
Chapter 173 Bi Bidong's Fury (Please Subscribe)_1

Xu Sheng released the Netherworld Ghostvine, then bound the seven fallen Elders of the Hall of Martial Souls and ran toward the Soul Masters of the Martial Soul Hall in the rear...

The Soul Masters of Martial Soul Hall, upon noticing Xu Sheng's approach, a spark of delight flashed across their faces...

"Look! His Highness the Holy Son has returned!"

"With His Highness the Holy Son taking action, those elders from the Hao Tian Clan must have been utterly defeated!"

"Wait a minute! Look, behind the Holy Son, those vines seem to be carrying the elders!!" one of the Soul Masters exclaimed in shock.

With his reminder, the other Soul Masters also began to sense that something was amiss.

"It seems true indeed!! It looks like all the elders have fallen into unconsciousness!"

"Could it be that the battle with Hao Tian Clan was really that tough?"

"How is that possible? Our Martial Soul Hall sent out seven elders and a guest elder, plus the terrifyingly powerful His Highness the Holy Son. Hao Tian Clan can't possibly be our match!"

When Xu Sheng stopped, he slowly controlled the Netherworld Ghostvine to gently lay down the bodies of the seven elders...

In an instant, the seven Elders of the Hall of Martial Souls were surrounded by the Soul Masters of Martial Soul Hall!

When they observed the horrifying injuries on the skin underneath the tattered clothes of these elders, they all gasped...

All seven Elders of the Hall of Martial Souls, including His Highness the Holy Son, had been gravely injured!

And the injuries seemed extremely severe!

How could a mere Hao Tian Clan have such capability!

The Red-robed Guardian, who was completely breathless, instantly caught the attention of all Soul Masters...

"This Grand Worshipper... appears to be breathless!"

"Hiss... Our attack on the Hao Tian Clan resulted in the loss of a Guardian! That was an extremely powerful Hyper Douluo."

"If the elders' injuries are all this severe, those Hao Tian Sect elders and the others must have been annihilated, right?"

Xu Sheng glanced at this Soul Master and said indifferently, "No, everyone from the Hao Tian Clan escaped except for the Sect Master."

This time, it was his oversight; he hadn't anticipated that Tang Hao would also be here...

That led to the tragic situation of seven injured and one dead...

Hearing this, the Soul Masters all frowned and asked cautiously, "Your Highness the Holy Son, what exactly happened? Why have the elders all ended up like this?"

"Yes, yes, could it be that not even His Highness the Holy Son and the elders were capable of crushing those people from Hao Tian Clan?"

"Your Highness the Holy Son, could you perhaps tell us what exactly occurred?"

Xu Sheng spoke coldly, "I am not entirely sure myself. Soul Masters from the healing class in our ranks need to come forward immediately to stabilize the elders' conditions!"

He didn't know the specifics, but it was likely that Tang Xiao and Tang Hao had used the Burst Ring, catching the seven elders of the Spirit Hall off guard!

Moreover, it was very possible that most of their Soul Power had already been nearly depleted in their fight against the other Hao Tian Sect elders...

Of course, that was just his speculation!

After Xu Sheng's words, more than a dozen men and women with soul power ranks between forty and fifty stepped forward from the ranks of the Soul Masters of Martial Soul Hall...

They formed a circle around the six elders of the Hall of Martial Souls and began to heal them with the release of their Martial Souls and soul skills...


After waiting for one to two hours, the six Elders of Martial Soul Hall gradually regained consciousness...

Each Elder of Martial Soul Hall was a bit groggy upon waking up, as the attack from the Hao Tian Hammer had been so powerful that it caused a slight concussion in their heads...

"Has the battle ended?"

"Hiss... My head hurts so much!"

"Cough cough..."

One after another, the elders rose from the ground, only to find countless pairs of Soul Master eyes staring at them...

A trace of confusion rose from the bottom of their hearts...

After a while, noisy sounds started to emerge...

"It's fortunate that the elders are alright; otherwise, the loss would have been tremendous!"

"However, we still lost a Grand Worshipper, the Hao Tian Clan must have used despicable means."

"Indeed, how could our elders and Grand Worshipper have ended up in such a sorry state otherwise!"

The several pale-faced healing class Soul Masters who were surrounding the six elders left to restore their Soul Power when they saw them waking up...

The elders, having regained their senses, unconsciously looked to the ground beside them when they heard what the Spirit Hall soul masters in front said...

There lay a Red-robed Guardian, staring with eyes wide open in death, and though his body was gradually growing cold...

In an instant, each elder felt somewhat uncomfortable...

The ones who stood in front of the elders earlier were the two strongest Red-robed Guardians, and now one had been lost, showing a hint of guilt on their faces...

Xu Sheng's calm voice arose from behind them, "Elders, how are you feeling?"

Upon hearing Xu Sheng's voice, the six elders hurriedly turned around and slowly looked over...

A Guardian with an ugly expression on his face spoke up first, "Your Highness the Holy Son, we..."

An Elder next to him clenched his teeth and then sighed, "Please punish us, Your Highness; we were too careless this time!"

Citun moistened his dry lips, "I never expected that Tang Hao and Tang Xiao would use such bizarre secret techniques; the power amplification was too shocking!"

Snake Spear bowed and said, "Please punish us, Your Highness!"

It was seven against two, yet they were left with six injured and one dead! It was a serious blow to the dignity of every Elder of the Hall of Martial Souls!

Xu Sheng, seeing their extremely somber expressions, naturally understood the reason.

He spoke slowly to console them, "Elders need not be bothered by this; Tang Hao's appearance was also beyond my expectations."

An Elder suddenly thought of something and looked at Xu Sheng with confusion, "Your Highness, what of Tang Hao and Tang Xiao?"

If Tang Xiao and Tang Hao were still alive, then this operation of the Martial Soul Hall would have truly been costly, losing both the wife and the soldiers!

Xu Sheng's cold eyes swept over the Elder, "Tang Hao and Tang Xiao have already been dealt with by me; from now on, there will no longer be a Hao Tian Douluo on the Continent!"

With this response, the Elders of the Martial Soul Hall felt much better in their hearts...

After all, if they hadn't eliminated Tang Hao, he would have been a disaster in the future!

Citun asked with confusion, "Your Highness, do we still need to attack the Hao Tian Clan?"

Xu Sheng shook his head in denial, "There's no need; the Hao Tian Sect Elders and their people have probably all retreated."


Back in the Pope Hall, Xu Sheng and the six elders all looked towards Bi Bidong sitting on the Pope's Chair...

Bi Bidong, who always appeared graceful, now clenched the smooth handle of the Purple-Golden Scepter slightly tighter...

Gazing at Xu Sheng, she forcefully suppressed the anger in her heart and asked coldly, "Xu Sheng, you mean to say, after deploying so many Soul Masters and elders and even losing a Grand Worshipper, you let the remnants of the Hao Tian Clan escape?"

