
I really don't want to be a saviour

As soon as you open your eyes, you cross the gate of a thousand years. As soon as you close your eyes, reality is still poor. Chen Feng, a porter who travels through time and space with his life. From carrying songs, movies, various entertainment works to carrying various future technologies. He originally just wanted to be a porter who eats and waits to die and enjoy life, but he didn't expect that every time he transports technology, it will cause a technological explosion after a thousand years. His every move will change the course of the next thousand years of history. Moving and moving, he moved himself into a savior. ... Machine Translated by me. Must read book

Chen_Feng1 · Sci-fi
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20 Chs

Chapter 4 I will kill you

If you want to learn music, or collect some other materials, you must first leave the army as soon as possible and become a glorious low-income household.

  Although this military training is very strict, the implementation of this era is not compulsory military service, and it is unambiguous to eliminate people.

  The reason why Chen Feng appeared in the military camp was only because the data from the previous physical and neural response tests were acceptable, proving that he had the potential to become an excellent soldier.

  But as long as his character and behavior are unqualified, he will soon be beaten back to his place of origin.

  Last time he was eliminated because of lack of common sense, this time he will not repeat the same mistakes, but he will deliberately pretend to be crazy!

  Two months later, Chen Feng succeeded.

  He packed his bags and got on the shuttle.

  Chen Feng sat by the glass window and waved to his comrades who were seeing him off outside.

  With a hum, the shuttle started with a bang.

  The figures of the comrades-in-arms on the platform quickly disappeared.

  The shuttle dragged a long blue tail flame and left the military camp at the foot of Mount Everest, heading straight for the low-income households thousands of kilometers away.

  Chen Feng, who took off his military uniform and put on his regular clothes, wiped the sweat from his forehead and sighed inwardly that he was eliminated.

  The last time he entered the dream, he only lasted a month in the military camp.

  At that time, he still had some regrets and didn't want to leave. He thought that if he adapted to this world earlier, he might not have performed so badly in the reserve training.

  But this time, he clearly wanted to be eliminated, but he understood many things when he understood them, and he really couldn't make those common-sense mistakes again.

  On the contrary, he performed much better this time than last time, and even rarely became friends with several recruits.

  When he was eliminated last time, he left alone, but this time, several comrades in arms saw him off, and felt very sorry for his "tragic" elimination.

  How could they know that this would be a relief for Chen Feng.

  Chen Feng actually didn't want the friendship of these people, but he really couldn't refuse the kindness of others.

  How could he have the heart to tell everyone that in a year, all of you, including me, will be dead?

  In the two months in the barracks, in addition to fishing in daily recruit training, he also used the military's database to inquire a lot of information.

  Like last time, he still couldn't find any detailed historical data, only some very sketchy records.

  Chen Feng didn't care about it. Anyway, he didn't have any expectations about it, and naturally he wouldn't be disappointed.

  It took three or four days for Chen Feng to settle down in the welfare area for low-income households in his hometown.

  When he "returned home", no one came to greet him.

  He didn't have a single old acquaintance in his hometown.

  In the real world, although Chen Feng is indifferent to his family, he still has adoptive parents. This life seems to be even more miserable. Except for the archives showing that he was originally from Shuzhou, he has no relatives.

  Chen Feng knew that he only had one year to live, but he didn't have any regrets.

  In the spacious and bright living room of the welfare room, Chen Feng snapped his fingers.


  He said, "Smart assistant, your name is Xiaowei from now on."

  "Good host."

  "Xiaowei, read me all the information about the famous singer Zhong Lei in the early 21st century."

  Less than 0.1 seconds passed, and a holographic projection light curtain appeared two meters in front of his eyes.

  Zhong Lei's detailed information sheet appeared in front of him.

  Basic information, portfolios, famous anecdotes and other information are readily available.

  Chen Feng sat on the sofa, the light curtain adjusted automatically, still maintaining a distance of one meter, and was inclined at a forty-five angle to the ground.

  Chen Feng glanced at the information with his eyes and thoughts, and said in his mouth, "Prepare me lunch, I want the seventh Sichuan cuisine set, medium spicy."

  Compared with the last time, Zhong Lei's information has hardly changed. The number of works, the names of the works, and even the time and background of the birth of these works are exactly the same.

  Everything seems to have not changed.

  Chen Feng focused his attention on the column of famous quotes and anecdotes, and began to focus on the details of this column.

  What appeared in front of him were many reports related to Zhong Lei, from when she first debuted to the biographies written by others hundreds of years after her death.

  The database and history-related information are sketchy, but the entertainment culture-related stuff is well preserved.

  Chen Feng had seen this information before.

  In order to dig out the history, he has worked hard. Since the official history cannot be traced, he has also hoped to find clues from these scraps.

  It's just a pity that the information he collected from these articles was fragmented and unsystematic, and it didn't help him understand history in any substantial way.

  Chen Feng casually opened an interview. This is Zhong Lei's first interview since she became famous. It happened when she was twenty-six years old, which is 2024 in the real world.

  At that time, Chen Feng pondered over and over again this interview no less than ten times.

  After all, this is the closest written record to the era he lived in.

  Chen Feng looked at it from beginning to end again.

  After three minutes, he was stunned.

  He rubbed his eyes again to make sure he wasn't wrong.

  "No, when the reporter asked her this question before, she didn't answer this way! Did I remember it wrong? It's impossible!"

  Chen Feng grabbed his hair.

  It was written in the interview report.

  The reporter asked: "Now that you have made a name for yourself, do you have anything you would like to say to those newcomers in the industry who are aspiring to embark on the path of music, but are still groping in the dark?"

  This is a very common question. Almost every successful person will be asked a similar question in different expressions on different occasions.

  The standard answer is usually that these successful people give some false encouragement to the younger generation, talk about the weight of ideals, and talk about the meaning of persistence.

  But Chen Feng clearly remembered that when he saw this interview last time, Zhong Lei's answer was only two words, very simple and rude.


  This answer is very her personal style, indifferent to inhumane, and instantly cold, forcing the reporter to quickly change the subject, saying that she is as direct as the rumors say.


  But this time the interview transcript is written like this.

  Zhong Lei replied: "Music needs talent more than any industry. Before choosing this path, it's best to find out if you have talent in this area. Otherwise, it's a waste of life."

  Reporter: "Can't hard work make up for the gap in talent?"

  Zhong Lei: "Yes, I used to have a neighbor five years ago. I only listened to him playing the guitar for less than half an hour, and I told him clearly that he had no sense of music, and this road was a dead end for him. "

  Reporter: "Did he listen to you? What happened to him later?"

  Zhong Lei: "I should have listened, because I was no longer disturbed by the noise. As for what happened to him later, I don't know, I'm not familiar with him."

  Reporter: "You're as straight as you're rumored to be. Let's talk about your new song."


  The interviews that followed were exactly the same as in the past.

  Chen Feng's expression changed continuously.

He thought to himself, what a fool!

  Isn't Zhong Lei's noise-making neighbor referring to herself?

  It means, I practiced guitar for a month, and she still misses me?

  Although it still failed to leave a name in history, there is a symbol, "Zhong Lei's neighbor who has no musical talent".

  Chen Feng continued to read other materials, and in several different versions of Zhong Lei's biographies, he saw her own example of "Only Innate Theory".

  Combined with various information, it shows that this thing really happened.

  A small change a thousand years ago, through the medium of Zhong Lei, the influence lasted a thousand years later.

  History has indeed been changed so little.

  Of course, the major process and direction have not changed, it's just that there are more innocuous words in the historical materials related to Zhong Lei.

  Although Chen Feng changed history, his influence was not strong enough, and the influence was easily neutralized by the heavy historical torrent.

  After turning off the holographic screen, Chen Fengku sat on the sofa and thought hard.

  He was stunned again.

  Can't really blame him.

  He is not a genius, but a mere mortal. The amount of information is too large, and the frequency of brain downtime is a bit high.

  Through the changes in historical materials related to Zhong Lei, he realized a new problem.

  The real world and his dream world have truly been linked over a thousand years.

  Then what is this for!

  Is my dream a dream, or is it real?

  If it is a dream, why does the historical data also change?

  Why is my touch so real?

  What are these immersive, moving plots, and ups and downs of movie blockbusters, these songs that beat a classic song, and these immersive games with full texture?

  My brain power can't be this strong.

  But if it's true, why would I wake up in my own bed after I die?

  Shouldn't he just die neatly when he's dead?

  Also, I woke up and returned to reality, why did I come here again in my sleep after a month?

  Time goes back to October 26, 3019 AD, 8:00 am?

  Why did 100,000 turn into 100,000 chains, wrapping him around into a mummy.

  Chen Feng has read a lot of online novels, especially the ones from Time Travel. He has a lot of nerves, and he claims to have seen a lot of the world.

  Even if he really travels to a Dou Zong strong man, he thinks he can accept it.

  But the situation he encountered left him completely at a loss.

  He was stunned for a long time, until his stomach growled with hunger before he came back to his senses.

  Chen Feng sighed and realized that with his ordinary aptitude, he really couldn't understand such a profound and complicated philosophical issue.

  If you can't figure it out, don't think about it.

  "Count the balls! It's serious to learn guitar and copy songs quickly!"

  Chen Feng ordered Xiaowei to play "Boring" while planning the rice.

  "Uh, yes, this is Zhong Lei's first song. If I copy it, will it completely reverse her fate and copy her Beethoven?"


  He hesitated for about ten seconds, and Zhong Lei's disgusting face appeared in his mind, which was quite ugly.

  Inexplicably full of vicious words, and his attitude was so blunt that he could not enter the oil and salt.

  I practiced hard to avoid you like a thief for a month, that is, it is not too late to be bumped by you once, it is only eight or nine o'clock at night, you have to complain to me.

  Chen Feng felt that he didn't owe her anything, but he was treated as an enemy.

  Therefore, the feeling of indebtedness that had just appeared in his heart was instantly beaten by his "conscience", so that his nose was bruised and his face died down.


  It's her right to copy her away!

  Who told her that her song is the closest to 2019, with the most suitable style, the highest success rate, and the most insurance?

  Anyway, I've already tried to lick you hard.

  I can't lick it, you don't give me a chance!

  Chen Feng felt a sense of revenge.

  I tell you to look down on me.

  I will kill you!