
Chapter 309 Tracking_1

Translator: 549690339

Hearing these disdainful words, he, as an Ultimate Douluo, showed no trace of fear...

He coldly shouted, "Humph, it won't be that easy to kill me!"

The Ghost Emperor had achieved God Rank breakthrough, which he was sure would lead to some degree of underestimation towards himself. If he could seize that one opportunity, perhaps he could inflict heavy damage, or even slay him!

In doing so, he could also avenge the fallen Soul Masters of the Douling Empire!

A faint smile appeared on the corner of the Ghost Emperor's mouth, "What, looking at your expression, do you really think you can be my opponent?"

"Or perhaps you believe I would be careless because of your strength!"

Upon hearing this, the former's face instantly stiffened...

There was no doubt, his inner thoughts had been thoroughly seen through by his opponent!

In an instant, he immediately released his Martial Soul and charged straight out, throwing a punch towards his opponent's head...

However, the Ghost Emperor merely stretched out a hand casually, and like iron, firmly grasped his palm...

The former tried to pull back, but found he couldn't move it at all...

He couldn't help but exclaim inwardly, "Is this the power of a God Rank fighter? Not only has Soul Power transformed into Divine Power, but even physical strength has been elevated so much!"

However, this did not mean he was just going to sit back and await death!

A Soul Ring under his feet suddenly lit up...

"Third soul skill!"

But before the soul skill could be released, the Ghost Emperor's free right hand struck towards his abdomen...


His pupils contracted sharply, and after spitting out a mouthful of fresh blood, he flew backward like an arrow off its string...

Although he managed to stagger to his feet, his complexion was clearly much diminished...

It was evident that, although the strike had seemed ordinary, it had caused considerable damage!

Looking at his opponent's beleaguered state, the Ghost Emperor couldn't help but laugh out loud, "You can't even unleash your soul skill, and with just that level of strength, you want to fight to the death with me? Do you think you are worthy?"

He had originally planned to understand his opponent as quickly as possible!

But given that his opponent was the last Soul Master from the Tiandou Empire!

He was now tempted to savor the thrill of the hunt!

The man wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and retorted, "Ghost Emperor, don't be so smug. I was just careless just now, which is why you got the upper hand!"

Next, he would need to focus entirely on the fight, otherwise, one moment of inattention could turn him into a corpse!

Consequently, the seventh Soul Ring beneath his feet began to shine...

"Seventh soul skill, Martial Soul True Body!"

The Martial Soul behind him expanded visibly, reaching hundreds of meters in size, exuding an extremely terrifying presence!

However, the expression of the Ghost Emperor remained unchanged by his opponent's display, still speaking in a dismissive tone, "What now? You think that by releasing your Martial Soul True Body, you can compare with me? Ridiculous!"

"Today, I will show you what a true God is!"


Several days later!!

Douling Empire Imperial Palace!

En Ci, who had not received any news, looked exceptionally solemn...

He couldn't help but question himself, "What exactly is going on? Why is there still no news from the Soul Masters hidden within the Douling Empire, after all this time?"

He even ignored the presence of Dai Yueyan and Dai Yun'er by his side...

The former seemed to have noticed this and stopped conversing with the latter…

Then, he spoke up to En Ci, "That... State Preceptor? Your complexion looks quite poor, is something the matter?"

Upon hearing this, En Ci immediately snapped out of his deep thoughts...

"Yes, there is indeed something that has me very perplexed!"

Dai Yun'er blinked her beautiful eyes and chose not to interrupt...

Dai Yueyan, however, pressed on, "State Preceptor, may I ask you to elaborate?"

En Ci did not refuse, explaining, "Your Majesty the Emperor, here's the situation: when we returned to Soul Land from the Dou Spirit Empire, we did not all leave. Instead, we deliberately left behind a team led by an Ultimate Douluo!"

Dai Yueyan immediately became interested, his eyes filled with curiosity, "Oh?? Was it a team from our Xingluo Empire?"

En Ci shook his head, denying it, "No, they were Soul Masters who remained from the Dou Spirit Empire."

"After all, they are the ones most familiar with the Dou Spirit Empire!"

Dai Yueyan said thoughtfully, "So, State Preceptor, you're worried about this team?"

It seemed that the State Preceptor believed it was a shame to lose so many powerful individuals in the Dou Spirit Empire!

En Ci took a deep breath, "You're right, Your Majesty. I am indeed somewhat worried!"

"After all, to understand the situation in the Dou Spirit Empire, we mainly rely on the messages conveyed by them!"

"But now, after so long, there is still no news at all, which may indicate that something unexpected has occurred!"

The light flickered in Dai Yueyan's eyes as he speculated, "State Preceptor, is it possible that the Dou Spirit Empire is very quiet, and the team thinks there's no need to communicate?"

With an Ultimate Douluo leading the team, these Soul Masters wouldn't be weak; it's highly unlikely that they would be discovered and annihilated by evil Soul Masters!

This statement was immediately refuted by En Ci...

"No, that's impossible. We had already agreed beforehand: regardless of whether anything happens or not, they must report back at regular intervals!"

"The greater possibility is that they have fallen at the hands of evil Soul Masters!"

Dai Yueyan was taken aback for a moment and then propped his chin in contemplation, "If that's the case, then we're in trouble. Without anyone scouting the Spirit Pagoda's situation in the Dou Spirit Empire, it's extremely disadvantageous for all forces!"

Even if they suddenly launch an attack on Soul Land or the Xingluo Empire, we won't be able to prepare in time!

Seeing this, Dai Yun'er suddenly interrupted their conversation, "Brother, State Preceptor, since we can't rely on others, why not send some Soul Masters to investigate? If it comes to it, I could lead the team myself!!"

Dai Yueyan suddenly stood up, vehemently rejecting the idea, "No, how can we let you undertake such a dangerous task, Yun'er!"

The Dou Spirit Empire is now akin to a dragon's den and a tiger's lair, and even though she has broken through to Title Douluo, against evil Soul Masters, she is simply not strong enough!!

After a pause, he added, "However, we do indeed need to send some Soul Masters to investigate the situation in the Dou Spirit Empire!"

"Otherwise, we will be in a completely passive position!"

En Ci sighed, "Your Majesty, as you say, but if we send ordinary Soul Masters, I'm afraid they will be detected by those evil Soul Masters as soon as they enter the Dou Spirit Empire!!"

To do so would be tantamount to sending those Soul Masters to their deaths!

Dai Yueyan stared intently at him, pressing, "Then what do you suggest, State Preceptor??"

En Ci immediately stood up, answering earnestly, "There are too many eyes here, so I should go personally!"

If he went himself, even if things went south, he should be able to escape from the encirclement of evil Soul Masters!!

Yet, Dai Yueyan denied it again, "How can that be? The Xingluo Empire still needs you, State Preceptor, to hold the fort. You cannot go rashly!!"


