
Chapter 2401: The Domineering Blazing Apricot Cabbage_1

Translator: 549690339

Seeing that Tang Wulin successfully negotiated with the Immortal Herbs, Yue Zhengyu subconsciously licked his lips, full of anticipation as he said, "Although I believe that the treasures contained by Immortal Herbs are all good things, I'm still somewhat excited!"

Next to him, Xu Xiaoyan's breathing also became heavy, "Yeah, I have never seen them either, and who knows, after taking them, we might even break through to become Ultimate Douluo, heh heh..."

Xie Xie overheard this and couldn't help but roll his eyes, scoffing, "Xiao Yan, what kind of international joke are you making? No matter how strong the effect of the treasures is, they can't go beyond the scope of Immortal Herbs. How could they possibly let you directly break through to become an Ultimate Douluo!"

"If they really had such an effect, what's the point of Soul Masters in the Continent cultivating so hard? They would have already corralled and cultivated these treasures here long ago!"

He didn't believe that the various forces of Soul Land hadn't discovered the Icefire Polarized Eyes!

Ye Xinglan chided, "Xie Xie, why are you taking it so seriously? Xiao Yan is just joking. After all, none of us have seen them before, right?"

Xu Lizhi glanced around cautiously and whispered, "Well... everyone, let's quiet down for a bit. The Immortal Herbs of the Icefire Polarized Eyes are all looking at us with fearful gazes!"

It could be imagined that the treasures condensed by the Immortal Herbs over so many days and months were also very important to them; no one wanted to give them away for nothing!

Upon hearing this, the others turned their eyes to the surroundings and found that it was indeed the case!

Tang Wulin also spoke up to interrupt, "Uh, everyone quiet down a bit. Since they have already agreed, they should not renege on their promise. If we keep pushing, it seems a bit overbearing!"

He bore no hostility towards these Immortal Herbs here, in fact, he was quite grateful!

Because last time, it was because of the consumption of Immortal Herbs that Teacher Wu was able to survive!

Blazing Apricot Cabbage raised an eyebrow, seemingly a bit surprised that Tang Wulin would say such a thing...

"Hmph, I didn't expect you, boy, to not be so annoying. Even though you're the son of the Sea God, you haven't inherited the innate divinity!"

It had heard that after gaining divinity, beings would become ruthless and harsh!

However, Tang Wulin looked completely puzzled, "Divinity? What do you mean?

Could it be that it looked like he had no chance of becoming a God at all!

The latter stuck out her tongue playfully, "Even if I told you, you wouldn't understand. Anyway, your goal is to enhance your strength, right? After absorbing the treasures condensed by the Immortal Herbs, no matter how great the enhancement, you must leave!"

The Eight Petal Immortal Orchid also nodded, "Yeah, yeah! Moreover, you need to clean up the environment within the Icefire Polarized Eyes; that is the mess you all left behind!"

The Octagon Frozen Grass revealed a sly smile, "That's right, that's right, and if you can't do these things, maybe we'll secretly add something extra~~ you know what I mean!"

As substances condensed from their very essence, pulling a few tricks couldn't be easier!

The Fragrance Damask Immortal wore a look of exasperation, "Well... Lan Lan and the others are just joking; they definitely won't do anything!"

Why on earth would you say such things out loud!

Yue Zhengyu, however, unhesitatingly replied, "That's not important. As long as we can get stronger, it's not just cleaning up this area; we could even take care of all the Immortal Herbs like ancestors for a few days!"

They were now Hyper Douluo and merely by using their spiritual power to probe, they could easily confirm if the treasures were problematic!

Xu Xiaoyan gave a thumbs up and threw a know-it-all glance at the Immortal Herbs, "Yep, yep, I'm an expert at caring for plants!"

Ye Xinglan covered her forehead and whispered into her ear, "Xiao Yan... I remember that those ancient trees in the Inner Court that had stood for a thousand years, weren't they all knocked down by you? And you almost got stripped of your inner court student status."

The former panicked and quickly covered her mouth, whispering anxiously, "Shh... Xing Lan, don't talk about it here! It's so embarrassing."

Xie Xie sneered, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, Xing Lan, you've hit a nerve!"

Xu Xiaoyan's eyes blazed with fire, "Xie Xie, shut up. Have you forgotten how you lost to me in a one-on-one?"

Xie Xie immediately became agitated, his face red with anger as he retorted loudly, "That was... that was an accident! And you're my teammate, I didn't use my full strength!"

Xu Xiaoyan angrily retorted, "I haven't even used my full strength yet. Clearly, it's just lack of intelligence, falling into my series of traps!"

This noisy scene left all the Immortal Herbs such as Fragrance Damask Immortal dumbfounded...

Relying on these folks to save Soul Land? Isn't that a bit too comical?

Or should they start preparing to flee in advance?

Exchanging glances, they all silently nodded, seemingly reaching a unanimous agreement!

Even Yuanen Yehui furrowed his brows slightly, and coldly interjected, "Since everyone feels there's no problem, then stop saying these meaningless words."

The time they were wasting here was already too much; they should cherish every minute!

Because for the Soul Masters who were stubbornly resisting the Abyssal Creature Army, every second was uncertain with countless deaths!

Seeing her expression so serious, Xie Xie and the others instantly stopped their horseplay...

Tang Wulin also looked towards the Immortal Herbs such as Fragrance Damask Immortal and said earnestly, "We're troubling you!"

Fragrance Damask Immortal immediately cleared her throat and loudly announced, "Ahem... everyone, as you've seen, the battle that occurred before was a misunderstanding. These humans here harbor no hostility. Their intrusion is actually a request for our help,"

"And all of this is to deal with the impending crisis facing Soul Land!"

"Although we are Immortal Herbs, we are still a part of this and naturally should contribute our strength. Don't you all agree?"

She had thought her words would mobilize the Immortal Herbs' enthusiasm, but the result was greatly disappointing!

The Immortal Herbs still expressed tremendous hostility, "Why should we help humans? Over the years, countless Soul Masters have captured our brothers and sisters!"

"Exactly, exactly. Human words are not trustworthy. I will absolutely not help them!"

"Better to have them leave quickly. Even the air becomes tainted with them here!"

"I think... humans aren't that bad, right? Like that guy with the Divine Artifact earlier, he also suppressed his aura and didn't harm our main bodies!"

"Don't be fooled by the humans' façade. Deep down, they are all the kind who would eat without spitting out the bones!"

Tang Wulin scratched his head, hesitating, "Um..."

Why does it feel like Fragrance Damask Immortal is the manager here, but without any deterrence?

Realizing she was being underestimated, Fragrance Damask Immortal braced herself and said, "Don't worry, don't worry, I have other methods!"

Having said that, she immediately blinked her eyes and shamelessly hugged the humanoid phantom of Blazing Apricot Cabbage next to her, cooing softly, "Jiaojiao, they won't listen to me, you do it~~"

The latter got goosebumps all over, and kicked her away, contemptuously saying, "Get away from me, you're disgusting!"

Immediately after, she emitted a massive, blazing flame from her body and looked at all the Immortal Herbs in front...

She shouted angrily, "Shut up, all of you. Immediately release the treasures you've condensed and let these humans pick one. No interference allowed!"

"Otherwise, be careful not to be able to leave with your loot!"


