
I really don't want to be a saviour

As soon as you open your eyes, you cross the gate of a thousand years. As soon as you close your eyes, reality is still poor. Chen Feng, a porter who travels through time and space with his life. From carrying songs, movies, various entertainment works to carrying various future technologies. He originally just wanted to be a porter who eats and waits to die and enjoy life, but he didn't expect that every time he transports technology, it will cause a technological explosion after a thousand years. His every move will change the course of the next thousand years of history. Moving and moving, he moved himself into a savior. ... Machine Translated by me. Must read book

Chen_Feng1 · Sci-fi
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20 Chs

Chapter 14 Same song

In the afternoon, he received an unexpected call from Zheng Rou. He didn't expect that Lu Wei was serious when he said that he would recommend it for him.

  The other party really contacted a little famous second-tier female singer.

  It's not yet the stage of negotiating the price. Although Lu Wei introduced it, the other party still asked to listen to the demo first.

  The other party is the person introduced by Lu Wei, so it is equivalent to Lu Wei's guarantee and trustworthy, and he should not be able to take the song as his own after listening to the demo.

  Chen Feng had thought about singing demos himself, but he knew that he would probably miss this precious opportunity.

  It is best to ask a master to sing, and to show the charm of the song as much as possible.

  Chen Feng thought about it, but Zhong Lei was the only one who was trustworthy, capable, and affordable.

  It's just that "Boring" was originally Zhong Lei's song, and now asking her to sing a demo and sell it to others is really too bad, and I'm so sorry for Zhong Lei.

  Chen Feng couldn't bear it.

  But the sample thing can't be delayed any longer, and it is afraid that it will change.

  If you miss this village again, there may not be this store in the future.

  While Chen Feng was still hesitating, Zhong Lei actually came down to say hello, and he subconsciously brought it up.

  But he just mentioned it casually, and didn't expect Zhong Lei to agree.

  Zhong Lei's reaction was also as he expected, she was silent and thought for a long time, but she didn't reply.

  Seeing that she was in a dilemma, Chen Feng no longer insisted on it. The big deal was to find a student at the Conservatory of Music.

  There are certain risks, but if you want to get rich, how can you not take risks?

  Chen Feng intends to withdraw the proposal, "I took the liberty, so forget it."

  "No, okay, I sing, I don't want your money."

  Zhong Lei said suddenly.

  Chen Feng didn't react yet, "It's okay, I know you don't like this song... ah? What did you say?"

  Zhong Lei: "I said, I can sing a demo for you without charging you. But you have to give me two days. I probably still need to adjust my mentality to better capture the emotions in this song."

  Chen Feng waved his hands again and again, "How can you do it without receiving money."

  "I said I didn't accept it, and I didn't accept it. I didn't greet you. Okay, I'll go to practice the song first."

  After she finished speaking, she wanted to go upstairs again, and Chen Feng said loudly from behind: "Wait a minute, I haven't given you the lyrics yet, or I'll show you two more times?"

  Zhong Lei turned her head, "No, I'll remember it once I listen to it."


  Zhong Lei closed the door.

  Chen Feng, who was downstairs, scratched his head.

  Although the matter was negotiated, it was good, but I don't know if it was an illusion. She seemed to be in a low mood and very unhappy, which was strange.

  But Zhong Lei returned to the room and closed the door gently.

  She looked up at the ceiling, her eyes dull.

  It's really strange, why do I feel a tingling in my heart when I just give up a song that doesn't belong to me.

  Why do I feel that Chen Feng is unfair to me?

  Am I sick?

  It was his thing, what he would do with it, of course, was his freedom.

  I have no right to interfere at all.

  In fact, at the beginning, he also planned to sell it to me, otherwise he would not need to sing to me.

  I just missed it myself.

  The next day, Zhong Leizhen practiced in the room all day.

  She didn't go to Chen Feng to ask for the lyrics and score, but just sang the first half over and over.

  The first half is really depressing. The deeper her emotions are substituted, the stronger the impact on her inner world, and the deeper her emotions dive to the bottom.

  Her singing is getting better and better.

  Some of the deeper emotions hidden beneath the surface were uncovered layer by layer as a singer, just like an onion that is constantly being peeled off.

  In the evening, when Chen Feng came back from get off work, he wanted to go upstairs to ask Zhong Lei if he wanted to go to dinner together, but he happened to hear her singing.

  She seems to use a distinctive singing style, her ethereal and vicissitudes of voice reverberates repeatedly, as if there is a sense of lingering voice.

  Her level of guitar playing is not only one level better than Chen Feng's, but her equipment is probably N levels better.

  The beautiful singing and the rhythmic guitar sound blended together, which was full of oppression, hitting his mind like a wave, like a devil holding a knife and gently scraping his periosteum.

  Appeared, the same feeling when I heard this song for the first time in the dream world.

  Chen Feng felt goosebumps when he heard electric shocks all over his body.

  This is too scary!

  Is this talent!

  Is this really the "Boring" I sang?

  The same song, basically the same pitch, sung by another person, the effect is so different?

  Am I too weak, or is Zhong Lei too strong?

  He didn't understand it before, how could he not get a good evaluation from Lu Wei even though he could sing famous songs for thousands of years.

  Now he knew why, the problem was his own.

  Just like the peerless martial arts such as the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon, Qiao Feng can sweep the world when he fights, but Yeluqi has become a funny comparison.

  No matter how good the peerless magic weapon is, the person who makes it must have the ability to command the rivers and lakes.

  Chen Feng can only show the charm of "Boring" out of ten, and an ordinary famous singer can play seven or eight out of ten, but if it is Zhong Lei himself, it is ten percent of the power.

  Just like it's easy to pass an exam,

But if you want to get a full score in the test, that is a world of scholarly tyrants that mortals can only look up to and cannot reach.

  In it, Zhong Lei finally sang the chorus, but she didn't stop abruptly, and then slowly stopped after taking two more sentences.

  Chen Feng was shocked again.

  Is this the fetters of fate in the legend!

  In the past few days, she actually made up all the content behind her!

  The lyrics are slightly different, but the rhythm is all right. This is the most sassy.

  I'm afraid that if Chen Feng delays for a few more days and doesn't sell it, she will be able to complete the whole song.

  He was about to knock on the door to tell her to stop practicing. Let's just start recording the demo, but he heard deep sobbing in the room.

  Zhong Lei made herself cry.

  With her strong self-esteem, if she was seen crying, would she be killed?

  Not bothering her anymore, Chen Feng returned to his room, clenching his fists until the knuckles turned white.

  For some reason, it might be that Zhong Lei's rendition of the true original sound is too infectious, and Chen Feng's heart is getting more and more twisted.

  Let the original singer sing a demo, and then sell it to others, and now I sing the original singer and cry, I seem to be a little too much?

  Or talk to her tomorrow.

  Early the next morning, Chen Feng tried to go upstairs to knock on the door, but found Zhong Lei's apartment wide open.

  He shouted twice, but there was no one inside, and only then did he notice a small note pasted at the door.

  "I went to my friend's recording studio to practice my voice, and I'll send you a demo today. My WeChat ID is..."

  Well, let's talk about it after get off work.

  Chen Feng used her mobile phone to add her friends, and then went to work in the company.

  After about three o'clock in the afternoon, he received a message on WeChat, which was a high-definition audio from Zhong Lei.

  There's another piece of low-quality audio after it's done.

  Zhong Lei sent another message.

  "The high-definition piece above is for you to listen to the effect, don't send it out as a demo. The low-quality piece below is the finished product of the demo, which is more secure and not easy to be infringed. You can write songs later, When dealing with people, you must be more careful, samples can only be samples. Good luck."

  Chen Feng looked at these pieces of news, and his heart was heavy.

  He hesitated again and again, and finally sent it to Zheng Rou, asking Zheng Rou to pass it on to the singer who bought the song.