
I reaincarneted to parallel world

su Chan Reaincarneted To cultivation world which lead him in new adventures which he don't like. Powerfull family, talent money and lezyness Had system which had been assisting to his cultivation journey. Op Mc, cool Mc, villean Mc, please support me I want write a much better novel but I need money for buying system and for home, because of health problems I come out from job. 9902567366 this is my number if you can help me. bye stay safe this is my first novel hear our mc his samrt,graguly become op,thinks before his action,and hide from world.no harm. there should be some mistakes please bear with it English is not my first language, but I will learn it for my and your best experience while reading. thanks.

Gnyanesh_B_0659 · Eastern
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7 Chs

chapter:4 I can't see through him.

When raani and instructor moved away from city, mu rong who had desapeard from them was standing opposite to tree where he was taiking to balckdressed man who had taken off his mask and has some resembles of mu rong.

"uncle why did you stoped me from beating that brat, now I have to saparete from raani also"said with desplesure toon to a man standing infront of him.

When the man who been called uncle from mu rong saw this he said "rong what i do I have reason for that don't you saw your instructor was afraid of that su chan father, and you have been repeatedly provoking him "told with serious tone to mu rong.

When mu rong heard the words of his uncle he become confused while asking "uncle what can that man do to us, even if they have some background how can they compere to my mu house, and that instructor his cultivation his not has good has you so we can't compare him so why are you even afrird of man from the backword continent"said mu rong with arrogent tone to his uncle.

"no! mu rong do you think I will go and dirty our family prestige by lowering my head to any unknown cat and dogs."said while making serious face to his newphe.

When mu rong saw his uncle who don't give a respect for even big force had been afraid by some backword continent man he also confused.

"uncle I am sorry, I now how you place family name first but I really don't know why do you afrirding after coming to this h city" asked mu rong.

When mu rong uncle heard his Newphe question he looked at the direction of su family mansion while saying with serious tone "do you know that I have been discovered when I just looked at that man, I have never been that afraid of even when facing big shots in central continent, I have some confidence in escaping from them."

"but I can feel at that time it's the death, he can kill me if he just thought about it, do you know how powerful can he be, but he just ignored me that's why I told to stop doing anything"said to mu rong while is tone shaking.

Seeing his mighty uncle who can travel in central continent without fear has been afraid of taking of some backword continent family he also know that this is serious, he was grateful that his uncle had come with him for this mission other wise he could have created a catasrophia for his family.

"uncle do you think this continent his not like what we thought, there is this powerful person I am afraid if we provoked any other we should quckily move from this continent"said while his face has been sweeting and his voice lacking of arrogance which he usually had.

Seeing his Newphe who had not been afraid of has become like this, but he thought it is also good for not having more arrogenence without power.

"you don't have to afraid I don't know why that family leaves hear but we should not poke our nose to this, just be careful not to show disrespect to anyone who can make your instructor afraid don't think he his that useless he do have his hole card" explained to mu rong with serious tone.

After seeing that his Newphe agreed to his stetment he once again looked at direction of su family but this time he also looked at building which is much higher than others after seeing some time he turned around ( there is really tiger pretending to be pig hear ) murmured to him self .

Seeing is uncle who has lost in thought mu rong asked "uncle did you see anything why are you observing that company building"

"no just be careful not to do anything in this city if you come hear if that happens even out family not be able to escape from disaster, don't think that we are powerful because of our ancestors there are many families which are more powerful but don't comesout offten. They only interfere in monster hunting or if there is a secret realm which will appear."explained to mu rong after taking him to the direction in which instructor and raani had gone.

"wait ! Mu rong I did come with you for this mission because of your Father want to tell you that you should not go around with that girl, I know what you thinking but seeing your Father face I can tell you that this girl had some background or some family want to marry her for there hair you should just cut off any relationship with her or else we may not be that fortune has when we are in the su family,"said mu rong uncle with serious tone.

"just think about it because you liked her you want to kill that su chan, with our power if there is a power we are also face same outcome and in our central continent there is no mercy even for small matter if we can't intermediate our enemy so you should go cultivate more if you had power why should your Father afraid of some theret "expleand to mu rong with gentle tone while taking him to the forest which is dengerous in this continent.

What they don't know is while they are moving to s level forest above them in cloud a person comes out that person his su chan who had gone to his bedroom, he comes out by secretly.

"that uncle his having some brain, I do not want to start some family plot where after taking care of them there ansestors will come which is never ending story which i don't like"said su chan to him self.

"there is another one I know some of there story, while father and son comes to this palce and he started hunting guild which had become no 1 now, and his son who had some problems from young age and been desresfected by his classmates, but know he becomes no1 younger generation cultivater."

"i have to stay away from this dad and son due, I can smell a big bloody plot in them I hope it will not effect to our city which will be happening if this mc has to grow"thought to himself 

"today is really not my peace full day, I don't get sleep I had formed some big enemy which I have to takecare , s level forest where secret realm had opened is it opened in our continent so there should be chances for our mc but I don't need them I will go have some dinner, after I will take my afternoon nape bye." Su chan pressed his hand forward which leads to spece crack in which he desapeard after his desaperense that space crack also closed by it self.

When the space closed in that same place there appears another space crack which looked much defined in which a middle aged person comes out.

After that middle aged man saw that closed space crack.he stared at some direction but his face looked disappointed."who is that his power even though is not comes that great but I can't see through him he also know space opening without leaving his aura for directions? "

"there is many things happening in this palce even monster race dimension are appearing less compare to decedes don't know if that prophets is true are not, but I had gained somthing there are some faint aura of same has now it should be is doing I want to see the person who had been effecting the prophesy of that person, "

Looked at h city which is looking like palce with peace compare to other city which has been constently been invided by monsters.

I will go and explain this to the sir, maybe he can predect somthing , while looking at h city this middle aged man gone to the space crack which disepered along him.

In lerge building which had lion face mark to its entrence.inside top of building in room a man with office dress seated in his chair while looking at the direction of mu rong and is uncle who had talked under tree .

"no they are not them but I have to careful of this su family, my changer had some adventure even I can't know what is that but he will become a big Power when I also recovered my Power that is the time for them to pay the price for there doing" said with anger in his face while relesing aura which effected the office which started to shake.

( I guys please read my novel this is my first novel I have been improveing my English writing, I will give better story just keep me encouraging let us enjoy our villain journy where he will able to remain ideal with peace in Is life or not)