
I really don't want to be a saviour

As soon as you open your eyes, you cross the gate of a thousand years. As soon as you close your eyes, reality is still poor. Chen Feng, a porter who travels through time and space with his life. From carrying songs, movies, various entertainment works to carrying various future technologies. He originally just wanted to be a porter who eats and waits to die and enjoy life, but he didn't expect that every time he transports technology, it will cause a technological explosion after a thousand years. His every move will change the course of the next thousand years of history. Moving and moving, he moved himself into a savior. ... Machine Translated by me. Must read book

Chen_Feng1 · Sci-fi
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20 Chs

Chapter 15 Hesitation

After waiting for about two or three hours, that is, when Chen Feng was on his way home from get off work, Zheng Rou called.

  "Mr. Chen, Chen Li thinks your song is not bad. If you can maintain this level of content later, she is willing to buy out the copyright of this song with 200,000 yuan."

  "Ah, I see, thank you Sister Rou."

  "Well, that's what the other party's price is. It's not a high price, but it's not bad for new music producers. It's up to you to decide whether to sell it or not. Just give an answer tomorrow."

  Chen Feng nodded, "Okay."

  "Well, if there's nothing else, I'll hang up first."

  Hanging up the phone, Chen Feng was not as excited as he expected.

  It's obviously a good thing, he doesn't know what's wrong.

  As for the 200,000 yuan, which is almost two or three years' salary, and including the savings, he can even make a down payment for a small apartment in the suburban county of Hanzhou.

  But the strange thing is that his heart is empty, not satisfied and full.

  Asking himself, Chen Feng doesn't think he is a bad person.

  If you don't know Zhong Lei, if your relationship with Zhong Lei doesn't change in the slightest, if you don't hear her sobbing yesterday, then Chen Feng will probably be able to sell this song without any psychological obstacles.

  But not so many ifs.

  He couldn't fool himself.

  People in the world always have the illusion that when they see the wicked living well, they always think that they can easily become a wicked person, and then have a better life than the wicked person, but they just disdain to be bad.

  But when things came to an end, Chen Feng realized that being a bad person was actually not as easy as he thought.

  Deceiving yourself may seem simple, but it is actually the hardest thing in the world, and it also requires talent.

  In the evening, Chen Feng and Zhong Lei sat together in the Chuanchuanxiang shop at the entrance of Weston Community.

  This meal, Chen Feng's treat, is a celebration of the success of selling songs.

  However, there was no festive atmosphere at the dinner table, but rather dull.

  A man and a woman eat together, as long as there is one who is not good at dealing with the opposite sex, it is easy to be cold, let alone both of them.

  There is also an advantage, at least the two of them are very comfortable with this state.

  Although it may seem strange to others, the two feel at ease themselves.

  Just eat and eat, talk about what day.

  Zhong Lei finally spoke first.

  She raised the teacup and squeezed a smile from the corner of her mouth, "Congratulations on your success in selling songs. Although Chen Li is not a first-line celebrity, he is also a strong singer and has many fans. After this time, you can seriously consider changing careers. With your talent, you can eat this meal."

  Chen Feng really wanted to tell her, don't force a smile.

  You are a singer, not an actor.

  As long as I'm not blind, I can see your duplicity.

  Chen Feng: "Then I'll thank you Ji Yan first. What's your plan next?"

  Zhong Lei pondered for a few seconds, "I'll go home and have a look in a few days. I won't necessarily come to Hanzhou in the future. I'll ask you to help me retire my house. It's your job anyway."

  "Like this?"


  Chen Feng clearly remembered that in the years before Zhong Lei became famous, she obviously lived in Hanzhou.

  If she leaves now, it will mean a major turning point in her life, and whether she will still be the one in history in the future is uncertain.

  No, I have to think of a way to prevent her from defeating Hanzhou.

  "By the way, I have something to confess to you. In fact, I came back from get off work yesterday and heard you practice singing."

  "What! What else did you hear?"

  Chen Feng forcibly expressionless, "No, it's just a song."

  "and then?"

  "You sing really well."

  "Thank you for the compliment." Zhong Lei was not too modest, she knew exactly what level she was.

  Compared with those famous singers, what she lacks is not her strength, but a proper opportunity.

  "Also, I found that you added a melody to the demo I sang. Why didn't you record it?"

  Zhong Lei was stunned for a moment.

  She really wanted to expose Chen Feng.

  When I practiced songs yesterday, it was only the last time I lost control of my emotions that I inserted the newly added melody.

  How could he only hear the song, he must also hear his own cry!


  Smart people will pretend to be crazy and stupid at this time, pretending that nothing happened, but Zhong Lei is not very good at pretending, she is a little ashamed and angry, and she immediately shows displeasure on her face.

  She said sullenly, "This is your song, I don't want to add something to it rashly."

  "But I think the melody you added is very good, so I plan to use the rhythm you sang in the subsequent parts."

  Zhong Lei refused decisively, "How can this be done! It will destroy the coordination of your entire song. Everyone has a different creative style. If you use mine, it will naturally be out of harmony."

  Chen Feng wanted to laugh in his heart. What a fuss, you think so much, and you are so humble.

  It's all yours!

  "No, you add this piece exactly how I want it to feel. I've made up my mind. I think it'll make the song better, even if you don't agree."

  Chen Feng said firmly.

  Nao, the original rhythm was originally like this.

  Don't use this, let him change it.

  If you don't use it, you won't be allowed to play.


  Zhong Lei was a little angry.

  She wanted to say that was my inspiration, how can you use it.

  But she thought again that her inspiration was based on the foundation laid by Chen Feng. In a sense, it was indeed Chen Feng's intellectual property.

  "That's what I planned for the 200,000 yuan. Since you used your melody, you don't have to pay for the demo recording, but I have to give you another share of the money.

Just... 50,000. "

  When he said this, Chen Feng felt a little pain in his flesh.

  But in this way, he felt a little more at ease, making her earn 50,000 yuan, and probably keeping her in Hanzhou.

  Unexpectedly, Zhong Lei suddenly froze.

  She shouted out of control, "No! I don't want your money!"

  Her voice was so loud that the others in the Chuanchuanxiang shop couldn't help but turn their heads and look this way.

  The raging fire of gossip rose from the hearts of diners.

  The eyes of the two of them became very meaningful.

  Gee, this guy doesn't look very rich.

  This girl doesn't want his money, probably because the money is too little.

  Chen Feng and Zhong Lei noticed the other people's strange eyes, Chen Feng was a little embarrassed, but Zhong Lei didn't care.

  Chen Feng continued to grit his teeth and said, "No, this is what you deserve, why are you and me rejecting it?"

  "Enough! I said I don't want your charity and sympathy."

  After speaking, Zhong Lei threw down the tableware and got up and left.

  After Chen Feng settled the account and chased it out, UU read www. uukanshu.com she has disappeared.

  This person is really inexplicably stubborn, no wonder she will be single for the rest of her life in another timeline, she really deserves it.

  When he got home, he knocked on Zhong Lei's door again.

  There was an angry shout from inside.

  "You helped me before. I also sang a demo for you. Now we are both clear, you don't owe me anything, and I don't owe you anything. What I do is my business, and you don't need to care. You Don't bother me again, or I'll really complain to you."

  Chen Feng thought that the money he gave Zhong Lei was an equivalent exchange, because the song "Boring" was originally hers.

  But Zhong Lei didn't know about it.

  She thought that she just wrote a little melody, and Chen Feng would give herself 50,000 yuan.

  He was clearly giving alms and looking down on himself.

  There is no essential difference between him and those men who want to take care of themselves.

  It's better to draw the line sooner rather than make it harder in the future.

  She went back to the wild road where no oil or salt can enter, and Chen Feng didn't know what to say, so he simply left.

  Back in the room, Chen Feng picked up his guitar in a bored state and played the prelude to "It's Deep in the Night".

  Just like the name of the song, it was indeed the light outside at this time, Chen Feng put down his guitar and looked back out the window.

  He was considering a problem very seriously and seriously.

  Zheng Rou said that Chen Li would answer tomorrow, and the final decision had to be made tonight.

  To sell, or not to sell?

  Selling songs is his original intention, and he has worked hard for more than two weeks.

  He has experienced a lot of setbacks, and he thought it would not be possible, but the twists and turns have turned.

  Now it only takes him a nod and it's done.

  But when the time came, he hesitated.