
Storm (3)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Yujou Dangkang looked at Chiba Michiko with a face full of confusion.

He also sighed.

This was something that couldn't be helped.

Most of the Fusang descendants who lived in the Federal Empire actually knew nothing about Fusang.

The 12-year compulsory education in the Federal Empire would only officially teach students world and world history when they reached the high school level.

Among them, the hundred-year war was the largest part.

This was because the education department of the Federal Empire found that as long as they introduced the hundred-year war to the participating countries, they could basically cover the history, culture, and religion of the Land of Qin.

Therefore, after the hundred-year war was cut to the largest part, there was not much left for other countries.

The last time the Ministry of Education restudied the high school history textbook, Fusang was given two chapters and three sections.