
I Really Don't Want To Be A Trainer

Standing in front of you now is– The board of directors of Devon, the founder of Rainbow Rockets, the master of type disadvantage, the champion of the world championship… Legendary trainer Luke, recalling the scene of the first live broadcast, sighed. “Speaking of which, you may not believe it. My original wish was just to show my face after 100,000 subscriptions.” “I just want to make the right amount of money, starting from a game zone owner.” “I really didn’t want to be a trainer!”

ShazeSensei · Anime & Comics
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287 Chs

Chapter 71

Eterna City in the Sinnoh Region.

The melodious sounds of music flowed from the phonograph, and the bluesy saxophone notes gained a mellower quality through the unique charm of vinyl records.

The room was furnished with elegant redwood furniture, and Cynthia reclined leisurely on the sofa.

Beside her sat a dignified and elegant woman with brown hair and blue eyes.

The woman exuded an air of confidence, her posture as graceful as a deer, even while seated on the sofa, her back remained perfectly straight.

Diantha extinguished her slim cigarette in a crystal ashtray, a tinge of helplessness in her eyes.

"If you're in the midst of a battle, you should rest properly..."

Cynthia shifted into a more comfortable position, resting her cheek against Diantha's leg as she whispered, "I've just finished my work at the laboratory. I wanted to catch the next flight... I'll just close my eyes for a bit."

Diantha let her fingers weave through her flowing blonde hair. "To Magic City?"

Cynthia nodded like a content orange cat, her long eyelashes fluttering before she gradually succumbed to the rhythm of her own breathing.

Diantha gently brushed the soft blonde locks.

I had things to attend to...

But you called me here; was it just for your sake?

Yet the schedule for the Masters League Tournament is quite hectic.

Since Cynthia's participating, it might not be long before I see her again.

A mischievous grin crept onto Diantha's lips as she ran her hand through Cynthia's hair, tousling it until it became slightly disheveled. She then stifled a yawn behind her hand.

In the tranquility of the afternoon, two women with distinct styles found comfort in each other's embrace, spending their time together.

As the sun dipped lower in the sky, Diantha awoke from her daze.

The warm hues of the sunset poured through the window, and Cynthia had donned her familiar black trench coat.

Her golden locks cascaded gracefully, every strand seemingly kissed by a halo of light.

Cynthia's smile was gentle as she spoke, "I'll be back soon, and then we can go shopping."

"Very well."

Diantha responded with a resigned smile. "Safe travels!"

Cynthia stepped onto the marble terrace outside the house.

A red light emitted from her Poké Ball, and Togekiss nuzzled affectionately against Cynthia.

Diantha felt a twinge of concern, advising, "Have you arranged your stay and your luggage?"

"My luggage is already at the hotel, but I need to make a brief visit first."

Cynthia revealed a smile. "To see a rather adorable Eevee."


Wednesday, July 15.

The development of "Plants vs. Zombies" had been underway for a week.

With Damien's assistance, Luke's progress was moving at an impressive speed, bolstered by the parallel world template.

However, what was causing Luke a headache was the substantial improvement in the strength of both Haunter and Eevee.

Through continuous practice of Mimic's moves, Eevee had honed the abilities of 'Yawn' and 'Iron Tail' to a state of near perfection.

Meanwhile, Haunter had earned recognition as the outstanding coach of the month at the battle club. His schedule was packed to the brim...

While it was undoubtedly a positive development, Luke found himself concerned. The strength of Pokémon was directly proportional to the energy they expended in battles.

The stronger their strength, the more energy they consumed.

The earnings from Haunter's part-time job at the club were inadequate to cover the costs of Luke's berry purchases and Pokéblock production.

On the other hand, Eevee's diet, though modest, consisted of rare berries that Luke exchanged and bought, making him reluctant to skimp on the little creature's well-being.

Overall, for someone like Luke, who wasn't a conventional Trainer, the improvement in his Pokémon's strength was a bittersweet responsibility.

Despite this, Luke wouldn't blame Eevee and Haunter or pressure them to refrain from evolving.

For him, humans and Pokémon were equals.

Deep within his bones, Luke held a profound love for Pokémon. Nonetheless, the risks and rewards inherent in being a Trainer were disproportionate, at least from Luke's perspective.

"This is excessively optimistic!"

Luke couldn't resist rubbing his forehead.

"If I were to acquire another Pokémon with a massive appetite, will I end up going bankrupt?"

Luke couldn't help but recall Coach Zhai's proposal of obtaining the most promising Pokémon with high Aptitude. A shiver ran down his spine.

If an "outstanding" little Snorlax were to appear, wouldn't I just keel over right then and there!

"No, I can't hand over control to outsiders," Luke muttered determinedly.

"When the time comes, I'll make the choice myself!"

"I refuse to believe that in a prestigious breeding center like Magic University, I can't find a suitable candidate!"


In the afternoon, Luke, acting as a teaching assistant, headed to the school team for practice and coincidentally crossed paths with Coach Zhai.

Zhai Wenyao greeted him with a cheerful smile, akin to the warmth of spring:

"Luke, those two rookies you brought in are exceptional...their potential is truly remarkable!"

"Really?" Luke raised an eyebrow in surprise.

All he did was opt for a straightforward selection process and chose the simplest battle rules.

Why was it suddenly perceived as having exceptional foresight?

As Zhai Wenyao went on to discuss tactics and strategies for the team, his excitement was palpable:

"First, we have Brèloom with the Spore Ability. In singles matches, it excels both in surprise attacks and endurance."

"And then there's Gu Zhong's Torkoal...it has the Drought Ability! The Trainer's strength and character are commendable, and this could potentially form the core of our future team!"

Coach Zhai's enthusiasm was quite understandable.

The new academic year hadn't even commenced, and the chances of recruiting elite students through early selection were rather slim. However, Luke managed to secure not one, but two promising candidates during the interview process!

Moreover, the fact that Luke recognized a talented student while recording the interview added to his appeal.

Zhai Wenyao considered himself fortunate to have found such a valuable assistant.

The school team had truly struck gold!

"Keep up the good work, maintain our league ranking, and I guarantee you'll receive a well-deserved bonus!" Zhai Wenyao laughed and patted Luke on the shoulder.

Luke appeared somewhat dazed.

Could my judgment really be this accurate?

Unable to resist, he cast a contemplative glance at Torkoal on the field, nodding to himself in thought.

Torkoal, nicknamed the "Little Groudon," was the powerhouse of the Sun Team, excelling in the fire-type spectrum. Its inclusion would undoubtedly bolster the defense of Magic City University's Psychic-based team.

With the addition of these two freshmen, the team not only experienced improved defensive capabilities but also gained an edge in strategy.

"It's me!"

Luke slapped his forehead, a realization dawning on him. "I managed to spot the best candidates right away!"

The college league took place during the latter half of each academic year, mainly for freshmen and sophomores majoring in Pokémon studies.

However, juniors were preoccupied with challenging Gyms to secure their positions in the Orient Alliance, making them ineligible for participation.

In general, Luke's age and strength made him a suitable candidate for the league.

But the truth was, Luke had little interest in the so-called college league.

Being a teaching assistant was already quite time-consuming; there was no need to further complicate matters.

If he didn't perform well in the league, he'd likely be criticized. Moreover, if Eevee and Haunter sustained any injuries, the benefits would be far outweighed by the losses.

With Eevee, who was currently playfully engaged with Torkoal, resting on his shoulder, Luke was about to make his exit when Coach Zhai called him back:

"By the way, Luke, are you planning to attend the Masters League Tournament next Saturday?"

"The school team will cover the cost of one ticket per person. I'll make sure to reserve one for you."

Luke furrowed his brow.

The Masters League Tournament was held at the Orient Battle Tower. Luke had seen the ticket prices online—it was 3,000 yuan for a regular ticket.

Paying a mere 3,000 yuan wasn't a significant expense. Did Teacher Luke really need someone to cover this for him?

"Sure," Luke smiled. "Can I get three tickets?"

It wasn't essential to be seated in the front row; what mattered was bringing along Eevee and Haunter for the event!