
I Raised Transmigraters and Regressers

A 20 years old man named Noah who is an average looking guy with good personality and a popular vtuber he is in the hospital suffering from a very rare disease which caused him to be unable to move outside his bed. as time goes by he still chose to smile despite his end coming near. on his deathbed he wished he would reincate in a world where he could walk freely everywhere he go, his wish was granted and soon he reincarnated into the body of the boy Eren watch as he discover new things and unbeknownst to him about the children he would encounter, Join him in his epic journey to become the strongest while being a father to his children. (A.N yes it's confusing since it says a boy not a man but please look forward for the story)

Wanderingcelestial · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
45 Chs


The crimson dawn, a cruel mockery of the carnage it bathed in, painted the battlefield in grotesque hues. I, Claude, Knight Commander of the Azure Order, surveyed the scene with a practiced eye. My armor, once gleaming silver, was now a tapestry of dried blood and grime, each stain a testament to a fallen foe. The metallic tang of blood hung heavy in the air, a grim perfume accompanying the symphony of groans and gurgles emanating from the wounded.

Fatigue, a constant companion these past few days, gnawed at the edges of my consciousness. "Blast these infernal creatures," I muttered under my breath, "they just keep coming." My muscles screamed with each movement, and my breaths came in ragged gasps. Yet, the fire in my sapphire eyes remained undimmed. As long as even one of these monstrous creatures drew breath, the fight was not over.

These weren't the usual Orcs or Goblins that plagued our borders. No, these were nightmares birthed from the deepest pits of the earth. I spat on the ground, the metallic tang a familiar accompaniment to the battle's symphony. "Obsidian claws and gnashing maws," I growled, "what fresh hell hath spawned you?" They seemed endless, a tide of darkness threatening to engulf the very light of civilization.

Days, or was it weeks?, blurred into a continuous struggle. I had become a whirlwind of steel, Azure Fury, my enchanted longsword, a blur of azure light carving through the enemy ranks. "Another one down," I grunted, sending a particularly grotesque creature sprawling. But even the mightiest oak eventually bends in the face of a relentless storm. The world narrowed to the flash of obsidian claws, the searing pain in my shoulder, a souvenir from a particularly vicious orc captain. "Curse you, you mangy beast!" I roared, my voice hoarse from the days of endless battle.

A monstrous shadow loomed before me. Twice the size of a man, it bristled with wicked spines, its obsidian eyes burning with a primal hunger. It raised a grotesque claw, aiming for my chest. This was it. I raised Azure Fury in a final, defiant salute, a lifetime of battles flashing before my eyes. The cheers of the grateful populace, the warmth of camaraderie with my fallen brothers, the tender touch of my beloved Elara – a life well-lived, even if it ended here. "For Elara! For the Azure Order!" I roared, a final battle cry before the inevitable.

A blinding light erupted, engulfing the battlefield. It ripped through me, stealing my strength, my memories, my very identity. When the light subsided, I was no longer Claude, the legendary Knight Commander. I was… nothing.

The world faded into a haze of confusion. Gone were the screams of battle, the clang of steel. All I knew was a chilling emptiness, a terrifying void where my memories once resided. "Where am I?" I tried to cry out, but only a pathetic whimper escaped my lips. Was this… peace? Was this the afterlife? A primal urge welled up within me – a need for sustenance, for comfort. With a weak cry, I reached out, a blind yearning for something familiar.

And then, a touch. Soft, warm, caressing. A voice, melodic and soothing, whispered in a language I didn't understand, yet felt strangely comforting. "There, there, little one," the voice cooed, "it's alright now."

The world remained a blur, but a flicker of warmth ignited within the void. Perhaps this was not oblivion, but a new beginning. Perhaps, one day, the fog would clear, and I, Claude, Knight Commander of the Azure Order, would remember who I truly was. But for now, in this fragile, helpless state, I clung to the faint echo of my past, a warrior trapped in the mewling cries of a baby

I looked up and saw a giant man clad in black armor so dark it could devour the light, and then I heard another cry and a leaned over and saw a familiar hair color, "Rosalia?!"

'There's no way... I returned to the past?! So the man holding us is... My father Eren?!' I shouted internally as I looked at him in shock.

I subconsciously a word inside my thoughts and uttered, 'Father'

(Hey guys umm... For those who are confused in this 2 new random chapters these are the previous life of Claude and Rosalia stay tuned to other 2)