
Chapter 1819: The Next Step (Please Subscribe)_1

Translator: 549690339

The other Elders, seeing this, did not say much more...

Cai Yue'er, presiding over the meeting, took the lead and said, "Fellow Elders, ever since the Holy Spirit Cult launched a twelfth-grade soul guidance shell at our Shrek Academy, they have made no further movements."

"But this time, when Longkong and others were on their way to search for the Icefire Polarized Eyes, they encountered a squad from the Holy Spirit Cult led by Dark Bell!"

"I suspect that the Holy Spirit Cult is preparing to make a comeback!!"

Feng Wu Yu slightly nodded, "Mm! As one of the Four Great Kings of the Holy Spirit Cult, it's indeed suspicious for her to lead a small group of evil Soul Masters back to the Soul Land instead of staying in the Xingluo Land."

Elder Ya'li pondered, "Dark Bell is a Hyper Douluo, who normally doesn't take action herself. This time, her coming to the Soul Land must be for something very important!"

Upon hearing this, Wu Changkong suddenly interrupted, "Ahem... dear Elders, I apologize for the interruption, but when we encountered Dark Bell, she had already absorbed an Immortal Herb from inside the Icefire Polarized Eyes and her soul power rank had broken through to a level-99 Ultimate Douluo!"

The moment these words were spoken, Turbid World exclaimed, "What? She's actually broken through to a level-99 Ultimate Douluo? Longkong, are you certain?"

The other Elders also cast doubtful glances...

Wu Changkong affirmed, "Mm, although I couldn't sense Dark Bell's soul power rank due to my own abilities, her breakthrough to Ultimate Douluo was confessed by her own mouth!"

"She didn't strike against me and the students this time, probably because of this reason too!"

Perhaps, from the beginning, Dark Bell never considered them worthy of her personally taking action to kill them.

Long Yeyue's eyes narrowed, "If that's the case, then the scales of victory are beginning to tip in favor of the Holy Spirit Cult. Just with Dark Blood Devil, Dark Bell, Ghost Emperor, Pluton, and Demon Emperor, they already have a total of five Ultimate Douluos. In terms of strength, they have already surpassed our Shrek Academy!"

"What's more, over the years, the Holy Spirit Cult must have also cultivated a number of elites who will pose a threat to us in the future!"

The cultivation speed of an evil Soul Master's soul power is far beyond that of an ordinary Soul Master!

Tang Yinmeng hesitantly said, "Elder Long, what should we do then? Take the initiative to strike?"

Long Yeyue resolutely rejected this suggestion, "No, if just the students and teachers of Shrek Academy were to forcefully move against the Holy Spirit Cult with the intention of annihilating them, we might completely perish!"

"Even if we were to luckily kill the upper echelons of the Holy Spirit Cult, it would be difficult to eradicate them completely. Those low-level evil Soul Masters who escape would grow again before long!"

Feng Wu Yu sighed, "Eh, so what you're saying is, we can't really interfere with the development of the Holy Spirit Cult and can only rely on the Xingluo Empire!"

Turbid World pursed his lips, "It seems so now, but if even we can't deal with the Holy Spirit Cult, the Xingluo Empire, already scarce in high-level combatants, would find any amount of troops futile!"

Long Yeyue sighed helplessly, "Exactly, all we can do now is accumulate as much power as possible and wait for the Holy Spirit Cult to come back, so that we have the capital to contend with them!"

If Yun Ming were still alive, they would have no need to fear the Holy Spirit Cult at all!

Yuan En Zhentian, who had been silent all along, couldn't help but speak up, "I've always had a question, if Elder Xu were to encounter that Demon Emperor of the Holy Spirit Cult, how much of a chance would he have of winning?"

He vividly remembered that the opponent's soul rings included three golden ones, which are three million-year Soul Rings!

Their strength definitely surpasses Yun Ming!

His words suddenly enlightened the Elders of the Sea God Pavilion...

Right, how could they forget about Elder Xu!

The man who could easily slay the Dark Hummingbird with a single strike, his strength had definitely reached an extremely terrifying level!

With this in mind, they all fixed their burning gazes on Xu Sheng...

Xu Sheng pondered for a moment, "Ten percent, that's already the maximum possibility."

Upon hearing this sentence, the faces of the Elders of the Sea God Pavilion all dimmed…

Turbid World clenched his teeth and said, "Even Elder Xu has only a ten percent chance of victory? This Demon Emperor is indeed troublesome!"

Long Yeyue sighed, "That's normal. Even when the Pavilion Master was still alive, he had already said that the Demon Emperor's strength was no less than his!"

Cai Yue'er suggested, "In that case, if we encounter him in the future, we should try our best to unite and take him down. With Elder Ya'li here, we are not without a chance!"

Seeing this, Xu Sheng let out a light chuckle, "Well… I think you Elders might have misunderstood something. What I meant was… the Demon Emperor has only a ten percent chance of defeating me!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole Sea God Pavilion fell into a strange silence…

Only Wu Changkong's eyes revealed a few strands of different colors…

Xu Sheng, who could even revive the dead, indeed had that strength…

Compared to the harmony across Soul Land!

The situation in Xingluo Land was a lot worse!

In every city, Soul Masters and civilians were discussing the incompetence of the Xingluo Empire…

"Damn it, how much longer are those evil Soul Masters from the Holy Spirit Cult going to jump around on our Xingluo Land? Does the Xingluo Empire not have anything to say about this?"

"Stop talking about it. Our Xingluo Empire, aside from having a large army, is pathetically lacking in high-end combat power. How can we stand a chance against the Holy Spirit Cult!"

"I heard that the Xingluo Empire's Emperor, Dai Tianling, once suffered an assassination attempt from the Holy Spirit Cult right in the imperial palace. Fortunately, the Ultimate Douluo hosted by the royal household discovered it in time, saving the former's life. Otherwise, the Xingluo Empire might have undergone a change of dynasty!"

"It's not that bad, not that bad. The Xingluo Empire's Emperor, Dai Tianling, has already appointed Dai Yueyan as Crown Prince. Should he fall by mischance, the throne would naturally be succeeded by the former,"

"Eh, if you ask me, those powers from Soul Land are just too selfish. If they dispatched more powerful Hyper Douluo and Ultimate Douluo over here, we could surely obliterate the Holy Spirit Cult!"

"You must be daydreaming. Hyper Douluo and Ultimate Douluo are not cabbages. These are peak combat forces of the Continent, which can't be dispatched at will!"

And the army stationed here, naturally, saw all this, but with their low soul power, they had no way of intervening!

One of the soldiers sighed and said, "Ah, even the Soul Masters and civilians of our Xingluo Land have lost faith in the empire. What are we to do now?"

Another soldier said irritably, "Stop fussing. When the sky falls, there will be tall ones holding it up; it's not our turn to worry!"

"Exactly, exactly. I joined the army just for that meager salary. I never planned to fight to the death for the empire!"

"Cough cough... It's better to keep such thoughts to ourselves. Absolutely do not say them out loud. If discovered, the consequences are very severe!!"

"Tsk, what's there to be afraid of? Even if Xingluo Land is occupied by the Holy Spirit Cult, aren't there still the other two empires? The Holy Spirit Cult can't possibly contend with three countries at the same time, right?"