleanliness, this is a very painful thing.

But she always used Spirit Power to keep it tidy, and she didn't bring any replacement clothes, so she had no choice but to endure it.

Li Ran noticed this scene and smiled: "Dirty clothes?"

Lin Langyue nodded, "There is no way, the conditions are limited, so let's bear it."

As soon as she finished speaking, a set of white robe fell into her arms.

Lin Langyue was taken aback, "this"

Li Ran said casually: "New clothes, you haven't worn them yet, you can change them if you don't mind."

"Of course I don't mind!

Lin Langyue was a little excited, but then thought of something, and cautiously said: "Then how long do I have to massage your suit?"

Li Ran said with a laugh: "Look at what scared you, the clothes are given to you for free."

Here are the two of them. The other side is dressed cleanly, and he looks more comfortable.


Lin Langyue smiled and ran up the steps while holding the clothes.

Halfway to stop, he blushed and said, "Then you are not allowed to peek."

Li Ran said in a huff: "Don't worry, what scene I haven't seen? As for going to peek at you?"

"All right."

Lin Langyue ran up the steps and went to the entrance of Immortal Cave to change clothes.

After a while, there was a slight sound of footsteps, and Lin Langyue probed into the room and looked into the room.

Li Ran laughed: "Why are you pretending to be a mole there? Why don't you come in?

"I "

Lin Langyue hesitated for a moment, and walked out coyly.

I saw that she was wearing a wide coat robe, one hand was tightly clenched at the neckline, and her pants had become shorter somehow, revealing slender and round legs.

The pretty face was covered with blush, and the black and white eyes were a little flustered.

Like a shy little white flower.

Li Ran stared at her blankly.

"Is the clothes I gave you like this?"

Lin Langyue blocked her legs as much as possible, and said in embarrassment: "Your clothes are too big and don't fit well. I thought about cutting my pants shorter, but I accidentally tore them off too much.

Li Ran's throat moved and sighed, "You are testing the cadres."

Lin Langyue was embarrassed and said, "Can you lend me another piece of clothing?

"The point is that I don't have anymore." He said helplessly.

After so many 4.7 battles, the clothes have been changed several times, and the last one was given to her.

"Forget it, just dress like this. There are no outsiders here anyway." Li Ran said.

Lin Langyue bit her lip and glanced at him faintly.

Aren't you an outsider

But at this point, she had no choice but to squat down in the corner and wrap herself in clothes.

Just stick your head out.

Li Ran looked at her pitifully, a little funny in her heart.

"This female benefactor, please don't be nervous. The poor monk can be regarded as an eminent monk. You are just a pink skull in the eyes of the poor monk.

Lin Langyue blushed with annoyance, "I don't believe it!"

Mingming also said to break her apart

Even if it is a monk, it is also a monk of sex!

Chapter 146

Chapter 146 Don't be afraid, I'm not a good person

Li Ran smiled kindly, "Female donor, don't be afraid, poor monks are not good people."

"I know!"

Lin Langyue's face was blushing.

I don't know why, this guy can always make her blush and heartbeat in just a few words.

"Good, good!"

A smile flashed in Li Ran's eyes.

Seeing the Taoist aunt who was sitting high in the clouds and calm, now turning red and embarrassed, this feeling

It's so exciting!

Seeing that Lin Langyue couldn't hold back anymore, Li Ran accepted it as well.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore.

He yawned, "The food is too full, I plan to sleep for a while. If you are tired, you can come up and lie down, the bed is big enough anyway."

"No, go to sleep by yourself." Lin Langyue shook his head.

Li Ran said casually: "Whatever you want. But we don't know how long we will be trapped. You don't plan to squat and sleep all the time?"

After speaking, close your eyes and stop talking.

The atmosphere quieted down for a while.

Lin Langyue squatted at Jiao09luo, sighing slightly in her heart.

"He's right. I don't know how long I will be stuck here. It's really not the way to squat this way all the time."

"But there is only one bed, so you can't share the same bed with him, right?,

She recalled Li Ran's phrase "Different births and deaths in the same acupuncture point", blushing for no reason.

Then he shook his head vigorously and said, "No way, no way, I'm not dead now, what kind of style is it to sleep on a bed?"

Lin Langyue squatted in the corner for a while, and a wave of sleepiness gradually came up.

She helped Li Ran massage for nearly two hours. She was tired enough at first, and with the intense mood swings, she would be a little sleepy and unable to open her eyes.

But squatting on the ground, my legs are sore and numb, I really can't sleep.

"I want to lie down for a while

Lin Langyue looked up and saw Li Ran lying in the innermost area, with a large area vacant outside, as if it was specially reserved for her.

"Or, I'll just squint on the side for a while?

Lin Langyue hesitated for a long time, got up and kicked and walked over.

Seeing Li Ran's breathing is steady, it seems that he is really asleep.

She lay slowly on the other side, breathing evenly from her ear, and her heart seemed to be jumping out.

She clutched her hot cheeks, and said in her heart: "Master, I'm sorry, it's a shameful disciple, but it's really comfortable to lie down~"

After a while, sleepiness surged like a tide, and she fell asleep in her wild thoughts.

South Wind City.

In the city lord's mansion, Sheng Zhixia looked solemn.

"You mean, Li Holy Son and Lin Fairy are both missing?"

Yue Jianli nodded, "This time the one-hundred-thousand-thousand-mountain change was caused by the wild. Lin Langyue and I ran into the accident and fought hard on the spot, and Li Ran arrived afterwards.

Qin Ruyan added: "Li Holy Son asked me to bring Yue Jianli back first. He and Lin Langyue stayed to deal with Yuye, but when I went back, they were all gone."

Sheng Zhixia frowned.

The chief disciple of the two top Sects, the strongest of the younger generation, have disappeared so strangely?

This is a big deal!

Sheng Zhixia asked: "How many days is today?"

Yue Jianli's face turned pale, "It's the third day.

She is confident in Li Ran's strength.

But there was no news in these two days, and the heart slowly picked up.

Could it be the power of the Yin Corpse Dao?

Sheng Zhixia thought for a while, and said: "Let's do it, this palace and General Wang will lead people to continue searching in the mountain. You two will go to the Medical Luodian and Tianshuyuan to explain the matter."

Nascent Soul is distracted by the battle, and its winning rate is slim.

If something happens to them, no one can bear the anger of the two top Sects!

Regardless of their status and status, they are the main heroes in fighting the beast tide and protecting hundreds of thousands of people in Nanfeng City. She really doesn't want the other party to have trouble.

Qin Ruyan said to Yue Jianli: "I will leave for Youluo Temple immediately and inform Leng Sect of the situation. As for the Tianshu Yuan, I will leave it to you."


Yue Jianli nodded.

When the two were about to leave, they were stopped by Sheng Zhixia.

"The journey is too far, I don't know how long it will take to fly alone."

She took out two jade pendants from her arms, "This is a token of the palace. With this, all cities along the way will cooperate with you. Whether it's a flying boat or a pass, you can use it at will."

"Great, I don't know how many times this time can be shortened!"

Yue Jianli said gratefully: "Thanks to the three princesses for helping!"

Sheng Zhixia said sternly: "They are the heroes of Nanfeng City. This is what this palace should do. The two of you should set off immediately. Don't miss the business."

Yue Jianli and Qin Ruyan nodded and left the city lord's mansion in the air.

Sheng Zhixia looked out the window and prayed silently in her heart.

"I hope they are okay

Lin Langyue opened her eyes mistily.

The sun and moon cannot be seen in this secret room, and the drowsy people do not know how long they slept.

"It's better to lie down and sleep well~"

She dangled comfortably, her expression very pleasant.

"I don't know what material this pillow is made of. It is moderately hard and soft, as if it still has a temperature."

Lin Langyue suddenly realized something and suddenly opened her eyes.

I saw that I was leaning back against Li Ran's arms.

Li Ran's other hand was on her lower abdomen, breathing evenly from the wings of her nose on the back of her neck.

Lin Langyue froze, and her heart trembled.

"I'm 633, why am I in his arms?"

She wanted to break free of her arms, but she didn't know whether it was the reason why she just woke up, and she couldn't lift up a bit of strength.


With a soft sound, Li Ran also woke up.

Lin Langyue hurriedly closed her eyes and did not dare to move.

Li Ran rubbed his eyes in a daze, and after seeing the situation, he looked reluctant.

"Ah this"

Why do I wake up in a sleep, and there is more than one person in my arms?

"Lin Langyue, wake up.

Li Ran pushed her, but the other party did not move.

Looking closely, she saw that her cheeks were blushing, her eyes were closed tightly, and her breathing was slightly short.

Obviously pretending to be asleep.

Li Ran cleared his throat and deliberately said: "Female donor, if you don't wake up, the poor monk is welcome."

"I woke up!"

Lin Langyue sat up in a hurry.

Seeing Li Ran's smiley eyes, he couldn't raise his head shyly.

"Say you sleep on your own, you don't speak honesty!" She blushed and groaned.

Li Ran looked speechless, "I let you sleep here, who let you get in my arms?"

Speaking of this, he checked his clothes and said vigilantly: "You wouldn't do anything indescribable to me while I was asleep?"

Lin Langyue was ashamed and indignant, "You, you are shameless!!"

Chapter 147

Chapter 147 Leng Wuyan's thunder is furious!

In the secret room.

Lin Langyi shrank in the corner, blushing around her collar.

Looking back on the morning, she couldn't tell if it was morning. Anyway, she was in Li Ran's arms as soon as she opened her eyes.

"It's shameful!" She bit her lip lightly.

Warm and practical.

These two words suddenly appeared in my mind, and I have to admit that Li Ran's embrace is very safe.

"Bah baah baah, what am I thinking?"

Lin Langyue rubbed her hair painfully.

Since being trapped in this secret room with Li Ran, she has broken through her own bottom line step by step.

From giving him a massage to putting on his clothes, he is even sleeping in his arms now!

Isn't the next step

"No, you must rein in the cliff!"

Looking at Li Ran who was cooking, Lin Langming secretly decided that he must not sleep in bed today.

Otherwise, Dao heart will dissipate!

"dinner's ready."

At this moment, Li Ran yelled.

Lin Langyue smelled the strong fragrance in the air and couldn't help swallowing, "I don't."

"Today is free.

"Come on."

She ran over with no dignity.

Looking at the steaming copper pot on the table, surrounded by a dazzling array of ingredients, Lin Langyue curiously asked, "These vegetables are all raw, how can I eat them?"

Li Ran smiled and said, "This is called hot pot. Just put the vegetables in it and cook them and you can eat them.


Lin Langyue nodded clearly.

She pointed to the dark dish that looked like a rag, and said, "What kind of dish is this, why have I never seen it before?"

"This is a hairy belly." Li Ran said.

"Maggy belly?"

"It's the stomach of the silver horn bull."

Lin Langyue shivered.

It's the first time she heard that someone eats beef stomach

"Then what is this pink strip?

"Oh, that's the intestines of the fire feather duck."

Lin Langyue said with difficulty: "Are you sure these things can be eaten~"?"

Li Ran nodded, "Of course, I have been cleaned up. Not only can it be eaten, but it is also delicious.

She said she picked up a piece of hot hairy belly and handed it to her mouth, "If you don't believe it, try it."

Lin Langyue wanted to refuse, but looking at the look in Li Ran's expectant eyes, she opened her mouth horribly.


She chewed, her eyes lit up, "Crunchy, so delicious!"

"of course."

Li Ran ate a piece of it himself, showing a satisfied look.

Lin Langyue looked at the pair of chopsticks, her face was a little hot.

"What are you doing in a daze? Sit down and eat together."

"Oh well."

Lin Langyue sat beside him, and the steaming heat in front of him warmed his body a lot.

An unprecedented feeling suddenly rose in her heart.

Seems to be stuck here with him… also pretty good?

Xuanling Mountain.

Qin Ruyan fell from the air wearily.

The Palace of Medicine Luo is located in the north, and the Shiwanda Mountain is located in the southern Xinjiang, and the distance spans almost the entire vast land.

She used the imperial teleportation array all the way, plus the non-stop flying day and night, and it took her four days to reach the foot of Xuanling Mountain.

She did not dare to delay in the slightest, and walked quickly to the Gate of Youluo Temple.


The two guards stopped her, frowning and said: "Who is coming?"

"I am the Holy Maiden Qin Ruyan of the Hehuan Sect. I have something important to report to the Leng Sect!"

Qin Ruyan showed his identity token.

After confirmation, the guard said: "Qin Holy Maiden, is there a Sect letter?"

Qin Ruyan shook his head and said: "It happened suddenly, and I am not here on behalf of Hehuan Sect."

One of the guards said: "No one is allowed to enter the Youluo Palace without a Sect order, Qin Holy Maiden, please come back."

"The matter is urgent, Li Holy Son has been missing for many days, this matter must be known to the cold head!" Qin Ruyan said anxiously.

"Holy Son is missing?!"

The two guards glanced at each other, feeling a little bad.

Li Ran has indeed not been in Sect recently.

"Qin Holy Maiden wait a minute, I will report to the head."

The guard did not dare to drag, turned and entered the mountain gate.

Qin Ruyan waited anxiously under the mountain.

After about tea time, a huge suction came.

She only felt that there was a flower in front of her, and when she opened her eyes again, she was already in the Youluo Temple.

And Leng Wuyan was sitting high on the phoenix chair.

Qin Ruyan bowed hurriedly, "Disciple Qin Ruyan, I have seen the cold master."

Leng Wuyan frowned and said, "I listened to the guards, and you said that Ran'er was missing. What is going on?"

Qin Ruyan did not dare to conceal it, and told the original story of what happened since the start of the beast tide.

Of course, except for the relationship between Li Ran and Yue Jianli

As soon as the words fell, the air in the Great Hall condensed like ice.

She only felt that a big mountain was pressing on her body, and her breathing was about to stop.

Leng Wuyan's icy and suppressed voice sounded, "^|You mean, the distracting state of the Yin Corpse Dao attacked Ran'er, and now Ran'er has disappeared?"

Qin Ruyan nodded, "The disciple has searched Shiwan Dashan for three days, and there is no news from Li Holy Son!"


Outside the Great Hall, there was a thunder blast!

Rakshasa Peak instantly black clouds topped!

All the creatures in the entire Xuanling Mountain Range were trembling and crawling on the ground!

at the same time.

Baiyun Peak, in Tianshu courtyard.

A hurried bell rang, and the crane flapped its wings on the mountain peak.

Tianshu Sect Leader Yi Qinggang is out!

There is no time in the mountains.

Lin Langming and Li Ran also don't know how long it has passed in this "dark and no sky" secret room.

Anyway, I eat when I am hungry and sleep when I am sleepy.

And Lin Langyue also gradually accepted the facts.

They are trapped in this secret room, and don't know if they can go out again.

All previous pursuits seemed so illusory.

On the contrary, this dark and windy stone room brought her a kind of unspeakable warmth, which she (Wang Haohao) had never felt before.

In the past few days with Li Ran, Lin Langming has become less and less aware of himself.

She will be shy, flustered, will be inexplicably troubled by gains and losses, for the first time she knows that she has such a wealth of emotions.

Here, she was finally able to remove all titles and forget the expectations of Master and Sect.

Really do Lin Langyue once.

This is the fourth time she woke up in Li Ran's arms.

Resting on his strong arms, listening to the powerful heartbeat, her cheeks flushed, but she didn't get up and flee.

Li Ran woke up at this time, a low voice rang in his ears, "What would you like to eat today?'

Lin Langyue thought for a while, "I want to eat kebabs.

"Okay, that's the old rule, a skewer of barbecue massage is half incense." Li Ran said.

"Cut, I know~"

Lin Langyue's face was blushing, and the corners of her mouth were smiling brightly.

"If it can go on like this, it seems pretty good

Chapter 148

Chapter 148 It's over, discovered by the master!

One hundred thousand mountains.

Deep in the dense forest, a tall Demonic Beasts is lying on a rock, lazily basking in the sun.

It looks like a cow with white hair, a long snake tail, and an extremely vicious appearance.

There is no other Demonic Beasts in the surrounding area.

This is its territory, and it is one of the beast kings in the deepest part of Shiwan Dashan.

There is the blood of the ancient disaster god "Zhu" in the body. As long as it appears in the world, a huge disaster will inevitably occur!

Suddenly, Fei seemed to notice something and suddenly looked up.

Scarlet eyes were full of panic.

It transforms into a human form, into a strong white-haired man, trembling and sweating.

"Why is she here?!"

In the northwest of the dense forest, a huge leopard with a single horn and a red body crawls on the ground.

It looked terrified, and its five tails flicked uncomfortably.

To the northeast, a white-headed and red-footed ape ran away

All Demonic Beasts seemed to be suppressed by invisible force, kneeling on the ground tremblingly, unable to even lift their heads.

The birds flying in the sky smashed to the ground like raindrops.

The hundreds of thousands of mountains that used to be unbearable were completely silent for a moment. 633

Two figures slowly emerged over the 100,000 mountain.

One of them was very deep, with no expression on his glamorous face.

It is Leng Wuyan.

The girl in black next to her is Qin Ruyan.

Qin Ruyan is still dizzy now.

Obviously he was still in Youluo Temple just now, but Leng Wuyan only took a step, and the two appeared in the sky above Shiwan Dashan.

"Crossing the void? This is the emperor-level powerhouse?" Qin Ruyan's throat tightened a little.

At this time, Leng Wuyan suddenly looked back.

I saw a Taoist girl in white clothes and a veil stepping out of the sky, followed by Yue Jianli.

"Yi Qinglan, what are you doing?" Leng Wuyan frowned.

Yi Qinglan said indifferently: "Poverty Dao is looking for own apprentice, do you still need to report to Leng Sect?"

"I am not in the mood to pester you today."

Leng Wuyan said coldly: "But if you let me know that Ran'er's disappearance is related to your apprentice, I will not forgive you!"

Yi Qinglan gave her a police look, "Lang Yue has a simple mind, and Pan Dao is worried that she will be deceived by demons.

Leng Wuyan rolled her head, "The teeth are sharp and the mouth is sharp!"

Yi Qinglan whispered: "Stubbornly stubborn!"

Qin Ruyan and Yue Jianli watched the elder quarrel, hiding from the side and dared not speak.

Leng Wuyan didn't mind arguing with her, Divine Sense instantly enveloped the entire 100,000 mountains, and the slightest movement could not escape her perception.

The beast kings trembled more severely for a while.

Suddenly, she noticed something and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

Various emotions flashed in his eyes, including jealousy, warm anger, resentment, and a trace of pride?

Yi Qinglan also drank Divine Sense and almost fell from Yuntou.

She clenched her fists, trembling slightly, and seemed to be greatly stimulated.


Leng Wuyan cleared her throat, "Yi Qinglan, calm down."

Yi Qinglan gritted her teeth, "This is your good apprentice, it's really deceiving!"

Leng Wuyan shook his head, "Who is bullying? If your apprentice is unwilling, how can Ran'er force her to fail?"

Yi Qinglan's white robe went without wind, and the trees in the 100,000 Dashan Mountains were all driven down by three feet!

The voice behind the veil was cold, "Is it really a poor way to kill people?!"

Leng Wuyan sneered, "You try to kill one? Do you dare to touch him, this seat will let the entire Tianshu Yuan be buried!"

The two fields collided, cracks appeared in the void, and the atmosphere of the ancients and ancients filled the world.

Yue Jianli and Qin Ruyan hugged each other and trembled.

What are these two big guys?

Yi Qinglan glared at her and let out a sulky breath, "Pan Dao will definitely figure this account out!"

After finishing speaking, the figure flashed and disappeared in place.

"It seems like someone can't settle accounts!"

(ajeh) Leng Wuyan sneered, and his figure disappeared.

In the secret room.

Li Ran was lying on the bed, Lin Langyue knelt down and helped him press his shoulders.

She is already very familiar with this set of business.

Even when Li Ran praised her, there would be an inexplicable sense of accomplishment in his heart.

"How about this strength?" she asked.

Li Ran gave a thumbs up, "It's great.


Lin Langyue smiled delicately.

Li Ran took out the stupa and took a look. The golden light is about to fill the sixth floor. It is estimated that a Buddha bone relic will be generated in less than one hour.

Restrictions will be removed at that time.

Li Ran thought for a while and said, "Tell you good news

"Can we go out?" Lin Langyue asked.

Li Ran was startled, "How do you know?"

She smiled, "Guess it.

Seeing Li Ran's incomprehensible expression, Lin Langming said indifferently: "Although you are cynical, you are by no means a self-defeating person. If you are really trapped here, you will definitely find ways to get out instead of waiting to die willingly."

"But you are not in a hurry at all these few days, and you don't save food. Apart from eating and sleeping every day, you just let me give you a massage.

"So I guess, you should have a way out."

Li Ran scratched his head awkwardly, "Actually, I really couldn't get out before, but it should be fine in a while."

Lin Langyue was not surprised at this, still pinching his shoulders.

Li Ran was a little strange: "Since you have guessed it, why are you still willing to do this?"

With her character, if she knew she could go out, how could she do such extraordinary things?

Lin Langyue tilted her head, her cheeks reddened and said, "If I don't want to, I won't do it even if I die. If I want to, what's the difference if I can't get out?"

Li Ran was stunned when he heard the words.

"So these days, are you willing to be molested by me?"


Lin Langyue blushed and broke into a bite, "You are always so distracted when you speak.

"Is not it?"

"Forget it, do it?"

She thought for a while and asked, "How long can we go out?"

Li Ran glanced at the stupa, "Almost one hour left."


Lin Langyue was silent for a while, and said in a low voice, "Can we sleep here for a while before going out?"

"certainly "

Before Li Ran finished speaking, Yu Guang suddenly noticed a figure, and his whole body suddenly stiffened!

Lin Langyue noticed the strangeness, and thought that he was hurting him.

He quickly rubbed his shoulders gently, "Is it because I tried too hard? Are you okay?"

Li Ran swallowed, "Master"


Lin Langyue raised her head blankly, and her whole body was petrified in an instant.


Chapter 149

Chapter 149 Yi Qinglan? A Taoist aunt who has never been in love!

The atmosphere in the secret room was deadly.

Leng Wuyan and Yi Qinglan sat on the chairs with their shoulders.

Li Ran and Lin Langyue stood opposite each other obediently, like elementary school students who had made a mistake.

Lin Langyue whispered: "Master, why are you kissing~ Come here?

Yi Qinglan snorted, "Why, I'm afraid that the poor road will ruin your good-things?"

"The disciple didn't mean that, Lin Langyue hurriedly-shook his head.

Yi Qinglan interrupted: "Let's talk about it, what the hell is going on?"

"Is such that "

Lin Langyue talked about what happened after meeting Yu Ye.

Hearing that Li Ran had saved her life, Yi Qinglan's expression eased slightly.

Then a little surprised: "You mean that he not only killed a distraction state, but also cut an ancient corpse in the Transcends Tribulation period in a state of Taoism isolation?"

"um, yes."

Lin Langyue nodded, "The disciple saw it with his own eyes."

Yi Qinglan glanced at Li Ran, puzzled: "Obviously there is only the Nascent Soul Cultivation Base, but the Spirit Power is more abundant, how can it be?"

Actually, she is not to blame for being surprised.

If Li Ran wasn't lucky and used the Buddha's bones to use the six-character mantra, I'm afraid it would be really hard to deal with the ancient corpse.

In Yi Qinglan's view, this is somewhat exaggerated.

Leng Wuyan snorted, and said proudly: "What's impossible in this? How can the disciple of this seat compare to the ordinary Nascent Soul?"

Yi Qinglan frowned. There was something in the words.

"Whose apprentice do you say is ordinary Nascent Soul?"

Leng Wuyan hugged her shoulders, "Who knows who is ordinary."

"Leng Wuyan, do you really think Poor Dao is afraid of you?"

"Hehe, you don't think you can beat this seat before!"

Li Ran and Lin Langyue were a little confused.

How do these two emperor-level masters squabble like children

"She is Yi Qinggang?"

This is the first time Li Ran has seen her.

This is called "the most annoying person" by Leng Wuyan.

This aunt wore a veil and couldn't see her looks clearly. She had a pair of eyes cut water, as if she could see through people's hearts.

The figure is hidden under the white Taoist robe. Although you can't see the real appearance, it feels very young.

Standing with Lin Langyue, it is estimated that people will be regarded as sisters.

Yi Qinglan noticed Li Ran's gaze, and her gaze flickered slightly.

Li Ran suddenly felt that the world was squeezed, and the pressure was several times stronger than the Tao in the secret realm, and he bends him in an instant.

"Yi Qinglan!!

Leng Wuyan was about to go crazy, but suddenly stopped.

I saw Li Ran's body full of golden light blooming, golden ancient seals crawling all over his skin, his muscles and bones "cackling", and he straightened his chest under tremendous pressure!

A dark red flashed across his eyes, looking at Yi Qinglan coldly.

"This is how Tianshu Yuan treats benefactors?"


Yi Qinglan's eyes condensed slightly.

Li Ran's body surfaced with a faint Blood Qi, and walked towards her with difficulty step by step.

"I am amidst the tide of beasts and rescued dozens of disciples in the Tianshu Court!'

"Facing the demon of the distracting state, as long as he comes one step later, Lin Langming is about to die!"

"I didn't bother to report the favor, but"

He walked up to Yi Qinglan and looked at her condescendingly, "This is how your Tianshu Yuan treats your benefactor?!"

Yi Qinglan's eyes trembled.

Except for Leng Wuyan, no one dared to question her like this!

"How did you explain the scene just now?"

Seeing Own's lover's untidy clothes, kneeling on the bed and giving a man a massage, her heart came to a sudden stop.

If it weren't for Leng Wuyan by the side, she wouldn't know what she would do.


Li Ran sneered, "You are not my master, why should I explain to you?"

Yi Qinglan said indifferently: "Are you really a poor dare not to kill you?"


Lin Langyue exclaimed, trying to stand in front of Li Ran, but found that he couldn't move at all.

Li Ran nodded, "Yes, you dare not."

Leng Wuyan said coldly: "Yi Qinglan, if you say this again, I will kill you immediately.,

Yi Qinglan was half-dead by the master and apprentice.

Just let Leng Wuyan bully me, but your disciple still bullies my disciple?

"Pan Dao admits that you are kind to Tianshu Yuan, but do you know that this will ruin Langyue's Dao heart?" She said unhappy.

Li Ran shook his head and said, "What's the use of something that can be ruined so easily?"

"What are you talking about?" Yi Qinglan frowned.

"Cultivation is to fight against the sky, every step is laid by bones! If even Dao heart needs to be carefully cared for, how to survive this race of all things?"

0...Look for flowers...

Li Ran's face was disdainful, and his voice was lang Lang, "The flowers in the greenhouse are not worthy of climbing the fairy road, and the big tree growing in the thunder is qualified to prove eternal life! As a powerful emperor, I still need to tell you this truth. ?"

Anyway, with Leng Wuyan's backing, he was fearless at all.

It just so happened to vent to myself and Master.

Yi Qinglan was not angry, and said calmly: "You don't know how to forget feelings, so I just take it for granted.

Li Ran shook his head, "I take it for granted that it is you? Only when you are extremely affectionate can you forget affection. A group of Taoist aunts who have never even talked about love are here to talk about forgetting affection?"


Yi Qinglan's eyes made waves for the first time.

"Pointy teeth, sharp mouth, Leng Wuyan, this is the good apprentice you taught!"

Leng Wuyan nodded, "Yes, I am really a good apprentice in this seat, and every word has been said in the heart of this seat."

Li Ran humbly said: "It's all masters who teach well.

Leng Wuyan gave him a thumbs up.

Li Ran blinked at her.

Yi Qinglan almost spat out old blood.

This master and apprentice is a virtue at all!

"Dao is different, don't seek each other! Lang Yue, go back with Xiang Dao." Yi Qinglan got up and left.

Lin Langyue nodded, "Yes, Master.

She looked at Li Ran with a bit of dismay, but didn't say much.

Li Ran chased after him and said, "Daochang Yi, you haven't thanked me yet."

Yi Qinglan turned a deaf ear.

Lin Langyue turned around, "Thank you"

"Don't thank him!"

Yi Qinglan waved his right hand, and the two of them disappeared directly.

There was silence in the secret room.

Li Ran shook his head, "This master Yi Dao, really doesn't know how to be polite, just treat the benefactor like this?"

At this moment, he saw Leng Wuyan with weird eyes, and hurriedly leaned in to sneer: "Master, how did the disciple behave just now?

Leng Wuyan nodded, "Yes, I almost didn't make Yi Qinglan angry."

"Hey, the master is satisfied, this is what the disciple should do." Li Ran smiled flatteringly.

"so "

Leng Wuyan said indifferently, "Let Lin Langyue beat you back with her thighs exposed, is that what you should do?"

Li Ran: "." spoon.

Chapter 150

Chapter 150 All righteous Li Holy Son!

Yi Qinglan was gone, and Leng Wuyan finally got rid of her disguise.

Her eyes were faint, and her eyes looked like anger and resentment, which made people indistinguishable.

"What kind of Ecstasy did you give Lin Langyue? How can you be willing to dress like that and give you a shoulder and a leg?"

She had heard of that Lin Langyue.

The strongest genius in Tianshu Academy in the contemporary era, and also Yi Qinglan's most proud disciple, walked out of Dao Jue alive alive.

It stands to reason that Dao heart should be stable and clear.

How can you be like a goulan woman, willing to do this kind of thing for a man?

Li Ran scratched his head. "The disciples didn't do anything, just chat, eat, talk about life, talk about ideals…

"You are a Devil Dao Holy Son, what is your ideal of life to talk to the chief of the righteous way?" Leng Wuyan gave him a white look.

She knows Li Ran too well.

Few women can bear this guy's mouth.

"Six Three Three" must have brainwashed Lin Langyue and deceived other girls' hearts, just like confessing to oneself at the time

Thinking of this, Leng Wuyan felt sour in her heart, turning her head and not looking at him anymore.

Li Ran suddenly panicked, and hurriedly walked to her, "Master, the disciple is wrong.

Leng Wuyan was expressionless, as if he hadn't heard of it.

Li Ran whispered: "Master, would you like to beat the disciple to vent your anger?"

Leng Wuyan ignored him at all.

Li Ran walked behind her, gently embraced her slender waist, and whispered in her ear: "Wuyan baby, don't be angry, okay?"

Leng Wuyan: X(O ▽ Oa

Her cheeks flushed red, she got goose bumps on her body, and she was breathing fast.


It's too numb!

The heat spitting in her ears made her tense, and her delicate hands rubbed the hem of the skirt hard, trying to keep her calm.

Li Ran frowned.

Can this persist?

It seems that the master's resistance is getting stronger and stronger.

Looking at the white jade earlobe in front of him, he took a light bite in a mysterious way.

"!! "

Leng Wuyan's whole body was as numb as if it had been electrified, and he couldn't stretch it anymore.

She rushed to the corner, clutching her hot cheeks, and stammered: "You, you, you rebel, why are you so faceless and shameless?"

"As long as the master is not angry, what does it matter if the disciple doesn't want to be such a face?"

Li Ran walked up to her and said with a smile: "It's a matter of course to have sex with an own woman, so why don't you be ashamed?"

"Who is your woman?"

Leng Wuyan tilted her head, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, and hummed: "You have to be affectionate, go to that Lin Langming, don't provoke me."

"Yes, the disciple obeyed.

Li Ran turned around and walked out of Immortal Cave.

"you dare!"

Leng Wuyan didn't expect that he would really go, and suddenly stomped angrily.

Li Ran turned around and looked at her with a smile. "Does the master want the disciple to go or not?"

"My seat, um!"

Leng Wuyan's phoenix eyes widened, her eyes full of panic.

She wanted to push Li Ran away, but she couldn't lift it up with any strength, so she blushed and let him go.

After a long time.

Leng Wuyan lowered his head, even his earlobes were dyed bright red, and there seemed to be waves of light in his eyes.

She leaned weakly in Li Ran's arms.

"You rebel"

Li Ran hugged her and whispered in her ear: "Master, I miss you."

Leng Wuyan was startled.

The eyes were foggy, and the affection was too strong to dissolve.

She bit her lip and sighed: "Hit the magic star, this constellation is really planted in your hands."

Li Ran asked, "Is the master unwilling?"

Leng Wuyan lowered his head and said like a mosquito, "If this seat is unwilling, how can I let you be frivolous? I have already cut down you little thief with a sword.

Li Ran smiled, hugged her up, strode to the bed.

"What are you going to do?" Leng Wuyan exclaimed.

Li Ran hugged her and sat on the side of the bed, "Master, don't get me wrong, the disciple just wants to talk to you."

"Are you just talking? Don't make any crooked ideas." Leng Wuyan looked wary.

Li Ran said: "The disciple is upright, he is called honest and brave Xiaolangjun, the master can't trust the disciple?"

"Do you have anything to do with the word integrity?"

Leng Wuyan gave him a white look, but did not get up, curled up on his chest like a kitten.

Listening to the strong and powerful heartbeat, there was peace in my heart.

"How did the master know that the disciple is here?" Li Ran asked curiously.

Leng Wuyan replied: "It was Qin Ruyan who told this seat that you had disappeared in Shiwandashan."

She gave a brief account of the matter.

"I see.

Li Ran nodded clearly.

Leng Wuyan thought of something, frowning and said: "I see that she cares about you very tightly. You won't have any unspeakable relationship, right?"

Li Ran's head shook into a rattle, "No, of course not!

Leng Wuyan nodded, "Then Qin Ruyan's yin is not clear, there is nothing to do with you if I want to come.

"Yuan Yin has not been dispersed?"

Li Ran was stunned when he heard the words, "Isn't Hehuan Sect Dual cultivation Sect? How could it be?

Leng Wuyan said amusedly: "Who told you that Dual cultivation Sect should do that? Isn't your fellow A Qin also practicing Dual cultivation Cultivation Technique, he is still a virgin today."

Li Ran scratched his head, "That's also true."

It turned out that Qin Ruyan's smoky and charming behavior was all pretended.

Suddenly he realized something and nervously said: "Master, do you still look at the picture?"

Leng Wuyan said casually: "This is nothing but the most basic vision."

If it weren't for seeing that Lin Langyue is the perfect body, and the two did not do ridiculous things, how could it be so easy to forgive him?

Li Ran swallowed, and said nervously, "Can the man, Master, be able to see it too?"


Leng Wuyan shook his head and said, "Yuan Yin is gone, but Yuan Yang can continue to replenish it, especially Wu Xiu, who has blood like a dragon, and there is almost no difference."

"That's good." Li Ran breathed a sigh of relief.

Leng Wuyan frowned, "You won't do anything bad, will you?"

"How come, haha

Li Ran smiled awkwardly.

Leng Wuyan looked at him suspiciously for half 4.7 days, and hummed: "The marriage contract made by your family, I won't say anything, but you still dare to mess with the flowers."

Li Ran said sternly: "The disciple is righteous, and he never hooks on threes and fours!"

"That's the best"

Before Leng Wuyan finished speaking, she stood aside in an instant.

"somebody is coming."

After a while, three beautiful girls rushed in.

Yue Jianli was stunned when he saw him, covering his mouth and his eyes hazy with tears, "Li Ran!"

Qin Ruyan's eyes throbbed with joy, "Li Holy Son, the slave knows you must be fine!

Sheng Zhixia also breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "It's great to see Li Holy Son in peace.

Leng Wuyan looked at Li Ran surrounded by Yingying and Yanyan, her body trembling slightly.

"What a righteous one!"".