
I really don't want to be a saviour

As soon as you open your eyes, you cross the gate of a thousand years. As soon as you close your eyes, reality is still poor. Chen Feng, a porter who travels through time and space with his life. From carrying songs, movies, various entertainment works to carrying various future technologies. He originally just wanted to be a porter who eats and waits to die and enjoy life, but he didn't expect that every time he transports technology, it will cause a technological explosion after a thousand years. His every move will change the course of the next thousand years of history. Moving and moving, he moved himself into a savior. ... Machine Translated by me. Must read book

Chen_Feng1 · Sci-fi
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20 Chs

Chapter 5 Diligence can make up for the poor

There are some things in the world that can be done well with hard work and dedication at all costs.

  Some things, if there is no talent, no matter how hard and no matter how much investment, it will still be useless.

  One of the typical representatives is artistic creation.

  In the field of art, talent can be roughly divided into two categories.

  One is the talent for learning and playing, and the other is the talent for creating.

  People with creative talent basically have the talent to learn and play.

  But more people only have the talent to learn and play, but not to create.

  Studying and playing can make up for one's lack of ability, but writing is not good, and without talent, you can't even touch the door.

  With systematic training and persistent study, almost everyone can become a qualified craftsman, but not an artist.

  Many piano teachers teach piano all their lives, but they cannot write a beautiful piano piece.

  Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent hard work.

  The second half of the sentence is "Of course that inspiration is the most important."

  The so-called inspiration refers to the creative talent.

  Chen Feng has neither creative talent nor talent for learning and playing at all.

  But fortunately, he can get the standard answer first, and then go to the reverse process.

  He does not create, but only carries.

  So what Chen Feng has to do now is to make himself a qualified performer through hard work.

  Chen Feng was also very lucky.

  That is, based on his talent level, if he spends his spare time in the real world to slowly ponder, then it will take him at least five or six years to get started in playing, and it will take about two or three years for ordinary talent.

  His situation was really embarrassing.

  If he didn't have this dream like a dream but not a dream, when he learned to be able to re-enact the entire song, five or six years have passed, and he would have forgotten everything.

  And, if he studied music like this in the real world, he would starve to death on the streets.

  It's not feasible at all.

  But now, he has entered the "dream" again, and has an extra year out of thin air.

  Although two months were wasted in the barracks, he still had ten months left.

  And still no work, no social interaction, no distractions for ten months!

  Therefore, his ten months is equivalent to five or six years!

  The stolen time is especially cherished. Chen Feng has set a strict schedule for himself.

  I get up at seven every morning and read a book in the morning. The significance of reading is to learn music theory and notation.

  After lunch, I slept for half an hour, and started to play the guitar in the afternoon. Even if it always stuck intermittently, I had to finish playing the guitar accompaniment over and over again.

  At night, the schedule is relatively free. He can watch some teaching videos of art tutorials, and then go to bed at twelve o'clock.

  Although the history is covered up, these entertainment and art things are very detailed and have everything.

  Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, more than nine months have passed.

  Chen Feng's fingers gradually developed calluses.

  He often sits on the balcony floor where he practices the piano, and his shoes have two mirror-smooth footprints.

  The corners were filled with dozens of strings he had replaced himself.

  His playing posture is still not dashing, and even looks a little clumsy, but he can finally play the complete accompaniment of the two songs smoothly and accurately with the guitar.

  In addition to "Boring", the other is "It's Late at Night", all of Zhong Lei's early works.

  "It's Late at Night" is a bit more mature than "Boring", and despite the song's title, it's quite freehand, but this song is actually a very explosive rock style.

  Chen Feng only remembered two songs.

  In addition to the guitar, the accompaniment also includes a variety of instruments such as piano, bass, drum kit, guzheng, organ, violin, long and short tuba, etc.

  Experienced players know how to find rhythms and nodes, and analyze and summarize rules to facilitate memory. It is not so difficult to memorize the next piece of music.

  Like some slobber songs, don't look at the whole song for a few minutes, in fact, it is a constant combination of two or three chords over and over.

  Work through the chords, then put them together, and the framework of the whole song comes out.

  But Chen Feng couldn't do it. He didn't study long enough, he wasn't proficient in other instruments, and his sense of music was poor, so he could only memorize every note of each instrument.

  It's like reciting pi with hundreds or thousands of decimal places for someone who is not sensitive to numbers.

  It's like high school scum reciting "Chen Qing Table".

  The whole person is twisted.

  In the small and dark basement space, Chen Feng lay quietly on the slightly musty leather sofa, closed his eyes, and chanted words in his mouth, like chanting scriptures.

  He was reminiscing over and over in his mind the complete arrangement of the two pieces "Boring" and "It's Late at Night."

  After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes, making sure that every rhythm was firmly memorized so that he could not make a mistake, and he let out a long sigh of relief.

  Chen Feng looked up at the clock hanging on the wall again.

  Time is running out.

  October 27, 3020 AD, 9:43 am.

  If I remember correctly, in a few minutes that weird thing will appear in the sky.

  This time he decided to hide in the basement, not to look at the light, to try if he could survive.

  In this year, in addition to practicing hard music, He hardly asks about the world.

  But more than half a year ago, he tentatively spread the news of the imminent end of the world through social networks.

  But the rumors he released were quickly covered up, and at the same time, he also received a first-level warning from the World Government, telling him not to be alarmist, otherwise he would bear the consequences.

  After that, Chen Feng stopped meddling in his own business.

  He is just a humble person who has already tried his best to manage himself, so why bother to be sympathetic to others?

  He only made a little preparation for himself.

  He used the accumulated welfare points to exchange for an underground bomb shelter that had been vacant for many years, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com prepared a lot of food and drinking water in the secret room.

  He wanted to try again to see what would happen next if he didn't die, whether he could live a few more days in this dream.

  If you have time, learn two more songs.


  Chen Feng turned on the old-fashioned flexible-screen TV.

  When the last dream ended, he was playing on an open-air tennis court with other low-income households, and he ascended to heaven on the spot.

  This time you can see if there is any talk on TV.

  After an extremely short flash, the TV screen appeared, and the default TV station was the Chinese one.

  At this time, a recorded interview program was playing on TV.

  A military expert is talking to a number of journalists and opinion leaders to explain why a large and seemingly redundant military system is maintained today.

  "Yes, it is an eternal age of peace. But the 6,000-year history of human beings tells us that war is the switch for the progress of civilization. In order to maintain the stability of social order, our army should be maintained at a sufficient level, which can both Promote technological progress and prevent problems before they happen."

  Military experts talked so eloquently.

  A respected folk scholar sneered dissatisfiedly: "This is ridiculous. We don't engage in military affairs, but we will still promote basic disciplines. Take precautions before they happen? What is the problem? You are wasting taxpayers' money in vain. Waste the productivity of technological progress!"

  As soon as the scholar's voice fell, the TV suddenly flashed, the signal was briefly interrupted, and the program was replaced.

  Chen Feng turned his head to look at his watch, it was about four minutes before that time.

  After a few seconds, the TV signal was restored.

  Looking at the newly cut picture, Chen Feng's pupils suddenly tightened and his breathing stopped.