
I Really Don't Want To Be A Trainer

Standing in front of you now is– The board of directors of Devon, the founder of Rainbow Rockets, the master of type disadvantage, the champion of the world championship… Legendary trainer Luke, recalling the scene of the first live broadcast, sighed. “Speaking of which, you may not believe it. My original wish was just to show my face after 100,000 subscriptions.” “I just want to make the right amount of money, starting from a game zone owner.” “I really didn’t want to be a trainer!”

ShazeSensei · Anime & Comics
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287 Chs

Chapter 23

All eyes were fixed on Luke.

"Yes, Brother Luke is also participating in the competition!"

"But remember, the opponent is from the school team. Let's not create any trouble for the school administration..."

As the whispers circulated, a few girls glanced secretly at Luke.

Amidst the growing commotion, a hint of emotion sparkled in their eyes.

In this critical moment, the dependable and handsome Luke had emerged on the scene!

Angela Shen observed the determined Gastly with a slight frown.

Her intuition told her that the strength of this Gastly was not to be underestimated.

As for the Trainer standing before her...

Though undeniably good-looking, he was still a Finance student.

When it came to strategy, he probably couldn't match up to the Battle Department!

"Hey, Brother Luke, are you sure about this?"

Twain's hushed voice reached Luke's ears. "Losing might affect your chances of playing tomorrow!"

Luke was caught in a moment of indecision.

When I heard Twain's words, my eyes lit up.

Then I can concentrate on reviewing the final exam!

He patted Twain's shoulder, Luke said with a slight smile.

"Let me come."

Slowly stepping forward, Luke said calmly: "We Magic University, there is no tradition of letting girls get ahead!"


Luke felt the fiery eyes behind him, like a glow on his back.

The boys in the Battle Department behind Angela Shen have gnashing teeth.

This kid is handsome.

You actually pretended to be in front of them?

Can this be tolerated? !

A freshman in the Department of Finance, dare to challenge Magic University's varsity team members.

I think you don't know how to write dead words!

"Sister Shen, teach this kid well!"

"Yeah hit him until he can't fight back!"

Luke's eyes lightened immediately, gratefully looking at the shouting boy.

"Be quiet!"

Angela Shen turned to the sports teacher: "Teacher, can I bother you as the referee."

Teacher sighed: "Fine, fine. Go ahead and settle it... just make sure you do it quickly!"

The students from the Finance Department gathered around Luke and marched confidently towards the battle area.

Gastly, with its large red eyes, glared menacingly while levitating beside Luke, wearing a mischievous grin.

The sight of that grin sent shivers down Angela Shen's spine.

However, only Luke knew that it was the result of Gastly staying up all night.

Well... the dark circles around its eyes did make it look a bit fierce!

Twain appeared uneasy and whispered, "Brother Luke, are you sure about this?"

"Uh... to be honest, I'm not very experienced in giving commands."


"Yeah, this is my first time actually giving commands." Luke grinned sheepishly.

"Let me give it a shot!"


On the standard 10x10 battlefield, Angela Shen and her Granbull were already waiting.

Granbull, a Pokémon resembling a bulldog, stood on its hind legs, giving it a fierce appearance. Its fur was a light shade of purple, and it had powerful jaws and sharp canine teeth.

Seeing Angela Shen's Pokémon, Luke felt a bit disappointed.

He had hoped to see something cute like a Ralts!

However, the Fairy Aristocratic Family only has a Pokémon like Granbull?

The referee blew the whistle. "The match begins!"

Angela Shen gestured with her arm, pointing towards the field, and Granbull lunged forward.


But even as Granbull was in mid-air, Gastly appeared at its side with a mischievous grin.

A hint of surprise flickered in Angela Shen's eyes.

How fast is Gastly?

Luke sighed internally.

Granbull's move was so predictable – why use it as a finishing blow?

"Gastly, use Substitute!"

Gastly's fog twisted, forming a cloud of gas that split into two grinning Gastly figures.

To everyone's astonishment, the two Gastly figures were whizzing around Granbull at an incredible speed!

"Why... Sister Shen seems to be on the receiving end?"

"Don't be fooled! That's just a strategy to catch the opponent off guard!"

A bead of sweat formed on Angela Shen's forehead.

Gastly's speed was astonishing!

It must be controlling its speed!

"Granbull, use Scary Face!"

"Gastly, close your eyes!"

Both commands were given simultaneously. Angela Shen glanced at Luke in shock.

She noticed that he was just looking at her, seemingly rather nonchalant.

"That's a good guess," Luke mumbled.

A sense of unease gripped Angela Shen's heart, as if she was trapped.

Could it be... he read my move in advance?

Reading moves refers to a trainer anticipating the opponent's commands during battle.

It's a highly risky strategy.

A single mistake could lead to utter defeat.

However... successfully reading the opponent's move can be a severe blow to their morale!

No, it's just a coincidence!

Angela Shen pressed her lips together tightly.

He must have guessed my move by chance!

On the battlefield, Granbull's terrifying expression seemed to mimic blindness, leaving it completely disoriented.

As Gastly closed its eyes, a playful Confuse Ray enveloped its body, its light flickering. However, Granbull shook its head, remaining unfazed by the confusion-inducing effects. Angela Shen breathed a sigh of relief, her determination returning to her eyes.

"Granbull, use Bite!" Angela commanded.

Granbull opened its jaws wide, but Gastly easily evaded the attack. Angela gazed at Luke, puzzled.

She saw him pointing towards the ground while shaking his head slightly.

Because of Gastly's Mean Look, Granbull's legs trembled, rendering it unable to move even half a step.

"Granbull might look fierce, but it's surprisingly timid," Luke commented.

"If you had consulted your Pokémon Pokédex, you wouldn't have let it lock eyes with Gastly."

Angela attempted to speak, but her throat felt constricted.

"Don't stand there in a daze!" Luke urged, his impatience evident.

"This is a verbal provocation, a tactic!"

Luke was baffled.

He had initially assumed that a member of the Magic University's school team would easily dismiss low-level tactics like trash-talking. Yet, before he could even start his taunts, this young woman had already shut him down?

She's preventing me from acting!

Angela clenched her lower lip, her voice trembling slightly.

"Granbull, unleash...!"

"Gastly, use Will-O-Wisp!"

A sizzling sound filled the air as the grinning Gastly floated above. Three clusters of cold Will-O-Wisp orbited around it incessantly, ultimately converging into a powerful fireball that detonated with force.

Amid the chilling gust of air, Granbull was blasted backward with a resounding "bang," its fur now marred by scorched marks.

"ao——!!!" Granbull let out a mournful cry, yet Gastly's combination of attacks showed no signs of relenting!

This is not a turn-based game.

Unless Angela Shen could figure out a way to break through Gastly's strategy, the relentless assault from Gastly would persist!

However, facing Gastly's remarkable speed, Granbull was unable to find an opening for a counterattack.

Angela Shen's inflexible commanding left Luke feeling restless.

What had happened to Magic City University's Battle Department?

Was the current school team really this lacking in skill?

People I've encountered while playing games are better than you!

With a resounding crash, the final explosion occurred, causing Granbull to cry out in anguish as it collapsed to the ground.

Amidst the ensuing silence, everyone gazed at Luke in disbelief, their minds filled with a big question mark.

Luke... had defeated a school team member?

Recalling Luke's behavior before the match, Twain was taken aback.

Is this what you call a commander?

You claimed you didn't know how to do it, but in the end, you managed to overpower a school team member with your commands alone?

Brother Luke, you can give lessons in commanding!

Well last chapter is a cliff hanger so its a bonus

o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

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