
I Really Don't Want To Be A Trainer

Standing in front of you now is– The board of directors of Devon, the founder of Rainbow Rockets, the master of type disadvantage, the champion of the world championship… Legendary trainer Luke, recalling the scene of the first live broadcast, sighed. “Speaking of which, you may not believe it. My original wish was just to show my face after 100,000 subscriptions.” “I just want to make the right amount of money, starting from a game zone owner.” “I really didn’t want to be a trainer!”

ShazeSensei · Anime & Comics
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287 Chs

Chapter 53

The highly anticipated Piplup Cup semi-finals kicked off on Saturday.

Luke was matched against Sally Han from the Magic University's attached high school, an online friend from stream, Pokémon trainer who had Brèloom as her partner.

The other match featured an internal clash from Z-University, Fang Shu competing against Lu You.

Seeing the Contest Category list, Fang Shu let out a relieved sigh.

"Thank goodness... I didn't end up facing Teacher Luke in the semi-finals."

Sally Han's eyes sparkled as she added Luke's name to her profile, eager to share her excitement about competing against him.

"Teacher Luke, I'll be facing you in the semifinals!"

"Can I take a photo with you after the match, Teacher Luke? I'd love to get your autograph!"

Luke's popularity among this group of young Trainers had grown due to the expanding influence of his videos.

It felt less like a competition and more like a celebrity encounter!

"This is truly a match of online friends..."

Luke chuckled, clicking on Sally Han's social media profile. He raised an eyebrow when he saw the cover image, which was a Q-version fan art that bore a striking resemblance to him.

Next to the fan art was Haunter, grinning mischievously, and the caption read: "Guardian of the world's best Substitute-Toxic-Protect-Paralysis!"

Luke was taken aback.

"Could this be the legendary fangirl?"

Scrolling through her posts, he noticed that her feed was filled with praises for Luke.

"Seriously! Teacher Luke is a Master Trainer, okay? Don't talk nonsense if you don't know anything!"

"Oh wow, Teacher Luke can cook too? I'm a huge fan!"


Luke gazed at Haunter, who was scratching his head, with a complex expression.

"Jie jie~?"

"Be a bit more assertive later and let her experience the harsh reality!"

"Jie jie~!"

Haunter cracked his knuckles, grinning with a mischievous glint in his eyes.


The tournament began in the afternoon.

Before the start, Luke prepared a lunch of Moomoo Milk for Eevee. After some coaxing, he managed to get Eevee out of the room.


Eevee let out a reluctant cry, torn between not drinking and drinking the milk.

In the end, it hung its head, stuck out its tongue, and hesitantly licked the milk.

Luke gently slid his hand into Eevee's fluffy fur on its neck, a contented smile on his face.

"This feeling is just amazing!"


Eevee suddenly lifted its head, giving Luke a fierce glare before letting out a hiccup.

"Oops... uh, vui~!"

Despite Eevee's grin, the belch that followed hardly added to its intimidation factor.

"Lactose intolerant, huh?"

Luke raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "Wait here for a moment, I'll get you something else for lunch."

"Bu, vui~!"

Eevee burped again, wagging its tail with a touch of shyness before turning away.

Meanwhile, on the other side...

"Jie jie~ (*⊙⊙)"

Haunter gleefully gobbled up a handful of Pokéblocks, savoring them like candies. He even grabbed a Sodapop bottle and mimicked taking a sip, letting out a contented sigh.


Balancing the soda bottle cap on his other hand, Haunter squinted his eyes and took another sip, relishing the taste.

"Jie jie~ ~!"

Before leaving, Luke patted Eevee's head. "Are you joining us?"

"Jie jie~!" Haunter chimed in, extending an invitation with his gleaming eyes.

Eevee took a hesitant half-step back before shaking its head.

Although still a bit apprehensive, it didn't feel right staying inside the Poké Ball all the time.

"Alright, then you keep the house safe," Luke said with a smile. "I'll bring back some tasty food for you when we return."

"Bu, vui~ ..."

Eevee nodded softly, only to hiccup suddenly before scuttling away.

Observing Eevee's departure, Luke rubbed his chin and muttered.

"Eevee doesn't know Will-O-Wisp, so I don't have to worry about it accidentally setting the house on fire again, right?"

"Um... should be fine," Luke reassured himself.

"Haunter, you stay behind, and the rest of us are heading to the Online Friends Tournament!"


The 'Mercedes' stadium was already packed with spectators, with various media outlets present as well.

This summer event marked a significant milestone for Magic City, and it was about to culminate in the semi-finals of the Piplup Cup.

"The Piplup Cup semi-finals are about to begin. Among the selected contestants is Luke from Magic City University..."

"Contestant Luke, can you work your magic once again!"

"The semi-finals guests have been announced, and Champion Guo Ming from the South China Division will also be joining!"

As esteemed special guests of the competition, these experienced Trainers will provide commentary on the participants.

The Piplup Cup is closely tied to the [Primary Rank Trainer Qualification Certificate] that will be awarded in a month. The term 'commentary' is essentially a form of disguised assessment.

Chairman of the City Association, Song Pengcheng, greeted with a smile, "Master Guo, it has been quite a while since we last met."

Guo Ming respectfully replied, "Old Master, you are still full of vitality!"

"With so many young talents emerging, I am naturally reassured," Song Pengcheng responded with a smile.

Guo Ming was intrigued, "I wonder if you are referring to Lu You or Fang Shu?"

Song Pengcheng chuckled and stroked his beard.

"The first match will determine their skills. You will see which one shines brighter and stands out," Guo Ming said.

As the signal sounded, the commentator's voice initiated the start of the match.

"Both sides have taken their positions, and now we wait and witness!"

In the audience, Twain stammered, "Brother Luke… you seem so calm. Are you really okay?"

"I am actually quite nervous," Luke sighed, "If you doubt it, just look into my eyes."

"Hmm… they do seem quite nervous," Damien chimed in while chewing on his hamburger.

Luke cleared his throat.

Despite wanting to feel nervous, he couldn't muster any anxiety when he considered that he was up against a water friend!

"Let's enjoy the match... These tickets are so expensive, costing hundreds each."

Ivysaur vs. Magneton.

While Toxic is ineffective against Steel Types, neither side has any particular advantage.

Ultimately, the outcome relies on the strategies and decisions made by the Trainers on both sides.

Lu You took the initiative, "Thunder Wave!"

Given Ivysaur's sluggish speed, evading Magneton's Thunder Wave was nearly impossible.

However, "Protect" was activated just in time, forming a barrier that absorbed the electric current.

Meanwhile, Ivysaur retracted its limbs, causing the vine on its back to embed into the ground with a resounding thud.

"The Fang Shu player has sacrificed mobility to allow Ivysaur to use Ingrain!" the commentator announced loudly.

"Ivysaur's speed is indeed its weak point," Song Pengcheng acknowledged, nodding. "It's a shrewd choice."

Guo Ming smiled faintly, "This is a tactical sacrifice on his part."

"Leech Seed!" Fang Shu commanded forcefully.

"Rapid Spin, follow up with Thunderbolt!"

The thorny vine rapidly lanced towards Magneton, but the latter swiftly activated Rapid Spin, sending the vines flying away.

Immobile due to Ingrain, Ivysaur was now within striking distance of Magneton. A dazzling Spark erupted suddenly!

The Spark flickered as Ivysaur curled up in pain.

Fang Shu's voice was cold and determined, "Hidden Power!"

In a moment of crisis, a cluster of light suddenly illuminated the buds on Ivysaur's back, radiating an intense wave of heat throughout the arena.

"Hidden Power of the Fire Type?" Song Pengcheng exclaimed, surprised.

"Now that's an unexpected trump card!"

Guo Ming's brows furrowed slightly. "It was a hasty move."

In the audience, Twain exclaimed in awe, "Wow, Ivysaur is making a comeback!"

Luke reflected, "Looks like Lu You is going to win."

The Hidden Power flames surged forth, and Magneton struggled to withstand the fiery onslaught, emitting a high-pitched, high-frequency noise.

Simultaneously, Thunderbolt surged forth again!

The referee raised the flag: "Ivysaur has lost its combat capabilities. The winner is Lu You from Z-University!"