
Chapter 37 Fight, Chen Xin!_1

Translator: 549690339

Chen Xin gradually calmed down, slowly raised his head, and his eyes held a few other emotions besides the intent to kill Xu Sheng...

He silently pulled out the Seven Kill Sword, gripped it tightly, and said to himself, "Kid, your name is Xu Sheng, right? I admit, your talent is the best I've ever seen! To reach the Titled Douluo level in your teens..."

"If nothing goes wrong, within ten years, no one on the Continent will be your match!"

A twitch formed at the corner of Xu Sheng's mouth. "What's Chen Xin babbling about, are we fighting or not?"

In his heart, he had regarded this guy as a boss to farm for experience points...

If they didn't fight, it would probably take him several more months to break through to Level Ninety-Two...

Chen Xin's speech suddenly intensified, and his eyes suddenly lit up...

"However! Since you intend to harm Ning Rongrong, I certainly won't spare you just because I appreciate your talent!"

Xu Sheng silently concentrated, thinking, "Then let me see just how big a gap there is between a Level Ninety-Seven Peak Douluo—which some say is Level Ninety-Six—and myself."

Now that he had finished speaking, Chen Xin did not plan to hold back any longer...

The Fourth Soul Ring at his feet lit up as he sternly shouted, "Fourth Soul Skill! Murderous Aura!"

Chen Xin's Seven Kill Sword was filled with a white glow, and the edge of the sword was outlined with several meters in length! As if it could tear through everything, the Sword Qi...

Xu Sheng's First Soul Ring lit up, "First Soul Skill! Bloody Begonia Blossom!"

The petals of the Nine-Hearted Begonia converged together, like a rotating circular disk, slashing towards Chen Xin...

Seeing this, Chen Xin abruptly spat out a word, "Kill!"

He then briskly gripped his Seven Kill Sword and slanted it toward Xu Sheng's position, striking down...

The several meters long Sword Qi collided with the disk formed by Xu Sheng's Nine-Hearted Begonia petals, sparking astonishing fireworks...

"Crack," the Nine-Hearted Begonia petals were instantly sliced in half by the sharp Sword Qi and continued straight toward Xu Sheng...

Xu Sheng quickly sidestepped, perfectly avoiding the linear slashing Sword Qi...

Xu Sheng's breathing grew rapid as he thought, "Phew, worthy of the strong attacking Sword Douluo, he easily penetrated the Nine-Hearted Begonia..."

This kind of attack absolutely cannot hit me! Once hit, I could very likely lose the ability to move!

At that time, I would become a sitting duck!

But Chen Xin clearly didn't want to give him a chance to catch his breath as his Fifth Soul Ring lit up again...

"Fifth Soul Skill! Terrifying Presence!" Chen Xin commanded as he threw the sword out, and using the Seven Kill Sword as a prototype, one after another sharp illusion of Seven Kill Swords materialized around him...

Countless Seven Kill Swords hung in the air, completely surrounding Xu Sheng...

Xu Sheng narrowed his eyes, "Area of effect attack, huh? Fourth Soul Skill, Blood Begonia's Command". As he spoke, his Fourth Soul Ring lit up...

If it was an area of effect attack, then the damage per unit would definitely not match the previous Sword Qi!

He was not sure whether he could fend off these overwhelming Seven Kill Swords...

The next moment, a series of shields, infused with Nine-Hearted Begonia, enveloped Xu Sheng inside...

Seeing this, Chen Xin spoke indifferently, "My attack is not so easily resisted!"

With a swing of his arm, the countless already-charged Seven Kill Swords, filled with fierce killing intent, bombarded Xu Sheng...

Striking the shield sword after sword, only faintly dimming it a little...

However, it wasn't just one Seven Kill Sword that was bombarding! It was almost in the hundreds!!

Countless Seven Kill Swords bombarded down on the shield, the collision resonating like iron clashing...

Seeing the shield had dimmed and lost its luster, Xu Sheng frowned slightly and turned his gaze toward Chen Xin, "We can't hold on much longer; we must stop her!"

As Xu Sheng's fifth soul ring lit up, a faint tearing sensation immediately spread through his body...

He pursed his thin lips and extended his palm toward the figure of Chen Xin, "Fifth soul skill, Bloody Poison Begonia!"


Chen Xin suddenly felt uneasy upon seeing Xu Sheng's palm pointed at her, and his fifth soul ring illuminate...

Her expression gradually became serious as she started to quickly move her body...

She thought to herself, "As long as I'm fast enough, this kid won't be able to pinpoint my location!"

Little did she know, Xu Sheng, who had already seen through this tactic, had the corners of his mouth imperceptibly raise...

Moving quickly to prevent himself from locking onto her position was a good idea indeed...

However, unfortunately for her, Xu Sheng's fifth soul skill was a targeting skill!

Bloody Poison Begonia: Targeting Skill! It can make the blood litchi flower grow from within someone's blood, containing extreme poison!

With a "pfft" sound, bundles of faint green Nine-Hearted Begonias slowly began to emerge from Chen Xin's arm...

Chen Xin, on the move, suddenly felt a wave of dizziness in her brain and said with a pale face, "Damn it! This kid's fifth soul skill can actually parasitize out of thin air!"

Moreover, apart from its ability to lock on, it also contained a terrifying poison! With his Soul Power of level ninety-one, he managed to poison her instantaneously!

This truly revealed the sophistication of the soul skill!

Chen Xin, with her already swollen arm, endured the pain of her meridians being seared and quickly called the Seven Kill Sword back to her hand with a "swoosh"...

Of course, the countless phantom Seven Kill Swords in the air also shattered like glass, disappearing without a trace...

The shield around Xu Sheng also reached its limit, exploding into glittering particles that scattered...

Chen Xin, who had reclaimed the Seven Kill Sword, immediately channeled a vast amount of Soul Power to dissolve the poison, but this only caused the poison to spread even faster...

Knowing she couldn't expel the poison in a short time, Chen Xin's face looked extremely unsightly as she said, "I can only contain it temporarily! Sixth Soul Skill, Absolute Seal!"

The Seven Kill Sword burst forth with a sacred light; Chen Xin gripped it and gently slit her right arm, which had turned black...

The sacred light from the slice filled her right arm, sealing off the spreading poison...

She had originally thought dealing with a newly-promoted Titled Douluo would be a piece of cake, but now it seemed...

She had underestimated him too much. If she continued like this, she might well be defeated by his peculiar Martial Soul...

After resolving the poison in her arm, Chen Xin once again focused on Xu Sheng. This time, her eyes held more seriousness and less contempt...

She acknowledged Xu Sheng's strength; naturally, she had to face him with her true power...

Chen Xin silently chanted in her mind, "Seventh soul skill, Seven Kill Authentic Self!"

The seventh black soul ring slowly lit up...

Behold, the Seven Kill Sword in his hand suddenly underwent a drastic change in aura...

Xu Sheng, watching Chen Xin use her Martial Soul True Body before him, felt an unprecedented sense of tension...

He murmured, "Martial Soul True Body... is Chen Xin about to go all out?"
