
Chapter 2296: The Chilling Weakness (Subscribe please)_1

Translator: 549690339

Until the flames dissipated, leaving only a deep pit in front of them, but the corpse of the Abyssal Emperor was not found within; evidently, no one had died from the attack!

Zhang Huanyun's brows furrowed deeply, "Even such a terrifying blow failed to reduce their numbers; they are indeed tough to deal with!"

Ya Li then turned to Yuan En Zhentian beside her and asked, "Elder Yuan'en, are you alright? You don't seem to be in good shape!"

The latter shook his head, "I'm fine, it's just that releasing the Titan Realm and the ninth soul skill used up too much Soul Power!"

Upon hearing this, Ya Li immediately used her spiritual power to send a message to Xu Lizhi in the back...


With just those two simple words, Xu Lizhi understood what the other party meant, "Understood, Elder Ya'li!"

He then quickly made several buns that enhanced Soul Power and had them carried over by a Soul Master...

As for why he didn't make buns that healed, the reason was simple, because Elder Ya'li was even more adept at recovery!

After eating the buns, the three members of Yuan En Zhentian's team felt their Soul Power recovery speed increase substantially!

It was only then that the Fierce Emperor and the other Abyssal Emperors who had disappeared revealed themselves again...

The Fierce Emperor said coldly, "Demon Emperor, you must have seen it just now, that human seems capable of making food that restores Soul Power..."

The Demon Emperor spoke in a chilling tone, "Indeed, the others also seem able of recklessly releasing soul skills because of him; if we kill this guy, victory will be ours for the taking!"

Under that last attack, they had only sustained some injuries, and could still afford to be distracted by observing the humans!

However, the Wise Emperor, not skilled in defense, had sustained heavy damage and lost an arm!

It roared to the sky in rage, "Damn humans, to think... to think you caused me to lose an arm, you must pay the price!"

Having lost its reason, it charged directly at Yuan En Zhentian, as if only by dismembering him could it quell the rage in its heart!

The Fierce Emperor, wanting to go help, was stopped by the Demon Emperor...

"If this guy dies, it won't affect our standings!"

Within the ranks of the many Abyssal Emperors, one less would not be missed!


In the midst of hectic movement, Xu Xiaoyan, who was unconscious, suddenly woke up and subconsciously cried out, "Wulin, Wulin!"

At that moment, Tang Wulin, who was holding her, lit up with joy, "Xiao Yan, are you awake? Don't worry, I'm fine!"

Xu Xiaoyan was startled for a moment, before realizing she was in his embrace...

Her cheeks immediately flushed red with a hint of embarrassment, "Wulin, can you put me down first?"

After all, she was Yue Zhengyu's companion, and she didn't want to cause any misunderstandings!

Tang Wulin coughed lightly and then set her down...

Once Xu Xiaoyan steadied herself, she immediately asked, "Right, Wulin, have those two Abyssal Emperors been dealt with?"

Tang Wulin turned his eyes back to the front and said solemnly, "Not yet, although the Golden Dragon Spear possesses life-absorbing properties, its effects are greatly diminished if it cannot penetrate the body!"

Looking in the direction he was facing, one could see the Abyssal Emperor still impaled on the rocks by the Sea God's Trident, unable to escape the Binding!

On the other Abyssal Emperor's body, dense scars were visible!

Clearly, all were the handiwork of Tang Wulin alone!

After shifting her gaze back, Xu Xiaoyan took a deep breath and said earnestly, "Wulin, actually, I've thought of a way to deal with those two!"

Tang Wulin looked surprised, "What way?"

Xu Xiaoyan leaned closer and whispered a few words into his ear...

After listening, Tang Wulin felt a chill in his heart...

"Who would've thought it could be done like this, Xiao Yan, you really are a genius!"

Xu Xiaoyan said proudly, "Of course, that's their weak spot after all. Even if abyssal creatures aren't human, they should still be male or female, right? If it's a male, it's got to have that thing, or else how could they reproduce!"

Tang Wulin bit his thin lip, "That's true, but I still feel it's a bit too shameless!"

He really hadn't expected Xu Xiaoyan, a girl, to come up with such a cunning move!

If Yue Zhengyu were to cheat in the future, his fate would surely be miserable...

But Xu Xiaoyan was hurrying him, "It's urgent, don't worry about the morals now. Any method that can deal with the enemy is a good method!"

"I'll use all my strength to restrain it, while you take the opportunity to strike!"

With the situation as it was, Tang Wulin didn't refuse, nodding, "Alright!"

However, the Abyssal Emperor on the other side felt belittled, bellowing, "Humans, are you not taking me seriously enough?"

Upon finishing his words, he charged toward Tang Wulin with heavy steps, vowing to crush him into pieces...

But this was exactly what Tang Wulin had intended...

Immediately, he used the Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track, dodging the attacks while maintaining an appropriate distance!

Such actions only infuriated the Abyssal Emperor more, "Human, are you only capable of dodging like a filthy rat?"

Tang Wulin continued to provoke, "Really? So you're saying you're even worse than a filthy rat?"

"You're seeking death!!"

The completely enraged Abyssal Emperor started attacking indiscriminately...

Seeing the enemy's mood swing drastically, Xu Xiaoyan's beautiful eyes brightened, "Good opportunity!! Second Soul Skill, Starlight Feedback!"

A strong burst of light suddenly shone on the Abyssal Emperor, briefly suppressing his thoughts and plunging him into confusion!

But he was about to recover in the blink of an eye!

Xu Xiaoyan said coldly, "No, it's not enough!! Third Soul Skill, Glittering Starlight! First Soul Skill, Starwheel Shackles!!"

Several control soul skills were launched together, effectively binding the opponent!

Realizing that her Soul Power was rapidly depleting, she urged, "Wulin, quick!!"

Tang Wulin understood, channeling all his Soul Power into the Golden Dragon Spear, which let out an inspiring dragon's roar...

Thousand Men's Point!

The next second, he hurled the Golden Dragon Spear into the sky...

Seeing the plan succeed, Xu Xiaoyan's lips slightly curled into a smile, "Sixth Soul Skill, Star Annihilation Divine Light!"

The Abyssal Emperor, just coming out of the control, found that he couldn't move and was forcibly sent into the void...

By the time he reappeared, he was hundreds of meters high in the sky!

The intense dizziness made it temporarily impossible for him to think...

But below, the radiant Golden Dragon Spear thrust straight towards his crotch...


Dark blood poured from the sky, causing Xu Xiaoyan to step back a few steps, smacking her lips and saying, "Hiss... just looking at it hurts."

Tang Wulin gave her a look, "It's your idea, isn't it? But indeed, it's quite effective!"

But he couldn't help but wonder inwardly, "I just hope my Golden Dragon Spear won't be dirty, right?"

This was a gift from his sister he had never met before; he didn't want it to be desecrated by these abyssal creatures!