
I Really Don't Want To Be A Trainer

Standing in front of you now is– The board of directors of Devon, the founder of Rainbow Rockets, the master of type disadvantage, the champion of the world championship… Legendary trainer Luke, recalling the scene of the first live broadcast, sighed. “Speaking of which, you may not believe it. My original wish was just to show my face after 100,000 subscriptions.” “I just want to make the right amount of money, starting from a game zone owner.” “I really didn’t want to be a trainer!”

ShazeSensei · Anime & Comics
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287 Chs

Chapter 190

On October 2nd, a Wednesday:

"Angry Pidove" had been available for three days, and it continued to enjoy high popularity. The game was a testament to the conscientious efforts of its developers, offering a casual gaming experience without the need for heavy in-game purchases. Pokemon Studio, the developer, was gaining significant attention as an emerging studio.

Once again, Brother Damien was impressed by Teacher Luke's success. Earning hundreds of thousands every day seemed to be a casual affair for him. Angry Pidove had signed a revenue-sharing agreement with Devon Corporation, but it was still a long way from achieving financial freedom. However, Teacher Luke was calculating the income and felt confident in repaying Cynthia's debt.

As for the upcoming announcements, the popularity of Teacher Luke's live stream room was soaring. However, he was currently engrossed in playing "Angry Pidove" in the dining room.

"Did Pidgeotto just use that move?"

"The streamer must have lost his mind!"

"Newcomer, it's clearly Little Eevee as the main character!"

On Twitter, there was a considerable amount of watercooler talk, including posts from Skyla, the Unova Flying Master and Mistralton City's Gym Leader. When she wasn't flying cargo planes during her three-day shift at the airport, Skyla was at home enjoying "Angry Pidove." If it weren't for her job, the Mistralton Cargo Airport might have faced unemployment issues.

In ORAS, "Angry Pidove" continued to receive glowing reviews:

[Weekly review: Staying true to its relaxed gameplay style, 'Pokemon Studio' maintains its element collection from the Pokédex, receiving five-star praise.]

[The King of Organs: I've calculated the physical engine trajectory for the game. If anyone needs a plug-in, feel free to send me a private message.]

[Skyla of the Celestial Tower: Ahhh! Swanna is so adorable! Cute!]

Even though Steven didn't make an appearance on the leaderboards, Teacher Luke felt a tinge of regret. However, the response to "Angry Pidove" was quite enthusiastic, further strengthening his resolve to continue his entrepreneurial journey.

"I might slow down the game development for now," Luke contemplated as he stroked his chin. "Considering how popular the collectible elements are... maybe it's time to venture into the toy market!"

In the entertainment industry, one of the most lucrative business models involves combining special photoshoots with toy sales. Bandai, a well-known manufacturer, is a prime example. But this was just a preliminary idea; Luke planned to explore other fields once the company was fully established.

In the afternoon, Teacher Luke, enjoying a rare moment of leisure, lounged on the sofa for a nap. Sylveon sat cross-legged, adjusting its position comfortably and letting out a sleepy yawn. Haunter had gone out to do its job, while Squirtle led Growlithe in the yard, practicing their Dig technique.


Squirtle watched Growlithe diligently digging the ground and couldn't help but remember when its big sister had trained it by carrying Squirtle on her head. The memory of its older sibling guiding it down the path of independent training came to mind.

Now it was Squirtle's turn to inherit its sister's legacy!

Squirtle's eyes glistened, and it adjusted its sunglasses in silence.


The ground exhibited a conspicuous hole, almost five meters in diameter. Growlithe raised its head and wagged its tail in triumph.

"ao wu!" Growlithe's eyes shone with excitement.

Squirtle, however, was slightly dissatisfied, and it frowned.

From the balcony, Luke observed this spectacle with mixed emotions. What was meant to be a simple Dig technique seemed to have escalated into a Fissure move capable of defeating an opponent in seconds. He wondered if Squirtle had been doing those one-arm push-ups a few days ago to build up the strength needed for this technique. Looking at the ceiling where wall chips were falling off, he couldn't help but be amazed.

Luke's mouth twitched, and he tried to console himself, saying, "It's better than training indoors..."


On October 3rd, a Thursday:

Luke reached out to Silver in Johto, using the contact information provided by Gold. Despite Silver's icy exterior, he turned out to be surprisingly friendly when introduced by Gold. He agreed to meet at the Pokémon Center in Goldenrod City, although he was being actively pursued by Interpol. His trip was not without risks, and this gesture deeply touched Teacher Luke. It seemed that the Gold and Silver duo from Johto had a knack for causing some redundancy in Crystal's life.

Luke opened his live broadcast room, posted a top message, and began packing for his trip to Johto. He encouraged his followers with the message, "I'll be gone for three days, but I'll be back with new tactics. Love you all, Teacher Luke."

Although Teacher Luke was known for occasionally flaking on his plans, he still had a loyal group of followers. Some expressed their indignation at being stood up:

"Teacher Luke, don't ditch us!"

"Why should the Pidgey die?"

"Seriously, Pidove is pretty cute, except when it's with Teacher Luke."

On October 3rd, Luke boarded a plane and headed for Johto. The Johto Region and Kanto Region were closely connected, with Mt. Silver situated between them, a symbol of Red's prowess. The plane landed at the Goldenrod City Airport, where Whitney with her distinctive pink braided hair and Crystal wearing a white round hat were there to greet him.

Upon seeing the familiar face of Goldenrod City's Gym Leader, Luke couldn't help but blurt out, "Miltank!" This reference to Whitney's signature Pokémon caught her off guard due to language barriers, leaving her slightly puzzled.

Clearing his throat, Luke explained, "Never mind, it's just something from my past."

Crystal giggled, covered her mouth, and introduced herself, "Teacher Luke, it's our first meeting. Please take care of me!"

Luke shook her hand warmly, his eyes shining, as he asked, "By the way, are you not in the group yet?"

Crystal's expression changed, and she seemed surprised.


[Group owner 'Teacher Luke' invites group member 'Crystal' to join the chat group!]

Whitney had to attend to Gym matters and left quickly after picking them up from the airport. With time to spare before Silver's arrival, Luke and Crystal decided to visit the Breeding House on the outskirts of the city to see Gold, who was working overtime.

Goldenrod City was a bustling metropolis, and its suburbs were dotted with lush green trees. In the distance, they could make out the white fences surrounding the Breeding House.

Luke inhaled the fresh air and remarked with a smile, "This place seems perfect for elderly care."

Crystal nodded, about to say something, but she suddenly looked up into the treetops. The trees rustled, and the system, which had been quiet for a while, issued a rare alert:

"There is a suspicious target approaching within 100 meters. Please be on guard, Host."

As if recalling something, Crystal sighed and held her forehead, saying, "Could it be that Gold is up to..."

Luke gazed up at the trees. Ambipom was tugging on the pool cue's tail and baring its teeth, acting as if it were ready for a pole vault. Using the billiard cue as a fulcrum, Ambipom vaulted behind Luke and disappeared in the blink of an eye. However, the rustling in the forest continued.

Teacher Luke's mood suddenly took on a complex tone. When you're about to meet someone, do they come and challenge you right away? Was this the Johto way of saying hello?