
Chapter 2963: Confidential_1

Translator: 549690339

Tiandou Empire, imperial palace!!

Outside Xue Ke's palace...

A soldier responsible for guarding the place gently knocked on the door, then spoke in a respectful tone, "Her Royal Highness the Princess, Yue Xuan Master requests an audience!"

Upon hearing this, Xue Ke subconsciously stood up from her chair, surprised she said, "Tang Xuanzhu?"

Quickly, she added, "Let Tang Xuanzhu come in!"

The former gave a slight nod, "Yes, Your Highness!"

Not much later, the grand doors of the palace were pushed open, and Tang Yuehua stepped inside...

As her beautiful eyes fixed on the somewhat haggard Xue Ke in front of her, she said respectfully, "Your Highness!"

Xue Ke displayed a very strained smile, "Tang Xuanzhu, there's no need for formalities, please take a seat at your leisure!"

Tang Yuehua didn't play coy, and sat down opposite her...

Xue Ke, seeing this, likewise sat down...

Then, she began to speak, "Tang Xuanzhu, may I ask what brings you here this time?"

Tang Yuehua took a deep breath and explained, "Your Highness, it's like this, the teachers of Yue Xuan said you haven't been to Moon Pavilion for quite a long time, so I came to see for myself!"

Xue Ke responded calmly, "Is that so, I've worried Tang Xuanzhu. I'm quite alright, there's nothing wrong!"

The former slightly narrowed her eyes and pressed on, "Your Highness, if there's nothing wrong, then why haven't you been attending classes at Moon Pavilion?"

Upon hearing this, Xue Ke's mind replayed the scene where Tang San furiously glared at her, looking like he was about to make a move...

She shook her head violently, "Tang Xuanzhu, there's no particular reason, I simply haven't felt like going to Moon Pavilion lately!"

She didn't want to explain too much about her reasons!

Tang Yuehua pursed her lips and spoke again, "Is it because of what Tang San did last time that you feel repulsed, and so, you don't wish to go?"

At these words, Xue Ke's delicate frame trembled slightly...

She rebutted somewhat agitatedly, "How... How could that be? Tang San has been expelled from Moon Pavilion, it has nothing to do with him!"

This reaction confirmed Tang Yuehua's suspicions...

"Your Highness, there's really no need to be like this. You also know that in my presence, no one can hide their true feelings!"

Xue Ke, upon hearing this, slowly bowed her head...

After being silent for several seconds, she finally spoke, "Tang Xuanzhu, you are not mistaken, it indeed is because of Tang San that I've been reluctant to go to Moon Pavilion!"

All of a sudden, Tang Yuehua let out a wry smile, "Just as I thought, Tang San, that boy, did such a thing to you in public, truly tarnishing the dignity of the royal household."

"He should have been executed, yet he was only expelled from Moon Pavilion!"

Then, a profound weariness seemed to emanate from her, "But after all, he is my nephew, and that was perhaps a bit of selfishness on my part as the Master of the Pavilion."

"If Your Highness feels dissatisfied with this, I formally apologize to you!"

Seeing the profound earnestness on the former's face, even Xue Ke started to feel nervous...

She hastily explained, "Tang Xuanzhu, it's only Tang San whom I despise; you don't need to apologize for him!"

"Moreover, I can understand the feelings you have as an aunt..."

Although she harbored resentment towards Tang San, she had no discontent towards Tang Yuehua...

In fact, she was even thankful to her for showing up when she did for who knows what Tang San might have done to her!!

Upon hearing this, Tang Yuehua reached out and took her hand, "It's good that Your Highness understands, but personally, I still hope that you can return to Moon Pavilion to continue your studies, and not let Tang San's actions affect you!!

I'm sorry, Xue Ke...

Although using such a pitiable method to guide you back to classes at Moon Pavilion is not right, it's for your own good!

At this point, Xue Ke had no good reason to refuse any further and nodded, "Rest assured, Tang Xuanzhu, I have thought it through during this time. I just want to rest for a few days!"

"After a while, I will return to the Moon Pavilion to continue my studies!"

Tang Yuehua finally released her grasp and said with a light laugh, "Since that's the case, I will await Her Royal Highness the Princess at the Moon Pavilion!"

Having said that, she stood up...

Xue Ke expressed her surprise, "Tang Xuanzhu, won't you stay a little longer?"

Tang Yuehua shook her head, "Although I would also like to chat more with Her Royal Highness the Princess, the Moon Pavilion has recently recruited quite a few disciples, and there are many matters awaiting my attention; I really cannot stay any longer!"

Since the objective was achieved, there was no need to stay longer. If it caused any dissatisfaction, it would be troublesome!

Xue Ke did not insist, "I see. Then take care, Tang Xuanzhu. I will return to the Moon Pavilion for my studies in a few days!"

Tang Yuehua gestured and then turned to leave...

Watching her departing figure, Xue Ke couldn't help but sigh...

She thought to herself, "Tang Xuanzhu really does things with remarkable efficiency. Actually, I never intended to do anything to Tang San, let alone execute him."

But now that Tang San had been expelled from the Moon Pavilion, it was as if she had never known him!


Seven Treasures Glaze Sect!!

Several days had passed since Ning Rongrong was found...

Chen Xin glanced at Ning Fengzhi next to him, feeling somewhat restless but unsure how to express it...

Noticing this, Ning Fengzhi couldn't help but smile bitterly...

Unable to resist, he said, "Uncle Sword, if you have something to say, just say it. This hesitant attitude of yours makes it hard for your junior here!"

Upon hearing this, Chen Xin also turned serious, "Alright, I'll just say it. Feng Zhi, where exactly did you find Rongrong? Uncle Bone and I have looked for so long but found nothing!"

Ning Fengzhi was somewhat taken aback, "So, Uncle Sword, you've been watching me all this time because of this question??"

Chen Xin earnestly responded, "Of course!! This is a serious matter!!"

Then, turning to Gu Rong, who was sneakily watching from the side, he said none too gently, "And you, Uncle Bone, stop lurking over there. I know you're eager to understand what happened as well!"

Caught in the act, Gu Rong covered his mouth and coughed lightly, "Ahem... indeed, Feng Zhi, please tell us where you actually found Rongrong!"

Ning Fengzhi sighed and explained, "Actually... it's not someplace extraordinary!"

Chen Xin and Gu Rong narrowed their eyes, listening intently...

But in the next second, Ning Fengzhi continued, "That place is known only by Rongrong, myself, and her mother!"

Upon hearing this, their expressions grew sharper, and they even began to look forward with anticipation...

However, Ning Fengzhi's tone changed abruptly, "As for the specific location, please forgive me, but I must keep it confidential!!"

The two felt darkness before their eyes as waves of anger surged within them...

They protested in unison, "Feng Zhi, are you playing with us?? Stop beating around the bush, where is that place exactly?"

"Feng Zhi, stop holding out on us, just come out with it. If you don't make it clear, you're not leaving here today!!"

Ning Fengzhi paused for a moment, then said helplessly, "I understand. Since Uncle Sword and Uncle Bone are so keen to know, it won't hurt to tell."

"But please, you must keep it a secret!"


