
Chapter 2981: Xue Ye's Proposal_1

Translator: 549690339

Near the Spirit Hall Sub-Hall of the Tiandou Empire Palace!

Suddenly, a man clad in a black robe arrived!!

He looked ahead at the towering buildings and narrowed his eyes, "So this is the Spirit Hall Sub-Hall near the imperial palace?"

Having spoken, he released a faint soul power fluctuation on the spot and let it spread to his surroundings...

Soon, this sudden appearance of soul power fluctuation caught the attention of the soldiers of the Spirit Hall Sub-Hall...

They poured out from the hall en masse and surrounded Tang Hao...

The man leading them fixed his gaze on the latter and demanded, "Who goes there? Why do you trespass on our Spirit Hall Sub-Hall? Leave at once, and I shall overlook your impudence!"

Tang Hao coldly "hmpf"ed, and mocked, "Martial Soul Hall, as rotten as ever!"

This remark immediately enraged the soldiers present, who all raised their spears, ready to fight...

Seeing this, Tang Hao didn't bother with more words and immediately took out a Pope's Order from his waist...

"You all recognize this, don't you?"

The lustrous token appeared and the soldiers of Spirit Hall were all dumbfounded...

The leading man trembled slightly, then exclaimed excitedly, "The... the Pope's Order, so you are a high-ranking official from the headquarters of the Spirit Hall!!"

Tang Hao pursed his lips and cut him off mercilessly, "I don't want to hear your nonsense; I just want to ask a question!"

The other man took a deep breath, his face full of obsequiousness, "Please speak, my lord. We dare not conceal anything we know!"

Tang Hao gave him a glance before inquiring, "Has this sub-hall recently captured a child named Tang San, about six or seven years old??"

Upon hearing this, the man immediately turned to the other Spirit Hall soldiers, questioning, "Did you all hear the lord's question?? Think carefully, have any of you seen a child named Tang San?"

Most of the soldiers looked thoughtful, then shook their heads...

However, a small group began whispering to each other...

"The one called Tang San that this lord is looking for, couldn't it be that child who was captured not long ago?"

"It shouldn't be possible. The child that was captured had a Bluesilver Grass Martial Soul; how could he be related to a lord with a Pope's Order!"

"You're right, so it seems it can't be the Tang San that the lord is looking for!"

Little did they know, these words were all overheard by Tang Hao...

His eyes suddenly narrowed and he roared, "Did you just say the child you captured recently, his Martial Soul is Bluesilver Grass?"

The child with the Bluesilver Grass Martial Soul, wasn't that his own child, Tang San??

These soldiers suddenly shuddered, and immediately responded, "Yes... Yes, my lord!"

Tang Hao suppressed the anger in his heart and pressed on, "Where has that child gone now??"

He couldn't afford to lose his temper now, as he had yet to find out about Xiaosan's whereabouts!

The man beside him, sensing an opportunity, eyes gleaming, said, "My... my lord, I know about this; it seems an Elder from the Worship Hall has come to take the child away!"

"Not only that, but he also killed those soldiers who had brought him to the Sub-hall!"

Hearing this, Tang Hao clenched his fists and said in a menacing tone, "An Elder from the Worship Hall, huh..."

That meant, if Xiaosan was still alive, he should be inside the Worship Hall!

Learning the news about his child, he should have felt happy!

But that place, the Worship Hall, was even more dangerous than the Martial Soul Hall!!

Even if he were to rashly break in, he might not be able to take him out!

Because there, there were at least five beings of the Super Douluo Level!

Not to mention the leader of them, the Grand Elder Qian Dao Liu, whose strength had reached the level of an Ultimate Douluo!

With this thought in mind, he stared at the man who delivered the news with a gaze devoid of any emotion, "Are you certain that child was taken away by an Elder of the Worship Hall?"

The latter felt a strong sense of suffocation hitting him, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said with his head bowed, "Yes, my lord, I swear on my own life!!"

Damn it, who exactly was this child named Tang San to this lord!

That he would provoke such fury...

The invisible aura of domineering pressure that emanated from him unquestionably reached the level of a Titled Douluo!

Looking back at Tang Hao, who, having received confirmation again, immediately strode out and vanished from the spot...

At the same time, the heavy atmosphere that had been so hard to cultivate instantly vanished into thin air...

The man slowly raised his head and realized that Tang Hao's figure was no longer in front of him, cautiously probing, "My... my lord??"

However, no one responded!

Only then did he pat his chest, harbouring a slim chance of hope, "He... he's already left, thank goodness, I was scared to death! I thought it was all over for me today!!"

Thereupon, he turned his gaze towards the Spirit Hall Soldiers present and scolded them, "You fools, next time you arrest someone, make sure to open your eyes wide and see clearly. Don't bring me any more trouble!!"

Such an experience once was enough, the next time, one might not be so lucky!


In the imperial palace, within the great hall!

Emperor Xue Ye, seated on the throne, looked very pleased with Prince Xue Qinghe standing before him...

He took the initiative to speak, "Qing He, there were strangers present earlier, so you might have felt great pressure. Now I will ask you again, do you truly bear no resentment towards me?"

Xue Qinghe answered without a change in his expression, "Father Emperor, Qing He truly bears no resentment!"

Xue Ye nodded slightly, "Very good."

After a pause, he continued, "However, I still hope that you won't hold a grudge against Prince Xue Xing. All that he does is also for the Tian Dou Imperial Family!"

The former might not bear resentment towards him, but that didn't mean he wouldn't harbor a grudge against that guy Xue Xing!

After all, what he did this time was indeed a bit too much!

Xue Qinghe's face remained calm as ever, "Your son understands Prince Xue Xing's difficulties, hence will not bear any grudge against him."

"On the contrary, I must use this opportunity for reflection, aiming to be less conspicuous with my actions!!"

This response earned him an appreciative look from Xue Ye...

To have such a mindset, Qing He's magnanimity was in no way inferior to his own!

In the future, he was bound to become an excellent emperor!!

But in the next second, Xue Qinghe continued, "Father Emperor, your summoning me to the great hall wouldn't just be for this matter, would it?"

Xue Ye came back to his senses, his expression turning serious, "Indeed, there is something I wish to discuss with you!"

Xue Qinghe also became serious, "Please speak, Father Emperor..."

Xue Ye didn't beat around the bush and directly spoke his thoughts, "I think, Qing He, although you are excellent, ruling the entire Tiandou Empire is not an easy task. Wouldn't it be prudent to cultivate one or two more princes to assist you?"

These words instantly sharpened Xue Qinghe's gaze...


